11 Sp
Filtro • Regulador de Presión • Lubricador Modelo PA2078
Para ordenar repuestos, sírvase
llamar al concesionario más
cercano a su domicilio
Figura 2
Lista De Repuestos
1 Envase de metal con manometro visual ▼ 2
2 Anillo en O (Envase) ▼ ■ 2
3 Base del elemento del filtro ■ 1
4 ■ Elemento del filtro PA1165000 1
5 Deflector ■ 1
6 Resorte de la válvula ▲ 1
7 Anillo en O (Vástago de la válvula) ▲ 1
8 Vástago de la válvula ▲ 1
9 Anillo en O (Vástago de la válvula) ▲ 1
10 Cuerpo y cubierta del filtro/regulador -- 1
11 Manómetro SV899600AV 1
12 Conector - 6,4 mm (1/4”) NPT SV995500AV 1
13 Ensamblaje del diafragma ▲ 1
14 Anillo -- 1
15 Resorte principal -- 1
16 Tuerca del tornillo ajustador -- 1
No. de
Ref. Descripción Repuesto Ctd.
17 Tornillo ajustador -- 1
18 Arandela de empuje -- 1
19 Roscas -- 1
20 Tuerca del panel ● 1
21 Perilla ● 1
22 Ensamblaje de la abrazadera en T SV995200AV 1
23 Cuerpo y cubierta del lubricador -- 1
▲ Piezas de reparación SV995700AJ 1
▼ Ensamblaje del envase de metal SV994900AV 1
■ Juego de filtros SV995000AV 1
● Ensamblaje de la perilla SV995800AJ 1
∆ Abrazadera en T con bloque
9,5 mm (3/8”) NPT SV995800AJ 1
∆ Abrazadera en T con bloque
6,4 mm (1/4”) NPT SV995900AJ 1
∆ No se muestra (Artículos para conexión con otros components
robustos de las líneas de aire o el sistema de tuberías.
No. de
Ref. Descripción Repuesto Ctd.
Puede escribirnos a:
The Campbell Group
Attn: Parts Department
100 Production Drive
Harrison, OH 45030 U.S.A.
Sirvase darnos la siguiente información:
- Número del modelo
- Número de Serie o código con fecha (de haberlo)
- Descripción y número del repuesto según la lista
de repuestos
2. Antes de comenzar a utilizar la
unidad, cerciórese de que el envase
esté bien instalado y asegurado.
Servicio Técnico
Para mayor información sobre el
funcionamiento o reparación de este
producto, comuníquese al 1-800-543-
6400. Si está llamando de Ohio o fuera
de los Estados Unidos, comuníquese al
Mantenimiento (Cont.)
relief of air pressure. After the
relief plug has been removed, the
bowl can also be removed. Pour oil
into the bowl and replace. Replace
fill plug before resuming
operation. Do NOT replace the
relief plug until the bowl is securely
locked in place.
Release all pressure before
attempting to install, service,
relocate or perform any
maintenance on the air system.
Personal injury and/or property
damage could occur.
Always depress-
urize the unit
before removing the bowl. Personal
injury and/or property damage could
occur. If bowl is difficult to remove, it
may be under pressure.
1. Inspect and replace cracked,
damaged or deteriorated seals and
bowls. Wipe bowls with a soft, dry
cloth to clean.
2. Replace or clean filter element
periodically. Remove the filter
element and tap filter on a hard
surface or use an air gun to blow
out residual dirt.
3. Drain bowls at least once per work
shift. To avoid spray or splatter,
cover bottom of filter with a cloth
and turn the manual drain
4. Before placing the unit in service,
make sure the bowl is reinstalled
and securely locked in place.
The regulator can be disassembled for
servicing without removal from the
1. Shut-off air to the filter, regulator
and lubricator (F/R/L) and release
all pressure from the system on
both sides of the F/R/L.
2. Turn adjusting knob
counterclockwise to relieve
compression on spring.
3. Turn entire knob assembly
counterclockwise to remove (See
Figure 2).
4. Remove the diaphragm assembly.
5. By removing the filter assembly
and spring, the valve stem is
removable from the bottom of the
1. In clean operating conditions, this
unit is generally trouble-free.
Contaminants may collect on the
inlet filter. To clean filter, tap on a
hard surface and use an air gun to
blow off residual dirt.
2. Before placing the unit in service,
make sure the bowl is reinstalled
and securely locked in place.
Technical Service
For information regarding the
operation or repair of this product,
please call 1-800-543-6400. If you are
calling from Ohio or outside the
continental United States, Please call
with an arrow on the body to
indicate the air flow direction (See
Figure 1).
4. Install the unit with the same pipe
size as the piping in use. Avoid
using unnecessary fittings,
couplings, etc., that restrict airflow.
5. Connect the air supply to the inlet
Ensure the regu-
lator adjusting
knob is unlocked when adjusting
pressure. The regulator will be
damaged if the knob is turned in the
locked position.
1. Fill the lubricator bowl with
Campbell Hausfeld Oil
(ST127000AV) or clean, non deter-
gent SAE 10 oil.
2. Before pressurizing system, make
certain the bowls are securely
locked in place by pushing the
bowls into filter body and lubricator
body and turning clockwise to lock.
3. Unlock the regulator adjusting
knob by pulling knob away from
the regulator.
4. Turn the regulator adjusting knob
counterclockwise until no load is on
the regulating spring.
5. Turn on the air pressure supply and
turn the adjusting knob clockwise
until the desired outlet pressure is
reached. Push the regulator
adjusting knob toward the
regulator to lock in desired
6. The oil flow is controlled by the
clear adjusting knob. Turn knob
counter-clockwise for more or
clockwise for less oil delivery. The
oil delivery rate automatically
adjusts with changes in air flow.
7. The lubricator can be refilled while
the system is under pressure.
Slowly remove relief plug to allow