Admiral AW-05CR1FHLU El manual del propietario

El manual del propietario

Este manual también es adecuado para

Remote control
Mechanical control
AW-0 5CM 1FL U
_hsak you for purchasi_# _ _ room _ir ¢_nditiome_. Please read this '°Use sad Cste M_mu_! _ carefuiiy
be'fore i_st:alling and usin@ _his appiia_ce Keep this man_a! for f_t_re _ference,
ForService Ca!! 1 877 46,53566
Air Cenditiener Safety
Introduction and Parts_dentification
Electrical Specifications
Tips Before _nstaHation
Installation instructions
Operating instructions
Care aad Maintenance
Troubleshooting Guide
Warranty ............
........ 2-3
......... 4-5
........ 8-10
..... '11-14
....... 15
....... 16
......... i7
l_troducciOn .................
!_entificaciSn de las Piezas ......
Especificaciones E!_ctricas .......
Censejes A_tes _ela Instalacio_ .....
_struccienes de _nsta_a¢iOn.....
_strucciones de Operacibn .....
Cuidado y Manienimie_to .........
Gufa para la Solucidn _e Probiemas o.,
..... 18
..... 20
.... 21
°.. 29
..... 30
....... 31
WhatYouNeedireKnow AboutSafetyinstructions
Warning and Important Safety instructions appearing in this manual are not meant to cover
all pessibite conditions and situations that may occur. Common sense, caution, and care
must be exercised when operating or ciea_tng too_sand equipment.
Always contact your deaie5 distribute5 service agent, or manufacturer about problems or
condttione you do not understando
This ist:hesafety alert symboi _tis usedto a_ertyouto potelstialpersonal;injury hazards
'a_lsafety messagesthat feiiow this symbolto avoid possible in_dy or death
DANGERindicate:san imminently hazardoussituation which, if not
avoided, wi!! _esu!tin death or serious inury,
WARNING indicates a potentiaily hazardous situation which if not
avoided could result in death or serious injury°
CAUTIONindicated a potentiaily hazardous:situationwhich if not
avoided, may result:in minor or moderate i_]iu_y,
CAUTION used without the safety alert symbol indicated a
potentiaily I_azardous situation which, if ,not:avoided, may result in
property damage,
Toreduce the risk ef fire, electrical
shock, or injury when using your air
conditioner, follow these basic precautions:
, P_ug into a grounded
3_prong outlet.
, De net remove
ground prong
DO not USe an extension co_d,
Unplug air conditioning
before servicing.
gee two or more people te move
and install air cendit:iener.
The p0rlab!÷ Bit con d t_on_t shoMd be co_r_ec_ed
to A t 15 V180 Hz 15- @20amp fused 3opre_9
Fhe use of a time-d@ay fuse or timeode_aycircuit
breake_ is {ecerr_mended.
All wid[_g must ec_t_p@with locat and nat_al
e!_ctr_cal codes and be in_Nled by a quNified
ekTetric_an,if you have any quest_o_s_co,tat1
a qua_Fie8dectrieiar_
Electrical Requirements
- Plu_ nfo a grounded 3_.pre_goutlet.
D_ _et remove _reued prong
De ae_ use an adapter.
D_ _ot u_e an exten_io_ cord,
- FeiJu_to foJ(owtJ_eeeinstructions oa_
res_t_ in dea_ fl_'e_or e_ectr_oal sl_ook,
Power Supply Cord
NO'TS: Vou_ units d÷,_ ce may diff÷_ fr6_# t)'_eone shzs_m',
Te test yaar pewe_ s_#p(y cer_:
4 P_es_a_J I_e_,@ f/_ESET(bsi¢lfor _m:k'o_M_t bu_le_d4i i_,sh
U psc k the Ai Oondlt oner
Use two or mere _oNe _emove and
inslall air ce_ittene_ro
Failure ls _o so ¢_a res,ull 1_ta;k _f
Remove packaging materials
Rotor;ryeand pr_aper_ydispoee of packag r_gmaterials_
Remove tape asd glue residue from su_aces before
turning as the air condltionero Rub a smail amount
oK)iqu/d d_shsoap ever the adhesive with your fingers°
Wipe with warm water and d%
Do cot _se slsarp instruments rubbing alcohol
flsmmable fiude er abrasive ofeaners to _emove
tape o glue These preduots oaF_damage the
eudaee of your air coedhieeer,
Handle a_rcoeditioner w_th care.,
Thank you for _,c_s_ng this ro_m a_rco_dit:ioaer to c0o_you_ home Thi_ Use and Care Manuat provides
in'rormat_o_necessary for the proper care and maintenance of your r_ewroom air conditiOneh !f prepe,dy
maia_ined_ your air _ndit#ner w#_lgive you mary years of t[mub_efree operation To avoid imsta_t,alon
dimcuWes,, read instructions _mplete_y before s_img, This rnanua_ c_m_ ns info_ation for the instaiiat_en
and operation of your r_m air _mdJtioner.
for mechanica| centre| model
Thermostat Knob
Air [a_et
The f_ut_e4rsin this rnsnuat a¢_ based on the externa_ view of _ standa_ modeL
C_sequer_t_y, the ,shape may diffe¢ from that of the a_r co t yeu ha_ seteoted,
Thankyoufor_sing thisro_m a_r cond_oaer to coo_ your home This U_ a#d Ca/e Manual provides
informat_oe nec_ssa_ for the #roper care e#d ma#n_nance or your new room air conditioner. !f _ropedy
maintained_ your air _ndilfioner w_ give you many years of _m_b_afree o_ration ?o avoid ias_ttaflon
difficu_ties,, read ias/truct_ons _mpletely be_ore s_Ming. This rnanua_ c_n_ ns information for the in_atlatJon
and operation of your r_m air _aditio_er.
Pa_s identification
Remote c:oatroi mode!
The f!_u_e #_##s m_nua_ a_ebased o_ the extema¢ v_w o__ ste_de_Y model
Cee_quend)/, the shape may differ _rom tha_of the a_t cendttionec you have selected.
I _ wi_in#must_mpl¥with_oca!andnationa_
qualifiede_ectNdan _fyo_ have any queseons
r_ardin 9 the fol_in,g instruc_©#s conta_ a
2 ChecA avaiiable power sup#ly and resolve a#y
wiring probtems BEFORE ins_ai_r_gand ogerating
3, For yaur safety and protect_or_,. Th_sua!t is
grounded though the :power co_d when p_ug_d
_ntoa mashing wa_toutleL, ffyeu are not sues
whether your wal! eut@t is' #_unded,
please censu# a d de ,
If Lhe ai_ _nditioner has a seria_ plate rating
up to, a_d _ndudi_g 75 amps_ the unit maybe
oe a fuse or @re_i_ breaker wJ_hother devil&
However, the maximum amps of a_l _evices
oe that fu_ o_ otre_it breaker ca_ _ot exceed
the amps of _he fuse of circui_ breaker,
_fthe air co,ndifioner has a sedal p_ate _at_ng
greater tha_ 75 amps, it mu_t have its ow_
fuse or c_rcui[ breaker_ an_ #o other device or
u_A shoutd be o_erated on the fuse or circuit
To avoid _he possibility of ;pomona! ir_jury_
discx3nnect #ower to the unit before instal_ing
4. The wa!! o_tiet m_st mat@_the p!ug on the
se_ce cord supplied w_h the unit DO NOT use
piug adapters or extension cord,
5 The _ti_g pta'te o_ the unit cont_ainse[ectri_
and other technical _ata° The _a_i_gplate is
]ocate_ 0a 1he #gh_ side of the a_it:,
YourR_m AirConditioneran,itisdeaig_!edto
beh_Ny off,centand_ve e_orgyF_!lowthane
2 Thefit_erisveryemcien_inremovingairborne
pa_c_e&Keepairfilter cle_n No_a_y, fil_e_
should be cleaned on_ a month More
frequent cleaning may be necessa_ depending
on outdoor a_d indoor air quality,
3 Use drapes, eudaiaso or shades te keep direct
suaiight #'era heating your room hut #0 NOT
ebstruc_ the air ®nditbne_, AHo_ _hree(3) inches
around unii to circulate.
4 StaA your air _:_ndi_iener before outdoor
ai_ becomes hotand uneomfo_ble Th_s
av@ds an !nffiat peri_ d d!_omfo_ wh_e
the unit is coo#rig off the r®m
5. When outd_r temperature is cooi
enough° use Hl or LOW FAN ON£¥.
This circulates indoor air, providing
some eoo_iag cornfort_ and utAzee !ees
e_e.etrictt_tha_ whe_ operatia#(_ a
Your Reo_ A_r Condffiener was designed
for easy _ns_i{a_ba i_ a single or deuble_h#n 9
window. NOTE: This uni_ is NOT designed for
(sfider type) _@dews.
'Toavoid i_et;altatfo_@_ti_g difficulties,
read _ho f_str_etio_a tho._oug_ly°
NOT_; Save _he caden and packing
for @_am slorage or tra#spe# of _heuniL
P@a,se check' the cen_e_¢s of re kit against
the d_ 9 m_e_ check rise,pdor to
£_sfaflafian of the unit,
See !ists be_ow.
2/5"Screws (tl)
Because the ®represser _slocated on the controls
side of the unit,this side wi_! be heavier and mere
awkward to mampula_e, eadequate sup,pert 0n
eont_i side of Lheunit can result in per_e! inju_
, and damage to your unit and pro_tty. The_fo_e,
it is recomrneeded to have somec_e assist you
during the installation of th_s unit,
F Your unit was des_ned to evep_srat,econdensatie_
under normat conditions Ho,,*_vero_,mde_ e
h_midityt'_adibons excess r_ndensafon may cause
b_se pan to over_ow ie the ouf_side,
The uni_ should be #_ste_edwhere eondresat:ion
runoff caeno_ ddp o_ pedestrians or ne_ghbodr.g
8ele the Best Location A'_ln 9
A, Year _m air conditioner was desigr_ed to
fit easily into a sin#!e or double h_ng w_ndow
However, since window designs va% _ may be
ne@&sa_ to make some modifications for safe
B. Make sure window and frame _s®_uctura_{y
sound aed free f_m dry and ro_ed w_d
C For maxim_m efffcien_, t_a_ll _he air _editio_er
oa side d _he ho_se or b_Jildi#gwhich favors more
shade th_n sunfigbL _fthe uni_ is ia _irec¢ sunfighL
it _Sadvisable '_ provide an awning ove_ the e_i_
D. Proqde su_cien_ e_earance around thecab#_e¢
to e_!_ _orample air c_rcu]etbn through the unit
The rear of the unit should be outdoo_ and ne_her
_na garage nor inside d a buitdiag_ Keep u_ as far
away ,as _ssi_fe from obstacles and e_s_ruct_e_s
and at _eae_30_above t_ floor or ground (See dgh_
figure) Curtains and other obi_l_s within a room
shouM _ prevented from M_kin# _he air flow.
BeBe certain 1he proper etec_r_ out,eL is w_hie
reach of the i_s_II_on, Use o_ly a single out_et
c_rcu_ _ted at i5 amps All wiring should be in
ao_rda_ce w'i_h[_af and marietta! e_ _codes
see tune below
_TiP "11.4'*%3"
1, _fyour air coadit_o_er cabinet 17.T _w_de, it wiii fit
,w_ldow openings 2I'" to 35" ie wide° Minimum
oger_ia_ height is 14" from bottom d sash to silL
2 A:t_ach_f_echa_ae_ _sai to _he c_a_ne_ _4[tom,
a_d ir_s_H _ top ch&er_el _o_ air conditioner wl_h
_rews, an,diase_ the guides of _,heeu#ain frame into
the guides of the unitthen faste_, the cu_ains te the
uni_ with screws, See Fig 2
ffthe guide Of the cu_ain frame p_nts interference
w#h the base pan cut the guide to proper length,
3 Cut _headheeive.backed seai strip _he wiedow width.
Remove the backing from the _ai st#p and a_ch
the _ea__,Mp to the u_de_ide o_the bottom window,
See F'_go3.
4,, Measure _heinside window sill width and fi_d
the cee_e_line as shown in Fig 4,_
.... ......... ................................
.................. :: ..... I/_
_i 9. I
2/5" Screws
............i :::::..................................
Fig 3
Fig, 4
innersl_ _as_t]oneL bracket 7,5to each s_de
or r_nte{ line, See Fig_ 5,
& Carefu41ytiIR_he air conditioner and s_ide _ in_o
the open window. Make sure the bottom guide
in[_othe notches of the L brackets_
When _e air conditioner drops into the L bracket_
the air _editioner will be _nteted in window opening
as shown in Fig_6,
Whle atesdyia9 the air ®adi#oner, carefully bring
the wlnd_ sash down behind _he top r_hanne!
of th_ unit, as shown in Fig_ 7
F_×top oha_e! 1ow_ndow sash with o_e 3/4
sctew_ and f_×,s_decu#ain f_mes with four 314
screws as shown in Fig6,
t _fstorm window presents interferenc_ fasten
a 2'_wide wo_ str_p to _e inne_ window sili across
the fUl! width d the ei!i The weed strip shouid
be thick e#ough to raise 1fhehei#ht d the ,_ndow
siti so that the unit can _ _nstalled wRhout in_ederenc_e
from _e e_orm w_ndew frame, aS show }n Fig 8,
Top d w_ad strip should be appm×_mate_y 3/4"
higher than the storm w_ndow flame _oheip
cond,ensatio_ [o drain ptopedy to [h_ oatsldeo
Insta_ a second w_ad sir@ (a_proximate!y t7"
_ongby 1lr2"w4de and sa_ thickness as first
s#_p) i_ the center of' the outer silt f_ush against
the back d_he i_ner sill
Screw the L brackets in_ this st@_ this wi!! raise
the L bracket as shown in _i9 &
F_g. 5
F_9 6
Mechanical control model
ON will star the aireondtto_er
OFF wi_ioompfetely shut-off _ urdt,
See Fig.9
Fan Only
Rotate the knob dial to the Fan Only ma;A:_the unit
w_iieirceiate th÷ air without:_3[ieg
See Figo&
Retake the knob diaf to the Ceeiet marks, _he unit
w_i c_rcula_ethe sir with c®i_eg
To _ desired _.llng temperature_ simp#y re,ate
Lhe knob _othe appropriate se_#£. The the_ostat
w_W t_]ly _ntro_s the coe_ng eyrie of the
air cor_di_Jeeerto m_intain room temperature,
Hcfwever, the fan _otor wi[_ continue to o_rate after
_he compressor is eomp_e,t_
See F]go9,
Fan S, ed
LOW wit_ci_eulaLe_heair at a minimum speed w_th
or not,Re_mmended _er nDhbtlme use
H! w_#e[_suts_ _e air st a _×imum speed with
cool_ng or eo_
NOTE: A#er seeing the mode, allow 3 minutes
before swiZching te another m_e,
Thermosta_ knob
When using FAN contm_ t_m s]owty allowing
uni_ to a_u_.
When using TN_R_OSTAT be sure to el:low
3 minutes before ehengingtem_rature
Adjus_ng _.) q_ick!y may cause a_ ovedosd
resu_tie9 in a b_own fuse..
Control Pane]
You can easily o_aie ibis air conditioner by press relevant
but:toe on the ceakol pane_ as we_ as the remote control
The air conditioner wit! be started when !t is energized or w_
be stopped when it is in opera,ion if you press this buxom
Each time Mode button is pressed_ the opera[ioe mode s
eha_ged _nsequence:
NOTE A#e_ settir_g the torte, aflew 3 minutes _fore
switch)_ to another mode
In the FAN ONLY M_e ,Room Temp range
_sfrom 0°C (32_];°_to 38'_C(9g1:_)o
R_m Temperature be_ow @_C':the Temperature L&
_m Tem_eratUre above 38°C,the Temperature @splay HI,
U_d to so!err fan speed in sequence AUTO,LOW0MED_UM
and H!GH
T(MER (this b_on is not ava)iabie on the centre! pane()
U_d to set or' canoe! _imer ope_atie_
When the unit _sn operatbn, you can _et OFF T!MER
When the u_i_ is of, you _n set ON TtMER, setting
range _s0 to 24 hou_.
_fthe OFF"TIMER is se_, _heti_er L_D dlsptays She
remaining _me _o_um e# _e u_i_ for on;ly 12:seconds, then
LaD shifts to display se_temperature _fyou p_ss 'TIMER
b_tton within the t2 seconds,OFF TIMER wiii be _nce_ed
_fIhe ON T[MSR is sol '_e timer LED d_sp_ys the
_maining time _oturn on the unit. Ifyou wan_[to ca_ce_
ON T_MER, press T!MER button.
Used to :setroom _emp inCOOUNG m_e or used
to set #me in T!MER mode
if the two keys are prosed at the earn÷ _ime ,the
temperature LED display wi]_ a!temate _eea %?and "F,
BuSthe _e_ d "%}:"oP_F_'yeu_n cha_ge. Usuaiiy,
_,ose m_els _d 220'vW50Hz ma_ed ,with "T.}", ether
mode_e marked with _Y°,.
NOT_; tunesetting renge _Sfrem f#°C (66_F) to
S _
Ce_oi Pane!
Remote contro|
The _mote control _ansmits signals to the system_
Po_r button
The app_ian_ wilt be s_.artedwhen it is ener-
9Lzed or w[l_be stopped when it _sin o_rati,-
on, _fyOUpress this bu_t_0n,
T_mer button
Used to set or cance,_timer operation,
M_e buttee
Ueed to seiec_ the operation mode.
Power Save_ bu#:on
U_ to s_lee_ the Ene_gy_savi_g mode,
A_4e bu_on
Used _ selec[ _heAuto _an speed m_e,,
Mid butt,on
U_d to sefeet _heMid _an speed mode.
High b_t_o_
Used to selene _he high fa_ speed mode
_ow b_tt_
Use_ to selec_ [be Low f_n speed mode
........+ _u_ons
U_ to s_ room _emperature ir_COOLING
mode or used to set _me in T_M_R mode,
NOT_:i Cha_gi#g modes d_dn 9 o,_rat_on, sometimes the uni_does n_ riespense at once Wait3 minutes,
2,Wait 3 minutes before _estaAing the applian_
Remote controt
Remove [he batte_ _9ver accor_ir_g to the arrow direction,
inset; new batte_es making sure _ha_:_he (+)and {o}of battery
Rea_ac_q the _ve_ by siidia9 Rback into position.
m_ dim
How to Use
To operate the room air conditioner __im the remote control
to _e sigaa! receptor.
The remo_e con_ol wi_ _etate _he air ¢oodifloner a_ a dis-
_a_ce ef up to 23 feet when _ointing _ eignal ree_p_or d indoor
turn[nepewee switch IO_h_OFF position and
dis_nneet the power cod from the e_ec[rioa_
1, DO NOT u_ #ase_!ne, benz_ne, tbinr_er o_
other chemicals on _he air _ndttioner as these
substances may cause damage to the paint finish
and deformation d p_astic parts
2_N_¢er at_empl te pour water directly on the
#o_[ of the unit as t#is wil_cease de{edoration of
the _ec_ricaJ h_suiatioa_
Oleanin 9 the Air Filter
F Ihe a_rfl_ter becomes c_(×jged w_thdust, alroflow
is obstrucled and [educes emciency The a# filter
should _ clean_ once _ mot_h. Mere frequent
clea_ing may _ ne_s_ de,pending on outdoor
and ind_r a_r q_a_ity.
The air Bier on the above mede_s is
behind _he A_r_tet Gri#e,
To remove the air fikec g_asp _he f!_terhandle
_ocated on the _p sde of _heA_r h_e_Gd_e
and slide _e a_ _lter to t_e up,
To reins[a!! _he air fll_er; reverse the above
DO NOT fer_ to instatl _he air fiitet g the air
cause your air cenditbne_ to fail
When _he air fitter, air inlet 9fiNe and cabinet
ere dirty, wipe wi_h lukewarm _ater (below 40_ :)'_
U_ of mi_ddetergen_ is re_mmeadedo
I Remove dus_ _ged in the _ter by
tapping g o_"vacuum dean _i
2 Wash the filter we!! with _uk÷_arm water be!_
40°C(104'?') While rubbieg _ight}y.To 9e_ better
reeuAs wash _twith soap_ water or a neetra_
3, Rinse _he fiitet weii usin_dean water thee
1. O_rate the fan alone for haJfa day to d_ oui
the inside of lhe unit
2oTurn _ power and remove _a# fro_
wall S_ket
3. C_eaa fl_ter.
4_S_ore in a d_ local}on,
Frequentiy,apmbiemisminorandeserviceealimaynotbene_ssa_ usethistroubies_qoo_ie#guidere{e
Power i#'lerruptlon, settings
change too quickly, or
_mpree_t eve#end tdp_d
Remove obstruction f_m #dfle or
oNtdoor _o&_vers.
Let fan mn _o reetaA compressor
(in approximately 10 minutes}
Tighten _oose peas.
Provide additiona_ euppo_ _e unt.
Odors Formation of mo!d_ mildewo or Remove drain p_a9 and drain base pan
algae on wet sudaoes Replac_ dra_ pk_g,
Clean unit _horougNy.
Conde#eatio_ run-off is _orraa_ Add _exib,/e tubing to redirect 'water flow:
durtng hot and humid weather
Water dripping inside Unit is not progerty angled _o Unit must be iastafled on as angle for proper
allow water to dral_ outside. _ndonsattos runoff, Chock _e matt and
_ake ad_ustments_
ice or frost bui_d_up Low outside tempera_ere When outd@r lem£erature is appro×ima_e_y
65_t; _ _elow, frost may form when unit is in
_!ing mode Switch aai_ _ FAN ONLY
operation anti_fro8_ meI_s,
Uni_ air fitter is di_/. Remove and d_ean filter.
ff d_uit b_eaket is tripped _epeetediy, or fuse Ls:blown mo_ than once., c_ntact a quafified techn_cia_
For one year f_m the date of purchase by the, orig inal owner, a_ part which
fails in materials or workmanship under normal us_ the part will be replaced.
During this period, all parts and service will be provided free of charge, so
long as the air conditioner has been installed and operated in accordance with
the written instructions in this manual. This war_nty includes in home service.
For the :second through the third _ear from date of original purchase, this
warranty will pr_ide a replacement compressor free of charge due to
product failure. The customer writ be responsible for the labor charges related
to rep_acing the compressor in years twothrough three _The consumer is
responsible for the service _abor and possible freight charges for shipping
the unit:. Cost _ move the air conditioner to the servicers' shop and back to
the user's home may be required and are the user's responsibility.
This warranty does not apply if damage occurs because of accident,
improper handling or operation,, shipping damage, abuse, misuse,
unauthorized repairs made or attempted, ceremonial use of the product
or any other use for which it _s not intended.
This warranty does not app{y to damage to _e product caused by accident,
fir_ floods, acts of war, terrorism, or acts of God.
This warranty does not cover service trips to your home to educate _u on
the use of the product, or loss ef food and drink due to spoilage.
This warranty does not apply outside the continenta_ United States.
This warranty is to the origina_ _ner for products purchased for home use
within the USA. Some state do not aliow the exclusive or Hmitation of
incidenta_ damages. This warranty gives you specific rights, and you may
also have other rights which may vary from state to stiate. To know what
your legal rights are, consult your local or state consumers affairs office
or your state's Attorney GeneBi.
Gt_a¢ias#or e_e2_¢esfe effe e ado para enffi&r 8u hogar. Este MAHUAL DE USO Y MANTE#_I_ENTO
prop<_rciot"_aIa tntormackm ne para: cuic_ary mantene_"en h_rma adecuada su nuevo a)_,eacond_cionado
_:'6_RC)Ot]aF/J S_F_problemas dtxante touches a_os d/e br_da d mantef_lmien_o apropiado Para e_4_tar
a.sa__ _a co met_te tas [_s_rucciones a_tes de ccm_enzafi Este m_ed
intormas_;_naoe_ca de la insta_aci4_ y e_funcfonamiento de_a_re para habftacione&
Identificaci6n de las Piezas
F_tm de A!;re
(e_ e_interior)
Las im_Jgenes de este manua_ est_n basadas en ia vista extema de un modelo es_ndar
En consecuencia_ es p_obable que _aforma sea diferen_e a la del aire acondicionado
q_e us_ed se_eccion_
M_eio de Remeto ¢ont_olador
Rejil_a de Entrada
de Ai_e _ntetiot
A_eta de Aim Ve_t_a|
Las i_:_genes de este manual est_ni basadas en _a vista externa de un modelo est_ndar,
E n consecuencia, es probable que la forma sea diferet_te a _a del aire acondicionado
que usted se_eccion_
_ _ii;
1 Todos los tames deben cure,lit _>on!os c_di#os
ek_ctricos iocales y nacionales y _osdebe nstaisr
un eJ÷ct#cista !icen¢ia@, 8 _en÷ ptegun_as,
re!aciomsdas con !as siguie_es ins#ucc one_
comun(quese con un e!ectr_cist_a licenc ado
2 Vet _iqu÷el suminis$_o de energta disponibie y
res_e!va cualquier probiema cot !os JCablesANTES
' I
de ns_aar y ha_r func_onar e®ta u_idad
3 Para su seg_ddad y #¢otecci_s_ es_a u_'_idades_a
con÷c_;sd_ a tietra a 1raves de! cable de_,al me_'_taci(_
c_a_do se enchufa a un tomacor_÷nte de pared
p_ov_s_ode _nexiO_s a tierra Si no es_d_seguro de
que e! tomacornente de pared ol e_a con la
conexi68 a 8e4rraapropiada consulte con un
electr_ds_ _cen_ ado_
Si e_ r6tu!8 de_ aire acondicionado indica 115
voitios y basra 7.5 ampedos la unidad se
_uede con÷c_ar a un _odacir_ilo o fusible
uti_iz_do per ethos dis#esitivos No obstante,
_asuma de _os _mpe_ios msximos de todos
lo8 dispostfvos conec_a_os a dk_ho
cor_acircuito o fusiMe no deben e×ceder _os
arnperios d@_mismo.
Si el r6_u_odeJare acond cionad0 indica ! !5
voRios y m_s de 7.5 amperios, debe tenet su
p_9_io _usib_÷o cottacircuito y no se debet_
cone_ar ning_3notto dis_osi_ivo o unidad _ dicho
fusib!÷ o cortaci_cuito.
Rata evi_ar lesiones f_sicas desconecte e_
suminisiro de energi a de _a unload
8hies de ins_lar_a o reparada.
4 El _omacotrien[e de pared (de 3 c_avijas) debe
coincidir con e_erfchufe (de 3 ciav}jas} del cable de
a_imentaci0n suministrado oon i_ _nida& NO _ti!_ce
ada_ladores de enchufe ni ¢>abf@sde exte_sk_n.
Coasul_e _aT#@_at para obteaer _sfotmaci6n acerca
de recep_6cuios y fusibies
5:_1 r#_u!ode _ unidad con_iene datos el_ct_ cos y
_ecn_s, Dcho r6_u_O encu÷n[_a en el la;do
derecha de la unidad
Suu_idad de Are Acondi@mnadopare Habitaciones
se ha disc _do papa !:_g@r_ are ren_ miee{o y
abetter e_ergia elan-trio&Sg)a _assi@Jien[es
sugerenc as pare to9_,ar_i_ mayor rend mien_e.
1 Aj#s_e e_[ermostalo a un _ive!que le_s@te
agradaNe y @jelo e_ e_ni,_'etae/eccionado
2 £i_iI_ro_o aie es muy dicie_e a la hera de e!iminar
pa_ cuias qua se des¢_iazan_r el 8ire, Man_en_a
{mp_oet fl_trode are Per io _eaera[, ei fi_a deber_
limp area,una vez a! rues; Es p_oboble qua _a
necesado limp a4o con rues #e_enda depend endo
de _aca_dad de! are ext_nor o nte_ior
3 Puede utitizat tapices, oo_tieas o pan_allas pare
ev l.arqua _ak_zdirecta de_so! ca lento su hab ¢acian,
pe:o ['40 obstewa e_are aeond donado Parmita
que e/ate c_rc@ealtededor de la ue]dad sin
4 £#cmnda e!aiPeaeondi:conado antes de qae a
tempe_ak_raexterior sea d÷masiado elevada y
desagradab_e. De esta manera evitar8 sa#sr_31or
mien[ras la un_ad ÷n#ia la habi_ad6n
8_ Ake A_ndicionado pare Hab [acioaes se ha
d se_iado de mode _al q_e _e_uite f4cii su inshaiac :6s
en vemanaa armadas ser_eil_as o dobaes, NQTA: asia
undad NO se ha d se_iado papa verbenas ve_ ca!as
(de tips desiiza_te),
las nstr_JCCones
NOTA: ceRse_ve_acaja de _aunldad y los materia_es
de empaque Pare a!macemar_ao _rasspo_ar_a ea el
f@am Antes de _m_,a!_r_a_n gad compare el
canton do de!iaegade herrajeS co_ la Ista de co_ro_
dei medea correspon@en_a, OoBsulte ias sig_ien_es
lis_as (_g t)
@_ Torntk_ _,e3,,t"(7)
Seia (I)
Canal8u_rmr (1}
Se[@ de_ ca_ai (1} Oo_i P_a _sle_f_¢_ e_s_#J (! }
(1_[*_ :" 't Co_ima:at_a zq ,_ierds ('
5. Cuando a [emp_ra/_uPae>:terieres Io s_Jic;entemen_e
f_esc_'3 U_c_ d_le H!GH FM*4(ve_h!ado_ a! _x me) o
LOW _AN vent lador ai m_nime_ _sio Base qua @are
interior eire@e auna _e_pePa_Paagradab e y consume
manes ene%_a e ec# ca qee s hic era fu_cioaaP/a
eadad came e_iader ,deaiPe
Nora: Tomill@ £_eede_ Par8 d O_e de Re_erv&
Herram_en_s Nece_aPfas papa _aI_sta]ac_6a ea Ventaaa:
Destom_ilado_es; _hi_ps y de eabeza p_ana
Talaera ei_ctdce:b_eea de _18puigada de _@_e
Cinta me,rice
_ ;ii_
Debde a que el compresa_ se encuentra dal lad÷
de It5 contro/es (a _aderecha de ia uaidad), este
lade _,f_ m6s _sado y rnasd _ci_ de man pu_a_
S la unidad so s÷ sostiene ben de dicho a_o
pueden pr_uc_se iesienes _ scas _ da_;$osa la
ur'_dad y a su propieda& Per Io tanto__e
re6amendamos q_e _ara ins_alare_a unJda_
so! cliteayuda a ,arras personas.
R b_ unJ_ad eata Nse_ada pars evapora_rI_ ce_,_sa6_f,n
baje con_i_one_ n_rma!as, No eb_a_e, b_je ¢on¢ti@a_s
de exlrerna hum÷dad 88 _xobab_e m_e is conde_a/aci_'m
excesiva h_$a q_® la baaGsja base s_ desbo_de hacia e
e×_r_o_,Par !obs_s_ota_ida_ ,_ebe_,_ns_alafa8en ua _9ar
do_de a des<:arga de la (xan_Jeasacbq n(>gosse Sabre e_
paso de pealones _'_an la._pto#_ade_ v_dsi_w_s
I, Sefecciene !a Meior Ubicadan
A E! air÷ a÷o@dicie_ado par÷ hab_acio#es tiene u_
dse_a qua,factRa su co!o_sr_(_n8n yes,arias
armadas _n#ilas o d@_es No ob_tant@,debido a
q_a as d se_os de yen[an÷ son tee vadados, as
probable qua sea aecesari@realizar a/gunaa
mf_ificaciones para _o9@rusrainsla/acian segara y
B, ,Aseg_resede qua fa _anb3nay e_marco _engan
una es{ructura firm÷ y qua la mad÷r÷ no aa_#rajada
C, _ara ograt e! ma×mo _andimieeto in_ta!e ÷l _ire
a¢ondicior_ado @1lade de _acasa e ed fi¢io dan@
hay÷ m_s sombta qua sOLS_!a andad se en_ontra_a
e×p_esta a [a_uzde_so es aconae}abl_ s)_ocarle un
ioldo encma
17 !_4 13
ELAseg'areae de in.stda_ la un_ad cerca tie u_
tomacor_ie _te _ectri_ adec_ado, UHce _r'_
_macorrien_e de 15 a_er_÷s con c_rcuito 8×€@siva
papa e_are a,cond c_÷na_o l'_Jos _os cable÷ deb_Sa
cumpi _cos _ascadigos ebctncos toca_es y nacJonal_a
obst8culos qua puedaa causar obstruccioees y Far io
manes a 30" de_nrvet det psi> o del su@toDsber@a
tomarae precauc_o_es par÷ avatar qua _asc@_inaso
cualq_ier o{ro obje_o d,en_o de uaa habila8 6n
O ©qe suificiente espacio slrededo_ de_gabins_e par÷
permKi una amp_iaeircu/aci6r_de ape a _ravesde _a
unidad, Vea (Fig 2). La pa_a pasterRx' de la a_idad
daben_ dar a} are libra y no a un 9_aja _'__l _er or de Re_afatlos par÷/as _be_u_as de venta_a_
U_ _ifiCiO. Mante_ga _aunidad b m_SS!÷}aSposib @de (c@llsa_e la ai#eieate labia)
_ _ii_
Pasos parala instalaci6nen ventanas
1_Si e_ aire acondicionado _ene un gabinete de 17, 7_
de ancho, podr_ co_c_arse en abe_ur_s de ver4anas
de 2t' a 35" de ancho,, La aRt_a m aima de abertura
es de t4" desde Ia pa_e i_f÷dor del marco h&_ta e_
umbral (Fig. 1}
Fig 1
2 Une e_ _!!o de1 eana_ al 1rondo de! canal, e insta!a
et canal su_rior al aire acondicionado con los tomillos,
÷ in_ las gufas de_ bastidor de la ooAina hasta las
g:uias de _aunida& y despu6s sujeta las co_inas a la
unidad con bs tomiiios. Vea Fig_2.
Fig_ 2
3 CoAe ta tira de sel_o adhesivo deI ancho de _a ventana,
©ui_e e! revesflmienb de la tJra adhesiva y p_gue_a en el
interior de ta paAe infedor de la ventana (Fig 3),
4_ M{da el ancho de_ interior de_ umbral de _aventana y
de_ina _a:linea ce_',tTalta;Icomo se indica en la Fig, 4.
_ _ii_
5, {nsta]e _os_po4es en L en ÷_embraf ex[emo_ de
m_o qae _aparte m_s co_a de! soporte apoye oontra
Ia parta posterior de_ umbra_ inferno, i_slaie un s_po_e
en L a 7,:5_de cada tado de _alnea cen_rai Vea _a
Fig 5
6,, Leva#te e_aire acendidonedo con macho cuidado y
des!i ce_o per la ventar_a abieda Aseg_rese de qae _a
gua inferior de! aire acondicionado ae inse_a ea laa
ranuras de los sopo_as ÷n Lo Cuando a_aire
acondicionado apace en _os sopo_es en L,qeedara
oeatrado en _aabertura de ia ventana _al coma se
indca en _aFig,&
Mientrea acomoda a_are acondic.ia_ado baje ®l
marco de _e ventana ,_n macho cuidado y ap6yela en e!
canal superior del aire acond_cionado,, tal come se _dlca
en la Fig_ 7. PYime_o ajuste ambos _ados a_embra_ de ia
ven_ana con dos torniilos de 3_'4" y uao de 2t5" (qua se
de.amelia de cada lade de [a unidad) Lue9o a_aste ell
cana_ superio¢ a_marco d_ la _e_tana oar un tomillo de
3/4" y ajuste los marcos de ta ceAina _atera_con cuatro
tomiiios de 3/4"_ _al come se indice en ia Fig. 6,
7 Si una ven_;ana _esis[e#ta a hu_acanes i_!.adiere,
adhiera una tab/a de madera de 2 _de ancho a! umbraJ
interne de Is ventana,, a !o !argo de rode e_encho de}
umb_aI, La _eble de madera debate set !o suficientemente
gruesa come para ÷_evat _aaltura dal umbra_ de la
ventaaa de m_lo qua _aunidad pueda instatars8 sin
que el marco de _aven_ana resisCente a _uracanes
intediere, tal come se isdica en ta Fig &
Ram qu® sea _tii la pa_e :superior de ia tabia de madeta
debe_ ester aproximademeate 3/4" m_:_sarriba qua el
marco de _a ventana resistance a hura@nes pa[a sum dare,
Instate uae segunda _abla de madera (_e apraximadamen_e
6"_de largo par 1 1/2° de ancho y el mismo grosor de ta
primera _abta} en e_ centre da_ umb_ai _z×temo contz_a_a
parte posterior de_ umbraJ in_emo, Atom tl÷ tos soportes
an L a esta _:abla Esto eievar_ e_ sopode en L ta_come s@
indica e_ _aFig. 8,
F_ . 5
MODE (Mode}
ON Vs a em_zar e! aire scondicaondo
OFF(Apaga_o}apaga la u_ida_ completame_e
Rosa ei dia_de _apedlla a ia mares dei venfllador
sob:/a unidad cir_lara e_aire 8in refre_ca_e,
Yea Fig,&,
Ro_ e_d_a_de la _r_l!a alas marcas de_
reffigerador, la uni_d @rcularA e! aJre
con refescarse Para fijar ia temperatura
refresca que desea; rata simptemente _a
peri[ra a_aiuste apropiado_ E! termosta_o
contro_ar8 autom_ticamente et cic_o
reffesoo dei sire acondi_ionade pars
mantener !a temperatura ambiente.
Sin embargo_ el motor de! venti_ador
conti#uara a _erar despu_s de que
se termi_ el cempreser. Vea Fig,&
BAJO: Ckcu!ar_ e! ai#e en una ve_ocidad
m_nima con refre_fse o no recomendada
pars ei use de la n_he,
HG_4 FAN (Ve_tiiader a! _,,_;,ximo}
hard_que e_sire drc,u_e a una ve_oc_dadmaxima sin enfdar,
Despu_s de sole€tie,sat un #_vei, espere 3
minu_os aa_es _e passr s otre,
5s_e a_e acond_on _do se _uede epe_a_f_cilmente
con _oSbotones del pane_de ¢ontro_ as_como tamb_n
_en e! oentroI tem_to_
Bet6n (EncendidolApagedo)
S_presiena este beam e_eende_ atre aoo,nd_en_de
Cuande e_8_e acondi_!enade e_ta de ca_efacc}6n, se per
imprent_r eete _bo_n3 minutes desp_.
Cad_ vez que se ptes_ona eibo_ MOOE, ei mOdo
de opetsc_n _emb_e en estas eecuenc_as:
COOLING (£efdemiemto)
FAN ONLY (_lo ve_llader)_NERGY SAV_NG(Ahofte
de Ene_gi a) COOLiNG(Enfri_miente);
NOTA: Desp_es de seiece_o_t u_hive] espere 3
minetes _tes de paset e otto,,
Con ei _odo de FAN ON L_ Ei _'eci_to de _a|crape tatura
S_m_les _! tn_i¢_ _I pane! det ¢_trol:
Le tempera_ere de _ahabitaci6a es sapetiet a32 '°F,
L_ tem_e_t_ta de la h_b_a¢i_ es superior a _9_
_a_emper_tut'a _cer_ _
BOTON FAN SPEED (Ve_ocidadeelVentiiader}
Se u_Hiz_ psta se_ec¢io_ar|_ ve_ocidaddel ve_tiisdot
en secuenda: automatize0 _aja, media yalta (baj_ y
media sondeie misma veioc|dsd de venti_ader)o
BOTON T,iMER (Tempedzader },;Estebe_:en no esta
disponible ee e__ne[_ de control
Se u_t_izapat8 ptegram_t e ca;_ce_ate!
fu_do_ami,ento del temporization,
A_ d_ er_ergl a
_S _u_'_Sd_l _ndi_o_ LED ante_o_
Ceaedo _aum_dades_e_ i_ue¢te_amiet_e p_ede
se]ec¢ionar OFF TIMER (ApagarTempedzader),
El raragede h_ras _a ra pregtam_t el tempiodza,det
esdeO a 24 hotas
Si se_eccion a OFF T|MER_ _apa_t_a de!
tempodz_de[ _#d{ca_duraate _2 se gandos
e__iempe fe_a_te pare el apag_dode _a
_Jnidady _edge _nd_6a_a tempe_t_afi{ade
Si _res_one e! bo_m T_MERdenote de eses !2
segu_des, se desactiva _ia fu_c_ OFF TIM _R.
8e u_iza pate fijatla tempet'a_ura amb_e_te e_
mode COOMNG o pate p_ograma_ !8hera en mode
Pero _amarca de_ '_%" o dei "3:'" que no puedes
cambia£ Genera_n_e, es_ m_e_oe se _:#izae con
220v, 50Hz me.ado con" _::", or:roemo_os se
marcan _ "t:" _' o
NOTA: e! _an_e de _emperaturas escapeeetre 19°C
(66 °F)y 3I°C (88_)
S_SO!deC!oneON T]_ER, _ape_teHa del
temporizado_ indic_rae! |iempo testanle p_ta el
emceed!de de _a_n!dad_ S! dose8 cence_at le
funci6m ON TIMER, pres_omee_ #etCh T_MER
Bot6n Power (Encendido]Apsgado}
E_aparato _e encende_ s est_ a#agado
o apa#a_'_ cuando es_ e_ opetac_,,
si oprlmeeste be#n,
Bot6n Mode _Modo)
Uti_ic_ es_e bo_0_ pare seleccio_ar
Boron +-
Boto_es de aj_s_e de tempera[u_a o_rima
#_ra a_ustar _ateme_ratera _e! c_atto,
optima _ara pro#_amat !ahora_
Boron Hig h
P_ra aj_s_ar el _odo a_a vel_cid_d de
Bot6n Mid
Pare aiustar e! mode mediana (a_mismo
baja); ve_ocad_d de ver_ti_ador.
Bot6n Low
Pare aj_sta_e_ mode baja ve_ocidad de
Bot_n Auto
_a_a ai_s_ar el mode auto veiocidad de
ve_ |ador.
Bot6n Timer (Tem;porizador)
Papa poaero cance!ar_a operack'_ de _imer,
Bot6n Power Saver
Pate a_s[ar el modo de er_ergia-ahorro,
De®pu@sde se_eccior_arur_rfivei, es_e,_a;3rrfinu!os arites de ;:3aaara o_ro,
Ks_e 3 m _3_tosantes de reeomenzar e_apara_o,
Control remote
= Colocai6n de ias pilas
Retire ia tampade ias en e__tido de ;laflecha,
_ntteduzca las p_es nuevas,,eon euidado de
que ®incidae lospo_os(+}y(_)
Vue_va a ins_atar _atapa_des_i_ndo!a otra vez
C ¢6_ _se
Rara operar et _re acondicio_ado ap_#nte el cont_roladot
remote la seFfar del _ece_or
E_ cor_tro!ador _'emoto sera e ope[ar e! are aco_diciondo
eo_} u_a d atanc a ha:eta :23 _es cua¢_de ap_Jr}t.:aala se_ar
de! receptor de la unidad
Receptor de seSa_
Cue_do_epareeI are a(;ond @or_ado,a5e9 f_eSe de
o_tooa_'b p®dla de mode en OFF y u_a8 _esc/a_'_s_a_
el _sablede al mea_aci6n d_I _omaconiente e_(_:bieo
! NO _/Jkse 9s'_o ins be_c na d_lver te u o_ros
eslas suslancias pueden dsR_r ei acabado de pinlura
y defc_ma_ as pJezas de phfs5li6o.
2 N_m@_der_sme ague d mcbamen_e en e! ffenle de a
unidad ya que da_aria e_a siarnien_e e 6ctdeo,
C_)mo @_ttat e_Ft_tre d_ Aire
,@ _.q,*lcuervzra S@trOg
d8 IB [email protected])_Ja de @nea_a d@ a_ d_lar/i_fa
NO oMde hs,_a_are__.liro de atte. Si e_au_ ac_s_su_,a_nado
ft_ncior_a s_n e_ _HtfO_Jea_e = pu_o no se k uede ehfrl¢};st d_
a heb48ci6n y @s posiMe que Ia umoad 8e _@s_x3m£Yofa_a
NO oivide i_s_alar e! fflt_o de sire, S_e! sire
acondwJonado funciona sin el fi|tro de atre,
el polvo no se puede e|iminar de |a
habitael6n y es poslbl__ue la unidad se
Cuande la rejiila _ entrada de a_rey el
gabinete est_,n suctes, i/mpielos co_ ague
_p!e_a (_ debaj de lOS t04 _F} Be
_ecomienda e! use de _n detergeete suave.
LimpW_ de,i Ftlt_o d_ Aire
1 Eiimine ei polvo aosmu_ado en el 8tro Papa
ello apUqueie _nos goipes s_aves o una
aspiradora dome,st ca,
2. Lave bie_ e! fi!t_o _n eg_a temp!ada, de
_empetafura iafe,_iora es 40_C (104_F},, mientras
lo flora suavemente, Pars dbtener mejores resullsdos,
Bvelo con ague jabonosa o con un prodeetode
3, Enjuague bien ei fi_trocx_negua limpia y luego
_tda_e de Fin de Temperada
1 Hags fun€bear el ve_stiiaderdutante medio d a
_a_a que se s÷qu_ el interiO_de le uaidad_
2 AD;_gue_oy deeer_ch{Fe!o del tema£o_den_e de
4 Alma@nero en un bga_ se_
_ _ii_
Generalmente ios prob_emas son senciHos y es ptobaNe que no sea necesario !_amar a un t@cnico_
Esta guia _ede ayudsrlo a resotverios,
Ei sire aooedic_onado
no _unc{O_
Enfri a poce e _:da
Unidad rutdosa
La unidad no mcibe
sum in_s_to et_ct riCO.
Fi!Ire de sire saci,o
Capacidad inadecuada
papa la @[icacbn
F_uio de sire _struido
CorSe de enetg a e]_ctr_ca
so cambbde nive_
demasiado repido o se
d_spa_6el ieterr_ptor per
sobrecarga de_ c_p_eser,
Piezas aueitas_
Sa_orte ieadeeuada_
Formaci_-,n de meho u hen_s
sabre tas superficies
Es normal la d_carga de
Gores agua afuera co_densaci6_ cuando el
china es _do y _mede.
Gotea agua adentre La unidad no e£t_bien inc!ina
da come pars l_mitir e_
desag_._e externo
Baia temperatura exterior,8e forms he_o o
_ fi_ro de aire de ta _idad
Veri_ique si e! _a_e dR alimentaciSn e
st_conec_ado ai _omacorrieate.
Var_que ef #u_ble o e! c_tacircuito.
Fi}e e_ FAN _NTROL (conLrot de]
venti!ador} en una _s_cbn que no _a
Limpie o reemp_ace e| fi!_ro _ aire,
Habie con e! r_reseatante pare
determinar c_l as _acap_i_ad
adecua_a pars _a _icac_6n.
Quite toda o_Lrucc_an _e la reins o de
las persiaeas e×_e_iaFes.
Hags funcieaar el ve_t_ador pare
re!ni¢iar e! campresor (e_
a_roximadamen_e 10 minutes)
Ajus_e las picas sueltas
Ptoporcioae soporte adieio_al a ta u_id_,
Q_ite e_ ta_sn de d_aje :y_a b_de_a
Utiiice [#berias flexib!es pars deeviar el
fiujo de ague,
La Lmi_ad _ebe #_s_a_arse con #a _t_ro
desnive_ pa[a pe_mi[# _#s _scsrga
adecuada de _a condensa¢i_m. Ver_e
la _!_ad y _eaiice !os ajus_es
Cuaado !a tempera_urs exterior sea inferior a
tos 65_F es _s_ble que se forn_e e_a_ha s[
_ u_idad funciona en mode de enlfriam e_to,
Cambie el funcionam_ento de ]a un_dad a FAN
(soiamente} has_aque _aescarcha se derri_.
Qu!_e e! f _i:re y _ mpie_o,
S el ceRacirc_ite interrumpe _acorrien_evarias veoes o el fusibb se quema ra_s de una vez, comun_quese
con un _cn co _ic_nciado
1, Garantia comp eta de un aSo
Por un aSo a ps_ir de ]a fecha en de compra de[ dueSo origina_,
cua_quier parte que faHe materiales e eiecuci6n baio e_ use norma_ de _a
unidad sera substituida, Durante este perfodo, todas _as piezas y seHicio
proporc{onados gratuitamente, siempre y cuando e! acondicionador de aire
ha estado instalado y funcionado de acuerdo con las instrucciones
escritas en este manual, incIuye de ia garant[a en e! se_icio cas,ero,
2, Limitada segunda a garantia de tercer aSo
Para e_ segunda con el tercer aSo a partir de _a fecha de |a compra
r "
original, es_a garant_a p oporcwonara un compresor dei reemplazo
gratuitamente debido a producir una falta. E_cliente va a ser responsaMe
para el cargo re_atado dot labuor de cambiar' et compresor de dos a tres
aSo& E! consumidor es responsaMe de los gastos del trabajo y de
posible gaste de servicio para embarcar las unidades, El gasto para
mover eWacondicionador dei aire a los serqsiadores hate compras y de
nuevo a _es usuarios a casa0 come puede set requerido yes la
responsabiHdad de los usuados_
3. Qu6 no se cubre
Esta garantia no aplica daSo si ocurrido debido a accidente, la direcci6n o
la operaci6n incorrec:ta, el daSo de envio e_abuse, el use err6neo,
desautorizados reparada o procurada, e ei use comerciai deJ producto,
o ning8n otto use para e_ cua_ no fuera pensado
o Esta garaatia no aptica daSo aI producto causado per accidente, fuego
y ias inundaciones, o _os acres de maguerra, de_ terrodsmo, o de_ acre de dies.
o Esta garantia no cubre viajes de] servicie a su hogar para educaHe en
el use de] producto, pa_dida de aHmento y bebida debido a los desperdicios
que esta garant|a no se aplica fuera de] continente los Es_ados Unidos.
Eata garantia est_ ai dueSo odgina_ para _os productos comprados para e_
use casero dentre de USA
Un cie_o estade no permite [a exc]usiva o _a Hmitacidn de daSos
fortuito& Esta garant[a _e da los derechos especfficas, y usted puede tambien
toner otros derechos que pueda_ variar de estado a_estado, Para saber cuAles
son co,_suHa_ sus derechos legaIes a su ofici_a de _os consumidores de _os
as_ntos o general local o de_ estado, de] abogado de su estado.
© 2006_r_, Keion Air Conditioner Co_ Ltd. and Keion USA_ #_c, Aii dghts r_ewed_
Ke|on _r CondkJoner Co,, Lid,
17005 Evergreen Pla_e_,B_agA
Ronggui Shut,de Guangdong China 528303 City of ]ndust:_y,CA91745
Version Noo81904329i-0!
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Admiral AW-05CR1FHLU El manual del propietario

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