Genie 4560 Manual de usuario

Abridor de puerta de garage
Manual de usuario

Este manual también es adecuado para

P/N 3627436241
(yellow shoulder boJts)
SHde Collar over _ong Hook
Mate Hooks
Slide Collar over Joint
Snap C_Jpbehind Collar
O 2007 GM_ Holdings, Inc., DBA The Genie Company
1/4" x 1ol/4" Lag BoB
Recommended for doors too thin for 2" Lag Bolts
1/4"o20 x 2" Carriage Bolt//1/4"o20 Hex Range Nut
Hold Power Head so that end of shaft and rail attachment flange is
facing up.
hstaH Coupler on Motor Shaft (Figure 1).
Place Coupler over end of shafLTurn it until it drops down over
Lay Power Head on its top.
The Ddve Screw Canslide out of RailSections. Keep RailSections level
Connect first Rail Section [with bearing (Figure 1)] to Opener Power
Slide Drive Screw so that bearing end extends several inches
out of ra&
Insert bearing end of Screw into Coup[er.
Slide Rail into attachment flange and align hobs°
Connect with 2 (yellow anodized) 1/4"o20 Hex Head Shoulder
Bolts and 2 (1/4"-20) Hex Serrated Flange Nuts (Figure 2)_
Fingerotighten until later.
A Arrange stamped arrows on Rail Sections to point in same direction
and away from Power Head, (Middle rail section has same hole patern
on both ends, be sure and douMe check the arrows.)
Connect Screw Sections:
- Push Middle Drive Screw out about 2" toward Power Head.
- S_ide Collar over Middle Drive Screw Hook (Figure 3A).
- Turn Middle Screw by hand to align Drive Screw Hooks
between First and Middle RaNSections.
- Latch two Hooks together and slide Collar over them
(Figure 3B) and (Figure 3C).
- Snap C_ip on Drive Screw next to Collar (FigureSD).
B Attach Middle Rail Section to First Rail Section, using 2 Rail C_amps,4
(5/16"ol 8) Hex Head Shoulder Bolts, and 4 (5/16"-18) Hex Serrated
Flange Nuts (Figure 3)° Finger tighte_ u_tH _ater. (Curved edge of
rail clamps should face downward,)
If a Rail Extension is needed, attach it now per the instructions
included with the Kit,
Attach End Rail Section to Middle Rail Section following procedures
in Step A & B.
A Place Carriage Assembly Lever inDisengaged position. (Figure 4),
Slide Carriage Assembly into sbt on End RaN Section with arrow
pointing away from the Power Head.
Power Head
Ace one
de cabeza
5ed_ie_ Zo_£[er
Primero secci6n Elacoplador
de baranda
Figure I Install Coupler and IstRail Section
Fig_ra I Instale el acoplador y primero secci6n de baranda
Figure 2 Boff 1st Rail Section to Power Head
Figara 2 Cierre pdmero secci6n de baranda a la cabeza del poder
A Attach Rail Strap to End Rail Section,
Threaded stud of Rail strap should pass in front of end of Rail,
Use 2 (1/4%2@ Hex Head Bolts and 2 (!/4"o20) Serrated Flange
Hex Nuts (Figmre 5)°
Tighten securely but Do Not overotighten°
Align all Rail Sections so Carriage Assembly can slide freely along
length of Rail,
Securely tighte_ aH fasteners _owo Do Not over-tighten.
Grar lacaja de control de mode que el panel frontal (con el extreme de la
flecha y B brida de acomp[aniento del rid) est# mirando hacia arriba.
Instabr el acompIador en b flecha del motor (Figura 1).
Poner el acompBdor encima de[ extreme de [aflecha. Girarb hasta que
caiga hacia abajo encima de la flecha.
o Colocar la caja de control sobre el rondo de la misma.
A Resba[ar [aparada de[ corredizo en [a secci6n extrema de[ rid (Figmra 4).
B Desliceel ensamblede[corredizoen b ranuraen [asecd6nfinal de barandconla
puntade laflechadirigida en direcci6n opuestaalacaiade[motor (Figura5).
A SujeteB bandade[rid a[aseca6nfinal de[rid usando2 per nosdecabeza
hexagonalde (1/4"o20}y2 tuercasde reborde hexagonal(1/4"-20) (Figmra_).
Aprietefirmementecuidando no sobreapretarlos
Turn Opener right side up, Support Power Head on soft material
(cardboard, rag, etc.) to protect against damaging the light sockets,
Place Switches on Rail (_ig_re 6).
Place CLOS£ switch (brown wire) about 15" from Rai_Strap end
of Rai_(Standing at Rail Strap boking toward Power Head,
Switch wiII be on right side of Rail),
o Insert (#8_32 x 1") hex head set screw into Switch and ringer
tighten only to temporarily hold Switch in place,
- Leaving a litde slack in the Wire, run it down the groove in
top of Rail toward Power Head.
- Hold in place withWire Clips.
- Attach to Power Head terminals 5 & 6.
o Place OPEN Switch (white wire) about 15" from Power Head so
that it hangs on same side of Rail as the CLOSE switch.
Insert (#8_32 x 1") hex head set screw into Switch and finger
tighten only to temporarily hold Switch in place.
- Leaving a little slack in the Wire, run it down the groove in
top of Rail toward Power Head.
- Hold in place with Wire Clips.
- Attach to Power Head terminaB 4 & 5
Coil remaining Wire on top of Power Head° Hold with twist ties or tape.
Attach Emergency Release Cord '_
Tie overhand knot at one end of emergency release cord and
pun cord through the hole in the release [ever up to the knot.
Connectar [aprimera secd6n de[ rid [con chumacera (Figura 1)] a [a caja de
control de[ abridor.
Des[izer Jaflecha motriz de mode que el extreme de [achumacera se
extienda vadas pulgadas fuera de[ rieL
o Insertar el extreme de Jachumacera de [aflecha en el acompbdoro
" Des[izer el rid en b brida de acompBmiento y aIinear los agujeros.
o Conectar con 2 pernos de cabeza hexagonaJ de 1/4"-20 (amari[[os
anodizados) y 2 tuercas de reborde hexagonaJes (de 1/4"-20). (Figmra 2).
Apretar a mane: m_s ade_anteose har_ el apriete final
Deslice b parada del coche en [a baranda y contra el poder diringe.
Odentar [asflechas estampadas en bs seecciones de rieJesde mode que
apunten en B misma direcci6n aJejadasde [aca}ade control, (EIrie[ deJmedic
es igua[ en ambos extremes.)
o Conectar Bs secciones de flecha motrices:
- Empuiar B flecha motriz intermedia fuera unas 2"hacia Jacaja de control
- Resba[arel cdJar sobre elgancho de B flecha motriz intermedia (Figura 3A),
- Girar la flecha intermedia a mane para aIinear Josganchos de ;aflecha
motdz entre Jasseeciones pdmera y b intermedia de[ rieL
- Enganchar dos ganchos juntos y resba[ar eJcollar sobre dies
(Figura3B y 3Q.
- Co[ocar r@idemente el sujetador en [aflecha motrizjunto a[collar
Acop[ar la secd6n intermedia de[ rid a la primera secci6n usando 2
abrazaderas de rid 4 pernos de tope hexagona[es (de 5/'16"---18)y 4 tuercas
de reborde dentadas hexagonaIes (de 5/16L18) (Fig_ra 3).Apretar a marne;
m_s ade_a_te se har_ e_apdete fi_aZ
Thread opposite end of cord through knob and tie a knot in this
end also,
Following installation of your garage door opener, adjust the
height of the knob to no less than 6 feet above the floor°
The Emergency Release Cord is threaded through the Carriage
rdease [ever at the factory
Sise requiere el ensamb[e Extensi6n (GSXL8), instSMo
siguiendo [as instrucciones proporcionadas en eJ paquete.
C Junte [asecd6n final de [a baranda con [asecci6n intermedia siguiendo los
procedimientos descritos en los pasos A y B.
Carriage 5to_
Paradade cod/e
5116"-18 eex Head Sho_der _[_ 1/4"-20 Hex 1t4'-20 Hex Head 1/4"=20 Hex
Set.ted _qa_ge N_ts Sho_der _[ts (yem_w) Head Be_ts
Iuerca de reborde _
dentada hexagonal
de 5/16"-18 ]uerca de reborde Tuerca de reborde 1/4"--20 [uerca
dentada hexago_lal dentada hexagonal hexagor_al de la
de1/4"eo deW4"-20 cabeza
5JI_"-18 He× _er_ted Fla#geNuts
[uerca de reborde
dentada hexagonal
de 5/16'--18
Coupler ¢o[[_rs +sD_re Retai_i_g Clips +s_a_
Acopbdor cue[los y reserva dipes que ret enen y _eserva
Wire CJips
_mergeacy Re_ea_e K#eb
la perilla de la liberad6n de la emergencia
Middle Rail
La secd6n mediana
deJa baranda
3Ao Slipon collar
Deslicecudb engancho largo
3C° SlideCollaroverHooks
Deslice cudlo sobre ganchos
3Bo EngageHooks
Comprometa losganchos
3Do Snapon RetainingClip
Encaje a pres[6n e[cJip que retiene
Figure 3 Attach Middle Rail Section
Fig_ra 3 Conecte la secci6n mediana de baranda
Carriage Stop
Parada de[ corredizo
End Rail Section
LaSecci6n Final de rid
Figure 4 Slide Carriage Stop and Carriage onto Rail
Fig_ra 4 Deslice el Conjunto de corredizo y [a Asambiea de[ coche en Baranda
Rail Strap
Correa del del
(AHgnment Nub)
Protuberancia de aHneaci6n
£_d Rail Section
La Secci6n Final de rie[
Figore 5 Attach Rail Strap
Fig_ra 5 Correa del riel
A A[ineetodas[assecdonesdd rid de maneraque el ensamb[edd corredizo
magn#ticopuedades[izarse[ibrementea [olargode JaJongituddd rieL
B Apriete firmemente todos lospemoscuidando no sobreapretarlos,
A Girar el [ado derecho del abridor hacia arriba, y sostenga [a caia de[ motor de
manera de evitar el romper los portI_mparas,
B Poner los interruptores en el tie[ (Figura 6).
, Poner el interrupter de CERRAR(aBmbra marr6n) a unas 15"@1 extreme
de la correa de[ riel (Estando uno en la correa del rid y mirando hacia [a
caja de control, el interrupter estarg al costado derecho de[ riel).
° Insertar el torniHo opresor en el interrupter y apretar a mane solamente,
para sostener temporalmente el interrupter en el [ugar.
Deiando aIgo sueIto el alambre, correr[o abajo en [a ranura en el tope
de[ rid hacia [acaja de control
Sostener en el [ugar con los sujetadores para cables.
Acoplar a [acaja de centre[ los terminaIes 5 y 6.
o Poner el interrupter de ABR[R(alambra gris) a unas 15"de [acaia de centre[
de mode que cuelgue al mismo lade de[ rid que el interrupter de CERRAR,
Deiando also suelto e[ aIambre, correrIo abajo en [a ranura en el tope
de[ rid hacia [acaja de control.
Sostener en e[ lugar con los sujetadores para cables.
Acoplar a [acaja de control los terminaIes 4 y 5.
Enrollar el alambre restante en el tope de [acaia de control y envolver con cinta.
A Hagaun medic nude enunextremede la cuerdade [iberaci6nde emergencia.
B Ensarte el extreme opuesto de [a cuerda a trav#s de [a manija y en el
agujero de [a paBnca de [iberaci6n de[ ensambJe deJcorredizo magn#tico
Haga un medic nude en 6ste extreme de la cuerda de liberaci6n de
_ La Cuerda de la LiberatiOn de la Emergencia se enhebra per la
palanca de la [iberaciOn de[ corredizo en la fSbrica,
Brown Wire
a[ambra marr6n
0 _
ss _ d, so _
Figure 6 Install Limit Switches on Assembled Rail
Figura 6 Insta[e los Interruptores de los Limites
Emergency Release Tag
Leetiqueta de[a [iberaci6nde
de emergenc a
Release K#eb
La Pe ilia de la[ berac 6n
de [aemergencia
Figure 7Attach Emergency Release Cord/Knob and Tag
F]g_ra 7 Conecte la Emergencia Cuerda de Liberaci6n y Etiqueta
For lightweight garage doors, make sure you have
installed the proper reinforcement (See Check Door
Condition and Thickness on page 5 in manual),
mounting platefor the Header Bracket,The
Bracketcanthen be mounted at the propel
location and have sufficient Support.
If a door spring is in the way place the Header
Bracketabove the spring, Do Not move the door
A Before mounting the header bracket, see CHECK
STEP4, in Operation & Maintenance Manual for
mounting instructions, ff needed, attach a 2"x 6"
board across wall studs where you made your
Header Bracket mounting point mark (Figure 8).
Transfer your mark from wall to board.
B Attach Header Bracket to header at your mark
above garage door.
R is critical that point where Rail attaches to
Bracket be on centedine of Door.
Mark two Bracket hole mocations.
Drill 2 (5/32") pibt homes.
Attach Header Bracket using 2 (1/4"x 2") Lag
DOoisrnadeofmas0nite:lightweightWOod, I
be proper y braced before mount ng door Opener. J
For sectional doors:
A Place Door Bracket on door center line, no lower
than top roller, and mark holes (Figure gh
[3 Attach Door Bracket:
For metal doors, use 3 (1/4" =20x 3/4") Self_
Dri[ming Screws (provided).
For wooden doors, use 3 (1/4" x 2") Lag Screws or
_ (1/4" x 1=!/4") Lag Screws or 3 (1/4" x 2=1/2")
arriage boks (not provided).j
Beforeinstalling, check length of the induded Lag
Screwsvs.the thickness ofyour garagedoor. For doors
thinner than 2", use1ol/4" LagScrews.Checkdoor
condition and thickness.Seepage3 in Operation &
Maintenance Manual
For one-piece doors:
A Position Door Bracket on door's center line, as high
as possible or on top of door.
B Attach Door Bracket:
For metal doors, use 3 (1/4" =20 x 3/4'*) Serf=
DNlling Screws.
For wooden doors, use 3 (1/4" x 2") Lag Screws
or 3 (1/4" x 2")Carriage hefts (not provided).
A While supporting the Power Head, place threaded
end of Rail Strap Bolt through Header Bracket hole
(Figure lg).
B Attach (S/16"=18) FDnge Nut to Rail Strap Bolt.
Finger=tighten unti| |ater.
ounting Bracketsmust befastenedto garaqefram!ng,De Ngt 1
fastento drywall,particleboard,plaster,or orbet suct_rhateriak
. MakesuretherailofyoursupportedPowerHeadisslightlyhigherthan
, MaterialsneededformountingOpenerPowerHeadtogaragemay
. Garageconstructionsdiffer.Extramaterialmaybeneeded,SeeCheck
PowerHeadMountingAreaonpage7in manual
A RaisePowerHeadandsupport it high enough thatyou can
manuallyraisethegaragedoor fulmyopen,
B Lineup PowerHeadandRailwith centerofgaragedoor.
C KeepingPowerHeadcentered,mount to ceiming:
Atproper height;
a. For sectieea[ deers, mount power headataheight
whererail islevelwith fleer orslightly bwer.
- Checkfor clearancebetween Railand doorasit
b, Foror.e-piecedeers, mount powerheadsothat
there isaminimum dearanceof2"betweenrailand
doorasit opens(Figure11).
D Usingoneofthe preferredmethodsshown (Figure12},mount
PowerHead(Use5/1B'-18x 3/4 hexheadBoltsandS/16'q8
FlangeNuts).(Itispossibb to useothermounting methods,The
criticalpoint to rememberisthatthe mountingassemblymust
besolidly attachedand ableto support theweight of thePower
must beanchoredto thegarageframework,
For sectional doors:
A Attach short side of Curved Door Arm to Door
Bracket with Clevis Pin and Cotter Pin (Figure 13).
[3 Attach Straight Door Arm to Carriage with Clevis
Pin and Cotter Pin.
C Attach both Arms together with 2 (3/'8" x 7/8") Hex
Head Bolts and 2 (3/8") Serrated Flange Hex Nuts
so overal[ [ength is as short as possible. Securely
tighten fasteners.
D Adjust height of Emergency Release Cord Knob to
6' above floor:
Pull Cord through Carriage Release Lever until
Knob is 6' from floor.
Tie a new overhand knot in Cord at Carriage
Release Lever.
For one-piece doors:
A Attach Straight Arm to Door Bracket with CmevisPin
and Cotter Pin (Figure 14).
B Attach short side of Curved Arm to Carriage with
Clevis Pin and Cotter Pin.
C Attach both Arms together with 2 (3/8'* x 7/8") Hex
Head goffs and 2 (3/8") Serrated Fbnge Hex Nuts
so overall length is as |ong as possible_ Securemy
tighten fasteners.
D Adjust height of Emergency Release Cord Knob to
6' above floor:
Pull Cord through Carriage Release Lever until
Knob is 6' from floor.
Tie a new overhand knot in Cord at Carriage
Release Lever.
Do Not skip Step D above[
Failureto comply may leave Emergency
ReleaseKnob within reach of Children: ff the
Knob ispulled with ga[age door fully or
partially open, garage door may dose RAPDLY
without wamiDg!
Ensure there is NO power to the Opener before
installing Safe-T-Beam® System wires.!fOpener !s
plugged into outlet, Unplug it Now,
The Opener will not dose the door automatically unless
the Safe-T-Beam ® System is installed.
A [nsta[I Safe=T=Beam® Source and Sensor
Mark both sides of garage door frame or waHH
6" above floor.
Hold Bracket against door frame or wall Check
if Bracket extends out from wall far enough so
tongue of Bracket is beyond door, tracks, or
any door hardware. Hfnot, Safe=T=Beam®
Mounting Bracket Extensions are avaimabme
from a Genie Factory Authorized Dealer or
through the Accessories Order Form_
- Bmocksof wood, etc. may be substituted for
Position top of Mounting Bracket at 6" mark
and fasten with 2 (#10=! 6 x 1=1/4") Phillips Hex
Head Screws per Bracket.
Mounting Brackets can be attached to brick walls or
concrete floor using masonry anchors (not included).
B Attach Safe=T-Beam ® Source (Red LED) and Sensor
(Green LED) to Brackets (Figure 1S):
For s[ngle-door garages_
- Determine which side of garage receives
the most direct sunlight, and place Source
(Red LED) on this side whenever possible.
For multipb-door garages see (Figure 16).
Preventing crossed signals is critical
Place Source and Sensor modules on
adjacent doors facing in opposite directions.
To help prevent interference from the sun, the Safe-T-
Beam ®Sensor (Green LED) may be placed further away
Ifromthe door opening,where it will spendmore time
in the shadows.
Slide the Safe-T-Beam ®Source and Sensor
onto the tongues of the Brackets until they
click into pbce,
Check final height of Lens (Figure 17).
or pinchedWirescancausetheSafe-T-Beam®System
tostopworking,Wheninsta!lingtheBulated Staples,
to holdtheWiresecurely.
C Install Safe-T-Beam ®Wiring: (Figure 18)
Route Wire and hsu[ated Stapmes
(F_gure lg, and 20).
- Securemyfasten Wires with hsuhted
Stapbs as you go. Stapbs should be snug
- Wires between garage wall and Power
Head should be run on top of Rail and
underneath Wire Cmips.
Attach Wires to Safe=ToBeam ®Sensors.
- Spmitand strip Wire ends to be connected
as shown.
- Loosen Terminal Screws.
- insert each Wire under flat plate and
tighten Screw. It does not matter which
Wire, white or striped, goes on which
Attach Wires at Power Head.
- Wires are connected to Terminals #3 and
#4 on Power Head Terminal Block. ff does
not matter which WR'e, white or"striped,
goes on which Terminal
Check the following.
- Ensure that no part of door or its hardware
is in path between Source or Sensor
Ensure that tops of Lenses are between 5"
- 6" above floor. Brackets are flexibme and can
be adjusted sIightmy if needed.
The Safe-T=Beam alignment check will be performed
following connection to eieEtriEal power. Do Not plug
in yet[
[_ wAR.m.G
More than one lighted WallCentral perOpener will
causea maffunEtion.
WALL CONTROL (Figure 21 & 22)
A Finding the mounting location(Figure 22).
Pick a convenient location for mounting wail
- Location you choose should be in direct
sight of door.
- h should be at least S'above floor to
prevent small children from operating
- It must be away from any moving parts.
(You should not be able to reach the garage
door while standing at Wall ControL)
[} Wiring (Figure 22):
Run wire from Power Head to Wall Control.
Securemy fasten to ceiling and wall using
insulated staples provided.
SpHit and strip ends of wire.
On Power Head:
- Attach the striped wire to Terminal #1
and white wire to Terminal #2.
On back of Wa[I Control:
- Attach striped wire to Termlna|"B'[and
white wire to Term[naJ "W':
C Mounting:
Fasten wail control to wail with 2 screws.
_ _ #6 x 1=1/4"
Remove protective backing from Entrapment
Warning Label
- Stick bbem on wall near Wall Control
' Use of any wall Consoles other than the type
hold the Wire snugly.
To reduce the risk Of e[eEtrical Shock, this equipment
hasagroundedtype plugthat includesathird
(grounding)pin.Thisplugwi[[onlyfit a groundedtype
outlet, if you do not have a grounded outlet, contact a
qualified electrician to instal[ one. DO NOT aJter the
plug in any way. The door opener must be proper[y
groundedin order to preventpersonalinjuryand
damage to the components.
Connection with grounded plug:
A Checklocal building codes:
Does buimding code require permanent wiring?
ff yes, have an electrician perform
"Connection with permanent wiring" below.
ff no, pmugdoor opener into grounded
. Perform Safe=T-Beam ® alignment check below.
Connection with permanent wiri#g
(Instructions for [kensed e_ectrician):
A Remove powerfrom circuit.
B Remove Motor Cover.
Remove 4 screws from Cover and slide down off
of Power Head (Figure 23).
Remove and discard power cord.
Cut power cord inside Power Head.
Remove and throw away power cord, strain
relief and knock uut.
D install suitable entrance bushing and power supply
Connect permanent wiring to Power Head.
There must be at |east 5 inches of black
and white wire inside of Power Head
(between splice and entrance bushing).
- Connect white supply line to white wire.
- Connect black supply line to black wire.
- Connect ground to green wire (ground).
Use only UL recognized wire nuts.
Replace Motor Cover.
Slide Cover into place.
Replace and tighten 4 screws.
F Reconnect power to circuit.
Safe-T-Beam e Alignment Check:
After turning electrical power on, if STBsare not
properly aligned, red LED (source) will b_ink
B To correct problem--STB mounting brackets are
flexible and may be adjusted slightly to bring the
system into alignment.
When STBsare brought into alignment--red
LED will stop b_inking and stay _it.
Rough Setting of Limit Switches
A Setting Close Limit Switch (Pigure 24):
Check that Carriage Assembly is disengaged.
With garage door fully closed, slideClose Limit Switch
toward Carriage ueq it is aligned with
Carriage magnet.
Tighten Set Screw. Do Not over=tighten.
Setting Open Limit Switch:
Manually open garage door to full open
Slide Open Limit Switch toward Carriage unti_
it is aligned with Carriage magnet.
Tighten Set Screw. Do not over=tighten.
Re=engage Carriage Assembly.
Setting Force Controls e_d Final Adjustment
of Limit Switches
Thegarage dooropens rapidly, and Can pause
sedous injury or death.
, Keep the path dear.
. Position the ladder to the side of the Power
Head so it is clear of all moving parts of the
Opener and the door.
- Set the door Opener to use the m!n!mum force
needed to open the door.
Little effort is required to turn the Force
Adjusting Knobs.
ffthe door stops moving while opening or
dosing, adjust the Open Force or Close Force
Controls slightly clockwise (to slightly
increase the force) and retry the step.
The Open Force and Close Force Controls
are tobe set to the mimimum force
necessary to ensure the door smoothly
opens and closes completely.
The garage door wi[[ move slowly the first
time it runs, until the Opener "learns" the
type of door.
Ensure the Carriage Assembly is engaged
and is between the two Limit Switches
before operating the Opener.
Pre=set Force Controls to midpoint between
LO and H[ (Figure 25).
Adjust the CHose Limit Switch:
Press Wall Console to close garage door.
- If door does not dose completely, measure
distance from bottom of door to floor. Move
Limit Switch same amount toward door.
- If door reverses after contacting floor,
move Limit Switch toward Power Head.
- If door reverses before contacting floor,
increase Close force.
Tighten Limit Switch Set Screw. Do not over=
tighten (strip) Limit Switch Set Screw.
Adjust Open Limit Switch:
Press Wall Console to open garage door.
- ffdoor does not open completely, move
Limit Switch toward Power Head.
- ffcarriage is crashing into power head,
move Limit Switch toward door.
Tighten Limit Switch Set Screw. Do not over-
tighten (strip} Limit Switch Set Screw.
Test Door Opener:
Run door up and down a few times using the
Wall Console and observe door travel
Repeat steps above as needed to set Limit
Switch positions.
Adjust Open Force to minimum needed
(Figure 2S):
Place door in dosed position using Wail
Gently adjust Open Force fully
counterc[ockwBe (minimum force).
Run Opener using VVaHConsole_
Observe that door runs to Open Limit Switch.
- ifnot, adjust Open ForceControl slightly
clockwise, dose garage door,and open itagain.
Repeat steps above until garage door runs
smoothHy from Close Limit Switch to Open
Limit Switch.
Adjust C|ose Force to minimum needed
(Figure 2S):
Place door in open position using Wall
Gently adjust Close Force fully
counterclockwise (minimum force).
Run Opener using Wall Console.
Observe that door runs to Cbse Limit Switch.
- Ifnot,a_ust CloseForceControl slightly
clockwise, open garage door,and close it again.
Repeat steps above until garage door runs
smoothly from Open Limit Switch to Close
Limit Switch,
Limit Switch and Force Adjustments must be completed
|before checking the contact reverse function F sure 25).
A Open garage door using Wall Console.
Lay a 2" x 4" board flat in center of doorway
(Figure 26).
C CHosedoor using Wa[_Console.
D Check that door stops and reverses within 2 seconds
after it contacts board:
o If door does not reverse, decrease Close Force
untiH door reverses.
, ff door still does not reverse, move Limit
Switch toward door.
E Check Safe=ToBeam® System (STB) operation:
ff beam is blocked, door will not dose (Figure 27).
Thedoormustcontact the2"x 4"boardbeforethe Carriageacti-
vatestheCloseLimit Switch.Ifnot,readjustthe dose LimitSwitch.
Program Transmitter, install Light and Lens
A See Operation & Maintenance Manual.
[Parepuertasdesara ede peso[igeras,asegOresedequeha
|instahdo losrefuerzosadecuados(Veala secciBnsobre
[verificaciBnde lacondiciBny espesordela puertaenla paginaS)_
' E[ soportede[travesahodebeasegurarseaB estructurade[garaje.
otros materMessimilares.
o Puede sernecesadoer.samNarunatabB de2'x6"a b largodela
estructurameteilicadela paredbcalizadaperendmadd travesaho
dela puertaparaquesirvacomeplatademontajedelsoportedel
adecuadoy tenetrefuerzosuficiente.
Siur.rosettedela puertainteffiere,coloqueeBoporte de[
travesa_operencimadel resorte.Nomuevaelresortede[apuert&
Siserequiere,ensambleunatabh de2"x 6"(Figure8)cona[menos
B Ponga el lade derecho de[ abrepuertas hacia arriba, y
sostenga [acaja del motor de manera de evitar el
romper los portal_mparas.
Lasvariaciones de montaje se muestran en ia Figure 8.
Cuaiquiera de esaspuede usarse dependiendo dei espacio.
Sin embargo, es criticoque ei punto donde se ensambia ei
rid a_soporte del travesafro est_ en _aiinea de centre de _a
Marque Insposiciones de los 3agujeros.
Barrene 3agujeros pibto de 5/32':
Ensamble el soporte del travesaho usando 3 torni[Ios para
madera de t/4"x 2'.'
as puertas hechas de masonita, madera ligera, fibra de |
vidno, metal, u otros materia[es ligeros ddSen asegurarse
adecuadamente antes de insta[ar e[ abrepuertas. J
En el Case de Puertas Secci6nadas:
A Co[oquee[soporte de[apuertaen[alineacentral de[apuerta,
procurando que noquede masabajode[ rodi[[osuperior,y bs
agujerosguia hechos(Rgwa 9).
[} Acopbr el soporte de Hapuerta:
Parapuertas met_[icas, user 3 torni[[os autorroscantes
(de 1/4"=20x 3/4") (que se proveen).
Parapuertas de madera, usar 3 pijas (de 1/4"x 2"6
3 pijas (de 1/4"x 1=1/4")(no se proveen).
Antes de instalar,verifique b Iongitud de bs tornillos para madera
induidos en el paquete contrad espesor de la puerta de su garaie,
Para puertasm_s ddgadas a 2'; use tornillos para madera de -1/4'.
VerifiqueHacondkidn y espesordela puerta.VeaHapggina3enEl
ManualdeMantenimientoy Operaci6n.
Pare Puertas de ann sole plezas:
A Coloqueelsoporte deb puertaenla [ineacentral deBpuerta,
tanalto come seaposiNeo ensucaseenb partesuperiordeb
B EnsamNeel soporte deb puerta:
Parepuertas demetal use3torni[[osautoroscarttesde
(1/4"-20 x3/4") (induidos enel paquete).
, Parapuertasdemadera,use3tornillosparamaderadel/4"x2't
A EnsambHeeHextreme roscadodellpernodeHacintadd rid eneH
agujerode[soporte de[travesaflo(Figure 10).
Coloqueunatuercade reborde(5/16"-18)enel pernode la
cintadel rieLAprietemanualmente
Lossoporte_de moRtajedeber,asegurarse_ laestructuradel
garaje,Nolosasegureaparedes,detaNas de aglomerado,yeso,u
otros materiaes slmiares J
insulated Staples
(approximately 30 parts)
Grapes aisbntes (Approx 30 inidades)
Pan Head Screws
TorniI[os de cabeza
troncocBnica#6 = ]=1/4"
Hardware(red bag)
. AsegOresedequeelridde[acaade[motorco[ocadaest_[igeramentem_s
, Lasconstrucdonesdelossaraesvarian.Sepuederequerkmaterialextra.Vea
Levante[acajadecontrol y sopBrtdasuficientem entealto de
maneraquepueda levantarmanualmente lapuerta delgaraje
Alineela cajadecontrol y el rid con elcentrede b puerta.
Manteniendo centradala cajadecontrol,monte al cielo raso:
A laaltura cotrecta:
a. En_aspuertasensecciones,e[rid debe estara
nivd con el pisooligeramentedebajo del nNeL
(Figura 11).
b. En_aspuertasdeuna soHapieza,eHrid nodebe
interferirper unas2pulgadas.(Figure11).
Usandounode losm_todospreferidosque semuestra,
(Figure12),monte b cajadecontrol.(Esposibb usarotro
re@odedemontaje.E[punto crfticoquerecordaresqueel
conjunto dd montaje debeestersBlidamenteacopBdoy ser
capazdesoportar e[pesode b cajadecontroL)NOACOPLEA
Debeestarandado alentramado deb estructuradel garaje.
Pare puertas secdo_es
A AcopBr el lade torte dd braze curvado de D puerta a_
soporte de b puerta con el pasador de horquilb y b
chaveta de dos pates (Figure 13).
[} Ensambbel brazerecto de_apuertaalensamNedd eorredizo
C EnsamNeambosbrazesjuntos usando2pernosdecabeza
hexagonal(3/8"x 7/8")y 2tuercasde rebordehexagonal(3/8'!
demaneraqueb Iongitudtotal quedetan cortacomesea
posible.Apriete todos lossujetadoresmanualmente_
D Ajuste HaaHturadeHamanijade HacuerdadeHiberaci6nde
emergenciaa6' sobreel nivd dd piso:
. ColoquelacuerdaatravSsdd ensambledd corredizo
magn@co hastequela manijaquede a6 'dd piso.
. Hagaun nuevomedio nudeenlacuerdaen lalevadel
ensambledd corredizomagn@co.
Pare p_ertasde ann solepieza:
A Ensembled brazerecto a[soportede[apuertausandoe[
pasadorde horquilb y ladavija ben@@(Figure14).
Acop[ar el [ado corto del braze curvado de [a puerta al
corredizo con el pasador de horquiIB yla chaveta de
dos pates.
C EnsamNeambosbrazesjuntos usando2pernosdecabeza
hexagonal(3/8"x 7/8")y 2tuercasde rebordehexagonal(3/8")
demaneraquela Iongitud total quedetan [argacome sea
posible Apriete lossujetadoresmanualmente.
D Ajuste laaltura dela maniiade lacuerdadeliberaciBnde
emergenciaa6' sobreel nivel dd piso:
" CoHoqueHacuerdaatra%sdd ensambHedd corredizo
magn@co hastaque[amanijaquede a6 'dd piso.
. Hagaun nuevomedio nudeenlacuerdaen b levadd
ensamNedd corredizomash@ice.
_ede @jar [
[_os.Si b [
EHabrepuertas no cerrarg [apuerta autom_ticamente a
menos que el sistema Safe=T=Beam®est_ instabdo.
InstaBd6nde Bfuente y e[sensorde[Safe-T-Beam®(Figure 15):
Pongaunamarcaenambos_adosdd marcodepuerta del
garajeoenla pareda6"per encimadel piSOa
° Sostengael soportecontra elmarcodela puertaola pared.
Verifiquesiel soportesobresaledela paredIosuficiente
come paraquela espigaseextiendahacialapuerta,sus
guiasdedeslizamientoo algOnotro componente.
- Encaseque no,existendisponiblesextensionesde[
soportede montajedel Safe-T-Beam®con undistribuidor
autorizadodef_bRcaGenieo atray,s dd formatede
pedido deaccesoriOSa
- Losbbques demadera etc puedensersubstituidosper
o Co[oquela partesuperiordd soporte demontaieen B
marcahecha 6"y asegurecon 2tornillos Phillipsdecruz
cabezahexagonalpersoporte dd( #10-16x 1-I/4")
i NOTA ]
Lossoportes de montaje se pueden instabr en paredes de
ladrilb o de concrete usando andas para mamposteria (no
induidas en el paquete).
B EnsambHeb fuente (diode emisorrojo)ydd sensor(diode
emisorverde)del Safe-T-Beam®alossoportes(Figura 15):
o Paragarajesdeunasob puerta:
- Determinequ_bdo dd garajerecibeb mayorcantidadde
bz dd soldirecta,ycoloqueel foco( diodeemisorrojo)de
lacajadel motoren_stdadosiempreque seaposiNe.
o ParegarajesdepuertasmO[tip[esvea[a(F[gwa 16):
- Elprevenirlassehalescruzadasescritico.
- Cdoque losmBdulosdeb fuente y d sensorenpuertas
anexasapuntando haciadirecdones opuestasentresL
Paraayudar a prevenir interferencia con el sol,el sensor dd
Safe=T-Beam®(diode emisor verde) puede colocarse lejos
del vane de la puerta, ee un Dgar ee donde est_ D mayor
parte dd tiempo a B sombre.
o Des[iceb fuerttedel motor yd sensordd sistemaSafe-T-
o Verifiqueb alturafinal debs bntes del sensor(Figure 17).
C InstalaciondeSafe-T-BeameWiring(Figure 1B):
. Enrutee[cablecon [asgrapasais[antes(Figwa 19y Figure 20):
- Sujetedemaneraseguraloscablescon grapesaisbntes
sdamente bs cables.
- Loscablesquevanentrela pareddd garajey b cajadd
motor deben guiarsesobre b parte superiordd rid yper
EnsamNeloscablesalossensoresdd Safe-T-Beam®
- Separey palebs extremesfinalesdeloscablesparaconectar
loscome semuestra.
- Afloje lostornillos delasterminJes.
- Insertecadacableper debajode lapbca pinnay aprietee[
torni[Io.Noimporta cualcable,blancoo rayado,va encual
, EnsamNeloscanes ala cajadepotencia.
- Loscablesseconectan alasterminales#2y #3dd
Noque determinales delacajadd motor,Noimporta
cualcable,bBnco orayado,vaencualterminal
, Verifique[osiguiente:
- Que ningunapartedeB puertao suscomponentes
interfiereentre lafuente y Dslentesdd sensor.
, Aseg@eseque Bpare superiordeBslentesest_
entre5y6"per encimadd piso.Lossoportesson
flexiNesy puedenajustarseligeramentesiesnecesano.
Verifiquequeno hayaenergiael@tricahaciael abrepuertasantes
deinsta[arloscanes de[aconsoledepared. J
M_s de un control de pared iDminado per e_abre puertas
)rovocar5 un maffuncionamiento_
CONTROL DE PARED (Figura 21 y 22)
A Encontrar el [ugar montaje (Figura 22):
EscogerunDgar conveniente parael montaje dd control
Elbgarqueescojadebeestarenb linenvisualdeb
capazdeakanzarB puertaestandoene[controldepared.)
B Cab[eado (Figure22):
Instabr el canede b cajade controlal controldepared.
Apretarde manera seguraaHcido raso usandoHasgrapes
aisladasque seproveen.
Partuy pelarlosextremesdel cable.
Enla cajade control:
- Acoplare[cablepdado altermmal #I y
e[cane blaneoal terminal #2
Atr_sdel control de pared:
- Acoplare[cablepdado alterm!nal '3",y
e[cane blanco al terminal "W".
C Montaje:
Sujetare[control de paredala paredcon
2torni,,os _}_@ #6x1=1/4"
Quitar e[forro interne protector de[a
etiqueta deadvertencia de"atrapamiento".(Figura 23).
- PegarB etiqueta en lapared,cercadd
control depared
P AuTm.
*Elusode cua[quierconsolade pareddiferentea[tipo
ieduido en este paquete evitar_ que [a Dz trabaje
adecuadamente y podr[a causar que la puerta Opere sin
que se haya accionado intencionalmente.
oLos cable en cordo u opnmidos pueden causar que [a
console de pared no fuhcione. Siempre que use grapes
aisBntes asegOrese de co[ocadas tan distantes come se
requiera pare mantener os cab esjuntos,
, Conelfindereducirelriesgodechequeel_ctBco,ekeequipotiene
_tipodeer.tradaadiciona.Sie enchufer.oentraen atoma
contacteunelectricistacertificado ueleinstalela
Co_ Enchufe Macho CuR Coeexi6_ A Tierrao
Enchufar e_operador de la puerta.
Vea Advertencia de arriba.
- Enchufar e_operador de la puerta en un tom
acorriente con clavija a tierra.
Realice cheque de alineaci6n de STB.
{|nstruc¢iones pare ememectridsta)
A Desconecte b a_imentad6n de[ drcuito deNvado.
B Quitar B tapa del motor.
Quitar 4 tornilbs de b tapa y resbabr abajo fuera
de b caja de control (Figure 23).
C Quite y deseche el cord6n de alimentaci6n existente.
Corte cuerda de poder dentro de caja de control
Quite y tire e_poder cuerda, e_alivio del esfuerzo
y knockout.
Elcableado permanente adentro de la caja de
control debe 6" minimo.
InstaHeunaentradade manguito adecuada.
- Conectee[cable dealimentaciBnblanco al
aBmbre blanco.
- Conecteelcable dealimentaciBnnegroal
- Conectee[abmbre detierraal abmbre verde(TIERRA).
Elcableado permanente adentro de la caja de
CONtroldebe 6" minimo.
E Vudvaa instaBr[atapa de[acajadecontrd.
DesHice[atapa, recto.
Apriete loscuatro(4)tomilbs.
F ReconectelaalimentaciBnel_ctricaalcircuito derivado.
Verificar _aa[i_eadB_de[Safe-T-Beam®:
A Despu_sdeconectarHaa[imentaci6n d_ctrica, s[d
LUMNSCENTErojo (fuente)parpadear_continuamente.
B Paracorregir e[proNema- bs cartdas sonf[exiNesy se
pueden ajustarligeramenteparaponere[sistemaenalineaciBn.
Cuandoe[STBest_alineadoel DIODOLUMINBCENTE
rojodejar_de parpadeary permanecer_encendido.
Aj_steaproximadodelos intetrruptorsdem_mitBs
A PosiciBndeajusteaproximadode[interrupter[irrfitadordeCERRAR
' Verificarqueconjuntodelcorredizoest_desenganchad.
B Austede[interrupterdelimitepareapertura:
o Abraapuertadegarajemanuamentehastaque egueaaposiciBn
, Deslizere[intrruptorlimitadordeABR[Rhadae[corredizohasteque
Aprieteeltorni[[odefi aciBnde[IfmiteNo[osobreapriete.
LosCoRtremesPo_ieRtesdemaFuerzay UmiteQ_eAjustan
o La puerta del garaje se abre r_pidamente, y puede
. causar dahos severos o la muerte.
Despeje e[ _rea,
Co[oque la escalera aun costado de [a caja de[ motor"
con e[ fin de alejarla de todas [as partes en
, movimiento delabrepuertas y de la puerta.
Ajuste al abrepuertas de rnanera que use e[ minirno de
fufuerza pare abdrla.
A Pre-fijarloscontro[esdefuerzaene[puntomedioentreBAJO(LO)y
B Ajustede[interrupterde[[[mitedederre:
, Presionebconsdadeparedparecerrarhpuertadelsarae.
- Silapuertanoderracompletamente,mida[adistanciadesdela
- Si[apuertaseregresadespu_sdeestab[ecercontactocone[piso,
- Si[apuertaseregresaantesdeestab[ecercontactocone[piso,
o Aprieteeltorni[10defijadBndelinterrupterde[[imiteNo[0sobreapriete
C Ajustedelinterrupterde/limitedeapertura:
o Presione[aconsoladeparedparaabrir[apuertade[garae
- 5i[apuertanoseabrecomp[etamente,muevae[interrupterde
- Si[apuertaabrecomp[etamente,petee[motorcontinOa
o Aprietee torni odefijaciBnde imite.Noosobreapdete.
con unrolei detiempo y conun contadordecidos,[os cua[es
trabajan untos paraprevenircuakNier dahogeneradoper
taler a loscircuitos el_ctricosdebido aun excesodecidos en
unperiodo detiempo muytorte. Sisuabrepuertas
consda depared- NODESCONECTELA UN[DAD-
simplemerlteespere10minutes hastaquee_relo detiempo /
contador decidos reinicienuevamente.
LadesconexiBnde_aunidadevitaque el rebj detiempo /
contador decidos sevueha aprogramac
Pruebade[abrepuertas: . , ,
, Accione[apuertaparequeabrayderreunascuantasvecesusando[a
consoledeparedyobservebcarrerade[apuerta.. ....
, _epltalospasosarnDamenclona_osseqOnserequleracone[rmoe
peril[aensentldocontrarioalasmanedl[asde[reloj fuerzaminima.
estab[edoosparqe[interrupterde[[[mitedeapertura. , ,,
- SinoajusteelcontroldefuerzadeaperturaqirandoRperil[a
R puertade[garaje,y_bra[anuevamente_ , ....
- Sinoaustee[controldefuerzadecierregirando[aperi[[a
geramenteene sentdode[asmaned[[asde[ e[oj,ce e apueta
Abra[apuerta de[garaje usando[aconso[ade pared.
C0[0queunatablade 2"x 4"pinnaenel centrede[clarede[apuerta.
Cierre[apuerta usando[aconsolede pared.
Verifiqueque[apuerta sedetieney regresa2segundosdespu_s
deque Nzo contacto con la tabla.
o Si[apuerta no regresa,disminuya [afuerza decierre hasta
que[apuerta regrese
Siaun asi[apuerta no regresa,muevae[ interrupter de
hmite haciala puerta.
Vedfique[aoperadBn de[sistemaSafe-ToBeame :
° Sie[ hazde [uz est_b[oqueado,[apuerta no. (Figura 27),
Lapuerta debe tocar Hatab[a de 2" x 4" antes que el
corredizo active el interrupter de limite de derre. Si no,
reajuste e[ interrupter de _imite de cierre.
El tra_smisorde[ programa, i_sta[a [as [uzes y el lento.
Vea El Manual de Mantenimiento y Operaci6n.
CenterLineaf doer CenterLiceofdoor
La[Rleacentraldepuerta Lalineacentraldepuerta
o0a0,dir.0tl;- __!
directamente.:S2 _g:-:_ _,\>ZLe-:cJL
enelPar_ntesis":-- --- "__' ._:::e:_. derBracket
depared _____ " .::_= oard
Figure 8 Attach Header Bracket
Figure 8 Conecte e[ par_ntesis de pared
CenterL_neaf doer
Ceeter L_neafdeor
Figure 9 AttachDoorBracket
Figure 9 ConecteParBntesisde Puerta
Rei[ Strap
La correa de
la baranda
Elpar6ntesis de
Figure 10 AttachRailStrapto HeaderBracket
Figure 10 Conectebarandacorreaa[par_ntesisde[encabezamiento
SECTIONALDOOR/ Puerta Seccional
CHECKEORCLEARANCE/ VeBfiqueparae_espacio[ibre.
Figure 11 Adjust the power head height
Figura 11 Ajuste [aa[tura de cabeza de poder
ONE=PiECEDOOR/ Puerta de una p[eza
MNMU/I OF2"/E[ minimo de 2"
Mounting Straps
Las xorreas que montan
Sostengalatabla agregadapare
Perforated Aegme[ren/not in_muded)
Elhierro perforado del angulo
(no induy6)
Locateceiling joists
ortrusses using a stud
finder or similar device.
Attach angle iron
(net included) te
joists or trusses
through finish material
using LagScrews
Locabceviguetasde techo o
braguerosque utilizana un
descubridor de semenralo
disposaivo semejante.
Acople un perEI dehierro
_ngulo (no se incluyeen
redes losmode[os)alas
viguetas atrav#sdel mateRa[
acabado usando[aspijas(30).
Figure 12 Mounting methods for open beam and finished ceilings
Figura 12 LosMBtodosque montan para elrayoabierto y terminaron techos
5/!6=18 x 3/4"
Hex Head Bolts
La cabeza hexagonal
cierra de 5/16"=18 x 3/4"
5/16=18 x 3/4"
Hex Serrated FHangeNuts
5/16"=18 Las nueces serradas
hexagona_es de reborde
Header 1/4"x 2" Door Bracket
Bracket Lag Screws
E[parantesis de La demora encrosca E[par_ntesis de puerta
encapezamiento de 1/4"x 2"
1/4"=20 x 3/4"
Self=Drilling Screws
Los torni[[os que auto
ta_a@ando de t/4"-20 x 3/4"
Safe-T-Beam ®
(STB) Brackets
Supportes de_ Safe-T_Seam
As short as poaaibme
Tan brevemente come /*_,
sea )osibHe_m, qR3k-_)
It_1 /_ "'L _StraightDoorArm
,.-" _/' _'(g_h Elbrazo rectode
(3_z ":_' lapuerta
Curved Door Arm
Figure13 Assemble Arms (SECTIONAL)
Figure13 Arme armamentos (local) de puerta
Aaioegaa poasibie
Tanlargo como seaposible
El braze curve de la puerta
\ 5@lraight Door Arm
El braze recto b puerta
Figure 14 Assemble Arms (ONE=P_ECE)
Figure 14 Arme armamentos (uno pedazo) de puerta
Safe-T-Beam Sensor
Green LED @
ElSensor (Verde LED)
Safe-T=Reem ®Sourceaf_'_
La Fuente (Roio LED)
Figure 1S install Safe=T=Beams ®
Figure 15 [nsta[e Safe-T-Beams ®
_ lide onto
tongue of
Bracket until
it dicks into
Desliceen lengua
de par_ntesis hasta
que haga dic en
el lugar __
// / I":: [ B:racket 6"
' _ (47_ I floor
,_ _ ." _ La alma de
._ , H .'[' parBntesis-6"
i_AI]l'i'-L enc,ma de piso
#10=16x 1V4"
Phillips Hex Head Screws
Torni_[o Phillips de cabeza 3/8" Hex Serrated
hexagonal #10-16 x 1-1/4" Flange Nuts
Tuercas de reborde serradas
hexagona_es de 3/8"
Garaje con u_a puerta Garaje con dos puerra
Gara N con tres puerta
Figurer5 Source!sensor Locations
Figure16 Locaci6n de Fuente/Sensor
Top edge of Lens
5" = 6" above fbor
La cima de
par_ntesis =5"-6"
endma de piso
Figure 17 Final Check Safe-T-Beams ®
Figura 17 El cheque final de Safe=T=Beams ®
3/8" x 7/8" _. Cotter Pins
Hex Head Bobs _ ChavetadePernos de cabeza dos pates
hexagona_ de 3/8"x 7/8"
Clevis Pins
Pasadores de horqui[[a
aHambra _-_
..... Aprox. [ H
A r x _< Peb_prox
"_ , i ,/J//Rrip
Wire /// approx.
1 2'"
@ j
Figure 18 Wire the Safe-T-Beam ®System
Figure 22 Wail Control WMng
Figure 22 A[ambrado de Control
Security Vacation Lock Switch
TerminalAttachment at PowerHead
LasRjaciBnesterminales encabezadepoder
Mbw sDck/Permita r_ojo
White Wire to
E"a[ambreb,anco l\\\/11
a,oterm,n. _2%
Etriped Wire %,
toTermina[ 1 _'_j
Elalambre pdad t _
a[aterminal 1
Termieal Attachmeetat Wall Control
Lasfijaci6nes termina[es en [a Central de Pared
Striped Wire t<_
Elal ambr e
terminal "B"
White Wire to
Terminei "W"
Elal ambre
a [a
La Fuerza Contro[a
Figure 25 Making Force Adjustments
F_gura 25 Los ajustes de _aFuerza
E_transmiser de[ programa,insta[a _as[oaesyel lento.
Veaa Du@o's/Manua[de Conservaci6npagiea 11.
Knockout pmug/Tap6nmaraviRoso el_ctrico
Cut w_res here.
Figure 18 A[ambre el Safe=T-Beam Sistema
Wire cmips/Ela[ambre sujeta
Figure 19 Wiring Method A
Figure lg E[re@ado que a[ambre A
Termieai attachments
at Safe-T_Beam®
Lasfijacidnes terminales
en SafeoT-Beame
Wire C[ipe Ela[ambre sujeta
Figure21 ConsoB de Pared............... o............... Bot6n de pared.
at PawerHead
Lasfijacidnes terminales en
cabeza de poder
Figure 20 Wiring Method B
Figure 20 E[m_tado que a[ambreB
el ajuste
Terminal attachments
at SafeoT-Beame
Lasfijaddnes termina[es
en Safe-T-Beame
alambra aqui.
Figure 23
Remove screws
Figure 23 _ I
Quita bs TorniHos _,
Open Limit Switch
(deer felly open)
E[ Interrupter
abierto dd I[mite
(puerta abre
Elcoche (salt6)
ClosedLimit Switch
(door fury dosed) _[_[ ....
EHInterruptor cerrar
de[ [[mite (puerta cerrd
Figure24 Settin 9 Limit Switches
Figura 24 El L{mite poniente cambia
2" x 4" board
[aid flat
2"x 4"table co[oc6 [a p[anicie
Figure 26 Checking Contact Reverse
Figure 26 Verificar b Fuerza Inverse
Figure 27 Biock Safe=T=Beame
Figure 27 BHoquee e[ Safe-T-Beam ®

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P/N 3627436241 ASSEMBLY DC AND INSTALLATION £ READ OWNER'S MANUAL COMPLETELY PRIOR TO INSTALLATION RAIL STRAP/RAIL HEADER POSTER LIMIT SWITCHES PE RAIL TO POWER BASED ON THE HEIGHT OF YOUR READER_ A MOUNTING BOARD MAY BE REQWRED FOR _TACH_NG HEADER BRACKET (yellow shoulder boJts) DOOR BRACKET TO DOOR ARMS TO WALL WIRE CLIPS TO CE[UNG DOORS _ADE OF NOT INCLUDED MASOMTE, LIGHTWEIGHT WOOD, F_BERGLASS, AND METAL MUST BE PROPERLY BRACED 1/4" x 1ol/4" Lag BoB Recommended for doors BEFORE MOUNTING 3OR OPENER DOOR MANUFACTURER OR DISTRIBUTOR FOR BRACING iNSTRUCTiONS° 1/4"o20 x 2" Carriage RAIL SECTION CONNECTION SHde Collar over _ong WOODEN DOOR ARMS TO Hook too thin for 2" Lag Bolts or Bolt//1/4"o20 Hex Range Nut DOORS (SHORT AS POSSBL8) Mate Hooks Slide Collar over Joint (LONG AS Snap C_Jp behind Collar O 2007 GM_ Holdings, Inc., DBA The Genie Company ATTACH A Hold Power Head so that end of shaft and rail attachment facing up. B RAiL STRAP TO _ND RAiL S_CT_ON CONECTAREL R_ELA LA _AJA DE_ONTROL Attach Rail Strap to End Rail Section, Threaded stud of Rail strap should pass in front of end of Rail, Use 2 (1/4%2@ Hex Head Bolts and 2 (!/4"o20) Serrated Flange Hex Nuts (Figmre 5)° Tighten securely but Do Not overotighten° flange is hstaH Coupler on Motor Shaft (Figure 1). Place Coupler over end of shafLTurn it until it drops down over AL_N Lay Power Head on its top. B Grar la caja de control de mode que el panel frontal (con el extreme de la flecha y B brida de acomp[aniento del rid) est# mirando hacia arriba. B RAK S£CT_ONSAND T_GHTEN ALL BOLTS Align all Rail Sections so Carriage Assembly can slide freely along length of Rail, Securely tighte_ aH fasteners _owo Do Not over-tighten. INSTALL AND CONNECT bM_T C Connect first Rail Section [with bearing (Figure 1)] to Opener Power Head. Slide Drive Screw so that bearing end extends several inches out of ra& Insert bearing end of Screw into Coup[er. Slide Rail into attachment flange and align hobs° Connect with 2 (yellow anodized) 1/4"o20 Hex Head Shoulder Bolts and 2 (1/4"-20) Hex Serrated Flange Nuts (Figure 2)_ Fingerotighten until later. INSTALL REf4A_N_NGBAK S£CT[IONS A Arrange stamped arrows on Rail Sections to point in same direction and away from Power Head, (Middle rail section has same hole patern on both ends, be sure and douMe check the arrows.) Connect Screw Sections: Push Middle Drive Screw out about 2" toward Power Head. S_ide Collar over Middle Drive Screw Hook (Figure 3A). Turn Middle Screw by hand to align Drive Screw Hooks between First and Middle RaN Sections. Latch two Hooks together and slide Collar over them (Figure 3B) and (Figure 3C). Snap C_ip on Drive Screw next to Collar (FigureSD). Attach Middle Rail Section to First Rail Section, using 2 Rail C_amps,4 (5/16"ol 8) Hex Head Shoulder Bolts, and 4 (5/16"-18) Hex Serrated Flange Nuts (Figure 3)° Finger tighte_ u_tH _ater. (Curved edge of rail clamps should face downward,) B If a Rail Extension is needed, included Kit, with the attach it now per the instructions A Rail Section following Release Cord Thread opposite end also, end of cord through Connectar [a primera secd6n de[ rid [con chumacera (Figura 1)] a [a caja de control de[ abridor. Des[izer Jaflecha motriz de mode que el extreme de [a chumacera se extienda vadas pulgadas fuera de[ rieL o Insertar el extreme de Jachumacera de [a flecha en el acompbdoro " Des[izer el rid en b brida de acompBmiento y aIinear los agujeros. o Conectar con 2 pernos de cabeza hexagonaJ de 1/4"-20 (amari[[os anodizados) y 2 tuercas de reborde hexagonaJes (de 1/4"-20). (Figmra 2). Apretar a mane: m_s ade_anteo se har_ el apriete final Deslice b parada del coche en [a baranda y contra el poder diringe. Odentar [as flechas estampadas en bs seecciones de rieJesde mode que apunten en B misma direcci6n aJejadas de [a ca}a de control, (EIrie[ deJmedic es igua[ en ambos extremes.) o Conectar Bs secciones de flecha motrices: - Empuiar B flecha motriz intermedia fuera unas 2"hacia Jacaja de control - Resba[arel cdJar sobre el gancho de B flecha motriz intermedia (Figura 3A), - Girar la flecha intermedia a mane para aIinear Jos ganchos de ;a flecha motdz entre Jasseeciones pdmera y b intermedia de[ rieL - Enganchar dos ganchos juntos y resba[ar eJcollar sobre dies (Figura3B y 3Q. - Co[ocar r@idemente el sujetador en [a flecha motrizjunto a[ collar B '_ Tie overhand knot at one end of emergency release cord and pun cord through the hole in the release [ever up to the knot. Acop[ar la secd6n intermedia de[ rid a la primera secci6n usando 2 abrazaderas de rid 4 pernos de tope hexagona[es (de 5/'16"---18)y 4 tuercas de reborde dentadas hexagonaIes (de 5/16L18) (Fig_ra 3).Apretar a marne; m_s ade_a_te se har_ e_apdete fi_aZ knob and tie a knot in this Sise requiere el ensamb[e siguiendo [as instrucciones Following installation of your garage door opener, adjust the height of the knob to no less than 6 feet above the floor° through C the Carriage Extensi6n (GSXL8), instSMo proporcionadas en eJ paquete. INSTALL CARR_AG£ STOP AND CARRIAGE eex Head Sho_der _[_ Rai_Strap L£_correa de[a baranda Iuerca de reborde dentada hexagonal de 5/16"-18 Place Carriage Assembly Lever in Disengaged position. (Figure 4), Slide Carriage Assembly into sbt on End RaN Section with arrow pointing away from the Power Head. SujeteB banda de[ rid a [a seca6n final de[ rid usando2 per nos de cabeza hexagonalde (1/4"o20}y 2 tuercasde reborde hexagonal(1/4"-20) (Figmra_). 1/4"-20 Hex 1t4'-20 Set.ted _qa_ge N_ts Sho_der Hex Head _[ts AL]NE£LASSECC[ONES DELA _ARANDAY APR[ETE A A[inee todas [assecdonesdd rid de maneraque el ensamb[edd corredizo magn#tico pueda des[izarse[ibremente a [o largo de JaJongitud dd rieL B Apriete firmemente todos los pemos cuidando no sobreapretarlos, _NSTALARY CONECTARLOS [NTERRUPTORESb_TADORES 1/4"=20 (yem_w) A Girar el [ado derecho del abridor hacia arriba, y sostenga [a caia de[ motor de manera de evitar el romper los portI_mparas, B Poner los interruptores en el tie[ (Figura 6). , Poner el interrupter de CERRAR(aBmbra marr6n) a unas 15"@1 extreme de la correa de[ riel (Estando uno en la correa del rid y mirando hacia [a caja de control, el interrupter estarg al costado derecho de[ riel). ° Insertar el torniHo opresor en el interrupter y apretar a mane solamente, para sostener temporalmente el interrupter en el [ugar. Deiando aIgo sueIto el alambre, correr[o abajo en [a ranura en el tope de[ rid hacia [a caja de control Sostener en el [ugar con los sujetadores para cables. Acoplar a [a caja de centre[ los terminaIes 5 y 6. o Poner el interrupter de ABR[R(alambra gris) a unas 15"de [a caia de centre[ de mode que cuelgue al mismo lade de[ rid que el interrupter de CERRAR, Deiando also suelto e[ aIambre, correrIo abajo en [a ranura en el tope de[ rid hacia [a caja de control. Sostener en e[ lugar con los sujetadores para cables. Acoplar a [a caja de control los terminaIes 4 y 5. Enrollar el alambre restante en el tope de [a caia de control y envolver con cinta. Junte [a secd6n final de [a baranda con [a secci6n intermedia siguiendo los procedimientos descritos en los pasos A y B. procedures 5116"-18 A Emergency SUJETELA _ANDA DE_AR ANDAAL LA SECGONFINAL [NSTALAR LAS SECC_ONES_ESTANTES DE _EL Wire on top of Power Head° Hold with twist ties or tape. The Emergency Release Cord is threaded rdease [ever at the factory Attach End Rail Section to Middle in Step A & B. D that it hangs on same side of Rail as the CLOSE switch. Insert (#8_32 x 1") hex head set screw into Switch and finger tighten only to temporarily hold Switch in place. Leaving a little slack in the Wire, run it down the groove in top of Rail toward Power Head. Hold in place with Wire Clips. Attach to Power Head terminaB 4 & 5 Attach Instabr el acompIador en b flecha del motor (Figura 1). Poner el acompBdor encima de[ extreme de [a flecha. Girarb hasta que caiga hacia abajo encima de la flecha. o Colocar la caja de control sobre el rondo de la misma. Apriete firmemente cuidando no sobreapretarlos Turn Opener right side up, Support Power Head on soft material (cardboard, rag, etc.) to protect against damaging the light sockets, Place Switches on Rail (_ig_re 6). Place CLOS£ switch (brown wire) about 15" from Rai_ Strap end of Rai_(Standing at Rail Strap boking toward Power Head, Switch wiII be on right side of Rail), o Insert (#8_32 x 1") hex head set screw into Switch and ringer tighten only to temporarily hold Switch in place, Leaving a litde slack in the Wire, run it down the groove in top of Rail toward Power Head. Hold in place withWire Clips. Attach to Power Head terminals 5 & 6. o Place OPEN Switch (white wire) about 15" from Power Head so Coil remaining Resba[ar [a parada de[ corredizo en [a secci6n extrema de[ rid (Figmra 4). Desliceel ensamblede[ corredizo en b ranuraen [a secd6n final de barand con la punta de la flecha dirigida en direcci6n opuesta a la caia de[ motor (Figura 5). SW_TCHSS ¢ B A B A The Ddve Screw Canslide out of RailSections. Keep Rail Sections level A [NSTALAR LA PARADA DEL CORRED_ZOY EL _ORRED_ZO, Hex Head Be_ts A Hagaun medic nude en un extreme de la cuerdade [iberaci6n de emergencia. B Ensarte el extreme opuesto de [a cuerda a trav#s de [a manija y en el agujero de [a paBnca de [iberaci6n de[ ensambJe deJcorredizo magn#tico _ ]uerca de reborde dentada hexago_lal de1/4"eo Tuerca de reborde dentada hexagonal deW4"-20 Haga un medic nude en 6ste extreme de la cuerda de liberaci6n de 1/4"--20 [uerca hexagor_al de la cabeza Wire CJips grapas 5JI_"-18 He× _er_ted Fla#geNuts _ La Cuerda de la LiberatiOn de la Emergencia se enhebra palanca de la [iberaciOn de[ corredizo en la fSbrica, ®@®@ Carriage 5to_ Paradade cod/e [uerca de reborde dentada hexagonal de 5/16'--18 Coupler ¢o[[_rs +sD_re Retai_i_g Acopbdor cue[los y reserva dipes que ret enen y _eserva Clips +s_a_ per la _mergeacy Re_ea_e K#eb la perilla de la liberad6n de la emergencia Power Head Asser_b_[y Ace one de cabeza Carriage Stop Parada de[ corredizo S-,z 0 _ Brown Wire ss _ d, so _ a[ambra marr6n F_rstRai[ 5ed_ie_ Zo_£[er Primero secci6n de baranda El acoplador Bearing Coiinete End Rail Section La Secci6n Final de rid Arrow F[echa Figure I Install Coupler and IstRail Section Fig_ra I Instale el acoplador y primero secci6n de baranda Figure 4 Slide Carriage Stop and Carriage onto Rail Fig_ra 4 Deslice el Conjunto de corredizo y [a Asambiea de[ coche en Baranda Middle Rail Se_tioa La secd6n mediana deJa baranda Figure 6 Install Limit Switches on Assembled Rail Figura 6 Insta[e los Interruptores de los Limites Cellar Elcudlo 3Ao Slipon collar (AHgnment Nub) Protuberancia de aHneaci6n 3C° SlideCollarover Hooks £_d Rail Section La Secci6n Final de rie[ Deslicecudb en gancho largo Deslice cudlo sobre ganchos 3Bo EngageHooks 3Do Snapon RetainingClip Comprometa losganchos Figure 2 Boff 1st Rail Section to Power Head Figara 2 Cierre pdmero secci6n de baranda a la cabeza del poder Figure 3 Attach Middle Rail Section Fig_ra 3 Conecte la secci6n mediana de baranda Rail Strap Correa del del Emergency Release Tag Leetiqueta de[a [iberaci6nde de emergenc a Release K#eb La Pe ilia de la [ berac 6n de [a emergencia Encaje a pres[6n e[ cJip que retiene Figore Fig_ra 5 Attach Rail Strap 5 Correa del riel Figure 7Attach Emergency Release Cord/Knob and Tag F]g_ra 7 Conecte la Emergencia Cuerda de Liberaci6n y Etiqueta A NOTE For lightweight Condition B C garage doors, make sure you have installed the proper reinforcement RaisePowerHeadand support it high enough that you can manually raisethe garagedoor fulmyopen, Line up PowerHeadand Railwith center of garagedoor. KeepingPowerHeadcentered,mount to ceiming: At proper height; a. For sectieea[ deers, mount power headat a height where rail is levelwith fleer or slightly bwer. Checkfor clearancebetween Railand door asit opens (Figure 11). b, For or.e-piece deers, mount power headsothat there is a minimum dearance of 2"between railand door asit opens (Figure 11 ). (See Check Door and Thickness on page 5 in manual), D • For multipb-door garages see (Figure 16). Preventing crossed signals is critical Place Source and Sensor modules on adjacent doors facing in opposite directions. ' [ NOTE To help prevent interference from the sun, the Safe-TBeam ® Sensor (Green LED) may be placed further away Ifrom the door opening,where it will spendmore time in the shadows. hold the Wire snugly. Slide the Safe-T-Beam ® Source and Sensor onto the tongues of the Brackets until they click into pbce, Check final height of Lens (Figure 17). ] A WA RNmN To reduce the risk Of e[eEtrical Shock, this equipment mounting plate for the Header Bracket,The Bracket can then be mounted at the propel location and have sufficient Support. If a door spring is in the way place the Header Bracket above the spring, Do Not move the door spdngi A For sectional A Before mounting the header bracket, see CHECK STEP 4, in Operation & Maintenance Manual for mounting instructions, ff needed, attach a 2"x 6" board across wall studs where you made your Header Bracket mounting point mark (Figure 8). Transfer your mark from wall to board. [3 C D B Attach Header Bracket to header at your mark above garage door. NOTE R is critical that point where Rail attaches Bracket be on centedine of Door. to A B C D For sectional A [3 ng door Opener. doors: Install Safe-T-Beam ® Wiring: (Figure 18) Route Wire and hsu[ated Stapmes (F_gure lg, and 20). Securemyfasten Wires with hsuhted Stapbs as you go. Stapbs should be snug only. Wires between garage wall and Power Head should be run on top of Rail and underneath Wire Cmips. Attach Wires to Safe=ToBeam ® Sensors. Spmitand strip Wire ends to be connected as shown. Loosen Terminal Screws. insert each Wire under flat plate and tighten Screw. It does not matter which Wire, white or striped, goes on which Terminal, Attach Wires at Power Head. Wires are connected to Terminals #3 and #4 on Power Head Terminal Block. ff does not matter which WR'e, white or"striped, goes on which Terminal Check the following. Ensure that no part of door or its hardware is in path between Source or Sensor Lenses. Ensure that tops of Lenses are between 5" - 6" above floor. Brackets are flexibme and can be adjusted sIightmy if needed. C doors: Attach Straight Arm to Door Bracket with CmevisPin and Cotter Pin (Figure 14). Attach short side of Curved Arm to Carriage with Clevis Pin and Cotter Pin. Attach both Arms together with 2 (3/8'* x 7/8") Hex Head goffs and 2 (3/8") Serrated Fbnge Hex Nuts so overall length is as |ong as possible_ Securemy tighten fasteners. Adjust height of Emergency Release Cord Knob to 6' above floor: Pull Cord through Carriage Release Lever until Knob is 6' from floor. Tie a new overhand knot in Cord at Carriage Release Lever. DOoisrnadeof mas0nite:lightweightWOod, I fiberglass,metN,or other lightweightmaterialsmust J doors: Do Not skip Step D above[ Failure to comply may leave Emergency ReleaseKnob within reach of Children: ff the Knob is pulled with ga[age door fully or partially open, garage door may dose RAPDLY without wamiDg! Place Door Bracket on door center line, no lower than top roller, and mark holes (Figure gh Attach Door Bracket: For metal doors, use 3 (1/4" =20 x 3/4") Self_ Dri[ming Screws (provided). For wooden doors, use 3 (1/4" x 2") Lag Screws or _ (1/4" x 1=!/4") Lag Screws or 3 (1/4" x 2=1/2") arriage boks (not provided).j hasa groundedtype plugthat includesa third (grounding)pin.Thisplug wi[[only fit a groundedtype StapleswhicharetOOtight mayCutor pinchWires.CUt or pinchedWirescancausetheSafe-T-Beam® System to stop working,Wheninsta!lingthe Bulated Staples, makesureyou fastenthem On!yastightly as needed to holdthe Wiresecurely. Attach short side of Curved Door Arm to Door Bracket with Clevis Pin and Cotter Pin (Figure 13). Attach Straight Door Arm to Carriage with Clevis Pin and Cotter Pin. Attach both Arms together with 2 (3/'8" x 7/8") Hex Head Bolts and 2 (3/8") Serrated Flange Hex Nuts so overal[ [ength is as short as possible. Securely tighten fasteners. Adjust height of Emergency Release Cord Knob to 6' above floor: Pull Cord through Carriage Release Lever until Knob is 6' from floor. Tie a new overhand knot in Cord at Carriage Release Lever. For one-piece Mark two Bracket hole mocations. Drill 2 (5/32") pibt homes. Attach Header Bracket using 2 (1/4"x 2") Lag Screws. be proper y braced before mount CAUTmON ASSEMBLE AND CONNECT DOOR ARMS plug in any way. The door opener must be proper[y groundedin order to preventpersonalinjury and damage to the components. D For one-piece A doors: B NOTE in yet[ A B While supporting the Power Head, place threaded end of Rail Strap Bolt through Header Bracket hole (Figure lg). Attach (S/16"=18) FDnge Nut to Rail Strap Bolt. Finger=tighten unti| |ater. MOUNT'NO PowER HEA Z UTnO ounting Bracketsmust befastenedto garaqefram!ng,De Ngt fastento drywall, particleboard,plaster,or orbet suct_rhateriak More than one lighted Wall Central per Opener will causea maffunEtion. unless WALL CONTROL A (Figure1 S): Mark both sides of garage door frame or waHH 6" above floor. Hold Bracket against door frame or wall Check if Bracket extends out from wall far enough so tongue of Bracket is beyond door, tracks, or any door hardware. Hfnot, Safe=T=Beam ® Mounting Bracket Extensions are avaimabme from a Genie Factory Authorized Dealer or through the Accessories Order Form_ Bmocksof wood, etc. may be substituted for extensions. Position top of Mounting Bracket at 6" mark and fasten with 2 (#10=! 6 x 1=1/4") Phillips Hex Head Screws per Bracket. [}RACKET - [} Mounting Brackets can be attached to brick walls or concrete floor using masonry anchors (not included). C . Makesurethe railof yoursupportedPowerHeadisslightlyhigherthan thehighestpoint of doortravelbyraisingthedoorto check.Adjustas needed, , Materialsneededfor mountingOpenerPowerHeadto garagemay vary.Readall instructionscompletely. . Garageconstructionsdiffer.Extramaterialmaybeneeded,SeeCheck PowerHeadMountingAreaonpage7 in manual B Attach Safe=T-Beam ® Source (Red LED) and Sensor (Green LED) to Brackets (Figure 1S): For s[ngle-door garages_ Determine which side of garage receives the most direct sunlight, and place Source (Red LED) on this side whenever possible. o0a0,dir.0tl;! __ prevent small children from operating door. It must be away from any moving parts. (You should not be able to reach the garage door while standing at Wall ControL) Wiring (Figure 22): Run wire from Power Head to Wall Control. Securemy fasten to ceiling and wall using insulated staples provided. SpHit and strip ends of wire. On Power Head: Attach the striped wire to Terminal #1 and white wire to Terminal #2. On back of Wa[I Control: Attach striped wire to Termlna|"B'[and white wire to Term[naJ "W': Mounting: Fasten wail control to wail with 2 screws. _ _ F Replace Motor Cover. Slide Cover into place. Replace and tighten 4 screws. Reconnect power to circuit. Safe-T-Beam e Alignment Check: After turning electrical power on, if STBs are not properly aligned, red LED (source) will b_ink continuously. B To correct problem--STB mounting brackets are flexible and may be adjusted slightly to bring the system into alignment. When STBs are brought into alignment--red LED will stop b_inking and stay _it. Setting Force Controls of Limit Switches E • H , . - D Check that door stops and reverses within 2 seconds after it contacts board: o If door does not reverse, decrease Close Force untiH door reverses. , ff door still does not reverse, move Limit Switch toward door. EL SOPORTE _ONTAR Pare puertas A EnsamNeambos brazesjuntos usando 2 pernosde cabeza hexagonal (3/8 "x 7/8 ") y 2 tuercasde reborde hexagonal (3/8'! de maneraque b Iongitud total quedetan corta come sea posible.Apriete todos lossujetadores manualmente_ D | J A Co[oquee[soporte de [a puerta en [a lineacentral de [apuerta, procurando que no quede mas abajode[ rodi[[osuperior,y bs agujerosguia hechos(Rgwa 9). Acopbr el soporte de Hapuerta: • Para puertas met_[icas, user 3 torni[[os autorroscantes (de 1/4"=20 x 3/4") (que se proveen). • Para puertas de madera, usar 3 pijas (de 1/4"x 2"6 3 pijas (de 1/4"x 1=1/4") (no se proveen). A See Operation C Instalacionde Safe-T-Beame Wiring (Figure 1B): . Enrutee[ cablecon [asgrapasais[antes(Figwa 19 y Figure 20): - Sujetede maneraseguralos cablescon grapesaisbntes conforme los vayaenrutando.Lasgrapasdebenabrazar sdamente bs cables. - Loscables que van entre la pared dd garajey b cajadd motor deben guiarsesobre b parte superior dd rid y per debajo de los sujetadoresde los cables. • EnsamNeloscables a los sensoresdd Safe-T-Beam ® - Separey pale bs extremes finales de los cablespara conectar los come semuestra. - Afloje los tornillos de lasterminJes. - Insertecada cableper debajo de lapbca pinnay aprietee[ torni[Io.No importa cualcable,blancoo rayado,va en cual terminal. , EnsamNeloscanes a la cajade potencia. - Loscables seconectan alas terminales #2 y #3dd Noque determinales de lacaja dd motor,No importa cual cable,bBnco o rayado,vaen cual terminal , Verifique[osiguiente: - Que ninguna parte de B puerta o suscomponentes interfiere entre lafuente y Dslentes dd sensor. , Aseg@eseque B pare superior de Bs lentes est_ entre 5 y 6"per encima dd piso.Los soportesson flexiNes y puedenajustarseligeramentesi esnecesano. Ensembled brazerecto a[ soportede [a puerta usando e[ pasadorde horquilb y ladavija ben@@ (Figure 14). EnsamNeambos brazesjuntos usando 2 pernosde cabeza hexagonal (3/8 "x 7/8 ") y 2 tuercasde reborde hexagonal (3/8 ") de maneraque la Iongitud total quedetan [argacome sea posible Apriete los sujetadoresmanualmente. D Ajuste laaltura de la maniiade lacuerdade liberaciBnde emergenciaa 6' sobreel nivel dd piso: " CoHoqueHacuerdaa tra%s dd ensambHedd corredizo magn@co hastaque [a manijaquede a 6 'dd piso. . Hagaun nuevo medio nude en lacuerdaen b levadd ensamNedd corredizo mash@ice. _ede 5/16=18 x 3/4" Hex Serrated FHangeNuts 1/4"x 2" Lag Screws La demora encrosca de 1/4"x 2" 5/16"=18 Las nueces serradas hexagona_es de reborde Door Bracket b [ A ENSA_4BLELACAJA BEL MOTOR [)EL GARAJE ] Lossoporte_ de moRtajedeber,asegurarse _ laestructura del garaje,No los asegure aparedes,de taNas de aglomerado,yeso,u otros materiaes slmi ares J a B InstaBd6n de B fuente y e[ sensorde[Safe-T-Beam ®(Figure 15): • Ponga unamarcaen ambos _adosdd marcode puerta del garajeo en la pared a 6"per encimadel piSOa ° Sostengael soportecontra el marcode la puerta o la pared. Verifiquesi el soportesobresalede la pared Io suficiente come paraque la espigaseextiendahacia lapuerta,sus guiasde deslizamientoo algOnotro componente. - Encaseque no, existendisponibles extensionesde[ soportede montaje del Safe-T-Beam ®con un distribuidor autorizadode f_bRcaGenieo atray,s dd formate de pedido de accesoriOSa - Los bbques de madera etc puedenser substituidos per extensiones. #6=11/4" Pan Head Screws TorniI[os de cabeza troncocBnica#6 = ] =1/4" B Quitar B tapa del motor. Quitar 4 tornilbs de b tapa y resbabr abajo fuera de b caja de control (Figure 23). #10=16 x 1V4" Phillips Hex Head Screws Torni_[o Safe-T-Beam ® (STB) Brackets E[par_ntesis de puerta Supportes Phillips hexagonal de cabeza #10-16 x 1-1/4" 3/8" x 7/8" 3/8" Hex Serrated Flange Nuts Tuercas de reborde de_ Safe-T_Seam @ hexagona_es Hex Pernos Head de cabeza Bobs hexagona_ de 3/8"x 7/8" C E Vudva a instaBr [atapa de [a cajade contrd. DesHice[atapa, recto. Apriete loscuatro (4)tomilbs. F ReconectelaalimentaciBn el_ctricaalcircuito derivado. _. Cotter Pins _ Chavetade dos pates Pasadores de 3/8" A Despu_sde conectar Haa[imentaci6n d_ctrica, s[d STBno est_alineado correctamente,e[ DIODO LUMNSCENTErojo (fuente) parpadear_continuamente. B Paracorregir e[ proNema- bs cartdas son f[exiNes y se pueden ajustarligeramente para poner e[ sistemaen alineaciBn. As short as poaaibme Tan brevemente Figura 11 Ajuste [a a[tura de cabeza de poder sea )osibHe_m, come Aa ioegaa poasibie Tanlargo como seaposible /*_, A "_ CenterL_neaf doer La[[neacentrald epuerta Ceeter L_neafdeor La[ineacentra[d epuerta UNFiNiSHED Mounting Straps Las xorreas que montan CEiLiNGS @ supportbeardaddedformo.ger spa_s Perforated Aegme[ren/not in_muded) Sostengalatabla agregadapare El hierro perforado del angulo espaciosrn_slargos (no induy6) Figure 9 Attach DoorBracket Figure 9 ConecteParBntesis de Puerta Garaje CE|L|NG$ Rei[ Strap La correa de la baranda Figure 10 AttachRailStrapto HeaderBracket Figure 10 Conectebarandacorreaa[ par_ntesisde[ encabezamiento El par6ntesis de encabezamiente Attach angle iron (net included) te joists or trusses through finish material using Lag Screws LOS TECHOS TERM_NADOS Safe-T-Beam Locabceviguetas de techo o braguerosque utilizana un descubridor de semenralo disposaivo semejante. Green LED @ El Sensor (Verde LED) Acople un perEI de hierro _ngulo (no se incluye en redes los mode[os) alas viguetas a trav#s del mateRa[ acabado usando [aspijas(30). Figure 12 Mounting methods for open beam and finished ceilings Figura 12 Los MBtodos que montan para el rayo abierto y terminaron techos ® \ 5@lraight FUAR LOS CONTROLE$ Garaje con Figure 14 Assemble Arms (ONE=P_ECE) Figure 14 Arme armamentos DE APRO×m_AOO DE LOS _NTERRUPTORESLm_|TADORES. Aj_steaproximadode los intetrruptors de m_mitBs A PosiciBn deajusteaproximadode[interrupter[irrfitadordeCERRAR (Figure 24), ' Verificarqueconjuntodelcorredizoest_desenganchad. Conlapuertade[garajetotalmentecerrada,resba[ar e[interrupter [imitadordeCERRAR hadae[corredizohastequee[mismoest_ a[ineadocone[magnetode[corredize B A ustede[interrupterdelimitepareapertura: o Abraapuertade garajemanuamentehastaque eguea a posiciBn comp[etamente abierta. , Deslizere[intrruptorlimitadorde ABR[R hadae[corredizohasteque e[mismoest_a[ineadoconelmagnetode[corrediz& • Aprieteeltorni[[odefi aciBnde[IfmiteNo[osobreapriete. Vue[va a conectarloscontro[esdeajustedefuerzade[ensamb[e de[ corredizo magn@coylosinterruptores deajustedelos[{mites. Abra [a puerta de[ garaje usando[a conso[ade pared. C0[0queunatablade 2"x 4"pinnaenel centrede[clarede [apuerta. Cierre [a puerta usando[a console de pared. Verifiqueque [a puerta sedetiene y regresa2 segundosdespu_s de que Nzo contacto con la tabla. o Si [a puerta no regresa,disminuya [afuerza de cierre hasta que [a puerta regrese • Si aun asi [a puerta no regresa,muevae[ interrupter de hmite hacia la puerta. Vedfique [a operadBn de[ sistema Safe-ToBeam e: ° Si e[ hazde [uz est_ b[oqueado,[a puerta no. (Figura 27), NOTA La puerta debe tocar Hatab[a de 2" x 4" antes que el corredizo active el interrupter de limite de derre. Si no, reajuste e[ interrupter de _imite de cierre. El PasoFinal El tra_smisorde[ LosCoRtremes Po_ieRtes demaFuerza y UmiteQ_eAjustan programa, Security i ,/J//Rrip /// approx. Vacation La Fuerza Contro[a TERMINALS White Wire to Terminei "W" Elal ambre blanco a [a terminal "W" Te_mina_"B" El al ambr e pelado terminal "B" a,oterm,n. _2% Figure 22 Wail Control WMng Figure 22 A[ambrado de Control y Operaci6n. Force Contro[e White Wire to Termioam2 E"a[ ambre b,anco l\\\/11 toTermina[ 1 i_sta[a [as [uzes y el lento. Vea El Manual de Mantenimiento Termieal Attachmeetat Wall Control Lasfijaci6nes termina[es en [a Central de Pared %, t _ Striped Wire t<_ _'_j Figure 25 Making Force Adjustments F_gura 25 Los ajustes de _aFuerza Knockout Lock Switch pmug/Tap6nmaraviRoso el_ctrico E_transmiser de[ programa,insta[a _as[oaesy el lento. Veaa Du@o's/Manua[de Conservaci6npagiea 11. 1 2'" dos puerra Cut w_res here. El corte Figure21 ConsoB de Pared ............... o ............... alambra Bot6n de pared. Wire Gara N con tres puerta cmips/El a[ambre sujeta Wire C[ipe Ela[ambre sujeta mnsalated Staples @ Figurer5 Source!sensor Locations Figure16 Locaci6n de Fuente/Sensor insulated StaRlet/ Losgrapesaisladas aqui. 2" x 4" board [aid flat 2"x 4"table co[oc6 [a p[anicie 5" = 6" above Figure 23 Remove screws Figure 26 Checking Contact Reverse Figure 23 Quita bs TorniHos Te_miea_attachments at PawerHead (uno pedazo) de puerta _ I _, Screw Tornillo Figure 26 Verificar b Fuerza Inverse Lasfijacidnes terminales en cabeza de poder fbor Aliew sleek for La cima Top edgede of Lens par_ntesis =5"-6" endma de piso _djustmeRt Rojopare el ajuste tongue of Bracket lide ontountil it dicks into place A B C D Door Arm Deslice en lengua de par_ntesis hasta que haga dic en el lugar __ _ Figure 1S install Safe=T=Beams ® Figure 15 [nsta[e Safe-T-Beams ® puerta f LOS [NTERRUPTORES Y LA FUERZA PosmcmoN DE AJUSTE _< Peb_prox j VER_FmQUELAFUNOON DE REVERSAPORCONTACT{:) Mbw sDck/Permita r_ojo Figure 18 Wire the Safe-T-Beam ® System Figure 18 A[ambre el Safe=T-Beam ® Sistema El braze recto b puerta Sensor Safe-T=Reem ®Sourceaf_'_ Red LED La Fuente (Roio LED) con u_a El braze curve de la puerta Figure13 Assemble Arms (SECTIONAL) Figure13 Arme armamentos (local) de puerta Locate ceiling joists ortrusses using a stud finder or similar device. , Wire It_1 /_ "'L _StraightDoorArm ,.-" _/' _'(g_h El brazo recto de (3_z ":_' lapuerta Curved Door Arm El brazecurvode Hapuerta F|N|SHED r x Pruebade[abrepuertas: . , , , Accione[apuertaparequeabrayderreunascuantas vecesusando[a consolede paredyobservebcarrerade[apuerta.. .... , _epltalospasosarnDamenclona_os seqOnserequleracone[rmoe ajusta[[asposiciones delinterrupterde][mite. ustedelaruerzaaeaperturaalm[nimonecesario(Figura 25}: Co[oque[apuertaenposkbndecerradausande[aconso[adepaled. Suavemente ajuste[afuerzadeaperturagirandocompletamen_e _a peril[aen sentldocontrarioalasmanedl[asde[reloj fuerzaminima. Accioneelab[epuertas usandolaconsoladepared. Observequelapuertaseaccionaoeacuerdoa lospar_metros estab[edoos parqe[interrupterde[[[mitedeapertura. , ,, - SinoajusteelcontroldefuerzadeaperturaqirandoR peril[a [ geramenteene[sentdo delasmanec[[asde[re[oj,derre[a R puertade[garaje, y_bra[anuevamente_ , .... epdalospesosantenoresnastaquelapuertade garaprunaone suavemente des@e[ interruptoroe[[imitedecierrehastae[ interrupterde[[imitede aperture. ustelatuerzadecJerre aimmJmonecesario.(Figura 25): Coloque[apuertaen[aposidBnabiertausan[Jo lacons@depard, Suavemen!e ajuste[afu?rzadecierregirandolaperi[[aene[sentido contradooe[asmaneci,as uelreloj(fuerzaminima). Accionee[ab,repuertas usando[acons@d,epareu. ObservequeRpuertaseacdonadeacuerdoa lospar_metros estab[eddos parae[interrupterde[[[mitedederre - Sino a ustee[controldefuerzadecierregirando[aperi[[a geramente ene sentdode[asmaned[[as de[ e[oj,ce e apueta nuevamente. Repitalospesosantedoreshastaq.u.e lapue[tadelgarajefuncigne suavemente des@e[interruptordellimitedeaperturahastael interrupterde[I/mitede cierre. m 2 torni,,os _}_@ #6x1=1/4" Quitar e[forro interne protector de [a etiqueta de advertencia de "atrapamiento".(Figura 23). PegarB etiqueta en lapared,cerca dd control de pared de horqui[[a _-_ Aprox. [ H qR 3k-_) Pareproteger sunueva inversion,suPOWERMAX est5 equipado con un rolei de tiempo y con un contador de cidos,[os cua[es trabajan untos paraprevenir cuakNier daho generadoper taler a loscircuitos el_ctricosdebido aun excesode cidos en un periodo de tiempo muy torte. Sisuabrepuertas repentinamentesedetiene come respuestaa un comando de la consda de pared- NODESCONECTE LA UN[DADsimplemerlteespere10minutes hasta que e_relo de tiempo / contador de cidos reinicie nuevamente. LadesconexiBnde _aunidad evita que el rebj de tiempo / contador de cidos sevueha a programac Cuandoe[ STBest_ alineadoel DIODOLUMINBCENTE rojo dejar_de parpadeary permanecer_encendido. Elalambre pdad a [a terminal 1 aHambra ..... NOTA Verificar _aa[i_eadB_de[Safe-T-Beam®: Montaje: Sujetar e[ control de pared a la pared con Clevis Pins serradas deNvado. El cableado permanente adentro de la caja de CONtroldebe 6" minimo. Etriped Wire Figure 11 Adjust the power head height de[ drcuito Quite y deseche el cord6n de alimentaci6n existente. Corte cuerda de poder dentro de caja de control Quite y tire e_ poder cuerda, e_alivio del esfuerzo y knockout. 21 y 22) Figure 8 Attach Header Bracket SECTmONAL DOORS ONE-PmECE DOORS LAS PUERTASDE SECC[ONADAS LAS PUERTASDE UNO PEDAZO b a_imentad6n InstaHeuna entradade manguito adecuada. ConecteeHcabHeadopermanenteadentro de Ha caja decontrol. Conectee[cable dealimentaciBn blanco al aBmbre blanco. Conecteelcable dealimentaciBn negro al alambre negro. Conectee[ abmbre de tierra al abmbre verde(TIERRA). Encontrar el [ugar montaje (Figura 22): Escogerun Dgar conveniente para el montaje dd control de pared. Elbgar queescojadebeestarenb linenvisualdeb puerta. Debeestarper Io menosa5 piesarribadelpisopara impedirquelosnihospequehoshaganfuncionar[apuerta. Debeestarabjado delaspartesm6v@s(Usteddebeset capazdeakanzarB puertaestandoen e[controldepared.) Cab[eado (Figure22): Instabr el cane de b cajade controlal controlde pared. Apretar de manera seguraaHcido raso usando Hasgrapes aisladasque seproveen. Partu y pelar los extremes del cable. Enla cajade control: Acoplar e[ cable pdado altermmal #I y e[ cane blaneo al terminal #2 Atr_sdel control de pared: Acoplar e[ cable pdado alterm!nal '3",y e[ cane blanco al terminal "W". o Co[oquela parte superior dd soporte de montaie en B marcahecha 6"y asegurecon 2 tornillos Phillips de cruz cabezahexagonal per soporte dd( #10-16x 1-I/4") Hardware (red bag) Enchufar e_ operador de la puerta. Vea Advertencia de arriba. Enchufar e_operador de la puerta en un tom acorriente con clavija a tierra. Realice cheque de alineaci6n de STB. El cableado permanente adentro de la caja de control debe 6" minimo. M_s de un control de pared iDminado per e_abre puertas )rovocar5 un maffuncionamiento_ EnsambHeeHextreme roscadodellperno de Hacinta dd rid en eH agujerode[ soporte de[ travesaflo(Figure 10). Coloqueuna tuercade reborde (5/16"-18) en el perno de la cinta del rieLApriete manualmente PRECAUTION Serequiempocoesfuerzo paregirar[asperi[las deajustedefuerza. Encasedeque[apuertasedejedemovermientras est_abriendoe cerrando, a uBeloscontro[es defuerzadeaperturaofuerzadederre ligeramente girandolaperi[[aene[sentidodelasmaned[[as delrelo (para incrementar [igeramente lafuerza) yvue[vaaliniciode_stepunto. Loscontro[es aefuerzadeapertureyfuerzadederre@benajustarse a[as necesidades minimasdefuerzacone[findegarantizar que[apuertaabrey cierracomp[eta y suavemente Lapuertade[garae semover_[entamente [aprimera vezque@ere,hasta quee[abrepuertas 'programe"e[ripedepuertaqueest_acdonando. AsegOrese quee[ensam_o[e de[corredizo magn@co est_engancha doy se encuentra enmediodelosdosinterruptores 8e[[miteantes8eoperare[ abrepuertas A Tierrao NOTA NOTA INSTALEELSISTEMA SAFE-T-BEAM® EHabrepuertas no cerrarg [apuerta autom_ticamente menos que el sistema Safe=T=Beam®est_ instabdo. Macho CuR Coeexi6_ Desconecte C Verifiqueque no hayaenergiael@trica haciael abrepuertasantes de insta[ar loscanes de [aconsole de pared. J SOPORTE DEL TRAVESANO Los torni[[os que auto ta_a@ando de t/4"-20 x 3/4" C _OLmOTAPON A ZL ADVERTENC A @jar [ CONTROL DE PARED (Figura 1/4"=20 x 3/4" Self=Drilling Screws Ajustede[interrupterde[[[mitede derre: , Presione b consdadeparedparecerrarh puertadelsarae. - Silapuertano derracompletamente, mida[adistanciadesdela parteinferiorde[apuertahastaelpBo.Muevae[interrupterde [Hmite lamismadistandahacialapuerta. - Si[apuertaseregresadespu_sdeestab[ecer contactocone[piso, muevae[interrupterde[[mitehada[acajade[motet - Si[apuertaseregresaantesdeestab[ecer contactocone[piso, klcremente[afuerzadecierre. o Aprieteeltorni[10 defijadBndelinterrupterde[[imiteNo[0sobreapriete Ajustedelinterrupterde/limitede apertura: o Presione [aconsoladeparedparaabrir[apuertade[garae - 5i[apuertano seabrecomp[etamente, muevae[interrupterde [imitehacialacajadelmotor. - Si[apuertaabrecomp[etamente, petee[ motorcontinOa trabaando,muevae[interrupterde[imitehada[apuerta. o Aprietee torni o defijaciBnde imite.Noo sobreapdete. NOTA [_os.Si Coloque elsoporte de b puerta en la [ineacentral de B puerta, tan alto come seaposiNe o en sucaseen b parte superior de b puerta. EnsamNeel soporte de b puerta: • Parepuertas de metal use 3 torni[[os autoroscarttesde (1/4"-20 x 3/4") (induidos en el paquete). , Parapuertasdemadera,use3tornillosparamaderadel/4"x2't Manual. B CONEX[ON CON EL ALA_BRADO PER_ANENTE {|nstruc¢iones pare ememectridsta) [NSTALAC_0NDELACONTROL DEPARE# Pare Puertas de ann sole plezas: Grapes aisbntes (Approx 30 inidades) Pre-fijarloscontro[esdefuerzaene[puntomedioentreBAJO(LO)y ALTO(HI)(Figure25), NO CONECTETODAVlA! Tableadicionaldeapoyo Figure 8 Conecte e[ par_ntesis de pared CON TerminalAttachment at PowerHead LasRjaciBnesterminales en cabezade poder 5/!6=18 x 3/4" Hex Head Bolts La cabeza hexagonal cierra de 5/16"=18 x 3/4" Con elfinde reducirelriesgodechequeel_ctBco, eke equipotiene unenchufetipo tierraquecuentaconunatercerterminal.Esta conexiBnseadaptar_solamentea unatomedecorrientequecuente _tipodeer.tradaadiciona.Sie enchufer.oentraen atoma contacteunelectricista certificado ueleinstalela CONEXI&N Ajuste HaaHturade Hamanijade Hacuerdade Hiberaci6nde emergenciaa 6' sobreel nivd dd piso: . Coloque lacuerdaa travSsdd ensambledd corredizo magn@co hasteque la manijaquede a 6 'dd piso. . Hagaun nuevo medio nude en lacuerdaen lalevadel ensambledd corredizo magn@co. C induidos en el paquete contrad espesor de la puerta de su garaie, Para puertasm_s ddgadas a 2'; use tornillos para madera de -1/4'. VerifiqueHa condkidn y espesorde la puerta.VeaHa 3 en El Antes de instalar,verifique b Iongitud de bs tornillospggina para madera Manualde Mantenimientoy Operaci6n. Light and Lens & Maintenance , o Des[iceb fuertte del motor y d sensordd sistemaSafe-TBeam®en lasespigasde los soportes hastaque atoren en su [ugar. o Verifiqueb alturafinal de bs bntes del sensor(Figure 17). Acop[ar el [ado corto del braze curvado de [a puerta al corredizo con el pasador de horquiIB y la chaveta de dos pates. [ Staples 30 parts) A C[A Paraayudar a prevenir interferencia con el sol, el sensor dd Safe=T-Beam® (diode emisor verde) puede colocarse lejos del vane de la puerta, ee un Dgar ee donde est_ D mayor parte dd tiempo a B sombre. Pare p_ertasde ann solepieza: En el Case de Puertas Secci6nadas: insulated (approximately causar dahos severos o la muerte. Despeje e[ _rea, Co[oque la escalera aun costado de [a caja de[ motor" con e[ fin de alejarla de todas [as partes en , movimiento delabrepuertas y de la puerta. Ajuste al abrepuertas de rnanera que use e[ minirno de fufuerza pare abdrla. LA POTENCmA NOTA AcopBr el lade torte dd braze curvado de D puerta a_ soporte de b puerta con el pasador de horquilb y b chaveta de dos pates (Figure 13). C The door must contact the 2"x 4" board beforethe Carriageactivatesthe CloseLimit Switch.If not,readjustthe dose Limit Switch. install CONECTAR secdo_es Ensambbel brazerecto de _apuerta alensamNe dd eorredizo magn@ico. PRECAUT[O A . _L DE LA PUERTA [} DE as puertas hechas de masonita, madera ligera, fibra de vidno, metal, u otros materia[es ligeros ddSen asegurarse adecuadamente antes de insta[ar e[ abrepuertas. [} o La puerta del garaje se abre r_pidamente, y puede Y CONECTAR LOS BRAZOE LA PUERTA A AuTm. siemprequesetrabajeconlasinstalaciones el@tr[caL Marque Insposiciones de los 3 agujeros. Barrene 3 agujeros pibto de 5/32': Ensamble el soporte del travesaho usando 3 torni[Ios para madera de t/4"x 2'.' _ONTAR Check Safe=ToBeam ® System (STB) operation: • ff beam is blocked, door will not dose (Figure 27). Program Transmitter, Manteniendo centradala cajade control, monte al cielo raso: A laaltura cotrecta: a. En_aspuertasen secciones,e[rid debe estara nivd con el piso o ligeramentedebajo del nNeL (Figura 11). b. En_aspuertasde una soHapieza,eHrid no debe interferir per unas 2 pulgadas.(Figure 11). ®??? Header Bracket E[parantesis de encapezamiento SLIGHTLYBELOW Adjustment Thegarage dooropens rapidly, and Can pause sedous injury or death. Keep the path dear. Position the ladder to the side of the Power Head so it is clear of all moving parts of the Opener and the door. Set the door Opener to use the m!n!mum force needed to open the door. MNMU/I OF2"/E[ minimo de 2" Monte Final CHosedoor using Wa[_Console. EnsambHe b fuente (diode emisor rojo) y dd sensor(diode emisor verde)del Safe-T-Beam®a los soportes(Figura 15): o Paragarajesde unasob puerta: - Determinequ_ bdo dd garajerecibeb mayorcantidadde bz dd soldirecta,ycoloqueel foco( diode emisor rojo)de lacajadel motor en _stdado siempreque seaposiNe. o Paregarajesde puertasmO[tip[esvea [a (F[gwa 16): - El prevenir lassehalescruzadasescritico. - Cdoque losmBdulos de b fuente y d sensoren puertas anexasapuntando haciadirecdones opuestasentre sL Alineela cajade control y el rid con el centrede b puerta. Usandouno de los m_todos preferidosque semuestra, (Figure 12),monte b cajade control. (Esposibb usarotro re@odede montaje. E[punto crftico que recordaresque el conjunto dd montaje debeestersBlidamenteacopBdo y ser capazde soportar e[ pesode b cajade controL) NOACOPLEA UNAPAREDDETABLAROCAO A UNCIELORASOSUSPENDDO. Debeestarandado alentramado de b estructura del garaje. NOTE ONE=PiECEDOOR/ Puerta de una p[eza CHECKEORCLEARANCE / VeBfiquepara e_espacio[ibre. derBracket oard • • • of doorway C m #6 x 1=1/4" Remove protective backing from Entrapment Warning Label Stick bbem on wall near Wall Control e_d flat in center B ] A Open garage door using Wall Console. Lay a 2" x 4" board (Figure 26). B C Las variaciones de montaje se muestran en ia Figure 8. Cuaiquiera de esas puede usarse dependiendo dei espacio. Sin embargo, es criticoque ei punto donde se ensambia ei rid a_soporte del travesafro est_ en _aiinea de centre de _a puerta. A A NOTA ADVERTENC[A * Elusode cua[quier consolade pareddiferente a[tipo ieduido en este paquete evitar_ que [a Dz trabaje adecuadamente y podr[a causar que la puerta Opere sin que se haya accionado intencionalmente. o Los cable en cordo u opnmidos pueden causar que [a console de pared no fuhcione. Siempre que use grapes aisBntes asegOrese de co[ocadas tan distantes come se requiera pare mantener os cab esjuntos, Co_ Enchufe [ Limit Switch and Force Adjustments must be completed |before checking the contact reverse function F sure 25). i Los soportes de montaje se pueden instabr en paredes de ladrilb o de concrete usando andas para mamposteria (no induidas en el paquete). Levante[acaja de control y sopBrtda suficientem entealto de maneraque pueda levantarmanualmente lapuerta delgaraje abri_ndolatotalmente. Ponga el lade derecho de[ abrepuertas hacia arriba, y sostenga [a caja del motor de manera de evitar el romper los portal_mparas. B Rough Setting of Limit Switches A Setting Close Limit Switch (Pigure 24): Check that Carriage Assembly is disengaged. With garage door fully closed, slide Close Limit Switch toward Carriage ueq it is aligned with Carriage magnet. Tighten Set Screw. Do Not over=tighten. Setting Open Limit Switch: Manually open garage door to full open position. Slide Open Limit Switch toward Carriage unti_ it is aligned with Carriage magnet. Tighten Set Screw. Do not over=tighten. Re=engage Carriage Assembly. into Header directamente.:S2 _ g:-:_ _,\>ZLe-:cJL enelPar_ntesis":---- "__' ._:::e:_. depared _____ " .::_= B SAFE-T-BEA_ ® FUNCTmON FORCE CONTROLS A Siserequiere,ensambleunatabh de2"x 6"(Figure8) cona[menos dos(cuatroesrecomendaNe) tornillosparamaderay rondanas planas(noinduidascon elpaquete). Gently adjust Close Force fully counterclockwise (minimum force). Run Opener using Wall Console. Observe that door runs to Cbse Limit Switch. If not, a_ust Close Force Control slightly clockwise, open garage door, and close it again. Repeat steps above until garage door runs smoothly from Open Limit Switch to Close Limit Switch, 21 & 22) Location you choose should be in direct sight of door. h should be at least S'above floor to SECTIONALDOOR/ Puerta Seccional Center Liceof door Lalineacentral d epuerta Center Line af doer La[Rleacentral d epuerta ', (Figure Finding the mounting location(Figure 22). Pick a convenient location for mounting wail control - NOTE 1 wAR.m.G !s [nsta[I Safe=T=Beam ® Source and Sensor ATTACH RA|L TO HEADER A [_ the Safe-T-Beam ® System is installed. For metal doors, use 3 (1/4" =20 x 3/4'*) Serf= DNlling Screws. For wooden doors, use 3 (1/4" x 2") Lag Screws or 3 (1/4" x 2")Carriage hefts (not provided). between Adjust C|ose Force to minimum needed (Figure 2S): Place door in open position using Wall Console. Use only UL recognized wire nuts. DE ' E[ soportede[travesahodebeasegurarseaB estructurade[garaje. NoIo asegureaparedesagdetadas,detablesde aglomerado,yeso,u otros materMessimilares. o Puede sernecesadoer.samNarunatabB de 2'x 6"a b largode la estructurameteilicade la paredbcalizadaper endmadd travesaho dela puertaparaquesirvacome plata de montajedelsoportedel travesa_o.E[soportepuedeer.toncesmoetarseen e[ Dgar adecuadoy tenetrefuerzosuficiente. Siur.rosettede la puertainteffiere,coloqueeBoporte de[ travesa_oper encimadel resorte.Nomuevaelresortede[a puert& ® NOTE The Opener will not dose the door automatically Connect white supply line to white wire. Connect black supply line to black wire. Connect ground to green wire (ground). P . AsegOrese dequeelridde[acaade[motorco[ocada est_[igeramente m_s altoquee[puntom_saltode[acarrera m_ximadeviaede[apuerta, mediante [ae[evad6n de[apuertaparaverificado.Ajuste comeseanecesado. Losmateriales parae[montajede[acajade[motorde[abrepuertas pueden variar.Lea todaslasinstrucdones comp[etamente. , Lasconstrucdones delossaraesvarian. Sepuederequerkmaterial extra.Vea [ap@ina7 parevedficar e[_reademontajede[acajade[motoc 1 PRECAUTION Adjust Open Force to minimum needed (Figure 2S): Place door in dosed position using Wail Console. Gently adjust Open Force fully counterc[ockwBe (minimum force). Run Opener using VVaHConsole_ Observe that door runs to Open Limit Switch. if not, adjust Open Force Control slightly clockwise, dose garage door, and open it again. Repeat steps above until garage door runs smoothHy from Close Limit Switch to Open Limit Switch. (between splice and entrance bushing). EL SOPORTE m TRAVESA£O Test Door Opener: Run door up and down a few times using the Wall Console and observe door travel Repeat steps above as needed to set Limit Switch positions. There must be at |east 5 inches of black and white wire inside of Power Head The Safe-T=Beam alignment check will be performed following connection to eieEtriEal power. Do Not plug ELECTRICAL WARNING- Position Door Bracket on door's center line, as high as possible or on top of door. Attach Door Bracket: D NOTA _ONTAR Adjust Open Limit Switch: Press Wall Console to open garage door. ffdoor does not open completely, move Limit Switch toward Power Head. ffcarriage is crashing into power head, move Limit Switch toward door. Tighten Limit Switch Set Screw. Do not overtighten (strip} Limit Switch Set Screw. NOTE - I Adjust the CHose Limit Switch: Press Wall Console to close garage door. If door does not dose completely, measure distance from bottom of door to floor. Move Limit Switch same amount toward door. If door reverses after contacting floor, move Limit Switch toward Power Head. If door reverses before contacting floor, increase Close force. Tighten Limit Switch Set Screw. Do not over= tighten (strip) Limit Switch Set Screw. C Remove powerfrom circuit. Remove Motor Cover. Remove 4 screws from Cover and slide down off of Power Head (Figure 23). Remove and discard power cord. Cut power cord inside Power Head. Remove and throw away power cord, strain relief and knock uut. install suitable entrance bushing and power supply wire. Connect permanent wiring to Power Head. NOTE SYSTEM Ensure there is NO power to the Opener before installing Safe-T-Beam® System wires.!fOpener plugged into outlet, Unplug it Now, Pre=set Force Controls to midpoint LO and H[ (Figure 25). B Connection with grounded plug: A Checklocal building codes: Does buimding code require permanent wiring? ff yes, have an electrician perform "Connection with permanent wiring" below. ff no, pmugdoor opener into grounded outlet. . Perform Safe=T-Beam ® alignment check below. Connection with permanent wiri#g (Instructions for [kensed e_ectrician): WALL CONTROL[NSTALLA_ON Before installing, check length of the induded Lag Screwsvs.the thickness of your garage door. For doors thinner than 2", use 1ol/4" Lag Screws.Check door condition and thickness. Seepage 3 in Operation & Maintenance Manual A outlet, if you do not have a grounded outlet, contact a qualified electrician to instal[ one. DO NOT aJter the A B [Pare puertasde sara e de peso[igeras,asegOresede que ha |instahdo los refuerzosadecuados(Veala secciBnsobre [verificaciBn de lacondiciBny espesorde la puerta en la pagina S)_ Little effort is required to turn the Force Adjusting Knobs. ffthe door stops moving while opening or dosing, adjust the Open Force or Close Force Controls slightly clockwise (to slightly increase the force) and retry the step. The Open Force and Close Force Controls are tobe set to the mimimum force necessary to ensure the door smoothly opens and closes completely. The garage door wi[[ move slowly the first time it runs, until the Opener "learns" the type of door. Ensure the Carriage Assembly is engaged and is between the two Limit Switches before operating the Opener. Use of any wall Consoles other than the type Jndudedwill preventthe lightfrom working Using one of the preferredmethods shown (Figure 12}, mount PowerHead(Use5/1B'-18x 3/4 hex head Boltsand S/16'q 8 FlangeNuts).(It is possibb to use other mounting methods,The critical point to remember is that the mounting assemblymust be solidly attachedand able to support the weight of the Power Head.)DONOTATTACH TO DRYWALL ORSUSPENDED CEILING. It must be anchoredto the garageframework, TheHeaderBracketmustbe fastenedto the NOTA CAUT[O Open Limit Switch (deer felly open) E[ Interrupter abierto dd I[mite (puerta abre completament) El coche (salt6) Closed Limit Switch // / I":: [ ' _ (47_ I ,_ _ ." _ ._ , H .'[' i_AI]l'i'-L IIIlfi_!t#_ljI,LLL_ ! B:racket 6" .above Topof floor La alma de parBntesis-6" enc,ma de piso (door fury dosed) _[_[ .... EHInterruptor cerrar Termieai attachments at Safe-T_Beam® Lasfijacidnes terminales en SafeoT-Beam e F Figure 17 Final Check Figura 17 El cheque Safe-T-Beams final ® de Safe=T=Beams Figure 19 Wiring Method A ® Figure lg E[ re@ado que a[ambre A Figure 20 Wiring Method B Figure 20 E[m_tado que a[ambre B Terminal attachments at SafeoT-Beame Las fijaddnes termina[es en Safe-T-Beame de[ [[mite (puerta cerrd comp_etamente) Figure24 Settin 9 Limit Switches Figura 24 El L{mite poniente cambia Figure 27 Figure 27 Biock Safe=T=Beam e BHoquee e[ Safe-T-Beam ®
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Genie 4560 Manual de usuario

Abridor de puerta de garage
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