12 Interfaces
12.1 RS232 Interface
Formato de salida: 1 start bit, 8 data bit, no parity bit, 1 stop bit
Tasa de bits: 9 600 baud factory setting
adjustable: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 28800, 38400
Protocolo de transmisión: ASCII
y ................................first sign is blank or info (see below)
x ................................blank
NNNN........................start number, max. 4-digit, any pre-zero is not shown
CCC ..........................channels of timing device
c0 ..............................channel 0..........start channel
c0M ...........................channel 0 .........triggered by keypad <START>
c1 ..............................channel 1..........finish channel
c1M ...........................channel 1..........triggered by keypad <STOP>
c2 ..............................channel 2
c3 ..............................channel 3
c4 ..............................channel 4
c5 ..............................channel 5
c6 ..............................channel 6
c7 ..............................channel 7
c8 ..............................channel 8
RT .............................run time
TT .............................total time
SQ.............................sequential time (lap time)
kmh ...........................speed measurement (possible displays: km/h, m/s, mph)
HH:MM:SS.zhtq.........time in hours, minutes, seconds and 1/10 000 seconds
GG ............................group, lap or blank
RRRR........................rank (only available in ‘classement’ menu)
(CR) ..........................carriage return
Info – the following figures may be in first position:
x ................................blank
?................................time without valid start number
m...............................time from memory
c ................................times deleted (e.g. with CLEAR button)
C ...............................memory time deleted (e.g. with CLEAR button)
d................................times deleted due to disqualification
i .................................manually entered time with <INPUT>
n................................enter new start number
t................................valid time with radio correction received through TED RX or WTN.
Example of a RS 232 interface output (e.g. program backup)
0001 c0 15:43:49,8863 00 m 0008 c1 15:44:00,2849 00
0002 c0 15:43:50,1647 00 m 0009 c0 15:44:00,5499 00
0005 c1 15:43:51,6464 00 m 0010 c1 15:44:00,8182 00
0006 c0 15:43:51,9669 00 m 0011 c0 15:44:01,0366 00
0007 c1 15:43:52,2467 00 C 0011 c0 15:44:01,0366 00
0008 c0 15:43:52,4579 00 n 0014 c0 15:44:01,0366 00
0009 c1 15:43:52,6941 00 0020 c0 15:44:15,0077 00
0015 c0M 15:43:55,6200 00 0022 c0 15:44:15,5165 00
0016 c1M 15:43:55,8800 00 0023 c1 15:44:15,7847 00
0019 c0M 15:43:57,020 00 c 0023 c1 15:44:15,7847 00
m 0007 c0 15:43:59,9927 00 i 0023 c1 15:44:15,7847 00