La posición del quemador de gas o el quemador eléctrico (Solo para algunos modelos) es indicado en
cada perilla de control.
Estos quemadores difieren en tamaño y potencia. Elija el más adecuado para el utensilio que desea
utilizar con esta unidad.
El quemador puede ser regulado con la perilla de control correspondiente usando uno de los siguientes
Congratulations on choosing appliance, which you will find is dependable and easy to use. We recommend
that you read this manual for best performance and to extend the life of your appliance. Thank you.
Close-up View
1. Auxiliary Burners
2. Semi-rapid burner
3. Rapid burner
4. Triple ring wok burner
5. Ignitor for Gas Burners (only on certain models)
6. Safety Device (only on certain models) - Activates if the flame accidentally goes out (spills, drafts,
etc.),interrupting the delivery of gas to the burner.
7. Control Knobs for Gas Burners and Electric Hot Plates
The stainless steel grease pan and the cast-iron grill, located in the burner and grate packing box, must be
installed, respectively, below and above the electric heating element so that tile element is enclosed
between the two.
How To Use Your Appliance
The position of the corresponding gas burner or electric hot plate (if present) is indicated on each control
Gas Burners
The burners differ in size and power. Choose the most appropriate one for the diameter of the cookware
being used.
The burner can be regulated with the corresponding control knob by using one of tile following settings:
To turn on one of the burners, place a lighted match or lighter near the burner,press the knob all the
way in and turn in the counter-clockwise direction to the "High" setting.
On those models fitted with a safety device (6), the knob must be pressed in for about 6
Para encender uno de los quemadores, coloque un encendedor o fosforo cerca del quemador, presione
la perilla de control y gírela a la posición de “Alto”.
Para los modelos que tienen dispositivo de seguridad (6), la perilla debe ser presionada por cerca de 6
segundos hasta que el dispositivo que mantiene la llama encendida se caliente.
Para los modelos que cuentan con un encendedor incorporado (5), este será identificado con el símbolo
seconds ,untilthedevicethatkeeps theflamelightedw arms up.
On those models fitted with an ignitor (5),the"5"ignitionbutton,identifiedbythe symbol,must
firstbepressedandthenthecorrespondingknobpushedallthew ayinandturnedinthecounter-clockw ise
directiontothe"H igh"setting.
Somemodels areequippedw ithanignition sw itchincorporatedintothecontrolknob.Ifthis is thecase,the
ignitor(5)is present,butnotthe"7"sw itch(the symbolis locatedneareachknob).
To light a burner,simply press the corresponding knob all the w ay in and,then,turn it in the
counter-clockw isedirectiontotheH ighsetting,keepingitpressedinuntiltheburnerlights.
Caution: Iftheburneraccidentlygoes out,turn offthegas w iththecontrolknobandtrytolightitagain
afterw aitingatleast1minute.
To turn off a burner,turntheknobintheclockw isedirectionuntilitstops (itshouldbeonthe"."setting).
How to Keep Your Cooktop in Shape
Beforecleaningorperformingmaintenanceon yourappliance,disconnectitfrom theelectricalpow er
To extend the life of the cooktop, it is absolutely indispensable that it be cleaned
carefully and thoroughly on a frequent basis, keeping in mind the following:
●Theenameledparts andtheglass top,ifpresent,mustbew ashedw ithw arm w aterw ithoutusing
abrasivepow ders orcorrosivesubstances w hichcouldruinthem;
●Theremovableparts oftheburners shouldbew ashedfrequentlyw ithw arm w aterandsoap,making
suretoremovecaked-on substances;
●On cooktops w ithautomaticignition,theendoftheelectronicignition devicemustbecleanedcarefully
andfrequently,makingsurethatthegas holes arenotclogged;
●Stainless steelcan bestained ifitremains in contactw ithhighlycalcareous w ateroraggressive
detergents (containingphosphorous)foran extendedperiodoftime,itis recommendedthattheseparts
berinsedthoroughlyw ithw aterandthen driedw ell,Itis alsoagoodideatoclean upanyspills;
●Beforeusingtheceramicglass module,thesurfacemustbecleaned,usingadampclothtoremovedust
orfoodresidues.Theceramicglass surfaceshouldbecleanedregularlyw ithasolutionofw arm w aterand
anon-abrasivedetergent,periodically,specialproducts w illneedtobeusedtoclean thesurface.First,
removeallfoodbuilduporgreasew ithacleaningscraper,e.g.
CERA (notsupplied)(Fig.1).
Clean thecookingsurfacew hen itis stillw arm w ithasuitablecleaningproductandpapertow els.Then
rubw ithadampclothanddry.Aluminum foil,plasticitems,objects madeofsyntheticmaterial,sugaror
foods w ithahighsugarcontentthathavemeltedontothesurfacemustberemovedimmediately w itha
scraperw hilethecookingsurfaceis stillhot.Specialcleaningproducts forceramicglass surfaces form a
transparentprotectivelayerw hichfights dirtybuildup.This alsoprotects thesurfacefrom damagecaused
byfood w ithahighsugarcontent.Do notuseabrasivesponges orcleaningproducts underany
circumstances.This holds trueforchemicallyaggressivecleaners,likeoven sprays andstain removers
”. Para hacer uso de este encendedor, presione el botón del encendedor y luego presione la perilla
del quemador que desea utilizar y gírela hacia la posición de “Alto”.
Algunos modelos cuentan con el dispositivo encendedor incorporado en cada perilla de control. Si este
es el caso, el encendedor estará presente (5) mas no el interruptor (7) (El símbolo
seconds ,untilthedevicethatkeeps theflamelightedw arms up.
On those models fitted with an ignitor (5),the"5"ignitionbutton,identifiedbythe symbol,must
firstbepressedandthenthecorrespondingknobpushedallthew ayinandturnedinthecounter-clockw ise
directiontothe"H igh"setting.
Somemodels areequippedw ithanignition sw itchincorporatedintothecontrolknob.Ifthis is thecase,the
ignitor(5)is present,butnotthe"7"sw itch(the symbolis locatedneareachknob).
To light a burner,simply press the corresponding knob all the w ay in and,then,turn it in the
counter-clockw isedirectiontotheH ighsetting,keepingitpressedinuntiltheburnerlights.
Caution: Iftheburneraccidentlygoes out,turn offthegas w iththecontrolknobandtrytolightitagain
afterw aitingatleast1minute.
To turn off a burner,turntheknobintheclockw isedirectionuntilitstops (itshouldbeonthe"."setting).
How to Keep Your Cooktop in Shape
Beforecleaningorperformingmaintenanceon yourappliance,disconnectitfrom theelectricalpow er
To extend the life of the cooktop, it is absolutely indispensable that it be cleaned
carefully and thoroughly on a frequent basis, keeping in mind the following:
●Theenameledparts andtheglass top,ifpresent,mustbew ashedw ithw arm w aterw ithoutusing
abrasivepow ders orcorrosivesubstances w hichcouldruinthem;
●Theremovableparts oftheburners shouldbew ashedfrequentlyw ithw arm w aterandsoap,making
suretoremovecaked-on substances;
●On cooktops w ithautomaticignition,theendoftheelectronicignition devicemustbecleanedcarefully
andfrequently,makingsurethatthegas holes arenotclogged;
●Stainless steelcan bestained ifitremains in contactw ithhighlycalcareous w ateroraggressive
detergents (containingphosphorous)foran extendedperiodoftime,itis recommendedthattheseparts
berinsedthoroughlyw ithw aterandthendriedw ell,Itis alsoagoodideatoclean upanyspills;
●Beforeusingtheceramicglass module,thesurfacemustbecleaned,usingadampclothtoremovedust
orfoodresidues.Theceramicglass surfaceshouldbecleanedregularlyw ithasolutionofw arm w aterand
anon-abrasivedetergent,periodically,specialproducts w illneedtobeusedtoclean thesurface.First,
removeallfoodbuilduporgreasew ithacleaningscraper,e.g.
CERA (notsupplied)(Fig.1).
Clean thecookingsurfacew hen itis stillw arm w ithasuitablecleaningproductandpapertow els.Then
rubw ithadampclothanddry.Aluminum foil,plasticitems,objects madeofsyntheticmaterial,sugaror
foods w ithahighsugarcontentthathavemeltedontothesurfacemustberemovedimmediately w itha
scraperw hilethecookingsurfaceis stillhot.Specialcleaningproducts forceramicglass surfaces form a
transparentprotectivelayerw hichfights dirtybuildup.This alsoprotects thesurfacefrom damagecaused
byfood w ithahighsugarcontent.Do notuseabrasivesponges orcleaningproducts underany
circumstances.This holds trueforchemicallyaggressivecleaners,likeoven sprays andstain removers
está ubicado cerca
de cada perilla).
Si el quemador se apaga accidentalmente, gire la perilla de control a la posición de apagado e intente
encender el quemador nuevamente después de 1 minuto.
Por seguridad se recomienda que cierre el suministro de gas en caso de no usar la unidad.
Para apagar el quemador, simplemente gire la perilla a la posición de apagado.
Uso de los quemadores
Para un mejor rendimiento de la unidad, siga los pasos dados a continuación:
Use el utensilio adecuado para cada quemador, esto con el fin de evitar que la llama alcance las
partes laterales de la olla o sartén. (Mire la tabla a continuación para fácil referencia).
Use siempre utensilios con la parte inferior plana y mantenga la tapa puesta en todo momento.
Cuando la preparación empiece a hervir, gire la perilla a la posición “Bajo”.
Diámetro del utensilio (cm)
Quemador para Wok de anillo triple
Para identificar el tipo de quemador, refiérase a la sección “Descripción de la unidad”