EAS ELECTRIC EMZ185SX1 Manual de usuario

  • Hola, soy un asistente de chat que ha leído el manual de instrucciones de los congeladores verticales EAS ELECTRIC modelos EMZ185SW1 y EMZ185SX1. Entiendo que este manual incluye información sobre cómo usar las diferentes funciones, cómo mantener el aparato y cómo solucionar algunos problemas comunes. Estoy aquí para ayudarle a responder sus preguntas sobre este dispositivo. Pregúntame lo que necesites.
  • ¿Cómo activo el modo de congelación rápida?
    ¿Qué hago si la alarma de puerta abierta suena?
    ¿Cómo ajusto la temperatura del congelador?
    ¿Qué debo hacer si el congelador muestra un código de error?
1 Advertencias de seguridad
1.1 Adverten
Advertencia: riesgo de incendio / materiales inflamables
ESTE aparato está diseñado para ser utilizado
en aplicaciones domésticas y similares, como áreas de cocina
para el personal en tiendas, oficinas y otros entornos de trabajo; casas de campo y por clientes en hoteles,
moteles y otros entornos de tipo residencial; entornos de tipo alojamiento y desayuno; catering y aplicaciones
similares no minoristas.
ESTE electrodoméstico no está destinado a personas (incluidos niños) con capacidades físicas,
sensoriales o mentales reducidas, o con falta de experiencia y conocimiento, a menos que
hayan recibido supervisión o instrucciones sobre el uso del electrodoméstico por una persona
responsable de su seguridad. ) Los niños deben ser supervisados para asegurarse de que no jueguen con el
Si el cable de alimentación está dañado, debe ser reemplazado por el fabricante, su agente de servicio
opersonas calificadas de manera similar para evitar peligros.
No almacene sustancias explosivas como latas de aerosol con propelente inflamable en este aparato.
EL electrodoméstico debe desenchufarse después de su uso y antes de realizar el
mantenimiento aparato.
ADVERTENCIA: Mantenga las aberturas de ventilación, en el aparato o en la estructura empotrada,
libres de obstrucciones.
ADVERTENCIA: No utilice dispositivos mecánicos u otros medios para acelerar el proceso de
descongelación, distintos de los recomendados por el fabricante.
ADVERTENCIA: No dañe el circuito refrigerante.
ADVERTENCIA: No utilice aparatos eléctricos dentro de los compartimentos de
que sean del tipo recomendado por el
almacenamiento de alimentos del aparato, a menos
ADVERTENCIA: elimine el frigorífico de acuerdo con los reguladores locales en caso de que utilice productos
soplado de gas y refrigerante.
ADVERTENCIA: Al colocar el electrodoméstico, asegúrese de que el cable de alimentación no esté atrapado o
ADVERTENCIA: No coloque varios enchufes portátiles o fuentes de alimentación portátiles en la parte trasera del
No use cables de extensión ni adaptadores sin conexión a tierra (dos clavijas).
PELIGRO: Riesgo de que los niños queden atrapados. Antes de tirar su viejo refrigeradoro congelador:
-Quite las puertas.
-Deje los estantes en su lugar para que los niños no puedan entrar fácilmente.
EL refrigerador debe estar desconectado de la fuente de suministro eléctrico antes de intentar la instalación de
¡PARA Prevenir!
Configuración principal:
 
 
Antes del Usar el aparato
Para un correcto uso del aparato
  
  
  
 
Panel de control
Bandeja sobre la puerta
Tapa superior abatible
Tapa superior abatible
Leja de cristal
Cajón refrigerador
Cajón refrigerador
Cajón inferior
 
  
 
 
 
Uso correcto del refrigerador.
1. Conéctelo a la electricidad
 
2.Colocar los alimentos en el refrigerador
  
Refrigerador nuevo
Transporte y ubicación del refrigerador.
 
 
 
1. Teclado
 
2. Nombre de las funciones del panel.
 
 
 
Cajón de refriegración
  
Indicador de funcionamientonormal:
Control de Pantalla:
3. 
 
 
  
Modo congelación rápida.
 
   
 
 
3.Control del display
Todas las funciones siguientes se deben trabajar bajo estado de inicio
Puesta en marcha y apagado
Encendido por primera vez
Salir del modo congelación rápida.
 
 
 
 
Ajuste la temperatura de la cámara de refrigeración
5.Control de luz de alumbrado
6.Apertura de puerta y alarma de apertura de puerta
7.Memoria interrupción de suministro eléctrico y el estado de encendido inicial
8.Advertencia de alta temperatura de la cámara de enfriamiento
   
 
  
 
Nota: 
 
  
 
 
9.Códigos de error.
10.Modo descongelación
Hechos que necesitan atención
Mantenimiento del refrigerador
Cambio de lámpara
Si no utiliza el refrigerador durante un largo período de tiempo:Por favor, desconecte
la alimentación para evitar una descarga eléctrica o fuego debido al envejecimiento de
la línea de alimentación; limpiar interior del refrigerador; abrir la puerta a la vez y
cerrarla después de que el interior este completamente seco.
Si se produce un corte de energía :Reducir las horas de apertura al mayor número
posible; intente no poner los alimentos frescos en el interior, si ocurre esto.
Si se deshace del refrigerador: Cuando deseche el refrigerador, la junta de la puerta
debe ser desmontada, de modo que los niños no se puedan quedar encerrados en el
por accidente.
Cambio de sentido de la puerta
 
   
  
 
Placa de la cubierta izquierda
Tapa de tuerca
Placa de la cubierta derecha
Zocalo superior
Zocalo superior
Zocalo superior
Dos pernos
 
 
Bisagra inferior
  
  
No son fallos:
Posibles razones y motivos que necesitan revisarse
No funciona
Alimentos no se
conservan bien
Ruido alto
Malos olores
Solución de problemas.
Antes de la revisión por favor, lea cuidadosamente el siguiente contenido
            
               
               
Este aparato tiene una garantía de reparación de dos años, a partir de la fecha de venta,
contra todo defecto de funcionamiento proveniente de la fabricación, incluyendo mano de
obra y piezas de recambio. Para justificar la fecha de compra será obligatorio presentar la
factura o ticket de compra. Esta garantía solo será efectiva en España.
1. Mandos a distancia, gomas de admisión de desagüe, atranques y
juntas de puertas o burletes.
2. Esmaltes, pinturas, niquelados, cromados, oxidaciones u otro tipo de
piezas que no afecten al funcionamiento interno del aparato (piezas o
componentes estéticos).
3. Piezas de desgaste por uso, corrosión, oxidación ya sea causada por
el normal uso o desgaste el aparato o acelerados por circunstancias
ambientales o climáticas no propicias, arena y polvo notoriamente inapropiadas.
No aptos para uso en exterior.
4. La garantía no es aplicable a piezas frágiles de cristal, cristal
vitrocerámico, plásticos, manetas, puertas o bombillas cuando su fallo o rotura
no sea atribuible a un defecto de fabricación.
5. Averías producidas como consecuencia de uso anormal, negligente o
inadecuado del aparato o por cualquier tipo de origen externo.
6. Responsabilidades civiles de cualquier naturaleza.
7. Daños consecuenciales al aparato siempre que estos no hayan sido
provocados por una avería interna de funcionamiento.
8. Mantenimientos o conservación del aparato: revisiones periódicas,
ajustes y engrases.
9. Las averías que pueden sufrir los accesorios y complementos,
adaptadores, cables externos, bolsas, recambios sueltos de todo tipo,
lámparas, así como cualquier pieza considerada consumible por el fabricante.
10. Averías causadas por una instalación incorrecta o no legal, ventilación
inadecuada, modificaciones inapropiadas o utilización de piezas de recambio
no originales.
11. Las averías que pueden sufrir los accesorios y complementos, así
como cualquier pieza considerada consumible por el fabricante.
12. Electrodomésticos que se utilicen en aplicaciones industriales o para
fines comerciales.
13. Electrodomésticos con número de serie ilegible.
16 V.1
14. Defectos o averías producidas como consecuencia de arreglos,
reparaciones, modificaciones, o desarme de la instalación del aparato por un
técnico no autorizado por el fabricante, o como resultado del incumplimiento
manifiesto de las instrucciones de uso y mantenimiento del fabricante.
15. Durante el periodo de garantía es imprescindible conservar todos los
manuales junto con el equipo. Si alguno de estos se perdiera, no podrá ser
reclamada su reposición.
16. Las averías que tengan su origen o sean consecuencia directa o
indirecta de: reacción o radiación nuclear o contaminación radiactiva;
fenómenos de la naturaleza o meteorológicos de carácter extraordinario o
catastrófico(inundaciones, fenómenos o movimientos sísmicos, erupciones
volcánicas, huracanes, tempestades), hechos derivados de terrorismo, motín,
alboroto o tumulto popular, manifestaciones y huelgas legales o ilegales; hechos
de actuaciones de la Fuerzas Armadas o de los Cuerpos de Seguridad del
Estado en tiempos de paz; conflictos armados y actos de guerra (declarada o
no); vicio o defecto propio de los bienes; hechos calificados por el Gobierno de
la Nación como de “catástrofe o calamidad nacional”.
El diseño y las especificaciones están sujetos a cambios sin previo aviso
para la mejora del producto.
17 V.1
18 V.1
 
Warning 
  
 
V.V.11 V.V.11
Names of the components
Apologizing for some features and accessories of the refrigerator you
brought might not accord with the illustrations, refer to the packing list in
the refrigerator please.
Note: r
Drawers, food box and shelves are the most energy-saving ,please refer to the above pictures.
emove folding top cover, tray upon the door, ice-makere, ice-collection box
and refrigerating drawer according to graphic expression to get more space,
and that will not affect the normal functions of the product.
V.V.11 V.V.11
For  
The 
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Preparation before using
New refrigerator
Transportation and placement of the refrigerator
Correct application of the refrigerator
Ensure that the refrigerator is placed correctly and stably.
Be aware of all safety matters needing attention.
After connecting electricity, it will enter into ex-factory state.
1.Connect the electricity
2.Put food into the refrigerator
Except the solutions recommended by the manufacturer, do not use mechanical
equipment or other means to accelerate defrosting.
Except the types recommended by the manufacturer, do not use electrical appliance
inside food closet.
The refrigerator is provided with R600a refrigerant and cyclopentane foaming
material, and both are combustible materials. Obsolete refrigerator should be
isolated from fire and combustion treatment is forbidden.
foam pads and gummed paper inside;
Use warm and wet cleaning cloth to wipe the refrigerator's interior and exterior (add a
little detergent in the warm water and use clean water to clean up);
Prepare a separating grounding receptacle with both polarities. Do not share multi-
purpose socket with other electrical appliances;
Connect earth wire. Earth electrode of the socket must be equipped with a reliable
grounding wire.
Remove all packing materials before using, including bottom seating washer and
Do not invert, traverse, press and shake the refrigerator. When moving the
refrigerator, angle of inclination shall not be larger than 45°.
When moving, do not make excessive pressure to the door or top cover, otherwise
deformation will occur.
Slightly remove the refrigerator backward (less than 20°) to rear truckle roll a short
sunlight. In order to avoid rust or reduce insulation result, please do not place it at
damp and watered place.
Top space for the refrigerator shall not be less than 30cm. Distance against two sides
shall not be less than 10cm, Distance against to the wall shall not exceed 75mm,
providing convenience to open and close the door and disperse the heat.
Place the refrigerator on a flat and solid floor. (if it is not stable, you can regulate the
regulating legs)
Place the refrigerator at a ventilative place, far away from heat source and direct
Make sure the power line is not pressed by the refrigerator or other articles.
Before connect the power line, make sure the voltage range of the refrigerator
accord with that of the power supply.
Suggestion: after working a time, the refrigerator will arrive store temperature or after
the first stop of the compressor, put food into it, which is beneficial to retain
Note: if the set temperature is altered or new food is put in, temperature
inside the box will achieve the balance after a time, which is determined by
the temperature alteration degree, temperature of ambient environment,
opening frequency, quantity of the food inside and so on.
Generally, temperature inside refrigerating chamber is below -18. Food needing long-
term storage shall be put in refrigerating chamber.
Quick-frozen food shall be put into the refrigerating chamber as soon as possible before
Hot food should be put into refrigerating chamber after it cools down to room temperature.
Fruit and vegetable should not be put into refrigerating chamber. In order to avoid freezing
and rupture, glass container with liquid should not be put into the refrigerating chamber.
Quick-frozen food should be stored by category. Food in the same kind should be put into
together. Thus, energy conservation can be realized by reducing opening frequency.
Refrigerating chamber's drawer
It is for food needing freezing. A block of meat should be put into the drawer after being sliced
for convenience. When take out the food, pull our the drawer at first, then horizontally push
the tray above the drawer inward, and then take out the food under the drawer,
Note: close the drawer, after using the refrigerating chamber.
V.V.11 V.V.11
Function introduction
Function introduction
1. Keys
A. Super FRZ: quick-frozen pattern
B. ON/OFF: start up or shut down the system
C. : increase temperature of the refrigerating box /: regulate quick-frozen time
D. : decrease temperature of the refrigerating box /: regulate quick-frozen time
2. Names of functions of display screen
1Temperature region digitron
2Temperature () icon
3Quick-frozen icon
3. Display control
Power on for the first time: all shines for three seconds with ringing of start bell. Defaulting
temperature of the refrigerating box is -18.
Normal operation display:
Temperature display region: when there is a failure, it will show failure codes by turn at a priority
order; without failure, it will show the set temperature.
Display control:
1Under the normal pattern, it will not shine any more after thirty seconds without opening and
key operation;
2When the door is under open state, the display will shine all the time and it will stop shining
thirty seconds after the door is closed.
3When a failure happens and it is within "Failure Code", the screen will shine for one time and
stop to shine after thirty seconds (if the buzzer has been ringing for a long time, press any key
to cancel the failure bell);
4. User Mode operation
Start-up and shutdown
Under start-up mode, press and hold ON/OFF key (B key) for three seconds, the start bell will ring
and the system will be shut down immediately;
Under shut down mode, press and hold ON/OFF key (B key) for three seconds, the start bell will
ring and the system will be started immediately.
Press ON/OFF key for three seconds to shut down the system and the display screen will not show
any more. Except ON/OFF key (B key), other keys will stop responding, and compressor,
defrosting heater, door lamp and other loads will be shut down immediately; Press ON/OFF key for
three seconds to start up the system. Before starting, if the system is at Quick-Frozen Mode, the
display screen will show -24 and Quick-frozen icon was lighted, or otherwise the display screen
will show the temperature inside refrigerating chamber (set at the last time) and all loads will run
the mode having been set before shutdown.
Quick-Frozen Mode entry
When the system is at non Quick-Frozen Mode, press and hold Super FRZ key (A key) for three
seconds to start the Quick-Frozen Mode, and quick-frozen icon will be lit up, and the display
screen will show the defaulting quick-frozen time (6 hours). Press temperature regulation keys
(C key) or (D key) to change quick-frozen time. A change needs 6 hours. Adjustment range is
between 6 hours to 48 hours. If you do not press any key in five seconds and the setting will take
effect automatically and show "24"; within five seconds, you can press Super FRZ key(A key)
manually for affirmation and it will show "24". Then, the refrigerator will work under Quick-
Frozen Mode.
NoteThe freezing capacity marked in rating label is the test result of quick-freeze mode
mentioned above setting in 48 hours
Exit from Quick-Frozen Mode
After quick-froze mode takes effect and when it arrives the set quick-frozen time, press and hold
Super FRZ (A key) for three seconds or change the set temperature by pressing certain keys to
exit form Quick-Frozen Mode, and then the quick-frozen icon will not shine any more. After
withdrawing from the Quick-Frozen Mode, it will run at the mode having been set before.
Note: if it is shut down or has a power failure when the Quick-Frozen Mode is under operation, it
will continue to run under the Quick-Frozen Mode after recovery.
Set he temperature of the refrigerating chamber
Press temperature regulation keys (C key) and (D key) to set the temperature and the set
temperature will shine. The setting range is between 16 to 24 (non-periodic temperature
regulation); it will exit from setting state in five seconds and the setting will take effect. (within five
seconds after finishing the setting, press A key or B key to affirm the set state manually and make
the setting valid.)
5. Illuminating lamp control
When open refrigerating box's door, refrigerating box's illuminating lamp will shine. When close
refrigerating box's door, refrigerating box's illuminating lamp will not shine any more.
6. Door-opening hint and door-opening alarming control
7. Power-interruption memory and initial power-up state
When meet power interruption, the refrigerator can memory operating mode and state
before automatically; When power up, it will recover to the state before interruption and run
the mode having been set before interruption.
Initial power-up state: the set temperature of refrigerating chamber is 18.
Memory: include set temperature of refrigerating box, cumulative working hours of
All following functions must be worked under start state.
1 2 3
f refrigerator chamber door has been open for 120 seconds, it will ring warning bell, an
he bell will ring per 2 seconds till the door is closed. Press any key to cancel th
oor-opening warning.
V.V.11 V.V.11
In order to avoid destroy, fire and
other accidents, please do not put
anything combustible, explosive,
volatile and strongly corrosive into
the refrigerator. In order to avoid
freezing, rupture and other losses,
please do not put the bottles with
fluids or sealing containers into the
refrigerating box.
In order to avoid fire,
please do not use
combustible solvents
nearby the refrigerator.
8. High temperature warning of the refrigerating chamber
When the temperature of the refrigerating chamber has been above 8 for six hours,
high temperature warning will ring. The buzzer will ring per second for ten times and then
ten times every thirty minutes, and temperature display region will show failure code (E9);
the ringing will stop when the temperature of the refrigerating chamber is below 12.
Press any key to cancel the warning buzzer (if it does not buzz after thirty minutes). But
the failure code display state is not canceled, until the failure is solved.
9. Failure hint
Note: when there is a failure, the system will display all machine failures' codes by turn.
The warning will be automatically canceled or be canceled by pressing any key. When
failure happens, it is a priority to show failure code till failure recovery, otherwise the set
temperature and quick-frozen icon cannot be displayed. If a failure has been displayed all
the time and automatic recovery fails, please contact After-sale Department or
professional maintenance personnel.
10. Force defrosting
Press and hold "temperature regulation" keys and for three seconds to enter into
Force Defrosting Mode. High position of LED temperature region always shows "3" with
no display in the low position. When entering into Force Defrosting Mode, the compressor
and fan will be stopped immediately. When defrosting heater is forced to be started and
under Force Defrosting Mode or the exiting conditions are satisfied, press and hold
"temperature regulation" keys and for three seconds to exit from the Force
Defrosting Mode.
Matters needing attention
Cosm etics
acce tate
Bin der
Alcoh ol
Function introduction
Hint Hint
E2 E6
E5 E9
Failure code Failure code
Temperature sensor failure
of refrigerating box Communication failure
Refrigerating defrosting
sensor failure
High temperature warning
of the refrigerating chamber
Ambient temperature
sensor failure EEPROM circuit failure
Do not arbitrarily dismantle
or repair. Choose the repair
shops designated by the
manufacturer to replace the
Use standard professional three-
hole power socket (above 10A).
Socket grounding must be good.
In order to avoid accidental
harm caused by closing a child
inside or refrigerator falling, do
not allow the children to enter
into or climb the refrigerator.
Do not put the heavy
things on the refrigerator,
otherwise it will easily fall
and cause harm.
Do not put too much food into
the refrigerator.
Do not open the door and
drawers for a long time or
frequently open the door
and drawers, otherwise it
would weaken the
efficiency of the complete
mac h ine a n d i ncr e ase
operating load.
When the refrigerator is not at
n o r m a l o p e r a t i o n o r i s
destroyed, please cut off the
power and inform local service
Do not splash the water on the top or
back of the refrigerator, otherwise it
would reduce insulation effect.
The product is a household refrigerator. According to the national standards, household
refrigerator is only applicable to store food and cannot be used for other purpose such as
storing blood, drugs, biological products, etc.
V.V.11 V.V.11
Refrigerator maintenance Door Right-Left Change
1Remove the two nut caps and two hinge cover plates from the top beam
(open the door toward right)
2Remove decorating components from the top beam
3Remove the two bolts fixed with hinges, pull the hinges out from one side and
dismantle the door at the same time. As last, take the hinges out from the door.
Wiring bundles
Two bolts Hinge
Left cover plate Nut cap Right cover plate
Non-use within
a long time
Power failure: ...
Discard: ...
Please plug off the power to avoid electric shock or fire due
to power line aging; clean up refrigerator interior; open the
door for a time and close it after the interior become
completely dry.
Reduce opening times as many as possible; you'd better not
to put fresh food in it.
When discard unused refrigerator, door seal must be
dismantled off, so that the children would not be closed in it
by accident.
Lamps and replacement
If the illuminating lamp occur failure, please contact
professional personnel for home service.
V.V.11 V.V.11
Door Right-Left Change
Door Right-Left Change
4Reassemble the lower hinge axis: dismantle the original hinge axis and
assemble it at the graphic position.
5Reassemble the upper hinges axis: dismantle the hinge axis and assemble
by rotating it from the other end of the screw hole.
6Install the upper hinges fixed leg (on the left) at the right side.
7、Install the lower hinge at the right side of the refrigerator
8Install the upper hinges into the relative axle holes on the right (upon the
door) at first, then place the door on the lower hinges, press upper hinges
into hinge fixed legs and fix the upper hinges at last.
Lower hinge
10 11
9Install top-beam decoration, nut caps and hinge cover plates
V.V.11 V.V.11
2 Step: Fit the lower connecting hinge at the bottom of two cabinets.
1 Step:Put two cabinets together with only 10mm gap.
Fix the connecting hinge to the place as shown in the picture.
3 Step:Put the bar inside the gap between two cabinets.
Step finished.
The connecting
V.V.11 V.V.11
 
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 
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  
lf the situation still exist after checking all above matters, please
contact our company's After-sale Department.
The damaged power cord must be replaced by maintenance personnel
appointed by our company for the sake of safety.
Correct Disposal of this product
V.V.11 V.V.11
This device has a two-year repair warranty, from the date of sale, against all malfunctions arising
from manufacture, including labour and spare parts. To justify the date of purchase, the invoice or
receipt must be presented. This guarantee will only be effective in Spain.
1. Remote controls, drainage intake tires, door stops and seals or weatherstripping.
2. Enamels, paints, nickel-plating, chrome-plating, oxidation or other parts which do not
affect the internal functioning of the appliance (aesthetic parts or components).
3. Parts subject to wear and tear, corrosion, oxidation either caused by normal use or
wear of the appliance or accelerated by unfavourable environmental or climatic conditions, and
notoriously unsuitable sand and dust. Not suitable for outdoor use.
4. The guarantee does not apply to fragile parts of glass, glass-ceramic, plastics, handles,
doors or light bulbs when their failure or breakage is not attributable to a manufacturing defect.
5. Breakdowns caused by abnormal, negligent or improper use of the appliance or by any
type of external origin.
6. Civil liabilities of any nature.
7. Consequential damage to the device provided that this is not caused by an internal
operating fault.
8. Maintenance or conservation of the device: periodic revisions, adjustments and
9. Damage to accessories and complements, adapters, external cables, bags, loose parts
of all kinds, lamps, as well as any part considered consumable by the manufacturer.
10. Faults caused by incorrect or non-legal installation, inadequate ventilation, inappropriate
modifications or use of non-original spare parts.
11. Malfunctions that may occur to accessories and complements, as well as any part
considered consumable by the manufacturer.
12. Household appliances used in industrial applications or for commercial purposes.
13. Appliances with illegible serial numbers.
14. Defects or malfunctions resulting from repairs, modifications, or dismantling of the
appliance installation by a technician not authorised by the manufacturer, or as a result of manifest
non-compliance with the manufacturer's operating and maintenance instructions.
15. During the warranty period it is essential to keep all manuals with the equipment.
Should any of these be lost, no claim may be made for their replacement.
16. The breakdowns that have their origin or are a direct or indirect consequence of:
Nuclear reaction or radiation or radioactive contamination; natural or meteorological phenomena
of an extraordinary or catastrophic nature (floods, seismic phenomena or movements, volcanic
eruptions, hurricanes, storms), events derived from terrorism, riots, popular uprisings or tumults,
legal or illegal demonstrations and strikes; acts of the Armed Forces or the State Security Forces
in times of peace; armed conflicts and acts of war (whether declared or not); vice or defect of
property; acts qualified by the Government of the Nation as a "national catastrophe or calamity".
The design and specifications are subject to change without notice for product