Quick Parameter Reference
CFW300 Frequency Inverter
Enables/disables the inverter via
acceleration/deceleration ramp (start/
stop, according to P229). Resets the
inverter after a fault event.
Increases the frequency, parameter
number and parameter value.
Selects (toggles) between the parameter
number and its value (position/content).
Decreases the frequency, parameter
number or parameter value.
Inverter status
Direction of rotation
Unit of measurement (it refers
to the value of the main display)
Main display
Bar graph to monitor the variable
Monitoring Mode
It is the initial state of the HMI after its successful power-up (without
the occurrence of faults, alarms or undervoltage).
Press key to go to level 1 of the setting mode - selection of
parameters. Pressing any other key also switches to setting mode.
level 1
level 2
Setting Mode
Level 1:
This is the first level of the setting mode. The parameter number is
shown on the main display.
Use keys and to find the desired parameter.
Press key to go to level 2 of the setting mode - change of the
parameter values.
Level 2:
The parameter value is shown on the main display.
Use keys and to set the new value in the selected parameter.
Press key to confirm the modification (save the new value).
After confirming the modification, the HMI returns to level 1 of the
setting mode.
Figure 1: HMI operating modes
Always disconnect the main power supply before making any connection.
1. Check if the power, grounding and control connections are correct and firm.
2. Remove all the materials left behind from the installation work from inside the inverter or the cabinet.
3. Verify the motor connections and if its voltage and current are within the inverter rated value.
4. Mechanically uncouple the motor from the load. If the motor cannot be uncoupled, make sure that any
speed direction (forward or reverse) will not result in personnel injury and/or equipment damage.
5. Close the inverter or cabinet covers.
6. Measure the power supply and verify if it is within the allowed range. Please, refer to the user's manual,
available for download on the website: www.weg.net.
7. Apply power to the input: close the input disconnecting switch.
8. Check the result of the first time power-up:
The HMI display indicates:
2.1 V/f TYPE OF CONTROL (P202 = 0)
Seq Display Indication/Action Seq Display Indication/Action
Initialization mode
Press key to enter the first level of the
parameterization mode
Press keys or to select parameter P296
3 4
If necessary, change the content of "P296 – Line
Rated Voltage" (only for 400 V Line)
Press key to select parameter P202
Press key if you need to change the content of
"P202 - Type of Control" for P202 = 0 (V/f)
The table below contains the mains parameters of the CFW300.
ro = read only parameter.
V/f = parameter available in V/f mode.
cfg = configuration parameter, value can only be changed with the motor stopped.
Param. Description Adjustable Range Factory Setting Prop.
P000 Access to Parameters 0 to 9999 1
P001 Speed Reference 0 to 9999 ro
P002 Output Speed (Motor) 0 to 9999 ro
P003 Motor Current 0.0 to 40.0 A ro
P004 DC Link Voltage (Ud) 0 to 828 V ro
P005 Output Frequency (Motor) 0.0 to 400.0 Hz ro
P006 Inverter Status 0 = Ready
1 = Run
2 = Undervoltage
3 = Fault
4 = Self-Tuning
5 = Configuration
6 = DC Braking
7 = Reserved
8 = Fire Mode
P007 Output Voltage 0 to 480 V ro
P012 DI8 to DI1 Status 0 to FF (hexa)
Bit 0 = DI1
Bit 1 = DI2
Bit 2 = DI3
Bit 3 = DI4
Bit 4 = DI5
Bit 5 = DI6
Bit 6 = DI7
Bit 7 = DI8
P022 FI Value in Hz 1 to 3000 Hz ro
P023 Main SW Version 0.00 to 99.99 ro
P030 Module Temperature 0.0 to 200.0 ºC ro
P037 Motor Overload Ixt 0.0 to 100.0 % ro
P047 CONFIG Status 0 to 999 ro
P048 Present Alarm 0 to 999 ro
P049 Present Fault 0 to 999 ro
P050 Last Fault 0 to 999 ro
P100 Acceleration Time 0.1 to 999.9 s 5.0 s
P101 Deceleration Time 0.1 to 999.9 s 10.0 s
P120 Speed Ref. Backup 0 = Inactive 2 = Backup by P121
1 = Active
P121 Reference via HMI 0.0 to 400.0 Hz 3.0 Hz
P133 Minimum Frequency 0.0 to 400.0 Hz 3.0 Hz
P134 Maximum Frequency 0.0 to 400.0 Hz 66.0 (55.0) Hz
P135 Maximum Output Current 0.0 to 40.0 A 1.5 x Inom
P136 Manual Torque Boost 0.0 to 30.0 % 5.0 % V/f
P142 Maximum Output Voltage 0.0 to 100.0 % 100.0 % cfg, V/f
P143 Intermediate Output Voltage 0.0 to 100.0 % 50.0 % cfg, V/f
P 151 DC Link Regulation Level 349 to 781 V According the
inverter model
P 153 Dynamic Braking Level 349 to 800 V According the
inverter model
P156 Rated Speed Overload Current 0.1 to 2.0 x Inom 1.2 x Inom
P157 Overload Curr. 50 % Nom.
0.1 to 2.0 x Inom 1.2 x Inom
P158 Overload Curr. 20 % Nom
0.1 to 2.0 x Inom 1.2 x Inom
P202 Type of Control 0 = V/f
1 = V/f Quadratic
2 to 4 = Not Used
5 = VVW
0 cfg
P204 Load/Save Parameters 0 to 4 = Not Used
5 = Load WEG 60 Hz
6 = Load WEG 50 Hz
7 = Load User
8 = Not Used
9 = Save User
10 = Not Used
11 = Load Default SoftPLC
12 to 13 = Reserved
0 cfg
P220 LOC/REM Selection Source 0 = Always Local
1 = Always Remote
2 to 3 = Not Used
4 = DIx
5 = Serial/USB (LOC)
6 = Serial/USB (REM)
7 to 8 = Not Used
11 = SoftPLC
0 cfg
P221 LOC Reference Sel 0 = HMI
1 = AI1
2 = AI2
3 = Not Used
4 = FI
5 = AI1 + AI2 > 0
6 = AI1 + AI2
7 = E.P.
8 = Multispeed
9 = Serial/USB
10 = Not Used
12 = SoftPLC
13 = Not Used
14 = AI1 > 0
15 = AI2 > 0
16 = Not Used
17 = FI > 0
0 cfg
P222 REM Reference Sel. See Options in P221 1 cfg
P223 LOC FWD/REV Sel. 0 = Forward
1 = Reverse
2 to 3 = Not Used
4 = DIx
5 = Serial/USB (FWD)
6 = Serial/USB (REV)
7 to 8 = Not Used
11 = Not Used
12 = SoftPLC
0 cfg
P22 4 LOC Run/Stop Sel. 0 = HMI Keys
1 = DIx
2 = Serial/USB
3 = Not Used
5 = SoftPLC
0 cfg
P263 DI1 Input Function
0 = Not Used
1 = Run/Stop
2 = General Enable
3 = Fast Stop
4 = Forward Run
5 = Reverse Run
6 = Start
7 = Stop
8 = Direction of Rotation
10 = JOG
11 = Increase E.P.
12 = Decelerate E.P.
13 = Multispeed
14 = 2
15 to 17 = Not Used
18 = No Ext. Alarm
19 = No Ext. Fault
20 = Reset
21 to 23 = Not Used
24 = Disab. Flying Start
25 = Not Used
26 = Lock Prog.
27 to 31 = Not Used
32 = 2
33 = 2
Ramp E.P. Ac.
34 = 2
Ramp E.P. De.
35 = 2
Ramp FWD Run
36 = 2
Ramp REV Run
37 = Turn ON / Ac. E.P.
38 = De. E.P. / Turn OFF
39 = Stop
40 = Safety Switch
41 = Application Function 1
42 = Application Function 2
43 = Application Function 3
44 = Application Function 4
45 = Application Function 5
46 = Application Function 6
47 = Application Function 7
48 = Application Function 8
49 = Activate Fire Mode
50 = Manual/Automatic PID
(Only DI2 for P903 = 1)
51 = Increase Setpoint
Command (PE) (Only DI3
for P903 = 1)
52 = Decrease Setpoint
Command (Only DI4 for
P903 = 1)
53 = 1
DI Control Setpoint
(Only DI3 for P903 = 1)
54 = 2
DI Control Setpoint
(Only DI4 for P903 = 1)
1 cfg
P264 DI2 Input Function See Options in P263 8 cfg
DI3 to DI8 Input Function See Options in P263 0 cfg
P295 Inv. Rated Current 1.1 to 15.2 A According
inverter model
P296 Line Rated Voltage 0 = Reserved
1 = 110 / 127 Vac
2 = 200 / 240 Vac or
310 Vdc
3 = Reserved
4 = 380 Vac or 513 Vdc
5 = 400 / 415 Vac or
540 / 560 Vdc
6 = 440 / 460 Vac or
594 / 621 Vdc
7 = 480 Vac or 650 Vdc
inverter model
ro / cfg
P297 Switching Frequency 2.5 to 15.0 kHz According
inverter model
P401 Motor Rated Current 0.0 to 40.0 A 1.0 x Inom cfg
P402 Motor Rated Speed 0 to 30000 rpm 1720 (1310) rpm cfg
P403 Motor Rated Frequency 0 to 400 Hz 60 (50) Hz cfg
Most common faults and alarms
Fault / Alarm Description Possible Causes
Motor Overload
Motor overload alarm Settings of P156 is too low for the used motor
Overload on the motor shaft
Power Module
Overtemperature alarm from
the power module temperature
sensor (NTC)
High temperature at IGBTs: P030 > 90 °C (> 194 °F)
(200 V Line Frame size A), and P030 > 116 °C (> 240.8 °F)
(200 V Line Frame size B) and P030 > 100 ºC (> 212 °F)
(400 V Line)
High ambient temperature around the inverter: > 50 ºC
(>122 ºF) @ 200 V Line and > 40 ºC (>104 ºF) @ 400 V Line
and high output current
Blocked or defective fan
Heatsink is too dirty, preventing the air flow
Fault / Alarm Description Possible Causes
Undervoltage on the
DC Link
Undervoltage fault on the
intermediate circuit
Wrong voltage supply; check if the data on the inverter
label comply with the power supply and parameter P296
Supply voltage too low, producing voltage on the DC link
below the its minimum value (Level of F021)
Phase fault in the input
Fault in the pre-charge circuit
For more informations, refer to the programming manual
Overvoltage on the DC
Overvoltage fault on the
intermediate circuit
Wrong voltage supply; check if the data on the inverter
label comply with the power supply and parameter P296
Supply voltage is too high, producing voltage on the DC link
above the its maximum value (Level of F022)
Load inertia is too high or deceleration ramp is too fast
P151 setting is too high
For more informations, refer to the programming manual
IGBTs Overtemperatures
Overtemperature fault measured
on the temperature sensor of the
power pack
High temperature at IGBTs: P030 > 100 °C (> 212 °F) (200 V
Line Frame size A), and P030 > 126 °C (> 258.8 °F) (200 V
Line Frame size B) and P030 > 110 ºC (> 230 °F) (400 V Line)
High ambient temperature around the inverter: >50 °C
(>122 °F) for 200 V Line and > 40 ºC (104 ºF) for 400 V Line
and high output current
Blocked or defective fan
Heatsink is too dirty, preventing the air flow
For more informations, refer to the programming manual
Overcurrent or short-circuit on
the output, DC link or braking
Short-circuit between two motor phases
IGBTs module in short-circuit or damaged
Start with too short acceleration ramp
Start with motor spinning without the Flying Start function
Motor Overload
Motor overload fault (for
further information, refer to the
programming manual)
P156, P157 or P158 setting is too low in relation to the
motor operating current
Overload on the motor shaft
Auto-diagnosis Fault
Fault related to the automatic
identification algorithm of the
inverter hardware
Poor contact in the connection between the main control
and the power pack
Hardware not compatible with the firmware version
Defect on the internal circuits of the inverter
For further information, refer to the programming manual, available for download on the
website: www.weg.net.
The CFW300 is configured at the factory by setting its parameters so as to define the logical command and
the speed reference in both LOCAL and REMOTE operating modes. This default setting can be restored
by means of P204 for both motors 60Hz and 50Hz (P204 = 5 or 6).
In the LOCAL mode, the command and reference are directed to the HMI of the CFW300, allowing the
commands Run/Stop, JOG and Direction of Rotation of the motor. In addition to these commands, the
HMI keypad can also be used to select the LOCAL or REMOTE mode. The speed reference can be set in
P121 or by means of the and keys of the HMI in the monitoring mode.
In the REMOTE mode, the speed reference and command are directed to the product terminals; DI1 executes
Run/Stop and DI2 the Direction of Rotation. The reference is executed by analog input AI1 in this mode.
Referencia Rápida de los
CFW300 Convertidor de
Habilita/Deshabilita el convertidor vía
rampa de aceleración/desaceleración
(arranque/parada, conforme P229). Resetea
el convertidor tras la ocurrencia de fallas.
Aumenta (incrementa) la frecuencia, número
del parámetro o valor del parámetro.
Selecciona (conmuta) display entre
número del parámetro y su valor (posición/
Disminuye decrementa) la frecuencia,
número del parámetro o valor del parámetro.
Estado del convertidor
Sentido de giro
Unidad de medida (se refiere
al valor del display principal)
Display principal
Barra para monitoreo de variable
Modo Monitoreo
Es el estado inicial de la HMI tras la energización exitosa (sin fallas,
alarmas o subtensión).
Presione la tecla para ir ao nivel 1 del modo parametrización –
selección de parámetros. Al presionar cualquier otra tecla, también
se conmuta para el modo parametrización.
nivel 1
nivel 2
Modo Parametrización
Nivel 1:
Éste es el primer nivel del modo parametrización. El número del
parámetro es exhibido en el display principal.
Use las teclas y para encontrar el parámetro deseado.
Presione la tecla para ir al nivel 2 del modo parametrización –
alteración del contenido de los parámetros.
Nivel 2:
El contenido del parámetro es exhibido en el display principal.
Use las teclas y para ajustar el nuevo valor en el parámetro
Presione la tecla para confirmar la modificación (salvar el nuevo
valor). Luego de confirmada la modificación, la HMI retorna al nivel 1
del modo parametrización.
Figura 1: Modos de operación de la HMI
Siempre desconecte la alimentación general, antes de efectuar cualquier conexión.
1. Verifique sí las conexiones de potencia, puesta a tierra y de control estén correctas y firmes.
2. Retire todos los restos de materiales del interior del convertidor o del accionamiento.
3. Verifique las conexiones del motor y sí la corriente y la tensión del motor estén de acuerdo con el convertidor.
4. Desacople mecánicamente el motor de la carga. Si el motor no puede ser desacoplado, tenga la certeza
de que el giro en cualquier dirección (sentido horario o antihorario) no causará daños a la máquina o
riesgo de accidentes.
5. Cierre las tapas del convertidor o accionamiento.
6. Realice la medición de la tensión de la red y verifique que esté dentro del rango permitido. Por favor,
consulte el manual del usuario, disponible para download en el sitio: www.weg.net.
7. Energice la entrada: cierre la seccionadora de entrada.
8. Verifique el éxito de la energización:
El display de la HMI indica:
2.1 TIPO DE CONTROL V/f (P202 = 0)
Seq Indicación en el Display/Acción Seq Indicación en el Display/Acción
Modo inicialización
Presione la tecla para entrar en el nivel 1 del
modo parametrización
Presione las teclas o hasta seleccionar el
parámetro P296
3 4
Si es necesario, altere el contenido de “P296 - Tensión
Nominal Red” (solamente para la Línea 400 V)
Presione la tecla hasta seleccionar el parámetro
Presione la tecla si es necesario alterar el
4 contenido de "P202 – Tipo de Control" para
P202 = 0 (V/f)
En la tabla de abajo son presentados los principales parámetros del CFW300.
ro = parámetro solamente lectura.
V/f = parámetro disponible en modo V/f.
cfg = parámetro de configuración, solamente puede ser alterado con el motor parado.
Parám. Descripción Rango de Valores
Ajuste de
P000 Acceso a los Parámetros 0 a 9999 1
P001 Referencia Velocidad 0 a 9999 ro
P002 Velocidad de Salida (Motor) 0 a 9999 ro
P003 Corriente del Motor 0,0 a 40,0 A ro
P004 Tensión Link CC (Ud) 0 a 828 V ro
P005 Frecuencia de Salida (Motor) 0,0 a 400,0 Hz ro
P006 Estado del Convertidor 0 = Ready (Pronto)
1 = Run (Ejecución)
2 = Subtensión
3 = Falla
4 = Autoajuste
5 = Configuración
6 = Frenado CC
7 = Reservado
8 = Fire Mode
P007 Tensión de Salida 0 a 480 V ro
P012 Estado DI8 a DI1 0 a FF (hexa)
Bit 0 = DI1
Bit 1 = DI2
Bit 2 = DI3
Bit 3 = DI4
Bit 4 = DI5
Bit 5 = DI6
Bit 6 = DI7
Bit 7 = DI8
P022 Valor de FI Hz 1 a 3000 Hz ro
P023 Versión de SW Princ. 0,00 a 99,99 ro
P030 Temp. Módulo 0,0 a 200,0 ºC ro
P037 Sobrecarga do Motor Ixt 0,0 a 100,0 % ro
P047 Estado CONF 0 a 999 ro
P048 Alarma Actual 0 a 999 ro
P049 Falla Actual 0 a 999 ro
P050 Última Falla 0 a 999 ro
P100 Tiempo Aceleración 0,1 a 999,9 s 5,0 s
P101 Tiempo Desaceleración 0,1 a 999,9 s 10,0 s
P120 Backup de la Ref. Veloc. 0 = Inactivo
1 = Activo
2 = Backup por P121
P121 Referencia vía HMI 0,0 a 400,0 Hz 3,0 Hz
P133 Frecuencia Mínima 0,0 a 400,0 Hz 3,0 Hz
P134 Frecuencia Máxima 0,0 a 400,0 Hz 66,0 (55,0) Hz
P135 Corriente Máxima Salida 0,0 a 40,0 A 1,5 x Inom
P136 Boost de Torque Man. 0,0 a 30,0 % 5,0 % V/f
P142 Tensión Salida Máxima 0,0 a 100,0 % 100,0 % cfg, V/f
P143 Tensión Salida Intermed. 0,0 a 100,0 % 50,0 % cfg, V/f
P151 Nivel Regulador Ud V/f 349 a 781 V Conforme
P153 Nivel de Actuación del
Frenado Reostático
349 a 800 V Conforme
P156 Corr. Sobrecarga Vel. Nom. 0,1 a 2,0 x Inom 1,2 x Inom
P157 Corr. Sobrecarga 50 % Vel.
0,1 a 2,0 x Inom 1,2 x Inom
P158 Corr. Sobrecarga 20 % Vel.
0,1 a 2,0 x Inom 1,2 x Inom
P202 Tipo de Control 0 = V/f
1 = V/f Quadratic
2 a 4 = Sin Función
5 = VVW
0 cfg
P204 Cargar/Guardar Parám. 0 a 4 = Sin Función
5 = Carga WEG 60 Hz
6 = Carga WEG 50 Hz
7 = Carga Usuario
8 = Sin Función
9 = Guarda Usuario
10 = Sin Función
11 = Carga Padrón
12 y 13 = Reservado
0 cfg
P220 Selección Fonte LOC/REM 0 = Siempre Local
1 = Siempre Remoto
2 y 3 = Sin Función
4 = DIx
5 = Serial/USB (LOC)
6 = Serial/USB (REM)
7 y 8 = Sin Función
11 = SoftPLC
0 cfg
P221 Sel. Referencia LOC 0 = HMI
1 = AI1
2 = AI2
3 = Sin Función
4 = FI
5 = AI1 + AI2 > 0
6 = AI1 + AI2
7 = E.P.
8 = Multispeed
9 = Serial/USB
10 = Sin Función
12 = SoftPLC
13 = Sin Función
14 = AI1 > 0
15 = AI2 > 0
16 = Sin Función
17 = FI > 0
0 cfg