E-Bike assembling & repair guide
When you install the product,please make sure that you observe all instructions provided by the user manual. It is suggested
that you use all components provided by yosepower. Serious injuries may be incurred due to damaged screws or because
the nuts suddenly malfunction.
Please make sure that you wear a goggle or other eye goggle device when you are repairing the bike or replacing
If the content of the usermanualdoes not include your product, please browse the official website- www.yosepower.com,
or contact the yosepower team.
Please put the user manual in the proper place for reference in the future.
Please add the following items when our system users provide the descriptions written by themselves :
Pleasedo notpaytoomuchattentionto thescreenof theE-Bikedisplay whenyouareridingthebike, oraccidentsmaybe
Pleasedo checkthewheelssets and the tiresarecorrectlyinstalled on thebike. Seriousinjuriesmay be incurredif youfailto
confirmthatthesecomponentsarecorrectlyinstalledon thebike.or contacttheyosepowerteamforassistance.
WhenyouareridingtheE-Bike,youshouldbe very familiarwiththecharacteristicsofthebikebeingactivatedor deactivated.
If the bikeis suddenlyactivatedbutyouarenot familiarwiththesecharacteristics,accidents will beincurred.
Please turn on the light if you ride the bike at night or in the place without sufficient light provision.
Please observe the safety instructions of the user manual for your safety.
Whenusingtheproduct,pleaseobservethesafetyinstructionsprovidedbythesafety inspectorortheusermanual,
theproductis not suitable for mental disabled, physicaldisable or people without bicycle riding experienceand
relevant knowledge, including children.
Pleasedonotmodify thesystem.Thesystemwillbeoutoforderifyouimproperlymodifythesystem.
Pleasecontactfor help aboutthe installation and theadjustment of the productyosepowerteam.
Theproductis designedto be havethecompletely water-prooffunctionandcanbe safely usedin moistplaces.
However, please do not immerse the productinto water on purpose.
Pleasedo not usehigh-pressurewaterjet to washthebike.If watercontacts the components,thebikewillbe outof
order andthe components will be rusted.
Please handle product with care to prevent from serious impact.
Somesafety instructionsof theuser manualcanbe alsoseenin the relevant warningmarks on theproduct.
Please contact yosepowerfor any questions about maintenance team.
Abrasion due to normal use is not within the warranty range provided by us.
Pleaseremove the batterybefore you install the componentsand the cablesof theE-Bikein orderto prevent from accident.
WhenyouinstalltheE-Bike, pleasemake surethat you observe all instructionsof the user manual.If the screwsand nutsare
not correctly tightened or the components are damaged,the E-Bike may fall over and serious injuriesmay be incurred.
Thefrequenciesof maintenanceand repairwillbe differentaccordingto theusagesituationof the E-Bike.Thesystemof the
bikeshouldbe periodically cleaned by the proper cleaning products. If you need to cleanthe bike, please usea neutral
detergentandsoft clothorlow-pressurewaterjet to washthebike,andthedry thebike.Pleaseproperlyusethesuggested
oils to lubricate the rotational components.