Sharp HT-SB30 El manual del propietario

Altavoces de la barra de sonido
El manual del propietario

Este manual también es adecuado para

CAUTION PCCRegulationsstatethatany unauthorizedchanges
or modificationsto this equipmentnot expresslyap-
proved by the manufacturer could void the user's
authoritytooperatethis equipment
FCCRadiation Exposure Statement
ExplanationofGraphicalSymbols: This devicecomplieswiththe limitsfora ClassB digital
Thelightningflashwitharrowheadsymbol,within device, pursuanttoPart 15of the FCCRules.It must
notbeco-located oroperating inconjunctionwithany
Operationissubjecttothe followingtwo conditions:
shocktopersons 1 Thisdevicemay notcauseharmfulitlerferenca, and
._ 2. Thisdevicemust accept anyinterferencoreceived.
including interference that may cause undesired
theappliance operation
..........................................................................................................................................................This equipmentshouldbe installedandoperatedwith
a minimumdistanceof20cm betweentheradiatorand
WARNING:TO REDUCE THE RISK OF PIRE/ person's body (excluding extremities: hands,wrists.
APPLIANCETORAINORMOISTURE. IC Radiation Exposure Statement (For users in
Foryourassistenceinreportingthis unitin caseoMoss The radio communicationsdevice itlcorporatedinto
ortheft,pleeserecordbelowthemodelnumberandso- this apparatusmeets all requirementsd theIndustry
dalnumberwhicharelocatedon therearof theunit. CanadaRadioPrequencyExposureRules RSS-210
PleaserEteinthis information This ClassBdigitalapparatuscomplieswith theCana-
Model number .............................. dian ICES-gO3ClassBspedfications
Serial number .............................. Operationissubjecttothe followingtwo conditions:
Date of purchase .............................. 1 Thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterference,and
Place of purchase .............................. 2. Thisdevicemust acceptanyinterferencereceived,in-
NOTE This equipmentshouldbe installedandoperatedwith
Thisequipmenthasbeentestedaodfouodtocomplywith a minimumdistanceof20cm betweentheradiatorand
thelimitsfor aClassB digitaldevice,pursuanttoPad 15 person's body (excluding extremities: hands,wrists,
ofthe FCCRules.Theselimitsaredesignedto provide feet andankles)
residentialinstallationThisequipmentgenerates,uses, rNotetoCATVsysteminstaller:
andcan radiateradiofrequency energyand, if not in- / ThisreminderisprovidedtocelltheCAWsysteminstaller'sat-
stalledandusedin accordancewiththe instructions,may / tentJontoArticle820oftheNationalElectricalCodethatprovides
| guidelinesforpropergroundingand,inparticular,specifiesthat
cause harmful interferenceto radio communications | thecablegroundshellbeconnectedtotilegroundingsystemof
However,thereisno guaranteethat interferencewillnot Lthebuilding,asclosetothepointofcableentryaspractical
occurin aparticularinstallafionIf this equipmentdoes
causeharmfulinterferenceto radioortelevisionrecep- ENERGY STAR e Program Information
tJon,whichcan bedeterminedbytunfing the equipment
offand on. the useris encouragedto tryto correctthe
interferencebyoneor moreofthefollowingmeasures: Productsthathaveearned
Reorientor relocatethe receivingantenna the ENERGY STAR e are
increasethe separationbetweenthe equipment designed to protectthe
andreceiver, environmentthrough
Connecttheequipmentintoanoutletona circuitdif- superiorenergyefficiency.
Consultthe dealer or an experiencedradiofTV ENERGYSTARe is a U.S. registeredmark.
Electricityis used to performmany usdul functions,
but it can alsocause personalinjuries and property
damageif impropedyhandled.This producthasbeen
engineeredand manufacturedwith thehighestpnority
on safety However,improperuse can resultin electric
shockand/orfire In orderto preventpotentialdanger,
please observethe followinginstructionswhen install-
ing,operatinganddeaningtheproduct Toensureyour
safetyandprolongtheservicelifedthis product,please
I) Readtheseinstructions
2) Keeptheseinstructions
3) Heedaliwarnings.
4) Followallinstructions
5) Donot usethisapparatusnearwater.
6) Clean onlywith dry cloth.
7) Donot blockany ventiiafionopenings.Installin
8) Donot installnearanyheatsourcessuchas ra-
9) Donotdefeatthesafetypurposeofthe polarized
or grouoding-typeplug.A polarizedplughas two
bladeswithonewider thantheother.Agrounding
type plug hastwo bladesand a third grounding
prong.Thewidebladeor the thirdprongarepro-
videdfor your safety.If the providedplugdoes
not fit into your oufiet, consultan electricianfor
10) Protectthe power cord from beingwalked on
or pinched parficuiartyat plugs, converuesoe
recaptades,and the pointwherethey exit from
11) Only use attaohmentsiacoessodesspecifiedby
12) Useonlywith the cart. stand, ._
tripod, bracket, or table specF
fled by the manufacturer,or
soldwith theapparatus.When
a cart is used, use caution
when movingthecart/appara-
tus combinationtoavoid injuryfromtip-over.
13) Unplugthisapparatusduringlightningstormsor
whenunusedfor longperiodsoftime.
14) Referall servicingto qualifiedservice person-
net.Servicing is required when tire apparatus
hasbeendamaged inanyway,suchas power-
supplycord orplug isdamaged,liquidhasbeen
spilledor objectshave fallenintotheapparatus.
theapparatushasbeenexposedtorain ormois-
ture. does not operate non'nally,or has been
Additional Safety Information
15) PowerSources- This product shouldbe oper-
atedonlyfromthe typeofpowersourceindicated
on the markinglabel If you arenotsure of the
typeof povyersupplytoyour home.consultyour
uotintendedto operatefrom batterypower, or
16) Overloading- Donot ovedoedvyaiIoutlets,exten-
sion cords,or integralconveniencerecaptades
asthis canresultinarisk offireor electncshock.
17) Object and Liquid Entry - Neverpush objects
of any kind into this product throughopenings
as they maytouch dangerousvoltage pointsor
shod-outparts thatcouldresuifina fireorelectric
Topreventfire orshockhazard,donot exposethis
18) DamageRequiringService- Unplugthis product
fromthewall oufiet andreferservicingto quali-
fiedservicepersonnelunderthe followingcondi-
a When theAC cord orplugis damaged,
b Ifliquidhasbeenspilled,orobjectshavefallen
c if theproducthasbeenexposedtorainorwater
d Ifthe productdoes notoperatenon'nallybyfol-
lowingthe operating instructionsAdjust only
controlsmayresultindamageandwill oftenrs-
quireextensiveworkbya qualifiedtechnicianto
restorethe productto itsnormaloperation,
e Ifthe producthasbeendroppedordamagedin
f Whenthe productexhibitsa distinctchangein
performance-thisindicatesa needforservice
19) ReplacementParts - When replacementparts
arerequired,be surethe servicetechnidanhas
used replacementparts specifiedbythe manu-
factureror have thesamecharacteristicsasthe
odginal part Unauthorized substitutionsmay
20) SafetyCheck- Upon completionof anyservice
or repairstothis product,askthe servicetechni-
cianto performsafetychecksto determinethat
theproductisin properoperatingcondition.
21) Wall or ceiling mounting- Whenmountingthe
producton awall orcoiling,be sureto installthe
productaccordingtothe methodrecommended
bythe manufacturer.
22) PowerLines-An outsideantennasystemshould
notbe locatedin the vicinityofoverheadpower
lines or otherelectric lightor powercircuits, or
whereit canfall intosuchpowerlinesorcircuits.
Wheninstallingan outsideantennasystem,ex-
tremecare shouldbe takento keepfrom touch-
ing such power linesor circuitsas contactwith
23) ProtectiveAttachment Plug - The product is
equippedwith an attachmentplug havingover-
load protection This is a safety feature See
InstructionManualfor replacementor resetting
of protectivedevice If replacementof the plug
is required,be sure the servicetechnidan has
used areplacementplugspecifiedbythe manu-
24) Stand - Donotplacethe producton anunstable
cad,stand,tripodortable Placingthe producton
an unstablebase can causethe productto fall,
resultingin serious personalinjuriesas well as
damageto the product Use onlya cart,stand,
tripod, bracket or table recommendedby the
manufactureror sold with the product When
mountingthe producton a walk be sure tofol-
lowthe manufacturer'sinstructionsUse onlythe
mountinghardwarerecommendedbythe manu-
Pleaseensurethatthe equipmentis positionedin
a well-ventitatedarea andensure thatthere is at
least4" (10cm)offree spacealongthe sides and
topofthe equipment
10 cm (4")
I1o cm (4") 10 om (_)
Use the unit on a firm, level surface free from
Keep the unit away from direct sunlight, strong
magnetic fields, excessive dust, humidity and
facsimiles,etc.)which generateelectrical noise
Donotplace anything ontop of the unit
Do not expose the unit to moisture, to tempera-
tures higher than 140°F (60°C) or to extremely
If yoursystem does notwork properly,disconnect
theAC powercord fromthe AC outletandreplug
Incase d an electricalstorm, unplugthe unit for
Hdd theAC power plugbythe headwhen remov-
ing it fromthe AC outlet, as puttingthe cord can
The AC power plug is used as a disconnect de-
vice andshallalwaysremain readilyoperable
Do not remove the outer cover, as this may
result in electric shock. Refer internal service
to your local SHARPservicefacility.
This unit should onlybe used within therange of
41°F- 95°F (5°C- 35°C)
SHARP is not responsible for damage due to
improper use Refer ait servicing to a SHARP
The supplied AC/DC adaptor contains no user
serviceableparts. Never remove covers unless
qualifiedtodo so itcontains dangerousvoltages,
always remove mains plugfrom the main outlet
socketbefore anyservice operation or when not
in usefor along period.
The AC/DC adaptor supplied with the HT-SB30
/HT-SB20 must not be used with other equip-
Neveruse an AC/DC adaptor otherthan the one
specified Otherwise,problemor serioushazards
maybe created
The voltageuoed mustbe thesameas thatspeci-
fied on this unit Using this product with ahigher
voltageotherthan that which is specified is dan-
gerousand mayresultin afireorothertype ofac-
cidentcausingdamage SHARPwill not be held
responsiblefor anydamage resultingfrom use of
this unit with a voltage other than that which is
factors Itis advisabletoavoidexposureto high
SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORATION warrants to the first consumer purchaser that this Sharp brand product (the
"Product"), when ship in its orrginal container, will be fr_ from defective workmanship and materials, and agrees that it will,
at its optEon, e[iher repair the defect or replace the defective Prod uct or part thereof with a new or remanufaclured eq uivalent
at no charge to the purchaser for pads or labor for the period(s) set fodh below
This warranty does not apply to any appea_nce items of the Product nor to the additional excluded [iem (s) set forth below
nor to any Product the exterior of which has b_n damaged or defaced, which has been subj_ted to improper voltage or
other misuse, abnormal servi_ or handling, or whEch has been altered or modified in design or construction
In order to enforce the rights under this limit ed warranty, the purchaser should follow the steps set fodh below and provide
proof of purchase to the seHicer
The limited war_nty described herein is in addition to whatever implied warranties may be granted to purchase_ by law
limitations on how long an implied war_nty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you
Neither the sales pe_onnel of the seller nor any other person is authorized to make any warranties other than those
described herein, or to exiend the duration of any warran_es beyond the time period described herein on behalf of Sharp
The war_nties described herein shall be the _le and exclusive warranties granted by Sharp and shall be the sole and
exclusive remedy available to the purchaser Correction of def_ts, in the manner and for the period of time described
herein, shall constitute complete f'Jlfillment of all liabilities and responsibilities of Sharp to the purchaser with resp_t to the
Prod uch and shall constitute full satisfaction of all claim s, whether based on cont_co negligence, strict liability or ot he_ise
In no event shall Sharp be liable, or in any way responsible, for any damages or defects in the Product which were caused
by repairs or attempted repairs performed by anyone other than an authorized sorrier Nor shall Sharp be liable or in any
way responsible for any incidental or consequential _onomic or properly damage Some states do not allow the exclusion
of incidental or consequential damages, _ the above exclusion may not apply to you
Model Specific S_tion
Your Product Model Number & Description:
Warranty Period for this Product:
Additional Item(s) Excluded from Warranty Coverage
(if any):
Where to Obtain Se_ice:
HT-SB20/HT-SB3O Sound Bar Home Theater System
(Be sure to have this information available when you n_d
seHice for your Product)
One (1) year pads and labor from the date of purchase
Non-f'Jnctional accessories, supplies, and consumable
At a Sharp Authorized Servi_r located in the United States
To find a location of the nearest Sharp AuthoNzed Servicer,
call Sharp toll fr_ at 1 800-BE-SHARP
Ship prepaEd or carry in your Product to a Sharp Authorized
SeHi_r Be sure to have Proof of Purchase avmlable If
you ship the Product, be sure it is insured and packaged
Sharp Plaza Mahwah New Jersey 07495.1163
ExpUcacion de los simbolos graficos:
tpepeligmdedescalgasdectrlcasa aspe.....
Pareasistidoal reportgrestaunidedencaso deper-/
n8merodesedequeestanIocelizadosen laportepos-/
teriordela unidadPorfavorguardeestainformation /
NQmero de modelo .............................. /
NQmero de scrip .............................. /
Fecha de compra .............................. I
Lugar de compra .............................. j
dispcaitivcedigitalesde ClaseB, de conformidadcon la
Parfe15 delRegiamentode ia FCC.Estcegmitesestan
disefiadospara propordonaruna protecdCnrazoeable
contrainterferendasperjudiciaiesen unainstaladCnresi-
deradiofrscuenday,si noseinstalay utilizadeacuerdocon
dequeno seproduzcaninterterendasen unainstaladCn
parficuiar.Si esteequipocauseinterferenciasperjudiciales
parela recapdCnde radioo televisiCn,Iocualpuedede-
terminarseapaganddoy encendienddose recomiendaal
usuarioqueintentecorregirla interterendamedianteucao
Rsorientaro reubicariaantecarsceptora.
AumentarlaseparadCnentteei equipoyelreceptor.
Consultaral distdbuidoro aun experfoenradio/ tel-
Lasnonnasde la FCCest_pulanquecualquiercambioo
modificacbna esteequipono aprobadoexpresamenteparel
DeclaraciondelaFCCsobrslaExposici6na laRadiaei6n
1 Estedispodtivopuedenocauserinterterendasperjudidalse,y
2 Este dis_sitivo debeaseptareualquierasintefterendas
Dedaracionde la FCCsobrslaExposici6na la Radiacion
E]dis_s_vode ccmunicadchde radioinserporadoenesta
uddadcumplecontod0slosrequisitesde lanormaRS8-210
2.Este dispositivodebeacaptarcualquierasinterferendas
I NotaparaelinstaladordelsistemaCATV:
queestableeedirectivesparaunagonexiena t_erraadecuada
y, enparticular,especificaqueelcabledetJerradebateset
Informaci6ndel ProgramaENERGY STAR _
Los productos que han
obtenido a ENERGY STAR e
se hart disehado para
proteger el medic ambiente
por medic de una enciencia
energetica superior.
ENERGY STAR _ es una marca registreda de los EE,UU,
La etedhcidadse usapara realizertouchesfunciones
dahoeenla propiedadsi soutilizeincorredamenteEste
productohasidedisefiado y fabdcadoconla masafia
priondadenia segpadad.Sinembargo,suuse incorrscto
lasinstrucoicoessiguientesaiinstalar,operary iimpiaret
producto.Pare garantizarsu segundady prolcogaria
I) Leaestasinstrucciones.
2) Guardeestasinstrucoiooes.
3) PrestoatenoCmatodaslasadverfesoias.
4) Siga todastasinstrucciones.
5) Noufiiicaesteaparatocarcadelagua. 16)
6) Limpietosolamenteconunpafio seco.
7) No tape ins aperfurasde ventiiaciCn.Instaleet
cante. 17)
8) Noinstaleei aparatocercade ningunafuentede
catercome, perejemplo, radiadores,salidasde
airecaiiente,estufasu Citesaparatoe(induyendo
9) Novide et dispoeitivode soguridaddetenchufe
tipopdadzadoo de conexbna tierraUnenchufe
la otra. Unripede enchufefiene dos ouohillasy
una tercaraespigadeconexiona tierra.La hoja
anchao laterceraespigase propomionaparasu 18)
segundadSi el enohufesuministradono encaja
quereemplacaei tomacordenteobsolete.
10) Protejaeicable de alimentadCnpara quenadie
Iopise ni quedeaplastado,espedalmenteen las
davijas, tomas de cordente
y puntos per dcode sale det
11) Utilicasdamentelosaccesorioe
12) Ufilica ei aparato sdamente
con elcamto,soperte,tripede, mensuiao mesa
especificadoperel fabricante,o vendidocon el
dadocuandomuevala combinadCndelcardtoyeI
13) Desenchufeesteaparatoduranteins tomrentas
elecfricaso cuando no Io utilica durantelargoe
14) Solic_etodoeIcetrabajoedereparadCnal person-
ai calificadosoiamente.Las reparacionesseran
necesariascuandosehayada_adoel aparatode
cualquierforma:cuandoso haya estropeadoel
cableo iadavijadealimentaciCn,se hayanderra-
madegquidoeo hayancaidoobjetosen ei intoner
ialiuvrao a lahumedad,cuandono funolooenor-
maimenteo ouandosohayacaido
Informacionde seguridadadicional
15) Fuentesde energia-- Esteproductodeperaufili-
zarsesdamentecon el ripedefuentede energia
indicadoenla etiqoetade espedicaciones.Sino
esta segurodettipodesuministrodeeoergiade
sucasa.consultea sudistribuidoro alacompafiia
de dectriddadde suIcoalidadParatos productoe
Sobrecarga- No sobrecarguelastomas decorrF
ente.cablesde extensi6no integralesporqoeesto
poedeprovocarun hesgode incendJoo descarga
Entradade objetoeditidoey gquidos- Nuncain-
froduzcaobjetoede ningQntipoen esteproduoto
a traves de las aberturasperque podrantocar
puntoepeiigrososde aifatensionocrearcodcoir-
cugos,Ioquepoddaresultaren unincandioo una
Paraevitarincondiosy peligroededescarga,no
expongaestedispositivoa goteoso salpicaduras.
fioreros,sobrela unidad
Dafiosque requierenserviclo- Desenchufeeste
productodeltomacomentede paredy dirijaseal
personalde serviciocalifioadobajoinssiguientes
a.Cuandoei cableo ladavijadeCAestada_ado.
b.Si se haderramadoalgQngquidoo hartcaido
objetosenetintonerdel producto
c. Si el produotoha sideexpuestoa lailuviaoai
d.Si el productono funcionacorrnalmentesigu-
iendo las instruccionesde operaciCn.Ajuste
solamenteaquetloscontroiesdespatosen ias
instrucoionesde operadCn,yaqueunajustein-
que a menudorequierenun arduotrabajode
ajusteper padede un tecnicocalificadopara
que el productopueda vdver a funcionarnor-
e.Sielproductosehacaidoo da_adodecualqu_er
t Cuandoel productomuestrauncambionotable
19) Piezasde repuesto-- Cuandose necesitenpie-
zas derepuesto,asegQresede qued tecnicode
sorvicioutilicainspiezasde repuestoespeclfica-
dasperelfabricanteu otrascuyascaracteristicas
de piezasnoautohzadaspuedecauserincendioe.
descargasetecthcasu otroepeligroe
20) Pruebas de segundad - AI termioer oualquier
trabajode mantenimientoo reparaclCnen este
pruebasde seguridadparadetemrinarsi el pro-
ductoestaen buenascondio_ooesde funo_onami-
2I) Montajeenparedo techo-Ai montaretproducto
enunaparedo techo,asegQresedeinstalarel pro-
ductodeacuerdoconel metodorecomeodadoper
el fabricante
22) Linensdeenergia-Unsistemadeantenaexterior
no debeestersituadoenlasproximidadesdeias
gneasgeneralesdeeoergia,luzei_ctricao circui-
tosde potesoia,dondepudiesecaero tocarioe.AI
instalarunaantenaexteriordei sistema,se debe
el_ctricaso circuses,poddaser fatal.
23) Enchufede interconexiCnconprotecobn- Eipro-
ductoestaequipadoconunenchufede intercon-
exbn con protecclCncontra sobrscarga Estaes
de instruco_ooespareiasustituci6noparavdvera
colcoaretdispositivode protecobnSi el enchufe
es remplazado,asegQresede queei tecnicode
servidoutilizaunenchufede reempiazoespedi-
cede perel fabricantequeofrescalamismapro-
24) Soporte-- Nocolodueel productoen uncarnie.
soporte,tripodeo mesainestabie.La coiocaci6n
del productoen unabase inestablepuede ser la
causadequeet productose caiga.Ioquepodra
causar iesionesgravesa personas y tambien
dados al produoto Utilicesolameoteun camto,
soperte,tripode, mensulao mesarecomendado
peretfabhcanteo vendidojuntocon el producto.
Cuandocoloqueel produotoenunapared,aseg-
L_resede seguirlas instrucoionesdel faMcante.
Ufilicesolamenteet hardwarede montajereco-
AsegQrasede queel equipe est6 colocadoen un
areabienventiladay de quehayaper Iomenos10
cm deespado librea Io largo delos lados y parfe
superiordel equipo
_Ocm 101_
Useel aparatosobraunasuperfmieniveladayfirme,
enunlugar quenoest_expuestoavibraciones
Msotengael aparatoapartadode la luz directadel
sol fuertes campos magn_tices, polvo excesivo,
humedady deequiposelectronicos/electdcos(com-
putadorasdel hogar,fassimiles,etc) quegeneran
Noexpongaelaparatoa lahumedad,a temperatu-
rassuperiorssa 60C (140°F) niatemperaturasmuy
el cable de alimentacbnde corrienteaifemade la
Siseproduceunatormeotacon rayos,desenchufeel
aparatoperrazonesde seguridad
Sujeteiaciavijade alimentaciCnde CAai qugaresta
davijadd tomacorriete.Siia quitetirandodei cable
puede rompero estropearlos hiicey conexiones
El enchufede la corrienteAC es ufilizadocomeun
No quite la tapa exterior dadoque pueden pro-
ducirsedescargas el_ctricas. Solicite el servicio
t_cnico auncentrode servicio local SHARE
Este aparatos61o debe ser utilizado dentro de
un margen de temperaturasde 5°C - 35°C (4fF
SHARPnoesresponsabledd dafiodebidoaun uso
inadecuadoParareparaciones,Ilevela unidadaun
El adaptadorinduidoAC/DC confiene piezas no
reparablesNuncaretirelascubiertasa menosque
este calificado pareeNo. Contienealtce voltajes,
desconede siempre el enchufe de alimentaciCn
principalde la tome de calida antesde cualquier
operadCno serviciocoandonoest_en usedurante
HT-SB20nodebe serutitizadoconotrosequipos
Nuncaufilice un adaptadorAC/DC diferentea el
espedficadode Io contradocorrerasedosdesgos
Sedebeusarla mismatensiCnquela especificada
enel aparato Si usaeste aparatocon seatensiCn
masaifa quela especificada,espeitgrosoy puede
provocarincendioso acoideotesquecausendafice
SHARP no asumira responsabilidadalguna per
cualquierdafiode esteaparatoqueresulte del use
deucatensiondistintaa laespecificada.
dela efidenciadel aifavoz,la ubicadCny otrosvarios
factores Es aconsejableevitar la exposidCna altos
nivdesdevdumen,elcualocurrealencenderel equipo
conun nivelaltoenel controldevolumeno mieotrasse
escuchacontinuamentea vdgmeneselevados
SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORATION gamntiza a los aientes que cornpran po_primera vez que la mama Sharp deeste producto (el Producta' h siempm
que se envle en su enveltora original, esta_Alibre de defectes en la mano de ebra y matedales, y acuerda que, segt)n Ioconsidere, reparar& o remplazar& el
Preducto o pieza defectuo_ del mismo con un equ[vaNnte nuevo o reconstruido sin c_to adicionaJper concepto de piezas y semcies durante el perlodo
estab]ecido abajo
La gamntla no aplica en el _so de ningun artNulo de apanencia del Producto ni en el caso de a_tlculo(s) adicional(es) exedido(s) estab]ecido(s) abajo ni en el
caso de cuaJquier Producto exterio_ que se haya daeado e deNigurado, q_Je haya estado sujeto a un voltaic aadecuado oa cualquier etre uso inadecuado,
semcio o manejo ano_mal, o euyo disei_oo construeden se haya alterado e modifi_do
Para haoer cumplir los derechos en virtud de esta gamntla limitada, el eomprador debe seguir los pasos establecidos abajo y sumiNstrar una prueba de
¢_mpm al preveedor
La g_mntla limitada descnta aqd es adicio!lal a eualquier garanea implicila que la Icy exija se le otorgue a los eompradores TODAS LAS GAgANTIAS
PECNA SZ COMPRA ESTABLZCISA ABAJO Algun_ estados no permiien limitaciones en cuanto a la duracan de las gamntias impllcitas, de modo que la
limitacien anterior podda no aplica_en el caso deusted
Niel personal de ventas ni el vendedor uot_a persona esta auterizade pare establecer en representaciCn de Sharp cualquier garanea que no scan las
descntas aqui, o para extender la duraNen decualquiera de Ins garaneas mas aft& del penodo descrito aqd
Las garaneas descritas aqui seran Ins garaneas Qni_s y excluswas otorgadas po_ Sharp y ser_n el mmedio unao yexc]usivo disponib]e para el c_mprado_
La ¢_reocien de los defectes, de la manera y durante el pededo descnto aqd, consStu]r& el cumplimiento cabal de todas Ins responsabilidades y deberes de
Sharp anie el corr_prador con respecte al Producto, y eonsStuir&la saSNacciCn corr_pletade todas Ins reclamaciones, ya scan basadas en el contrato
negligeeda, responsaUilidad ob]etiva ode otra forma Enninguna cacunstancia Sharp sera responsaUle, o de cualquier manera responsable, de eualquier
dai_o o defecto en el Preducto causado po_ las repamciones o intentos de repamcien Ilevadas a eabo pot cua]quier otra persona que no sea un proveedor
autorizado Sharp no set& msponsable, o de cualquier manera responsable, de cualquier dafio ecenCmico ea la propiedad, sea incidental e consecuente
Ngunos estados no permiten la exclusion de daeos incidentales o consecuentes, de modo que la exclusion anterior podda no aplicar en el caso de usted
Se_i6nespecfficaal modelo
Eln0memdemodelodesuproductoy d_edpdSm Rrgsa2a/H%saaoaaffa deSonido
neeesiledarsemitica suProduclo)
PeUododeeamneadeemeproduce: Un(I) aSoenpiezasy se_iciosapartUdelaiechadecompm
Ara_ulo(_adMonaI(es)e_luido_ dela¢oU_rturade Accesormsnof_edonale_,suminislrose insumos
DS_deobte_erel_e_io: UnProveedorAutonzadodeShem ubicadoenlosEsladosUnidos
uueha_erparaoftenere__ervMo: RealiceunenvNprepagadodelpmducleoIleveel ProduCea unProveedorAmerizadode
Sham¸Asegumsedele_erunaPruebadeCompmdispo_ibleSienNael Pmducle,
Consulterledistributeurouun technicienradioettalc
autods_eapport_ease materielquineseraitpasexpresse-
Explicationdessymbolesgraphiques accordeea rutilisateurdefaJrefondionnersemateriel
,_ L'utilisationestseumiseauxdeuxconditionssuivantes:
1 Cotappareilnedoltpascauserd'inteftCrencesndsibles,et
s_e_treten(l®amti0n) 2 Cotappareildoitacceptertcoteintarferensere_ue,y ccmpris
AVERTISSEMENT: POUR REDUIRE LES RISQUES Cetappareillagedolt_treinstall_etutilis_a unedistancemi-
D'INCENDIEOU.D'ELECTROCUTION.NEPASEXPOSER nimumde20cmentreleradiateuretle corpsdelapersonne
CETAPPAREILALAPLUIEOUAL'HUMIDITE. (sad]esextr_mit_s:mains,pdgnets,pieds,chewlles)
POURVOSDOSSIERS ] sateursauCanada)
Pourvousaider a retrouvervotreeppareilencas de/ Ledispositifdecommunicationsradioinduspanscatappareil
perteou de vpoveuilleznoter le Numerode Scde,/ satisfait_t0uteslosexigensesdlndusfiyCanadaRadioFre-
insudtsurle fondde I'eppareiLetgonserversoigneu-/ quencyExposureRulesRSS-210Cotappareilnum_riquede
sementeetteinformation / ClasseBestenconf0rmiteaveclessp_dficationsCanadian
N° de modele: .............................. I iCES-003ClassB.
N° de scrip: .............................. / Lutilisationsetseumiseauxdeuxconditionssuivantes:
Date d'achat: .............................. / 1 Cotappareiliredoltpascauserd'intefterencesndsibles,et
Lieu d'achat: .............................. J 2 Cotappareildoltacceptertouteintarferencere_ue,y ccmpris
REMARQgE useintefterencepouvantcauserunfondionnementseadedre
Cotequipomenta _t_ test_et d_clar_conformeauxlimites Cetappareillagedolt_treinstall_etutilis_a unedistancemi-
pourappareilsnum_riquesdedasseB,salonla sedion1fides nimumde20cmentreleradiateuretlecorpsdelapersonne
reglementsdelaFCCCeslimitsesentdestiniesaassurerune sadlesextr_mit_s:mains,pdgnets,pieds,chewlles)
pmtedi0nraisonnablecontteslosinterf_rencasnuisiblesdans Ref_rez-vousavotreinstallateurdesystemec_bl_CA'F,/:
uneinstallationresidentielle.Cot_quipamentproduitufiliseet CotevisestdestineeiuirappelerI'ertide82040duCodene-
pautemettredeI'energiede radiofr_quencaet,s'il n'estpas tbnaldeI'electricite(NEC)quifgumitlosdirectivesesuivreetlos
installeetutJlis_ccnf0rmementauxpresentesinstructions,paut c0nsigneserespecterpoureffectueruneraiseelaterreadequate
causerdesinted_rencesnuisiblesaux communicationsradio derappareiletquistipoleque_<ledispositifderaisea laterm
duc_bledoit_treraccordeeunsystemederaisee latermde
IIn'existet0utefdsaucunegarantiequedereliesinterf_rencas Iedifica,eussiprosquepossibledelaprise
nese produirontpasdansuneinstallationparticoliere.SJcot
_quipamentproduitdesinterferencesnuisibles_ lar_caption InformationssurleprogrammeENERGYSTAR®
I'utilisateurd'essayerdeccrdgerleproblemeenprenantrune Lesproduitsporteursdulabel
ouplusieuradesmesuressuivantes: ENERGYSTAR s0ntc0n_us
Rponenter0ud@laserrantennereseptrice p0_rpr0t_gerrenvir0nnement
Augmenterlas@arationentre]'equipementetler_sep- gracebunrendement
tour _ _nerg_tiquesup_riegr.
BrancherI'appareilsur un circuitdifferentde ceiuidu
r_capteur ENERGYSTAReestunemarqued@oseeam_ricaine.
Lesym_olede_c_airnscridansu_triange equlaterales
un_vertisseme}_t_i'ate_ti0nderu!ilis_eursulla presence,
L'_ledddt_remplitdenombreusesfondionsutilse,maissi on
I'utilisereal,die pautocoasionnerdesblessuresetdesd_g_ts
Pournepasvousexposera de telsdangers,respedezles
1) Lisezsesinstrudions
2) Conse_vezsesinstrudions
3) Respectezlesraisesengarde.
4) Suivezrouteslesinstrudions
5) N'utilisezpascotappareila pmximit_dereau
6) Netloyezuniquementaveuunchiffonsec
7) Nebloquezpaslesouverturesdeventilatlomhstaliez
8) N'indailezpasrappareila proxlmitede sourcesde
chaleurcemmedes radiateurs,deschauffages,des
9) Nenegligezpasiesconsignesdesecunterelativesaux
prisesdeterreou polaris_esUnepnsepdaris_eed
compse_ededeuxfichesdentruneestpluslargeque 18)
I'autre.Uneprisea la massesemportedeuxficheset
la trdsiemefichederaise_ laterresentfoumiespour
votres_cudt&Sila fichefoumien'entrepaspansla
10) Aseurez-vousqueie cordonsedeurne puisse_tte
pi_tin_ou pinoetoutparticulierementau niveaudes
fiches,despnsesdecourantetauxpointspail sortde
11) N'utilisezque des accessdres/
12) Piacezrappareiluniquementsur
supportou unetableresemmand_
un chariot,manrauvrezaveuprecauticeI'ensemble 19)
charioflappareiiafin d'emp_ehertouteblessuresuite
13) D_branchezsetappareilpendantunorageouiorsqu'ii
14) Faitesappdauntechddenqualifi_pourtoutdepanna-
ge Und_pannagesetrequisIoraquerappareila eteon- 20)
le cordonsecteurouiaficheestendommag_,duliquide
a et_renvera_surrappareiloudes0b)etssentt0mbes
pansrappareil,lappamila _t_exposea la pluieou
15) Alimentationdednque-- Cetappareilnedoit6treuti-
domicile,sensultezvdre revendeur0ula cempagnie
16) Surcharge_iectrique- Ned@assezpasla capacit_
dednquedes posesCA,desrallongesoudesprises
de ceurantint_grales,cadnsquantdeprovoquerun
17) P_n_trat_ond'0bjetset de liquides-- N'intr0duisez
Dommagesn_cassitantuner@aration- Densles
a SJlecordonsecteuroulafichesetendommag_e;
b SJduliquidea _t_renversesurrappareilousi des
c SJfappareila _t_expose_lapluieou_ feau:
d sirappareilnefondionnepasnormalementensuivant
diqu_espansle moded'empld.Unr_glageinserred
quidemanderontpar]asuiteuntravailintensif_ un
e SJfappareiledtomb_oua eteendommag_;
f SiI'appareilpr_sentedeschangementsvisiblesde
performances-Ceciindiquela nesessit_d'uneins-
Piecesderechange- Sidespi_cassentaremplacer
V_riflcatlondes_curit_-Apres untravaild'entretienou
de r@aratice,demandezautechnidend'effeduerles
2I) Montagemuralou auplafond- Lorsdu montagedu
produited install_cenformementauxmCthodesrecom-
22) Lignes_iedriques-Uneantenneexterneneddt pas
ette positicenCea proximit6d'une lignedednque
rationou dansunepositiontellequ'ellepuissetomber
- Uneantenneextemenedoltpasetrepseitionn_e
_ledriqued'_dairageou d'alimentatlonou densune
positiontellequ'ellepuiseetombersuruneligneou un
23) Fichederacoordementdeprotedion- Ceproduitset
_quipped'une prisede raseordementde protedion
au Manuald'Utilisetionpourremplaserou rCglerset
fiche,assurez-vousquele technidena utilis_uneprise
la m_meprotedioncentrelossurchargeselectriques
24) Support- Nepiacezpasrappareilsurunchaitd,un
support,untr@iedou unetableinstableS'ilestsur
ouunetableresemmandCsparle fabricantouvendus
lesinstructionsdufabdcant.N'utilisezquedu materiel
Veil]ezace quevotrsapparsilsoitinstall_densunlieu
bienaereet pr_voyezunespaced'au moins10 cm
d'espaced_gag_surlesodt_ssurle dessusdevotre
Installez]'apparsilsur un sode stable horizontalet
Mettezrapparsila I'abridusoleiLde fortschampma-
gn_tiques,dela pousei_rsexcessiveoude I'humidit&
des appareils_lectroniques(ordinateurt_l_copieur,
MettezI'appareila I'abride I'humidit&de la chaleur
excessive(sup_rieurea 60°C(140_F))ou du frdd
D_brasohezle cordond'alimentationenletenantparla
La priseCA est utilis_ecemmedispositifde d_con-
Ne pas 6ter I'enveloppe,sinon on s'expose _ la
veuillezvous adresseraurevendeurSHARP.
SHARPn'estpasresponsabledesdommagesen rai-
L'adaptateurCA/CCfoumine centientpasdepi_ces
quipeuvent_trerep_r_esparr utilisateurIIestinterdit
d'enleverloscouverdesparlespersonnesqui nesent
pasqualifi_esCommeradaptateurfondionne sous
cordonavantlostravauxder_parationousi I'appareil
II estinterditd'utiliserI'adaptateurCA/CCfourniavec
cifi_ L'utilisationd'unautreadaptateurpout entrainer
Respecterla tensionindiqueesur I'apparsil.Le fonc-
etrisquede provoquerunincendieoutoutaufretype
Ledveausonorasurun r_glagedevdume d_pendd'un
nombrsdefadeurstds queI'efficacit_deI'appareiletson
vdumessonoresclevis, quipeuventseproduirequandon
allumeI'appareilaun niveaudevdume _l_veoudurant
SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORATION warrants to the first consumer purchaser that this Sharp brand product (the
"Product"), when ship in its orrginal container, will be fr_ from defective workmanship and mat eNals, and agrees that itwill,
at its option, either repair the defect or replace the defeclive Prod uct or part thereof with a new or remanufaclured eq uivalent
at no charge to the purchaser for pads or labor for the period(s) set fodh below
This warranty does not apply to any appea_nce items of the Product nor to the addition al excluded item(s) set forth below
nor to any Product the exterior of which has b_n damaged or defaced, which has been subj_ted to imp_per voltage or
other misuse, abnormal servi_ or handling, or which has been altered or modified in design or construction
In order to enforce the rights under this limit ed warranty, the purchaser should follow the steps set fodh below and p_vide
proof of purchase to the sPlicer
The limit ed war_nty described herein is in addition to whatever implied warranties may be granted to purchase_ by law
limitations on how long an impeed war_nty last s, so the above limitation may not apply to you
Neither the sales pe_onnel of the seller nor any other person is authorized to make any warranties other than those
described herein, or to exiend the duration of any warranties beyond the time period described herein on behalf of Sharp
The war_nties described herein shall be the _le and exclusive warranties granted by Sharp and shall be the sole and
exclusive remedy available to the purchaser Correction of def_ts, in the manner and for the period of time described
herein, shall constitute complete f'Jlflllment of all liabilities and responsibilities of Sharp to the purchaser with resp_t to the
Prod uch and shall constitute full satisfaction of all claim s, whether based on cont _CO negligence, strict liability or ot he_ise
In no event shall Sharp be liable, or in any way responsible, for any damages or defects in the Product which were caused
by repairs or attempted repairs performed by anyone other than an authorized sorrier Nor shall Sharp be liable or in any
way responsible for any incidental or conseq uential _onomic or p_pedy damage Some states do not allow the exclusion
of incident al or conseq uential damages, _ the above exclusion may not apply to you
Model Specific S_tion
Your Product Model Number & Description:
Warranty Period for this Product:
Additional Item(s) Excluded from Warranty Coverage
(if any):
Where to Obtain SPlice:
HT-SB20/HT-SB30 Sound Bar Home Theater System
(Be sure to have this information available when you n_d
se_ice for your Product)
One (1) year pads and labor f_m the date of purchase
Non-f'Jnctional accessories, suppees, and consumable
At a Sharp Authorized Servi_r located in the United States
To find a location of the nearest Sharp Authorized Servicer,
call Sharp toll fr_ at 1 800-BE-SHARP
Ship prepaid or carry in your Product to a Sharp Authorized
Se_i_r Be sure to have Proof of Purchase available If
you ship the Product, be sure it is insured and packaged
Sharp Plaza Mahwah New Jersey 07495.1163
Produits electroniques de consommation
F_licitations pour votre achat!
Shap E ectron que du Canada Mee e Sharp _)g_f_nt t _ racheteur initial de ce 9roduit de marque Sharp (le _ produ t_) q_e s est emb_ll_ _Jat,s sol1
contenant or ginal e_ si_ est ce_du ou distdbu_ au Canad_ par S_arp ou _r un d_t_ lallt autoris6 Shar_ e_ si_ n_ pas et_ cen_u _ te quel _ ou sil ne
install_don inadequate ou dune utilisat ot_ t_ot_a_p opriee tel quil est men_onne da_s le manuel du propdetaire ou darts toute autre do umentat o_
{N Au×d°mmagescaus_souau×r_parat_°nsrequisessur_espr°du_sShar9t_afiqu_s m°dfies r_gI_sou _Par6sParuneendteau_equeSharp ut_
{N Aux _mma_es caus_s _u aux epara_ns requises _1a su te de _ut s_ti_n du _r_uit _¢e des a_ c_es n_n _si_n_s _u a_r_u¢6s _ar Sharp y
compds mais sans en _tre limt_ des rubans pour nettoyage de t_te et des agents de ne_oyage ch miques
u_lisa_on normale du _roduit y compns trlais sans e_ _tre limt_ les _couteurs les t61_commandes les _d_tateurs c a I_ pi_es la sonde de
temp6fature es plateaux les f Itres es courroies les c_bes et le paper:
{e) Au× defauts cosm_ti_ues _ la su_ace ou au be_tier e×t_r e_ du _roduit et qui sont at_rbuaNes a I_ d_tedoration ou _ I usu_e resultant d _n usage
catastrophe naturelle
{9) Au× r_c_ma_ons de garant e des _roduits d°nt _s nume_°s de se ie et de rr°de_e air_s que _a_estat °r_ _sA_C L s°m ina_ropd_s °u i_isiNes;
e,) Au×produtsutflis_sadeshnscommer_i_lesoude ocaton
_ foumJr des 9ar_n_es au_es ou a transf_ref cette garat_tie au nora de Shar_ acheteur doJt _ssumef tous les coots de d_rr o_t_ge de r_installation
const tuet,t Iexecution int_grale de toutes les oMigat o_s et res#onsabilit6s de Sharp e_vers Iacheteur _ 1_gard du p oduit et consdtuera a sat sfact_on
entiere de toutes les r_damat o_s _u eles soient en fot,ction _Ju_ co_trat du_,e n_gligence dune responsal_id_e str_cte ou autrement D_ns ce_aines
_rovmces es_ m_erdit d e×clu,e ou de I,,,ter lap_Hcatio_ de ce_ains dommages o_ _e cer_a_,es Hmites sur I_ duroc o_ ram,_laton de cer_anes
PERIODES DE GA_ANTIE (c _41c_]_es & pa_ir de la date d achat orig na_} Pieces et man d _o_,, e (exce#6or_s relevCe N
P_oduits audio I an
P oduit _ u Ray I an
P ojecteur I an (ampe 90 jour N
Fo_r_mic_oondes 1an {magr_Ct_on 4anssupN_entaires)
_urificateur dair I an
Clirrlat seu_ po_tif _ an
G_nCrate_ dions P asmacluster _ an
Lunches 3D I an _ __
Adaptateur de rCseau Ioca_ saris tl I an _. _t_
Pour connaitre le nora et I r4d_esse du detaJllant a_toris6 au se vice o_ d_ Celltfe agrC_ _e se¢ce Sharp e plus pros o_ #our _" L_
_btenirdaw4nta9ederenseignerr`e_tssu_apr_sentegar_4nte_imit6esur_es°ffres_jegarantep°_ng_edeSharp_s_r_e s _l..l_ _
€elites de produ ts ou d accessoires Sh _p _eui ez commun_quer avec Sharp :
, 5n ec ivant a Sharp Ele troll_ue du Canada Ltee 335 Br tann_a Road East M _issauga {Ontar o) L4Z W9 p_
. _n a#pe_ant _u 905 568 7140
_r_ visitant notre ste We_ www .hdr_ .,, _ _
Consumer Electronics Products
Congratulations on your purchase!
_nd sold or _Jstdbuted n Canada by Sharp or by an authodzed Sfla_p dealer a_d pro_Juct was not so_J as is or saes fina that me pro_Juct wi durng
the _@plcable warr_n_ pedo_ be free from _efects in mate ia _nd workma_,shp and will with_ t_ a_lic_be wafra_,ty _rod either repar the
/a} A_y defects caused o_repai s required as a result of abus ve operation negl ge_,ce accident improper nstallation or inapgropriate u_ as out ined
in the owner s manual or other ap#licab e p o_Juctdocutrlen_t_o_,
(b} A_ly defects cau_ or repairs re_ui ed as a result of any Prod_c_ that has been tmrl_ ed with trlodified ad usted or epaired by any #_SO_l other
Ic_ A_1ydefectscause_orrepa_requirc_asaresu_toftheuse°fthePr°ductwithitemsn°tspecifed°ra#p_°`,edbySha_pi_1c_udingbutn°timited
to ea _ones emote co_,trols AO a_apte s batter es tempera_re probe tr_ys tikes belts ri_ns cables _nd pa_ef
|_} A_1yc°smetcdamaget°thePr°duc_surIace°rexted°rthathas_eendefaced°rcausedbyn°m1alwear_ndtear
(g} V_arranty claims for Pro_Jucts renamed wth Iegible or without appropriate model serial _,Utrlber and CS_VcUL mark t_gs
|_j) A_l_Pr°ductsusedf°_rental°rc°mmercargurD°ses
How to get semite Wa rantg se_ce may be ol_tained u_n delivery of the Product togeth_ wth proof of #ufchase mc uding date of purchase) and a
copy of this limitedwarranty statement to al author zed Shap se_ce centre or an author zed Sharp servic ng dealer _, florae warF_nty _ice wil I_e
removal reins_llat on tra_s#o_t_on and nsuran_ cos_ incu red
The express warrant_es in this limited warat W are except for consumer purchasers _Jo _ c led in QueL_c n lieu of _nd except to the extent prohibited
by applicable law Sharp disdaims al other warrant_es and con_J dons ex#ress or trll_lic_ whether _riSillg by aw statute by course of dealin 9 or usage
of trade includin9 without lira tattoo, im_lic_ warrant es or co_,dit_ons oftrl_chantabil w anNor qualitg fmess fora pa_icula_ use or purpose and/or non
infringement Limitations (not app icable to consumer purchasers domiciled n Quebec to the e_e_,t prohibite_J raider QueSec law) (a} Sharp shal not
be lable for any incident a speca co_, sequet_tial e_onom c exem_la_ or illd re_t datrlages of a_ly killd or nature ( nclu_ ng lost profir_ or damages for
Sharp s aware ofor has been advi_d of the possiblity of sud, datrlages; (b) the retrledies descril_e_J in thin imited warranty co_,sdtute compete
_ulhhrlent of all ol_ligato_,s and responsibilit_es of Sharp to the purchase with respe_ to the Pr_uc_ and shall const tute full sat sf_ct_on of all cairns
Produt For consutrler put h_rs dome led n Quebec this tr ited warranty s gocemed W the laws of Quebec
WARRANTy P_RIODS (calcu _ted from the date of origit_a purdla_) Pa_s & Labeur {ex_epdo_lS t_ted)
AudioProd_ I_a,
LeDW _y_ar
Limt_War,a_WSharpE×t_,_dWarr_t_C_f_,sShamCa,,a_aP,odu,_o,A_ry Sal_please_o,,t_,_Sharp _HARP
2013-01-07 06:55:06

Transcripción de documentos

WARNING CAUTION PCCRegulationsstatethat any unauthorizedchanges or modificationsto this equipment not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user's authority to operatethis equipment FCC Radiation Exposure Statement This devicecomplieswiththe limits fora ClassB digital Explanationof GraphicalSymbols: Thelightning flashwitharrowhead symbol, within not beco-located or operating in conjunctionwith any other antenna device, pursuant or transmitter to Part 15of the FCC Rules. It must shockto persons Operationissubjectto the following two conditions: 1 This devicemay notcause harmfulitlerferenca, and including interference that may cause undesired ._ 2. This device must accept any interferenco received. theappliance operation .......................................................................................................................................................... This equipment shouldbe installed and operatedwith a minimumdistanceof 20cm betweenthe radiatorand 1 WARNING:TO REDUCE THE RISK OF PIRE/ person's body (excluding extremities: hands, wrists. Electricity is used to perform many usdul functions, but it can also cause personal injuries and property damage if impropedyhandled. This producthas been engineeredand manufacturedwith the highest pnority on safety However,improperuse can result in electric shock and/or fire In orderto preventpotentialdanger, please observethe following instructionswhen installing, operatinganddeaning the product Toensureyour safety and prolongtheservicelife dthis product,please read thefollowing precautionscarafuitybeforeuse I) Readthese instructions 2) Keepthese instructions 3) Heedaliwarnings. 4) Followall instructions 5) Do not usethis apparatusnearwater. 6) Clean onlywith dry cloth. 7) Do not blockany ventiiafionopenings.Install in accordancewiththe manufacturer'sinstructions 8) OR ELECTRICSHOCK, DO NOT EXPOSETHISJ APPLIANCETO RAINORMOISTURE. feet and ankles ) IC Radiation Exposure Statement (For users in FORYOUR RECORDS Foryourassistenceinreportingthis unitin caseoMoss ortheft,pleeserecordbelowthemodelnumberand sodalnumberwhichare locatedon the rearof the unit. PleaserEteinthis information Model number .............................. Serial number .............................. Date of purchase .............................. Place of purchase .............................. Canada) The radio communications device itlcorporatedinto this apparatusmeets all requirementsd the Industry CanadaRadio PrequencyExposureRules RSS-210 This ClassB digitalapparatus complieswith the Canadian ICES-gO3ClassB spedfications Operationissubjectto the following two conditions: 1 Thisdevice may notcause harmfulinterference,and 2. This devicemust acceptany interferencereceived,indudinginterferencethatmay causeundesiredoperation This equipment shouldbe installed and operatedwith a minimumdistanceof 20cm betweenthe radiatorand 9) person's body (excluding extremities: hands, wrists, feet and ankles) 11) r 12) NOTE Thisequipmenthasbeen testedaodfouodtocomplywith the limitsfor a ClassB digitaldevice,pursuantto Pad 15 of the FCC Rules.Theselimits are designedto provide reasonableprotectionagainstharmfulinterferencein a residentialinstallationThis equipmentgenerates,uses, and can radiateradio frequency energyand, if not installedandusedin accordancewiththe instructions,may NotetoCATVsysteminstaller: / Thisreminder isprovided tocelltheCAWsystem installer's at/ tentJon toArticle820oftheNational Electrical Codethatprovides | guidelines forpropergrounding and,inparticular, specifies that | thecableground shellbeconnected totile grounding system of Lthebuilding, as close tothepointofcableentryaspractical cause harmful interferenceto radio communications However,there isno guaranteethat interferencewillnot occur in a particularinstallafionIf this equipmentdoes cause harmfulinterferenceto radio or televisionreceptJon,whichcan bedeterminedby tunfing the equipment offand on. the useris encouragedto tryto correctthe interferenceby oneor more ofthe followingmeasures: • Reorientor relocatethe receivingantenna • increase the separation betweenthe equipment ENERGY STAR e Program Information Connectthe equipmentintoanoutletona circuitdifferentfromthat to whichthe receiverisconnected. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radiofTV technicianforhelp. 13) Do not installnear any heatsourcessuchas radiators, heatregisters,stoves,or other apparatus (including amplifiers)that produceheat. Do notdefeatthe safety purposeof the polarized or grouoding-typeplug.A polarizedplug has two bladeswithone wider thantheother.A grounding type plug hastwo bladesand a third grounding prong. Thewide bladeor the thirdprongare provided for your safety.If the provided plug does not fit into your oufiet, consultan electricianfor replacementof the obsoleteoufiet. Protectthe power cord from being walked on or pinched parficuiarty at plugs, converuesoe recaptades, and the point wherethey exit from the apparatus. Only use attaohmentsiacoessodesspecifiedby the manufaduren ADVERTENCIA Las nonnasde la FCCest_pulan que cualquiercambioo modificacbn a este equipono aprobado expresamente par el fabitcante poddaninvalidar laautchdad delusuariopareoparar esteequipo Declaracion delaFCCsobrslaExposici6na laRadiaei6n Estedispos_vo cumpleconlositmitesparaundispositivo digital deClaspB,enccnformidad coqlaParte15ddReglamento dela FCCNodebeodocarse nifunaonarccnjuntamente condnguna otraantenao transe_iser Laoperation estasujetaalassiguientes doscoqdidonss: 1 Estedispodtivo puedenocauserinterterendas perjudidalse, y 2 Este dis_sitivo debe aseptareualquieras intefterendas recibidas, induselas interferencias quepuedanprovocarun fundseamiento nodeseado Esteequipaje debeserinstaladoy oparadoa distanda minimade 20mnentreelradiadoryelcuerpodeunapersona (sinincluirlas exttemidades: mases,mu_ecas, piesytobill0s) ADVERTENCIA:PARA REDUCIREL RIESGO DE INCENDIO 0 DESGARGA ELECTRICA,NOEXPONGA ESTEDISPOSITIVO ALLUVIAO HUMEDAD. Dedaracion de la FCCsobrsla Exposici6na la Radiacion (parelos usuariosenCaned&) E]dis_s_vode ccmunicadch de radioinserporado enesta uddadcumplecontod0slos requisites de lanormaRS8-210 deIndust_/Canada. EsteaparatodigitalChseB cumpleconlas sepeclficaconss canadiense ICES-003 deClaspByconlaparte 15delasnormasdelaPCC PAPASUSREGISTROS ] Pareasistidoal reportgresta unidedencaso deper-/ didaorobo,potfavor registreabajoelmodelonumeroy/ n8merodesedequeestan Iocelizados en laporte pos-/ terior dela unidadPorfavorguardeesta information / NQmero de modelo .............................. / NQmero de scrip .............................. / Fecha de compra .............................. I Lugar de compra .............................. j Laoparad0n estasujetaalassiguientes doscondidones: 1.Estedispositivo puedenocauserinterterendas perjudidalse, y 2. Este dispositivodebe acaptarcualquieras interferendas recibidas, induselas interferencias quepuedanprovocarun fundseamiento nodeseado NOTA Esteequipohasideprobadoycumplecon los itmitespare dispcaitivcedigitalesde ClaseB, de conformidad con la Parfe15 delRegiamentode ia FCC.Estcegmitesestan disefiadospara propordonaruna protecdCnrazoeable contrainterferendasperjudiciaies en una instaladCnresidential.Esteequipogenera,utilizeypuedeirradiarenergia deradiofrscuenday,si noseinstalay utilizadeacuerdocon lasinsttucoiones, puedecausarinteftersncias perjudidaies a inscomunicaciones perradio.Sinembargo,nohaygaranfia deque no se produzcaninterterendasen una instaladCn parficuiar. Si esteequipocauseinterferencias perjudiciales parela recapdCnde radioo televisiCn,Io cual puededeterminarseapaganddoy encendienddose recomienda al usuarioque intentecorregirla interterendamedianteucao masdelassiguientesmedidas: • Rsorientaro reubicaria antecarsceptora. • AumentarlaseparadCnentteei equipoyelreceptor. • Conectarelequipoauna tomadecorrienteenundrcuitodiferentealque estaconectadoelreceptop • Consultaral distdbuidoro aun experfoenradio/ televisbn paraobtenerayuda. Esteequipaje debeserinstaladoy oparadoa distanda minimade 20cmentreelradiado"yeicuerpodeunapersona (sininduirlas exttemidadse: manes,mufiecas, piesytpaillos) Estaadvertencia drveparallamar ]e etenddn delinstaledor dd sistema CATVparaelArtfculo 820delCddigo Electrico Nacional, queestableee directives paraunagonexien a t_erraadecuada y, enparticular, especifica que elcabledetJerradebateset I c0nectado Notaparaelinstalador delsistema CATV: alsistema detierra ddedificio tancamedelpunicde entrada delcablecomoposible Los productos que obtenido a ENERGY se hart disehado proteger por han STAR 10) 11) 12) 13) ambiente de una enciencia superior. 14) ENERGY STAR _ es una marca registreda de los EE,UU, Consulterle distributeur ouun technicien radioet talc vision AVERTISSEMENT Lesr_gulations delaFCCd_darentquetoutemodification non autods_eapport_ease materielquineseraitpas expressementappmuv_eparlefabdcantrisqued'annulerI'autorisation accordee a rutilisateur defaJrefondionner se materiel Explication dessymbolesgraphiques Lesym_ole de_c_airnscridansu_triang e equlaterales un_vertisseme}_t _i'ate_ti0n de ru!ilis_eur sulla presence, Cetappareilsetenccnformite avecleslimitespourunappareil DeclarationFCCd'expositionauxradiations num_dque dedasse B,selonPart15desReglesFCC.iine ddt pas_tresitu_ouneddtpasfoncticeneravecrouteautre antenneoutransmetteur 1 Cotappareil nedoltpascauser d'inteftCrences ndsibles, et L'utilisation estseumise auxdeuxconditions suivantes: s_e_treten (l®amti0n) 2 Cotappareildoitaccepter tcoteintarferense re_ue,y ccmpris ............................................................................................................................................................... useintefterence pouvant causer unfondionnement nondesire ,_ AVERTISSEMENT : POUR REDUIRE LES RISQUES D'INCENDIE OU.D'ELECTROCUTION. NEPASEXPOSER CETAPPAREIL A LA PLUIEOUA L'HUMIDITE. Cetappareillage dolt_treinstall_et utilis_a unedistanceminimumde20cmentreleradiateuretle corpsdelapersonne (sad]esextr_mit_s: mains,pdgnets,pieds,chewlles) POURVOSDOSSIERS ] Pourvousaider a retrouvervotre eppareilencas de perte ou de vpo veuilleznoter le Numerode Scde,/ insudtsur le fondde I'eppareiLet gonserversoigneu-/ sementeetteinformation / N° de modele: .............................. N° de scrip: .............................. / Date d'achat: .............................. / Lieu d'achat: .............................. J sateursauCanada) Ledispositifdecommunications radioinduspanscatappareil satisfait_ t0uteslos exigenses dlndusfiyCanadaRadioFrequencyExposureRulesRSS-210Cotappareilnum_rique de ClasseBest enconf0rmiteavecles sp_dfications Canadian iCES-003 ClassB. Lutilisation setseumise auxdeuxconditions suivantes: 1 Cotappareil iredoltpascauser d'intefterences ndsibles, et 2 Cotappareildoltaccepter touteintarference re_ue,y ccmpris REMARQgE Cotequipoment a _t_ test_et d_clar_conformeauxlimites pourappareils num_riques dedasseB,salonla sedion1fides reglements delaFCC Ceslimitsesentdestiniesaassurerune useintefterence pouvant causer unfondionnement seadedre Cetappareillage dolt_treinstall_et utilis_a unedistanceminimumde20cmentreleradiateuretle corpsdelapersonne sadles extr_mit_s: mains,pdgnets,pieds,chewlles) pmtedi0nraisonnable contteslosinterf_rencas nuisiblesdans uneinstallation residentielle. Cot_quipament produitufiliseet pautemettredeI'energiede radiofr_quenca et,s'il n'estpas installe etutJlis_ccnf0rmement auxpresentes instructions, paut causerdesinted_rences nuisiblesaux communications radio Ref_rez-vous avotreinstallateur desysteme c_bl_CA'F,/: Cotevisestdestineeiui rappeler I'ertide82040duCodenetbnaldeI'electricite (NEC) quifgumitlosdirectives esuivreetlos c0nsignes erespecter poureffectuer uneraiseelaterreadequate derappareil et quistipoleque_< ledispositif deraisea laterm duc_bledoit_treraccorde eun systeme deraisee latermde I edifica, eussiprosquepossible delaprise / I IIn'existet0utefdsaucunegarantiequedereliesinterf_rencas nese produiront pasdansuneinstallation particoliere. SJcot _quipament produitdesinterferences nuisibles_ la r_caption d_miseions deradiooudetdewsion,ce quipout_treetablien metlantrappareilseus,puishorntension,il estrecommand_ I'utilisateur d'essayerdeccrdgerleproblemeenprenantrune ouplusieura desmesuressuivantes: • Rponenter 0ud@laserrantenne reseptrice • Augmenterlas@arationentre]'equipement et ler_septour • BrancherI'appareilsur un circuitdifferentde ceiuidu 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) e@ Lesproduitsporteursdulabel ® ENERGY STAR s0nt c0n_us p0_rpr0t_gerrenvir0nnement gracebun rendement _nerg_tiquesup_riegr. _ ENERGY STAR eestunemarqued@oseeam_ricaine. 17) I1o cm (4") • • • • • • • • • • • 10 om (_) Use the unit on a firm, level surface free from vibration Keep the unit away from direct sunlight, strong magnetic fields, excessive dust, humidity and electronic/electricalequipment (home computers, facsimiles, etc.)which generateelectrical noise Do not place anything ontop of the unit Do not expose the unit to moisture, to temperatures higher than 140°F (60°C) or to extremely lowtemperatures. If yoursystem does notwork properly, disconnect the AC powercord from the AC outlet and replug In case d an electricalstorm, unplugthe unit for safety Hdd theAC power plug by the head when removing it from the AC outlet, as puttingthe cord can damage internal wires The AC power plug is used as a disconnect device and shall always remain readilyoperable Do not remove the outer cover, as this may result in electric shock. Refer internal service to your local SHARP service facility. This unit should only be used within the range of 41°F- 95°F (5°C - 35°C) SHARP is not responsible for damage due to improper use Refer ait servicing to a SHARP authorised servicecenter CONSUMER SHARP LIMITED ELECTRONICS WARRANTY CORPORATION warrants to the first consumer purchaser that this Sharp brand product "Product"), when ship in its orrginal container, will be fr_ from defective workmanship and materials, and agrees at its optEon, e[iher repair the defect or replace the defective Prod uct or part thereof with a new or remanufaclured at no charge to the purchaser for pads or labor for the period(s) set fodh below This warranty does not apply to any appea_nce nor to any Product the exterior other misuse, abnormal servi_ In order proof to enforce the rights of purchase items of the Product nor to the additional excluded [iem (s) set forth of which has b_n damaged or defaced, which has been subj_ted to improper or handling, or whEch has been altered or modified in design or construction under this limit ed warranty, the purchaser should follow the steps set fodh (the that it will, eq uivalent below voltage below or and provide to the seHicer The limited war_nty described herein is in addition to whatever implied warranties may be granted to purchase_ by law ALL IMPUED WARRANTJE S ]NOLUD4NG THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIUTY AND FITNESS FOR USE ARE UMITED TO THE PERIOD(S) FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE SET FORTH BELOW Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied Neither the sales pe_onnel described herein, or to exiend war_nty lasts, so the of the seller the duration above limitation may not apply to you nor any other person is authorized to make any of any warran_es beyond the time period described The war_nties described herein shall be the _le and exclusive warranties exclusive remedy available to the purchaser Correction of def_ts, in the herein, shall constitute complete f'Jlfillment of all liabilities and responsibilities warranties other than those herein on behalf of Sharp granted by Sharp and shall be the sole and manner and for the period of time described of Sharp to the purchaser with resp_t to the Prod uch and shall constitute full satisfaction of all claim s, whether based on cont_co negligence, strict liability or ot he_ise In no event shall Sharp be liable, or in any way responsible, for any damages or defects in the Product which were caused by repairs or attempted repairs performed by anyone other than an authorized sorrier Nor shall Sharp be liable or in any way responsible for any incidental or consequential _onomic or properly damage Some of incidental or consequential damages, _ the above exclusion may not apply to you THIS WARRAN_ GIVES FROM STATE TO STATE Model Your Specific YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS YOU MAY Model Number & Description: Warranty Period Additional (if any): Where HAVE HT-SB20/HT-SB3O sure seHice Warning: • The supplied AC/DC adaptor contains no user serviceable parts. Never remove covers unless qualifiedto do so itcontains dangerousvoltages, always remove mains plug from the main outlet socket before any service operation or when not in use for a long period. • The AC/DC adaptor supplied with the HT-SB30 /HT-SB20 must not be used with other equipment. ALSO states do not allow OTHER RIGHTS the exclusion WHICH VARY S_tion Product (Be for Item(s) Excluded to Obtain One this Product: from Warranty Sound to have for your (1) year pads Non-f'Jnctional items Coverage Se_ice: Bar Home this information Theater available System when you n_d Product) and labor from accessories, the date supplies, of purchase and consumable At a Sharp Authorized Servi_r located in the United States To find a location of the nearest Sharp AuthoNzed Servicer, call Sharp toll fr_ at 1 800-BE-SHARP Ship prepaEd or carry in your Product to a Sharp Authorized SeHi_r Be sure to have Proof of Purchase avmlable If you ship the Product, be sure it is insured and packaged securely TO 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) • 19) 20) Montajeenparedo techo- Ai montaretproducto enuna paredo techo,asegQresedeinstalarel productodeacuerdoconel metodorecomeodado per el fabricante 22) Linensdeenergia- Un sistemadeantenaexterior no debeester situadoenlas proximidadesdeias gneasgeneralesdeeoergia,luz ei_ctricao circuitosde potesoia,dondepudiesecaero tocarioe.AI instalaruna antena exteriordei sistema,se debe tener extremecuidadoparanotocar diohasfineas el_ctricaso circuses,poddaser fatal. Enchufede interconexiCn conprotecobn - Ei producto esta equipadocon unenchufede interconexbn con protecclCncontra sobrscarga Estaes una caractedsticadeseguhdad.Veaseel Manual de instruco_ooes pareiasustituci6noparavdver a colcoaret dispositivode protecobn Si el enchufe es remplazado,asegQresede que ei tecnicode servido utilizaunenchufede reempiazoespedicede per el fabricanteque ofresca la mismaprotecobncontrasobrecargaqueel enchufeoriginal Soporte-- No colodueel productoen uncarnie. soporte,tripode o mesa inestabie.La coiocaci6n del productoen una base inestablepuede ser la causa dequeet productose caiga.Io que podra causar iesiones graves a personas y tambien dados al produoto Utilicesolameoteun camto, soperte,tripode, mensulao mesa recomendado per et fabhcanteo vendidojuntocon el producto. Cuandocoloqueel produotoenuna pared, asegL_resede seguirlas instrucoionesdel faMcante. Ufilicesolamenteet hardwarede montajerecomendadoper elfabricante 23) a. Cuandoei cableo ladavija deCAesta da_ado. b.Si se haderramadoalgQngquidoo hartcaido objetosenet intonerdel producto c. Si el produotoha sideexpuesto a la iluvia oai agua. d. Si el productono funcionacorrnalmentesiguiendo las instruccionesde operaciCn.Ajuste solamenteaquetloscontroiesdespatosen ias instrucoionesde operadCn,ya que unajuste incorrectodeotrca controiespodracausardahoe que a menudo requierenun arduotrabajo de ajuste per pade de un tecnicocalificadopara que el productopueda vdver a funcionarnormatmente. Piezasde repuesto-- Cuandose necesitenpiezas derepuesto,asegQresede que d tecnicode sorvicioutilicains piezas de repuesto especlficadas per elfabricanteu otrascuyascaracteristicas scansimilaresalas de{aspiezasonginales.Ei use de piezasnoautohzadaspuedecauserincendioe. descargasetecthcasu otroepeligroe Pruebas de segundad - AI termioer oualquier trabajo de mantenimientoo reparaclCnen este producto,sdicite ait_onicodeservido que reaiice pruebasde seguridadpara detemrinarsi el producto estaen buenascondio_ooes de funo_onamionto. 2I) Entradade objetoeditidoey gquidos- Nuncainfroduzcaobjetoede ningQntipo en este produoto a traves de las aberturasperque podrantocar puntoepeiigrososde aifatensiono crear codcoircugos,Io que poddaresultaren unincandioo una descargael_otdca. Paraevitar incondiosy peligroededescarga,no expongaeste dispositivoa goteoso salpicaduras. Nocoloqueobjetosque contengangquidos,como fioreros,sobrela unidad 18) Dafiosque requierenserviclo- Desenchufeeste productodeltomacomentede paredy dirijaseal personalde serviciocalifioadobajo ins siguientes condiciones: anchao la terceraespigase propomionaparasu segundad Si el enohufesuministradono encaja ensu tomacorriente,consulteaun eiectricistapare que reemplacaei tomacordenteobsolete. Protejaei cable de alimentadCnpara que nadie Io pise ni quedeaplastado,espedalmenteen las davijas, tomas de cordente y puntos per dcode sale det aparato. Utilicasdamentelos accesorioe suministradoeper elfabricante. Ufilica ei aparato sdamente con el camto,soperte,tripede, mensuiao mesa especificadoper el fabricante,o vendidocon el propioaparato.Cuandoutilicauncarnie,tongacuidadocuando muevala combinadCndelcardtoyeI aparatopareevitarque se caigayse estropee. Desenchufeeste aparato duranteins tomrentas elecfricas o cuando no Io utilica durantelargoe penodoedetiempe Solic_etodoeIcetrabajoedereparadCnal personai calificadosoiamente.Las reparacionesseran necesariascuando se hayada_adoel aparatode 24) • • • • • • • • • • • • 2I) 22) 23) Pour_vitertoutrisquedeuhce_ledriqueoud'insendie, veillez_nepasexposercetteappareilaux_dabouseuresAucunobjetrempiisd'eau,tel qu'unvase,nedolt _treplac_surrappareil 18) Dommages n_cassitantune r@aration- Densles situationsci_esseus,d_branchez rappareilde]aprise CAetfaitseappelaun technicien qualifl_pourlesr@arations: a SJlecordonsecteuroulafichesetendommag_e; b SJduliquidea _t_ renversesurrappareilousi des objetssenttomb.s_fint_rieur: c SJfappareila _t_expose_lapluieou_ feau: d sirappareil nefondionnepasnormalement ensuivant iemoded'emploiNetouchez qu'auxsemmandes indiqu_es pansle moded'empld.Unr_glageinserred d'autrescommandespoutcauserdes dommages quidemanderont par ]asuiteuntravailintensif_ un techniden qualifie e SJfappareiledtomb_oua eteendommag_; f Si I'appareilpr_sentedes changements visiblesde performancesCeciindiquela nesessit_d'uneinspediond'entretien. 19) Piecesderechange- Si despi_cassentaremplacer aseurez-vous queletechddenutilisebienlospiecesde rechange prescntes parlefabricant ouayantIsem_mes caracter_stiques quelespiesesd'odgine.L'utilisetion de piesesnon autods_es peutcecasionneruninsendie, unededrcoutionet d'autres dangers 20) V_riflcatlon des_curit_ -Apres untravaild'entretien ou de r@aratice,demandezautechniden d'effeduerles v_riflcatlons des_cuitt_n_sesseires pours'aseurer que I'appareil eden benetatdefondionnement D_branchez setappareilpendantunorageouiorsqu'ii doitresterIongtemps inutilis_ Faites appdaun techddenqualifi_pourtoutdepannage Und_pannage setrequisIoraquerappareil a eteondommag_d'unefa_onouduneautre,commeIorsque le cordonsecteurouiaficheestendommag_, duliquide a et_renvera_ surrappareiloudes0b)etssentt0mbes • • 101_ Useel aparatosobrauna superfmieniveladayfirme, enunlugar quenoest_ expuestoa vibraciones Msotengael aparatoapartadode la luz directadel sol fuertes campos magn_tices, polvo excesivo, humedady deequiposelectronicos/electdcos (computadorasdel hogar,fassimiles, etc) que generan ruidoel_ctrico OBTAIN SUPPLY, ACCESSORY OR PRODUCT INFORMATION, ELECTRONICS Mahwah CALL i-8OO-BE-SHARP CORPORATION New Jersey 07495.1163 24) Montagemuralou auplafond- Lorsdu montagedu produitsuruntourouauplafond,assurez-vous quele produited install_ cenformement auxmCthodes recommandees parlefabricant. Lignes_iedriques-Uneantenneexterneneddt pas ette positicenCea proximit6d'une lignedednque adrienne, d'uncircuitdednqued'_dairageoud'alimenrationou dansunepositiontellequ'ellepuissetomber suruneligneouundrcuit_lectrique Lignes_leditques - Uneantenneextemenedoltpas etrepseitionn_e pmximit_d'uneligne61edriqueadrienne,d'un circuit _ledriqued'_dairageou d'alimentatlon ou densune positiontellequ'ellepuiseetombersuruneligneou un circuit_ledrique Fichederacoordement deprotedion- Ce produitset _quipped'une prisede raseordement de protedion appartantuneprotedionsentrelessurcharges 61edriques.Ceasst une mesure des_curit_Referez-vous au Manuald'Utilisetionpourremplaserou rCglerset appareildesCcurit6S'ilestnCsessaire deremplaser la fiche,assurez-vous quele techniden a utilis_uneprise deremplacement sp_dfl_epar lefabncantfoumissant la m_meprotedioncentrelos surcharges electriques quelapriseoriginelie Support- Nepiacezpasrappareilsur unchaitd,un support,untr@iedou unetableinstableS'ilestsur unebaseinstable,I'appareil peuttomberet provoquer desbiessurescerparelies gravesou_treendommag6 Utilisezudquementunchaitd,unsupport,untr_pied ouunetableresemmandCs parle fabricantouvendus avecrappareilPourreenterfappareilsuruntour,suivez les instructions dufabdcant. N'utilisezquedu materiel resemmand6 parsedernier • estab]ecido abajo La gamntla no aplica en el _so de ningun artNulo de apanencia del Producto ni en el caso de a_tlculo(s) adicional(es) exedido(s) estab]ecido(s) abajo ni en el caso de cuaJquier Producto exterio_ que se haya daeado e deNigurado, q_Je haya estado sujeto a un voltaic aadecuado o a cualquier etre uso inadecuado, semcio o manejo ano_mal, o euyo disei_o o construeden se haya alterado e modifi_do Para haoer cumplir los derechos en virtud de esta gamntla limitada, el eomprador debe seguir los pasos establecidos abajo y sumiNstrar una prueba de ¢_mpm al preveedor La g_mntla limitada descnta aqd es adicio!lal a eualquier garanea implicila que la Icy exija se le otorgue a los eompradores TODAS LAS GAgANTIAS IMPUCmAS INCLUYENeO LAS GARANTIAS SZ CDMERCIABILleAe Y APTmUS PAPA USO SE UMmAN AL'LOS PERIDDO(S) CUE INICIA(N) EN LA PECNA SZ COMPRA ESTABLZCISA ABAJO Algun_ estados no permiien limitaciones en cuanto a la duracan limitacien anterior podda no aplica_ en el caso de usted Las garaneas descritas aqui seran Ins garaneas Qni_s y excluswas otorgadas po_ Sharp y ser_n el mmedio unao y exc]usivo disponib]e para el c_mprado_ La ¢_reocien de los defectes, de la manera y durante el pededo descnto aqd, consStu]r& el cumplimiento cabal de todas Ins responsabilidades y deberes de Sharp anie el corr_prador con respecte al Producto, y eonsStuir& la saSNacciCn corr_pleta de todas Ins reclamaciones, ya scan basadas en el contrato negligeeda, responsaUilidad ob]etiva o de otra forma En ninguna cacunstancia Sharp sera responsaUle, o de cualquier manera responsable, de eualquier dai_o o defecto en el Preducto causado po_ las repamciones o intentos de repamcien Ilevadas a eabo pot cua]quier otra persona que no sea un proveedor autorizado Sharp no set& msponsable, o de cualquier manera responsable, de cualquier dafio ecenCmico e a la propiedad, sea incidental e consecuente Ngunos estados no permiten la exclusion de daeos incidentales o consecuentes, de modo que la exclusion anterior podda no aplicar en el caso de usted ESTA GARANTIA LE OTORGA A USTES DERECROS LEGALES ESPECIALES VARIAN gE UN ESTA00 A OTRO Se_i6n especfficaal modelo Eln0memde modelode suproductoy d_edpdSm • • • • • • • • • • Installez]'apparsil sur un sode stable horizontalet exemptdevibrations Mettezrapparsila I'abridusoleiLde fortschampmagn_tiques,dela pousei_rsexcessiveoude I'humidit& des appareils_lectroniques(ordinateurt_l_copieur, etc) quiprovoquerait desparasites Ne placezhensur rapparsil MettezI'appareila I'abride I'humidit&de la chaleur excessive(sup_rieurea 60°C (140_F))ou du frdd exceseif Si votrssyst_menefondionnepas conectemeot,d_branchezlecordond'alimentation CAPelaprisemurale CAet rebranchez-le. Encasd'orage,debranchez[appareil D_brasohez le cordond'alimentation enletenantpar la fichepournepasabtn_erlosills internes La priseCA est utilis_ecemmedispositifde d_connexionetdoitresteraisementaccessible Ne pas 6ter I'enveloppe,sinon on s'expose _ la secousse_leotrique.Pourtoute reparationinterne, veuillezvous adresseraurevendeurSHARP. Utilisezceproduitdansuneplagedetemp_raturecompriseentre5°C et35°C(41°P-95% SHARPn'est pas responsabledesdommagesen raisond'unemauvaiseutilisationConfieztoutereparation uncentreder@arationsagreepar SHARP. UnProveedor Autonzado deShem ubicado en losEsladosUnidos Pareencomrarlaub_c_i_ndelProveedor Autonzado deSharp, llamesincargosalI-_00-BE-SRARP RealiceunenvNprepagado delpmducleoIleveel ProduCe a un Proveedor Amerizado de Sham¸Asegumse de le_erunaPruebadeCompmdispo_ibleSienNael Pmducle, asee_mse de queelmismoesteaseeuradoyempacado de maneraseeum uueha_erparaoftener e__ervMo: SOBRE SUMINISTROS, ACCESORIOS Respecterla tensionindiqueesur I'apparsil.Le fonctionnementsur unetensionplus_lev_eestdangereux et risquede provoquerunincendieoutout aufretype d'aceident. SHARPneserapas tenupourresponsable desdommages causesparie non-respect dela tension sp_cifi_e CONSUMER SHARP LIMITED ELECTRONICS WARRANTY CORPORATION warrants to the first consumer purchaser that this Sharp brand product "Product"), when ship in its orrginal container, will be fr_ from defective workmanship and mat eNals, and agrees at its option, either repair the defect or replace the defeclive Prod uct or part thereof with a new or remanufaclured at no charge to the purchaser for pads or labor for the period(s) set fodh below This warranty does not apply to any appea_nce nor to any Product the exterior other misuse, abnormal servi_ In order proof to enforce of purchase the rights items of the Product under this limit ed warranty, the purchaser Neither al excluded should follow the steps set fodh implied warranties may OF MERCHANTABIUTY described set forth below voltage below or and p_vide be granted to purchase_ by law AND HTNESS FOR USE ARE TO THE PERIOD(S) FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE SET FORTH BELOW on how long an impeed war_nty last s, so the above limitation may not apply to you the item(s) to the sPlicer The limit ed war_nty described herein is in addition to whatever ALL IMPUED WARRANT]E S _NCLUD_NG THE WARRANTIES UMITED limitations nor to the addition (the that it will, eq uivalent of which has b_n damaged or defaced, which has been subj_ted to imp_per or handling, or which has been altered or modified in design or construction sales herein, pe_onnel of the or to exiend The war_nties described exclusive remedy available seller nor the duration any of any herein shall be the to the purchaser other person warranties is authorized beyond to make the time period _le and exclusive warranties Correction of def_ts, in the any Some states warranties described herein do not allow than those other on behalf of Sharp granted by Sharp and shall be the sole and manner and for the period of time described herein, shall constitute complete f'Jlflllment of all liabilities and responsibilities of Sharp to the purchaser with resp_t to the Prod uch and shall constitute full satisfaction of all claim s, whether based on cont _CO negligence, strict liability or ot he_ise In no event shall Sharp be liable, or in any way responsible, for any damages or defects in the Product which were caused by repairs or attempted repairs performed by anyone other than an authorized sorrier Nor shall Sharp be liable or in any way responsible for any incidental or conseq uential _onomic or p_pedy damage Some of incident al or conseq uential damages, _ the above exclusion may not apply to you THIS WARRAN_ GIVES FROM STATE TO STATE Model Your Specific Product YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS YOU MAY Model Number & Description: HT-SB20/HT-SB30 sure • One Warranty Period Additional (if any): Where ALSO HAVE states do not allow OTHER RIGHTS the exclusion WHICH VARY S_tion se_ice • LLAME 1-800-BE-SHARP Ledveausonora surun r_glagedevdume d_pendd'un nombrsdefadeurstds queI'efficacit_deI'appareilet son emplacement. IIestrecemmanded'_viterI'expceition _ des vdumessonoresclevis, quipeuventse produirequandon allumeI'appareilaun niveaudevdume _l_ve oudurant I'ufilisation prolong_edeI'appareilaun volume_iev_ (Be • O PRODUCTO, SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORATION ShamPlazo,Mahwah,NewJemeyO74_5-1169 Avertissement'. L'adaptateur CA/CCfoumine centientpas depi_ces quipeuvent_trerep_r_esparr utilisateurIIestinterdit d'enleverloscouverdespar les personnesqui nesent pas qualifi_esComme radaptateurfondionne sous unetensiondangereuse,ii fauttoujoursd_brancherle cordonavant los travauxder_parationousi I'appareil n'estpasutilis_pendantunep_riodeprolong_e II estinterditd'utiliserI'adaptateurCA/CCfourniavec HT-SB30/HT-SB20 avecd'autresappareils Veuillezutiliseruniquementi'adaptateurCA/CCsp_cifi_ L'utilisation d'un autre adaptateurpout entrainer desdsques TENGA OTROS DERECNOS CUE Rrgsa2a/H%saao aaffa deSonido (A_eg_re_e delonereslainformaeie_ di_poniUle _ando neeesiledarsemitica suProduclo) Un(I) aSoenpiezasy se_iciosa partUdela iechadecompm Accesorms no f_edonale_, suminislros e insumos PeUodode eamneade emeproduce: Ara_ulo(_adMonaI(es)e_luido_ de la¢oU_rturade _aaara_eaIde _ximaalauno): DS_deobte_erel_e_io: PARA OBTENER INFORMACION PUESE CUE USTED TAMeEN i°°m • de las gamntias impllcitas, de modo que la Niel personal de ventas ni el vendedor u ot_a persona esta auterizade pare establecer en representaciCn de Sharp cualquier garanea que no scan las descntas aqui, o para extender la duraNen de cualquiera de Ins garaneas mas aft& del penodo descrito aqd Este aparato s61o debe ser utilizado dentro de un margen de temperaturasde 5°C - 35°C (4fF -95'F) SHARPnoes responsabledd dafiodebidoaun uso inadecuadoParareparaciones,Ilevela unidadaun centredeserviciosautorizadoporSHARP Veil]ezace que votrsapparsilsoitinstall_densunlieu bien aereet pr_voyezunespaced'au moins10 cm d'espaced_gag_surles odt_ssur le dessusdevotre appareii 10cm DEL CONSUMIDOR que se envle en su enveltora original, esta_A libre de defectes en la mano de ebra y matedales, y acuerda que, segt)n Io considere, reparar& o remplazar& el Preducto o pieza defectuo_ del mismo con un equ[vaNnte nuevo o reconstruido sin c_to adicionaJ per concepto de piezas y semcies durante el perlodo dispositivodedesconexiCnyseguirasiendosiempre facildeoperar No quite la tapa exterior dado que pueden producirse descargas el_ctricas. Solicite el servicio t_cnico a uncentro de servicio local SHARE El adaptadorinduido AC/DC confiene piezas no reparablesNunca retire las cubiertasa menosque este calificado pare eNo. Contienealtce voltajes, desconede siempre el enchufe de alimentaciCn principalde la tome de calida antes de cualquier operadCno serviciocoandonoest_ en use durante unlargoperiodo LIMITADA Elnivel desonidoenundeterminadovolumendependera dela efidenciadel aifavoz, la ubicadCny otros varios factores Es aconsejableevitar la exposidCna altos nivdes devdumen, elcual ocurreal encenderel equipo conun nivelalto enel controldevolumeno mieotrasse escuchacontinuamentea vdgmenes elevados SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORATION gamntiza a los aientes que cornpran po_primera vez que la mama Sharp de este producto (el Producta' h siempm Advertencia: • EladaptadorCA/DCsuministradocon eI HT-SB30/ HT-SB20nodebe serutitizadoconotros equipos Nunca ufilice un adaptadorAC/DC diferente a el espedficadode Io contradocorrera sedos desgos oproblemas Se debe usarla mismatensiCnque la especificada enel aparato Si usaeste aparatocon sea tensiCn mas aifa que la especificada,es peitgrosoy puede provocarincendioso acoideotesque causendafice SHARP no asumira responsabilidadalguna per cualquierdafiode este aparatoque resulte del use deucatensiondistintaa laespecificada. GARANTiA No ponganadaencimadelaparato No expongael aparatoa la humedad,a temperaturassuperiorssa 60C (140°F) niatemperaturasmuy bajas Si elsistemanofuncionacorrectamente,desenchufe el cable de alimentacbnde corriente aifemade la tomadecorrienteyvuelva aenchufado Si se produceunatormeotacon rayos,desenchufeel aparatoper razonesde seguridad Sujeteia ciavijade alimentaciCn de CAai qugaresta davija dd tomacorriete.Siia quite tirandodei cable puede rompero estropear los hiice y conexiones internas El enchufede la corrienteAC es ufilizadocome un • pansrappareil,lappamila _t_exposea la pluieou Ihumidit&rappareilnefonctionne pasnormalement ou Iappareilesttomb& Informationscomplementaires concernantlasecurit6 15) Alimentation dednque-- Cetappareilnedoit6treutilis6quavecralimentation sp6dfieesurr6tiquette signa16tique En casdedoutesurletypedeseurant devotre domicile,sensultezvdre revendeur0ula cempagnie d'dedncit_locale Pourles appareilsfonct_onnant sur battenes ousurtoutautretypedalimentation, sensultez lemoded'empld 16) Surcharge_iectrique - Ne d@assezpasla capacit_ dednquedes posesCA, desrallongesoudesprises de ceurantint_grales, cad nsquantdeprovoquerun incandie ouunededrocution 17) P_n_trat_on d'0bjetset de liquides-- N'intr0duisez jamaisd'objetsparlesorificesdecotappareilitspaurraienttoucherdespointssoustension,court-drcuiter cartainscircuitset pmvoquerainsiunincandie ouune dedrocutlon Piacezrappareiluniquementsur C.@ unchariot,unscale,untr@ied,un supportou unetableresemmand_ parlefabricantouvenduaveurappareilSivousutllisez un chariot,manrauvrezaveuprecauticeI'ensemble charioflappareii afin d'emp_eher touteblessuresuite unrenveraement AsegQrasede que el equipe est6 colocadoen un areabien ventiladay de que hayaper Io menos10 cm deespado libre a Io largo delos lados y parfe superiordel equipo 10cm _Ocm e. Si elproductose hacaidoo da_adodecualqu_er formay t Cuandoel productomuestrauncambionotable ensu rendimiento,Ioqoe iodicaqoe necasitaser reparado compse_ededeuxfichesdentruneestpluslargeque I'autre.Uneprisea la massesemporte deuxficheset unettoisiemefichederaise_latorte.Lafichelargeou la trdsiemefichederaise_ laterresentfoumiespour votres_cudt&Si la fichefoumien'entrepaspansla prise,veuillezconsulterun_iectricien pourremplaser la priseobsolete Aseurez-vous queie cordonsedeurne puisse_tte pi_tin_ou pinoetout particulierement au niveaudes fiches,despnsesdecourantet auxpointspail sortde I'appareii N'utilisezque des accessdres/ fixationsresemmandes parlefabricant. Item(s) to Obtain for this Product: Excluded from Warranty Sound to have for your (1) year pads Non-f'Jnctional items Coverage SPlice: Bar Home this information Theater available System when you n_d Product) and labor accessories, f_m the date suppees, of purchase and consumable At a Sharp Authorized Servi_r located in the United States To find a location of the nearest Sharp Authorized Servicer, call Sharp toll fr_ at 1 800-BE-SHARP Ship prepaid or carry in your Product to a Sharp Authorized Se_i_r Be sure to have Proof of Purchase available If you ship the Product, be sure it is insured and packaged securely TO OBTAIN SUPPLY, ACCESSORY SHARP OR PRODUCT ELECTRONICS Sharp Plaza Mahwah INFORMATION, CALL 1-800-BE-SHARP CORPORATION New Jersey 07495.1163 SHARP SHARP GARANTIE Produits ou au Canad_ par votre ou _r un d_t_ lallt Congratulations achat! initial de ce 9roduit de marque S_arp LIMITED WARRANTY Consumer Electronics Products de consommation pour _) g_f_nt t _ racheteur distdbu_ LIMITEE electroniques F_licitations Mee e Sharp ce_du least4" (10 cm) of free space along the sides and top of the equipment 10 cm (4") Thesoundlevelat agivenvolumesettingdepends onspeakerefficiency,locationandvariousother factors It is advisableto avoidexposureto high volumelevels,whichoccurswhileturningtheunit onwiththevolumecontrolsettinguphigh,or while continuallylisteningat highvolumes VALID IN CANADAONLY POUR CANADASEULEMENT est 24) cualquier forma: cuando so haya estropeadoel cableo ia davija dealimentaciCn, se hayanderramadegquidoeo hayancaido objetosen ei intoner det aparato,cuando este hayaestadoexpuestoa ialiuvrao a la humedad,cuandono funolooenormaimenteo ouandoso hayacaido Informacion de seguridad adicional 15) Fuentesde energia-- Esteproductodeperaufilizarse sdamentecon el ripe defuentede energia indicado enla etiqoetade espedicaciones.Si no esta segurodet tipo desuministrodeeoergiade su casa.consultea su distribuidoro a lacompafiia de dectriddadde su IcoalidadParatos productoe disefiadcaparafunc_coar con pilasootrafuentede energia,consulte{asinstruccioeesdeoperad6n 16) Sobrecarga- No sobrecarguelas tomas decorrF ente.cablesde extensi6no integralesporqoeesto poedeprovocarun hesgode incendJoo descarga el_ctrica Lisezsesinstrudions Conse_vez sesinstrudions Respectez lesraisesengarde. Suivezrouteslesinstrudions N'utilisez pascotappareil a pmximit_ dereau Netloyezuniquement aveuunchiffonsec Nebloquezpasles ouvertures deventilatlom hstaliez I'appareil enrespectant Iseinstructions dufabricant N'indailezpas rappareila proxlmitede sourcesde chaleurcemmedes radiateurs, des chauffages, des cuidnieresoud'autresappareiis(ycemprisiesam@ificateurs) produisant delachaleur Nenegligez pasiesconsignes desecunterelatives aux prisesdeterreou polaris_esUnepnsepdaris_eed Informationssurle programmeENERGYSTAR® r_capteur si_ 23) a When theAC cord or plug is damaged, b Ifliquidhas beenspilled,or objectshavefallen intothe product, c if theproducthasbeenexposedto rain or water d Ifthe productdoes notoperatenon'nallyby followingthe operating instructions Adjust only those controlsthat are coveredby theoperating instructionsas animproperadjustmentof other controlsmayresult indamageand will oftenrsquire extensiveworkbya qualifiedtechnicianto restorethe productto itsnormaloperation, Use only with the cart. stand, ._ tripod, bracket, or table specF fled by the manufacturer,or sold with the apparatus.When a cart is used, use caution when moving the cart/apparatus combinationto avoid injuryfrom tip-over. Unplugthisapparatusduring lightningstormsor when unusedfor long periods of time. L'_ledddt_remplitdenombreuses fondionsutilse,maissi on I'utilisereal,die pautocoasionner desblessuresetdesd_g_ts matCrieisBenquelaconception et lafabrication deseproduit aient_t_axlessurlasecuitte, unemauvaiseutilisation derappareilpoutfairecourirunrisqued'_lectrceution d/co d'incendie Pournepasvousexposera de telsdangers,respedezles consignes seivantes Iorsque vousinstallez,utilisezounettoyez I'appareil. Parmesuredes_cudt_ et pourprolonger ladur_ede servicedevotreappareil,veuillez life attentivement los prCcautionssuivantes eventderutiliser DeclarationIC d'expositionaux radiations(Pour les utili- e_ Topreventfire or shockhazard,donot exposethis applianceto drippingor splashing.No objectsfilled wdh liquids,suchas vases,shall beplacedonthe apparatus 18) DamageRequiring Service- Unplugthis product from the wall oufiet and refer servicingto qualified servicepersonnelunderthe following conditions: La etedhcidad se usa para realizertouchesfunciones Qtiles,perotambienpuedecausartesionesenpersonasy dahoeenla propiedadsi so utilizeincorredamenteEste producto haside disefiado y fabdcadocon la mas afia priondadenia segpadad.Sinembargo,su use incorrscto puedeprovocardescargasei_ctricasy'o incandioe.Pare evitarpeligrospoteno_ales, perfavortongamuy encuenta las instrucoicoessiguientesai instalar,operary iimpiaret producto.Pare garantizarsu segundady prolcogaria duraclCndesu produoto,leacuidadoeamente Insprecaucicoessiguientesantesdeutiiizado I) Leaestasinstrucciones. 2) Guardeestasinstrucoiooes. 3) PrestoatenoCmatodas las adverfesoias. 4) Siga todastasinstrucciones. 5) Noufiiicaesteaparatocarcadelagua. 6) Limpietosolamenteconunpafio seco. 7) No tape ins aperfurasde ventiiaciCn.Instaleet aparatodeacuerdoconlas instrucolonesdelfabricante. 8) No instaleei aparatocerca de ningunafuentede cater come, per ejemplo, radiadores,salidasde aire caiiente,estufasu Cites aparatoe(induyendo amplificadores)que produzcancalor. 9) No vide et dispoeitivode soguridaddet enchufe tipo pdadzado o de conexbna tierraUnenchufe pdarizadofienedoscuchiilas,una masanohaque la otra. Un ripe de enchufefiene dos ouohillasy una tercaraespigadeconexiona tierra.La hoja e para el medic medic energetica • ginal 22) • SHARP Informaci6ndel ProgramaENERGY STAR _ ATTENTION or 21) Please ensure that the equipment is positionedin a well-ventitatedarea and ensure that there is at Sharp Plaza tpepeligmdedescalgas dectrlcasa as pe..... E ectron que du Canada 20) odginal part Unauthorized substitutions may result infire, electncshock, or other hazards Safety Check- Upon completionof any service or repairsto this product,ask the servicetechnician to perform safety checksto determinethat the productisin proper operatingcondition. Wall or ceiling mounting- When mountingthe producton awall or coiling,be sureto installthe productaccordingto the methodrecommended by the manufacturer. Power Lines-An outsideantennasystemshould not be located in the vicinity of overheadpower lines or other electric light or powercircuits, or whereit canfall into suchpowerlines or circuits. When installing an outsideantenna system, extremecare shouldbe taken to keepfrom touching such power lines or circuitsas contact with them might befatal Protective Attachment Plug - The product is equippedwith an attachmentplug havingoverload protection This is a safety feature See Instruction Manual for replacementor resetting of protectivedevice If replacementof the plug is required,be sure the servicetechnidan has used a replacementplug specifiedby the manufacturerthat hasthe same ovedoadprotectionas the originalplug Stand - Do not placethe producton anunstable cad, stand,tripodor table Placingthe producton an unstablebase can cause the productto fall, resultingin serious personal injuriesas well as damage to the product Use only a cart,stand, tripod, bracket or table recommended by the manufacturer or sold with the product When mountingthe producton a walk be sure to followthe manufacturer'sinstructions Use onlythe mountinghardwarerecommendedby the manufacturer. • Never use an AC/DC adaptor other than the one specified Otherwise, problem or serious hazards may be created The voltage uoed mustbe thesame as that specified on this unit Using this product with a higher voltage other than that which is specified is dangerousand may result in a fire or other type of accident causing damage SHARP will not be held responsiblefor any damage resultingfrom use of this unit with a voltage other than that which is specified ENERGYSTARe is a U.S. registeredmark. ExpUcacion de los simbolos graficos: Elsimbolodelrayoconcapeza de fleoha,pentrode contenant 19) e Ifthe producthasbeen droppedor damagedin any way, and f When the productexhibitsa distinctchange in performance-thisindicatesa needfor service Replacement Parts - When replacementparts are required,be surethe servicetechnidanhas used replacementparts specifiedby the manufactureror have the same characteristicsas the superiorenergy efficiency. PRECAUCION Shap Refer all servicingto qualifiedservice personnet. Servicing is required when tire apparatus hasbeen damaged in any way, suchas powersupply cord or plug isdamaged, liquidhas been spilled or objectshave falleninto the apparatus. the apparatushas beenexposedto rain or moisture. does not operate non'nally,or has been dropped. Additional Safety Information 15) Power Sources - This product shouldbe operatedonly fromthe type of powersourceindicated on the markinglabel If you are not sure of the type of povyersupply to your home.consultyour productdealeror local powercompany.For produot intended to operatefrom battery power, or other sources,refer to the operatinginstructions. 16) Overloading- Do not ovedoedvyaiIoutlets,extension cords,or integral conveniencerecaptades as this can resultin arisk of fireor electncshock. 17) Object and Liquid Entry - Never push objects of any kind into this product through openings as they may touch dangerousvoltage points or shod-outparts that couldresuifin a fire or electric shock Productsthat haveearned the ENERGY STAR e are designed to protectthe environmentthrough andreceiver, • 10) • 14) Sharp (le _ produ t_) q_e autoris6 Shar_ e_ si_ n_ pas et_ on your purchase! s est emb_ll_ _Jat,s sol1 cen_u _ te quel _ ou sil _nd sold or _Jstdbuted n Canada ne the _@plcable warr_n_ pedo_ by Sharp or by an authodzed Sfla_p dealer a_d pro_Juct was not so_J as be free from _efects in mate ia _nd workma_,shp and will with_ t_ is or saes a_lic_be fina wafra_,ty that me pro_Juct wi durng _rod either repar the co_,amo,,s This,dtedwarramy shallnotappy_o install_don inadequate ou dune utilisat ot_ t_ot_a_p opriee tel quil est men_onne {N Au×d°mmagescaus_souau×r_parat_°nsrequisessur_espr°du_sShar9t_afiqu_s {N Aux da_s le manuel m°dfies du propdetaire r_gI_sou ou darts toute autre do umentat o_ _Par6sParuneendteau_equeSharp /a} A_y defects caused o_repai s required as a result of abus ve operation negl ge_,ce accident improper nstallation or inapgropriate u_ as out ined in the owner s manual or other ap#licab e p o_Juctdocutrlen_t_o_, (b} A_ly defects cau_ or repairs re_ui ed as a result of any Prod_c_ that has been tmrl_ ed with trlodified ad usted or epaired by any #_SO_l other ut_ Ic_ A_1ydefectscause_orrepa_requirc_asaresu_toftheuse°fthePr°ductwithitemsn°tspecifed°ra#p_°`,edbySha_pi_1c_udingbutn°timited _mma_es compds caus_s _u aux epara_ns mais sans en _tre limt_ requises _1a su te des rubans pour nettoyage de _ut s_ti_n du _r_uit _¢e des a_ de t_te et des agents de ne_oyage c_es n_n _si_n_s _u a_r_u¢6s _ar Sharp y ch miques to u_lisa_on normale du _roduit y compns trlais sans e_ _tre limt_ les _couteurs les {e) temp6fature es plateaux les f Itres es courroies les c_bes Au× defauts cosm_ti_ues _ la su_ace ou au be_tier e×t_r e_ {9) e,) catastrophe naturelle Au× r_c_ma_ons de garant e des _roduits d°nt _s nume_°s de se ie et de rr°de_e Au×produtsutflis_sadeshnscommer_i_lesoude ocaton t61_commandes et le paper: du _roduit et qui sont at_r buaNes les _d_tateurs a I_ d_tedoration c a I_ pi_es la sonde de ou _ I usu_e resultant d _n usage L s°m ina_ropd_s °u i_isiNes; _ones emote co_,trols AO foumJr des 9ar_n_es au_es ou a transf_ref cette garat_tie au nora de Shar_ acheteur doJt _ssumef tous les coots de d_rr o_t_ge de s batter es tempera_re probe tr_ys tikes belts ri_ns cables _nd pa_ef Iegible or without appropriate model serial _,Utrlber and CS_VcUL mark t_gs A_l_Pr°ductsusedf°_rental°rc°mmercargurD°ses How to get semite Wa rantg se_ce may be ol_tained u_n delivery of the Product togeth_ wth proof of #ufchase mc uding date of purchase) and a copy of this limited warranty statement to al author zed Shap se_ce centre or an author zed Sharp servic ng dealer _, florae warF_nty _ice wil I_e removal reins_llat on tra_s#o_t_on _ a_apte (g} V_arranty claims for Pro_Jucts renamed wth |_j) air_s que _a_estat °r_ _sA_C ea |_} A_1yc°smetcdamaget°thePr°duc_surIace°rexted°rthathas_eendefaced°rcausedbyn°m1alwear_ndtear and nsuran_ cos_ incu red The express warrant_es in this limited warat W are except for consumer purchasers _Jo _ c led in QueL_c n lieu of _nd except to the extent prohibited by applicable law Sharp disdaims al other warrant_es and con_J dons ex#ress or trll_lic_ whether _riSillg by aw statute by course of dealin 9 or usage of trade includin9 without lira tattoo, im_lic_ warrant es or co_,dit_ons of trl_chantabil w anNor qualitg fmess for a pa_icula_ use or purpose and/or non infringement Limitations (not app icable to consumer purchasers domiciled n Quebec to the e_e_,t prohibite_J raider QueSec law) (a} Sharp shal not r_installation be lable for any incident a speca co_, sequet_tial e_onom c exem_la_ or illd re_t datrlages of a_ly killd or nature ( nclu_ ng lost profir_ or damages for Sharp s aware of or has been advi_d of the possiblity of sud, datrlages; (b) the retrledies descril_e_J in thin imited warranty co_,sdtute compete _ulhhrlent of all ol_ligato_,s and responsibilit_es of Sharp to the purchase with respe_ to the Pr_uc_ and shall const tute full sat sf_ct_on of all cairns Produt const tuet,t Iexecution int_grale de toutes les oMigat o_s et res#onsabilit6s de Sharp e_vers Iacheteur _ 1_gard du p oduit et consdtuera a sat sfact_on entiere de toutes les r_damat o_s _u eles soient en fot,ction _Ju_ co_trat du_,e n_gligence dune responsal_id_e str_cte ou autrement D_ns ce_aines _rovmces es_ m_erdit d e×clu,e ou de I,,,ter lap_Hcatio_ de ce_ains dommages o_ _e cer_a_,es Hmites sur I_ duroc o_ ram,_laton de cer_anes PERIODES DE GA_ANTIE (c _41c_]_es & pa_ir P_oduits audio de la date d achat orig na_} Pieces I an I an TVACL (ampe I_ Fo_r_mic_oondes 1an dair Clirrlat seu_ G_nCrate_ po_tif dions man d _o_,, e (exce#6or_s relevCe N 90 jour {magr_Ct_on For consutrler P_RIODS put h_rs dome (calcu _ted led from n Quebec the date this of tr ited origit_a warranty s gocemed W purdla_) the Pa_s Audio Prod_ I_a, LeD W _y_ar laws of & Labeur Quebec {ex_epdo_lS t_ted) 3D_as_s I an P oduit _ u Ray P ojecteur _urificateur et WARRANTy N Limt_War,a_W Sharp E×t_,_d Warr_t_ C_f_,s Sham Ca,,a_a P,odu,_ o,A_ry Sal_please _o,,t_,_ Sharp 4anssupN_entaires) _HARP I an _ an _ an P asmacluster _e Lunches Adaptateur Pour €elites connaitre de produ le nora ts ou et I r4d_esse 3D de rCseau du detaJllant d accessoires Sh _p Ioca_ a_toris6 _eui ez saris au I an I an tl se commun_quer vice o_ avec Sharp _btenirdaw4nta9ederenseignerr`e_tssu_apr_sentegar_4nte_imit6esur_es°ffres_jegarantep°_ng_edeSharp_s_r_e , 5n ec ivant a Sharp Ele troll_ue du Canada Ltee 335 Br tann_a . _n a#pe_ant • _r_ visitant _u 905 notre ste 568 We_ EN SPECIAL Celltfe _ _. agrC_ _e se¢ce Sharp e plus pros o_ #our __ _t_ _" % THIS LIMITED WARRANTY tS VALID ONLY tN CANADA _" L_ : Road East M _issauga {Ontar o) L4Z W9 s _l..l_ _ p_ 7140 www CETTE HT-SB30 d_ NOTES .hdr_ .,, OARANTIE _ L}MITEE A2.indd2 EST 2 VALID_ UNtQUEMENT AU _ CANADA L 2013-01-07 06:55:06
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Sharp HT-SB30 El manual del propietario

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El manual del propietario
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