Minebea Intec YFP01MWS Fastening Kit Midrics Weighing Platforms, Fastening Kit for Midrics Weighing Platforms El manual del propietario

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YFP01MWS Fastening Kit | Fixierset | Kit de fixation |
Kit de fijación | Kit di fissaggio
Fastening Kit for Midrics Weighing Platforms (Size 800 x 1000 and Larger) and Midrics Foundation Frame
The fastening kit is for use only with Midrics series weighing platforms.
See the weighing platform operating instructions for the platform dimensions.
Fixierset für Midrics Wägeplattformen (ab Plattformgröße 800x1000) und Midrics Fundamentrahmen.
Der Fixierset kann nur an den Wägeplattformen der Serie Midrics Wägeplattformen montiert werden!
Für die Abmaße der Wägeplattformen die Betriebsanleitung lesen.
Kit de fixation pour les plates-formes de pesée Micrics (à partir des dimensions 800x1000) et les cadres de fosse
en cornières Micrics.
Remarque :
Le kit de fixation peut uniquement être monté sur les plates-formes de pesée de la série Midrics.
Pour connaître les dimensions des plates-formes de pesée, se reporter au mode d’emploi.
Kit de fijación para plataformas de pesaje Micrics (a partir del tamaño 800x1000) y bastidor de cimentación.
¡El kit de fijación puede ser utilizado solamente para las plataformas de pesaje de la serie Midrics!
Para los tamaños de plataformas de pesaje, ver en las instrucciones de instalación.
Kit di fissaggio per piattaforme di pesata Midrics (per dimensioni della piattaforma a partire da 800x1000)
e per il telaio di fondazione per installazione in fossa Midrics.
Il kit di fissaggio può essere montato solo sulle piattaforme di pesata della serie Midrics!
Per le dimensioni delle piattaforme di pesata consultare il manuale d’uso.
Equipment supplied:
2 fastening plates
4 anchors (d10 mm) with 4 hexagon nuts and washers
Note: Do not use the washers supplied with the anchors; instead,
use the larger washers (listed below).
4 washers, large
2 x Fixierblech
4 x Bodenanker d10mm mit 4x Sechskanntmutter und Unterlegscheiben
Hinweis: die Unterlegscheiben der Bodenanker werden nicht verwendet!
4 x Unterlegscheibe, gross
Contenu de la livraison :
2 plaques de fixation
4 visseries de fixation, 10 mm de diamètre, avec 4 écrous hexagonaux et 4 rondelles plates
Remarque : les rondelles plates des visseries de fixation ne sont pas utilisées.
4 rondelles plates de grande taille.
2 chapas de fijación
4 pernos de anclaje de 10mm diámetro, con 4 tuercas hexagonales y arandelas
Advertencia: ¡las arandelas de los pernos de anclaje no son utilizadas!
4 arandelas, grandes
Equipaggiamento fornito:
2 piastre di fissaggio
4 bulloni di fissaggio al suolo d10 mm con 4 dadi esagonali e rondelle
Nota: le rondelle dei bulloni di fissaggio al suolo non vengono usate!
4 rondelle, grandi
Minebea Intec Bovenden GmbH & Co. KG
Leinetal 2, 37120 Bovenden, Germany
Phone +49.551.309.83.0
Fax +49.551.309.83.190
Copyright by Minebea Intec, Bovenden,
No part of this publication may be reprinted
or translated in any form or by any means
without prior written permission from
Minebea Intec . All rights reserved.
The status of the information, specifications
and illustrations in this manual is indicated
by the date given below. Minebea Intec
reserves the right to make changes to the
technology, features, specifications, and
design oftheequipment without notice.
Date: January 2019
Printed in Germany on paper that has been
bleached without any use of chlorine
MS · KT Publication No.: WYF6054-p19013
Installation | Installation | Installation | Instalación | Installazione