
Fibaro FGFS-101 Guía de instalación

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Basic activation of the device
Power supply:
Battery type:
External power supply voltage:
Operating temperature:
Measured temperature range:
Maximum voltage at output terminals:
Dimensions (diameter x height):
battery / DC adapter
CR123A (3V)
12-24V DC
32 to 104°F
-4 to 212°F
24V DC / 20V AC
2.83” x 1.1”
For full instruction manual and technical
specification please visit our website:
Read the manual before attempting
to install the device!
1) Open the cover by turning it counter-clockwise.
2) Remove battery blocker.
3) Locate the sensor nearby the main Z-Wave controller.
4) Set the main Z-Wave controller into adding mode.
5) Quickly, triple click the TMP button located inside the casing.
6) Wait for the device to be added into the system.
Successful adding will be confirmed by the controller.
7) Close the cover by turning it clockwise.
8) Place the sensor onto a surface prone to flooding. Three
electrodes underneath the device should evenly touch the surface.
FIBARO Flood Sensor is a universal, Z-Wave Plus compatible,
flood and temperature sensor. It is designed to be placed on a floor
or on a wall with the flood sensor probes extended by a connected
wire. Device can be battery or VDC powered. It has built-in LED
indicator, acoustic alarm, and is equipped with a tilt sensor, reporting
tilt or movement of it. LED diode signals flood, operating mode or the
Z-Wave network communication range. FIBARO Flood Sensor is
compatible with any Z-Wave Controller and may be connected to any
alarm system.
TMP button location
manual version: S-v2.2
Limited warranty - United States
This limited warranty is provided by Fibar USA, LLC (the “Company”), 1040 E.
Lake Ave., Glenview, Illinois 60025, as the sole and exclusive remedy offered to a
purchaser (the “Customer”) of the products (the “Products”) for any alleged defects
in any of the Products. The warranty is subject to all terms sets forth below.
Subject to the limitations of section 2, the company warrants that the products sold
by the company to the customer will be free from defects in material and
workmanship under normal use and regular service and maintenance for a period
of one (1) year from the date of purchase of the products. The one-year period may
be referred to as the “limited warranty period”.
This is the sole and exclusive warranty given by the company with respect to the
products and is in lieu of and excludes all other warranties, express or implied,
arising by operation of law or otherwise, including without limitation, any implied
warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement
and the implied condition of satisfactory quality.
The product is not, is not intended to function or be used as, should not be used as,
and shall not be deemed to be, an alarm system or home security system. The
product’s intended use shall not include use as an alarm system or home security
This limited warranty does not extend to any losses or damages due in whole or in
part to misuse, accident, abuse, neglect, normal wear and tear, negligence (other
than the Company’s), unauthorized modification or alteration, use beyond rated
capacity, unsuitable power sources or environmental conditions, improper
installation, repair, handling, maintenance or application, third party actions or
omissions (whether as an agent or apparent agent of the Company), criminal acts,
or any other cause not the direct fault of the Company.
If within the limited warranty period, the Customer discovers any covered warranty
defects and notifies the Company within thirty (30) days of such discovery,
pursuant to the Claims Procedure in Section 4 below, the Company shall, at its
option and as the Customer’s exclusive remedy, repair or replace F.O.B. point of
The remedies set forth in this limited warranty are exclusive. The sole and
exclusive remedy for breach of any warranty hereunder shall be limited to repair or
replacement of the products.
In the event that the product cannot be repaired or replaced, the company reserves
the right to substitute a product of similar technical parameters.
The company will not refund the purchase price of the original product.
Failure by the Customer to give such written notice within the thirty (30) day time
period shall be deemed an absolute and unconditional waiver of the Customer’s
claim for such covered defects. All costs and expenses of dismantling,
reinstallation and freight, including the time of the Company’s personnel and
representatives for site travel and diagnosis under this limited warranty, shall be
borne by the Customer unless accepted in writing by the Company. Products
repaired or replaced during the limited warranty period shall be covered by the
foregoing limited warranty for the remainder of the limited warranty period.
The Customer assumes all other responsibility for any loss, damage, or injury to
persons or property arising out of, connected with, or resulting from the use of
Products, either alone or in combination with other products/components.
In no event, regardless of the form of the claim or cause of action (whether based
in contract, infringement, negligence, strict liability, other tort or otherwise), shall
the company’s liability to the customer or any third party exceed the price paid by
the customer for the specific products giving rise to the claim or cause of action.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the company shall not be
liable to the customer or any third party for any general, direct, indirect, incidental,
special, consequential, or punitive damages, including, but not limited to, loss of
profits or anticipated profits, business interruption, loss of use, revenue, reputation
and data, costs incurred, loss or damage to property or equipment, bodily injury, or
death, arising from any claim or cause of action relating to the product, whether
such is based on warranty, contract, tort (including negligence and strict liability.
These limitations shall apply notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose of
any remedy. Some states and/or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or
limitation of incidental or consequential damages so the above exclusions may not
apply to certain customers.
The Customer assumes all other responsibility for any loss, damage, or injury to
persons or property arising out of, connected with, or resulting from the use of
Products, either alone or in combination with other products/components.
The Customer shall make a claim by written notice to the Company through the
contact information listed on its website at www.fibaro.com or by contacting the
Company through the telephone number listed on the website. Any telephone
conversations will be recorded. The Company will issue a designated claim
number for each claim made. The Customer may be contacted by an authorized
warranty service representative to arrange a date for an inspection of the Product.
This inspection shall be in the presence of the Customer. The Product that is the
subject of the claim shall be made available by the Customer together with
complete standard equipment and the documents confirming the Product’s
purchase. Covered defects (as determined by the Company or its authorized
service representative) found during the limited warranty period shall be remedied
within thirty (30) days from the date of inspection or the date the Product is
delivered to the Company or its authorized service representative, whichever is
later. The limited warranty period shall be extended by the time that the Product is
in the possession of the authorized service representative or the Company.
Remember: before you submit a warranty claim, contact our technical support
using telephone or e-mail. More than 50% of operational problems is resolved
remotely, saving time and money spent to initiating claim procedure.
Please read this section carefully. It affects customers’ rights and will have a
substantial impact on how claims the company and the customer have against
each other are resolved. This limited warranty contains a binding arbitration
provision which may be enforced by the parties.
The Company and the Customer agree that any claim or dispute at law or equity
that has arisen or may arise between them relating in any way to or arising out of
this limited warranty or the Products will be resolved in accordance with the
provisions set forth in this Section.
A. Applicable Law. The Customer and the Company agree that, except to the
extent inconsistent with or preempted by federal law, the laws of the State of
Illinois, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will govern the limited
warranty and Products and any claim or dispute that has arisen or may arise
between the Company and the Customer, except as otherwise stated herein. The
Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of this Section
5. The U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods shall not
B. Agreement to Arbitrate. The Company and the Customer each agree that any
and all disputes or claims that have arisen or may arise between them relating to
or arising out of this limited warranty or the Products shall be resolved exclusively
through final and binding arbitration, rather than in a court proceeding. Alternative-
ly, the Customer may assert his/her claims in small claims court, if the claims
qualify and so long as the matter remains in such court and advances only on an
individual (non-class, non-representative) basis.
The Company and the Customer agree that each of them may bring claims against
the other only on an individual basis and not as a plaintiff or class member in any
purported class or representative action or proceeding. Unless both the Company
and the Customer agree, the arbitration may not consolidate or join more than one
person’s claims and many not otherwise preside over any form of a consolidated,
representative, or class proceeding.
C. Opt-Out. The Customer may opt-out of this agreement to arbitrate by sending
the Company a written opt-out notice, via certified mail and postmarked no later
than 30 days after the date of purchase of the Product. The opt-out notice must
include the Customer’s name and address, the serial number of the Product
purchased, and the date and location of the purchase. All other parts of this limited
warranty will still apply.
D. Procedures. The arbitration shall be administered by JAMS pursuant to its
Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures or pursuant to JAMS’
Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures, whichever as applicable. JAMS’
rules are available at www.jamsadr.com. The use of the word “arbitrator” in this
provision shall not be construed to prohibit more than one arbitrator from presiding
over the arbitration; rather, the JAMS’ rules will govern the number of arbitrators
that may preside over an arbitration. The Customer will have a reasonable
opportunity to participate in the selection of the arbitrator.
A Customer who intends to seek arbitration must first make a written claim against
the Company pursuant to Section 4. If the Customer and the Company are unable
to resolve the claim within thirty (30) days from the date of the notice, the Company
or the Customer may initiate arbitration proceedings. A form for initiating arbitration
proceedings is available on JAMS’ website. In addition to filing the form with JAMS,
the party initiating the arbitration must mail a copy of the completed form to the
other party. In the event the Company initiates arbitration against a Customer, it will
send a copy of the completed form to the physical address the Company has on
file for the Customer.
The arbitration hearing shall be held in the county in which the Customer resides
or at another mutually agreed location.
Arbitration uses a neutral arbitrator instead of a judge or jury. Discovery or the
exchange of non-privileged information will be allowed pursuant to JAMS’ rules.
The arbitrator will decide the substance of all claims in accordance with applicable
law, including recognized principles of equity, and will honor all claims of privilege
recognized by law. An arbitrator can award the same damages and relief on an
individual basis that a court can award to an individual. The arbitrator’s award shall
be final and binding and judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be
entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. An award will consist of a written
statement stating the disposition of each claim, and will include a concise written
statement of the essential findings and conclusions on which the award is based.
Payment of all filing, administration and arbitrator fees is governed by JAMS;
provided, however, that when a Customer initiates arbitration against the
Company, the fee required to be paid by the Customer is that amount designated
by JAMS for consumer arbitrations. All other costs will be paid by the Company.
If an arbitrator or court decides that any part of this limited warranty is invalid or
unenforceable, the other parts of the limited warranty shall still apply to the extent
applicable. In the event that this agreement to arbitrate is wholly inapplicable, the
Customers agree that any claim or dispute that has arisen or may arise between
the Customer and the Company must be resolved exclusively by a state or federal
court located in Cook County, Illinois. The Customer agrees to submit to the
personal jurisdiction of the courts located within Cook County, Illinois, for the
purpose of litigating all such claims or disputes.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1.This device may not cause harmful interference
2.This device must accept any interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to
comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user
is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Legal Notices
All information, including, but not limited to, information regarding the features,
functionality, and/or other product specification are subject to change without
notice. Fibaro reserves all rights to revise or update its products, software, or
documentation without any obligation to notify any individual or entity.
Fibaro, Fibar Group logo, and Fibaro Flood Sensor are trademarks of Fibar Group
S.A. All other brands and product names referred to herein are trademarks of their
respective holders.
The information contained herein is provided in connection with Fibaro products.
No license, expressed or implied by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual
property rights is granted by this documents.
This documentation may contain references to third-party sources of information,
hardware or software, products or services (“collectively the “Third-Party Products
or Services”). Fibaro does not control the Third-Party Products or Services and is
not responsible for any Third-Party Products or Services.
Except as provided above or except to the extent prohibited by applicable law,
Fibaro shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages caused by
the breach of any express or implied warranty. Fibaro assumes no liability
whatsoever, and Fibaro disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to the
sale and/or use of the Fibaro products, including, but to limited to, liabilities and/or
warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, and/or
infringement of any patent, copyright and/or other intellectual property right.
Except to the extent prohibited by applicable law, Fibaro’s liability shall not exceed
the price paid for the Fibaro products from direct, indirect, special, incidental or
consequential damages resulting from the sue of the products, its accompanying
software, or product specifications, manuals, installation guides and/or any other
Some states, provinces or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of
incidental or consequential damages or other limitations on warranties, so the
above limitations or exclusion may not apply to you. You may also have other rights
that vary from state to state or province to province.
Pour le manuel et les spécifications
techniques, s'il vous plait, visiter notre
site Web:
Lisez le manuel avant de tenter
d'installer l'appareil!
Le FIBARO Flood Sensor est un capteur universel d’inondation et
de température compatible Z-Wave Plus. Il est conçu pour être placé
au sol ou sur un mur en connectant avec des sondes de détection
d'inondation filaire. Il peut être alimenté par batterie ou par une
alimentation à courant continu. Il dispose d’un indicateur LED intégré,
d’une alarme sonore, et il est équipé d'un capteur d'inclinaison
rapportant ses mouvements ou son inclinaison. L’indicateur LED signal
la détection d’inondation, son mode de fonctionnement ou la qualité de
communication avec le réseau Z-Wave. Le capteur d’inondation est
compatible avec n'importe quel contrôleur de Z-Wave et peut être
connecté à un système d'alarme.
Installation du dispositif
1) Ouvrez le couvercle en tournant dans le sens contraire des
aiguilles d’une montre.
2) Retirez la languette protégeant la batterie.
3) Mettre le capteur à proximité du contrôleur principal Z-Wave.
4) Mettez le contrôleur principal de Z-Wave en mode inclusion.
5) Cliquez rapidement 3 fois sur le bouton TMP situé à l'intérieur du
6) Attendez que l'appareil soit inclus dans le système.
Le succès de l’inclusion sera confirmé par le contrôleur.
7) Fermez le couvercle en tournant dans le sens des aiguilles d’une
8) Placez le capteur sur un sol sujet aux inondations. Les Trois
électrodes sous le dispositif doivent être en contact avec le sol.
Emplacement du bouton TMP
Type de batterie:
Tension d'alimentation externe:
Température de fonctionnement:
Plage de température mesurée
Tension maximale aux bornes de sortie:
Dimensions (Diamètre x Hauteur)
batterie / adaptateur DC
CR123A (3V)
12-24V DC
0 à 40°C
-20 à 100°C
24V DC / 20V AC
72 x 28 mm
Para obtener el manual completo de
instrucciones y especificaciones técnicas,
por favor visite nuestra web:
¡Lea el manual antes de intentar
instalar el dispositivo!
FIBARO Flood Sensor es un sensor universal de inundación y
temperatura, compatible con Z-Wave
. Está diseñado para
colocarlo en el suelo, o en una pared si alargamos las sondas del
sensor de inundación mediante cables. El dispositivo puede estar
alimentado por baterías o por VDC. Lleva incorporado un indicador
LED, una alarma acústica, y también está equipado con un sensor
de inclinación, que informa cuando el sensor se inclina o se mueve.
El diodo LED indica inundación, el modo de trabajo o el alcance de
comunicación en la red Z-Wave. El sensor de inundación es
compatible con cualquier controlador Z-Wave y se puede conectar a
cualquier sistema de alarma.
Activación básica del dispositivo
1) Abra la carcasa haciendo girar la cubierta en sentido contrario a
las agujas del reloj.
2) Extraiga el aislante que impide el contacto de la batería.
3) Coloque el sensor cerca del controlador Z-Wave principal.
4) Active el controlador Z-Wave principal en modo de inclusión.
5) Rápidamente, pulse tres veces el botón TMP ubicado dentro de
la carcasa.
6) Espere a que el dispositivo sea incluido en el sistema. Una
inclusión satisfactoria será confirmada por el controlador.
7) Cierre la cubierta haciéndola girar en sentido de las agujas del reloj.
8) Coloque el sensor en una superficie susceptible de suceder una
inundación. Los tres electrodos debajo del dispositivo deben hacer
contacto con la superficie del suelo.
Ubicación del botón TMP
Tipo de baterías:
Suministro de tensión externo:
Temperatura de trabajo:
Rango de la medida de temperatura:
Máximo voltaje en los terminales de salida:
Dimensiones (diámetro x altura):
batería / DC adaptador
CR123A (3V)
12-24V DC
0 a 40°C
-20 a 100°C
24V DC / 20V AC
72 x 28 mm
Tipo de bateria:
Fonte de alimentação externa:
Temperatura de funcionamento:
Intervalo da medição de temperatura:
Voltagem máxima nos terminais de saída:
Dimensão (diâmetro x altura):
bateria / DC adaptador
CR123A (3V)
12-24V DC
0 a 40°C
-20 a 100°C
24VDC / 20VAC
72 x 28 mm
Para visualizar o manual de instruções e
especificações técnicas completas por
favor aceda ou website:
Leia o manual antes de tentar instalar
o dispositivo!
FIBARO Flood Sensor é um detetor universal, compatível com
o protocolo Z-Wave
, para deteção de inundações e monitori-
zação da temperatura. Foi desenhado para ser colocado diretamen-
te sobre o pavimento ou instalado na parede em conjunto com a
sonda e cabo fornecidos. Este equipamento pode ser alimentado por
baterias ou recorrendo a uma fonte externa VDC. Tem incorporado
um LED sinalizador e um besouro para alarmes acústicos. Está
igualmente equipado com um sensor de vibração que reporta
qualquer trepidação ou movimento do sensor. O LED sinaliza
inundação, modo de operação ou o alcance da comunicação da
rede Z-Wave. O Sensor de Inundação é compatível com qualquer
controlador Z-Wave ou sistema de alarme com fios convencional.
Ativação básica do dispositivo:
1) Abra a tampa, rodando a mesma no sentido contrário ao dos
ponteiros do relógio.
2) Remova o bloqueador de bateria.
3) Coloque o sensor perto do controlador Z-Wave primário.
4) Coloque o controlador Z-Wave primário no modo de inclusão.
5) Clique rapidamente 3 vezes o botão TMP, localizado no interior
do dispositivo.
6) Aguarde que o dispositivo seja incluído no sistema. O sucesso da
inclusão será confirmada pelo controlador.
7) Feche a tampa, rodando a mesma no sentido dos ponteiros do
8) Coloque o sensor sobre uma superfície em que haja possibilidade
de inundações. O 3 elétrodos existentes no fundo do dispositivo
deverão tocar uniformemente a superfície.
Localização do botão TMP
IC number:
This limited warranty is provided by Fibar USA, LLC (the “Company”), 1040 E.
Lake Ave., Glenview, Illinois 60025, as the sole and exclusive remedy offered to a
purchaser (the “Customer”) of the products (the “Products”) for any alleged defects
in any of the Products. The warranty is subject to all terms sets forth below.
Subject to the limitations of section 2, the company warrants that the products sold
by the company to the customer will be free from defects in material and
workmanship under normal use and regular service and maintenance for a period
of one (1) year from the date of purchase of the products. The one-year period may
be referred to as the “limited warranty period”.
This is the sole and exclusive warranty given by the company with respect to the
products and is in lieu of and excludes all other warranties, express or implied,
arising by operation of law or otherwise, including without limitation, any implied
warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement
and the implied condition of satisfactory quality.
The product is not, is not intended to function or be used as, should not be used as,
and shall not be deemed to be, an alarm system or home security system. The
product’s intended use shall not include use as an alarm system or home security
This limited warranty does not extend to any losses or damages due in whole or in
part to misuse, accident, abuse, neglect, normal wear and tear, negligence (other
than the Company’s), unauthorized modification or alteration, use beyond rated
capacity, unsuitable power sources or environmental conditions, improper
installation, repair, handling, maintenance or application, third party actions or
omissions (whether as an agent or apparent agent of the Company), criminal acts,
or any other cause not the direct fault of the Company.
If within the limited warranty period, the Customer discovers any covered warranty
defects and notifies the Company within thirty (30) days of such discovery,
pursuant to the Claims Procedure in Section 4 below, the Company shall, at its
option and as the Customer’s exclusive remedy, repair or replace F.O.B. point of
The remedies set forth in this limited warranty are exclusive. The sole and
exclusive remedy for breach of any warranty hereunder shall be limited to repair or
replacement of the products.
In the event that the product cannot be repaired or replaced, the company reserves
the right to substitute a product of similar technical parameters.
The company will not refund the purchase price of the original product.
Failure by the Customer to give such written notice within the thirty (30) day time
period shall be deemed an absolute and unconditional waiver of the Customer’s
claim for such covered defects. All costs and expenses of dismantling,
reinstallation and freight, including the time of the Company’s personnel and
representatives for site travel and diagnosis under this limited warranty, shall be
borne by the Customer unless accepted in writing by the Company. Products
repaired or replaced during the limited warranty period shall be covered by the
foregoing limited warranty for the remainder of the limited warranty period.
The Customer assumes all other responsibility for any loss, damage, or injury to
persons or property arising out of, connected with, or resulting from the use of
Products, either alone or in combination with other products/components.
In no event, regardless of the form of the claim or cause of action (whether based
in contract, infringement, negligence, strict liability, other tort or otherwise), shall
the company’s liability to the customer or any third party exceed the price paid by
the customer for the specific products giving rise to the claim or cause of action.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the company shall not be
liable to the customer or any third party for any general, direct, indirect, incidental,
special, consequential, or punitive damages, including, but not limited to, loss of
profits or anticipated profits, business interruption, loss of use, revenue, reputation
and data, costs incurred, loss or damage to property or equipment, bodily injury, or
death, arising from any claim or cause of action relating to the product, whether
such is based on warranty, contract, tort (including negligence and strict liability.
These limitations shall apply notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose of
any remedy. Some states and/or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or
limitation of incidental or consequential damages so the above exclusions may not
apply to certain customers.
The Customer assumes all other responsibility for any loss, damage, or injury to
persons or property arising out of, connected with, or resulting from the use of
Products, either alone or in combination with other products/components.
The Customer shall make a claim by written notice to the Company through the
contact information listed on its website at www.fibaro.com or by contacting the
Company through the telephone number listed on the website. Any telephone
conversations will be recorded. The Company will issue a designated claim
number for each claim made. The Customer may be contacted by an authorized
warranty service representative to arrange a date for an inspection of the Product.
This inspection shall be in the presence of the Customer. The Product that is the
subject of the claim shall be made available by the Customer together with
complete standard equipment and the documents confirming the Product’s
purchase. Covered defects (as determined by the Company or its authorized
service representative) found during the limited warranty period shall be remedied
within thirty (30) days from the date of inspection or the date the Product is
delivered to the Company or its authorized service representative, whichever is
later. The limited warranty period shall be extended by the time that the Product is
in the possession of the authorized service representative or the Company.
Remember: before you submit a warranty claim, contact our technical support
using telephone or e-mail. More than 50% of operational problems is resolved
remotely, saving time and money spent to initiating claim procedure.
Please read this section carefully. It affects customers’ rights and will have a
substantial impact on how claims the company and the customer have against
each other are resolved. This limited warranty contains a binding arbitration
provision which may be enforced by the parties.
The Company and the Customer agree that any claim or dispute at law or equity
that has arisen or may arise between them relating in any way to or arising out of
this limited warranty or the Products will be resolved in accordance with the
provisions set forth in this Section.
A. Applicable Law. The Customer and the Company agree that, except to the
extent inconsistent with or preempted by federal law, the laws of the State of
Illinois, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will govern the limited
warranty and Products and any claim or dispute that has arisen or may arise
between the Company and the Customer, except as otherwise stated herein. The
Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of this Section
5. The U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods shall not
B. Agreement to Arbitrate. The Company and the Customer each agree that any
and all disputes or claims that have arisen or may arise between them relating to
or arising out of this limited warranty or the Products shall be resolved exclusively
through final and binding arbitration, rather than in a court proceeding. Alternative-
ly, the Customer may assert his/her claims in small claims court, if the claims
qualify and so long as the matter remains in such court and advances only on an
individual (non-class, non-representative) basis.
The Company and the Customer agree that each of them may bring claims against
the other only on an individual basis and not as a plaintiff or class member in any
purported class or representative action or proceeding. Unless both the Company
and the Customer agree, the arbitration may not consolidate or join more than one
person’s claims and many not otherwise preside over any form of a consolidated,
representative, or class proceeding.
C. Opt-Out. The Customer may opt-out of this agreement to arbitrate by sending
the Company a written opt-out notice, via certified mail and postmarked no later
than 30 days after the date of purchase of the Product. The opt-out notice must
include the Customer’s name and address, the serial number of the Product
purchased, and the date and location of the purchase. All other parts of this limited
warranty will still apply.
D. Procedures. The arbitration shall be administered by JAMS pursuant to its
Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures or pursuant to JAMS’
Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures, whichever as applicable. JAMS’
rules are available at www.jamsadr.com. The use of the word “arbitrator” in this
provision shall not be construed to prohibit more than one arbitrator from presiding
over the arbitration; rather, the JAMS’ rules will govern the number of arbitrators
that may preside over an arbitration. The Customer will have a reasonable
opportunity to participate in the selection of the arbitrator.
A Customer who intends to seek arbitration must first make a written claim against
the Company pursuant to Section 4. If the Customer and the Company are unable
to resolve the claim within thirty (30) days from the date of the notice, the Company
or the Customer may initiate arbitration proceedings. A form for initiating arbitration
proceedings is available on JAMS’ website. In addition to filing the form with JAMS,
the party initiating the arbitration must mail a copy of the completed form to the
other party. In the event the Company initiates arbitration against a Customer, it will
send a copy of the completed form to the physical address the Company has on
file for the Customer.
The arbitration hearing shall be held in the county in which the Customer resides
or at another mutually agreed location.
Arbitration uses a neutral arbitrator instead of a judge or jury. Discovery or the
exchange of non-privileged information will be allowed pursuant to JAMS’ rules.
The arbitrator will decide the substance of all claims in accordance with applicable
law, including recognized principles of equity, and will honor all claims of privilege
recognized by law. An arbitrator can award the same damages and relief on an
individual basis that a court can award to an individual. The arbitrator’s award shall
be final and binding and judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be
entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. An award will consist of a written
statement stating the disposition of each claim, and will include a concise written
statement of the essential findings and conclusions on which the award is based.
Payment of all filing, administration and arbitrator fees is governed by JAMS;
provided, however, that when a Customer initiates arbitration against the
Company, the fee required to be paid by the Customer is that amount designated
by JAMS for consumer arbitrations. All other costs will be paid by the Company.
If an arbitrator or court decides that any part of this limited warranty is invalid or
unenforceable, the other parts of the limited warranty shall still apply to the extent
applicable. In the event that this agreement to arbitrate is wholly inapplicable, the
Customers agree that any claim or dispute that has arisen or may arise between
the Customer and the Company must be resolved exclusively by a state or federal
court located in Cook County, Illinois. The Customer agrees to submit to the
personal jurisdiction of the courts located within Cook County, Illinois, for the
purpose of litigating all such claims or disputes.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1.This device may not cause harmful interference
2.This device must accept any interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to
comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user
is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Legal Notices
All information, including, but not limited to, information regarding the features,
functionality, and/or other product specification are subject to change without
notice. Fibaro reserves all rights to revise or update its products, software, or
documentation without any obligation to notify any individual or entity.
Fibaro, Fibar Group logo, and Fibaro Flood Sensor are trademarks of Fibar Group
S.A. All other brands and product names referred to herein are trademarks of their
respective holders.
The information contained herein is provided in connection with Fibaro products.
No license, expressed or implied by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual
property rights is granted by this documents.
This documentation may contain references to third-party sources of information,
hardware or software, products or services (“collectively the “Third-Party Products
or Services”). Fibaro does not control the Third-Party Products or Services and is
not responsible for any Third-Party Products or Services.
Except as provided above or except to the extent prohibited by applicable law,
Fibaro shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages caused by
the breach of any express or implied warranty. Fibaro assumes no liability
whatsoever, and Fibaro disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to the
sale and/or use of the Fibaro products, including, but to limited to, liabilities and/or
warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, and/or
infringement of any patent, copyright and/or other intellectual property right.
Except to the extent prohibited by applicable law, Fibaro’s liability shall not exceed
the price paid for the Fibaro products from direct, indirect, special, incidental or
consequential damages resulting from the sue of the products, its accompanying
software, or product specifications, manuals, installation guides and/or any other
Some states, provinces or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of
incidental or consequential damages or other limitations on warranties, so the
above limitations or exclusion may not apply to you. You may also have other rights
that vary from state to state or province to province.
Garantia - Ámérica do Sul
1. A garantia é fornecida pela FIBAR GROUP S.A. (doravante denominada de
"Fabricante"), com sede em Poznan, ul. Lotnicza 1; 60-421 Poznan, inscrita no
registo do Tribunal do Registo Nacional mantido pelo Tribunal Distrital de Poznań,
VIII Departamento Econômico do Tribunal do Registo Nacional, no. 553265, NIP
7811858097, REGON: 301595664.
2. O Fabricante é responsável por mau funcionamento do equipamento resultante
de defeitos físicos (de fabricação ou do material) do dispositivo durante 12 meses
para Empresas / 24 meses para clientes individuais a partir da data de sua
3. Durante o período de Garantia, o Fabricante deve remover quaisquer defeitos,
gratuitamente, pela reparação ou substituição (a critério exclusivo do fabricante)
de quaisquer componentes defeituosos do dispositivo com componentes novos ou
regenerados que estejam livres de defeitos. Quando a reparação se revelar
impossível, o Fabricante reserva-se o direito de substituir o dispositivo por um
novo ou um regenerado, que devem estar livres de quaisquer defeitos e cuja
condição não seja pior que a do dispositivo original, propriedade do Cliente.
4. Em casos especiais, quando o dispositivo não pode ser substituído por um
equipamento do mesmo tipo (p.ex. o dispositivo já não estar disponível), o
Fabricante pode substituí-lo por um dispositivo diferente com parâmetros técnicos
semelhantes ao defeituoso. Essa atividade deve ser considerada como
cumpridora das obrigações do Fabricante. O Fabricante não devolverá dinheiro
pago pelo dispositivo.
5. O titular de uma garantia válida deve apresentar um pedido de garantia por meio
do serviço de garantia. Lembre-se: antes de apresentar um pedido de garantia,
entre em contato com o nosso suporte técnico através de telefone ou e-mail. Mais
de 50% dos problemas operacionais são resolvidos remotamente, economizando
tempo e dinheiro gasto para iniciar procedimento de garantia. Se o suporte remoto
for insuficiente, o Cliente deverá preencher o formulário de pedido de garantia
(através do nosso website - www.fibaro.com) a fim de obter uma autorização de
reclamação. Quando o formulário de pedido de garantia é submetido corretamen-
te, o Cliente deverá receber a confirmação do pedido com um número exclusivo
(RMA - Return Merchandise Authorization).
6. A reclamação pode também ser submetida por telefone. Neste caso, a chamada
é gravada e o Cliente será informado sobre isso por um consultor antes de
apresentar a reclamação. Logo após a apresentação do pedido, o consultor deve
fornecer ao cliente com o número de pedido (numero RMA).
7. Quando o formulário de pedido de garantia for submetido corretamente, um
representante Autorizado da Garantia de Serviço (doravante denominada de
"AGS") entrará em contacto com o Cliente.
8. Os defeitos revelados dentro do período de garantia devem ser removidos o
mais tardar 30 dias a partir da data de entrega do dispositivo ao AGS. O período
de garantia será prolongado pelo tempo em que o dispositivo foi mantido pelo
9. O dispositivo defeituoso será fornecido pelo cliente com o equipamento de série
completo e documentos comprovando sua compra.
10. As peças substituídas ao abrigo da garantia são propriedade do Fabricante. A
garantia para todas as peças substituídas no processo de garantia será igual ao
prazo de garantia do dispositivo original. O período de garantia da peça substituída
não será prolongado.
11. Os custos de entrega do dispositivo defeituoso serão suportados pelo Cliente.
Para chamadas de serviço injustificadas, o Serviço poderá cobrar ao Cliente as
despesas de transporte e os custos de manipulação relacionados com o caso.
12. AGS não deverá aceitará uma reclamação somente quando:
- O dispositivo foi mal utilizado ou o manual não foi observado,
- O dispositivo foi fornecido pelo cliente incompleto, sem acessórios ou placa de
- Se determinou que a falha foi causada por razões outras que fabrico ou material
do dispositivo ser defeito,
- O documento de garantia não é válido ou não existe prova de compra,
13. O Fabricante não será responsabilizado por danos materiais causados por
dispositivos defeituosos. O Fabricante não será responsabilizado por danos
indiretos, incidentais, especiais, consequentes ou punitivos, ou por quaisquer
danos, incluindo, entre outros, perda de lucros, poupança, dados, perda de
benefícios, reclamações de terceiros e qualquer dano à propriedade ou lesões
pessoais decorrentes ou relacionadas do uso do Dispositivo.
14. A garantia não cobre:
- Danos mecânicos (rachaduras, fraturas, cortes, escoriações, deformações
físicas causadas por impacto, queda ou por deixar cair o dispositivo ou outro
objeto, uso indevido ou a não observação do manual de operação);
Garantía - América del Sur & Mexico
1. La Garantía está cubierta por FIBAR GROUP S.A. (en adelante "Fabricante"),
ubicado en Poznan, ul. Lotnicza 1; 60-421 Poznan, entrado en el registro del Registro
de la Corte Nacional mantenido por la Corte del Distrito en Poznań, VIII Departamento
Económico del Registro de la Corte Nacional, no. 553265, NIP 7811858097, REGON:
2. El Fabricante es responsable de equipos con mal funcionamiento resultante de
defectos físicos (de fabricación o material) de Dispositivo durante 12 meses desde la
fecha de su compra.
3. Durante el periodo de Garantía, el Fabricante quitará cualquier defecto, libre de
cargo, mediante reparación o restitución (a la discreción única del Fabricante)
cualquier componente defectuoso del Dispositivo con componentes nuevos o
regenerados libres de defectos. Cuando la reparación resulte imposible, el Fabricante
se reserva el derecho de reemplazar el dispositivo con uno nuevo o regenerado, que
estará exento de cualquier defecto y su condición no será peor que la del dispositivo
original en posesión del Cliente.
4. En casos especiales, cuando el dispositivo no puede ser reemplazado con un
dispositivo del mismo tipo (p.ej. el dispositivo ya no está disponible), el Fabricante
puede reemplazarlo por un dispositivo distinto que tenga unos parámetros técnicos
similares al defectuoso. Dicha actividad será considerada como cumplimento de las
obligaciones del Fabricante. El Fabricante no reembolsará el dinero pagado por el
5. El poseedor de una garantía vigente deberá enviar la reclamación de garantía
mediante el servicio de garantía. Recuerde: antes de reclamar la garantía, contacte
con nuestro servicio técnico mediante teléfono o e-mail. Más del 50% de los
problemas operativos se resuelven de forma remota, ahorrando tiempo y dinero
empleado en las iniciaciones del procedimiento de garantía. Si el soporte remoto
resultase insuficiente, el Cliente deberá rellenar un formulario de reclamación (usando
nuestra web – www.fibaro.com) para obtener una autorización de reclamación.
Cuando el formulario de reclamación de garantía se envíe correctamente, el Cliente
recibirá la confirmación con un número único (Autorización de Retorno de Mercancías
- RMA).
6. La reclamación también se puede enviar por teléfono. En este caso, la llamada se
graba y el Cliente será informado sobre éste hecho por un asesor antes de realizar la
reclamación. Inmediatamente tras realizar la reclamación, el asesor facilitará el
número de reclamación al Cliente (Número-RMA).
7. Cuando el formulario de reclamación de garantía se envía correctamente, un
representante del Servicio Autorizado de Garantía (en adelante “AGS”) se pondrá en
contacto con el Cliente.
8. Defectos descubiertos durante el periodo de garantía serán solucionados en un
periodo de tiempo no mayor a los 30 días desde la fecha de entrega del dispositivo al
AGS. El periodo de garantía será ampliado durante el plazo de tiempo durante el cual
el Dispositivo obra en poder del AGS.
9. Un dispositivo defectuoso será entregado por el Cliente con todo el equipamiento
estándar y documentos que demuestren su compra.
10. Las piezas reemplazadas bajo la garantía son propiedad del Fabricante. La
garantía de todas las piezas reemplazadas durante el proceso de garantía mantendrá
el mismo periodo de garantía que el dispositivo original. El periodo de garantía de
piezas reemplazadas no será ampliado.
11. Los costes del envío del dispositivo defectuoso serán sufragados por el Cliente.
Por solicitudes de servicio injustificadas, el Servicio puede cargar al Cliente con costes
de transporte y manipulación relacionados con el caso.
12. AGS no aceptará una reclamación solamente cuando:
- el Dispositivo se utilizó incorrectamente o no se siguieron las instrucciones del
- el Dispositivo entregado por el Cliente está incompleto, sin accesorios o placa del
- se determinó que el fallo fue debido a otra causas ajenas al material o algún defecto
de fábrica del Dispositivo
- el documento de garantía no es válido o no existe prueba de compra,
13. El Fabricante no será responsable del daño a la propiedad que pueda causar un
dispositivo defectuoso. El Fabricante no será responsable de daños indirectos,
fortuitos, especiales, consiguientes o punitivos, o de cualquier daño, incluyendo entre
otros, pérdida de ganancias, ahorros, datos, pérdida de beneficios, reclamaciones de
terceros y cualquier daño a propiedades o daños personales derivados de o
relacionados con el uso del Dispositivo..
14. La garantía no cubrirá:
- daños mecánicos (grietas, fracturas, cortes, abrasiones, deformaciones físicas
causadas por impacto, caídas o dejar caer el dispositivo u otro objeto, uso incorrecto
o no consultar el manual de instrucciones);
Warranty terms - Canada
1. The Guarantee is provided by FIBAR GROUP SA (hereinafter "Manufacturer"),
based in Poznan, ul. Lotnicza 1; 60-421 Poznan, entered into the register of the
National Court Register kept by the District Court in Poznań, VIII Economic
Department of the National Court Register, under no. 553265, NIP 7811858097,
REGON: 301595664.
2. The Manufacturer is responsible for equipment malfunction resulting from physical
defects (manufacturing or material) of the Device during 12 months for business / 24
months for individual customers from the date of its purchase.
3. During the Guarantee period, the Manufacturer shall remove any defects, free of
charge, by repairing or replacing (at the sole discretion of the Manufacturer) any
defective components of the device with new or regenerated components that are free
from defects. When the repair proves impossible, the Manufacturer reserves the right
to replace the device with a new or regenerated one, which shall be free from any
defects and its quality shall not be worse than the original device owned by the
4. In special cases, when the device cannot be replaced with the device of the same
type (e.g. the device is no longer available), the Manufacturer can replace it with a
different device having technical parameters similar to the faulty one. Such activity shall
be considered as fulfilling the obligations of the Manufacturer. The Manufacturer shall
not refund money paid for the device.
5. The holder of a valid guarantee shall submit a guarantee claim through the
guarantee service. Remember: before you submit a guarantee claim, contact our
technical support using telephone or e-mail. More than 50% of operational problems
are resolved remotely, saving time and money spent to initiating guarantee procedure.
If remote support is insufficient, the Customer shall fill the guarantee claim form (using
our website - www.fibaro.com) in order to obtain claim authorization. When the
guarantee claim form is submitted correctly, the Customer shall receive the claim
confirmation with a unique number (Return Merchandise Authorization -RMA).
Conditions de la garantie - Canada
1. La société FIBAR GROUP S.A. (ci-après dénommée le „Producteur”) ayant son siège à
Poznań, ul. Lotnicza 1; 60-421 Poznań, immatriculée au registre des entrepreneurs du
Registre Judiciaire National tenu par la VIII Section Économique du Tribunal de District
sous le numéro 553265, NIP 7811858097, REGON 301595664, le capital social de 1 182
100 PLN, garantit la qualité du Dispositif.
2. Le Producteur est responsable pour le fonctionnement défectueux du Dispositif résultant
de défauts physiques (du matériel ou du processus de fabrication) inhérents à ce Dispositif
dans les délais de :
- 24 mois après la date de sa vente pour l’utilisateur final, s’il s’agit d’un consommateur,
- 12 mois après la date de sa vente pour l’utilisateur final, s’il s’agit d’une entreprise.
3. Dans la période de la Garantie, le Producteur s’engage à éliminer gratuitement tout
défaut détecté en réparant ou en échangeant (selon le choix exclusif du Producteur) tout
élément défectueux du Dispositif par un élément neuf ou réparé et sans aucun défaut. Si
la réparation est impossible à réaliser, le Producteur se réserve le droit d’échanger le
Dispositif défectueux par un exemplaire neuf ou réparé et sans aucun défaut, dont l’état
physique ne serait pas pire que celui qui est propriété du Client.
4. Si le remplacement, dans des cas particuliers (p. ex: le manque de Dispositif dans son
offre commercial), du Dispositif par un autre exemplaire du même type est impossible, le
Producteur pourra le changer par un autre, ayant des caractéristiques techniques les plus
proches à celles du dispositif original. Une telle action est considérée comme une
réalisation correcte des obligations du Producteur. Le Producteur ne remboursera pas le
prix de vente du Dispositif.
5. Seul le titulaire d’un document de garantie valable peut présenter une demande au titre
de la garantie. Note: Avant de faire une demande de garantie, veuillez consulter nos
ressources d’aide téléphonique et en ligne. Dans la majorité des cas, les problèmes des
utilisateurs sont résolus à distance, ce qui permet d’éviter toute perte de temps et des frais
au titre d’une procédure de garantie inutile. S’il n’est pas possible résoudre votre problème
à distance nous allons vous demander de bien vouloir remplir un formulaire de demande
d’intervention pour pouvoir obtenir une autorisation sur notre site web www.fibaro.com. Si
votre demande d’intervention est correcte, vous recevrez une confirmation de son
acceptation et le numéro de demande unique (RMA).
6. Il existe également la possibilité de faire une réclamation par téléphone. Dans ce cas-là
l’entretien sera enregistré et le consultant en avertira le Client avant de recevoir la
réclamation. Immédiatement après avoir reçu la réclamation, le consultant vous
communiquera votre numéro unique de demande (RMA).
7. Dans le cas d’une déclaration de réclamation correcte, le Client recevra le contact au
Service de garantie autorisé (ci-après dénommée le „SGA”). Le Client est invité à contacter
le SGA et y fournir le Dispositif.
8. Tout défaut détecté au cours de la validité de la garantie sera éliminé dans les 30 jours
au maximum, à compter de la date de livraison du Dispositif au SGA. La durée de la
garantie est prolongée d’une durée équivalente à la période pendant laquelle le Dispositif
était disponible pour le SGA.
9. Le Client doit mettre à disposition le dispositif contesté avec l’équipement standard
complet et les documents attestant son achat.
10. Les pièces remplacées dans le cadre de la garantie resteront propriété du Producteur.
Toutes les pièces remplacées dans le cadre du processus de réclamation seront garanties
pour la même période que celle de la garantie de base du Dispositif. La période de la
garantie pour la pièce remplacée ne sera pas prolongée.
6. The claim can be also submitted by telephone. In this case, the call is recorded and
the Customer shall be informed about it by a consultant before submitting the claim.
Immediately after submitting the claim, the consultant shall provide the Customer with
the claim number (RMA-number). The collection and use of any personal information
by Manufacturer will be treated in accordance with Manufacturer’s Privacy Policy
available on www.fibaro.com.
7. When the guarantee claim form is submitted correctly, a representative of the
Authorised Guarantee Service (hereinafter as "AGS") shall contact the Customer.
8. Defects revealed within the guarantee period shall be removed not later than 30
days from the date of delivering the device to AGS. The guarantee period shall be
extended by the time in which the device was kept by AGS.
9. A faulty device shall be provided by the Customer with complete standard equipment
and documents proving its purchase.
10. Parts replaced under the guarantee are the property of the Manufacturer. The
guarantee for all parts replaced in the guarantee process shall be equal to the
guarantee period of the original device. The duration of the guarantee shall be
extended for a period equal to the time during which the Manufacturer has had the
device or a part of the device in its possession for the performance of the guarantee.
11. Costs of delivering the faulty device shall be borne by the Customer. For unjustified
service calls,
the Service can charge the Customer with travel expenses and handling costs related
to the case.
12. AGS shall not accept a complaint claim only when:
- the device was misused or the manual was not observed,
- the device was provided by the Customer incomplete, without accessories or
- it was determined that the fault was caused by other reasons than a material or
manufacturing defect of the device
- the guarantee document is not valid or there is no proof of purchase,
13. The Manufacturer shall not be liable for damage to property caused by defective
device. The Manufacturer shall not be liable for indirect, incidental, special, consequen-
tial or punitive damage, or for any damage, including, inter alia, loss of profits, savings,
data, loss of benefits, claims by third parties and any property damage or personal
injuries arising from or related to the use of the device.
14. The guarantee shall not cover:
- mechanical damage (cracks, fractures, cuts, abrasions, physical deformations
caused by impact, falling or dropping the device or other object, improper use or not
observing the operating manual);
- damage resulting from external causes, e.g.: flood, storm, fire, lightning, natural
disasters, earthquakes, war, civil disturbance, force majeure, unforeseen accidents,
theft, water damage, liquid leakage, battery spill, weather conditions, sunlight, sand,
moisture, high or low temperature, air pollution;
- damage caused by malfunctioning software, attack of a computer virus, or by failure
to update the software as recommended by the Manufacturer;
- damage resulting from: surges in power supply and/or telecommunication network,
improper connection to the grid in a manner inconsistent with the operating manual, or
from connecting other devices not
recommended by the Manufacturer.
- damage caused by operating or storing the device in extremely adverse conditions,
i.e. high humidity, dust, too low (freezing) or too high ambient temperature. Detailed
permissible conditions for operating the device are defined in the operating manual;
- damage caused by using accessories not recommended by the Manufacturer
- damage caused by faulty electrical installation of the Customer, including the use of
incorrect fuses;
- damage caused by Customer's failure to provide maintenance and servicing activities
defined in the operating manual;
- damage resulting from the use of spurious spare parts or accessories improper for
given model, repairing and introducing alterations by unauthorized persons;
- defects caused by operating faulty device or accessories.
15. The scope of the guarantee repairs shall not include periodic maintenance and
inspections, in particular
cleaning, adjustments, operational checks, correction of errors or parameter
programming and other activities that should be performed by the user (Buyer). The
guarantee shall not cover natural wear and tear of the device and its components listed
in the operating manual and in technical documentation as such elements have a
defined operational life.
16. If a defect is not covered by the guarantee, the Manufacturer reserves the right to
remove such defect at its sole discretion, repairing the damaged or destroyed parts or
providing components necessary for repair or replacement.
17. This guarantee shall not exclude, limit or suspend the Customer rights when the
provided product is inconsistent with the purchase agreement.
18. This guarantee can be transferred.
19. This guarantee shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of the
Province of Quebec and the laws of Canada applicable therein.
Industry Canada (IC) Compliance Notice
This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject
to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this
device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired
operation of the device.
Cet appareil est conforme aux normes d’exemption de licence RSS d’Industry
Canada. Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) cet
appareil ne doit pas causer d’interférence et (2) cet appareil doit accepter toute
interférence, notamment les interférences qui peuvent affecter son fonctionnement.
11. Les frais du transport du dispositif contesté sont à la charge du Client. En cas de
déclaration de réclamation injustifiée, le SGA peut charger le Client des frais liés avec la
clarification du cas.
12. Le SGA n’acceptera pas votre réclamation uniquement dans les cas suivants:
- si le Dispositif n’était pas utilisé conformément à sa destination et aux instructions
- si le Client a fourni le Dispositif incomplet, sans équipement, sans plaque signalétique,
- si la cause du défaut est autre qu’un défaut matériel ou un vice de fabrication inhérent au
- si le document de garantie n’est pas valable et il manque la preuve d’achat.
13. Le Producteur décline toute responsabilité pour tout dommage aux biens causé par le
Dispositif défectueux. Le Producteur ne peut être tenu pour responsable de quelconques
dommages indirects, accessoires, spéciaux, résultants ou des dommages moraux ni des
pertes, y compris la perte de profit, d’économies, de données, d’avantages, de réclamation
présentée par un tiers et tous les dommages corporels et matériels résultant ou liés avec
l’utilisation du présent Dispositif.
14. Cette garantie de qualité ne couvre pas :
- des lésions mécaniques (fissures, fractures, coupures, écorchures, déformations
physiques causées par un choc, une chute du Dispositif même ou par la chute d’un autre
objet sur le Dispositif ou les dommages causés par le fonctionnement du Dispositif pour
des usages autres que ceux décrits dans le manuel d’utilisation);
- des endommagements résultant des causes externes, par ex.: inondations, orages,
incendies, coups de foudre, fléaux de la nature, tremblements de terre, guerres,
mouvements sociales, force majeure, accidents, vols, inondations par un liquide, fuites du
liquide des piles, conditions atmosphériques, rayons solaires, sable, humidité,
températures hautes et basses, pollution de l’air;
- des dommages causés par un logiciel fonctionnant d’une manière incorrecte, une attaque
de virus, ou l’absence de la mise à jour du logiciel, recommandée par le Producteur;
- des dommages résultant de: la surtension dans le réseau d’alimentation et / ou de
télécommunication ou de se connecter au réseau électrique d’une manière incompatible
avec les instructions ou à cause de la connexion des autres produits dont la connexion
n’est pas recommandée par le Producteur.
- des dommages causés par le fonctionnement ou le stockage du Dispositif dans des
conditions extrêmement défavorables, soit une forte humidité, la poussière, la température
ambiante trop basse (gel) ou trop élevée. Vous trouverez les conditions détaillées dans
lesquelles il est permis d’utiliser les Dispositifs dans le mode d’emploi;
- des dommages causés par l’utilisation d’accessoires non recommandés par le
- des dommages causés par l’installation électrique défectueuse de l’utilisateur, y compris
l’utilisation de fusibles inadéquats;
- des dommages causés par l’omission par le Client de la maintenance et d’entretien
prévus dans le mode d’emploi;
- des dommages résultant de l’utilisation des pièces de rechange et de l’équipement
non-original, incompatibles à un modèle particulier, liés avec les réparations et les
modifications réalisées par des personnes non autorisées;
- des défauts causés par la continuation du travail avec le Dispositif ou l’équipement
15. Ne rentrent pas dans le cadre des interventions au titre de la garantie les travaux de
maintien périodiques, ni les contrôles du Dispositif et, en particulier, nettoyage, régulation,
contrôle du fonctionnement, correction des erreurs d’utilisation ou la configuration des
paramètres ainsi que toute autre activité dont le responsable est l’utilisateur (Acquéreur).
Cette garantie ne couvre pas des défauts causés par l’usure normale du Dispositif et
d’autres pièces indiquées dans les instructions d’utilisation et dans la documentation
technique dont le temps de fonctionnement est expressément déterminé.
16. Si le type d’endommagement du produit n’est pas couvert par la garantie, le Producteur
se réserve le droit de remédier à ce défaut à sa seule discrétion, en effectuant des
réparations de la pièce endommagée ou détruite ou bien en facilitant l’acquisition des
composants nécessaires à la réparation ou au remplacement.
17. La garantie pour la marchandise vendue n`exclue pas, ne limite pas ni suspend les
droits de l`acquéreur résultant des garanties légales.
18. Cette garantie peut-être transféré à un autre propriétaire.
19. La présente garantie est régie et doit être interprétée conformément aux lois de la
province de Québec et aux lois fédérales du Canada qui s'y appliquent.
- daños resultantes por causas externas, p. ej.: inundaciones, tormentas, fuegos,
relámpagos, desastres naturales, terremotos, guerras, disturbios civiles, fuerza
mayor, accidentes imprevistos, robo, daño por agua, fuga de líquidos, vertidos de las
baterías, condiciones climáticas, luz del sol, arena, humedad, alta o baja temperatura
contaminación del aire;
- daños causados por mal funcionamiento del software, ataques de un virus
informático, o por no actualizar el software tal como recomienda el Fabricante;
- daños resultantes de: subidas de tensión en el suministro eléctrico y/o red de
telecomunicaciones, conexionado incorrecto a la red eléctrica de forma incompatible
con el manual de instrucciones, o por conectar otros dispositivos no recomendados
por el Fabicante.
- daños causados por operar o almacenas el dispositivo en condiciones extremada-
mente adversas, p.ej. alta humedad, polvo, temperatura ambiente demasiado baja
(congelación) o demasiado alta. Condiciones detalladas permisibles para operar el
Dispositivo están detalladas en el manual de instrucciones;
- daños causados por el uso de accesorios no recomendados por el Fabricante
- daños causados por instalaciones eléctricas defectuosas del Cliente, incluso el uso
de fusibles defectuosos;
- daños causados por la incapacidad del Cliente en actividades de mantenimiento y
servicio definidas en el manual de instrucciones;
- daños resultantes del uso de piezas manipuladas o accesorios incorrectos para un
modelo dado, reparaciones e introducción de alteraciones por personal no
- defectos causados al operar un Dispositivo o accesorios defectuosos.
15. El alcance de la reparación en la garantía no incluirá mantenimientos periódicos
ni inspecciones, en particular limpieza, ajustes, chequeos operacionales, corrección
de errores o programación de parámetros y otras actividades que deberían ser
realizadas por el usuario (Comprador). La garantía no cubrirá el desgaste natural del
Dispositivo y sus componentes listados en el manual de instrucciones y en la
documentación técnica tal que tales elementos tienen una vida operativa definida.
16. Si un defecto no está cubierto por la garantía, el Fabricante se reserva el derecho
de quitar tal defecto a su entera discreción, reparando las piezas dañadas o
destruidas y proporcionando los componentes necesarios para su reparación o
17. Esta garantía no excluirá, limitará o suspenderá los derechos del Cliente cuando
el producto proporcionado es incompatible con el acuerdo de compra.
El cliente deberá hacer una reclamación mediante notificación por escrito a la
compañía a través de la información de contacto que aparece en su sitio web
www.fibaro.com o poniéndose en contacto con la Compañía a través del número de
teléfono que aparece en la página web. Las conversaciones telefónicas podrán ser
grabadas. La Compañía emitirá un número de reclamo designado por cada
reclamación hecha. El cliente puede ser contactado por un representante de servicio
de garantía autorizado para concertar una fecha para una inspección del producto.
Esta inspección deberá estar en presencia del cliente. El producto objeto de la
reclamación se pondrá a disposición por conducto del cliente, junto con el
equipamiento correspondiente y los documentos que confirman la compra del
producto. Los defectos cubiertos (según lo determinado por la compañía o de su
representante autorizado) encontrados durante el periodo de garantía limitada serán
resueltas dentro de los treinta (30) días desde la fecha de la inspección, o de la fecha
en que el producto se entrega a la compañía o de su representante de servicio
autorizado, el que sea más tarde. El período de garantía limitada se prolongará por el
tiempo que el producto está en poder del representante de servicio autorizado o la
Recuerde: antes de presentar una reclamación de garantía, póngase en contacto con
nuestro soporte técnico mediante teléfono o correo electrónico. Más del 50% de los
problemas de funcionamiento se pueden resolver de forma remota, ahorrando tiempo
y dinero invertido para iniciar la tramitación de la reclamación.
La operación de este equipo está sujeta a las siguientes dos condiciones:
1. Es posible que este equipo o dispositivo no cause interferencia perjudicial.
2. Este equipo o dispositivo debe aceptar cualquier interferencia. Incluyendo la
que pueda causar su operación no deseada.
- Danos resultantes de causas externas, como por exemplo: inundação,
tempestade, incêndio, raio, desastres naturais, terremotos, guerras, distúrbios
civis, força maior, acidentes imprevistos, roubo, danos causados pela água,
vazamento de líquido, derramamento de bateria, condições meteorológicas, sol,
areia, humidade, temperatura alta ou baixa, poluição do ar;
- Danos causados por software com defeito, ataque de vírus de computador, ou
por falta de atualização de software, recomendada pelo fabricante;
- Danos resultantes de: picos de fonte de alimentação e / ou rede de telecomunica-
ções, ligação incorreta à rede e / ou de forma incompatível com o manual de
funcionamento, ou da ligação de outros dispositivos não recomendados pelo
- Danos causados por operar ou armazenar o dispositivo em condições
extremamente adversas, ou seja, alta humidade, poeira, temperatura ambiente
muito baixa (congelamento) ou muito alta. Condições admissíveis detalhadas para
a utilização do dispositivo definidas no manual de instruções;
- Danos causados pelo uso de acessórios não recomendados pelo Fabricante
- Danos causados por instalação elétrica defeituosa do Cliente, incluindo o uso de
fusíveis incorretos;
- Danos causados por falta de atividades de manutenção e de serviço por parte do
Cliente definidos no manual de instruções;
- Danos resultantes do uso de peças sobressalentes falsas ou acessórios
impróprios para determinado modelo, reparações e introdução de alterações por
pessoas não autorizadas;
- Defeitos causados por má utilização do dispositivo ou acessório com defeito.
15. O âmbito das reparações em garantia não inclui manutenção e inspeções
periódicas, nomeadamente limpeza, ajustes, verificações operacionais, correção
de erros ou programação de parâmetros e outras atividades que devem ser
executadas pelo usuário (Comprador). A garantia não cobre o desgaste natural do
dispositivo e dos seus componentes listados no manual de operação e na
documentação técnica visto tais elementos terem uma vida operacional definida.
16. Se um defeito não é coberto pela garantia, o Fabricante reserva-se o direito de
remover tal defeito a seu exclusivo critério, reparar as partes danificadas ou
destruídas ou fornecer componentes necessários para a reparação ou
17. Esta garantia não exclui, limita ou suspende os direitos do Cliente quando o
produto fornecido seja inconsistente com o acordo de compra.
manual version: S-v2.2