Admiral (Kelon) AW-06CR1FM, AW-06CM1FD, AW-08CM1FD, AW-08CR1FM El manual del propietario

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m ®
Remote Control
Mechanica! Control
Thaak you for porchaei_g _# _ room air ¢onditie_er. Please read this '_Ueeand Care ManuaP careft_iiy
belofe installing and using lhis appliance Keep this man_a! for f_ttJre _ference,
For Service Cat! ! 877 465 3566
Air Cenditiener Safety .......................
Intreduction and Parts Identif_cation ..............
Electrical Specifications ........................
Tips Before Installation .................
installation instructions
Operating Instructiens
Care and Maintenance
Troubleshoeting Guide
...... 2-3
........ 4-5
....... 8-!0
.... 11-14
....... 15
........ i6
....... t7
t_tred_cci6n ..................
Identificaci_n de tas ?iezas ,. °
Especificacienes E!_ctricas ....
Consejes A_tes dela Instalaci6_
lnstruccienes de _nsta_a_i_n o,.
i_str_ccienes de OperaciSn ,,,
Cuidade y Mantenimie_to ......
Guia para la Sei_ciSn de Problemas
...... 18
...... 19'
..... 20
..... 21
,, 22-24
,, 25°28
...... 29
...... 30
......... 31
WhatYouNeedto KnowAboutSafetyinstructions
Warning and important Safety instructions appearing in this manual are not meant to cover
a_ possibleconditions and situations that may occur, Common sense, caution, and care
must be exercised when operating or cleaning tools and equipment,
Always contact: your dea!er, distribute5 service agent, or manufacturer about problems or
conditions you do not understand°
This isl:he:safetyaiert symbol..It s usedto a_ertyouto potential persor_ali;nj:uo'hazards
'a!! safety messagesthat renewthis symbolto avoid possible iniury or d.,ath
DANBEB indicates an immiiner_tlyhazardoussituation which, f: not
avoided, wilt result in death orserious iniury,
WARNINGindicates a potentia!!:yhazardoussituation which_if r_ot
avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION ndlcated a potenta_lyhazardouss_tuahonwhich if not
avoided, mayresult:in mino_or moderate ir_iur?,
CAUTION usedwithout the safety alert symbo!indicated a
potenlia!ly hazardoLs situation which, if not avoided_may result in
property damage
Toreduce the risk of fire, electrical
shock, or injury when using your air
conditioner, follow these basic precautions:
-Piug into a grounded
3-prong outlet,
- De net remove
ground prong_
DO not: use an extension cord,
gnpiug air conditioning
before servicing,
Use two or more people to move
and install air conditioner,
The p_ab!÷ air cend tkmer shou!d be co_i_ex:'._ed
to a i i 5 V 60 Hz t 5_or 20.-am_ _used S@roe_
The use of a _me de_ayfuse or _ime.de_aycircuit
bma%r b recommended
e_eetrical 6odes as_ be installed by a quaiifie_
e!_1rician, If you have any questions, contac_
a queried _ectd iarL
t'40_/'Et'¢ou_i._nV8 de_ce ma'_,dtfe_ from _8 one s_ew
E ectdca Bequi ements
Te test y_ar powe_ s_p|y cer_:
2 R_r:,s RFf£Z
;, R_ss am_ _el_sa B_SE]' _sl_er_ for @ok _s_ bu_tcq _41 la_i::h
C011dtt!o !eth ®Alt
U_, two or me_ _op_e to move and
instal! _ _o_t_0aer.
Fai|am to do, so can res_!t i_ baok or
Remove packaging materials
_, Remove and :prt,_mr!y dispose of pac_agin9 am_erials
Remove tape ao# glue ms,due from sudaces before
tt£eillg oB _he ai_' eo_ldilioR,er. Rub a a_l_a!_ amo[Jet
of i_,}u_ddish soap o-vet the adhes!ve with ye_4_tinges
Wipe with warm water aed #ry.
_, Do _ot ease sharp insfmmeets robbing alcohol
t ammabie fluds, or abrasi_ve cteaners _o remove
tape o_ gh.,m. These F_;>duota oan damage the
surface of your ar oondit oriel.
Handle a_'eonditbner _'ith earn
Thank you lot ch this ro___mair condft_oner _ocod your home, Th_SUSE AND CARE MANUAL
provk_'es i'n,fo_ma#Onnecessa_ #at the prosper ca_ and maintenanc_ d your new room air co er.
ff pmpe@ ma)htained_ .your air conditioner w#_g_'veyou many years of"treub/e free ope_t_oe To avoid
#_s n difficu#ie& read _nstructions e_ybefore staR#_g, Th_srnaoua_ co_ta#'}s _t}fotT_at_ _orthe
inetaffation and opera#or_ of your room air icondidoner:,
For mechanical control model
]ntede_ Air Outlet
Ve_i Air Vane Fresh Nr Lever(_r 8K modet only}
Cont_ol Knob .................Powe r Corn
'The figu_s in t#is manua! ate L_8ed en the externa_ v:tew era standard medal
Censeq#ent_y, the _hape _ay differ from that of the _tr ¢ondltien_t _o# ha_e _eleeted_
He[_ental _ir vane and Fresh air :ever is not avatiable _ this medal
Remote control mode!
Front Pa#e!
In_efior AI_
In_t Gdlle
Remote Cent roi!er
Control Pane|
Contro! Pane!
Remo_ Contro!_r
! A_!wiring must comply with local and nat e}_a!
e_ectdca_eodes and must be installed by a
_ice_sed e_ectrioian Once you have any
questions regard ng the fo_!ew_r_gir_stractiens,
contact a ficensed electrician
2, Check: available power supply and resolve any
wiring probiems BEFORE ins_ii _g arid operating
this unit.
3 For your safety and protection this unit is
grounded through the power cord whee
p!ugged _to a ma[@_in9waii out!or, if you are
n_t sure whether yeu_ wall ouNet is prepet_y
grounded,, p_ease consa|t a [ieeaeed
4 The wall eut!et(3@rl} must ma_ch the p_ug
13Pi_) e# _he _wer cord suppled with the u_it
DO NOT _se plufl adapters or extension cords,
See (Tab@ 1._fo_receptacle and fuse information_
ff the air ce_ditio_ser has a serial p_ate rating
of 1t5 yours and up to and _sciudin_ 75 amps
the unit maybe or} a fuse or circuit breaker
with ether devices. However, the maximum
amps of al_devi,_e:s on that fuse or circuit
breaker can not exceed the amps of the f_se
of circuit breaker
If the air conditioner has a serial plate _ting
of !t5 voits and #rea_r thar_ 7.5 arr_ps it
must have its own fuse or circuit breake_
and no other device or unit eh.o#!d be
operated on the fuse or circuit breaker.
To awJd the possibility of pereor_at iejt_ry,
dis_nnect ti_e power te the uait b÷fore
ir_staiiing or servlcin9
5_The rati_# plate oe the ant _alains electrical
and other technical data The _ing plate is _oca_ed
on the r_ghtside of the ant.
(or cir£uit bresker)
Tab_ 1
Your RoomMr' Co,rid tioner unit is designed to
be highly efficient and save e_ergy Rol_r_ these
reeemmer_datiens for gre_ter eft cie_cy
! Select} _hetmos_a_set_ _g that suits yo_r
rx_m_o_ needs and _esve t_e _hermostat st
_hat_osen setting
2 The ai_ f_er is very efficient in removing airborne
particles, Keep the air fi_te_c!ear_ Typica#}_filter
should be cleaned erasea month, More
frequent c_ea_ie9 may be eecessary depending
or_eetdoot arid _r_d¢_ta_ quality,
3oUse drspes, eu£a[r_s o_ shades to keep d_ect
sunlight from heating your reem_ but DO NOT
obstruel the air co_d t e_e_ A_io'wthree (3} ir_ehes
around unit to c r_:ula_e,
4 Start ysur air send _ionet before outdoor
a!r becomes _ot and uncomfo_sb_e. This
avoads a_ initial pedod et discomfoA while
the uh[ s toeing off the room
5 When ou[door fempsra_urs is _;x_ol
enough use NiGH or LOW FAN
on_y Ths simulates indoor air, prov@ng
_me costing ¢×>r'_£erl,and ut4izes !nee
electricity _ha_ when operat n_ o_ a
cooling setting,,
Your RoomAir Ce_d _ioner was designed
_o_easy i_sstaHatien_na sing!e or doubleohun9
wind@_,,_OT_ Ths unit is NOT desig_'_edfor
ve_ cs_(stider type} w ndews.
NO,B: Save the shipping ca_os and packing
materials fo_future ste_age or transpo_ of the u_i_
P_easecheck the esntems d the hardware _i¢
8gai_st the c@rrespo_sdin_msde_ check lisL pdo_ to
installation d theunt,
See fis_sbek_ (Fig. t)
1/4" Screws (8)
Sde Cu_ai_-_RH( t )
S_deCu_tais LH{ I)
INOT_: Surp|us screw(s} for _parie _se,
Tools Needed fo[ Window hsta[[atio_:
Sc_'ew Dd_ers: Both Ph_Hips and _a/I He_d
Power O#ii: !/8 inch diameter driii bit
Measu_in 9 Tape
_*Sc_sso s
Carpenteds L_ve_
Be@use the compressor is located ONtile
carafe,s sale of the unit {right sde) _hisside
w_iibe heavier and more awkward to manipulate
_nadequate suppo_ sis control side of the unit
can res#lt i_ persona! irfjury a#d damage [o your
unit and property 'Therefore _t s recommended
to have someone assis_ yea dedeg tl_e instal!arian
d _hiSunit
R Your un#_was closer#nedto evaporate @ndensation
under norms_ co,editions However, under e×_reme
humid#y ,condi:_ia_s_exc£ss condensation may ca#so
the base pan bs oveffbw to the ou_ide_
The unit shouid be nslalied where condensation
nJn-eff _nno_ drip on pedestrians or neighboring
1, Select the Best LQGation
A Your room air condk orderwas designed t#
[it easily into a s#'_g!eo_double hung window. Heweve_
sines window de@gas vary_ it may be necessary to
make some modifications for safe and proper
B, Make sure 'IIqewindow and #am÷ are structsrafly
s@_nd and free from dry__otted wood
C. Per maximum effi@ency nstall t/he air conditioner
on side d the house er bui!din9 which favors mere
shade _han sunlight: }f the unit s in direr€ s_niight,
it is advisable !o prey de an awning over the unit
D Provide sufficient clearance around the 8ab_ne¢
to atlow for ample air ckcu_at_onthrough the u_it,
See (Fig:@. The rear d the unit should be outdoors
a_d not in a garage nor inside of a bui!d ng,
Keep unit an far away as possib!e _:romobstacles
and abe#uSers and at i÷as_ 38 a_ve the floor or
ground, Curtains and ether ob,iec_swithin a room
sho_d be #revealed #ore biecking _heair _ow.
E, Be ceRan the proper e_ec_rica_out, aSis within reach
of the ii_staiietio_o U_e only a _i_g_e outle_circuit t_ted
a_ 15 amps A_ wiring shoal_ be in accordance v_h
_ocaland nationa_ e_eetdca_e_es.
Window opening _e_a_reme_e
[see _bi_e be/e_
.... --.... _edei
Cabine_ size
_in, Window
_s× Win_ew
AW 436C Mi FD
eW -SeC_ t _D
? 7' _I24" °t5T' 1&5" _t3.7" *17,1_
1. ff your air conditioner cabinet 18 wide it wiil f_
window openings 2t '_to 32 _ h w_de Minimum
opening height is !4" from bottom d sash to si!!
(Fig. !}
Z Inse_ Sheguide pane!s into Sheguides of_be air
conditkmer_ Fasten the cu£a#_s Sothe unit with screws
Fig. I
3. Cut the adhesive-backed sea! sSripthe window-width
Remove the backing from _he sea_ s_rip and a_tach
[he sea_ s#ip tc, the underside ef the bottom window
....................:. ..................................... .......
! / //
d'?] z_:2::_z:2 ::;?:7--_..................
4 Measure _he inside windew s'i_ widfl_ a_d f_nd
the _nt÷r iine as shown _n Fig 4
in#orsil_ _nstai_oneLbracket7,5 toeachsde
ofcentertine SeeFig 5_
I_ ¸_ii_
6. Caretu@ litt the air conditioner and slide it _nto
_h_,__ windGw Mak_ sure t_le bottom 9wde o1[
the air conditioner _roos _n_o_he notches ol _he L
b_ackets, When _he air conditione_ droias into the L
brackets, _he air conditioner w_Jlbe centered in window
open_n_ as _now in F_g 6
White st_sadyi_g the air conditione_ care[u/ly bneg
the window sash down behind the top chaneeJ
of the a_rconditioner as snows _nF g. 7
First. fix boeh sides onto the window sill wath Iwo 3/4
screws and one 2/_ screw _which s [_nsc¢ewed from
each s_e Ofthe [_nit). Then fix top channel to w_dow
SaSh with one 3/4 sorew and f_×side cudain frames
with four 3/4 screws as shown in Fig6.
7. If storm win_c;w presents interferen_, fasten a
2" wide wood strip to the i_n_r windqw si_ across
the full width of #_e @H, The woad atdp should be thick
enough to raise the height of the window s_l[so that
the unit can be installed w thout interference from the
storm window f_ame_ as show in _i9 8
Top d wood strip should be approximately 3/4 '_ higher
than the stare window fi'ame to heip condensatio_ to
drai_ propedy to the ouls de,
instal! a se(;oed wood strip (approximately 6° _ong by
1t_'2"wide and same thick_'_ess as first strip} in the center
d the oute_ si_ flush against the back of the inner sill.
Serew the L brackets into this s,tdp
This wi_iraise the L bracket as shown in _ig &
_::# 5
Fg, 6
Fig 7
Mechanical control model
The mode knob co_o_s fan s_eds and coo_ng
speeds Te set desired coeiing tem_ta£ure, eimpiy
ro_ste the m_e knob da to the appro_ri.ate
_ttingo See F_g 9
The them_estat a_toma_iiy co_itro s _he cooling
cycle (compressor/d the ar conditioner to maintain
_'(_m temperature However the far_me,or wii
_nflreJe to operate after the compressor (oooti_g
_'c_e) s eomp e_ed, See Fig,g
LOW FAN wl} c reu_atethe air _ e mhimL._mspeed
H!GH FAN wil!c_late the ai st:a m_x mere speed
LOW COOL provides r_o#ng, au_ema_ically wi_h
minimum ai_ c_rc_]at_on R.ec_mmended for n g_t.-
N_GH COOL proed_e c_ol_9 automaticallywith
quick coo_ing e_"for ext_eree!y hot days, Once room
is cooled red_ce setting to LOW COOL.
OFF wi/_cempJetely _r_ut-offthe 8n_t.
NOTE: After _e_ng the mode at!ew 3
m_utes before switc_ ng to another mode.
Mode @-_ob
When #8i_g FAN cockerel,turn sbw[y anewng ueit
When usi_'_g?H_RMOSTAT_ be su_'e_oa!_e,_three
_au_eS l_fore cbangi_g _em_e_u_ Adjusting
tc_Jquic_2 may cause e_ ove4oad [_sulting i_ a
bbwn Nse,
You can easily e_te _ts air conditioner by _ssing relevant
button on the control pa_i aS we|l as _e remo_ control
The _ir _nd_t_er wig be s_erl_ when it is e_zed or w_
be stop_ when it is in 0_r_n _yo_ p_ss _hisbu_on
Whe# _e a_r_d_i_o_ is heati_ a_o_ 3 mieut_ deer yo_
press #_;_L_tton
Mode b_;,tt,_
E_ch t_ Mode bu_en is pressed, the
m_e is changed _ns_uen_;:
Control Pa_|
Codling(_th _a#_ Low. M_, H_h): _mp_essor
cy¢4_ _o ms_r_ta4_ Tern Set Polar Fa8 re_8_c_s
_ s_ s_eee dwri_ ¢_mpr_e_ OFF Q_|e
CoeBr_g_u_o Fa_ S_); _cycles to matmam
T_stuz_ 8_t _oi_L Fa_ _ee_ is co_trol!ed fcem #'_m
_emperature. Fa£ re_t_n8 Or__u#n 9 _,o OF_ cyc_
Er_ _!_ (wt_h _ae _3 Low, M_, High)
Fa_ @¢_ _ a_d OFF w_[h _mpres_r over a w_
ra_e of a_.
_SY Saving (wi_ hit,s F_ Spe_ Fen eyc_ ON and
O£F w_ c_4e_ a_ a w_d@ ren_ of .F_n
ep_ duh_g ON @C_ tS de_nder_ _ tO_ tern;eraSure.
NOTE; A_ _t_ the mo_e, aaew _ (3} m_a_es bef_
sw_h_n_ _o a_r m_ in [_e FANONLY _de R0_
Tem_at_ d_ep_ay r_n_ is f_ 0_C {32_F) to _C {99°F).
Room #_ _IOw 32"[, the re dis#_y L_,
R_*._om a_ _r_e _°E the Tem_tute _J_ay N1
Fan Speed Button: Use_ to sel_ fa_ sp_ in seqaer_ce
a_e, _ow, med_u_ _nd high_
_tgh High_ _a_ sps_d _or m_m_m c_oJ_eg
Med_ No_al _aa_ _o_,_veragecoo14_
L_ L_wes_ a_d q_ietes[epeed_ 9reate__mld#i_e_
ladt_er_ sym_ls of LED _ ¢on_el _ne! :
_,_e L£D iights oa whe_
th_ _e}evenl;mode is in use,
a t
The appliance wi_i_ ;s_artedwhe_ i_is
en_rg_ed or will _ s_p_d whe_ _t
in e_[atiom !fyou p_ess th_ _on
Used to se_t the o_ratio_ mo_
Used to set _®m _em_ratsre i_ COOUNG
mode o_ u_d to set time t_ T_MER mode,
High 8U_ON
U_d to se_t the high _a_s_ed
Mid B_ON
Us_ io _t_t the Mid f_ _#e_ mo#_,
U_d to _bct the Low f_ s_ mode
Used to se_e_lthe A_to _ans_ed _
Used to _ or _n_ t_mete£e_at_e_,
Power Saver 8U_ON
Used _osexist the E_e_y, saving mo_
When chart@n.#modes during op÷ra_iori, sometimes the unit does _qo_sways
respond at once. Wet th_ (3) m n_tes.
Wa t t_ree (3I m aute._ before _es_a_tng_.t_e app_''_a_*_ce_,
How to Inse_ the Ba_edes
Remove #_e battery @ve_ accord _g to _he arrow 6trectiorL
lnse_ new bat_.edes making sure _hatthe (÷} a_'_d(o) o_
battery are ma_ched correc:t_y
Reat_ach the covet by s_i,@ir_@it back {nto posffion,
Eta net m_x #Zd #attetTe_ w_th r_e_f oaea. O_s_#ae of o_d b_tter_ea
_oatr#_ _iH _ep @H#iaM #tesee'_#g
How tO U_o
To operate the room air #ondit_oner; aim the
remole cor}_.ro_to the s_gr_a__eceptor, The re_o_e
eontr@ wl_ operate _he ai_ ce_diflo_er a/t a
distance of up to 23 feet when pe ntin# at sgnal
_:eceptor of _door unL
When se_rv£ing S_eair _Hditbne_ be s_s_eto
tun! _he m(_e swtch te _he _OFF_pea t_enand
disconnec_ the power cord from _e e_e¢_ricai®u_iet,
1. DO NOT use gasoline, benzine, _hinner or
other chemica!s on the air coadit ooer as thee
substances may cause damage to the paint 5nish
and deforma_ on o_plastic pads,
2 Never attemp¢ to pour water directly in front
of _he unit as this wll cau_ deterioration of
the e_ec_r_ca_nsu_at_on,
C!eaaing the Air Filter
_fthe air f_iter becomes clogged with dust air-fic_®
is obs_ruct_>dand reduces efficiency, The ak filter
shoeld be cleaned once a month More freque_
c_eanng may be necessa_ depend n# on outdoor
and indoor ar qua_ty_
A_r Filter Removal
The air fi_ter on the above models s located
behind the air intake fren_ gdB
To remove the a_rfltte_ g_as# the fi_er handle(tab}
heated on _he _p (_nteO side @ the air iabt gri!le
and siide [he a_rfilter to the u_
lb _instalt _he air fi_ter reverse the above
DO NOT forget [o i_sstalt_heair fi_te_. It the ai_
conditiene_ is _eftte operate wi_hou_ _he air fii_er
dust is not removed from the room end may
cause your air co_d {ioner to fal
When the air filter in_etgrill a_d cabinet are di_
wipe wiff_ bkewarm water (below 104_F) Uee ef
mi_d detergen_ is recommended,
C/e_ing of Air FHter
1 Ren_:ve dust clogged in the fi_ter by
_p_g it or vacuum c_ean t.
2_ Wash _he #!_e_wei! with bkev:arm wa_et betow
40 C (104 F} wh_e mbbng _ightiy _._ge_ be_te:r
resu_s ,wash }_with soapy ,wateror a _'_euL_a_
3_ Rinse the %_erwell esin 9 clea_ wa_er the_
d_, eompbtelyo
End_of-Seaso_ Care
1. Operate the _an alone _orhalf a day _edry out
the inside of _heuni_
2,Turnoffpower and remove plugfromwaiis_ket
3 C_ean filter
4 S[ere in a dP_location.
Frequently, a prob!err! i:S[1_inorand a sewce 6at_may noi be necessary _se this _roub!eshoot ng g_J_e_ota
possibl{e solution
A_ eeedi_oner 'will
not operate
No power to the unit,
inefficient or no (x}eling Di_y air fll_er,
Peter h_tornJpt_en,seHings
change _eoquickly, or
compressor overload ttip_d,
Check connect on of power co_d to
power source
Check fuse or eircu _breaker_
Set MODE knob _e !_sition o_er
Ctean or meplac_ ar fl_ter,
Check w_th den!or to determine p_oper uni_
_pac_y for application,
Remove obstruction #am gfiH or
o_4tdoor !ouvers
Let fen run to ;restartcompressor
(in appr_×imate_y t0 minutes),
Loose pa_s
hadequate sup_o_: Provide additionai support to unit
Water _ipping outside
Formation of moid, miide,w or
alglae on we_ surfaces°
Condensation run-_offis nem]al
du[_ng hot and humid wea#ler
Remove #rai_ plug and d_aln ba_e pa_
Replace dran p_ug_
Add flexible tubing to redirect water flow
Unit is net properly angled to Uni_ mus_be installed on an angle for p_per
allow water fo ,drain outside I condensat ao run*off, Check the unit nod
I make adius_ments;
Low ou_ide _emperatare, When outd_r temperature is appm×imat_y
6_F or _ow, fros_may fo_m whe_ uni_ is in,
c_;_ m_e,o Switch un_ to FAN (on_y}
opera,on unt_tf_s_ morse
Uni_ ai__i_er is dirty Remove and c_ean_iter,
If e_Cuit breake_ _stripod _¢_ated_y, o_fuse is b_ownmore than o_ce, contaof _ ficense_ techn#cian_
For one year f_m the date of purchase by the original _ner, a@, part which
fails in materials or workmanship under normai us®, the part will be repiaced0
Dudng this per od, aH parts and service will be provided free of charge_ so
_on9 as the air conditioner has been installed a_sd operated in accordance with
the wdtter_ instructions in this manual This warranty include8 in home service_
For the second through the third year from date of odgina_ purchase, ths
warranty 'will pr_ide a replacement compressor free of cha[ge due to
product fa lure. The customer will be responsible for the _abor charges related
to replac_ ng the compressor in years two through th roe. The consumer s
responsiUe fo_ the service _abor and possible freight cha_ges for shipping
the unit, Cost So move the air conditioner to the service[s' shop and back to
the user's home may be required and are the user% responsibility:
® This warranty does not appiy f damage occurs because of accident,
improper handling or operation, shippi_sg damage, abuse, m suse,
unauthorized repairs made or attempted, commemial use of the product
or any other use for which it was not intended.
® Ths warranty does not apply to damage to _e product caused by accident:,
fire. floods, acts of war_ terrorism, or acts of God
o. This warranW does not cover service trips to your home to educate ygu on
the use of the product, or _ess of food and drink due to spoilage.
o This warranty does not app!y outsde the eontinenta_ United States.
®. This warranty is to the origina! _,ner for products purchased for home use
wthin the USA. Some state de r_ot allow the exclusive or limitat on of
]ncidentai damages.. Ths war_nty 9ires you specif c rights, and you may
aso have other dghts which may vary from state to state. To know what
your legal Hghts are,. consult your _oca] or state consumers affairs office
or your state's Attorney General.
Grada{_ per eJeg_{este eire a¢om do papa enftiar su begat Este MA_UAL DE USO Y MANTUH "TO
prop_t'_ona _a_efo!77_ci_nnecesat_a pe_ cuidar y ma_teney en form_ adecuada su _uevo a_rea_o_}dtdonado
F_#_c,ioear#_s_np_bfernias durante touches ai_os dte br#_da d mantemmientm apropiado Pa_mev,_ar
pn:>_%emasd it,s _eacomp/et_m,mn_etas instruccione,s ante8 _,tec'omenzat: Este manUa7conde_e
informact(_n acerca de _ainstafac_(myet funclonamie_'_to dot aire a nade para hab#acione&
Identificaci6n de las Piezas
Modelo Met&nice
......C_b_e de A_imeataci6n
Las irr_ge_es de este manua[est8# basadasen ia vista extema de un mode_o es_#dar
En conseeue_cia, es £robab_eque ia fo_ma sea diferente a la de_ aire acondicionado
q_e usted se_ecete_
)- Identificaci0nde las Piezas
Mode|o de Rernoto contro|ador
Pane_ de Contr01
Cont_o_ Remoto
Las _rr_'_gene8 de es_e manua! es_#_ basadas ÷_ _a v_s_a e×_erna de un modelo es_ndaF_
En consecuenc_a, es probable que la forma sea dife_ente a _a dei aire acondicionado
que u_ted selection6.
1. Todos bs cables deZJencumplir con los c6digos
e/6c_dcos locales y nacienales y tos debe 7nsla/ar
ue elecmdsta _icenciado, 8_tiene ptegun_as
re._act(_r}acsas con [a_ _lg_Ji@_t¢_ i_slrL_Ci_>rl_es.
com_Jn__u_se con _n electnc_s_a licencJado
2 Veri_'uqueel _umin_lro de energ_a disaneible y
resuelva cualuu_r eroWema con los cabtes ANTES
de insla_a_y hac@r6t_ndor_r esta _._nidad
:'_ Par_ _u _4e_undad y I )_et_;;ci6r_. es_a u_'}_dad eSt4
conec_ada _ l_etr_ a/ra_#*_ dei cable d@aHmefs{aci6_
cuando se Io enchuta a un toma_rnente de pa_ed
pro',esto de ¢onexi6_ a _err& Si so esb_ se_uro de
(}ue el tomacomente de _Bred GLler_ta col! la
conexl_m a [ler_ sprop_aoa consulte con an
Si e! r6tu!o det air÷ acondioionado indies 115
retries y has_a 7_5 ampedos la unidad se
#uede con÷c_ar a an cortaeireuito o fusib!e
utitizado per otros dispositivos, No obstante,
ia sums de los stapedes maximos de todos
los dlspos_tlvos cor eclados a dicho
cortacircuRo o fusible _'_odeben exeeder los
arr_p@rios del mismo_
$i e! r_s_u!ode! sire acondTc_ona_o indica 115
votqos y m_s de 7,5 am_erios debe _ener sa
prop_o fusbe o _acircuito y _o se debers
co_ec_r aing_n otto d spos{_Ivo o unidad a dcho
fusible o ___rtacJfcui_o_
Pars evi{ar lesiones ft sites, desconecie et
suministro de energta de la un{dad
antes de ins_larla o repararla
4 El temace_rien_e de pared (de 3 @avijas) debe
coiec_dir con e! enchufe (de 3 clavijae) del cable de
alin'_en_ad_n s#ministrado con le unh£_d, NO _tii_ce
adaptedores de en@lufe nJcanes de extensior_.
Consuf_e/s Table 1 pars obtenet lnfomsacien acerca
de receptttcu!os y flssib_es
5oEl r6_ulo de ia unidad confiene dales el_ctdcos y
_¢aioos, Dicho _ful® se eacueatra en el lade
dereche de la unida&
{o Coerce#cub:;}
T_bia i
AJkJ_ @_t@PmOS[_O ;_ un rtiv@_o[a@ I@_S{JI'{8
_gradsbl@ y oej@16 e0 el fWqel _l@cc,orla_;_o
)7 r;I flltro _@ a/r_ es N'aU7 @fJcJeB{@ a ta l!ora rJ@ _ _mmar
paFtf cl.Jtas qua se d÷so_azsr_ o,of el aiF÷ Martler #a
hmo_o el filtro de airs P_srIo [s_eneral el ft/_o debars
H_,xars_, una vez a{ me_. E8 _obabi@ qua _
nBce_,no i_mplar/o con mas f_cuencia deoen@endo
de. la calkdad ae_ _re _×ter_or o _nt_enor
S PusS@ ut_liZa_'tap_¢£s, coslnas o oantal|a_ para
ev£1arqua la luz directa de _/salients su _ab_ta@On_
peso NO obstru_a e_a_re acondi¢ionado Permlta
uue _ a_e c_tcu_e alrede6o_ de la umra_a 5in
4_Encienda el am acend @,onadoanles de qua _a
tera_atu_a e×terio_ sea demasia_o elevada y
desagradab_e_De esta manera ev ta:rasurf# calor
miealras la ursidad@nfHa la habilad6_
_! AbeA_dicioaado #ara Hab taciones se ha
an ven_anas armadas sen¢i#as o dobles NOTA; es_a
_aidad NO se ha dissuade _ara ventanas ve_cales
(de 8_0 desiiza_le},
f_snciionamiento _e la undad lea com£fetament I
NOTA: conseP_e la caD }a u_tdad y !os ma{etiales
do empaque papa a_mace,na_a o t_ansporta_a en e!
fuluta. A_tes de ins_alar _aurt dad compare ea
conten_do det juego de he,rajas co_ ta lsta de .control
del modefo oorresportdien{e. Consuite las sigu entes
(_" Tom ass ae 3t4" (i2}
Seio (t}
Tcm_il as de il4' {B}
:(b canai Sa_er_,_rd,),
nslalado es laf@ri_8 Cc,rqsaL£_16{a9_ 6_ha{ 1
*%[_',. #"' OO_ P_@_te,tS Z@,J er_'J8_1
5.C_ando la temperasu_aexterior _s le su,ricier_£eman_£
ffesca, _ti! ce 86!0 HIGH FAN (vsntilador a! maxima) o
LOW _AN (verff la_or a_ml nima},, Eslo haoe qua el are
_nLeriorcircule a ur_atemperatuta agradab_e y consume
t<Ylel!Oaenetgi a a eclrica q#e si hcera fufsc onar la
ur_dad coma er_f_'ladorde ale
Nora: Terrtillo _×6ede#te Para d Use de Reser_a,
Herraat_aaa Necesa:das para la I_slata¢itm a_ Ve_aaa_
_stomllladotes; _hilip! y de cabe_ p!laa
laladr@ el@c_co: bfoca af If8 pMgada de dlA_tr¢
_f_ta m_trfca
Dobdo a q_e et compresor se e__cu_n_radot _ado
de tos coo#ales (a la de#echo de/a unida#), es_e
lado _a m_s #e_ado y ma_dffic; de m_# pu!ar.
S la eqidad Nose sos_ie_e ben de dicho _ado
pueden pr@stucrseiesiones f_scas y dallas a ta
unidad y a su prop eda& Par _o_anto_/e
recoraendamos qua pare insular es_ _'_idad
sol cite ayuda a oh'as personas
I, Selecci_ne !a MaF#r/,Jbicac_In
A Bi aJre acoedicionado pare habitaoiones _ieee a_
dseRo qua fac H_,asu cotocac_m e_ ventaqas
armadas _nc _laso d_s_as No o_t.ante, debido a
que #as dise_ios de ventana son ta_ _dados, es
p_obaNe qua sea _ecesario rea izar a_gu_aa
rn_ff;cac ones pate _ag_ar urea inst:a_acbe segura y
B. ,Asegarese@ qua b ventana y el marco _e_gan
uea es_rudura fimie y qua a made_a no este r_iada
C. Para ograt ei me×too _eedim@_io,nstaie o! are
aco_dicio_ado de! !ado de kacasa e edi%io do,d÷
haya rods _omb_aqua 5o!. S !a uedad se encoatra_a
®xpees_aa Jabz dot _% _s acoes_abl_ cobcarJe ue
D Dqe su#cien_eespac_o alrededo_ de_gab nete pare
permit _una amp_iacircu_a_ci0ede a_rea _rav4sde _a
u_ dad. Yea (Fig 2) La _a_e postedo_ de !n unidad
dab®r4 dar a_ar_ titxe y r_oa _mgaraje _ af n_eriorde
ue edfficb. Maeh_mgala unidad !om_sste_os#osib/e de
obsk)culos qua ptsedae causar obstrucoioees y par 1o
meaos a 30" _et r@e de4_so o del suelo Det3er¢;#
_marse precauciones para ev_ar qua ias co_inas o
c_Ja_quierafro obje_o de#ha de una hob tac on
E As#g_r_se _e ifis_lar !s u__dadcerca @ un
_macordeete electr_c_adecaade_ U_ce ue
tomacordee_e de !5 am_edos con c r_ito exdusivo
pare e_are acond ci_nado.._odos _oscables deber_'_a
c4_mp_ircon bs c_igos @CorneasIota!as y _adonales
M Ls _idad es[_ d se_ad_ psra _v_porar Is ion
bajo can#ic_ones hormones No obstan 8, baja candic_7,es
de ex_re_t'_a fsumed_ es probable q_Je la condeq_@_m
axcesba h_@a qua !a banaeia #_Ises@dastard@ h_cia e
exle,_o_ Par !o _Jelo laueidad d_sbere n.stala_se en un hx3ar
dog,de ia desca_ga de, _a con_ens_tc_6_ r_r_go_ee sabre ei
paso de p÷a_oees men _as a_aCedade¢ vech'_as,
Req_isi_os _ra tas abe_#ras de vantages
(consalte la sig_ient_ tabta)
AW oe6ORl _M
AW -@8GM t F D
!77 _ I2,4°%57"
31,9 _'
AW -0 #aM _FD
t85 _"!37" _!77 _
Pasos parala instalaci6nenventanas
1. Si ÷_aire acondicienad® tiene u_n9ab_nete de 18 '_
de ancho, podra c_bcarse en abertu_s de ventanas
de 2! " a 32" de ancho La aRu_°amnima de abertura
es de 14'_desd_ ia parle iefedor det marco hasta el
umbra_ (Fig,t).
Fig 1
2 _n_÷ bs paneies 9u _a en !;as9u Ias det aire
acondidonado, Su_e_e tas oo_inas a la u_idad con
los _omi_los (Fig, 2)_
3 Corte la tira de sello adhesivo de_ancho de la yes,aria.
QuRe e! revest]miento de _ati_a adhesiva y De9ue_a en e_
infer{or de la parte inferior de la ventana (Fig. 3)+
4. M_da e_ancho de_ in_enor de_ umb_al de _aventa_a y
defina _atinea ce_tral tat coma se indi@ en la Fig. 4.
_"g- 3
Fig. 4
5, hstate !os soportes en L en e_umbra1 ex_emo_ de
mc_o que/a parle rues, _a del soporte apoye co_ra
la pare posterior de_ umbrai intemo, lastab un sopoRe
en L a 7.5'_de cada lado de _a_nea cen_rai. Vea _a
Fig 5
6, Levante e_aire acondicionado con mucho cuidado y
desl_ ce}o pot la ventana abierta_ Aseg_;.re£e de que _a
gu_a inferior de_ aire acondicionado se _nseRe _n _as
ranuras de los sooortes en h Cuando e_aire
acondicionado apoye en _os sooor[es en L. ouedar_
cen_rado en _aabe[Iota de la venta_a ta_ como se
iadica en _aRg 6
Mientras acomoda el aim acondic, ior_ado oa_e el
marco oe _a ventana con mucho cuidado y aL_ove_o,en el
canal superior clef a}re ac#nd_c_onado ta_como se _ndica
en la Fig. 7. Primeto ajuste ambos aoos a umbra_ de la
ven_na c_[_ eos _ornitlos de 3f4" y _no de 2/_" (q_e se
destomi_la de caGa _ado de ta unidad). LUe_O,a_uSte ei
canal su penor a_marco oe {a ve£tana con un torni_lo de
3/4"' y ajus[e los marcos de _a cort/na latera_ con cuaCro
r[om_llc>sde 3/4"0 ta_como indica en _aHg 6
7 8i una ven_ana resis_es_e a huracanes stediere,
adhiera u_satab_a de ma_era de 2 °'_e ancho a! umbral
interno de _a ventana_ a !o ]argo _e todo e! ancho de_
umbra_, La _abla de madera deber_ set Io sufiden_emente
gruesa como para eleva_ _aaltura de] ombral de la
ventana, de mod_ que _aunidad pueda insLa]arse sin
que el marco de _aventaha resisteaCe a hu_acanes
in£erfiera ta! como se indi,ca en ta Fig 8,
Para que sea _}tii ]a pare aupedor de _atab_a de madeta
deber_ estar aproxirnadamen_e 3/4 _m_s arriba que e/
marco de _a ventana resisten_e a hura@nes para sum_dero,
_ns[a_e una segunda labia de madera (de apro×imadamente
6" de largo pot t 1/2_ de a#cho y el mismo grosor de _a
pr_i_er'a taMa)÷n ÷l centro de_ umb_ai e×terno con_ra I_
parte posterior d@ umbrai inte,mo Atomiti÷ _ossopodes
en L a es_ tab[a, Esto e_evara el so,ode e_ L ta] como se
indica en _aFig. 8,
Fig 6
nnaJizado÷_fbndonamie_to de! _mpresor I'.cJdede
enfriamie_,to) Vea la Fig 9
LOW FAN (Venti!ador a! Mmme} hans que el aire
c_cuie a uae veioeidad m rfime sin eaffiar
HIGH FAN (VenSiador al M0×imo) bar0 que el aire
c_rcu!e a u_m velocidad ' 'r"ma×m a sinenfdar,
LOW COOL (Fr_o Minmo} enfr a e_amb_ente
au_em_acame_e co_ usa eirc@aci6_ m inima de aireo
Se recomienda _uran_e }a noche
HGH COOL {Frio Maxim@ enfNa el ambiente
eutornati_me_te de manera rCpida o dursnte d as de
cab{ ntenso. Una vez que _a_ab tac _;ne:st(_fr_a,
redazca e_n_vela LOW COOL
OFF (Apegado)apaga _eunidad compJe_mente,
NOTA: Despu{,s de selecmi:ena_un nivel, espere 3
minu_:esantes de, pasata otto,
Contro_ de
de Mode
Ventiia¢i6n de aire fres_ se ra a maetene[ en _a
poe ch_#eerrado Usande s4_bpapa _impier h_mos
yio odores de ia hebi_ad_f_nt_¢ea oomeazer, Vea
Este alre a¢ond_¢ionado ee puede operar t_cilmente
con los begones del panel de Contrel as_corn8 tembi_n
con e| _;On_FOl rer_o[Q.
Be_n (Encendldo/Apegade)
Si preel0na este bo_. encende_e| ai,re acondtc_onadm
Cuando el cite acond{c_onadoestede calefaee_e, se pet
_mprentar es_eboi6n 3 m_nu_osdeep.s°
Botan Mede (Mode)
Carla vez que se pres/ona el bO_6n MO 0 E, el rnedo
d_ operac_n _mbia en estas secuen_ias:
FAN ONLY _Sd]o ventiledor}ENERGY SAV/NG(Ahorro
de Energ_ COOUNG(Enfdemiento);
Pane| de Contro!
8etCh Tirne_ (Ternpodz_dor}
Se u|JIiz_ pare progtamate _ance_tel
func_on_mien_e deltempodzado_.
Cuando I_un}dad eaten functon_m[e_o, puede
_ele_c_onar OFF TiMeR (Apa_ Temp_tfzador_
Cuando/_ un_dad es_epagad_, puede eele¢ctoeet
ON TIMER (E_ce_der Tem_o_t_dO_).
Et tango de hotaa para _rogt_at e[ f.e_pot_t_do_
es deO _24 hor_m
Las I_a_s deIindi_ LEO an_er_ente
_e_rt_Ss Se OJa_ _ u_
_s conferees.
SI selecctoeaOFF TIMER, [a paeta[ledel BotSn &
Iempodz_do? ted ca_duree_e t 2 se guedos _e _tiltza pet_ _Ija_le _emp_et_r_ _rnbJent_ en
el liemp_ res_nte pate el epegado de !_ m_do COOLING o par_ _,r_ramat la hera ee mode
u_idad y luego tndtc_t61a _empera|u_ _tj_da TIMER.
St p_esiona e bot_n TIM/ERden1_o de esos 12
segundos, se desacttvar_Ie fun_n OFF TIMER.
Sf _eIecc_on_ON T_MER, la pan_ilade_
le_podz_dor indicat_el liem_0 restan_e pastae_
encendtdo de I_ _ntdad SI de_ea ea_eel_t la
f_nci6n ON T_MER0 prestoee el bo_n TIMER.
C0ntrol remoto
Q I ....
P_JL_ .....
i_ ii i i_ii i
Bot6n Power (Encendido/Apagado)
El aparato se encender_ si est6 apagado
o apagar_ cuando es_ en operaci6n,
si oprime este bo_n,
Bot6n Mode (Modo)
Utiiice este bot6n para se_eccionar
el mode de operaci6n.
Bot6n +-
Betones de ajuste de temperatura oprima
para aiustaria temepratura del cuarto.
optima para programar la hora.
Bot6n High
Para ajustar el mode aJta velocidad de
Bot6n Mid
Para ajustareJ mode mediana (al mismo
baja) veiecidad de ventilador
Para ajustarel mode baja velocidad de
Bot6n Auto
Para a_ustarel mode auto velocidad de
Bot6n Timer (Temporizador)
Para ponero cancelar Jaoperacbn de timer,
Bot6n Power Saver
Para ajustar el mode de energia-ahorro,
* Despu6s de se_eccionar un nivet espere 3 minutes antes de pasar a otro°
Espere 3 minutes antes de recomenzar el aparato.
Control remote
Colocai6n de las pilas
Retire la _pa de las en el sentido de ia flecha°
Introduzca las pitas nuevas,con cuidado de
que coincidan los polos(+)y(-),
Vuelva a instaiar la tapa,desli_ndoJa otra vez
a su posici6n.
* Ut#ice p#as 2 LR_ (_SV) No ##lice pilas
recargables,Sustituya laspilas per etrasnuevasdel
rnismo ti#o cuandola panta/la aparezcaatenuad&
Si lasustttuci6nse rea/izaen elplazo deI minuto_el mande
a distanciaconservarelos valorespre,fijados ortdtnales(Este
func_n ess61opara controladorremotedeLCD).
C c6mo use
Para operarel aire acondicionado apunte el controlador
remote ia se_ar de! receptor,
E! contro{ador remote se ra a operar el aire acondiciondo
con una diatancia basra 23 pies cuando apunta a la se_ar
de1 receptor de la unidad
Receptor de seSal
1. NO _¢tl_;;_gs_atna be:r_a_m, ti_oIveite u otros
es_as ses_andas Dedm_ da@r et acabado de p nt_sm
y ddbr_m las _ezas de pb:Bo.
2. Nunca der'ram@ af#a d mctamet_e er_e/rmr_e de la
_._'_d_J ya q_e daystar a ei a sismie_to ei_¢tri_m_
NO o}wde im_a_sr e_fils'a eJeam, Si el airs ausnd dosade
fur_<si_a sr'_ei _'_m de am et _4_vo n0 puede e_mi_ar _:_e
:a hab_md_ yes posibt,e que _au_idad _ des_por_ga
NO o,|,4de tnsta_ar el filtro de aim. 8t d aim
acondtcb_ado f_ctona _1_ d flltm d_ airs,
el po|vo no se p_ede eiimina_ _ |a
habitadan y es posib|e que la u_tdad se
Cuando ta mjih de entrada de aim y e!
9aNnde e4e_ s_¢t_, | m_Jeios cos: ages
temolada (po_ debaj de 108 !_ eF), Se
recemis_a e| _se _ _ #etergente suave,
LimpNm dd Fi_ro de Aim
! E_imine ÷! po_vo_c_m_bdo e# e! fittto Pata
el}o a_)! qude unos golpes s£ves _ una
asp mdora dom_.stic&
2_ Lave hie# d fi!_ro c_n ag_a _empiada_ de
_empera[_ra i_ferior a bs 48"C (104"F}, mtentras
Io trots suaveme_te_ Para ob_ener meiores res_i_ados_
lavdo con agua iabonosa o ¢_r_ un pro@do de
!_mpieza rmutm
3 Bqj_ag_e hien e| fltm con ag_a |mp_a y luego
Cddade de Ft_ de iTemperada
1. Hags fimdc_nar e! vent@dor durante medio d a
pars que se seque el i_|erior de _au_idad.
2 A_gu÷lo y desen@L4do dd tomaoorfien_e de
4 A:mad, nelo en un tmgar seco°
_ _ii_
Generalmente ios prob_emas son senciHos y es ptobaNe que no sea necesario !_amar a un t@cnico_
Esta guia _ede ayudsrlo a resotverios,
Ei sire aooedic_onado
no _unc{O_
Enfri a poce e _:da
Unidad rutdosa
La unidad no mcibe
sum in_s_to et_ct riCO.
Fi!Ire de sire saci,o
Capacidad inadecuada
papa la @[icacbn
F_uio de sire _struido
CorSe de enetg a e]_ctr_ca
so cambbde nive_
demasiado repido o se
d_spa_6el ieterr_ptor per
sobrecarga de_ c_p_eser,
Piezas aueitas_
Sa_orte ieadeeuada_
Formaci_-,n de meho u hen_s
sabre tas superficies
Es normal la d_carga de
Gores agua afuera co_densaci6_ cuando el
china es _do y _mede.
Gotea agua adentre La unidad no e£t_bien inc!ina
da come pars l_mitir e_
desag_._e externo
Baia temperatura exterior,8e forms he_o o
_ fi_ro de aire de ta _idad
Veri_ique si e! _a_e dR alimentaciSn e
st_conec_ado ai _omacorrieate.
Var_que ef #u_ble o e! c_tacircuito.
Fi}e e_ FAN _NTROL (conLrot de]
venti!ador} en una _s_cbn que no _a
Limpie o reemp_ace e| fi!_ro _ aire,
Habie con e! r_reseatante pare
determinar c_l as _acap_i_ad
adecua_a pars _a _icac_6n.
Quite toda o_Lrucc_an _e la reins o de
las persiaeas e×_e_iaFes.
Hags funcieaar el ve_t_ador pare
re!ni¢iar e! campresor (e_
a_roximadamen_e 10 minutes)
Ajus_e las picas sueltas
Ptoporcioae soporte adieio_al a ta u_id_,
Q_ite e_ ta_sn de d_aje :y _a b_de_a
Utiiice [#berias flexib!es pars deeviar el
fiujo de ague,
La Lmi_ad _ebe #_s_a_arse con #a _t_ro
desnive_ pa[a pe_mi[# _#s _scsrga
adecuada de _a condensa¢i_m. Ver_e
la _!_ad y _eaiice !os ajus_es
Cuaado !a tempera_urs exterior sea inferior a
tos 65_F es _s_ble que se forn_e e_a_ha s[
_ u_idad funciona en mode de enlfriam e_to,
Cambie el funcionam_ento de ]a un_dad a FAN
(soiamente} has_aque _aescarcha se derri_.
Qu!_e e! f _i:re y _ mpie_o,
S el ceRacirc_ite interrumpe _acorrien_evarias veoes o el fusibb se quema ra_s de una vez, comun_quese
con un _cn co _ic_nciado
1, Garantia completa de un aSo
Per un a_o a part_ de _a fecha en de compra de_ due_e odgina%
cua!quier parte que fa/_e materiales o eiecuci@n bajo e_ use norma! cila
unidad serA subsfltuida, Durante este peri'odo, todas _as piezas y se_vicio
gratu_tamentQ siempre y cuando e/aeondicionador
de aire ha estado instalado y funcionado do acuerdo con _as instrucciones
esc_itas en este manual inciuye do la garanda en e/servicio casero_
2. L m taaa segunda a garant[a de ter r ano
Para e! segundo con e_tercer aSo a partir de la fecha de ta compra
original, esta garanti'a proporcionarA un compresor det _eemp_azo
gratuitamente debido a produeir usa falta_ El cliente va a set responsable
para e! cargo relatado de! labuor de cambiar e_compresor de dos a tres
E/ eons_Jmidor es responsabie de _os gastos dei traba]o y de
posib_e gasto de servicio para embarcar las unidades0 gas'to para
mover el acondJcionad_ de aire a los servisiadores hace comp_as y do
nuevo a los usuarios a casa come puede se_ requerido yes Ja
responsabHidad de los usuados_
3, Qu6 no se cubre
o Esta garantia no apiica da_o si oeurddo debido a idente_ tad recci6n o
i" fi envo
la operation ncorrecta_ e_daio de [ el abuse, ei use err6neo_
desautorizados _eparada o procu_ada_ o el use comercial del producto
o ningOn otto use papa e/cua_ no fue_a pensado.,
o Esta gar'antia no, apHca da_o a_ producto causado per accidente, fuego
y _as inundac ones_ o _osacres de ia guerra, del terrorismo, o del acre de dies.
o Beta garantla no eubre viajes de_ servicio a su begat pars educarie en
el use del p_educto_ p@dida de alimento y bebida debido a los desperdicios
qua esta garanda no se aplica tuera de! cent hence _os Ks_ados Unide&
Esta garant_a est_ al duefio odginal para los productos comprados para el
use oase_o dentro de USA
÷ Un cie_o estado no permite _a e×c/usiva o la limitaci6n de daflos
fortuitos. Esta garantia le da _o:sderechos espedficas, y usted guede rarebits
tenet otros derechos que puedan variar de es_ado a_ estado 1Papasaber cuAles
son, consultan sus derechos legales a su oficina de tos consumid0res de ice
asuntos o general !coal o de! estado de_ abogado de su estadoo
O 2006,_m!_, Kebn Air Conditioner Co,, Lt:d, a#d Ke!on USA, !me Ni _i#_s reserv_
Ke|on Air Co_itien_t Co,_ Ltd, Ke!_n U_,, inc_
1;7005 Evergreen Pia_B_dg A
R®nggui, Shu_de Guan#don 9 China 5283,03 City of hdustry, CA 91745
*'_"_ _"c"_" Versio_ No,81 £043292-0!