Transcripción de documentos
Please read these instructions carefully
before using your TeleZapper'".
Let us help you install your TeleZapperm
or answer any questions, call:
Espoiol - pagino EI
Part # 1-1 13094-000 2/02
1. Read and understand all instructions.
2. Follow all warnings and instructionsmarked on
the product.
3. Unplug this product from the wall telephone iack before
cleonii. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners.
Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
4. Do not u s this pradua near water, for example, near
a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub, in
a wet basement, or near a swimming pool, or anywhere els there is water.
5. Do not plate this product on on unstable cart, stand or
table. The product may fall, causing serious domage to
the product.
6. This product should never be placed near or over a
radiator or heat register.
7. Opening or removing toven may expose you to dangerous vohages or other risks. To redute the irk of
electric shock, disconnect phone lines from both sides of
unii before opening. Opening the unit should only be
done in order to change switch settings m described on
Page 7. Any and all other servicing should be done by
qualified service personnel.
8. Avoid using a telephone (other than a tordless type)
during on electrical storm. There may he a remote risk
of electric shock from lightning.
9. Avoid using a telephone in the vicinity of a gas leak
to report the leak.
10. Unplug this produdand refer serviangto qualifiedsewice pemnelundw L fallowkgc d i
a. If liquid has been spilled into the produd
b. If the product has been exposed to rain or water.
c. If the product does not operate normally by following the operoting instructions. Adjust only those tonlrols that are covered by the operating instructions
because improper adjustment of other tontrols may
result in damage and wil ohen require extensive
work by a qualified tethnitian to restorethe product
to normal operation.
d. If the produd exhibits a distinctdlange in performance.
e. If the'product has been dropped or the rase has been
Your TeleZappermcan be installed to an existing telephone jock and an existing phone. However, if you
decide to install a new telephone jack for this product, please follow these precautions:
1. Never install telephone wiring during a lightening storm.
2. Never install telephone iotks in wet locationsunless the iack is specifically designed for wet locations.
3. Never touch uninsulatedfelephone wires or terminals unless the telephone line has been
disconnected at the network interface.
4. Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.
This equipment complieswith Pod 68 of the FCC rules. Located on
the equipment is o lobel that contoim, among other information,
the KC regiiotion number and ringer equivalence number
IRENI. If requested, this informationmust be provided to the telephone compuny. The REN is used to determine the quantity of
devices which m be connected to the telephone line. Excessive
RENS on the tele$me line may resuh in the devices not rin ing
in responseto an incoming toll. In most, but not all oreos, tte
sum ofthe RENs should not exceed five 15.O).To be certain of the
number of devices thot may be connededto the line, as determine by the total RENs, contod the telephone componyto determine the mmimum RENs for the calling area. This equipment
annot be used an the telephone corn anyprovided coin service.
Connectionto Party line service ir sdjed to ~tate~oriffs.
If this equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the
telephone company will notify ou in advance thot temporary
disconlinuonceof service may required. If advance notice
isn't practical the telephone compon wil notify the customer as
soon or pussible. Also, you will be odlired of your right to file o
complaint with the KC if yqu believe 1is necessary. The telephone company may moke changes in its foriliiies, equipment,
operations, or procedures that could affect the oserotion of the
~ i p m e n tIf. this h~pens,the telephone campony will provide
a vonce nohce In or er for you to make the necessary mod~ficolions in order to moinloin uninterruptedservice.
If trouble is experiencedwith this equipment, please contod:
Privacy Technologier
7005 Codran Rd. Glenwillow, OH 44139
Phone 1-800-373-6290
This e uipment has been tested and found to comply wi~hthe
limits!or o Uoss B digiiol device, pursuant to pori I S of the F((
rules. Pese limits ore designed to rovide reasonable protection
ogoinst harmful interference to roio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particulor installation. If this equipment does couse interference to
radio or televirion reception, which con be determinedby turning
the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to corred
the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving ontenno.
Increase !he seporotion between the equipment and
the receiver.
tonned the equipment into on outlet on o circuit different from thot to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experiencedradio/[Y
technician for help.
Any chon e mode by he user not oppravedby Privoy Technologies'
mn vo:de! useh oulhorriy lo operatethe egu;pment.
NOTICE: The industry Canada label identifies ceriified equipment. This certification means that the equipment meets certain telecommunicationsnetwork protective, operotionol and
safety requirements as presuibedin the appropriate Terminal
Equipment Technical Requirements document(s). The
Department does not guarantee the equipment will operate to
the user's satisfaction. '
Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it
is permissibleto be connected to the facilities of the loco1
telecommunicationscompony. The equipment must also be
imtolled using on acceptable method of connection. The cuc
tamer should be aware that compliance with the above conditions may not prevent degradation of service in some rituotions.
Repairs to (edified equipment should be coordinated by a
representative designated by the supplier. Any repairs or
aherotions made by the user to this equipment, or equipment mo~functions,may give the telecommunicotionscompony couse to request the user to disconnect the equipment.
Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground connections of the power utility, telephone lines
and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, ore connected together. This precaution may be particularly important in rural oreos.
CAUTION: Users should not atlempt to moke such connections themselves, but should contact the appropriate electric
inspectionauthority, or eledricion, as oppropriote.
The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) of this device is 0.0.
NOTICI: The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) assigned
to each terminal device provides an indicationof the maximum number of terminals allowed to be connected to o
telephone interface. The termination on an interface may
consist of nny combinntion of devices subied only to the
requirement that the sum of the Ringer Equivalence
Numbers of all the devices does not exceed 5.
The standard conneding arrangement (telephone jock type)
forth's equipment is modular iock type.
The battery in this product is intended to last for the life of the product and should not need changed. However, please note the
following precautions associated with these type of batteries: Whium batteries containflammable materials. such or lithium and
organic solvents. Improper battery handling; particularly during transit and storage, moy muse heoting, explosions ond fires.
Please strictly observe the precautions below i n handling lithium batteries.
1. DO NOT recharge, short-circuit, disassemble, deform, heat, or place the battery near a direct flome. The battery contains
flammable materials such or lithium and orgonic solvents and performing any of the obove actions could cause it to ignite
explode, or become domaged.
2. Keep this bonery out of the reach of children. If it is swallowed, contoct o physician immediotely.
3. When storing the battery or throwing it awoy, be sure to cover it with tape. If the battery comes into contact with other
metal obieds, it could ignite or become domaged.
1. The "t"and "-" ends of the battery must be correctly orientated in the product.
2. Do not apply solder directory to the battery.
3. Avoid storing the battery in direct sunlight, or in excessively hot and humid locations.
The Telebppermhas two levels of privacy to help "zap" computer dialed telemarketing colls. The unit is shipped d the BASIC level of
privacy, which will help with the moiority of telemarketingcolls. At this level, the TeleZoppermwill eml a single tone which is the first
of the three (3) tones for the dirconnected signal. The ADVANCED level of privacy will switch the TeleZapper'" to all three tones of the
dmnnected $no1 ond will "zap" even more telemorketenYou can switch the TeleZapper" following these easy inshudions. If you
have further suestiom ~leosecall the Customer Service hotline d 1-800-373-6290or via our websiie at w.teleza~oercom.
1) After disconnecting both phone cords from the TeleZopper': remove the two smoll screw on the bottom.
2) Corefully remove the BOTIOM HOUSING PIECE (with the rectonsulor lobel on it).
3) Look fo; the word SWITCH which is im~rintedin white on bottom of the circuit board lfacina vou when YOU first remove
the bottom housing). The switch will be located below the word SWITCH (Diagram 11.
4) W i o poper clip or pen, move the mllwhite dot in the middle of h e witch from BAS ('1 setting to the LEFl so that it is
closer to the ADVP)setting (Diagram 1).This movement will be slight but you should hear a soh click.
5) Place the bottom housing piece back on the unit and replace the screws in the housing.
6) Plug both telephone mrds back into the TeleZapperm. Now, when you pick up the phone, the TeleZopper'"should emit
three tones, which should sound like the disconnected line signal.
To switch bock to BASIC orivory,
. . follow the instructions obove, but move the switch to the RIGHT so the dot is closer to the
word BASIC (7.
Option I: Telezapper only.
The TeleZopperWdoes not hove to be plugged into
o phone for it to work on thot line. Therefore, you
con plug it into any unused phone iack in the
house and it will work on oil phones and answering machines connected to thot line (phone #).
Option 2: Phone only.
Option 3: Phone and answering machine.
Re-record your answering machine message. Wait at least 2 seconds before saying anything on your message so
theTeleZappei can work when the phone is answered by your answering machine.
Option 4: Phone and culler ID.
Option 5: Phone and answering machine
and caller ID.
Re-record your answering mochine message. Wait at leasf 2 seconds before saying anything on your message SO
the TeleZappermtan work when the phone is answered by your answering mochine.
8. How do telemarketingcolls work?
A. There ore several hundred telemorketingtoll centers in the US., with the vort moiority of telemorketingculls being dialed by o computer
known or on auto dioler or predictive dioler. Predictive diolen con diol 3-5 numbers simultoneously and con moke or many or 500,000
colls between 8 om. and 9 b.m When you o w e r your phone, the computer connects you t o o live telemorketer who tries to sell you
something. If you ore not home or if the computer gets your answering mochine, your number will be put bock in the dotobore to be
tolled ogoin her.
Q. How doer the TeIaZapperr "zopPtelemorketefi?
A. The TeleZopper" user the technologlof telemorketen' predictive dioling equipmentogoinrt them. When you or your owering mochine
pick up o mll, the Telelopperwem$ o spedol tme h o t fools the computer into Linking your number is disconnected. Instead of conneding you to o ~ l e s p u n the
, computer drops the toll ond stores your number as disconnectedin ihdofobose. As your number is eliminoted
from more ond more lirtr, those annoying compvfergeneroted colls jlat about stop oltogeher.
Q. How doer my number get on telemarketingk?
k You con get on telemarketing lirtr in many myr:
Bv hovina a listed telephone number
reverse phone book organized by o neighborhood
When you dial on 800 number that uses on Alltornotic Number ldentilicol~onsystem LANI) to record your numbel
Vio credit informotion services, such or Equifox, err
By ordering produm or m i t e r from direct morketen or cdokgs, whether you order through the moil, from web sines or vio 800 numbers
By printing or including your telephone number on your personal checks
Even by imply paying your monthly bills
These lists of telephone numbers ore hen often wld, bartered, rented, shored ond copied from one telemorketerto another. As your
number mnrfontly finds its way onto new toll lists, the TeleZoppei will continue to do its job over time to help you protect your privorl.
Q. How do lknowwhen I've %pped"someone?
A. If you answer your telephone ond there's no one there, the odds ore thot you iust "zoppedo telemorketer. A b r o few weeks, you'll notice
t h d you ore receiving fewer ondfewer of there rolls.
Q. WllLe TeleZopper'" "mp"ml1s from onyone h e r thon telomorkelen?
A. f i e Telezopperwis designedto "zop" colls mode by predictive dioler computers by doing two things: first, by disconneding predidivedioled
calls before you con be connected t o o live telemorketer and second, by deleting your phone number homtelemorketing computer lists.
Whether the TeleZoppermwilloffed compu~erdioledtolls from other sources depends on the type of computer equipment ond how thof
equipment is being used. Therefore, it may olso "lop" tolls from other orgonizotions thobuse predictive dioler computers, such or
chudoble orgonizotions, blood bonks, and public sofety ond service orgonizotions, morket reseorchsn, opinion ond political pollsters, ond
ocodemic institutions.
Monv oroonizotions and communities do not relv entirelv on mmouterizedcollino svrtems to reoth vou. Most hove secondorv meons in
o d or notify people wilh impadontinform~on.hihermore, these"or~onizotionscon kwoyr contod you by rimply dioling
your phone number monuolly. Monuolly dioled colk will not be lopped. h such, you con contod organizofions to determine if they use
predictive diolen ond, if so, to ask thot your phone number he monuolly dioled or that olternote meons be used in order to contoct you.
place to h
Rnolly, during times of revere weother or ot ony time that important public omergenry notificationsmight be received, you con quickly
ond easily disconned your TeleZopperWto ollow all tolls, including those placed by prediti~ediolen, to be successfully completed.
Q. Does tho TeleZo~ner"block incomino mllino cords?
I~ r i v o t y ~ h n o k g i e hos
s * learnedihot some l o y diionce rolling cord monufocturen use o system similor to predictive dioling systems.
Whether the ~elelo~~er'will
olfed computer dded coll'ng cord calls depends on the type of computer equ.pment ond how tho1 eqbipment is beino used. Since the TeleZoooeik desionedto disconned tolls before o comouterized oredidive dioler con conned vou to o lhve
telemorketdcoller, there is olso o $once that iedidivedioled culling cords moy noi be compieted.
Does if mutter wfridr end of the Te1eZopper"plugr into the telephone line?
No. TheTeleZopper"will work or long or one end of the unit is directly is plugged into the phone iock on the woll.
the TeIeZopper* wnrk on iunk foxes?
Yer If your fm number ir dmled by o mmpuletizedpcediche diolin/dem Lot K programmed to h e n for d h n e d e d numberr, the Teldopper"
"lop" your
I fox number from thore calling b.
0. Do Ineed to use o soeciulohonewiih the TeleZouoerw?
A No. The l e l e ~ o ~ ~ e kon
u oony
r ~home phon; h e and with virtually ony type of phone
0 Do Ineed o Teleloooer' for wlh teleohone extension?
A. No. ~ n e ~ e l e ~ o ~ p k ? c ooll
v etelepkones
and onrwering mochiner connected to the some line (telephone number). if you hove two lines,
you wil need on odditionolTeleZopper" for your other line.
Q. Wil the Te1eZopper"interfere wiih my mmpufer or lox mochine?
A. No. f i e TeleZippeidoes not interfere with the operotionof your computer, your fox mochine or other telecommunications or
eiedroniu equipment.
Q. Wilthe TeleZupper" interfere with my onmering muchine?
A. No. The TeleZoppermwill not interfere with your onrweringmochine. In fad, the TeleZopper" works with your answering mochine to "zop"
telemorketers when you ore owoy or when you prefer not to answer the phone. When your onswering mochine picks up o toll for you, the
TeleZopperwemits its speciol tone to "zop" the telemorketer. Your nome will hove been deleted from onother telemarketing list ond you
won't hove been bothered ot oll. We do recommend that you re-record your messoge ond deloy speoking for o few seconds to ollow time
for the TeleZoppei' tone prior to the stud of your recorded messoge. A roller who wishes to leove o message on your onswering mochino
wil heor e short tone followed by your recording.
0. Ihove voicemoil from the teleohone comoonK Will the TeleZoooerWwork wifh this?
A. Yes ond no Your telephone must go 'OH-hook" for the ~eleiopper-to em3 3s tone. h long or you pick up o col.. the phone goes
'off-hook" ond the Telelopper" emits its tone to "zop" telemorketen. If, insteod, the telephone compony 'onrwers" y o ~ col~s
r thro~gh
voicemoil, your phone doer not ue 'OH-hook" ond the IeleZoppermcon not em3 its tone. The Telelopoer" ~iI not interfere wiih the
normal operation of your voicemoil.
a. Mus'i to keep telernorketenfrom lust turning off the "dsconnedebleature on their compufernededl/ingequipment?
IPlenty! There ore millionsof non-workingtelephone numbers. Telemorketensucceed by efficiently conneding their operoton to PEOPE
and then selling them something. The lost thing they wont is to woste time being connetted too non.working telephone number. Plus,
when you've instolled o TeleZopper", you're telling the telemorketer you do not wont to tolkto them. There ore lowrthot support your
right to privory ond most telemorketen reollv don't wont to violate those Iw - thev iust wont to tolk to someone to buv somethino.
Por favor lea estas instrucciones con
cuidado antes de usar su TeleZapper'".
Permitanos oyudarle a instalar su
TeleZappei" o a contestar sus preguntas,
llame al:
Espariol - pagina El
No. de Parte 1-1 13094-000 2/02
1. lea y comprenda todos las instruttiones.
2. Sigo todor las adverientias e instruttionesinditadas
en el produdo.
3. Destonede el aparato de la toma de telbfono de la
pared antes de limpiarlo. No use limpiadores liquidos ni
en oerorol. Ulilite un paio himedo para la limpieza.
4. No lo use certo del agua, por ejemplo terta de
baieras, lavabos, fregaderos de torina o lavaderos,
en un sotano himedo o cerca de una piscina o en
lugares donde haya agua.
5. No toloque este producto sobre uno mesa, plataforma o
mro inerfoble yo que puede roerse y doiorse seriamente.
6. Nunta debe tolotarse term o sobre un radiador o registro de color.
7. f l abrir o retirar tubiertos puede exponerlo o voltajes
peligrosos u otros riesgos. Para redudr el riesgo de
thoque ehlrito, desconede las lineas telefonitas de
ambos lados de la unidod antes de abrirla. l a unidad
re debe abrir solamente para tambiar 10s aiustes del
interruptor segun se describe en la pigina 7. Cualquier
otro servitio debe ser realizado por personal de servicio
8. Evite usor un telbfono (a no ser que sea inalimbrico)
durante una tormenta elidrim. Existe el riesgo remoto
de thoque elbdrito otosionndo por relimpagos.
9. Evite usar un telifono terta de una fuga degas paro
informar dicho fugo.
10. Destonede el produdo y pdngase en tontado con
personal de servitio califitado en taso de que se
presenten lor siguientes tonditiones:
a. Si se ha derramado liquido en el produdo.
b. Si ha sido expuesto al agua o lo Iluvio.
Si el produdo no funriono tomo debiera despubs de
seguir 111sinstruttiones de funcionamiento. Aiuste
solamente esos tontroles que estbn tubiertos en las
instruttiones de funcionomienloya que el oiuste
intorredo de otros tontroles puede causarle daso a la
unidad, que requeriri ton fretuentia mis traboio
por parie de un tirnito talifitado para restourorlo a
su funtionamiento normal.
d. Si el produdo presenta un cambio notable en su
e. Si se ha taido o se ha doiodo la taia.
Su TeleZapper uede instalarseen una toma de telefono y tekfono que ya este funcionando. Sin embarao
" si decide insta ar una nueva toma de telefono aara este orodudo, siaa las siauientes
1. Nunm instale tableado telefbnico duranie una t o k n t a el&rita.
2. Nunta instale tomas de tekfono en lugares humedos a menos que dicha toma este especifitamente
diseiada para lugares humedos.
3. Nunta toque terminates a tables de telefono que no esten aislados a menos que la linea
telefbnita haya sido desconedada de la interfaz ton la red.
4. Tenga cuidado cuando instale o modifique lineas telefonicas.
Si experiment~problemor ton este equip~,par fovor pbngose en
B e ui oaunpleconloporte 68delreglomentodelaK t (Comkibn
contodo con:
fede3 e/ ~omunimdones).locolido en el e~uipose entuentmuno
etiquetaque mntiene, enheoho infwmacih, elnimero dereg'mo de
Pn'vp(y lehnologies
la K t y el nbmero de equiiolencio de timbre (RB). Oe whlorlo, re
7005 CochranRd' Glenwillow'
OH 44'39
debe proveer erta informuri1na la c o m ~ r mtelehnim. El REN es utiW f o n o 1-800.373-6290
h d o para determinor lo contidodde diiitivor que pudieranconec.
tone a +I! hnea telefbnico. U excew de ENS en'lo I h w telefbnica
b e equip0 ho d o probod0 y enconhb que cum~le(0
&pmifivano suenenNando enhe uno 110puedereruhor en que lor
pero no en ~od,,~ losmde REN~ loslimites oro lor lfipsiitivos di ifoler dedose 0, de ocuerdo con
modo, lo wok
b pone del reglomenh de l o \ K Ester limiiesestbn disei dOs
de dip
d e b excedwdehm
fie), para YI, uro
pora proveer uno proteccibn rmonohle mtm lo interferencm
se deteIpuden
conMone knwzfin'Ka,
lomm doiino a lor comunicaciones par rodlo. Sin embargo no existe
el nimero
de RENs, Nngpse
ninguno gorontio que no omrnrb interferenciaen uno instolotion
mhximo de R N ~ ire,,
en atimlar. Si este uipo rauso interferencio o IPrecepcibnde
MdO, he
no uedererurodio,,,
en equipo
puedejetyinofie oI e?tender y
conedinseMci0 rolo o de tdevisibnyo NOI
apngar el equipo re alientaal usuorioo ~ntentorcorreg~rlo Interde Linea Comunal esth sujpta o lor torifor ertdoles.
ferentia tamondo una o mbs de lor medidas siguientes:
Si este eqdp pmduteundoh o la red telebnico lo mmp6i telefoni.
Reoriente o reubique lo onteno de recepcibn.
a le n
Mmn anti@& robre la prrnlfilidodde urm
Aumente lo separociln enhe el equip0 y el recepCr.
W wvih P lo noiikxibn oddfi no es p u i b z ;
Conede el equipo o uno toma de corriente de un cirpaiii t e b f h nalifimrb ol d i i e o lo brevedod pshle.Tomb'4 usled
tuito diferente ol cuol estb mnedodo el rece tor
tonsulte al distribuidoro a un tbmico de r a k
od la iuzganeterwio.La q a f i telefbii pvedeher d 0 1en SUI
televisibn con experiendo.
'kdxkm eguii,a,apemdoneropmcesnnienlm~~p.denofeaard
edo ON^, la mrnpanmt ~ n ile oheceri u r m n o f i b n onhapalaparoquewtedpwdo!w?r Im mod'icudoner necerorhp r o poder montener un se~icionn mtenupciones.
Cualqvier comb'm h d o p r el wuorio que no edb autiiizodo par
P r i v q khologiei' puede mulor la outorkuiin del usuah paro
AVISO: Lo etiqueto de Industry Canada identifico el
equipo certificoda. Oicho certificociin significa que el .
equipo cumple con tiertos requerimientos de seguridod,
funcionamiento y de proletdin de lo red telefbnico segbn
se ertablece en eIAos documento/s de Requerimientos
Ticnicos do Equipo Terminal. El Departamento no garontiza que el equip funcione o sotisfactibn del cliente.
Mesde instalor erleequiplmvsumim deben megurorse que
esti! pemimdo mnectado a l m instaladones de lo campofiio
telefhiw lotol. El equipo tombkn debe imtalorse sando un
mbtdo de conexibn oceptobh El diente debe saber que el
~mplimientoton lor condidones ontedidos puede no evitor lo
deteriorocibndel seniti0 en oCunos siiaciones.
Lor reporaciones ol equipo tertifiado debe coordinorlos un
representonte designado por el proveedor. Cuolquier
reporadin o oheradin ol equipo hecho por el usuorio o
molsuier fundonomiento defectuosodel equipo puede dor o
lo ctJmpfiio telefbnico motivo poro requerir al uruorio que
desconecte el equipo.
Los uruarios deben megurorse par su propio proteccibn que
I m mnexiones eliutricos o tierro de la tompohio de elettricidad, los linsos telefbnims y las tuberios de aguo metalicar
internos, de hoberlos, esUn conectados iuntos. M o precau.
d6n puede ser especiolmenteimportonte en hrem ruroles.
PRECAUC~N:10su s u o r i ~no deben intentor hoter dichos
conexiones elos miwnos, sin0 que deben ponene en contodo
con lo autoridad de inspecciifnekctrito correspondienteo con
un electridsto, segbn sea opropiodo.
El N h e r o de Equivolencio de Timbre (RENt de este dispositivo es 0.0.
AVISO: El Nlmero de Equivalenciade iimbre (RE!!) asignodo a coda diiporitivo terminal proporciono uno indicacion del
nimero m U m o de terminales que re permiten tonedor o lo
interfm del telefono. l a terminoritin en uno interfoz puede
consiir de malquier combinocibn de dispositivor, sujeto solomente ol requerimiento que lo sumo de Nbmeros de
Equivohcia de Timbre de todos lor disoositivmno extedo 5.
El oneglo de mnexiin d n d a r (tipo de tomo de tekfonot
poro este equipo es el tipo de tomo modulor.
Lo bateria de este orodudo estn diseiodo ooro uue dure lo vido del orodudo v no deberia tener uue tombiorse. Sin emboruo
por fuvor tengo en'tuento lor siguienter p;ecaudoner osoriador con este tipo de boteriar: Las botiior de litio contienen moieri.
ales inflomablescomo liiio y disolventes organitor. Lo manipulociin inadecuodo de boterior, espetiolmenteduronte el transporte
y el almacenamiento puede provotar caleiomiento, explosiones e intendios.
Por favor s g a estriciamente Ias precauciones que r e inditon a toniinuatih cuondo manipule las baterios de litio.
1. NO retorgue, cortotirtuite, desorme, deforme, taliente ni toloque la boterio terto de Ilomos. La boterio tontiene moteriales inflomobles como liiio y disolventes orginitos y tuolquiera de Im otcionesantes descritas puede provacar que explote
prendibndosefuego o que se doie.
2. Montengo lo boterio hero del olconce de lor niios. En toso de ingesti6n pbngose en tontodo ton un mbdico inmediotomente.
3. Cuondo guarde o desethe la boterio osegfirese de rubrirlu ton cinto. Si entro en tontoda ton otros objetos metalitor puede
prendene fuego o doiorse.
1. Los extremos positivo "t"y negotivo 'I-" de lo botedo deben estor tarrectamente orientodos en el producto.
2. No oplique soldoduro directamente en lo bateria.
3. Evite guardorla o lo luz diredo del sol o en lugores extesivomente tolurosos y humedos.
0 TeleZopperWliene dm niveles de privocidod porn oyudorle a "librorre" de lor llomodm de ventm or telifono morcodm por tomputodoro. Esto unidod re envio ton el nivel BblC0 de pivocidod y e le ayudarb con la rnwo de lar !lomadas de ventas poi tdifono. En
este nivd el TeleZopper'" emitiri un solo tono que a el primero de lor ires (3) tonor de lo seiol de desconedodo. O nivel AVANZADO de
orivoadod mmbiori el TeleZaooermo lor tres tonm de lo setiol de dewonedodo v lo "librara de un nBmero movor o h de vendedores
p*alono. ~ded,puede comlhor el TeIeZoppei' de nivel siguiendo s t m fbciler 'instrutcioner, Y tiene mis prer&osPOI lovor llome 0
o hneo de ortslenuo de Sewaos 01 CIiente all-800-373-6290o K i e nuestro silio Web en d
1) Despubs de desconector ambos cables telefinims del TeleZopper'", retire lor dos tornillor pequeios de lo bose.
2) Retire ton tuidodo la PlEZA DE LA BASE DEL APARATO (piezo ton lo etiqueto redongulor).
3) Busoue lo oolobra SWITCH [INTERRUPTORI oue estb imoreso en blonto en lo oorte inferior de lo oloto del tirtuito (de taro
a usied tudndo retiro lo pie; de lo bare olp;incipio). ~l'intenu~tor
estb ubicodo deboio de lo polobro SWITCH (Diogroma 11.
41 [ o n m s u i e l o p o p e k r o ~ , m u e v o d p r m o ~ ~ b h e n d m & d e l ~ r d e ] ~ e & B A S ~ l o b I Z Q U I W D A & ~ n e r o
q u e & b ~ $ & m d $ o ~ e d e ~ ~l).Aperorderer&m~ob~,debeesaKhm~ronidodedicruove.
51 Coloque la pieza de la bose del aporoto nuevomente en lo unidod y oiuste lor tornillor.
6) Conede nuevomente ambor tables telefbnicas en el TeleZopper". Ahoro tuondo usted tonteste el tel&fono, el TeleZopper"
emitire Ires tonos que suenon torno lo seiol de linen destonectado.
Poro tombior nuevomente ol nivel bbsico de privocidod, sign lor instruttiones mentionodas, pero moviendo el interruptor o lo
DERECHA de monero oue el ounto esti mas terto de lo oolobro BASICO [*).
El TeleZapperm no Gene que ser conedado a un
telhno para que funcione en esa linea. Asi que,
puede conectarlo a cualquier toma de telefono
que no se use de la caso y funcionara en todas las
mhquinas contestadorasy telbfonos conedodos a
esa linea (nhero telefhico).
Option 3: Telitono y maquinu contestudoru.
Vuelva a grabar el mensaie en su miquina tontestadora. Espere al menos 2 segundos antes de detir algo en su mensaje para darle tiempo a que el TeleZappermfuncione tuando el telifono sea tontestado por su miquina tontestadora.
Option 4: relefono y dispositivo de
identificucion de Ilumudu.
P. iC6mo funncionon lor llomodm de ventopor teldhno?
Vuelva a grabar el mensaie en su miquina tontestodora. Espere al menos 2 segundos antes de deck alga en su
mensoje para darle tiempo o que el TeleZoppei funtione cuondo el tekfono sea tontestado por su miquino
W i e n vorios dentos de rentros do llomodos
.. de vento par tellfono en lor ELUU., lo moyor porte de lor cuoles morron sus llomodos de
venfa por lelbfono por medio de uno computadora, ridema conocido como sisterno de morrodo outomblico o de morcodo telefbniro
compu?urizodo. Wm sistemos pueden marcor de 3 o 5 nbmerm simuhlneomente y pueden reoliar hosto 500.000 IIomodos enhe lor 8 de la
m a i m y hs 9 de lo norhe. Cuondo urted contedo el tellfono, lo rompufodorolo conedo o uno perrono que intento venderle olgo. Si usied no
estb en roso o silo mlouino rnntedodoro tomo lo Ilomodo, su nbmero porn a uno bore de datos para vokerle a llomor m6s torde.
iCdmo hole el ~ e l e ~ o p p ak r "~brorme"de10s vendedorerpor telifono?
ElTeleZopper" utiliio lo tecnalogiodel equipo & morcadotelefbniro par tomputodoro de lor vendedores par tellfono en contro de ellos.
Cuondo usted o su miquino rontedodoro toman una Ilomodo, el TdeZopper emite un tono espedol que enfioio o lo tomputodoro hodindole
detector su nbmero como desconeaodo. fn vez de cornunitorlo ton un vendedor, lo computodoro interrumpe lo llomodo y guorda su nimero
toma dexonedodoen lo bare de dolor. Su nlmero od re vo eliminondo de uno cantidad uedente de Iirtos hmia que ems molesiosIlomndos
generodos por tomputodoro re reducen cosi ,wr cornpleto.
@ n o llego minfimero o lor $tor de vento por telifono?
Puede llegor o dihos lidos de dilerentes moneror:
Por medio de un nimero de tellfono que figuro en lo guio
A trovbs de uno guio telefinico orggirodo por un vecindorio
Cuondo usted morto un nlmero 800 que uso un sistemo de Identih'corih Automltiro de Nimeros (AN11 poro registrar su nlmero
Par medio de serfxias de informocih de oi.diio romo Equiim, etr
(uondo urted ordeno produdrno rew:dm par rotalogo o de distribuidorerd:reom, yo seo q.e lo hogo par r a m , internet a numerm 800
(uondo imprime o inrluye su nlmero de telifono en sus rheques penonoles
Simplemente ruondo pogo sus foduros menuoles
Wm lisios de nbmerm de telllono [on frecuencb re venden, rombion, olquilon, amporten y copion enire Im vendedores par tekfono. A medido
que su nfimero cacfantementereoinduido en lbtmde llomodrnnuevos, elTeleloppei snlinuorl hmiendow troboio de profegecw privoddod
iCbmo me entero cuondo me he "Ii6rodo"de olguien?
Si uded rontesto el telifono y nodie le responde, existe uno bueno probabilidodde que re ocobe de libror" de un vendedor por lelbfono. A1
coho de unos semonos notorl que recibe menos y menar llomodos de ase tip.
P. iMe "hbrnd"e1 TeleZapper- de ofrm llomadas que no sean /as de 10s vendedores por fe/6fono?
R. 0 Telezoppef e
I diseiodo para "librorlo" de llomodos reolizodos por tomputodoros de mortodo telefbnito y lo hate por medio de dos
ferme: orimero. destonedo lor llomodos de mortodo telefbnito tomputorirodo antes de que un vendedor re conerle ton usted, y regundo,
bono ru'nbmero telefbnico de lor lidos tomputori~odosde ventos por telbfono. Si el TeleZopper~afefloohos llamados de mortodo por
tomputodomprovenientesde olror fuentes depende del tipa de equ:po de rompulotibn y de tomo n uso fol eq~ipo.Por lo tonto es posible
oue lo 'l.beren tombiin de otrm oraonizoriones oue usen romputodoros de mortodo telefonita tomo orgonizoriones de benefitentin, bo
;or de songre, orgonizodones de se&dod
ser;icio pbblito, invesfigodores de mertodo, entuestodorespolltor y de opiniones generoles
s imKwiones acodbmitos.
Mudos orgonizodones y tomunidodn no dependen tompletomente de sirtemos de llomodo tomputorizodos poro tomunitarse ton usted.
Lo movorio tiene medios wundorios poro tonlodone o notiimr o la gente informoabn importante.Adembs eslos organizotiones siempre
pueden romunitone ton usted implemente monondo s nimero telefbn:ro de monero monuol. Lor llomodos monodos de monero mon~ol
nonrbn delenidos De to1 fomo uded ouede tomunirone ton lor oroonizerionesporo overiguor si uson mortodolelefbnito par tomputodoro
v de ser 04, ouede
. morqtien su nbmero de monero mckuol o que usen m d o s oltemaiivos poro romunrone ton usted
Poi Lhms en stuotiines tlimbtims odvenos o en wolquier ormion en que puedon recibim noLotiones piblitos de emergendo impoOonles,
uded puede rbpido y fbtilmenle destonedor el Telelopper" porn pemit~rque re rompletenton h e n resul~odolodos lor Ilomodos.
inthyendo oquellos mortodos tele$nitomente poi tomputodoro.
&gum el TeleZappef llamadas enfrones hetfios ton foriefas?
PrivotyTethnologier" mbe que olgunos tompolos de torielor poro llomodos de lorto distontio utilizan un sistemo similor o lor siiemof
de mortodo telefbnito tomputorizodo. Si el TeleZopperwvo o afedor lor llomodos con torieto mowdos por computodoro depende del tipo
de equipo de tomputotibn y de cbmo se uso to1 equipo. Debido o que el TeleZoppermestb direnodo para destonebr llomodos antes de
que el riiemo de mortodo telefbnito tomputorizodopuedo tonedorlo ton uno penono/vendedor poi telbfono, exirte lo posibilidodde
oue lor llomodos ton torieto morcodos por romputodoro no re tompleten.
iiene importondo qud eilremo del ~ e l ~ i ore~coneflo
~ e f o lo linen fdehnito?
No. 0 lelelopper- funtionoro siempre que un extremo de lo unidod este tonertodo diredomente o lo tomo de telilono de lo pored
~funn'onoe l TeleZapper" ton foxes publi~itorios?
Si. Si su nbmero de fox lo morto un sirfemo de mortodo telefbnito tomputorizodo que ed6 progromodo poro detedor nbmeros
desconedodos, el TeleZopperw"librod" su nlmero de fox de eras listos de Ilomodo.
P. iNetesito uror un tel6lono espetialton el TeleZapper?
A. No. El TeleZoppermfuntiono en tuolquier lineo telefbnico de su hogor y ton oolquier lipo de telifono
(1. iNeresito un leleloppef porn todo exlensidnde felbho?
R -NO. Un Tele~op~&"wbre lodes la5 telifonos y moquinos ron~es~odoros
coneflodos olomismo linen lnbmero tebldnico) Siusted liens
dos heor, neteriford un Telelopper" odirionolporo su olro L a
0. 'Puede el TeleZoppef interferir ton m i computodoroo lo mriquino de lox?
R. No. 0 TeleZoppermno interfiere con el funtionomiento de s tomputodoro, mnquino de fox u olio equipo eledrbnitao do teletomunitotioner.
Q iPuede el TeleZapper" infederir ton m i mdguino tontestadoro?
R No. B TeleLppeP no interfiere con su mbquinu contestodoro.De hetho el TeleZopper" funtiono ton su mbquino tontestodoro poro
"librorlo" do lor vendedores par telifono tuondo usted no esti o tuondo preliere no mntestor el telbfono. Cuondo su mbquino tontestodora
tomo lo Ilomodo, el TeleZopper" emiie su tono espetiolporo "librarlo" del vendedor por telefono. Su nombre quedo borrodo de otro lislo
de ventos por telbfono p r o que no lo vuelvon o molestar. Recomendomosque vuelvo a grobor su mensoje pero esperondo unos segundos
ontes de hoblor poro dorle tiempo o que toque el tono del TeleZopper"ontes del tomienzo de su mensoie grobodo. Alguien que llomo y
quiere deior un mensoie en su mhquinu contestcdoraexuthara un tono breve nouido nor u, meeoie orobodo.
Q. Tengo servitio de torreo de vor con iirompariio lelefdni~o.iFuncionoel ~ e l e ~ a ~ tpi kn "esie servitii?" - - - - ~
R. Si y no. Su telbfono debe descolgone porn que el Telezopper" pueda emitir su tono. Siempre que usted tomo lo Ilomodo, el telifono re
destuelgo y el TeleZopper-emiie su tono poro "librorlo" del vendedor por telbfono. Si por el tontrorio, lo tompoiio felefbnito "tontesta"
lor llomodos por medio de coneo de voz, su telifono nose destuelgo y entontes el TeleZopperm no emite su tono. El TeleZopper' no
o r -.
m ds
interfiere ton el funtionomiento normal de
-~ su
-- vn7
0. i Q ~ hhoy
6 porn evifor que 10s vendedorerpor J l o n o simplemeritedmneden lo carorleiistito de "desconedodonde su equipo de mortodo
telefonito ompuforimdo?
R. iMutho! Hoy millones de nbmwus telefbnitos que no fundonon. Lor vendedow por telifono tonsiguen su propbsitntonectbndose de manero
efitiente ton PERSONAS poro luego venderles olgo. Lo bhimo que quieren es perder el liempo ronedbndose ton un nbmero teleMnito que
no funtiono. Adembs tuondo usted instolo un TeleZoppermle eda diciendo ol vendedor por telbfono que no quiere hoblor con 4.Existen
leyes que respoldon su deretho a lo privatidod y lo moyorio de lor vendedores por telirfono no quieren violor esos leyes, ellos simpl
mente quieren hoblor ton olsuien Dora venderle olao.
Veuillez lire attentivement ces instructions
avant d'utiliser votre TeleZapperMc.
Espariol - pagina El
NOUSpouvons vous aider a installer votre
TeleZapperMcetrepondre a vos questions.
Pour cela, composez le :
Pike no 1-1 13094-000 2/02
1. Veuillez lire et comprendre toutes les instructions.
2. Respectez toutes les mises en gorde et instructions
inscrites sur le produit.
3. Dibronthez tet opporeil de lo prise tiliphonique murole
ovont de le nettoyer. N'uiilisez par de nettoyont liquide
ou nirorol. Utilisez un chiion humide pour le neitover.
4. N'utiliiez jomois cet apporeil a (8th d'une source
d'eou telle qu'une boignoire, une cuvette, un ivier de
cuisine ou une lessiveuse, dans un sour-sol mouilli ou
pris tune piscine.
5. Ne f'insfallez iamois sur une table ou un support instoble. Capporeil pourrdi tomber et I r e endommogi.
6. N'instollez iomois I'opporeil pris d'un rodioteur ou
svsPme de chauffooe.
7. Couverture ou lo fermeture des couvercles peut vous
exposer a des tensions dongereuseset a d'oures
riiques. Afin d9viier de vow Cleckacuter, deconnectez
les lignes teliphoniques des deux citis de I'opporeil
avant d'ouvrir ce demier. Pour reconfigurerI'intermpteur
de I'apporeil (page 7) vous devrez ouvrir ce demier.
Tout outre enhetien doit Bhe effectui por des technciem ogrks.
8. N'utilisez pos votre tiliphone pendont un oroge ilecmaim qu,il ne
une dichoroe
la foudreiombe.
9. Wutiliiez par votre tilephone a proximited'une fuite
de goz, pour signaler cette derniire.
10. Dibronthezceprodtit de lo prisemurale et oppelez un
riporoteur ogrk si les scinoiios suivontr se produisent:
a. Si un liquide o couli sur I'opporeil.
b. Si I'oppyeil o rey de lo pluie ou de I'eou.
t. Si I'apporeil ne fonrtionne pos correctemento l o ~
vous suivez les instructions de fonaionnement. Ne
riglez que les commondes qui sont couvertesdons les
instructionsd'utilisotion car un mouvois r6gloge des
outres commondes pourrdi endommoger I'oppareil et
ce dernier devrait olon I r e ripor6 por un technicien
d. Si I'apporeil ne fondonne plus comme avant.
e. Si I'apporeil est tomb6 ou que son bonier a it6
Votre TeleZa per M[ peut itre hranchi sur une prise tiliphonique ou un tilephone existant. Cependont,
si vous d i d z d'installer une nouvelk prise tiliphonique pour d appareil, veuillez prendre les pricautions suivantes :
h1. N'installez
~ les~fils t6liphoniques durant un orage.
2. N'installez iamais les prises tiliphoniques dans des endroii mouilles, a moins que la prise soii conye
pour ce type d'emplacement.
3. Ne touchez iamaii de bornes ou de fils tblbphoniques n'ayant pos eti isoles, a moins que la
ligne tiliphonique ait PB diconnectie au niveau de I'interface rbseau.
4. Soyez prudent Ion de I'instollotion ou de la modification des lignes telephoniques.
C d ~ e r l m n f ~ m e i I ' a f 1 & 6 8 b 1 ~ & k K SiCvous ovez des problimes ovec cet opporeil, veuillez contotter :
Cd iqt@mIerl b C d'm%quelte mmpoionf, entre a u k h f w
Privucy Terhnologies
mofiMs le rmh b!kmon Kt et b n d m d'~uiwlme
7005 Corhrun Rd. Glenwillow, OH 44139
d'qd (SiI
.tikphonique vwr le demode, vwr
Tiliphone 1-800-373-6290
Cet opporeilo ete verifie et houve conformeom limiter der opporeih
numeriquerde dmB en vedu de I'oriide IS der r~lementotiomde
lo cer limier vbent a ohir une oroledim mhnnablemnhe Ier
inteNrentermririblerovxcommuni&ow rndio.~ouiefoir,iln'y opos
degoroniie queYinf&rence nese produiro plos d'une batollofon
6 r l i ~ l i t e .Si cet opporeildenit murer dw intwfhnter nukibler ci
rirephon de lomdioou de lo t1IIvbian'cequi puiLeditermini
en ollumont ef en aeignont I'opporeil, I'utiboteur est encoumgi a
remidier wxintdiremer enoppl~quantune dsr mesurersuivonter :
Reorientez ou diplorez I'ontenne reteptrire.
Augmentel lo d'ionce entre I'opporeil et Ie recepteur.
Bronthez I'opporeilu une prise de coironl situee sur
un t i r ~ ieledrique
d'ffirent de celui rur lequel er)
branch6 le rltepieur.
lonsultez le revendeur MI un techniien radio-tihision experiment6 pour obtenir de I'oide.
Touie mdifitation de Yoppareil elfem$ por I'uifiroteur et n'oyont
por 1 8 homologi por hiioty Technologipr peui enhdner I'on.
nulationdu d ~ dd'utilboiion
de I'6quipement.
AVlS :CQiquetfe Industry Conodo identifie ler equipemenis
cerfifies. tene tertificofion dgnifie que I'huipement solisfoil
i certaines exigences de pr~iedion,de fondionnementet de
d c u i i i du dseau de communications, tipulbs dam le(d
monuel(s) des nones techniques de I'iquipement terminal.
l e deportement ne gorontii pas que I'bquipement fondionnero comme I'utilisateur le dbire.
Avont d'instoller cet Cquipement, les utilisoteurs doivent
s'ossurer qu'ils sont outorisis a se connetter aux sites de
la tompagnie tdiphonique lotole. Cbquipement doit aussi
8tre instalk a I'oide d'une mifhode de tonnexion acceptable. Le client doit savoir que le resped des consignes
pricities ne peut empicher une perturbotion du service
dans tertoines circonstonces.
Lo rePorotion tun
equipement cehfiC doit erI
par un
de reparotionconadien designe
lefourniaeur, Towe
ou modification effeauee rufilisoteur ou tout dvsfonctionnement de I'aoooreil Deut donner
le droit l I'opiruieur de t~lkommunicatiowde e o n d e r
I'utilisateur de dkonnecter I'bquipement.
Pour so propre protection, I'ufilisoteur doit r'ossurer que les
miser i lo terre du secteur, der lignes %ICphoniques el des
tonduites d'eou mCtolliques interner, s'il y en a, sont rattordies ememble. De teller pr6coutionssont porliculidrement
importantesen milieu NIOI.
ATTENTION : Les utilisateua ne doivent pas essoyer d'effectuer eux-mher tes roccordemenis, m d doivent
~ contoder,
d o n le tar, I'organisme d'inspection der instollotions Blec-
AVlS : Le numCro d'6quivolence d'oppel (REN) orsign6 a
choque terminol fournit une indicotionsur le nombre maximal de terminoux powant Cre roccord61 a une interface
tdiphonique. Lo terminairon d'une interface peut camporter toute osrouotion d'appareils a lo seule condition que'
le nombre total des numbros dBquivolente d'oppel de tour
le"~poreils ne dkposrent pas
telCphonique standard pour
idc modulnire.
prise o
equipment efi une
Lo pile de cet opporeil doit durer oussi longtemps que le produit et ne doit pas $re remplocie. Cependant, veuillez noter les
pr6coutions suivontes ossociies a re fype de piles :les piles au lithium contiennent des motirioux inflommobles, tel que le lithium et des solvonk orgoniques. Une manipulation inoppropriie de lo pile, porliculi6rement duront I'expbtion de I'oppreil et
son stotkoge, peut provoquer une surchauffe, des explosions ou des incendies.
Veuillez observer les pr&caulions suivantes lorsque vous monipulez les piles a u lithium.
1. NE rerhorgez, ne court-circuitez, ne demontez, ne diformez, ne chouffez ou ne plocez PAS lo pile i proximiti d'une
flomme auverte. Lo pile contient des mot6riaux inflommobles tels que le lithium ou des solvontr organiques et les actions
pricities peuvent entroiner son explosion ou son endommogemeni.
2. Conservez cene pile hors de portbe des enfonts. Si elle est ovalbe, consultez immhdiutement un midecin.
3. Lon du stockoge ou de loinise ou rebut de cene pile, enveloppez-lo de rubon odhkif Si elle entre en contact ovec d'outres
abjek m6tolliques, elle peut s'enflommer ou s'endommoger.
1. Les exhCmitCs a t x eta - n de lo pile doivent Etre torredement orienther lorsqu'elle est instollie dons I'apporeil.
2. Ne soudez pas diredement la pile.
3. Ne lo stotkez pus en plein soleil ou dons des endroits trap chouds ou trap hoids.
Le Telezoppr d &pip4 de deux nivwux d'exdusion ~ E Soppek pas& par ler ordinateun der tentrer de tilemorketing. Coppareit
expedii d date d'un nivwu d'exdusion dw oppek DE BASE IBASIO, qui p m e t de r e p o m b pluparl der appk d a telemotketeun.
Lorsqu'il configure sur te nivwu, le TeleZo r * emet un wl signol qui compand ou premier der ho'i signoux de Imnnexion.
Lorrque le niveuu d'exdusion der appb AVA#(ADVANCED) est wnfiguril, le Telebpperm h e t la trok rignaux de dhnexion el
repouw more plw de Shoiketeun. Vous pouva le configurer duai en wivant lw inmumom oiriw wivontw. Si vow ovez d'outrer
questions, veuillez appeler nohe rwvice a lo die& ou 1-800.373.6290 ou visitel polre site web en topont w.te!
1) Une fois les cordons telephoniques du TeleZopper " deb!onches, enlevez les deux petites vis siluees en-dessour de I'opporeil.
2) Enlevez ovec precaution lo PARTIE INFERIEURE DU BOlnER de I'appareil (celle dotee d'une etiquene redongulaire).
3)- Reobrez
le mt; SWITCH (INTERRUPIEUR) inscrit en blonc sur le bas de lo torte de circuit imprime (qui vous foil face
lorroue vous enlevez lo oortie infirieure du boitier). L'interruoteur est situi! ou-dessous du mot S W ~ (SrhCmo
~ H 1).
4) A l'ak d'un trombone o i d'un styk,, dipkrcezle petit p i n t ~ a nsiiue
i nu milieu de h w y l w m h GAUCHE et faires-le
passer de BAS(*) a AOV 1%) (Schilma 1). Ce deplocment sera diucret mois vous entendrez un foible dic.
5 ) ~ e ~ l o c elozpartie infkrieure du boiiier sur I'opporeil et reviser-lo.
6) Rebronchez les cordons telhhonioues du TeleZoooer M. Lorsiue vaus dicrochez votre tilhhone, le TeleZoooer doit
desormois emenre trois signoux, qui ont lo meme tonolie que le signol de ligne deconnectee.
Pour reposser a la configurat~onde bore, suivez les instructions ci dessus, mois deplocez I'interrupteur vers la DROITE, afin
Option I: TeIeZapperM uniquement.
Le TeleZapper Mc n'a pas besoin d'ltre branche
sur un tiliphone pour fondionner sur cette ligne.
Vous pouvez donc le brancher sur une prise thkphonique inutilisbe et sur une des prises de
courant de votre domicile et il fonctionnera avec
tous les teliphones branches sur cette ligne (sur
ce numiro de tiliphone).
Option 2: :Telephone seulement.
Option 3: lelephone et repondeur
RCenregisfrez le message de votre ripondeur. Aftendez au moins 2 setondes avant de parler pour que le
Telehpper "'puisse fondionner lorsque votre ripondeur prend I'appel.
Option 4: Telephone et identificateur de
la ligne appelante
Option 5: Phone and answering machine
and caller ID.
Re-record your answering machine message. Wait ai least 2 seconds before saying anyihing on your message so
the TeleZopperWcan work when the phone is answered by your answering machine.
Q. How do telemarketingcalk w r k ?
A. There ore severol hundredtelemorketingtoll centers in the US., with the vost moiorii of telemorketingtolls being dioled by o computer
known or on auto dialer or predictive dialer. Predictive dialers con dial 3.5 numbers simultoneously and can moke as many or 500,000
colk between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. When you answer your phone, the computer conneds you to o live telemmketerwho tries to sell you
something. If you ore not home or if the computer gets your onmering mochine, your number will be put back in the dotobore to be
called ogoin later.
Q. How does the TeleIapperb "zopP telemarkefe~?
A. fie TeleZopperw urer the technology of telemorketed predictve dialing equipment ogoinsl them. When you or your onswering mochine
picks up o all, the TeleZoppei emb o special tone tho1 fools the computer into thinking your number is disconnected. Instead of conneding you to a salqenon, the computer drops the toll and store your number m diwonneded in its dotobose. As your number is eliminuied
from more ond more lists, thfho onnoying computer-generated rolls jurt obout stop altogether.
0. Howdoer my numberget on telemarketinglids?
A. You a n get on telemorketinglists in many wap:
8v hovina o lirted telephone number
$rough; reverse phone book orgonued by o neighborhood
When you dial on 800 number lhat uses on Automotic Number Identilicot~onsystem (ANI) to record y0.r number
Yio credit informolion services, such or Equifax, etc.
By orderhg p r o d m or rervir6 from dire0morkders or cotologs, whether you order through the moil, from web l e s or vio 800 numbers
By printing or includingyour telephone number on your personol check,
h e n by simply p v n g your monthly bills
ntese li* of telephone numben are then offen sold, bortered, rented, shored ond copied from one telemorketer to another. k your
number constantly finds its woy onto new toll lists, theTelehppePwill conlinueto do i h job over time to help you protect your privoty.
Q. Haw do l know d e n I've 'iopped"romeone?
A. If you answer your telephone and there's no one there, the odds are that you iud"lapped"0 telemorketer. A 0 few weeks, you'll notice
thui you ore rete'in'ng fewer ond fewer of these rolls.
0. Lthe TeleZoppe7 "zap"co1ls from onyone other thon telemorketers?
A The Telezoppermisdesignedto "zap" coIIs mode by p r d i i v dialer o m p u t e by d o g o things: f i , by disconnecting predidivedioled
tolls before you ton be tonneded to o livetelemorketer ond second, by deleting your phone number from telemarketingcomputer lists.
Whether the TeleZopper" wil offed compuferdioled rolls from other sources depends on the type of tomputer equipment and how that
equipment is being used. Therefore, it may ako "zop" culls from other orgonizotions thutvse predictivedioler computers, such 0s
choritoble orgonhotions, blood bonks, and public safety ond service orgonizotions, market rerearthers, opinion and poliitol pollsters, ond
atademit inrtitutions.
Monv oroonhationsand tommunities do not rely entirely on tomputerized rollinq systems to reoth you. Mod hove setondory meons in
plate to tontod or notify people with importont'informoiion. Lihermore, theseo~~onizalionr
ton olwoys contod you by s mply dioling
your phone number monuolly Monuolly dioled rolls will not be zapped. As ruth, you con rontod orgon;zotionr lo determine if they use
prediaive diolen ond, if so. to osk that y o u phone number be monuolly dioled or tho1 oltemnte means be used in order to tonrod you.
Rnolly, during times of r e w e weother or ot any time !hat important public emergency notilitrnions might be received, you ton quickly
and em~lydisronneayour TeleZopper' to olloa all rolls, inclrd'ng those plated by predidive d~olers,to be surtessfully completed.
(1. Does the TeleZopper* block incomingcolling cords?
A. Privacy Tethnologies" has leorned that some long distonre tolling rord monufodurerswe o system similor to predictive dioling systems.
Whether the TeleZopper" will offed computer dioled rolling rord roUs depends on the type of mmputer equipment ond how tho1 equipment is being used. Since the TeleZoppermisdesignedto disronned tolls before o tomputerizedpredidive dioler ton tanned you to o live
telemorketer/toller, there is also o thonte that predidive-dialedtolling turds may not be completed.
0 Doer i t moner whirh end of h e TeleZopper" plugs into the telephone B e ?
A No.TheTeleZoooer"will work os lono or one end of !he unit is direalv is ~luooed
. "- into the phone
. iotk
. on the wall
0. Wll h e ~ f e ~ ~work
e r on
" funk fa&?
h YES If ywr foxnumher b diued by o compulemed predichediolingn/rlem hot is pmgrommedto h e n for disconnectednumbm, heTeleZopperm
wil "zap" your fox number from hme rolling lim.
0 Do 1 needto use o rperiolphone with the TeleZopper-?
i No. The TeleZopper' works on onv home phone line ond wilh virtuollr. onv. tvpe
.. of phone.
0. Do Ineedo ~ e l i ~ o ~ ~ eeoch
r ~ ielephok
A. No. OneTeleZoppei coven all telephones and answering mochines connected tothe some line [telephone number). If you hove two lines,
you will need on odditionolTeleZopper"for your other line.
O. Wll the TeleZopper" interfere with my computer or fax mochine?
I. No.TheTeleZopper" does not interfere with the operationof your computer, your fox mochine or olher telerommunirotions or
eleclronicr equipment.
Q. Will the TeleZopperwinterfere with my onsweringmochine?
A. No. The TeleZoppei wil not interfere with your onswering morhine. In fott, the TeleZopperwworks with your onmering morhine to "zap"
telemorketers when you ore owoy or when you prefer not to onswer the phone. When your onswering mochine picks up o call for you, the
TeleZoppermemitsits s p e d tone to "zap" the telernmketer. Your nome wil hove been deleted from onother telemorketinglist ond you
won't hove been bothered at 011. We do recommendthat you re-retord your message ond deloy speaking for o few seconds to allow time
for the TeleZoppermtone prior to the gort of your recorded message. A caller who wishes to leave o messoge on your onsweringmachine
will hear o short tone followed by your recording.
0. 1hove voicemoilfrom the blephone compony, I
the TeleZopper work with this?
A. Yes and no. Your telephone must go "off-hook" for theTeleZupper"to emit its tone. As long or you pick up o toll, the phone goes
"off-hook" ond the TeleZopper*emits its tone to "zap" telemorketers. if, instead, the telephone compony "answers" your tolls through
voicemoil, your phone does not go "off-hook" and the TeleZopperWton not emit its lone. The TeleZoppermwill not interfere with the
normol operation of your voitemoil.
0. Whaik to keep telemorketersfrom just turning off b e "disconnedeflfeoture on their rompuie~eddiotngequipmenl?
A. Plenty! There ore millions of non-workingtelephone numbers. Telemorketerssutteed by efficiently tonneding their operators to PEOPLE
ond then selling them something.The lod thing they wont is to waste time being tonneded to o non-working telephone number. Plus,
when you've indolled o Teldopper", you're telling the telemorketer you do not wont to folk to them.There ore l a w hot support your
riaht fo orivocv and most telemorketen r e o l l ~don't want to violate those lawi. thev iust want to folk to someone to buy some~hino.