Properregistrationwill serveas proof ofpurchasein the eventyour originalreceipt is misplaced or lostand may expeditethe processingofyour warrantydaims. It alsowill serve asproof of purchaseinthe eventoftheft or loss.The additionalquestionsrvill helpusto developproductsto meetyour cleaningneeds
in yearsto come. Thank youfor choosing Hoover!
I_enregistrernentsort de preuved'achat au cascO la factureodginaleserait_gar@ ou perdue; i'enregistrement pout _galementacc_l_rer letraitement d'uner_clamation dane lecadre de lagara_tie.II sortaussi de preuved'aehaten cas devol ou de pete. Leequestionsedditionnebs ncos aideront _mdtre au point,dans le futur,
denouveaux produits pourvos besoinsen netbyage. Nous vous remerdons d'avoir choisi Hoover!
Encasode p_rdida del recibo original, su registocompleto servir_eomo prueba de eompra,y puede agilizarel processode reclamo de su garan_a.Tambiedservir_eomo prueba de compra eneleaco de robo o p_rdida.Las preguntasadieionalesnos ayudadn a desarrollarproduetos para satisfacersu necesidedesde limpiza
enelfuturo. Gradas pot seleceionarHoover!
1. [:] Mr. 2. [:] Mrs. 3, D Ms.
First NamelPr_,norNNombre
4. [:g Miss
initial Last NametNom de famille/Apellido
Street/Rue/Calie Apt. NoJApp./No. de apto
Y3R01 -01
CityNiiletCiudad State/ProvincetEstado ZIP/Postal code/Code postal/Codigo postal
2. E-mail Address:
3, Your date o1birth: /
Month/Mois/Mes Yea/YAnn_e/Afio
4, Maritalstatus: 1. [:] Married 2. [:g Single
5. Date of purchase: /
Month/Mois/Mes Day/Jou/VDia YeatYAnn_e/Afio
6, ModelnumbeflNum_ro demod_le/
NL'lmerode modelo:
7. Serial number (Ser. No.)/
Num_ro de eerie/NL'lmero de eerie:
(orl label on the b_ck or botbm ot your pfodud)
8, Prise paid (please do fist include sales tax)l $
Prix pay_ (,_ ['exclusion des taxes) I Precio pagado:
9, For the following statement, please indicate whether you agree or
disagree that the statement describes your approach to shopping for home
cleaning appliances.
A) Iam willing to give up some quality for a lower price
1 [::] Agree 2 [:g Disagree
10. For each of the following pairs, please cheek the one statement that most
closely describes you and your approach to cleaning your home.
(check only one)
1 [::] I have begun to take house cleaning a little less seriously in recent years, OR
2 [::] Ikeep up wkh maintaiMng a clean and organized home no matter what
3 [ I have a cbani% schedule that I insist on sticking to, OR
4 _ I do not have any specific routine for cleaning my house
5 [::] I like the sense of satisfaction I get when my home is clean and organized, OR
6 _ I don't really give much thought to how clean and organized my home looks
11, Whichofthesestatementsbestdescribesthewayyouthinkandfeelabout
cleaning your home? (check only one)
1 [::] Keeping a cban home is important to me and I am proud of the result I tend
to buy moderate and higher priced products and believe quality is more
important than price when buying cleaning tools for my home
2 [:gl tend to have a systematic approach to cleaning my home Igive significant
consideration to price when buying cleaning tools for my home
3 [::] I tend to be a bit ambivalent about charting my house as I neither like nor hate
cleaning I prefer stylish, easy-to-use cleaning tools for my home and am willing
to pay a little more to get these features
12. Not including yourself, what is the GENDER and AGE (in years)
of children and other adults living in your household?
1 [:g No one else in household 2 [:g Child under 1 yr
Male Female Age Male Female Age
1 [:g 2 [:g yrs 1 [:g 2 [::] yrs
1 [:g 2 [:g yrs 1 [:g 2 [::] yrs
13. Occupation: (checkafl thatapply) You Spouse
Professional/TechMcal ................................................................ [::] 1 [:g
Upper Management/Executive ................................................... [::] 2 [:g
Middle Management .................................................................. [::] 3 [:g
Sales/Marketing .......................................................................... [::] 4 [:g
Clerical/Service Worker.............................................................. [::] 5 [:g
Tradesman/Machine Operator/Laborer ...................................... [:J 6 _,
1_. Are you or your spouse: You Spouse
A Hor'/er'/aker? ........................................................................... [::] 1 [:g
Retired? ...................................................................................... [::] 2 [:g
A Student?.................................................................................. [::] 3 [:g
Self Employed/Business Owner? ............................................... [::] 4 [:g
Workh/g from a Home Office? .................................................... [::] 5 [:g
in the Military? ............................................................................ [::] 6 [:g
A Veteran?.................................................................................. [::::] 7 [::g
'15. Which group describes your annual family income?
01 [:g Under $15,000 08 [:g $75,00G$99,999
02 [::g $15,00G$19,999 09 [::g $100,000-$124,999
03 [::::} $20,000-$29,999 10 [::::] $125,00G$149,999
04 [::g $30,000-$39,999 11 [::g $150,000-$174,999
05 [::g $40,000-$49,999 12 [::g $175,000G199,999
06 [::g $501000-$59,999 13 [::g $2001000G2491999
07 [::: $60,00G$74,999 14 C $250,000 & over
16. Level of education: (check highest /evd compbted)
1 [::] Compbted High School
2 [::] CompbtedCoJlege
3 CJ CompbtedGraduate School
17. Which credit cards do you use regularly?
1 [::] American Express, Diners Club
2 [::] Mastercard, Visa, Discover
3 [::] Department Store, OilCompany, etc
4 C] Do not use credit cards
18. For your primary residence, do you: 1 C] Own? 2 [::g Rent?
19, How recently did you move into your current residence?
1 [::] Wthin 30 days 4 [:g 7 to 12 months ago
2 [::::] Wthin 1- 3 months 5 [::g Have not moved in
3 C:] Wkhin4-6months the last12 months
_O. Which of the following do you plan to do within the next 6 or 12 months?
1-6 7-12
Months Months
Buy/Lease aNew Vehicle .......................................................... [::g 1 [::g
Buy/Lease aUsed Vehicle ........................................................ [[[g 2 [[[g
_1. Please check all that apply to your household.
01 [::g Shop by Catalog[Mail
02 [::g Shop via the Internet
03 [::g Member of aFrequent Ryer Program
04 [::g Donate to Charitable Causes
05 [::g Own a Compact Disc Player
06 [::g Have a Dog
07 [::g Have a Cat
08 [::g OwnaWireless/CellularPhone
09 [::g Subscribe to an Online/Interact Service
10 [::g Speak Spanish
11 [::g Own an Apple/Macintosh Computer
12 [::g Own a CD-ROM Drive