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Istruzioni originali
Translation of the original instructions
Traducción de las instrucciones originales
1 INT RODUZ ION E ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
1.1 QUESTO MANUALE .................................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 BUS DI CAMPO TRATTATI IN QUESTO MANUALE ................................................................................................................. 4
2 SEGNALI DIGITALI DA CONTROLLO ROBOT A GENERATORE (INPUT) ������������������������������������������������������� 6
2.1 WELD START ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 ROBOT READY .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 OPERATING MODE (BIT 3 - 0) .................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.3.1 Job Mode (Mode 2) .................................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.3.2 Parameter Selection Internal (Mode 3) ..................................................................................................................................... 8
2.3.3 Modo TIG (Mode 0,1,4,5,8,9,12,13) ............................................................................................................................................ 8
2.4 PROTOCOL MODE .................................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.5 GAS TEST .................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
2.6 WIRE INCHING .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.7 WIRE RETRACT ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.8 SOURCE ERROR RESET .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.9 TOUCH SENSING ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.10 GAS TEST SHIELD ................................................................................................................................................................. 10
2.11 JOB NUMBER (BIT 7 - 0) ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.12 WELDING SIMULATION .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.13 ABILITAZIONE INGRESSI ANALOGICI ................................................................................................................................... 10
2.14 PILOT ARC START ................................................................................................................................................................... 11
3 SEGNALI ANALOGICI DA CONTROLLO ROBOT A GENERATORE (INPUT) �������������������������������������������������11
3.1 ANALOG SETPOINT (AI0) ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 ANALOG SETPOINT (AI1) ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
3.3 ANALOG SETPOINT (AI2) ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
3.4 ANALOG SETPOINT (AI3)........................................................................................................................................................ 11
3.5 ANALOG SETPOINT (AI4) ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
3.6 ANALOG SETPOINT (AI5)........................................................................................................................................................ 12
3.7 ANALOG SETPOINT (AI6) ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.8 ANALOG SETPOINT (AI7)........................................................................................................................................................ 12
4 SEGNALI DIGITALI DA GENERATORE A CONTROLLO ROBOT (OUTPUT) ������������������������������������������������� 13
4.1 CURRENT FLOW ..................................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 PROCESS ACTIVE ................................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.3 MAIN CURRENT ...................................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.4 COLLISION PROTECTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.5 POWER SOURCE READY ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.6 COMMUNICATION READY .................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.7 ERROR NUMBER (BIT 7 - 0) ................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.8 PULSE SYNC ........................................................................................................................................................................... 15
4.9 PILOT ARC ............................................................................................................................................................................... 15
4.10 WIRE AVAILABLE .................................................................................................................................................................... 15
4.11 DATA DOCUMENTATION READY ........................................................................................................................................... 15
4.12 HARD FAULT ........................................................................................................................................................................... 15
5 SEGNALI ANALOGICI DA GENERATORE A CONTROLLO ROBOT (OUTPUT) �������������������������������������������� 15
5.1 ANALOG MEASURE (AO0) ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
5.2 ANALOG MEASURE (AO1) ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
5.3 ANALOG MEASURE (AO2) ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
5.4 ANALOG MEASURE (AO3) ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
5.5 ANALOG MEASURE (AO4) ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
5.6 ANALOG MEASURE (AO5) ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
6 CANopen DATA PROCESS IMAGE ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17
6.1 MESSAGGI CANopen TRASMESSI DAL CONTROLLO ROBOT AL GENERATORE ........................................................... 17
6.2 MESSAGGI CANopen TRASMESSI DAL GENERATORE AL CONTROLLO ROBOT ........................................................... 18
7 PROFIBUS DATA PROCESS IMAGE ART� 428�01 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19
7.1 MESSAGGI PROFIBUS TRASMESSI DAL CONTROLLO ROBOT AL GENERATORE ........................................................... 19
7.2 MESSAGGI PROFIBUS TRASMESSI DAL GENERATORE AL CONTROLLO ROBOT ........................................................... 20
8 DeviceNet DATA PROCESS IMAGE ART 42802 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
8.1 MESSAGGI DeviceNet TRASMESSI DAL CONTROLLO ROBOT AL GENERATORE .......................................................... 21
8.2 MESSAGGI DeviceNet TRASMESSI DAL GENERATORE AL CONTROLLO ROBOT .......................................................... 22
9 EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP DATA PROCESS IMAGE ART� 428�03 - 428�04 ��������������������������������������������������������� 23
9.1 MESSAGGI EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP TRASMESSI DAL CONTROLLO ROBOT AL GENERATORE ...................................... 23
9.2 MESSAGGI EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP TRASMESSI DAL GENERATORE AL CONTROLLO ROBOT ..................................... 24
10 MODELLO DI SEGNALI ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26
1�1 Questo manuale
Questo manuale descrive la con gurazione dei messaggi dei bus di campo (Data Process Image) adottati negli im-
pianti di saldatura automatizzati TIG Cebora, inclusi Plasma Welding.
Sono elencati e descritti tutti i segnali scambiati fra il sistema di saldatura TIG Cebora ed il controllo dell’impianto
robotizzato (Robot Control).
Questo manuale deve essere inteso come parte integrante dei Manuali Istruzioni delle singole apparecchiature com-
ponenti il sistema di saldatura Cebora e pertanto potrà essere necessaria la contemporanea consultazione dei sud-
detti manuali. In Fig. 1 è riportato un esempio di impianto robot Cebora.
Fig. 1
Posizione Descrizione Articolo Opzionale
1 Generatore serie WIN TIG Robot 380-381-
2 Interfaccia Robot 428.XX, 448 (X)
3 Connessione Generatore - Interfaccia Robot 2063 -
6 Carrello traina lo Robot 1649 X
7 Connessione Generatore - Carrello traina lo Robot 2067 X
8 Portabobina/attacco rapido 121/173 X
9 Guaina guida lo 1935 X
10 Pannello di controllo remoto TIG 438 X
11 Connessione Generatore - Pannello di controllo remoto TIG 2065 X
Se il controllo robot dispone di una porta di comunicazione di tipo CANopen master l’interfaccia (2) non è necessaria
in quanto il generatore (1) può essere collegato direttamente tramite il cavo CANopen (3) piu' il cavo aggiuntivo CANo-
pen art. 2054, da richiedere separatamente a Cebora
1�2 Bus di campo trattati in questo manuale
CANopen DS401;
Pro bus DP-V1;
Per ogni bus di campo Cebora fornisce il corrispondente le di congurazione.
A ne manuale (par. 6 ÷ 9) sono riportate le tabelle dei messaggi scambiati fra generatore e controllo robot (Data Pro-
cess Image), suddivise per tipologia di bus di campo. La Data Process Image è così composta :
Digital [byte]
8 4
Analog [word]
8 8
Total Size [byte]
24 20
Elenco segnali digitali ed analogici in ingresso al generatore.
bit Size [bit] Name Analog interface
Art� 448
Digital interface
Art� 428�XX
1 1 Weld Start X X
2 1 Robot Ready X X
3 - 6 4 Operating Modes (bit 3 - 0) X X
7 1 Reserved (set to 0) - 0
8 1 Protocol Mode - X
9 1 Gas Test/Gas Test Plasma X X
10 1 Wire Inching X X
11 1 Wire Retract X X
12 1 Source Error Reset X X
13 1 Touch Sensing X X
14 1 Gas Test Shield X X
15 1 Not used - -
16 1 Not used - -
17 - 23 7 Job Number (bit 6 - 0) X X
24 1 Job Number (bit 7 ) - X
25 - 31 7 Not used - -
32 1 Welding Simulation - -
33 1 Analog setpoint enable 0 - X
34 1 Analog setpoint enable 1 - X
35 1 Analog setpoint enable 2 - X
36 1 Analog setpoint enable 3 - X
37 1 Analog setpoint enable 4 - X
38 1 Analog setpoint enable 5 - X
39 1 Analog setpoint enable 6 - X
40 1 Analog setpoint enable 7 - X
41 - 48 8 Not used - -
49 - 55 7 Not used - -
56 1 Pilot Arc Start X X
57 - 64 8 Not used - -
65 - 80 16 Current Setpoint AI0 X X
81 - 96 16 Pulse Frequency/Wire Speed
High AI1
97 - 112 16 Current pulse ratio AI2 - X
113 - 128 16 Pulse duty cycle AI3 - X
129 - 144 16 Gas Plasma Flow AI4 - X
I45 - 160 16 Gas Shield Flow AI5 - X
161 - 176 16 High speed CW AI6 - X
177 - 192 16
Low speed CW AI7 - X
2�1 Weld Start
Il bit Weld Start comanda l’accensione e lo spegnimento dell’arco di saldatura.
Weld Start = (attivo alto.)
Weld Start Descrizione
01 Il controllo robot comanda l’accensione dell’arco. Questo segnale viene accettato se il
segnale di Power Source Ready è attivo.
10 Il controllo robot comanda lo spegnimento dell’arco.
In modalità Robot con il bit Robot Ready attivo il generatore è automaticamente impostato in modalità 2-tempi.
22 Robot Ready
Il bit Robot Ready abilita la comunicazione tra generatore e controllo robot, una volta che la comunicazione è stabilita
il generatore è pronto ad inviare e ricevere i dati dal CNC esterno.
Se il bit è impostato a zero il generatore permane nello stato di errore Error 90-CNC non pronto e l’icona sulla barra
di stato del display lampeggia.
Se il bit Robot Ready non è attivo, nessun segnale digitale o analogico viene acquisito e le uscite del generatore sono
tutte non attive.
Robot Ready = Attivo alto
Robot Ready Descrizione
0 Il controllo Robot non è pronto
1 Il controllo robot è pronto per lo scambio dati con l’esterno
Il bit Robot Ready non può essere utilizzato per un arresto di emergenza. Per tale funzione è disponibile un kit appo-
sitamente realizzato (Art. 449).
23 Operating Mode (bit 3 - 0)
La selezione della modalità operativa (Operating Mode) del generatore è effettuata tramite 4 bit:
Operating Mode MIG
Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 Mode
0 0 0 0 0 DC
0 0 0 1 1 XP
0 0 1 0 2 JOB MODE
0 0 1 1 3 PAR� SEL� INT
0 1 0 0 4 AC
0 1 0 1 5 MIX
0 1 1 0 6 /
0 1 1 1 7 /
1 0 0 0 8 DC PULSE
1 0 0 1 9 PULSE XP
1 0 1 0 10 /
1 0 1 1 11 /
1 1 0 0 12 AC PULSE
1 1 0 1 13 MIX PULSE
1 1 1 0 14 /
1 1 1 1 15 /
Tabella 1
23�1 Job Mode (Mode 2)
In questa modalità è possibile selezionare un Job precedentemente memorizzato nel generatore. E’ possibile memo-
rizzare nella macchina no a 99 Job (vedi par.2.10).
Job mode = Attivo alto
232 Parameter Selection Internal (Mode 3)
La modalità Parameter Selection Internal abilita la selezione dei parametri di saldatura tramite il pannello di controllo
del generatore. In tale modalità è possibile salvare i Job i quali potranno essere poi richiamati con l’opportuno numero
identicativo nella modalità Job mode.
2�3�3 Modo TIG (Mode 0,1,4,5,8,9,12,13)
Il processo è impostato in TIG.
Con questa impostazione sono presi in considerazione i segnali digitali ed analogici. In questa modalità vengono
accettati gli ingressi analogici AI0…AI7.
2�4 Protocol Mode
Il bit Protocol Mode consente di rappresentare le variabili dei setpoint analogici e delle misure analogiche (Analog
Set Point e Analog Measure) in due modi diversi, trasformando comunque sempre le variabili che ammettono valori
decimali in interi, tramite un fattore moltiplicatore 10 (es. 9.9 si considera come 99).
Protocol Mode Descrizione
0 Ogni segnale analogico (setpoint o misura) è trasformato in un valore numerico e riscala-
to fra il valore minimo e massimo utilizzando un campo a 16-bit senza segno (0 ÷ 65535)
1 I segnali analogici non subiscono alcuna messa in scala e quindi sono direttamente leg-
gibili. Il valore numerico è rappresentato direttamente in binario con un campo a 16-bit
con segno.
25 Gas Test
Il segnale opzionale Gas Test attiva l’elettrovalvola del gas.
Può essere usato anche per un gas Pre-ow addizionale durante un posizionamento.
Gas Test = Attivo alto.
Gas Test Descrizione
0 Valvola gas chiusa.
1 Valvola gas aperta.
Con il processo di saldatura attivo, i tempi di gas Pre-ow e Post-ow sono controllati direttamente dal generatore.
Con l’accessorio Plasma Welding tale ingresso attiva la valvola del Gas di Plasma.
2�6 Wire Inching
Il segnale Wire Inching comanda lavanzamento del lo di saldatura senza uscita di gas e senza generazione di cor-
rente. La velocità di avanzamento viene programmata tramite il pannello del generatore, nel menù Test Filo.
Wire Inching = Attivo alto.
Wire Inching Descrizione
0 Nessuna operazione
1 Avanzamento lo
Tenere la torcia lontano dal viso e dal corpo per evitare il rischio di ferite dovute alla fuoriuscita del lo di saldatura.
2�7 Wire Retract
Il segnale Wire Retract comanda l’arretramento del lo di una lunghezza ssa, dopo di che il motore si ferma.
La velocità di arretramento del lo è ssa a 1,0 m/min.
Wire Retract = Attivo alto.
Wire Retract Descrizione
0 Nessuna operazione
1 Ritiro lo
28 Source Error Reset
Il segnale Source Error Reset attivo sul fronte 01 cancella solo gli errori ripristinabili (Warning), per i quali il bit di
Hard Fault risulta essere non attivato (basso).
Source Error Reset Descrizione
0,1,10 Nessuna operazione
01 Reset di un errore ripristinabile (Warning)
Per l’elenco degli errori ripristinabili (Warning), fare riferimento al manuale d’uso del generatore WIN TIG.
29 Touch Sensing
Il segnale Touch Sensing ha il compito di individuare il cortocircuito del lo di saldatura con il pezzo e riportare l’infor-
mazione al controllo robot tramite il segnale Current Flow, con un ritardo di 10 ms max.
Touch Sensing = Attivo alto
Touch Sensing Descrizione
0 Nessuna operazione
1 Procedura di Touch Sensing attiva.
Il segnale Current Flow” è inviato all’uscita per 0,2 s oltre la durata del cortocircuito.
Per tutto il tempo in cui il segnale Touch Sensing” rimane attivo, la saldatura non può avvenire.
Se il controllo robot inizializza il segnale “Touch Sensing” durante la saldatura, l’operazione di saldatura è abortita
2�10 Gas Test Shield
Disponibile solo in modalità P.W. esegue il test del gas di protezione "Gas_Shield_Test"= attivo alto
Gas_Shield_Test Descrizione
0 Valvola chiusa
1 Valvola aperta
2�11 Job Number (bit 7 - 0)
Tale byte è valido se è impostato il modo di funzionamento Job Mode (par. 2.3) e seleziona il numero del Job da ese-
Job Number Descrizione
0 Job selezionato in modo manuale dal pannello del generatore
1 - 99 Job valido.
100 - 255 Job non valido.
Se nel menù delle impostazioni del generatore la voce Consenti Modica Job è :
- OFF, allora nessun parametro dei job selezionati può essere modicato,
- ON, alcuni dei parametri dei Job possono essere variati run-time tramite i corrispondenti ingressi analogici abilitati
oppure dal pannello di controllo del generatore.
Se da controllo robot viene selezionata una posizione di memoria vuota o non valida, sulla barra di stato del pannello
principale appare l’icona evidenziata sotto:
Con interfaccia 448 i Bit a disposizione sono (bit 7 - 0)
2�12 Welding Simulation
Modalità di funzionamento non implementata.
2�13 Abilitazione Ingressi analogici
Byte di abilitazione degli ingressi analogici. Ogni bit corrisponde al relativo ingresso analogico secondo la tabella di
seguito riportata :
Analog Setpoint Enable bit / Function Value=0 Value=1
Analog Setpoint Enable AI0 (Current Setpoint) Disabilitato Abilitato
Analog Setpoint Enable AI1 (Pulse Frequency) Disabilitato Abilitato
Analog Setpoint Enable AI2 (Current Pulse Ratio) Disabilitato Abilitato
Analog Setpoint Enable AI3 (Pulse Duty Cycle) Disabilitato Abilitato
Analog Setpoint Enable AI4 (Gas Plasma Flow) Disabilitato Abilitato
Analog Setpoint Enable AI5 (Gas Shield Flow) Disabilitato Abilitato
Analog Setpoint Enable AI6 (High Speed CW) Disabilitato Abilitato
Analog Setpoint Enable AI7 (Low Speed CW) Disabilitato Abilitato
2�14 Pilot Arc Start
È il comando di accensione dell’arco pilota nel processo plasma welding.
Nell’impianto deve essere presente la console plasma, impostata per il funzionamento automatico, cioè gestito dal
controllo robot: fare riferimento al manuale istruzioni della gas console digitale Art 465.01.
Funzione Pilot Arc Start = attivo alto.
Pilot Arc start Descrizione
0 Arco pilota spento
1 Accensione arco pilota, se entro 3 s non è presente corrente di arco pilota tale ingresso
viene ignorato dal generatore, anche se ancora attivo
Il generatore è in grado di gestire 4 ingressi analogici per le regolazioni dei parametri di saldatura in tempo reale.
Ogni ingresso analogico è composto da 16 bit. Il formato di ogni singola analogica dipende dal bit Protocol Mode.
3�1 Analog Setpoint (AI0)
Analog Setpoint AI0 = Current Setpoint
E’ la velocità del lo di saldatura. Tale valore non ha effetto solamente nella modalità di funzionamento Mode 3 ( Pa-
rameter selection internal) e Mode 2 (Job Mode: vedere eccezione descritta al par. 2.10).
An� In0 Valore[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 500.0 0xFFFF 0x01F4
3�2 Analog Setpoint (AI1)
Analog Setpoint AI1 = Pulse Frequency
Questa regolazione si riferisce alla correzione della tensione di arco rispetto al valore di setpoint.
An� In1 Valore[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 2500 0xFFFF 0x09C4
3�3 Analog Setpoint (AI2)
Analog Setpoint AI2 = Current Pulse Ratio
Regola il valore dell’impedenza di uscita andando a modicare i fronti di salita e discesa della corrente di saldatura
An� In2 Valore[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 100.0 0xFFFF 0x0064
3�4 Analog Setpoint (AI3)
Analog Setpoint AI3 = Pulse Duty Cycle
Modica il valore della corrente di Burnback per regolare la lunghezza del lo al termine della saldatura.
An� In3 Valore[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 100.0 0xFFFF 0x0064
3�5 Analog Setpoint (AI4)
Analog Setpoint AI4 = Gas Plasma Flow. Tale parametro regola il usso di gas di plasma durante la saldatura ed è
denito dai seguenti valori di fondo scala:
An� In4 Valore[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 10.0 0xFFFF 0x0064
3�6 Analog Setpoint (AI5)
Analog Setpoint AI5 = Gas Shield Flow. Tale parametro regola il usso del gas di schermo durante la saldatura ed è
denito dai seguenti valori di fondo scala:
An� In5 Valore[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 30.0 0xFFFF 0x0120
3�7 Analog Setpoint (AI6)
Analog Setpoint AI6 = High Speed CW. Questa regolazione si riferisce alla velocità alta del motore durante il processo
“lo freddo” ed è denito dai seguenti valori di fondo scala:
An� In6 Valore[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min -12.5 0x0000 0xFF83
Max +12.5 0xFFFF 0x007D
3�8 Analog Setpoint (AI7)
Analog Setpoint AI7 = Low Speed CW. Questa regolazione si riferisce alla velocità bassa del motore durante il proces-
so “lo freddo” ed è denito dai seguenti valori di fondo scala:
An� In6 Valore[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min -12.5 0x0000 0xFF83
Max +12.5 0xFFFF 0x007D
Nella tabella vengono riportati i segnali digitali ed analogici in uscita dal generatore di saldatura
n° bit Size [bit] Name Analog interface
Art� 448
Digital interface
Art� 428XX
1 1 Current Flow X X
2 1 Not used - -
3 1 Process Active X X
4 1 Main Current X X
5 1 Torch Collision Protection - X
6 1 Power Source Ready X X
7 1 Communication Ready X X
8 1 Protocol Mode - X
09 - 16 8 Error Number (bit 7 - 0) - X
17 1 Pulse Sync X -
18 - 23 6 Not used - -
24 1 Pilot Arc X X
25 1 Not used - -
26 - 27 2 Not used - -
28 1 Wire Available - X
29 1 Not used - -
30 1 Data documentation ready - -
31 1 Not used - -
32 1 Hard Fault - X
33 - 48 16 Welding Voltage AO0 X X
49 - 64 16 Welding Current AO1 X X
65 - 80 16 Motor Current AO2 - X
81 - 96 16 Motor Speed AO3 - X
97 - 112 16 Gas Plasma Flow AO4 - X
113 - 145 16 Gas Shield Flow AO5 -
146 - 161 16 Not used -
Se il collegamento fra generatore e interfaccia robot è interrotto, tutti i segnali digitali ed analogici dall’interfaccia robot
verso il controllo robot vengono impostati a “0”.
4�1 Current Flow
Current Flow viene attivato appena la corrente di saldatura inizia a circolare sul pezzo da saldare.
Current Flow = attivo alto.
Current ow Descrizione
0 Non circola corrente sul pezzo da saldare
1 Circola corrente sul pezzo da saldare
4�2 Process Active
Dall’inizio del gas pre-ow no alla ne del gas post-ow, il generatore attiva il segnale Process Active.
Il segnale Process Active serve a garantire la protezione gassosa ottimale del bagno di saldatura, assicurando che il
robot stazioni sufcientemente a lungo all’inizio e alla ne del cordone di saldatura.
Process Active = attivo alto.
Process Active Descrizione
0 Processo di saldatura non in corso
1 Processo di saldatura in corso
4�3 Main Current
Il segnale Main Current è attivo durante il tratto di saldatura con corrente erogata pari al valore di setpoint impostato,
escluse quindi le fasi di innesco arco, corrente iniziale, rampe di salita e discesa e corrente di cratere.
Main Current = attivo alto.
Main Current Descrizione
Corrente circolante sul pezzo da saldare diversa dalla corrente di setpoint
Corrente circolante sul pezzo da saldare pari alla corrente di setpoint.
4�4 Collision Protection
Il robot può essere dotato di un sensore di collisione che, in caso di urto della torcia di saldatura, comanda basso il
segnale Collision Protection. In corrispondenza di tale evento il controllo robot arresta immediatamente il robot ed
interrompe il processo di saldatura disattivando il segnale Robot Ready.
Collision Protection = attivo basso.
Collision protection Descrizione
Collisione tra torcia e pezzo
Nessuna collisione rilevata tra torcia e pezzo
4�5 Power Source Ready
Il segnale Power Source Ready si attiva quando il generatore è pronto per saldare.
Appena interviene una condizione di errore nel generatore oppure il segnale Robot Ready è disattivato, il segnale
Power Source Ready viene immediatamente disattivato.
Power Source Ready = attivo alto.
Power Source Ready Descrizione
0 Il generatore non è abilitato alla saldatura.
1 Nessun errore rilevato: il generatore è pronto ad eseguire il processo di saldatura.
4�6 Communication Ready
Quando attivo indica che la comunicazione fra interfaccia robot e generatore è correttamente funzionante.
Quando non attivo indica la mancanza di comunicazione fra interfaccia robot e generatore.
Communication Ready = attivo alto.
Communication Ready Descrizione
0 Il generatore non è pronto per lo scambio dei dati (Es. si trova in stato di boot)
1 Il generatore è pronto per lo scambio dei dati.
4�7 Error Number (bit 7 - 0)
La congurazione dei bit corrisponde al codice di errore rilevato dal generatore (vedi paragrafo “Codici Errore” nel
Manuale Istruzioni del generatore).
Error Number Descrizione
0 Il generatore funziona correttamente.
1 - 99 Identica il codice errore rilevato.
4�8 Pulse Sync
Il segnale Pulse Sync è attivo e sincronizzato con ogni impulso di “corrente alta”, solo quando è impostato il processo
“TIG Pulsato” con una frequenza di pulsazione uguale o inferiore a 10 Hz.
Se il processo “TIG Pulsato” è impostato il segnale “Pulse Sync” è attivo:
con frequenza di pulsazione uguale o inferiore a 10 Hz l’uscita “Pulse Sync” segue lo stato dell’impulso “alto” di
con frequenza di pulsazione superiore a 10 Hz l’uscita “Pulse Sync” rimane ssa a livello alto.
Se il processo “Tig Pulsato” non è impostato il segnale “Pulse Sync” è tenuto a livello basso.
Tale segnale è attivo solo se è presente l’intefaccia analogica Art. 448.
Pulse Sync = attivo alto.
Pulse Sync Descrizione
Impulso di corrente basso
Impulso di corrente alto
4�9 Pilot Arc
Segnala l’ accensione dell’arco pilota nel processo plasma welding, in conseguenza del comando Pilot Arc (par. 2.24).
Pilot Arc = attivo alto.
Pilot Arc Descrizione
Arco pilota spento
Arco pilota acceso
4�10 Wire Available
4�11 Data documentation ready
4�12 Hard Fault
Il segnale va alto quando si verica un errore non ripristinabile (vedi anche par. 2.8 Source error reset e par.4.7 Error
Number) mentre rimane basso in assenza di errore non ripristinabile oppure in presenza di warning.
Hard fault = attivo alto.
Hard Fault Descrizione
0 Nessun errore non ripristinabile presente o warning presente
1 Si è vericato un errore non ripristinabile ed è quindi necessario spegnere il generatore
di saldatura.
Il generatore è in grado di gestire 4 uscite analogiche per le regolazioni dei parametri di saldatura in tempo reale. Ogni
uscita analogica è composto da 16 bit. Il formato di ogni singola analogica dipende dal bit Protocol Mode.
5�1 Analog Measure (AO0)
Analog Measure (AO0) = Welding Voltage.
E’ il segnale relativo alla tensione di uscita del generatore ed è denito dai seguenti valori di fondo scala:
AO0 Valore[V] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 100.0 0xFFFF 0x0064
5�2 Analog Measure (AO1)
Analog Measure (AO1) = Welding Current.
E’ il segnale della corrente di uscita del generatore ed è denito dai seguenti valori di fondo scala:
AO1 Valore[A] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 1000 0xFFFF 0x03E8
5�3 Analog Measure (AO2)
Analog Measure (AO2) = Motor Current.
E’ il segnale della corrente assorbita dal motore del trainalo ed è denito dai seguenti valori di fondo scala:
AO2 Valore[A] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
0.0 0x0000 0x0000
5.0 0xFFFF 0x0032
5�4 Analog Measure (AO3)
Analog Measure (AO3) = Motor Speed.
E’ il segnale della velocità del lo di saldatura ed è denito dai seguenti valori di fondo scala:
AO3 Valore[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min -12.5 0x0000 0xFF83
Max 12.5 0xFFFF 0x007D
5�5 Analog Measure (AO4)
Analog Measure (AO4) = Gas Plasma Flow.
E’ il segnale del usso di gas plasma ed è denito dai seguenti valori di fondo scala:
AO4 Valore[l/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 10.0 0xFFFF 0x0064
5�6 Analog Measure (AO5)
Analog Measure (AO5) = Gas Shield Flow.
E’ il segnale del usso di gas di protezione ed è denito dai seguenti valori di fondo scala:
AO5 Valore[l/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 30.0 0xFFFF 0x012C
IT I bit sono ordinati dal meno signicativo al più signicativo e ogni byte è delimitato da linea in grassetto.
EN The bit are ordered from less to most signicant and each byte is delimited by a bold line.
ES Los bit están ordenados de menos signicativo hacia más signicativo y cada byte se delimita de línea gruesa.
6�1 Messaggi CANopen trasmessi dal Controllo Robot al Generatore
6�1 CANopen messages transmitted from Robot Control to Power Source
6�1 Mensajes CANopen transmitidos del Control Robot al Generador
IT La dimensione totale dei dati è 24 byte (192 bit).
EN The total data size is 24 bytes (192 bit).
ES El tamaño total de los datos es 24 bytes (192 bit).
COBID =0x200
n° bit Size Signal name
1 1 Weld Start
2 1 Robot Ready
3 - 6 4 Operating Mode bit (3 - 0)
7 1 Reserved (set to 0)
8 1 Protocol Mode
9 1 Gas Test Plasma
10 1 Wire Inching
11 1 Wire Retract
12 1 Source Error Reset
13 1 Touch Sensing
14 1 Gas Test Shield
15 1 Not Used
16 1 Not Used
17 - 24 8 Job Number (bit (7 - 0)
25 - 31 7 Not used
32 1 Not Used
33 - 40 8 Analog Setpoint Enable (7 - 0)
41 - 48 8 Not used
49 - 55 7 Not used
56 1 Pilot Arc On
57 - 64
Not Used
COBID =0x300
n° bit Size Signal name
1 - 16 16 Current Setpoint (AI0)
17 - 32 16 Pulse Frequency (AI1)
33 - 48 16 Current Pulse Ratio (AI2)
49 - 64 16 Pulse Duty Cycle (AI3)
COBID =0x400
n° bit Size Signal name
1 - 16 16 Gas Plasma Flow (AI4)
17 - 32 16 Gas Shield Flow (AI5)
33 - 48 16 High Speed CW (AI6)
49 - 64 16 Low Speed CW (AI7)
6�2 Messaggi CANopen trasmessi dal Generatore al Controllo Robot
6�2 CANopen messages transmitted from Power Source to Robot Control
6�2 Mensajes CANopen transmitidos del Generador al Control Robot
IT La dimensione totale dei dati è 20 byte (160 bit)
EN The total data size is 20 bytes (160 bit)
ES El tamaño total de los datos es 20 bytes (160 bit)
COBID = 0x180
n° bit Size Signal name
1 1 Current Flow
2 1 Not used
3 1 Process Active
4 1 Main Current
5 1 Collision Protection
6 1 Power Source Ready
7 1 Communication Ready
8 1 Protocol mode
9 - 16 8 Error Number (bit 7 - 0)
17 1 Pulse Sync
18 - 23 6 Not used
24 1 Pilot Arc
25 1 Not used
26 - 27 2 Not used
28 1 Wire Available
29 1 Not used
30 1 Data documentation ready
31 1 Not used
32 1 Hard fault
COBID = 0x280
n° bit Size Signal name
1 - 16 16 Welding Voltage (AO0)
17 - 32 16 Welding Current (AO1)
33 - 48 16 Motor Current (AO2)
49 - 64 16 Motor Speed (AO3)
COBID = 0x380
n° bit Size Signal name
1 - 16 16 Plasma gas ow (AO4)
17 - 32 16 Shield gas ow (AO5)
33 - 48 16 Not Used
49 - 64 16 Not Used
IT I bit sono ordinati dal meno signicativo al più signicativo.
EN The bit are ordered from less to most signicant.
ES Los bit están ordenados de menos signicativo hacia más signicativo.
7�1 Messaggi PROFIBUS trasmessi dal Controllo Robot al Generatore
7�1 PROFIBUS messages transmitted from Robot Control to Power Source
7�1 Mensajes PROFIBUS transmitidos del Control Robot al Generador
IT La dimensione totale dei dati è 24 byte (192 bit)
EN The total data size is 24 bytes (192 bit).
ES El tamaño total de los datos es 24 bytes (192 bit)
Field n° bit Size Signal name
I01 1 Gas Test
I02 1 Wire Inching
I03 1 Wire Retract
I04 1 Source Error Reset
I05 1 Touch Sensing
I06 1 Gas Test Shield
I07 1 Not used
I08 1 Not used
I09 1 Weld Start
I10 1 Robot Ready
I11 - I14 4 Operating Mode (bit 3- 0)
I15 1 Reserved (set to 0)
I16 1 Protocol Mode
I17 - I23 7 Not used
I24 1 Not used
8 I25 - I32 8 Job number
8 I33 - I40 8 Not used
8 I41 - I48 8 Analog Setpoint Enable (7 - 0)
8 I49 - I56 8 Not used
I57 - I63 7 Not used
I64 1 Pilot Arc Start
I65 - I172 8 low
Current set point (AI0)
I73 - I80 8 high
I81 - I88 8 low
Pulse frequency (AI1)
I89 - I96 8 high
I97 - I104 8 low
Current Pulse Ratio (AI2)
I105 - I112 8 high
I113 - I120 8 low
Pulse Duty Cycle (AI3)
I121 - I128 8 high
I129 - I136 8 low
Gas Plasma Flow (AI4)
I137 - I144 8 high
I145 - I152 8 low
Gas Shield Flow (AI5)
I153 - I160 8 high
7�2 Messaggi PROFIBUS trasmessi dal Generatore al Controllo Robot
7�2 PROFIBUS messages transmitted from Power Source to Robot Control
7�2 Mensajes Probus transmitidos del Generador al Control Robot
IT La dimensione totale dei dati è 20 byte (160 bit).
EN The total data size is 20 bytes (160 bit).
ES El tamaño total de los datos es 20 bytes (160 bit).
Field n° bit Size Signal name
8 O01 - O08 8 Error Number (bit 7 - 0)
O09 1 Current Flow
O10 1 Not used
O11 1 Process Active
O12 1 Main Current
O13 1 Collision Protection
O14 1 Power Source Ready
O15 1 Communication Ready
O16 1 Protocol Mode
O17 1 Not used
O18 - 019 2 Not used
O20 1 Wire Available
O21 1 Not used
O22 1 Data documentation ready
O23 1 Not used
O24 2 Hard fault
O25 1 Pulse Sync
O26 - O31 6 Not used
O32 1 Pilot Arc
O33 - O40 8 low Welding Voltage (AO0)
O41 - O48 8 high
O49 - O56 8 low Welding Current (AO1)
O57 - O64 8 high
O65 - O72 8 low Motor Current (AO2)
O73 - O80 8 high
O81 - O88 8 low Motor Speed (AO3)
O89 - O96 8 high
O97 - O104 8 low Plasma Gas Flow (AO4)
O105 - O112 8 high
O113 - O120 8 low Shield Gas ow (AO5)
O121 - O128 8 high
O129 - O136 8 low Not used
O137 - O144 8 high Not used
O145 - O152 8 low Not used
O153 - O160 8 high Not used
IT I bit sono ordinati dal meno signicativo al più signicativo.
EN The bit are ordered from less to most signicant.
ES Los bit están ordenados de menos signicativo hacia más signicativo.
8�1 Messaggi DeviceNet trasmessi dal Controllo Robot al Generatore
8�1 DeviceNet messages transmitted from Robot Control to Power Source
8�1 Mensajes DeviceNet transmitidos del Control Robot al Generador
IT La dimensione totale dei dati è 24 byte (192 bit).
EN The total data size is 24 bytes (192 bit).
ES El tamaño total de los datos es 24 bytes (192 bit).
Field n° bit Size Signal name
I01 1 Weld Start
I02 1 Robot Ready
I03 - I06 4 Operating Modes (bit 3 - 0)
I07 1 Reserved (set to 0)
I08 1 Protocol Mode
I09 1 Gas Test
I10 1 Wire Inching
I11 1 Wire Retract
I12 1 Source Error Reset
I13 1 Touch Sensing
I14 1 Gas Test Shield
I15 1 Not used
I16 1 Not used
8 I17 - I24 8 Job Number (bit 7 - 0)
I25 - I31 7 Not used
I32 1 Not Used
8 I33 - I40 8 Analog Setpoint Enable
8 I41 - I48 8 Not used
I49 - I55 7 Not used
I56 1 Pilot arc start
8 I57 - I64 8 Not used
I65 - I72 8 low Current Setpoint (AI0)
I73 - I80 8 high
I81 - I88 8 low Pulse Frequency (AI1)
I89 - I96 8 high
I97 - I104 8 low Current Pulse Ratio (AI2)
I105 - I112 8 high
I113 - I120 8 low Pulse Duty Cycle (AI3)
I121 - I128 8 high
I129 - 136 8 low Gas Plasma Flow (AI4)
I137 - I144 8 high
I145 - I152 8 low Gas Shield Flow (AI5)
I153- I160 8 high
I161 - I168 8 low High Speed CW A16
I169 - I176 8 high
I177 - I184 8 low Low Speed CW A17
I185 - I192 8 high
82 Messaggi DeviceNet trasmessi dal Generatore al Controllo Robot
82 DeviceNet messages transmitted from Power Source to Robot Control
82 Mensajes DeviceNet transmitidos del Generador al Control Robot
IT La dimensione totale dei dati è 20 byte (160 bit).
EN The total data size is 20 bytes (160 bit).
ES El tamaño total de los datos es 20 bytes (160 bit).
Field n° bit Size Signal name
O01 1 Current Flow
O02 1 Not used
O03 1 Process Active
O04 1 Main Current
O05 1 Collision Protection
O06 1 Power Source Ready
O07 1 Communication Ready
O08 1 Protocol mode
8 O09 - O16 8 Error Number (bit 7 - 0)
O17 1 Pulse Sync
O18 - O23 6 Not used
O24 1 Pilot Arc
O25 1 Not Used
O26 - 027 2 Not used
O28 1 Wire Available
O29 1 Not used
O30 1 Data documentation ready
O31 1 Not used
O32 1 Hard Fault
O33 - O40 8 low Welding Voltage (AO0)
O41 - O48 8 high
O49 - O56 8 low Welding Current (AO1)
O57 - O64 8 high
O65 - O72 8 low Motor Current (AO2)
O73 - O80 8 high
O81 - O88 8 low Motor Speed (AO3)
O89 - O96 8 high
O97 - O104 8 low Plasma Gas Flow (AO4)
O105 - O112 8 high
O113 - O120 8 low Shield gas ow (AO5)
O121 - O128 8 high
O129 - O136 8 low Not used
O137 - O144 8 high
O145 - O152 8 low Not used
O153 - O160 8 high
9 EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP DATA PROCESS IMAGE ART� 42803 - 428�04
IT I bit sono ordinati dal meno signicativo al più signicativo e ogni byte è delimitato da linea in grassetto
EN The bit are ordered from less to most signicant and each byte is delimited by a bold line
ES Los bit están ordenados de menos signicativo hacia más signicativo y cada byte se delimita de línea gruesa
9�1 Messaggi EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP trasmessi dal Controllo Robot al Generatore
9�1 EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP messages transmitted from Robot Control to Power Source
9�1 Mensajes EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP transmitidos del Control Robot al Generador
IT La dimensione totale dei dati è 24 byte (192 bit).
EN The total data size is 24 bytes (192 bit).
ES El tamaño total de los datos es 24 bytes (192 bit).
data n° bit Size Signal name
1 1 Weld Start
2 1 Robot Ready
3 - 6 4 Operating Mode bit (3 - 0)
7 1 Reserved (set to 0)
8 1 Protocol Mode
9 1 Gas Test
10 1 Wire Inching
11 1 Wire Retract
12 1 Source Error Reset
13 1 Touch Sensing
14 1 Gas Test Shield
15 1 Not used
16 1 Not used
DIN2 17 - 24 8 Job Number (bit 7 - 0)
25 - 31 7 Not used
32 1 Not Used
DIN4 33 - 40 8 Analog Setpoint Enable
DIN5 41 - 48 8 Not used
49 - 55 7 Not used
56 1 Pilot Arc start
DIN7 57 - 64 8 Not used
AIN0 65 - 80 16 Current Setpoint (AI0)
AIN1 81 - 96 16 Pulse Frequency (AI1)
AIN2 97 - 112 16 Current Pulse Ratio (AI2)
AIN3 113 - 128 16 Pulse Duty Cycle (AI3)
AIN4 129 - 144 16 Gas Plasma Flow (AI4)
AIN5 145 - 160 16 Gas Shield Flow (AI5)
9�2 Messaggi EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP trasmessi dal Generatore al Controllo Robot
9�2 EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP messages transmitted from Power Source to Robot Control
9�2 Mensajes EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP transmitidos del Generador al Control Robot
IT La dimensione totale dei dati è 20 byte (160 bit).
EN The total data size is 20 bytes (160 bit).
ES El tamaño total de los datos es 20 bytes (160 bit).
data n° bit Size Signal name
1 1 Current Flow
2 1 Not used
3 1 Process Active
4 1 Main Current
5 1 Collision Protection
6 1 Power Source Ready
7 1 Communication Ready
8 1 Protocol mode
DOUT1 9 - 16 8 Error Number (bit 7 - 0)
17 1 Pulse Sync
18 - 23 6 Not used
24 1 Pilot Arc
25 1 Sticking Remedied
26 - 27 2 Not used
28 1 Wire available
29 1 Not used
30 1 Data documentation ready
31 1 Not used
32 1 Hard Fault
AOUT0 33 - 48 16 Welding Voltage (AO0)
AOUT1 49 - 64 16 Welding Current (AO1)
AOUT2 65 - 80 16 Motor Current (AO2)
AOUT3 81 - 96 16 Motor Speed (AO3)
AOUT4 97 - 112 16 Plasma Gas Flow (A04)
AOUT5 113 - 128 16 Shield Gas Flow (A05)
AOUT6 129 - 144 16 Not Used
AOUT7 145 - 160 16 Not Used
Automation & Robotics
Output Current
Welding Current
Crater Level
First Level
Welding Torch Movement
Main Current
Current Flow
Process Active
Power Source Ready
Digital Outputs
(Power Source
Weld Start
Robot Ready
Digital Inputs
Power Source)
Digital Inputs for Operating Mode 2 (JOB Mode)
Job Number
(bit 0 7)
Protocollo segnali TIG Robot
Automation & Robotics
Output Current
Main Current
Current Flow
Process Active
Power Source Ready
Digital Outputs
(Power Source
Weld Start
Robot Ready
Digital Inputs
Power Source)
Welding Torch Movement
Welding Current
Crater Level
First Level
Analogue Inputs for Operating Mode 0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13
Digital Inputs for Operating Mode 0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13
Analogue Setpoint
Ain (AI0 AI7)
Analogue Setpoint Enable
Ain (AI0 AI7)
Protocollo segnali TIG Robot
CEBORA S.p.A - Via Andrea Costa, 24 - 40057 Cadriano di Granarolo - BOLOGNA - Italy
Tel. +39.051.765.000 - Fax. +39.051.765.222 - e-mail: [email protected]
Translation of the original instructions
1 INTRODUCTION ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32
1.1 THIS MANUAL ......................................................................................................................................................................... 32
1.2 FIELDBUSES COVERED IN THIS MANUAL ............................................................................................................................ 32
2 DIGITAL SIGNALS FROM ROBOT CONTROL TO POWER SOURCE (INPUT) ���������������������������������������������� 34
2.1 WELD START ........................................................................................................................................................................... 35
2.2 ROBOT READY ........................................................................................................................................................................ 35
2.3 OPERATING MODE (BIT 3 - 0) ................................................................................................................................................ 36
2.3.1 Job Mode (Mode 2) ................................................................................................................................................................ 36
2.3.2 Parameter Selection Internal (Mode 3) ................................................................................................................................... 36
2.3.3 TIG Processes (Mode 0,1,4,5,8,9,12,13) .................................................................................................................................. 36
2.4 PROTOCOL MODE .................................................................................................................................................................. 36
2.5 GAS TEST ................................................................................................................................................................................ 37
2.6 WIRE INCHING ........................................................................................................................................................................ 37
2.7 WIRE RETRACT ....................................................................................................................................................................... 37
2.8 SOURCE ERROR RESET ........................................................................................................................................................ 37
2.9 TOUCH SENSING .................................................................................................................................................................... 37
2.10 GAS TEST SHIELD ................................................................................................................................................................. 38
2.11 JOB NUMBER (BIT 7 - 0) ......................................................................................................................................................... 38
2.12 WELDING SIMULATION .......................................................................................................................................................... 38
2.13 ANALOGUE INPUT ENABLEMENT ......................................................................................................................................... 38
2.14 PILOT ARC START ................................................................................................................................................................... 39
3 ANALOG SIGNALS FROM ROBOT CONTROL TO POWER SOURCE (INPUT) �������������������������������������������� 39
3.1 ANALOG SETPOINT (AI0) ....................................................................................................................................................... 39
3.2 ANALOG SETPOINT (AI1) ........................................................................................................................................................ 39
3.3 ANALOG SETPOINT (AI2) ........................................................................................................................................................ 39
3.4 ANALOG SETPOINT (AI3)........................................................................................................................................................ 39
3.5 ANALOG SETPOINT (AI4) ........................................................................................................................................................ 40
3.6 ANALOG SETPOINT (AI5)........................................................................................................................................................ 40
3.7 ANALOG SETPOINT (AI6) ....................................................................................................................................................... 40
3.8 ANALOG SETPOINT (AI7)........................................................................................................................................................ 40
4 DIGITAL SIGNALS FROM POWER SOURCE TO ROBOT CONTROL (OUTPUT) ������������������������������������������ 41
4.1 CURRENT FLOW ..................................................................................................................................................................... 41
4.2 PROCESS ACTIVE ................................................................................................................................................................... 41
4.3 MAIN CURRENT ...................................................................................................................................................................... 42
4.4 COLLISION PROTECTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 42
4.5 POWER SOURCE READY ....................................................................................................................................................... 42
4.6 COMMUNICATION READY .................................................................................................................................................... 42
4.7 ERROR NUMBER (BIT 7 - 0) ................................................................................................................................................... 42
4.8 PULSE SYNC ........................................................................................................................................................................... 43
4.9 PILOT ARC ............................................................................................................................................................................... 43
4.10 WIRE AVAILABLE .................................................................................................................................................................... 43
4.11 DATA DOCUMENTATION READY ........................................................................................................................................... 43
4.12 HARD FAULT ...........................................................................................................................................................................43
5 ANALOG SIGNALS FROM POWER SOURCE TO ROBOT CONTROL (OUTPUT) ����������������������������������������� 43
5.1 ANALOG MEASURE (AO0) ..................................................................................................................................................... 43
5.2 ANALOG MEASURE (AO1) ..................................................................................................................................................... 44
5.3 ANALOG MEASURE (AO2) ..................................................................................................................................................... 44
5.4 ANALOG MEASURE (AO3) ..................................................................................................................................................... 44
5.5 ANALOG MEASURE (AO4) ..................................................................................................................................................... 44
5.6 ANALOG MEASURE (AO5) ..................................................................................................................................................... 44
6 CANopen DATA PROCESS IMAGE ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 45
6.1 CANopen MESSAGES TRANSMITTED FROM ROBOT CONTROL TO POWER SOURCE ................................................. 45
6.2 CANopen MESSAGES TRANSMITTED FROM POWER SOURCE TO ROBOT CONTROL ................................................. 46
7 PROFIBUS DATA PROCESS IMAGE ART�42801 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 47
7.1 PROFIBUS MESSAGES TRANSMITTED FROM ROBOT CONTROL TO POWER SOURCE ................................................. 47
7.2 PROFIBUS MESSAGES TRANSMITTED FROM POWER SOURCE TO ROBOT CONTROL ................................................. 48
8 DeviceNet DATA PROCESS IMAGE ART 42802 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 49
8.1 DeviceNet MESSAGES TRANSMITTED FROM ROBOT CONTROL TO POWER SOURCE ............................................... 49
8.2 DeviceNet MESSAGES TRANSMITTED FROM POWER SOURCE TO ROBOT CONTROL ............................................... 50
9 EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP DATA PROCESS IMAGE ART� 428�03 - 428�04 ��������������������������������������������������������� 51
9.1 EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP MESSAGES TRANSMITTED FROM ROBOT CONTROL TO POWER SOURCE ............................ 51
9.2 EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP MESSAGES TRANSMITTED FROM POWER SOURCE TO ROBOT CONTROL ............................ 52
10 SIGNALS PATTERN �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 54
1�1 This manual
This manual describes the con guration of  eldbus (Data Process Image) messages adopted in Cebora TIG automa-
ted welding systems.
All signals exchanged between the Cebora MIG welding system and the robotised system control (Robot Control) are
listed and described.
This manual must be seen as an integral part of the Instruction Manuals of individual devices comprising the Cebora
welding system and therefore simultaneous consultation of the above manuals may be necessary.
Fig. 1 shows an example of a Cebora robot system.
Fig. 1
Pos Description Art Optional
1 WIN TIG Robot Power source 380-381-
2 Robot Interface 428.XX, 448 (X)
3 Power source – Robot Interface connection 2063 -
6 Robot wire feeder 1649 X
7 Power source – robot wire feeder connection 2067 X
8 Wire spool holder/quick  tting 121/173 X
9 Wire guide sheath 1935 X
10 TIG remote control panel 438 X
11 Power source – TIG remote control panel connection 2065 X
If the robot control is tted with a CANopen master communication port the interface (2) is unnecessary because
power source (1) can be connected directly via CANopen cable (3), which must be ordered separately from Cebora.
1�2 Fieldbuses covered in this manual
CANopen DS401;
Pro bus DP-V1;
Cebora provides the corresponding conguration le for each eldbus.
At the end of the manual (sections 6 to 9) tables of messages exchanged between power source and robot control are
provided (Data Process Image). These are subdivided by eldbus type. A Data Process Image is made up as follows:
Digital [byte]
8 4
Analog [word]
8 8
Total Size [byte]
24 20
List of digital and analog signals entering the power source
bit Size [bit] Name Analog interface
Art� 448
Digital interface
Art� 428�XX
1 1 Weld Start X X
2 1 Robot Ready X X
3 - 6 4 Operating Mode (bit 3 - 0) X X
7 1 Reserved (set to 0) - 0
8 1 Protocol Mode - X
9 1 Gas Test X X
10 1 Wire Inching X X
11 1 Wire Retract X X
12 1 Source Error Reset X X
13 1 Touch Sensing X X
14 1 Blow Through X X
15 1 Not used. - -
16 1 Not used - -
17 - 23 7 Job Number (bit 6 - 0) X X
24 1 Job Number (bit 7 ) - X
25 - 31 7 Synergic Table (bit 6-0) X X
32 1 Not used - -
33 1 Analog Setpoint Enable 0 - X
34 1 Analog Setpoint Enable 1 - X
35 1 Analog Setpoint Enable 2 - X
36 1 Analog Setpoint Enable 3 - X
37 1 Not Used - -
38 1 Not Used - -
39 1 Not Used - -
40 1 Not Used - -
41 - 48 8 Not used - -
49 - 56 8 Not used - -
57 - 64 8 Not used - -
65 - 80 16 Speed Setpoint (AI0) X X
81 - 96 16 Arc. Length Corr. (AI1) X X
97 - 12 16 Inductance Corr. (AI2) - X
113 - 128 16 Burnback Corr. (AI3) - X
129 - 144 16 Not Used - -
I45 - 60 16 Not Used - -
161 - 176 16 Not Used - -
177 - 192 16 Not Used - -
2�1 Weld Start
The Weld Start bit controls weld arc start and stop.
Weld Start = (active high.)
Weld Start Description
01 The robot control controls arc start. This signal is accepted if the Power Source Ready
signal is active.
10 The robot control controls arc stop
In Robot mode with the Robot Ready bit active, the power source is automatically set to 2-step mode.
22 Robot Ready
The Robot Ready bit enables communication between power source and robot control. Once communication is esta-
blished, the power source is ready to send and receive data from the external CNC.
If the bit is set to zero, the power source remains in error status Error 90-CNC not ready and the icon on the display
status bar ashes.
If the Robot Ready bit is inactive, no digital or analog signal is acquired and the power source outputs are all inactive.
Robot Ready = Active high
Robot Ready Description
0 The robot control is not ready
1 The robot control is ready to exchange data with the outside
The Robot Ready bit cannot be used for an emergency shut-down. A specially made kit is available for this purpose
(Item 449).
23 Operating Mode (bit 3 - 0)
The power source operating mode is selected by means of 4 bits
Operating Mode MIG
Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 Mode
0 0 0 0 0 DC
0 0 0 1 1 XP
0 0 1 0 2 JOB MODE
0 0 1 1 3 PAR� SEL� INT
0 1 0 0 4 AC
0 1 0 1 5 MIX
0 1 1 0 6 /
0 1 1 1 7 /
1 0 0 0 8 DC PULSE
1 0 0 1 9 PULSE XP
1 0 1 0 10 /
1 0 1 1 11 /
1 1 0 0 12 AC PULSE
1 1 0 1 13 MIX PULSE
1 1 1 0 14 /
1 1 1 1 15 /
Table 1
23�1 Job Mode (Mode 2)
A job previously stored in the power source can be selected in this mode. Up to 99 jobs can be stored in the machine
(see section 2.10). Job Mode = Active high.
232 Parameter Selection Internal (Mode 3)
Parameter Selection Internal mode enables weld parameter selection by means of the power source control panel. In
this mode, jobs can be stored and then called up using the appropriate identication number in Job mode.
2�3�3 TIG Processes (Mode 0,1,4,5,8,9,12,13)
This process is set in TIG.
Digital and analogue signals are considered with this setting. Analogue inputs AI0…AI7 are accepted in this mode.
2�4 Protocol Mode
Protocol Mode can be used to represent analog setpoint and analog measurement variables in two different ways,
always converting variables that allow decimal values to integers by means of a multiplication factor of 10 (e.g. 9.9 is
considered to be 99).
Protocol Mode Description
0 Each analog signal (setpoint or measurement) is converted to a numerical value and re-
scaled between the minimum and maximum value using a 16-bit eld without a sign (0
through 65535)
1 Analog signals do not undergo any scale conversion and are therefore directly readable.
The numerical value is shown directly in binary with a 16-bit eld with a sign.
25 Gas Test
The optional Gas Test signal activates the gas solenoid.
It can also be used for additional pre-ow gas during positioning.
Gas Test = Active high.
Gas Test Description
0 Gas valve closed
1 Gas valve open
With the welding process active, the pre-ow and post-ow gas times are controlled directly by the power source.
With the Plasma Welding accessory this input activates the Plasma Gas valve.
2�6 Wire Inching
The Wire Inching signal allows the wire to slide in the torch sheath without gas emerging and without current genera-
tion. The incremental speed is set on the power source panel in the Wire Test menu.
Wire Inching = Active high.
Wire Inching Description
0 No Operation
1 Wire feed
Hold the torch well away from your face and body to avoid the risk of injury due to the emerging welding wire.
2�7 Wire Retract
The Wire Retract signal causes the wire to retract by a xed length, after which the motor stops.
Wire retraction speed is set at 1.0 m/min.
Wire Retract = Active high
Wire Retract Description
0 No Operation
1 Wire retraction
28 Source Error Reset
The Source Error Reset signal active on the 01 front only deletes resettable errors (warnings), for which the Hard
Fault bit is not activated (low).
Source Error Reset Description
0,1, 10 No Operation
01 Reset of a resettable error. (Warning)
Refer to the WIN TIG power source user manual for a list of resettable errors (warnings).
29 Touch Sensing
The Touch Sensing signal identies a short circuit in the weld wire with the workpiece and relays the information to the
robot control by means of the Current Flow signal with a delay of 10 ms max.
Touch Sensing = Active high
Touch Sensing Description
0 No operation
1 Touch Sensing procedure active.
The “Current Flow” signal is sent to the output for 0.2 s beyond the short-circuit duration.
Welding cannot take place as long as the “Touch Sensing” signal remains active.
If the “Touch Sensing” signal is activated during welding, this event is ignored and does not interrupt the welding
process in progress.
2�10 Gas Test Shield
Available only in P.W. mode, performs the shielding gas test "Gas_Shield_Test"= = active high
Gas_Shield_Test Description
0 Gas valve open
1 Gas valve open
2�11 Job Number (bit 7 - 0)
This byte is valid if Job Mode operating mode is set (section 2.3) and job number to be performed is selected.
Job Number Description
0 Job selected manually from the power source panel
1 - 99 Job valid
100 - 255 Job invalid
If the item Allow job change in the power source settings menu is:
- OFF, none of the selected job parameters can be changed,
- ON, the run-time of some of the job parameters can be changed by means of the analog inputs enabled or from the
power source control panel.
If an empty or invalid memory position is selected by robot control, the icon shown below appears on the main panel
status bar:
With interface 448 the available bits are (bit 7 - 0)
2�12 Welding Simulation
Operating mode not implemented.
2�13 Analogue input enablement
Analogue input enablement bytes. Each bit corresponds to the associated analogue input according to the following
Analog Setpoint Enable bit / Function Value=0 Value=1
Analog Setpoint Enable AI0 (Current Setpoint) Disabled Enabled
Analog Setpoint Enable AI1 (Pulse Frequency) Disabled Enabled
Analog Setpoint Enable AI2 (Current Pulse Ratio) Disabled Enabled
Analog Setpoint Enable AI3 (Pulse Duty Cycle) Disabled Enabled
Analog Setpoint Enable AI4 (Gas Plasma Flow) Disabled Enabled
Analog Setpoint Enable AI5 (Gas Shield Flow) Disabled Enabled
Analog Setpoint Enable AI6 (High Speed CW) Disabled Enabled
Analog Setpoint Enable AI7 (Low Speed CW) Disabled Enabled
2�14 Pilot Arc Start
This is the pilot arc start command in the plasma welding process.
The plasma console set for automatic operation, i.e. managed by robot control, must be present in the system: refer
to digital console gas instruction manual item 465.01.
Pilot Arc Start function = active high
Pilot Arc start Description
0 Pilot arc off
1 Pilot arc start, if no pilot arc current is present within 3 s, this input is ignored by the po-
wer source, even if it is still active.
The power source is able to manage 4 analog inputs for weld parameter settings in real time.
Each analog input consists of 16 bits. The format of each analog signal depends on the Protocol Mode bit.
3�1 Analog Setpoint (AI0)
Analog Setpoint AI0 = Current Setpoint.
Welding wire speed. This value is not effective only in operating mode 3 (Parameter selection internal) and Mode 2
(Job Mode: see exception described in paragraph 2.10).
An� In0 Value[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 500.0 0xFFFF 0x01F4
3�2 Analog Setpoint (AI1)
Analog Setpoint AI1 = Pulse Frequency.
This setting refers to arc voltage correction in relation to the setpoint value
An� In1 Value[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 2500 0xFFFF 0x09C4
3�3 Analog Setpoint (AI2)
Analog Setpoint AI2 = Current Pulse Ratio.
This regulates the output impedance value in order to modify the welding current rising and falling edges
An� In2 Value[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 100.0 0xFFFF 0x0064
3�4 Analog Setpoint (AI3)
Analog Setpoint AI3 = Pulse Duty Cycle.
Changes the burnback current value to adjust wire length when welding is complete.
An� In3 Value[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 100.0 0xFFFF 0x0064
3�5 Analog Setpoint (AI4)
Analog Setpoint AI4 = Gas Plasma Flow.
This parameter regulates plasma gas ow during welding and is dened by the following full-scale deection values:
An� In4 Value[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 10.0 0xFFFF 0x0064
3�6 Analog Setpoint (AI5)
Analog Setpoint AI5 = Gas Shield Flow.
This parameter regulates plasma gas ow during welding and is dened by the following full-scale deection values:
An� In5 Value[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 30.0 0xFFFF 0x0120
3�7 Analog Setpoint (AI6)
Analog Setpoint AI6 = High Speed CW.
This setting refers to motor high speed during the “cold wire” process and is dened by the following full-scale de-
ection values:
An� In6 Value[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min -12.5 0x0000 0xFF83
Max +12.5 0xFFFF 0x007D
3�8 Analog Setpoint (AI7)
Analog Setpoint AI7 = Low Speed CW.
This setting refers to motor low speed during the “cold wire” process and is dened by the following full-scale deec-
tion values:
An� In6 Value[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min -12.5 0x0000 0xFF83
Max +12.5 0xFFFF 0x007D
The following table shows digital and analogue signals leaving the welding power source
n° bit Size [bit] Name Analog interface
Art� 448
Digital interface
Art� 428XX
1 1 Current Flow X X
2 1 Not used - -
3 1 Process Active X X
4 1 Main Current X X
5 1 Torch Collision Protection - X
6 1 Power Source Ready X X
7 1 Communication Ready X X
8 1 Protocol Mode - X
09 - 16 8 Error Number (bit 7 - 0) - X
17 1 Pulse Sync X -
18 - 23 6 Not used - -
24 1 Pilot Arc X X
25 1 Not used - -
26 - 27 2 Not used - -
28 1 Wire Available - X
29 1 Not used - -
30 1 Data documentation ready - -
31 1 Not used - -
32 1 Hard Fault - X
33 - 48 16 Welding Voltage AO0 X X
49 - 64 16 Welding Current AO1 X X
65 - 80 16 Motor Current AO2 - X
81 - 96 16 Motor Speed AO3 - X
97 - 112 16 Gas Plasma Flow AO4 - X
113 - 145 16 Gas Shield Flow AO5 -
146 - 161 16 Not used -
If the connection between power source and robot interface is broken, all digital and analog signals from the robot
interface to the robot control are set to “0”.
4�1 Current Flow
Current Flow is activated as soon as the welding current begins to ow through the workpiece.
Current Flow = active high.
Current ow Description
0 No current ows through the workpiece
1 Current ows through the workpiece
4�2 Process Active
From the beginning of pre-ow gas to the end of post-ow gas, the power source activates the Process Active signal.
The Process Active signal is used to ensure optimal gas shielding of the weld pool, ensuring that the robot stops for
long enough at the beginning and end of the weld bead.
Process Active = active high.
Process Active Description
0 Weld process not started
1 Weld process in progress
4�3 Main Current
The Main Current signal is activated during the weld section with current delivery equal to setpoint value, therefore
excluding the arc strike, start current, ramp up, ramp down and crater lling current stages.
Main Current = active high.
Main Current Description
Current owing through workpiece other than setpoint current
Current owing through workpiece same as setpoint current
4�4 Collision Protection
The robot can be equipped with a collision sensor that controls a low Collision Protection signal. If this happens the
robot control stops the robot immediately and interrupts the welding process by deactivating the Robot Ready signal.
Collision Protection = active low.
Collision protection Description
Collision between torch and workpiece
No collision between torch and workpiece detected
4�5 Power Source Ready
The Power Source Ready signal is activated when the power source is ready to weld.
As soon as an error status arises in the power source or the Robot Ready signal is deactivated, the Power Source
Ready signal is immediately deactivated.
Power Source Ready = active high.
Power Source Ready Description
0 The power source is not enabled for welding
1 No error detected: the power source is ready to perform the welding process
4�6 Communication Ready
When this is active, communication between robot interface and power source is working properly.
When this is inactive, it indicates a lack of communication between robot interface and power source.
Communication Ready = active high
Communication Ready Description
0 Power source not ready for data exchange (e.g. in boot status)
1 Power source ready for data exchange
4�7 Error Number (bit 7 - 0)
The bit conguration corresponds to the error code detected by the power source (see “Error Codes” section in power
source instruction manual).
Error Number Description
0 The power source is working properly
1 - 99 Identies the error code detected
4�8 Pulse Sync
The Pulse Sync signal is active and synchronised with each “high current pulse, only when the “Pulsed TIG” proces-
ses is set, with a pulse frequency less than or equal to 10 Hz.
If the “Pulsed TIG” process is set, the “Pulse Sync” signal is active:
With pulse frequency less than or equal to 10 Hz the Pulse Sync” output follows the current “high” pulse
with pulse frequency greater than 10 Hz, the
“Pulse Sync” output remains xed at a high level.
If the “Pulsed Tig” process is not set, the “Pulse Sync” signal is kept at low-level.
This signal is active only if analogue interface Item 448 is present.
Pulse Sync = active high.
Pulse Sync Description
0 Low current pulse
1 High current pulse
4�9 Pilot Arc
Indicates start of pilot arc in plasma welding process, as a consequence of the Pilot Arc command (section 2.24).
Pilot Arc = active high.
Pilot Arc Description
0 Pilot arc off
1 Pilot arc on
4�10 Wire Available
4�11 Data documentation ready
4�12 Hard Fault
The signal becomes high when a non-resettable error occurs (see also section 2.8 Source error reset and section 4.7
Error Number) whereas it remains low in the absence of a non-resettable error or if a warning is present.
Hard fault = active high.
Hard Fault Description
0 No non-resettable error or warning present.
1 A non-resettable error has occurred, the weld power source must be turned off.
The power source is able to manage 4 analog outputs to adjust weld parameters in real time. Each analog output
consists of 16 bits. The format of each analog signal depends on the Protocol Mode bit.
5�1 Analog Measure (AO0)
Analog Measure (AO0) = Welding Voltage.
This is the power source output voltage signal and is dened by the following full-scale deection values:
AO0 Value[V] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 100.0 0xFFFF 0x0064
5�2 Analog Measure (AO1)
Analog Measure (AO1) = Welding Current.
This is the power source output current signal and is dened by the following full-scale deection values:
AO1 Value[A] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 1000 0xFFFF 0x03E8
5�3 Analog Measure (AO2)
Analog Measure (AO2) = Motor Current.
This is the signal of current taken up by the wire feed motor and is dened by the following full-scale deection values:
AO2 Value[A] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
0.0 0x0000 0x0000
5.0 0xFFFF 0x0032
5�4 Analog Measure (AO3)
Analog Measure (AO3) = Motor Speed.
This is the weld wire speed signal and is dened by the following full-scale deection values:
AO3 Value[l/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min -12.5 0x0000 0xFF83
Max 12.5 0xFFFF 0x007D
5�5 Analog Measure (AO4)
Analog Measure (AO2) = Gas Plasma Flow.
This is the console plasma gas ow measurement signal and is dened by the following full-scale deection values
AO4 Value[l/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 10.0 0xFFFF 0x0064
5�6 Analog Measure (AO5)
Analog Measure (AO3) = Gas Shield Flow.
This is the signal measured by the gas shield ow detector and is dened by the following full-scale deection values:
AO5 Value[l/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 30.0 0xFFFF 0x012C
IT I bit sono ordinati dal meno signicativo al più signicativo e ogni byte è delimitato da linea in grassetto.
EN The bit are ordered from less to most signicant and each byte is delimited by a bold line.
ES Los bit están ordenados de menos signicativo hacia más signicativo y cada byte se delimita de línea gruesa.
6�1 Messaggi CANopen trasmessi dal Controllo Robot al Generatore
6�1 CANopen messages transmitted from Robot Control to Power Source
6�1 Mensajes CANopen transmitidos del Control Robot al Generador
IT La dimensione totale dei dati è 24 byte (192 bit).
EN The total data size is 24 bytes (192 bit).
ES El tamaño total de los datos es 24 bytes (192 bit).
COBID =0x200
n° bit Size Signal name
1 1 Weld Start
2 1 Robot Ready
3 - 6 4 Operating Mode bit (3 - 0)
7 1 Reserved (set to 0)
8 1 Protocol Mode
9 1 Gas Test Plasma
10 1 Wire Inching
11 1 Wire Retract
12 1 Source Error Reset
13 1 Touch Sensing
14 1 Gas Test Shield
15 1 Not Used
16 1 Not Used
17 - 24 8 Job Number (bit (7 - 0)
25 - 31 7 Not used
32 1 Not Used
33 - 40 8 Analog Setpoint Enable (7 - 0)
41 - 48 8 Not used
49 - 55 7 Not used
56 1 Pilot Arc On
57 - 64
Not Used
COBID =0x300
n° bit Size Signal name
1 - 16 16 Current Setpoint (AI0)
17 - 32 16 Pulse Frequency (AI1)
33 - 48 16 Current Pulse Ratio (AI2)
49 - 64 16 Pulse Duty Cycle (AI3)
COBID =0x400
n° bit Size Signal name
1 - 16 16 Gas Plasma Flow (AI4)
17 - 32 16 Gas Shield Flow (AI5)
33 - 48 16 High Speed CW (AI6)
49 - 64 16 Low Speed CW (AI7)
6�2 Messaggi CANopen trasmessi dal Generatore al Controllo Robot
6�2 CANopen messages transmitted from Power Source to Robot Control
6�2 Mensajes CANopen transmitidos del Generador al Control Robot
IT La dimensione totale dei dati è 20 byte (160 bit)
EN The total data size is 20 bytes (160 bit)
ES El tamaño total de los datos es 20 bytes (160 bit)
COBID = 0x180
n° bit Size Signal name
1 1 Current Flow
2 1 Not used
3 1 Process Active
4 1 Main Current
5 1 Collision Protection
6 1 Power Source Ready
7 1 Communication Ready
8 1 Protocol mode
9 - 16 8 Error Number (bit 7 - 0)
17 1 Pulse Sync
18 - 23 6 Not used
24 1 Pilot Arc
25 1 Not used
26 - 27 2 Not used
28 1 Wire Available
29 1 Not used
30 1 Data documentation ready
31 1 Not used
32 1 Hard fault
COBID = 0x280
n° bit Size Signal name
1 - 16 16 Welding Voltage (AO0)
17 - 32 16 Welding Current (AO1)
33 - 48 16 Motor Current (AO2)
49 - 64 16 Motor Speed (AO3)
COBID = 0x380
n° bit Size Signal name
1 - 16 16 Plasma gas ow (AO4)
17 - 32 16 Shield gas ow (AO5)
33 - 48 16 Not Used
49 - 64 16 Not Used
IT I bit sono ordinati dal meno signicativo al più signicativo.
EN The bit are ordered from less to most signicant.
ES Los bit están ordenados de menos signicativo hacia más signicativo.
7�1 Messaggi PROFIBUS trasmessi dal Controllo Robot al Generatore
7�1 PROFIBUS messages transmitted from Robot Control to Power Source
7�1 Mensajes PROFIBUS transmitidos del Control Robot al Generador
IT La dimensione totale dei dati è 24 byte (192 bit)
EN The total data size is 24 bytes (192 bit).
ES El tamaño total de los datos es 24 bytes (192 bit)
Field n° bit Size Signal name
I01 1 Gas Test
I02 1 Wire Inching
I03 1 Wire Retract
I04 1 Source Error Reset
I05 1 Touch Sensing
I06 1 Gas Test Shield
I07 1 Not used
I08 1 Not used
I09 1 Weld Start
I10 1 Robot Ready
I11 - I14 4 Operating Mode (bit 3- 0)
I15 1 Reserved (set to 0)
I16 1 Protocol Mode
I17 - I23 7 Not used
I24 1 Not used
8 I25 - I32 8 Job number
8 I33 - I40 8 Not used
8 I41 - I48 8 Analog Setpoint Enable (7 - 0)
8 I49 - I56 8 Not used
I57 - I63 7 Not used
I64 1 Pilot Arc Start
I65 - I172 8 low
Current set point (AI0)
I73 - I80 8 high
I81 - I88 8 low
Pulse frequency (AI1)
I89 - I96 8 high
I97 - I104 8 low
Current Pulse Ratio (AI2)
I105 - I112 8 high
I113 - I120 8 low
Pulse Duty Cycle (AI3)
I121 - I128 8 high
I129 - I136 8 low
Gas Plasma Flow (AI4)
I137 - I144 8 high
I145 - I152 8 low
Gas Shield Flow (AI5)
I153 - I160 8 high
7�2 Messaggi PROFIBUS trasmessi dal Generatore al Controllo Robot
7�2 PROFIBUS messages transmitted from Power Source to Robot Control
7�2 Mensajes PROFIBUS transmitidos del Generador al Control Robot
IT La dimensione totale dei dati è 20 byte (160 bit).
EN The total data size is 20 bytes (160 bit).
ES El tamaño total de los datos es 20 bytes (160 bit).
Field n° bit Size Signal name
8 O01 - O08 8 Error Number (bit 7 - 0)
O09 1 Current Flow
O10 1 Not used
O11 1 Process Active
O12 1 Main Current
O13 1 Collision Protection
O14 1 Power Source Ready
O15 1 Communication Ready
O16 1 Protocol Mode
O17 1 Not used
O18 - 019 2 Not used
O20 1 Wire Available
O21 1 Not used
O22 1 Data documentation ready
O23 1 Not used
O24 2 Hard fault
O25 1 Pulse Sync
O26 - O31 6 Not used
O32 1 Pilot Arc
O33 - O40 8 low Welding Voltage (AO0)
O41 - O48 8 high
O49 - O56 8 low Welding Current (AO1)
O57 - O64 8 high
O65 - O72 8 low Motor Current (AO2)
O73 - O80 8 high
O81 - O88 8 low Motor Speed (AO3)
O89 - O96 8 high
O97 - O104 8 low Plasma Gas Flow (AO4)
O105 - O112 8 high
O113 - O120 8 low Shield Gas ow (AO5)
O121 - O128 8 high
O129 - O136 8 low Not used
O137 - O144 8 high Not used
O145 - O152 8 low Not used
O153 - O160 8 high Not used
IT I bit sono ordinati dal meno signicativo al più signicativo.
EN The bit are ordered from less to most signicant.
ES Los bit están ordenados de menos signicativo hacia más signicativo.
8�1 Messaggi DeviceNet trasmessi dal Controllo Robot al Generatore
8�1 DeviceNet messages transmitted from Robot Control to Power Source
8�1 Mensajes DeviceNet transmitidos del Control Robot al Generador
IT La dimensione totale dei dati è 24 byte (192 bit).
EN The total data size is 24 bytes (192 bit).
ES El tamaño total de los datos es 24 bytes (192 bit).
Field n° bit Size Signal name
I01 1 Weld Start
I02 1 Robot Ready
I03 - I06 4 Operating Modes (bit 3 - 0)
I07 1 Reserved (set to 0)
I08 1 Protocol Mode
I09 1 Gas Test
I10 1 Wire Inching
I11 1 Wire Retract
I12 1 Source Error Reset
I13 1 Touch Sensing
I14 1 Gas Test Shield
I15 1 Not used
I16 1 Not used
8 I17 - I24 8 Job Number (bit 7 - 0)
I25 - I31 7 Not used
I32 1 Not Used
8 I33 - I40 8 Analog Setpoint Enable
8 I41 - I48 8 Not used
I49 - I55 7 Not used
I56 1 Pilot arc start
8 I57 - I64 8 Not used
I65 - I72 8 low Current Setpoint (AI0)
I73 - I80 8 high
I81 - I88 8 low Pulse Frequency (AI1)
I89 - I96 8 high
I97 - I104 8 low Current Pulse Ratio (AI2)
I105 - I112 8 high
I113 - I120 8 low Pulse Duty Cycle (AI3)
I121 - I128 8 high
I129 - 136 8 low Gas Plasma Flow (AI4)
I137 - I144 8 high
I145 - I152 8 low Gas Shield Flow (AI5)
I153- I160 8 high
I161 - I168 8 low High Speed CW A16
I169 - I176 8 high
I177 - I184 8 low Low Speed CW A17
I185 - I192 8 high
82 Messaggi DeviceNet trasmessi dal Generatore al Controllo Robot
82 DeviceNet messages transmitted from Power Source to Robot Control
82 Mensajes DeviceNet transmitidos del Generador al Control Robot
IT La dimensione totale dei dati è 20 byte (160 bit).
EN The total data size is 20 bytes (160 bit).
ES El tamaño total de los datos es 20 bytes (160 bit).
Field n° bit Size Signal name
O01 1 Current Flow
O02 1 Not used
O03 1 Process Active
O04 1 Main Current
O05 1 Collision Protection
O06 1 Power Source Ready
O07 1 Communication Ready
O08 1 Protocol mode
8 O09 - O16 8 Error Number (bit 7 - 0)
O17 1 Pulse Sync
O18 - O23 6 Not used
O24 1 Pilot Arc
O25 1 Not Used
O26 - 027 2 Not used
O28 1 Wire Available
O29 1 Not used
O30 1 Data documentation ready
O31 1 Not used
O32 1 Hard Fault
O33 - O40 8 low Welding Voltage (AO0)
O41 - O48 8 high
O49 - O56 8 low Welding Current (AO1)
O57 - O64 8 high
O65 - O72 8 low Motor Current (AO2)
O73 - O80 8 high
O81 - O88 8 low Motor Speed (AO3)
O89 - O96 8 high
O97 - O104 8 low Plasma Gas Flow (AO4)
O105 - O112 8 high
O113 - O120 8 low Shield gas ow (AO5)
O121 - O128 8 high
O129 - O136 8 low Not used
O137 - O144 8 high
O145 - O152 8 low Not used
O153 - O160 8 high
9 EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP DATA PROCESS IMAGE ART� 42803 - 428�04
IT I bit sono ordinati dal meno signicativo al più signicativo e ogni byte è delimitato da linea in grassetto
EN The bit are ordered from less to most signicant and each byte is delimited by a bold line
ES Los bit están ordenados de menos signicativo hacia más signicativo y cada byte se delimita de línea gruesa
9�1 Messaggi EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP trasmessi dal Controllo Robot al Generatore
9�1 EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP messages transmitted from Robot Control to Power Source
9�1 Mensajes EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP transmitidos del Control Robot al Generador
IT La dimensione totale dei dati è 24 byte (192 bit).
EN The total data size is 24 bytes (192 bit).
ES El tamaño total de los datos es 24 bytes (192 bit).
data n° bit Size Signal name
1 1 Weld Start
2 1 Robot Ready
3 - 6 4 Operating Mode bit (3 - 0)
7 1 Reserved (set to 0)
8 1 Protocol Mode
9 1 Gas Test
10 1 Wire Inching
11 1 Wire Retract
12 1 Source Error Reset
13 1 Touch Sensing
14 1 Gas Test Shield
15 1 Not used
16 1 Not used
DIN2 17 - 24 8 Job Number (bit 7 - 0)
25 - 31 7 Not used
32 1 Not Used
DIN4 33 - 40 8 Analog Setpoint Enable
DIN5 41 - 48 8 Not used
49 - 55 7 Not used
56 1 Pilot Arc start
DIN7 57 - 64 8 Not used
AIN0 65 - 80 16 Current Setpoint (AI0)
AIN1 81 - 96 16 Pulse Frequency (AI1)
AIN2 97 - 112 16 Current Pulse Ratio (AI2)
AIN3 113 - 128 16 Pulse Duty Cycle (AI3)
AIN4 129 - 144 16 Gas Plasma Flow (AI4)
AIN5 145 - 160 16 Gas Shield Flow (AI5)
9�2 Messaggi EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP trasmessi dal Generatore al Controllo Robot
9�2 EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP messages transmitted from Power Source to Robot Control
9�2 Mensajes EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP transmitidos del Generador al Control Robot
IT La dimensione totale dei dati è 20 byte (160 bit).
EN The total data size is 20 bytes (160 bit).
ES El tamaño total de los datos es 20 bytes (160 bit).
data n° bit Size Signal name
1 1 Current Flow
2 1 Not used
3 1 Process Active
4 1 Main Current
5 1 Collision Protection
6 1 Power Source Ready
7 1 Communication Ready
8 1 Protocol mode
DOUT1 9 - 16 8 Error Number (bit 7 - 0)
17 1 Pulse Sync
18 - 23 6 Not used
24 1 Pilot Arc
25 1 Sticking Remedied
26 - 27 2 Not used
28 1 Wire available
29 1 Not used
30 1 Data documentation ready
31 1 Not used
32 1 Hard Fault
AOUT0 33 - 48 16 Welding Voltage (AO0)
AOUT1 49 - 64 16 Welding Current (AO1)
AOUT2 65 - 80 16 Motor Current (AO2)
AOUT3 81 - 96 16 Motor Speed (AO3)
AOUT4 97 - 112 16 Plasma Gas Flow (A04)
AOUT5 113 - 128 16 Shield Gas Flow (A05)
AOUT6 129 - 144 16 Not Used
AOUT7 145 - 160 16 Not Used
Automation & Robotics
Output Current
Welding Current
Crater Level
First Level
Welding Torch Movement
Main Current
Current Flow
Process Active
Power Source Ready
Digital Outputs
(Power Source
Weld Start
Robot Ready
Digital Inputs
Power Source)
Digital Inputs for Operating Mode 2 (JOB Mode)
Job Number
(bit 0 7)
Protocollo segnali TIG Robot
Automation & Robotics
Output Current
Main Current
Current Flow
Process Active
Power Source Ready
Digital Outputs
(Power Source
Weld Start
Robot Ready
Digital Inputs
Power Source)
Welding Torch Movement
Welding Current
Crater Level
First Level
Analogue Inputs for Operating Mode 0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13
Digital Inputs for Operating Mode 0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13
Analogue Setpoint
Ain (AI0 AI7)
Analogue Setpoint Enable
Ain (AI0 AI7)
Protocollo segnali TIG Robot
CEBORA S.p.A - Via Andrea Costa, 24 - 40057 Cadriano di Granarolo - BOLOGNA - Italy
Tel. +39.051.765.000 - Fax. +39.051.765.222 - e-mail: [email protected]
Traducción de las instrucciones originales
1 INTRODUCCIÓN ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 60
1.1 ESTE MANUAL ........................................................................................................................................................................ 60
1.2 BUSES DE CAMPO TRATADOS EN ESTE MANUAL .............................................................................................................. 60
2 SEÑALES DIGITALES DESDE CONTROL ROBOT A GENERADOR (INPUT) ����������������������������������������������� 62
2.1 WELD START ........................................................................................................................................................................... 63
2.2 ROBOT READY ........................................................................................................................................................................ 63
2.3 OPERATING MODE (BIT 3 - 0) ................................................................................................................................................ 64
2.3.1 Job Mode (Mode 2) ................................................................................................................................................................. 64
2.3.2 Parameter Selection Internal (Mode 3) ................................................................................................................................... 64
2.3.3 Modo TIG (Modo 0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13) ..................................................................................................................................64
2.4 PROTOCOL MODE .................................................................................................................................................................. 64
2.5 GAS TEST ................................................................................................................................................................................ 65
2.6 WIRE INCHING ........................................................................................................................................................................ 65
2.7 WIRE RETRACT ....................................................................................................................................................................... 65
2.8 SOURCE ERROR RESET ........................................................................................................................................................ 65
2.9 TOUCH SENSING .................................................................................................................................................................... 65
2.10 GAS TEST SHIELD .................................................................................................................................................................. 66
2.11 JOB NUMBER (BIT 7 - 0) ......................................................................................................................................................... 66
2.12 WELDING SIMULATION .......................................................................................................................................................... 66
2.13 HABILITACIÓN ENTRADAS ANALÓGICAS ............................................................................................................................ 66
2.14 PILOT ARC START ................................................................................................................................................................... 67
3 SEÑALES ANALÓGICAS DESDE CONTROL ROBOT A GENERADOR (INPUT) ������������������������������������������ 67
3.1 ANALOG SETPOINT (AI0) ....................................................................................................................................................... 67
3.2 ANALOG SETPOINT (AI1) ........................................................................................................................................................ 67
3.3 ANALOG SETPOINT (AI2) ........................................................................................................................................................ 67
3.4 ANALOG SETPOINT (AI3)........................................................................................................................................................ 67
3.5 ANALOG SETPOINT (AI4) ........................................................................................................................................................68
3.6 ANALOG SETPOINT (AI5)........................................................................................................................................................ 68
3.7 ANALOG SETPOINT (AI6) ....................................................................................................................................................... 68
3.8 ANALOG SETPOINT (AI7)........................................................................................................................................................ 68
4 SEÑALES DIGITALES DE GENERADOR A CONTROL ROBOT (OUTPUT) ��������������������������������������������������� 69
4.1 CURRENT FLOW ..................................................................................................................................................................... 69
4.2 PROCESS ACTIVE ................................................................................................................................................................... 69
4.3 MAIN CURRENT ...................................................................................................................................................................... 70
4.4 COLLISION PROTECTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 70
4.5 POWER SOURCE READY ....................................................................................................................................................... 70
4.6 COMMUNICATION READY .................................................................................................................................................... 70
4.7 ERROR NUMBER (BIT 7 - 0) ................................................................................................................................................... 70
4.8 PULSE SYNC ........................................................................................................................................................................... 71
4.9 PILOT ARC ............................................................................................................................................................................... 71
4.10 WIRE AVAILABLE .................................................................................................................................................................... 71
4.11 DATA DOCUMENTATION READY ........................................................................................................................................... 71
4.12 HARD FAULT ........................................................................................................................................................................... 71
5 SEÑALES ANALÓGICAS DESDE GENERADOR A CONTROL ROBOT (OUTPUT) �������������������������������������� 71
5.1 ANALOG MEASURE (AO0) ..................................................................................................................................................... 71
5.2 ANALOG MEASURE (AO1) ..................................................................................................................................................... 72
5.3 ANALOG MEASURE (AO2) ..................................................................................................................................................... 72
5.4 ANALOG MEASURE (AO3) ..................................................................................................................................................... 72
5.5 ANALOG MEASURE (AO4) ..................................................................................................................................................... 72
5.6 ANALOG MEASURE (AO5) ..................................................................................................................................................... 72
6 CANopen DATA PROCESS IMAGE ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 73
6.1 MENSAJES CANopen TRANSMITIDOS DEL CONTROL ROBOT AL GENERADOR ........................................................... 73
6.2 MENSAJES CANopen TRANSMITIDOS DEL GENERADOR AL CONTROL ROBOT ........................................................... 74
7 PROFIBUS DATA PROCESS IMAGE ART�42801 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 75
7.1 MENSAJES PROFIBUS TRANSMITIDOS DEL CONTROL ROBOT AL GENERADOR .......................................................... 75
7.2 MENSAJES PROFIBUS TRANSMITIDOS DEL GENERADOR AL CONTROL ROBOT .......................................................... 76
8 DeviceNet DATA PROCESS IMAGE ART 42802 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 77
8.1 MENSAJES DeviceNet TRANSMITIDOS DEL CONTROL ROBOT AL GENERADOR .......................................................... 77
8.2 MENSAJES DeviceNet TRANSMITIDOS DEL GENERADOR AL CONTROL ROBOT .......................................................... 78
9 EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP DATA PROCESS IMAGE ART� 428�03 - 428�04 ��������������������������������������������������������� 79
9.1 MENSAJES EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP TRANSMITIDOS DEL CONTROL ROBOT AL GENERADOR ................................... 79
9.2 MENSAJES EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP TRANSMITIDOS DEL GENERADOR AL CONTROL ROBOT ..................................... 80
10 MODELO DE SEÑALES ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 82
1�1 Este manual
Este manual presenta la con guración de los mensajes de los buses de campo (Data Process Image) adoptados en
los sistemas de soldadura automatizados TIG Cebora, incluidos Plasma Welding.
Se indican y describen todas las señales intercambiadas entre el sistema de soldadura TIG Cebora y el control del
sistema robotizado (Robot Control).
Este manual ha de considerarse parte integrante de los manuales de instrucciones de cada uno de los aparatos que
componen el sistema de soldadura Cebora, por tanto podrá requerirse la consulta simultánea de los mismos.
En Fig. 1 se presenta un ejemplo de sistema robot Cebora.
Fig. 1
Posición Descripción Artículo Opcional
1 Generador serie WIN TIG Robot 380-381-
2 Robot Interfaz 428.XX, 448 (X)
3 Conexión Generador - Robot Interfaz 2063 -
6 Carro arrastrahilo Robot 1649 X
7 Conexión generador - Carro arrastrahilo Robot 2067 X
8 Portabobinas/ acoplamiento rápido 121/173 X
9 Envoltura guíahilos 1935 X
10 Panel de control remoto TIG 438 X
11 Conexión Generador - Panel de control remoto TIG 2065 X
1�2 Buses de campo tratados en este manual
CANopen DS401;
Pro bus DP-V1;
Para cada bus de campo Cebora suministra el correspondiente archivo de conguración.
Al nal del manual (apart. 6 ÷ 9) aparecen las tablas de los mensajes intercambiados entre generador y control robot
(Data Process Image), subdivididas según tipo de bus de campo. La Data Process Image está compuesta de la
siguiente forma:
Digital [byte]
8 4
Analog [word]
8 8
Total Size [byte]
24 20
Lista de señales digitales y analógicas en entrada al generador.
bit Size [bit] Name Analog interface
Art� 448
Digital interface
Art� 428�XX
1 1 Weld Start X X
2 1 Robot Ready X X
3 - 6 4 Operating Modes (bit 3 - 0) X X
7 1 Reserved (set to 0) - 0
8 1 Protocol Mode - X
9 1 Gas Test/Gas Test Plasma X X
10 1 Wire Inching X X
11 1 Wire Retract X X
12 1 Source Error Reset X X
13 1 Touch Sensing X X
14 1 Gas Test Shield X X
15 1 Not used - -
16 1 Not used - -
17 - 23 7 Job Number (bit 6 - 0) X X
24 1 Job Number (bit 7 ) - X
25 - 31 7 Not used - -
32 1 Welding Simulation - -
33 1 Analog setpoint enable 0 - X
34 1 Analog setpoint enable 1 - X
35 1 Analog setpoint enable 2 - X
36 1 Analog setpoint enable 3 - X
37 1 Analog setpoint enable 4 - X
38 1 Analog setpoint enable 5 - X
39 1 Analog setpoint enable 6 - X
40 1 Analog setpoint enable 7 - X
41 - 48 8 Not used - -
49 - 55 7 Not used - -
56 1 Pilot Arc Start X X
57 - 64 8 Not used - -
65 - 80 16 Current Setpoint AI0 X X
81 - 96 16 Pulse Frequency/Wire Speed
High AI1
97 - 112 16 Current pulse ratio AI2 - X
113 - 128 16 Pulse duty cycle AI3 - X
129 - 144 16 Gas Plasma Flow AI4 - X
I45 - 160 16 Gas Shield Flow AI5 - X
161 - 176 16 High speed CW AI6 - X
177 - 192 16
Low speed CW AI7 - X
2�1 Weld Start
El bit Weld Start manda el encendido y apagado del arco de soldadura.
Weld Start = (activo alto)
Weld Start Descripción
01 El control robot manda el encendido del arco. Esta señal es aceptada si la señal de
Power Source Ready está activada.
10 El control robot manda el apagado del arco.
En modalidad Robot con el bit Robot Ready activo, el generador es automáticamente programado en modalidad
22 Robot Ready
El bit Robot Ready habilita la comunicación entre generador y control robot; una vez que la comunicación ha sido
establecida, el generador queda listo para enviar y recibir los datos desde el CNC externo.
Si el bit está programado en cero, el generador permanece en el estado de error Error 90 CNC no listo y el icono en
la barra de estado del display parpadea.
Si no está activado el bit Robot Ready, tampoco se adquiere alguna señal digital o analógica ni están activadas las
salidas del generador.
Robot Ready = Activo alto
Robot Ready Descripción
0 El control robot no está listo
1 El control robot está listo para el intercambio de datos con el exterior
El bit Robot Ready no puede ser utilizado para efectuar una parada de emergencia. Para esta función hay un kit
especíco (Art. 449).
23 Operating Mode (bit 3 - 0)
La selección de la modalidad operativa (Operating Mode) del generador se efectúa mediante 4 bits:
Operating Mode MIG
Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 Mode
0 0 0 0 0 DC
0 0 0 1 1 XP
0 0 1 0 2 JOB MODE
0 0 1 1 3 PAR� SEL� INT
0 1 0 0 4 AC
0 1 0 1 5 MIX
0 1 1 0 6 /
0 1 1 1 7 /
1 0 0 0 8 DC PULSE
1 0 0 1 9 PULSE XP
1 0 1 0 10 /
1 0 1 1 11 /
1 1 0 0 12 AC PULSE
1 1 0 1 13 MIX PULSE
1 1 1 0 14 /
1 1 1 1 15 /
Tabla 1
23�1 Job Mode (Mode 2)
En esta modalidad es posible seleccionar un Job precedentemente memorizado en el generador. En la máquina es
posible memorizar hasta 99 Jobs (véase apartado 2.10).
Job Mode = Activo alto.
232 Parameter Selection Internal (Mode 3)
La modalidad Parameter Selection Internal habilita la selección de los parámetros de soldadura a través del panel
de control del generador. En esta modalidad es posible guardar los Jobs, los cuales podrán ser sucesivamente
convocados mediante el respectivo número identicativo en la modalidad Job mode.
2�3�3 Modo TIG (Modo 0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13)
El proceso es programado en TIG.
Con esta programación son tomadas en consideración las señales digitales y analógicas. En esta modalidad son
aceptadas las entradas analógicas AI0…AI7.
2�4 Protocol Mode
El bit Protocol Mode permite representar las variables de los setpoints analógicos y de las medidas analógicas
(Analog Set Point y Analog Measure) de dos maneras diferentes, transformando de todas formas en enteros las
variables que admiten valores decimales, mediante un factor multiplicador 10 (por ej. 9.9 se considera como 99).
Protocol Mode Descripción
0 Cada señal analógica (setpoint o medida) es transformada en un valor numérico y
redeterminada entre los valores mínimo y máximo utilizando un campo de 16-bits sin
signo (0 ÷ 65535).
1 Las señales analógicas no se someten a ninguna conversión, por tanto se visualizan
directamente. El valor numérico es representado directamente en binario con un campo
de 16-bits con signo.
25 Gas Test
La señal opcional, Gas Test activa la electroválvula del gas.
También puede usarse para un gas Pre-ow adicional durante un posicionamiento.
Gas Test = Activo alto.
Gas Test Descripción
0 Válvula gas cerrada
1 Válvula gas abierta
Con el proceso de soldadura activo, los tiempos de gas Pre-ow y Post-ow son controlados directamente por el
generador. Con el accesorio Plasma Welding este ingreso esta entrada activa la válvula de gas plasma.
2�6 Wire Inching
La señal Wire Inching acciona el avance del hilo de soldadura sin salida de gas y sin que se genere corriente. La
velocidad de avance se programa en el panel del generador, mediante el menú Test hilo.
Wire Inching = Activo alto.
Wire Inching Descripción
0 Ninguna operación
1 Avance hilo
Mantener la antorcha lejos del rostro y del cuerpo para evitar el riesgo de sufrir heridas debido a la salida del hilo de
2�7 Wire Retract
La señal Wire Retract acciona el retroceso del hilo por una longitud determinada, tras lo cual se para el motor.
La velocidad de retroceso del hilo está jada en 1,0 m/min.
Wire Retract = Activo alto.
Wire Retract Descripción
0 Ninguna operación
1 Retiro hilo
28 Source Error Reset
La señal Source Error Reset activada en el frente 01 elimina solo los errores recticables (Warning), para los cuales
no resulta activado (bajo) el bit de Hard Fault.
Source Error Reset Descripción
0,1,10 Ninguna operación
01 Reseteo de un error recticable. (Warning)
Para la lista de los errores recticables (Warning) véase el manual de uso del generador WIN TIG.
29 Touch Sensing
La señal Touch Sensing cumple la función de identicar el cortocircuito del hilo de soldadura con la pieza y pasar la
información al control robot mediante la señal Current Flow, con un retraso máximo de 10 ms.
Touch Sensing = Activo alto
Touch Sensing Descripción
0 Ninguna operación
1 Procedimiento de Touch Sensing activado
La señal Current Flow se envía a la salida durante 0,2 s más que la duración del cortocircuito.
Durante todo el tiempo de activación de la señal “Touch Sensing” no es posible efectuar la soldadura.
Si la señal de “Touch Sensing” se activa durante la soldadura, se ignora el evento y no se interrumpe el proceso de
soldadura en acto.
2�10 Gas Test Shield
Disponible solo en modo P.W. realiza el test de gas de protección Gas_Shield_Test= activo alto
Gas_Shield_Test Descripción
0 Válvula cerrada
1 Válvula abierta
2�11 Job Number (bit 7 - 0)
Este byte es válido si está programado el modo de funcionamiento Job Mode (apart. 2.3) y selecciona el número de
Job a ejecutar.
Job Number Descripción
0 Job seleccionado de modo manual desde el panel del generador
1 - 99 Job válido.
100 - 255 Job no válido.
Si en el menú de las programaciones del generador la opción Permitir Modicación Job está:
- OFF entonces ningún pametro de los jobs seleccionados puede ser modicado,
- ON, algunos de los parámetros de los Jobs pueden variarse run-time mediante las respectivas entradas analógicas
habilitadas o bien desde el panel de control del generador.
Si desde el control robot se selecciona una posición de memoria vacía o no válida, en la barra de estado del panel
principal se visualiza el siguiente icono:
2�12 Welding Simulation
Modalidad de funcionamiento no implementada.
2�13 Habilitación Entradas Analógicas
Byte de habilitación de las entradas analógicas. Cada bit corresponde a la respectiva entrada analógica según se
indica en la siguiente tabla:
Analog Setpoint Enable bit / Function Valor=0 Valor=1
Analog Setpoint Enable AI0 (Current Setpoint) Inhabilitado Habilitado
Analog Setpoint Enable AI1 (Pulse Frequency) Inhabilitado Habilitado
Analog Setpoint Enable AI2 (Current Pulse Ratio) Inhabilitado Habilitado
Analog Setpoint Enable AI3 (Pulse Duty Cycle) Inhabilitado Habilitado
Analog Setpoint Enable AI4 (Gas Plasma Flow) Inhabilitado Habilitado
Analog Setpoint Enable AI5 (Gas Shield Flow) Inhabilitado Habilitado
Analog Setpoint Enable AI6 (High Speed CW) Inhabilitado Habilitado
Analog Setpoint Enable AI7 (Low Speed CW) Inhabilitado Habilitado
2�14 Pilot Arc Start
Es el mando de encendido del arco piloto en el proceso plasma welding.
En el sistema debe estar presente la consola plasma, programada para el funcionamiento automático, es decir,
gestionada por el control robot: véase el manual de instrucciones de la consola digital gas Art 465.01.
Función Pilot Arc Start = activo alto.
Pilot Arc Start Descripción
0 Arco piloto apagado
1 Encendido arco piloto; si dentro de 3 s no hay presencia de corriente de arco piloto, ese
ingreso es ignorado por el generador, aunque esté aún activo.
El generador está en condiciones de gestionar 4 entradas analógicas para las regulaciones de los parámetros de
soldadura en tiempo real.
Cada entrada analógica está compuesta por 16 bits. El formato de cada analógica depende del bit Protocol Mode.
3�1 Analog Setpoint (AI0)
Analog Setpoint AI0 = Current Setpoint.
Es la velocidad del hilo de soldadura. Este valor no es efectivo solo en las modalidades de funcionamiento Mode 3
(Parameter selection internal) y Mode 2 (Job Mode: vease la excepción descrita en el párrafo 2.10).
An� In0 Valor[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 500.0 0xFFFF 0x01F4
3�2 Analog Setpoint (AI1)
Analog Setpoint AI1 = Pulse Frequency.
Esta regulación se reere a la corrección de la tensión de arco respecto del valor de setpoint.
An� In1 Valor[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 2500 0xFFFF 0x09C4
3�3 Analog Setpoint (AI2)
Analog Setpoint AI2 = Current Pulse Ratio.
Ajuste el valor de la impedancia de salida modicando los bordes ascendente y descendente de la corriente de
An� In2 Valor[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 100.0 0xFFFF 0x0064
3�4 Analog Setpoint (AI3)
Analog Setpoint AI3 = Pulse Duty Cycle.
Modica el valor de la corriente de Burnback para regular la longitud del hilo al término de la soldadura.
An� In3 Valor[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 100.0 0xFFFF 0x0064
3�5 Analog Setpoint (AI4)
Analog Setpoint AI4 = Gas Plasma Flow.
Este parámetro regula el ujo de gas plasma durante la soldadura y es denido por los siguientes valores de plena
An� In4 Valor[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 10.0 0xFFFF 0x0064
3�6 Analog Setpoint (AI5)
Analog Setpoint AI5 = Gas Shield Flow.
Este parámetro regula el ujo del gas de pantalla durante la soldadura y es denido por los siguientes valores de plena
An� In5 Valor[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 30.0 0xFFFF 0x0120
3�7 Analog Setpoint (AI6)
Analog Setpoint AI6 = High Speed CW.
Esta regulación se reere a la velocidad “alta” del motor durante el proceso “hilo frío” y es denida por los siguientes
valores de plena escala:
An� In6 Valor[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min -12.5 0x0000 0xFF83
Max +12.5 0xFFFF 0x007D
3�8 Analog Setpoint (AI7)
Analog Setpoint AI7 = Low Speed CW.
Esta regulación se reere a la velocidad baja del motor durante el proceso “hilo frío” y es denida por los siguientes
valores de plena escala:
An� In6 Valor[m/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min -12.5 0x0000 0xFF83
Max +12.5 0xFFFF 0x007D
En la tabla se indican las señales digitales y analógicas en salida desde el generador de soldadura
n° bit Size [bit] Name Analog interface
Art� 448
Digital interface
Art� 428XX
1 1 Current Flow X X
2 1 Not used - -
3 1 Process Active X X
4 1 Main Current X X
5 1 Torch Collision Protection - X
6 1 Power Source Ready X X
7 1 Communication Ready X X
8 1 Protocol Mode - X
09 - 16 8 Error Number (bit 7 - 0) - X
17 1 Pulse Sync X -
18 - 23 6 Not used - -
24 1 Pilot Arc X X
25 1 Not used - -
26 - 27 2 Not used - -
28 1 Wire Available - X
29 1 Not used - -
30 1 Data documentation ready - -
31 1 Not used - -
32 1 Hard Fault - X
33 - 48 16 Welding Voltage AO0 X X
49 - 64 16 Welding Current AO1 X X
65 - 80 16 Motor Current AO2 - X
81 - 96 16 Motor Speed AO3 - X
97 - 112 16 Gas Plasma Flow AO4 - X
113 - 145 16 Gas Shield Flow AO5 -
146 - 161 16 Not used -
Si la conexión entre generador e interfaz robot está interrumpida, todas las señales digitales y analógicas desde la
interfaz robot hacia el control robot quedan programadas en “0.
4�1 Current Flow
Current Flow es activado apenas la corriente de soldadura comienza a circular en la pieza por soldar.
Current Flow = activo alto
Current ow Descripción
0 No hay presencia de corriente en la pieza de soldadura
1 Circula corriente en la pieza de soldadura.
4�2 Process Active
Desde el inicio del gas pre-ow hasta el n del gas post-ow, el generador activa la señal Process Active.
La señal Process Active sirve para garantizar la protección gaseosa ideal del baño de soldadura, asegurando que el
robot permanezca en medida sucientemente prolongada al principio y al n del cordón de soldadura.
Process Active = activo alto.
Process Active Descripción
0 Proceso de soldadura inactivo
1 Proceso de soldadura en acto.
4�3 Main Current
La señal Main Current permanece activa durante el tramo de soldadura con corriente suministrada igual al valor de
setpoint programado, excluidas por lo tanto las fases de activación arco, corriente inicial, rampas de subida y bajada
y corriente de cráter.
Main Current = activo alto.
Main Current Descripción
Corriente circulante en la pieza por soldar diferente de la corriente de setpoint
Corriente circulante en la pieza por soldar igual a la corriente de setpoint.
4�4 Collision Protection
El robot puede dotarse de un sensor de colisión que, en caso de impacto de la antorcha de soldadura, pone baja
la señal Collision Protection. En ese caso, el control robot para inmediatamente el robot e interrumpe el proceso de
soldadura desactivando la señal Robot Ready.
Collision Protection = activo bajo.
Collision protection Descripción
Colisión entre antorcha y pieza
No detectada colisión entre antorcha y pieza
4�5 Power Source Ready
La señal Power Source Ready se activa cuando el generador está listo para soldar.
Apenas se verica una situación de error en el generador o bien la señal Robot Ready es desactivada, la señal Power
Source Ready es desactivada inmediatamente.
Power Source Ready = activo alto.
Power Source Ready Descripción
0 El generador no está habilitado para soldar.
1 Ningún error detectado: el generador está listo para ejecutar el proceso de soldadura.
4�6 Communication Ready
Activado indica el funcionamiento correcto de la comunicación entre la interfaz robot y el generador.
Cuando no está activado, indica ausencia de comunicación entre la interfaz robot y el generador.
Communication Ready = activo alto
Communication Ready Descripción
0 El generador no está listo para el intercambio de los datos (por ej. se encuentra en estado de boot)
1 El generador está listo para el intercambio de los datos.
4�7 Error Number (bit 7 - 0)
La secuencia de bits comunica el digo error del generador (véase el apartado “Códigos Erroren el Manual de
Instrucciones del generador).
Error Number Descripción
0 El generador funciona correctamente.
1 - 99 Identica el código del error detectado.
4�8 Pulse Sync
La señal Pulse Sync está activada y sincronizada con cada impulso de “corriente alta”, solo cuando está programado
el proceso “TIG Pulsado” con una frecuencia de pulsación igual o inferior a 10 Hz.
Si el proceso “TIG Pulsado” está programado, la señal “Pulse Sync” está activada:
con frecuencia de pulsación igual o inferior a 10 Hz, la salida “Pulse Sync” sigue el estado del impulso “alto” de
con frecuencia de pulsación superior a 10 Hz la salida “Pulse Sync” permanece ja a nivel alto.
Si el proceso “Tig Pulsado” no está programado, la señal “Pulse Sync” es mantenida a nivel bajo.
Esta señal está activada solo si está presente la interfaz analógica Art. 448.
Pulse Sync = activo alto.
Pulse Sync Descripción
Impulso de corriente bajo
Impulso de corriente alto
4�9 Pilot Arc
Señala el encendido del arco piloto en el proceso plasma welding, como efecto del mando Pilot Arc (apart. 2.24).
Pilot Arc = activo alto.
Pilot Arc Descripción
0 Arco piloto apagado
1 Arco piloto encendido.
4�10 Wire Available
4�11 Data documentation ready
4�12 Hard Fault
La señal va alta cuando se verica un error no recticable (véase también apart. 2.8 Source error reset y apart. 4.7
Error Number) mientras que permanece baja en ausencia de error no recticable o bien en presencia de warning.
Hard fault = activo alto.
Hard Fault Descripción
0 Ningún error presente ni warning presente
1 Se ha vericado un error grave y es necesario apagar el generador de soldadura.
El generador está en condiciones de gestionar 4 salidas analógicas para las regulaciones de los parámetros de
soldadura en tiempo real. Cada salida analógica está compuesta por 16 bits. El formato de cada analógica depende
del bit Protocol Mode.
5�1 Analog Measure (AO0)
Analog Measure (AO0) = Welding Voltage.
Es la señal relativa a la tensión de salida del generador, denida mediante los siguientes valores de fondo escala:
AO0 Valor[V] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 100.0 0xFFFF 0x0064
5�2 Analog Measure (AO1)
Analog Measure (AO1) = Welding Current.
Es la señal relativa a la tensión de salida del generador, denida mediante los siguientes valores de fondo escala:
AO1 Valor[A] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 1000 0xFFFF 0x03E8
5�3 Analog Measure (AO2)
Analog Measure (AO2) = Motor Current.
Es la señal de la corriente absorbida por el motor de arrastre hilo, denida por los siguientes valores de fondo escala:
AO2 Valor[A] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 5.0 0xFFFF 0x0032
5�4 Analog Measure (AO3)
Analog Measure (AO3) = Motor Speed.
Es la señal de la velocidad del hilo de soldadura, denida mediante los siguientes valores de fondo escala:
AO3 Valor[l/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
-12.5 0x0000 0xFF83
12.5 0xFFFF 0x007D
5�5 Analog Measure (AO4)
Analog Measure (AO4) = Gas Plasma Flow.
Es la señal del medidor de ujo del gas plasma en la consola, denida mediante los siguientes valores de plena escala:
AO4 Valor[l/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 10.0 0xFFFF 0x0064
5�6 Analog Measure (AO5)
Analog Measure (AO5) = Gas Shield Flow.
Es la señal medida por el detector de ujo del gas shield, denida mediante los siguientes valores de plena escala:
AO5 Valor[l/min] Protocol mode=0 Protocol mode=1
Min 0.0 0x0000 0x0000
Max 30.0 0xFFFF 0x012C
IT I bit sono ordinati dal meno signicativo al più signicativo e ogni byte è delimitato da linea in grassetto.
EN The bit are ordered from less to most signicant and each byte is delimited by a bold line.
ES Los bit están ordenados de menos signicativo hacia más signicativo y cada byte se delimita de línea gruesa.
6�1 Messaggi CANopen trasmessi dal Controllo Robot al Generatore
6�1 CANopen messages transmitted from Robot Control to Power Source
6�1 Mensajes CANopen transmitidos del Control Robot al Generador
IT La dimensione totale dei dati è 24 byte (192 bit).
EN The total data size is 24 bytes (192 bit).
ES El tamaño total de los datos es 24 bytes (192 bit).
COBID =0x200
n° bit Size Signal name
1 1 Weld Start
2 1 Robot Ready
3 - 6 4 Operating Mode bit (3 - 0)
7 1 Reserved (set to 0)
8 1 Protocol Mode
9 1 Gas Test Plasma
10 1 Wire Inching
11 1 Wire Retract
12 1 Source Error Reset
13 1 Touch Sensing
14 1 Gas Test Shield
15 1 Not Used
16 1 Not Used
17 - 24 8 Job Number (bit (7 - 0)
25 - 31 7 Not used
32 1 Not Used
33 - 40 8 Analog Setpoint Enable (7 - 0)
41 - 48 8 Not used
49 - 55 7 Not used
56 1 Pilot Arc On
57 - 64
Not Used
COBID =0x300
n° bit Size Signal name
1 - 16 16 Current Setpoint (AI0)
17 - 32 16 Pulse Frequency (AI1)
33 - 48 16 Current Pulse Ratio (AI2)
49 - 64 16 Pulse Duty Cycle (AI3)
COBID =0x400
n° bit Size Signal name
1 - 16 16 Gas Plasma Flow (AI4)
17 - 32 16 Gas Shield Flow (AI5)
33 - 48 16 High Speed CW (AI6)
49 - 64 16 Low Speed CW (AI7)
6�2 Messaggi CANopen trasmessi dal Generatore al Controllo Robot
6�2 CANopen messages transmitted from Power Source to Robot Control
6�2 Mensajes CANopen transmitidos del Generador al Control Robot
IT La dimensione totale dei dati è 20 byte (160 bit)
EN The total data size is 20 bytes (160 bit)
ES El tamaño total de los datos es 20 bytes (160 bit)
COBID = 0x180
n° bit Size Signal name
1 1 Current Flow
2 1 Not used
3 1 Process Active
4 1 Main Current
5 1 Collision Protection
6 1 Power Source Ready
7 1 Communication Ready
8 1 Protocol mode
9 - 16 8 Error Number (bit 7 - 0)
17 1 Pulse Sync
18 - 23 6 Not used
24 1 Pilot Arc
25 1 Not used
26 - 27 2 Not used
28 1 Wire Available
29 1 Not used
30 1 Data documentation ready
31 1 Not used
32 1 Hard fault
COBID = 0x280
n° bit Size Signal name
1 - 16 16 Welding Voltage (AO0)
17 - 32 16 Welding Current (AO1)
33 - 48 16 Motor Current (AO2)
49 - 64 16 Motor Speed (AO3)
COBID = 0x380
n° bit Size Signal name
1 - 16 16 Plasma gas ow (AO4)
17 - 32 16 Shield gas ow (AO5)
33 - 48 16 Not Used
49 - 64 16 Not Used
IT I bit sono ordinati dal meno signicativo al più signicativo.
EN The bit are ordered from less to most signicant.
ES Los bit están ordenados de menos signicativo hacia más signicativo.
7�1 Messaggi PROFIBUS trasmessi dal Controllo Robot al Generatore
7�1 PROFIBUS messages transmitted from Robot Control to Power Source
7�1 Mensajes PROFIBUS transmitidos del Control Robot al Generador
IT La dimensione totale dei dati è 24 byte (192 bit)
EN The total data size is 24 bytes (192 bit).
ES El tamaño total de los datos es 24 bytes (192 bit)
Field n° bit Size Signal name
I01 1 Gas Test
I02 1 Wire Inching
I03 1 Wire Retract
I04 1 Source Error Reset
I05 1 Touch Sensing
I06 1 Gas Test Shield
I07 1 Not used
I08 1 Not used
I09 1 Weld Start
I10 1 Robot Ready
I11 - I14 4 Operating Mode (bit 3- 0)
I15 1 Reserved (set to 0)
I16 1 Protocol Mode
I17 - I23 7 Not used
I24 1 Not used
8 I25 - I32 8 Job number
8 I33 - I40 8 Not used
8 I41 - I48 8 Analog Setpoint Enable (7 - 0)
8 I49 - I56 8 Not used
I57 - I63 7 Not used
I64 1 Pilot Arc Start
I65 - I172 8 low
Current set point (AI0)
I73 - I80 8 high
I81 - I88 8 low
Pulse frequency (AI1)
I89 - I96 8 high
I97 - I104 8 low
Current Pulse Ratio (AI2)
I105 - I112 8 high
I113 - I120 8 low
Pulse Duty Cycle (AI3)
I121 - I128 8 high
I129 - I136 8 low
Gas Plasma Flow (AI4)
I137 - I144 8 high
I145 - I152 8 low
Gas Shield Flow (AI5)
I153 - I160 8 high
7�2 Messaggi PROFIBUS trasmessi dal Generatore al Controllo Robot
7�2 PROFIBUS messages transmitted from Power Source to Robot Control
7�2 Mensajes Probus transmitidos del Generador al Control Robot
IT La dimensione totale dei dati è 20 byte (160 bit).
EN The total data size is 20 bytes (160 bit).
ES El tamaño total de los datos es 20 bytes (160 bit).
Field n° bit Size Signal name
8 O01 - O08 8 Error Number (bit 7 - 0)
O09 1 Current Flow
O10 1 Not used
O11 1 Process Active
O12 1 Main Current
O13 1 Collision Protection
O14 1 Power Source Ready
O15 1 Communication Ready
O16 1 Protocol Mode
O17 1 Not used
O18 - 019 2 Not used
O20 1 Wire Available
O21 1 Not used
O22 1 Data documentation ready
O23 1 Not used
O24 2 Hard fault
O25 1 Pulse Sync
O26 - O31 6 Not used
O32 1 Pilot Arc
O33 - O40 8 low Welding Voltage (AO0)
O41 - O48 8 high
O49 - O56 8 low Welding Current (AO1)
O57 - O64 8 high
O65 - O72 8 low Motor Current (AO2)
O73 - O80 8 high
O81 - O88 8 low Motor Speed (AO3)
O89 - O96 8 high
O97 - O104 8 low Plasma Gas Flow (AO4)
O105 - O112 8 high
O113 - O120 8 low Shield Gas ow (AO5)
O121 - O128 8 high
O129 - O136 8 low Not used
O137 - O144 8 high Not used
O145 - O152 8 low Not used
O153 - O160 8 high Not used
ITI I bit sono ordinati dal meno signicativo al più signicativo.
EN The bit are ordered from less to most signicant.
ES Los bit están ordenados de menos signicativo hacia más signicativo.
8�1 Messaggi DeviceNet trasmessi dal Controllo Robot al Generatore
8�1 DeviceNet messages transmitted from Robot Control to Power Source
8�1 Mensajes DeviceNet transmitidos del Control Robot al Generador
IIT La dimensione totale dei dati è 24 byte (192 bit).
EN The total data size is 24 bytes (192 bit).
ES El tamaño total de los datos es 24 bytes (192 bit).
Field n° bit Size Signal name
I01 1 Weld Start
I02 1 Robot Ready
I03 - I06 4 Operating Modes (bit 3 - 0)
I07 1 Reserved (set to 0)
I08 1 Protocol Mode
I09 1 Gas Test
I10 1 Wire Inching
I11 1 Wire Retract
I12 1 Source Error Reset
I13 1 Touch Sensing
I14 1 Gas Test Shield
I15 1 Not used
I16 1 Not used
8 I17 - I24 8 Job Number (bit 7 - 0)
I25 - I31 7 Not used
I32 1 Not Used
8 I33 - I40 8 Analog Setpoint Enable
8 I41 - I48 8 Not used
I49 - I55 7 Not used
I56 1 Pilot arc start
8 I57 - I64 8 Not used
I65 - I72 8 low Current Setpoint (AI0)
I73 - I80 8 high
I81 - I88 8 low Pulse Frequency (AI1)
I89 - I96 8 high
I97 - I104 8 low Current Pulse Ratio (AI2)
I105 - I112 8 high
I113 - I120 8 low Pulse Duty Cycle (AI3)
I121 - I128 8 high
I129 - 136 8 low Gas Plasma Flow (AI4)
I137 - I144 8 high
I145 - I152 8 low Gas Shield Flow (AI5)
I153- I160 8 high
I161 - I168 8 low High Speed CW A16
I169 - I176 8 high
I177 - I184 8 low Low Speed CW A17
I185 - I192 8 high
82 Messaggi DeviceNet trasmessi dal Generatore al Controllo Robot
82 DeviceNet messages transmitted from Power Source to Robot Control
82 Mensajes DeviceNet transmitidos del Generador al Control Robot
IT La dimensione totale dei dati è 20 byte (160 bit).
EN The total data size is 20 bytes (160 bit).
ES El tamaño total de los datos es 20 bytes (160 bit).
Field n° bit Size Signal name
O01 1 Current Flow
O02 1 Not used
O03 1 Process Active
O04 1 Main Current
O05 1 Collision Protection
O06 1 Power Source Ready
O07 1 Communication Ready
O08 1 Protocol mode
8 O09 - O16 8 Error Number (bit 7 - 0)
O17 1 Pulse Sync
O18 - O23 6 Not used
O24 1 Pilot Arc
O25 1 Not Used
O26 - 027 2 Not used
O28 1 Wire Available
O29 1 Not used
O30 1 Data documentation ready
O31 1 Not used
O32 1 Hard Fault
O33 - O40 8 low Welding Voltage (AO0)
O41 - O48 8 high
O49 - O56 8 low Welding Current (AO1)
O57 - O64 8 high
O65 - O72 8 low Motor Current (AO2)
O73 - O80 8 high
O81 - O88 8 low Motor Speed (AO3)
O89 - O96 8 high
O97 - O104 8 low Plasma Gas Flow (AO4)
O105 - O112 8 high
O113 - O120 8 low Shield gas ow (AO5)
O121 - O128 8 high
O129 - O136 8 low Not used
O137 - O144 8 high
O145 - O152 8 low Not used
O153 - O160 8 high
9 EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP DATA PROCESS IMAGE ART� 42803 - 428�04
IT I bit sono ordinati dal meno signicativo al più signicativo e ogni byte è delimitato da linea in grassetto
EN The bit are ordered from less to most signicant and each byte is delimited by a bold line
ES Los bit están ordenados de menos signicativo hacia más signicativo y cada byte se delimita de línea gruesa
9�1 Messaggi EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP trasmessi dal Controllo Robot al Generatore
9�1 EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP messages transmitted from Robot Control to Power Source
9�1 Mensajes EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP transmitidos del Control Robot al Generador
IT La dimensione totale dei dati è 24 byte (192 bit).
EN The total data size is 24 bytes (192 bit).
ES El tamaño total de los datos es 24 bytes (192 bit).
data n° bit Size Signal name
1 1 Weld Start
2 1 Robot Ready
3 - 6 4 Operating Mode bit (3 - 0)
7 1 Reserved (set to 0)
8 1 Protocol Mode
9 1 Gas Test
10 1 Wire Inching
11 1 Wire Retract
12 1 Source Error Reset
13 1 Touch Sensing
14 1 Gas Test Shield
15 1 Not used
16 1 Not used
DIN2 17 - 24 8 Job Number (bit 7 - 0)
25 - 31 7 Not used
32 1 Not Used
DIN4 33 - 40 8 Analog Setpoint Enable
DIN5 41 - 48 8 Not used
49 - 55 7 Not used
56 1 Pilot Arc start
DIN7 57 - 64 8 Not used
AIN0 65 - 80 16 Current Setpoint (AI0)
AIN1 81 - 96 16 Pulse Frequency (AI1)
AIN2 97 - 112 16 Current Pulse Ratio (AI2)
AIN3 113 - 128 16 Pulse Duty Cycle (AI3)
AIN4 129 - 144 16 Gas Plasma Flow (AI4)
AIN5 145 - 160 16 Gas Shield Flow (AI5)
9�2 Messaggi EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP trasmessi dal Generatore al Controllo Robot
9�2 EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP messages transmitted from Power Source to Robot Control
9�2 Mensajes EtherCAT-EtherNet/IP transmitidos del Generador al Control Robot
IT La dimensione totale dei dati è 20 byte (160 bit).
EN The total data size is 20 bytes (160 bit).
ES El tamaño total de los datos es 20 bytes (160 bit).
data n° bit Size Signal name
1 1 Current Flow
2 1 Not used
3 1 Process Active
4 1 Main Current
5 1 Collision Protection
6 1 Power Source Ready
7 1 Communication Ready
8 1 Protocol mode
DOUT1 9 - 16 8 Error Number (bit 7 - 0)
17 1 Pulse Sync
18 - 23 6 Not used
24 1 Pilot Arc
25 1 Sticking Remedied
26 - 27 2 Not used
28 1 Wire available
29 1 Not used
30 1 Data documentation ready
31 1 Not used
32 1 Hard Fault
AOUT0 33 - 48 16 Welding Voltage (AO0)
AOUT1 49 - 64 16 Welding Current (AO1)
AOUT2 65 - 80 16 Motor Current (AO2)
AOUT3 81 - 96 16 Motor Speed (AO3)
AOUT4 97 - 112 16 Plasma Gas Flow (A04)
AOUT5 113 - 128 16 Shield Gas Flow (A05)
AOUT6 129 - 144 16 Not Used
AOUT7 145 - 160 16 Not Used
Automation & Robotics
Output Current
Welding Current
Crater Level
First Level
Welding Torch Movement
Main Current
Current Flow
Process Active
Power Source Ready
Digital Outputs
(Power Source
Weld Start
Robot Ready
Digital Inputs
Power Source)
Digital Inputs for Operating Mode 2 (JOB Mode)
Job Number
(bit 0 7)
Protocollo segnali TIG Robot
Automation & Robotics
Output Current
Main Current
Current Flow
Process Active
Power Source Ready
Digital Outputs
(Power Source
Weld Start
Robot Ready
Digital Inputs
Power Source)
Welding Torch Movement
Welding Current
Crater Level
First Level
Analogue Inputs for Operating Mode 0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13
Digital Inputs for Operating Mode 0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13
Analogue Setpoint
Ain (AI0 AI7)
Analogue Setpoint Enable
Ain (AI0 AI7)
Protocollo segnali TIG Robot
CEBORA S.p.A - Via Andrea Costa, 24 - 40057 Cadriano di Granarolo - BOLOGNA - Italy
Tel. +39.051.765.000 - Fax. +39.051.765.222 - e-mail: [email protected]