Whirlpool W WC512 Guía del usuario

Enfriadores de vino
Guía del usuario
Instructions for use
Mode d’emploi
Istruzioni per l’uso
Guía de usuario
Руководство по эксплуатации
Пайдаланушы нұсқаулығы
Guia do utilizador
Caratteristiche, 2
Scheda tecnica
Installazione, 10
Posizione e collegamento elettrico
Dati tecnici
Descrizione del prodotto, 11
Parti interne
Pannello comandi
Uso della cantinetta, 12-13
Comparto di invecchiamento
Regolazione manuale della temperatura
Estrazione dei ripiani in legno
Tabella delle temperature ideali dei vini
Disposizione delle bottiglie di vino, 14
Come introdurre le bottiglie
Manutenzione e guida alla ricerca
guasti, 15
Pulizia e manutenzione
Guida alla ricerca guasti
Assistenza, 16
Italiano, 4
English, 17
Français, 29
Español, 42
Deutsch, 55
Русский, 68
Қазақша, 81
Nederlands, 94
Português, 107
Prima di utilizzare l’apparecchio,
leggere le seguenti norme di
sicurezza. Conservarle per eventuali
consultazioni successive. Questo
manuale e l’apparecchio sono
corredati da importanti avvertenze
di sicurezza, da leggere e rispettare
sempre. Il fabbricante declina
qualsiasi responsabilità che derivi
dalla mancata osservanza delle
presenti istruzioni di sicurezza, da usi
impropri dell’apparecchio o da errate
impostazioni dei comandi.
Tenere l’apparecchio fuori dalla
portata dei bambini di età inferiore a 3
anni. Senza la sorveglianza costante di
un adulto tenere anche l’apparecchio
fuori dalla portata dei bambini di età
compresa tra 3 e 8 anni. I bambini di
età superiore agli 8 anni, le persone
con ridotte capacità fisiche, sensoriali
o mentali e le persone che non
abbiano esperienza o conoscenza
dell’apparecchio potranno utilizzarlo
solo sotto sorveglianza, o quando
siano state istruite sull’utilizzo sicuro
dell’apparecchio e siano consapevoli
dei rischi del suo utilizzo. I bambini
non devono giocare con l’apparecchio.
I bambini non devono eseguire
operazioni di pulizia e manutenzione
dell’apparecchio senza la sorveglianza di
un adulto.
Ai bambini di età compresa tra i 3 e gli
8 anni è consentito caricare e scaricare
apparecchi refrigeranti.
ATTENZIONE: l’apparecchio non è
destinato ad essere messo in funzione
mediante un dispositivo esterno o un
sistema di comando a distanza separato.
L’apparecchio è destinato all’uso
domestico e ad applicazioni analoghe,
quali: aree di cucina per il personale di
negozi, uffici e altri contesti lavorativi;
agriturismi; camere di hotel, motel, bed
& breakfast e altri ambienti residenziali.
Questo apparecchio non è destinato
all’uso professionale. Non utilizzare
l’apparecchio all’aperto.
La lampadina utilizzata
nell’apparecchio è progettata
specificatamente per gli
elettrodomestici e non è adatta per
l’illuminazione domestica (CE N.
L’apparecchio è predisposto
per operare in ambienti in cui la
temperatura sia compresa nei seguenti
intervalli, a seconda della classe
climatica riportata sulla targhetta.
L’apparecchio potrebbe non funzionare
correttamente se lasciato per un lungo
periodo ad una temperatura superiore
o inferiore all’intervallo previsto.
Temperature ambiente delle classi
SN: da 10 a 32 °C
ST: da 16 a 38 °C;
N: da 16 a 32 °C
T: da 16 a 43 °C
Questo apparecchio non contiene
CFC. Il circuito refrigerante contiene
R600a (HC). Apparecchi con isobutano
(R600a): l’isobutano è un gas naturale
senza effetti nocivi sull’ambiente,
tuttavia è infiammabile. È perciò
indispensabile assicurarsi che i tubi
del circuito refrigerante non siano
danneggiati, in particolare durante lo
svuotamento del circuito refrigerante.
AVVERTENZA: Non danneggiare
i tubi del circuito refrigerante
AVVERTENZA: Mantenere libere
da ostruzioni le aperture di ventilazione
nello spazio circostante l’apparecchio o
nella nicchia di incasso.
dispositivi meccanici, elettrici o chimici
diversi da quelli raccomandati dal
produttore per accelerare il processo di
o introdurre apparecchiature
elettriche all’interno degli scomparti
dell’apparecchio se queste non sono
del tipo espressamente autorizzato dal
AVVERTENZA: i produttori di
ghiaccio e/o i distributori d’acqua non
direttamente collegati all’alimentazione
idrica devono essere riempiti
unicamente con acqua potabile.
Non riporre sostanze esplosive,
ad esempio bombolette spray, e non
conservare o utilizzare benzina o altri
materiali infiammabili all’interno o in
prossimità dell’apparecchio.
Non ingerire il liquido (atossico)
contenuto negli accumulatori di freddo
(presenti in alcuni modelli). Non
mangiare cubetti di ghiaccio o ghiaccioli
subito dopo averli tolti dal congelatore
poiché potrebbero causare bruciature
da freddo.
Per i prodotti che prevedono l’uso di
un filtro aria all’interno di un coperchio
ventola accessibile, il filtro deve
essere sempre in posizione quando il
frigorifero è in funzione.
Non conservare nel comparto
congelatore alimenti liquidi in
contenitori di vetro, perché questi
potrebbero rompersi. Non ostruire la
ventola (se presente) con gli alimenti.
Dopo avere introdotto gli alimenti,
assicurarsi che le porte dei comparti si
chiudano bene, in particolare la porta
del comparto congelatore.
Sostituire non appena possibile le
guarnizioni danneggiate.
Questo apparecchio è destinato
ad essere usato esclusivamente per la
conservazione del vino nell’apposito
comparto, la conservazione di alimenti
freschi nel cassetto in modalità
frigorifero e la conservazione di alimenti
surgelati, il congelamento di alimenti
freschi e la preparazione di cubetti
di ghiaccio in modalità congelatore.
Conservare sempre le bottiglie senza
imballaggio e non in casse o cartoni.
La capacità del comparto per il vino è
indicata nella sezione che descrive la
conservazione delle bottiglie di vino.
Non conservare alimenti senza
confezione a contatto diretto con
le superfici del frigorifero o del
congelatore. Gli apparecchi possono
essere dotati di comparti speciali
(comparto cibi freschi, comparto
zero gradi, ecc.). Se non indicato
diversamente nel libretto del prodotto,
questi comparti possono essere rimossi
mantenendo prestazioni equivalenti.
Il c-pentano è utilizzato come agente
dilatante nella schiuma isolante ed è un
gas infiammabile.
Di seguito sono descritte le parti del
cassetto più adatte per la conservazione
di specifici tipi di alimenti tenendo
conto della diversa distribuzione delle
- Modalità frigorifero:
1) Area superiore del comparto
frigorifero - zona temperata:
Conservazione di frutta tropicale,
lattine, bevande, uova, salse,
sottaceti, burro, conserve
2) Area centrale del comparto
frigorifero - zona fredda:
Conservazione di formaggi, latte,
latticini, piatti pronti, yogurt
3) Area inferiore del comparto
frigorifero - zona più fredda:
Conservazione di affettati, dessert,
carne, pesce, semifreddi, pasta
fresca, panna acida, pesto/sughi,
piatti cucinati, creme dolci, budini e
formaggi a pasta molle
4) Parte inferiore del comparto
Conservazione di frutta e verdura
(esclusi i frutti tropicali)
- Modalità congelatore:
I surgelati acquistati hanno la data di
scadenza stampata sulla confezione.
Questa data tiene conto del tipo
di alimento e deve essere perciò
rispettata. Le durate di conservazione
consigliate per gli alimenti freschi sono
le seguenti: 1-3 mesi per formaggi,
crostacei, gelati, salumi, latte, liquidi
freschi; 4 mesi per bistecche o tagli di
carne (manzo, agnello, suino); 6 mesi
per burro o margarina, pollame (pollo,
tacchino); 8-12 mesi per frutta (esclusi
gli agrumi), arrosti di carne (manzo,
suino, agnello), verdure. È necessario
rispettare le date di scadenza riportate
sulle confezioni degli alimenti.
Per evitare la contaminazione degli
alimenti, osservare le seguenti
- L’apertura prolungata della porta può
causare un considerevole aumento
della temperatura nei comparti
- Pulire periodicamente le superfici
che possono entrare a contatto
con gli alimenti e i sistemi di scarico
- Pulire i serbatoi dell’acqua se non
vengono usati per 48 ore; se l’acqua
non viene prelevata per 5 giorni,
sciacquare completamente il sistema
collegato alla rete idrica.
- Conservare in frigorifero la carne a
il pesce crudi in recipienti adatti, in
modo che non entrino a contatto con
gli altri alimenti e non perdano liquidi.
- Non congelare gli alimenti freschi nei
comparti a una, due o tre stelle.
- Se l’apparecchio refrigerante deve
essere lasciato vuoto a lungo, si
raccomanda di spegnere, sbrinare,
pulire e asciugare l’apparecchio e di
lasciare la porta aperta per impedire
la formazione di muffe.
Per evitare il rischio di lesioni
personali, le operazioni di
movimentazione e installazione
dell’apparecchio devono essere
eseguite da almeno due persone.
Per le operazioni di disimballaggio e
installazione utilizzare i guanti protettivi
per non procurarsi tagli.
L’installazione, comprendente
anche eventuali raccordi per
l’alimentazione idrica e i collegamenti
elettrici, e gli interventi di riparazione
devono essere eseguiti da personale
qualificato. Non riparare o sostituire
qualsiasi parte dell’apparecchio se non
espressamente richiesto nel manuale
d’uso. Tenere i bambini a distanza dal
luogo dell’installazione. Dopo aver
disimballato l’apparecchio, assicurarsi
che non sia stato danneggiato durante
il trasporto. In caso di problemi,
contattare il rivenditore o il Servizio
Assistenza. A installazione completata,
conservare il materiale di imballaggio
(parti in plastica, polistirolo, ecc.)
fuori della portata dei bambini per
evitare il rischio di soffocamento.
Per evitare rischi di scosse elettriche,
prima di procedere all’installazione
scollegare l’apparecchio dalla rete
elettrica. Durante l’installazione,
accertarsi che l’apparecchio non possa
danneggiare il cavo di alimentazione e
causare così rischi di scosse elettriche.
Attivare l’apparecchio solo dopo
avere completato la procedura di
Nello spostare l’apparecchio, fare
attenzione per evitare di danneggiare
i pavimenti (es. parquet). Installare
l’apparecchio su un pavimento in grado
di sostenerne il peso e in un ambiente
adatto alle sue dimensioni e al suo
utilizzo. Controllare che l’apparecchio
non sia vicino a una fonte di calore e
che i quattro piedini siano stabili e bene
in appoggio sul pavimento, regolandoli
se necessario; controllare inoltre che
l’apparecchio sia perfettamente in
piano usando una livella a bolla d’aria.
Attendere almeno due ore prima
di attivare l’apparecchio, per dare
modo al circuito refrigerante di essere
perfettamente efficiente.
AVVERTENZA: Quando si posiziona
l’apparecchio, fare attenzione a non
incastrare o danneggiare il cavo di
AVVERTENZA: per evitare pericoli
dovuti all’instabilità dell’apparecchio,
posizionarlo o fissarlo attenendosi alle
istruzioni del produttore.
È vietato posizionare il frigorifero in
modo che la sua parete posteriore
(bobina del condensatore) entri a
contatto con il tubo metallico di un
piano di cottura a gas, con le tubazioni
metalliche del gas o dell’acqua o con
cavi elettrici.
Per garantire un’adeguata
ventilazione, lasciare i lati e la
parte superiore dell’apparecchio
sufficientemente distanziati dalla parete.
Per impedire l’accesso alle superfici
surriscaldate, la distanza fra il lato
posteriore dell’apparecchio e la parete
deve essere di 50 mm. Uno spazio
inferiore determinerà un maggiore
consumo energetico dell’apparecchio.
Deve essere possibile scollegare
l’apparecchio dalla rete elettrica
disinserendo la spina, se questa è
accessibile, o tramite un interruttore
multipolare installato a monte della
presa nel rispetto dei regolamenti
elettrici vigenti; inoltre, l’apparecchio
deve essere messo a terra in conformità
alle norme di sicurezza elettrica
Non utilizzare cavi di prolunga,
prese multiple o adattatori. Al termine
dell’installazione, i componenti
elettrici non dovranno più essere
accessibili all’utilizzatore. Non utilizzare
l’apparecchio quando si è bagnati
oppure a piedi nudi. Non accendere
l’apparecchio se il cavo di alimentazione
o la spina sono danneggiati, se si
osservano anomalie di funzionamento
o se l’apparecchio è caduto o è stato
Se il cavo di alimentazione è
danneggiato, deve essere sostituito con
uno dello stesso tipo dal produttore,
da un centro di assistenza autorizzato
o da un tecnico qualificato per evitare
situazioni di pericolo o rischi di scosse
AVVERTENZA: Non disporre prese
multiple o alimentatori portatili sul retro
ATTENZIONE: Per evitare rischi
di folgorazione, prima di qualsiasi
intervento di manutenzione accertarsi
che l’apparecchio sia spento e
scollegato dall’alimentazione elettrica;
inoltre, non usare in nessun caso
pulitrici a getto di vapore.
Non usare detergenti abrasivi o
aggressivi quali ad esempio spray
per i vetri, creme abrasive, liquidi
infiammabili, cere per pulizia, detergenti
concentrati, sbiancanti o detergenti
contenenti prodotti derivati dal petrolio
sulle parti in plastica, gli interni, i
rivestimenti delle porte o le guarnizioni.
Non utilizzare carta da cucina,
spugnette abrasive o altri strumenti di
pulizia aggressivi.
Il materiale di imballaggio è riciclabile al 100% ed
è contrassegnato dal simbolo del riciclaggio
with the wiring rules and the appliance must
be earthed in conformity with national electrical
safety standards.
Do not use extension leads, multiple sockets
or adapters. The electrical components must not
be accessible to the user after instal lation. Do not
use the appliance when you are wet or barefoot .
Do not operate this appliance if it has a damaged
power cable or plug, if it is not working properly,
or if it has been damaged or dropped.
If the supply cord is damaged, it must
be replaced with an identical one by the
manufacturer, its service agent or similarly
qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard -
risk of electric shock.
WARNING: Do not locate multiple portable
socket-outlets or portable power suppl ies at the
rear of the appliance.
WARNING: Ensure that the appliance is
switched off and disconnected from the power
supply before performing any maintenance
operation; never use steam cleaning equipment -
risk of electric shock.
Do not use abrasi ve or harsh cleaners such
as window sprays, scouring cleansers, flammable
fluids, cleaning waxes, concentrated detergents ,
bleaches or cleanser s containing petroleum
products on plastic parts, interior and door liners
or gaskets. Do not use paper towel s , scouring
pads, or ot her harsh cleani ng tools .
The packaging material is 100% recyclable and is marked with the
recycle symbol
. The various parts of the packaging must therefore
be disposed of responsibly and in full compliance with local authority
regulations governing waste disposal.
This appliance is manufactured with recyclable or reusable materials.
Dispose of it in accordance with local waste disposal regulations.
For further information on the treatment, recovery and recycling
of household electrical appliances, contact your local authority, the
collection service for household waste or the store where you purchased
the appliance. This appliance is marked in compliance with European
Directive 2012/19/EU, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).
By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent
negative consequences for the environment and human health. The
on the product or on the accompanying documentation
indicates that it should not be treated as domestic waste but must be
taken to an appropriate collection centre for the recycling of electrical
and electronic equipment.
To guarantee adequate ventilation follow installation instructions.
Insufficient ventilation at the back of the product increases energy
consumption and decreases cooling ef f iciency.
Frequent door opening might cause an increase in Energy consumption.
The internal temperature of the appliance and the Energy Consumption
may be affected also by the ambient temperature, as well as location of
the appliance. Temperature setting should take into consideration these
factors. Reduce door opening to minimum.
When thawing frozen food, place it in the refrigerator. The low
temperature of the frozen products cools the food in the refrigerator.
Allow warm food and drinks to cool down before placing in the
Positioning of the shelves i n the refrigerator has no impact on the
efficient usage of energy. Food should be pl aced on the shelves in such
way to ensure proper air circulation (food should not t ouch each other
and distance between food and rear wall should be kept).
You can increase storage capacity of frozen food by removing baskets
and, if present, Stop Fros t shelf.
Do not worry about noises coming from the compressor which are
normal operation noises.
Le varie parti dell’imballaggio devono pertanto
essere smaltite responsabilmente e in stretta
osservanza delle norme stabilite dalle autorità
Questo prodotto è stato fabbricato con
materiale riciclabile o riutilizzabile. Smaltire
il prodotto rispettando le normative locali
in materia. Per ulteriori informazioni sul
trattamento, il recupero e il riciclaggio
degli elettrodomestici, contattare l’ufficio
locale competente, il servizio di raccolta
dei rifiuti domestici o il negozio presso il
quale il prodotto è stato acquistato. Questo
apparecchio è contrassegnato in conformità
alla Direttiva Europea 2012/19/UE sui rifiuti
di apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche
(RAEE). Provvedendo al corretto smaltimento
del prodotto si contribuirà ad evitare potenziali
conseguenze negative sull’ambiente e sulla
salute umana. Il simbolo sul prodotto o sulla
documentazione di accompagnamento indica che
questo prodotto non deve essere trattato come
rifiuto domestico, ma deve essere consegnato
presso l’idoneo punto di raccolta per il riciclaggio
di apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche.
Per garantire un’adeguata ventilazione, seguire
le istruzioni di installazione. Una ventilazione
insufficiente sul retro dell’apparecchio provoca
un aumento del consumo energetico e una
riduzione dell’efficienza del raffreddamento.
L’apertura frequente delle porte può causare un
aumento del consumo di energia.
La temperatura interna dell’apparecchio e il
consumo energetico possono variare anche in
funzione della temperatura ambiente e del luogo
di installazione. Questi fattori devono essere
presi in considerazione quando si imposta il
termostato. Ridurre l’apertura delle porte allo
stretto necessario.
Per scongelare prodotti surgelati, collocarli nel
comparto frigorifero.
La bassa temperatura dei prodotti surgelati
raffredda gli alimenti nel comparto frigorifero.
Fare raffreddare alimenti e bevande calde prima
di introdurli nell’apparecchio.
Il posizionamento dei ripiani nel frigorifero non
ha effetto sull’utilizzo efficiente dell’energia.
Collocare gli alimenti sui ripiani in maniera da
assicurare un’adeguata circolazione dell’aria (gli
alimenti non devono essere a contatto tra di loro
e non devono essere a contatto con la parete
Si può aumentare la capacità dell’area di
conservazione di alimenti surgelati togliendo i
cestelli e, se presente, il ripiano Stop Frost.
I rumori provenienti dal compressore sono
da considerarsi come normali rumori di
Disimballaggio e
1. Rimuovere con cautela le protezioni e gli
adesivi, aprire lo sportello e verificare che tutti i
componenti siano presenti.
2. Estrarre il cavo di alimentazione.
1. Posizionare il dispositivo in un'area ben
ventilata, non umida e aperta (evitare gli armadi
con pareti chiuse).
2. Tenere il dispositivo lontano da fonti di calore.
3. Verificare che siano rispettate le distanze
minime tra il dispositivo e le pareti del locale in
cui è posizionato, per garantire una ventilazione
ideale dell'apparecchio.
Vedere la figura.
Collegamenti elettrici
Dopo il trasporto, disporre il dispositivo
verticalmente e attendere almeno 3 ore prima di
collegarlo alla rete elettrica. Prima di inserire la
spina nella presa elettrica, verificare che:
la presa sia messa a terra e sia a norma secondo
le disposizioni
di legge;
la presa possa sostenere il carico elettrico
massimo dell'apparecchio, indicato nella
tabella della scheda tecnica o sulla targhetta
di identificazione applicata in basso a destra
(vedere la Descrizione del dispositivo);
la tensione di alimentazione rientri nell'intervallo
indicato nella tabella della scheda tecnica o sulla
targhetta di identificazione applicata in basso a
destra (vedere la Descrizione del dispositivo);
la presa elettrica sia compatibile con la spina del
dispositivo. In caso contrario, sostituire la presa
o la spina; non usare prolunghe e multiple.
Posizionamento e collegamento
Ventilation space:
at least 50 mm
of the
side area
of the cellar
Descrizione del prodotto
Parti interne
Pannello comandi
Interior Parts
Control Panel
Product Description
Interior Parts
Control Panel
Product Description
Comparto di invecchiamento
La funzione principale di questo comparto è
garantire che i vini si conservino in condizioni
La temperatura viene preimpostata in fabbrica a un
valore considerato ideale nella maggior parte dei
casi, ed è pari a 15°C nella zona superiore.
Il vino è un prodotto complesso, frutto di un
processo lungo e lento, e per esprimere al meglio
i suoi attributi ha bisogno di condizioni molto
Tutti i vini vengono conservati alla stessa
temperatura ma, a seconda delle loro
caratteristiche, vanno serviti e gustati a
temperature molto differenti (vedere la tabella
delle temperature ideali).
Per questa ragione, come nelle cantine delle
aziende vinicole, non è tanto la temperatura
assoluta dell'apparecchio il fattore importante
per la conservazione dei vini, quanto piuttosto il
mantenimento di quella temperatura a un valore
costante nel tempo. Qualsiasi temperatura può
essere ideale per la conservazione del vino, purché
non subisca variazioni.
Regolazione manuale della temperatura
Quando si collega la cantinetta alla rete elettrica,
il display mostra la temperatura interna: è stata
impostata per raggiungere il valore di 15 ° C e
mantenerlo costante. Se fosse necessario regolarla,
seguire le istruzioni sotto riportate:
1. Quando si collega la cantinetta alla rete
elettrica, il display mostra la temperatura
2. Premere il tasto + per un secondo (vedere il
Pannello comandi). Le cifre della temperatura
3. Premere i tasti + o - fino a raggiungere la
temperatura desiderata
4. Attendere 5 secondi finché la temperatura non
smette di lampeggiare.
5. Attendere che la cantinetta raggiunga la
temperatura desiderata prima di introdurre le
La luce interna non si accende (o si spegne
temporaneamente) quando la temperatura interna
supera i 24° C. Questo permette di raggiungere più
velocemente la temperatura impostata.
Estrazione dei ripiani in legno
ATTENZIONE: I ripiani di legno non sono
scorrevoli. Non estrarli quando vi sono appoggiate
delle bottiglie, perché si rischierebbe di romperle.
Prima di estrarre i ripiani per la pulizia si
raccomanda di togliere prima le bottiglie.
Uso della cantinetta
Tabella delle temperature ideali dei vini
Questa tabella indica le temperature approssimative a cui il vino dovrebbe essere servito. Se un vino deve
essere servito a una temperatura più alta di quella presente all'interno della cantinetta, si raccomanda di
estrarre la bottiglia con un anticipo sufficiente.
Amarone 17°C Vini frizzanti, secchi e dolci 6°C
Barbaresco 17°C
Verdicchio di Matelica
e dei Castelli di Jesi
Barolo 17°C
Vini bianchi del
Trentino Alto Adige
Beaujolais 13°C Vini bianchi Franciacorta 11°C
Bordeaux bianco liquoroso 6°C Vini bianchi secchi aromatici 10°C
Bordeaux bianco secco 8°C
Vini bianchi secchi,
giovani e fruttati
Bordeaux rosso 17°C
Vini bianchi del
Friuli Venezia Giulia
Vini bianchi di Borgogna 11°C Vini della Valle del Rodano 15°C
Vini rossi di Borgogna 18°C
Vini bianchi secchi della Valle
della Loira
Brunello 17°C Vini liquorosi della Loira 7°C
Champagne 6°C Vini rossi della Valle della Loira 14°C
Chianti Classico 16°C Vini passiti liquorosi 8-18°C
Languedoc-Roussillon 13°C Vini rosé, vini novelli 12°C
Passito di Pantelleria 6°C Vini rossi leggeri e poco tannici 14°C
Vini rosé di Provenza 12°C
Vini rossi molto tannici
con struttura media
Disposizione standard a 24 bottiglie
La disposizione a 24 bottiglie (per bottiglie
standard, miste e renane) è consigliata per i vini
che devono essere visibili e facili da estrarre.
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
24 bottiglie (tutte distese)
3 ripiani
Posizionare le bottiglie disponendone una in
ogni incavo sui tre ripiani di legno. Sulla base
della cantinetta è possibile disporre sei bottiglie.
Si raccomanda di disporre le bottiglie renane
sul ripiano inferiore e sulla base della cantinetta,
perché questi sono gli spazi più adatti per le
bottiglie relativamente grandi.
! Il ripiano di legno può sostenere con sicurezza
fino a 22 bottiglie
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
Disposizione per bottiglie di champagne
Le bottiglie di champagne sono più grandi di quelle
standard. Devono perciò essere disposte sulla base
della cantinetta, che può contenere fino a cinque
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
Se si desidera conservare nella cantinetta più
di cinque bottiglie di champagne, rimuovere
il terzo ripiano e disporre le bottiglie su due
file (collocando le bottiglie della seconda fila
alternate a quelle in appoggio sulla base).
Questa disposizione permette di introdurre fino
a nove bottiglie.
Alcuni esempi di disposizione
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
28 bottiglie (tutte distese)
Disposizione delle bottiglie di vino
Pulizia e manutenzione
Disconnessione della cantinetta
Durante le operazioni di pulizia e manutenzione,
è assolutamente necessario staccare la cantinetta
dalla rete elettrica.
Guida alla ricerca guasti
Se la cantinetta non funziona correttamente,
consultare l'elenco seguente prima di contattare il
servizio di assistenza.
! L’apparecchio è stato progettato e fabbricato in
conformità alle norme internazionali di sicurezza.
Queste avvertenze sono fornite per scopi di
sicurezza e devono essere lette attentamente.
Questa apparecchiatura è conforme alle seguenti
direttive europee:
Maintenance and
Care and maintenance
Disconnecting the wine cellar
During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar
If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your
Service Centre.
The compressor does not work
The compressor never stops
Possible causes/solutions
The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not
enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power
failure in your home.
The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine
cellar into another wall-outlet to check.
Contact the Service Centre
! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre.
! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left
unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer.
! The appliance was designed and manufactured in
compliance with international safety standards. The
following warnings are provided for safety reasons
and must be read carefully.
This appliance complies with the following
Community Directives:
- 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and
subsequent amendments;
- 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic
Compatibility) and subsequent amendments;
- 2002/96/CE.
Observe local environmental standards when
disposing packaging material for recycling
The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE),
requires that old household electrical appliances
must not be disposed of in the normal unsorted
municipal waste stream. Old appliances must be
collected separately in order to optimise the
recovery and recycling of the materials they contain
and reduce the impact on human health and the
environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin”
symbol on the product reminds you of your
obligation, that when you dispose of the appliance
it must be separately collected.
Consumers should contact their local authority or
retailer for information concerning the correct
disposal of their old appliance.
- Direttiva Bassa Tensione 2014/35/UE
- Direttiva Compatibilità Elettromagnetica (EMC)
- Direttiva RAEE 2012/30/UE
Maintenance and
Care and maintenance
Disconnecting the wine cellar
During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar
If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your
Service Centre.
The compressor does not work
The compressor never stops
Possible causes/solutions
The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not
enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power
failure in your home.
The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine
cellar into another wall-outlet to check.
Contact the Service Centre
! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre.
! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left
unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer.
! The appliance was designed and manufactured in
compliance with international safety standards. The
following warnings are provided for safety reasons
and must be read carefully.
This appliance complies with the following
Community Directives:
- 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and
subsequent amendments;
- 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic
Compatibility) and subsequent amendments;
- 2002/96/CE.
Observe local environmental standards when
disposing packaging material for recycling
The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE),
requires that old household electrical appliances
must not be disposed of in the normal unsorted
municipal waste stream. Old appliances must be
collected separately in order to optimise the
recovery and recycling of the materials they contain
and reduce the impact on human health and the
environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin”
symbol on the product reminds you of your
obligation, that when you dispose of the appliance
it must be separately collected.
Consumers should contact their local authority or
retailer for information concerning the correct
disposal of their old appliance.
Attenersi alle norme vigenti per lo
smaltimento del materiale di imballaggio
La direttiva europea 2012/19/UE sui
rifiuti di apparecchiature elettriche ed
elettroniche (RAEE) vieta lo smaltimento degli
elettrodomestici insieme ai normali rifiuti
indifferenziati. Gli apparecchi dismessi devono
essere smaltiti separatamente per ottimizzare
il tasso di recupero e riciclaggio dei materiali
che li compongono e impedire potenziali
danni per la salute umana e l’ambiente.
Il simbolo del "bidone barrato" riportato
sul prodotto ricorda l'obbligo di raccolta
Per ulteriori informazioni sul corretto
smaltimento degli elettrodomestici, rivolgersi
all'ufficio pubblico preposto o al rivenditore.
! Qualsiasi intervento sulla cantinetta deve essere eseguito da un tecnico autorizzato del servizio assistenza
di zona.
! I guasti di breve durata, come le interruzioni temporanee di corrente, non compromettono la
conservazione dei vini. Questi possono subire alterazioni solo se i difetti di funzionamento vengono lasciati
irrisolti per un periodo prolungato.
Manutenzione e guida alla ricerca guasti
Problema Possibili cause/rimedi
Il compressore non funziona La spina non è inserita nella presa elettrica,
oppure non è inserita a sufficienza per fare
contatto. Oppure, si è verificata un'interruzione
di corrente nell'impianto domestico.
La presa elettrica è guasta o difettosa. Collegare
la cantinetta a un'altra presa per verificarne il
Il compressore non si arresta mai Contattare il servizio di assistenza
Prima di contattare l'Assistenza:
Verificare se si riesce a risolvere da soli il problema (vedere la sezione Anomalie e Rimedi).
In caso negativo, contattare il Numero Unico Nazionale 199.199.199
Non ricorrete mai a tecnici non autorizzati e rifiutate sempre l'installazione di pezzi di ricambio
non originali.
il tipo di anomalia
il modello dell'apparecchio (Mod.)
il numero di serie (S/N)
Queste informazioni si trovano sulla targhetta dati
posta in basso a sinistra nel vano frigorifero.
Before calling for Assistance:
Check if the malfunction can be solved on your own (
see Troubleshooting
If after all the checks, the appliance still does not operate or the problem persists, call the nearest Service
type of malfunction
appliance model (Mod.)
serial number (S/N)
This information can be found on the data
plate located on the bottom left side of the
refrigerator compartment.
Never call on unauthorized technicians and always refuse spare parts which are not originals.
RG 2330
93139180000 S/N 704211801
220 - 240 V- 50 Hz 150 W
Max 15 w
R 134 a
kg 0,090
Freez. Capac
Poder de Cong
Made in Italy 13918
LOW 140
kg/24 h
model serial number
Features, 18
Data Sheet
Installation, 22
Location and power connection
Technical information
Product Description, 23
Interior Parts
Control Panel
Using the Wine Cellar, 24-25
Bottle ageing compartment
Manual temperature control
Taking out the wooden shelves
Table of ideal wine temperatures
Stocking the wine bottles, 26
How to stock the bottles
Maintenance and troubleshooting, 27
Care and Maintenance
Assistance, 28
Italiano, 4
English, 17
Français, 29
Español, 42
Deutsch, 55
Русский, 68
Қазақша, 81
Nederlands, 94
Português, 107
IMPORTANT to be read and observed
Before using the appliance, read these
safety instructions. Keep them nearby
for future reference.
These instructions and the appliance
itself provide important safety warnings,
to be observed at all times. The
manufacturer declines any liability
for failure to observe these safety
instructions, for inappropriate use of
the appliance or incorrect setting of
Very young children (0-3 years)
should be kept away from the
appliance. Young children (3-8 years)
should be kept away from the appliance
unless continuously supervised.
Children from 8 years old and above
and persons with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capabilities or lack
of experience and knowledge can use
this appliance only if they are supervised
or have been given instructions on
safe use and understand the hazards
involved. Children must not play
with the appliance. Cleaning and user
maintenance must not be carried out by
children without supervision. Children
aged from 3 to 8 years are allowed to
load and unload refrigerating appliances.
CAUTION: The appliance is not
intended to be operated by means of
an external switching device, such as a
timer, or separate remote controlled
This appliance is intended to
be used in household and similar
applications such as: staff kitchen areas
in shops, offices and other working
environments; farm houses; by clients
in hotels, motels, bed & breakfast and
other residential environments.
This appliance is not for professional
use. Do not use the appliance outdoors.
The bulb used inside the appliance
is specifically designed for domestic
appliances and is not suitable for general
room lighting within the home (EC
Regulation 244/2009).
The appliance is designed for
operation in places where the ambient
temperature comes within the following
ranges, according to the climatic class
given on the rating plate. The appliance
may not work properly if it is left for a
long time at a temperature outside the
specified range.
Climatic Class Amb. T. (°C)
SN: From 10 to 32 °C
ST: From 16 to 38 °C;
N: From 16 to 32 °C
T: From 16 to 43 °C
This appliance does not contain
CFCs. The refrigerant circuit contains
R600a (HC). Appliances with Isobutane
(R600a): isobutane is a natural gas
without environmental impact, but
is flammable. Therefore, make sure
the refrigerant circuit pipes are not
damaged, especially when emptying the
refrigerant circuit.
WARNING: Do not damage the
appliance refrigerant circuit pipes.
WARNING: Keep ventilation
openings, in the appliance enclosure
or in the built-in structure, clear of
WARNING: Do not use mechanical,
electric or chemical means other
than those recommended by the
Manufacturer to speed up the defrost
WARNING: Do not use or place
electrical devices inside the appliance
compartments if they are not of the
type expressly authorised by the
WARNING: Ice makers and/or
water dispensers not directly connected
to the water supply must be filled with
potable water only.
Do not store explosive substances
such as aerosol cans and do not place
or use gasoline or other flammable
materials in or near the appliance.
Do not swallow the contents (non-
toxic) of the ice packs (provided with
some models). Do not eat ice cubes or
ice lollies immediately after taking them
out of the freezer since they may cause
cold burns.
Do not store glass containers with
liquids in the freezer compartment
since they may break. Do not obstruct
the fan (if included) with food items.
After placing the food check that the
door of compartments closes properly,
especially the freezer door.
Damaged gaskets must be replaced
as soon as possible.
This appliance is intended to be
used exclusively for the storage of wine
in the wine storage compartment,
for storing fresh food in the drawer
in refrigerator mode and for storing
frozen food, freezing fresh food and
making ice cubes in the drawer in
freezer mode. Always store bottles
without their packaging and not inside
crates or boxes. The capacity of the
wine storage compartment is indicated
in the chapter describing the stocking of
wine bottles.
Avoid storing unwrapped food
in direct contact with internal
surfaces of the refrigerator or freezer
compartments. Appliances could have
special compartments (Fresh Food
Compartment, Zero Degree Box,...).
Unless differently specified in the
specific booklet of product, they can
be removed, maintaining equivalent
C-Pentane is used as blowing
agent in the insulation foam and it is a
flammable gas.
The most appropriate part of the
drawer where specific types of food
are to be stored, taking into account
different temperature distribution
in different compartments in the
appliance, are as follows:
- Refrigerator mode:
1) Upper area of the refrigerator
compartment - temperature zone:
Store tropical fruit, cans, drinks, eggs,
sauces, pickles, butter, jam
2) Middle area of the refrigerator
compartment - cool zone: Store
cheese, milk, dairy food, deli food,
3) Lower area of the refrigerator
- coldest zone: Store cold cuts,
desserts, meat and fish, cheesecake,
fresh pasta, sour cream, pesto/salsa,
home-cooked food, pastry cream,
pudding and cream cheese
4) The bottom of the refrigerator
Store vegetables and fruits (excluding
tropical fruits)
- Freezer mode:
Purchased frozen food has the storage
expiration date stated on the packaging.
This date takes into account the type
of food being stored and therefore
this date should be respected. Fresh
food should be stored for the following
time periods: 1-3 months for cheese,
shellfish, ice cream, ham/sausage, milk,
fresh liquids; 4 months for steak or
chops (beef, lamb, pork); 6 months for
butter or margarine, poultry (chicken,
8-12 months for fruits (except
citrus), roast meat (beef, pork, lamb),
vegetables. Expiration dates on the
packaging of foods must be respected.
To avoid food contamination, please
observe the following:
a significant increase of the temperature
in the compartments of the appliance.
– Regularly clean surfaces that may
come into contact with food and
accessible drainage systems.
– Clean water tanks if they have not
been used for 48 h; flush the water
system connected to a water supply if
water has not been drawn for 5 days.
– Store raw meat and fish in suitable
containers in the refrigerator, so that it
does not come into contact with or drip
onto other food.
– Two-star frozen food compartments
are suitable for storing pre-frozen food,
storing or making ice cream and ice
– Do not freeze fresh food in one, two
or three-star compartments.
– If the refrigerating appliance is left
empty for long periods, switch off,
defrost, clean, dry, and leave the door
open to prevent mould developing
inside the appliance.
The appliance must be handled and
installed by two or more persons - risk
of injury. Use protective gloves to
unpack and install - risk of cuts.
Installation, including water supply (if
any), electrical connections and repairs
must be carried out by a qualified
technician. Do not repair or replace any
part of the appliance unless specifically
stated in the user manual. Keep children
away from the installation site. After
unpacking the appliance, make sure
that it has not been damaged during
transport. In the event of problems,
contact the dealer or your nearest
Aftersales Service. Once installed,
packaging waste (plastic, styrofoam
parts etc.) must be stored out of reach
of children - risk of suffocation. The
appliance must be disconnected from
the power supply before any installation
operation - risk of electric shock.
During installation, make sure the
appliance does not damage the power
cable - risk of fire or electric shock.
Only activate the appliance when the
installation has been completed.
Be careful not to damage the
floors (e.g. parquet) when moving the
appliance. Install the appliance on a
floor or support strong enough to take
its weight and in a place suitable for its
size and use. Make sure the appliance is
not near a heat source and that the four
feet are stable and resting on the floor,
adjusting them as required, and check
that the appliance is perfectly level using
a spirit level. Wait at least two hours
before switching the appliance on, to
ensure that the refrigerant circuit is fully
WARNING: When positioning the
appliance, ensure the supply cord is not
trapped or damaged.
WARNING: To avoid a hazard due
to instability, positioning or fixing of the
appliance must be done in accordance
with the manufacturer instructions.
It’s forbidden to place the refrigerator
in such way that the metal hose of gas
stove, metal gas or water pipes, or
electrical wires are in contact with the
refrigerator back wall (condenser coil).
To guarantee adequate ventilation,
leave a space on both sides and above
the appliance. The distance between
the rear of the appliance and the wall
behind the appliance should be 50mm,
to avoid access to hot surfaces. A
reduction of this space will increase the
Energy consumption of product.
It must be possible to disconnect
the appliance from the power supply by
unplugging it if plug is accessible, or by
a multi-pole switch installed upstream
of the socket in accordance with the
wiring rules and the appliance must
be earthed in conformity with national
electrical safety standards.
Do not use extension leads, multiple
sockets or adapters. The electrical
components must not be accessible to
the user after installation. Do not use
the appliance when you are wet or
barefoot. Do not operate this appliance
if it has a damaged power cable or plug,
if it is not working properly, or if it has
been damaged or dropped.
If the supply cord is damaged, it
must be replaced with an identical one
by the manufacturer, its service agent
or similarly qualified persons in order to
avoid a hazard - risk of electric shock.
WARNING: Do not locate multiple
portable socket-outlets or portable
power supplies at the rear of the
WARNING: Ensure that the
appliance is switched off and
disconnected from the power supply
before performing any maintenance
operation; never use steam cleaning
equipment - risk of electric shock.
Do not use abrasive or harsh
cleaners such as window sprays,
scouring cleansers, flammable
fluids, cleaning waxes, concentrated
detergents, bleaches or cleansers
containing petroleum products on
plastic parts, interior and door liners
or gaskets. Do not use paper towels,
scouring pads, or other harsh cleaning
The packaging material is 100% recyclable
and is marked with the recycle symbol
with the wiring rules and the appliance must
be earthed in conformity with national electrical
safety standards.
Do not use extension leads, multiple sockets
or adapters. The electrical components must not
be accessible to the user after instal lation. Do not
use the appliance when you are wet or barefoot .
Do not operate this appliance if it has a damaged
power cable or plug, if it is not working properly,
or if it has been damaged or dropped.
If the supply cord is damaged, it must
be replaced with an identical one by the
manufacturer, its service agent or similarly
qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard -
risk of electric shock.
WARNING: Do not locate multiple portable
socket-outlets or portable power suppl ies at the
rear of t he appli ance.
WARNING: Ensure that the appliance is
switched off and disconnected from the power
supply before performing any maintenance
operation; never use steam cleaning equipment -
risk of electric shock.
Do not use abrasi ve or harsh cleaners such
as window sprays, scouring cleansers, flammable
fluids, cleaning waxes, concentrated detergents ,
bleaches or cleanser s containing petroleum
products on plastic parts, interior and door liners
or gaskets. Do not use paper towel s , scouring
pads, or ot her harsh cleani ng tools .
The packaging material is 100% recyclable and is marked with the
recycle symbol
. The various parts of the packaging must therefore
be disposed of responsibly and in full compliance with local authority
regulations governing waste disposal.
This appliance is manufactured with recyclable or reusable materials.
Dispose of it in accordance with local waste disposal regulations.
For further information on the treatment, recovery and recycling
of household electrical appliances, contact your local authority, the
collection service for household waste or the store where you purchased
the appliance. This appliance is marked in compliance with European
Directive 2012/19/EU, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).
By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent
negative consequences for the environment and human health. The
on the product or on the accompanying documentation
indicates that it should not be treated as domestic waste but must be
taken to an appropriate collection centre for the recycling of electrical
and electronic equipment.
To guarantee adequate ventilation follow installation instructions.
Insufficient ventilation at the back of the product increases energy
consumption and decreases cooling ef f iciency.
Frequent door opening might cause an increase in Energy consumption.
The internal temperature of the appliance and the Energy Consumption
may be affected also by the ambient temperature, as well as location of
the appliance. Temperature setting should take into consideration these
factors. Reduce door opening to minimum.
When thawing frozen food, place it in the refrigerator. The low
temperature of the frozen products cools the food in the refrigerator.
Allow warm food and drinks to cool down before placing in the
Positioning of the shelves i n the refrigerator has no impact on the
efficient usage of energy. Food should be pl aced on the shelves in such
way to ensure proper air circulation (food should not t ouch each other
and distance between food and rear wall should be kept).
You can increase storage capacity of frozen food by removing baskets
and, if present, Stop Fros t shelf.
Do not worry about noises coming from the compressor which are
normal operation noises.
. The
various parts of the packaging must therefore be
disposed of responsibly and in full compliance
with local authority regulations governing waste
This appliance is manufactured with recyclable
or reusable materials. Dispose of it in accordance
with local waste disposal regulations. For further
information on the treatment, recovery and
recycling of household electrical appliances,
contact your local authority, the collection
service for household waste or the store where
you purchased the appliance. This appliance is
marked in compliance with European Directive
2012/19/EU, Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (WEEE). By ensuring this product
is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent
negative consequences for the environment and
human health. The symbol on the product or
on the accompanying documentation indicates
that it should not be treated as domestic waste
but must be taken to an appropriate collection
centre for the recycling of electrical and
electronic equipment.
To guarantee adequate ventilation follow
installation instructions. Insufficient ventilation
at the back of the product increases energy
consumption and decreases cooling efficiency.
Frequent door opening might cause an
increase in Energy consumption. The internal
temperature of the appliance and the Energy
Consumption may be affected also by the
ambient temperature, as well as location of
the appliance. Temperature setting should
take into consideration these factors. Reduce
door opening to minimum. When thawing
frozen food, place it in the refrigerator. The
low temperature of the frozen products cools
the food in the refrigerator. Allow warm food
and drinks to cool down before placing in the
Positioning of the shelves in the refrigerator has
no impact on the efficient usage of energy. Food
should be placed on the shelves in such way to
ensure proper air circulation (food should not
touch each other and distance between food and
rear wall should be kept).
You can increase storage capacity of frozen food
by removing baskets and, if present, Stop Frost
shelf. Do not worry about noises coming from
the compressor which are normal operation
1. Carefully remove the protections and the
adhesives, open the door and make sure all the
components are present.
2. Take out the power supply cable.
1. Position the device in a well ventilated area,
not damp and free (avoid cabinets with closed
2. Keep the device away from heat sources.
3. Make sure the minimum distances between
the device and the walls of the room where it
is placed are kept, in order to ensure perfect
ventilation of the device.
See figure.
Wiring connection
After transport, stand the device vertically, and
wait for at least 3 hours before connecting it to
the wiring system. Before putting the plug into the
power socket, make sure that:
the socket is earthed and according to legal
the socket is able to hold up to the maximum
power load of the machine, indicated on the
Data Sheet table or on the feature plate to the
bottom right (see Description of the device);
the power supply voltage falls within the
range indicated on the Data Sheet table or
on the feature plate to the bottom right (see
Description of the device);
the power socket is compatible with the plug
of the device. Otherwise, replace the socket
or the plug; do not use extensions or multiple
Positioning and connection
Ventilation space:
at least 50 mm
of the
side area
of the cellar
Product Description
Interior Parts
Control Panel
Interior Parts
Control Panel
Product Description
Interior Parts
Control Panel
Product Description
Bottle ageing compartment
The ageing compartment’s main function is that
of guaranteeing that your wines are preserved in
optimal conditions.
The temperature has been set in the factory at a
temperature held to be excellent in most cases and
is 15°C in the upper compartment.
Wine has a complex nature and it derives from a
long and slow process. In order to best express its
attributes, very specific conditions are necessary.
All wines are preserved at the same temperature,
but, depending on their different characteristics,
wines are served and tasted at very different
temperatures (see the Table of ideal wine
Therefore, just as for manufacturers’ wine cellars,
for your new appliance, the absolute temperature
value is not important for preserving your wine.
Rather, the constant temperature through time
is important. Wine preservation is ideal at any
temperature, as long as that temperature does not
Manual temperature control
When you plug in your wine cellar, the display
shows the temperature inside the cellar: it has
been set to reach 15 ° C and become steady on it.
Should you need to adjust it, follow the instructions
1. When you plug in your wine cellar, the display
shows the temperature that has been set
2. Press the + button for one second (see the
Control Panel). The temperature will begin to
3. Press the + or - buttons until you reach the
desired temperature
4. Wait 5 seconds for the temperature to stop
5. Wait until the wine cellar reaches its
temperature before you place the wine bottles
The inside light does not go on (or it goes off
temporarily) when the inside temperature goes
over 24° C. This allows you to reach the pre-set
temperature more quickly.
Taking out the wooden shelves
WARNING: The wooden shelves are not sliding.
Do not take them out when loaded with bottles, to
prevent the risk of the bottles breaking.
You can take the shelves out for cleaning only
when they are not loaded with any bottles.
Using the wine cellar
Table of ideal wine temperatures
This table indicates the approximate temperatures at which wine should be served. Should one of your
wines need to be served at a temperature that is greater than the temperature inside your wine cellar, we
suggest that you leave it wine out for the time that is necessary before you serve it.
Amarone 17°C Dry and Sweet Sparkling Wines 6°C
Barbaresco 17°C
Verdicchio di Matelica
e dei Castelli di Jesi
Barolo 17°C
White wines from
Trentino Alto Adige
Beaujolais 13°C Franciacorta White Wines 11°C
White liquered Bordeaux 6°C Dry aromatic white wines 10°C
Dry White Bordeaux 8°C
Dry, young,
and fruity white wines
Red Bordeaux 17°C
White wines from
Friuli Venezia Giulia
White Bourgogne 11°C Rodano wines 15°C
Red Bourgogne 18°C Dry white wines from the Loire 10°C
Brunello 17°C Liquered wines from the Loire 7°C
Champagne 6°C Red wines from the Loire 14°C
Chianti Classico 16°C Liquered Passito wines 8-18°C
Languedoc-Roussillon 13°C Rosè Wines, New Wines 12°C
Passito di Pantelleria 6°C Light red wines with mild tannic 14°C
Rosé Provence 12°C
Red, rather tannic wines
with medium structure
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and
renana bottles) is recommended for wines that
need to be visible and easily removed.
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3
wooden shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the
bottom of the wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto
the lower shelf and the bottom of the wine
cellar because they have been specially designed
to hold larger bottles.
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard
bottles. They must be placed onto the base of the
wine cellar, which can hold up to 5.
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne
bottles in your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf
and stock the bottles in two rows (placing the
bottles in the second row between those on the
bottom row). This will hold up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
Stocking the wine bottles
Care and maintenance
Disconnecting the wine cellar
During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative
that you unplug the wine cellar.
If you notice that your wine cellar is not working
properly, check with the following list before you
call your Service Centre.
! The appliance was designed and manufactured in
compliance with international safety standards. The
following warnings are provided for safety reasons
and must be read carefully.
This appliance complies with the following
Community Directives:
Maintenance and
Care and maintenance
Disconnecting the wine cellar
During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar
If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your
Service Centre.
The compressor does not work
The compressor never stops
Possible causes/solutions
The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not
enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power
failure in your home.
The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine
cellar into another wall-outlet to check.
Contact the Service Centre
! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre.
! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left
unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer.
! The appliance was designed and manufactured in
compliance with international safety standards. The
following warnings are provided for safety reasons
and must be read carefully.
This appliance complies with the following
Community Directives:
- 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and
subsequent amendments;
- 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic
Compatibility) and subsequent amendments;
- 2002/96/CE.
Observe local environmental standards when
disposing packaging material for recycling
The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE),
requires that old household electrical appliances
must not be disposed of in the normal unsorted
municipal waste stream. Old appliances must be
collected separately in order to optimise the
recovery and recycling of the materials they contain
and reduce the impact on human health and the
environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin”
symbol on the product reminds you of your
obligation, that when you dispose of the appliance
it must be separately collected.
Consumers should contact their local authority or
retailer for information concerning the correct
disposal of their old appliance.
- Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 2014/35/EU
- The Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Directive 2014/30/EU
- RAEE Directive 2012/30/EU
Maintenance and
Care and maintenance
Disconnecting the wine cellar
During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar
If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your
Service Centre.
The compressor does not work
The compressor never stops
Possible causes/solutions
The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not
enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power
failure in your home.
The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine
cellar into another wall-outlet to check.
Contact the Service Centre
! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre.
! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left
unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer.
! The appliance was designed and manufactured in
compliance with international safety standards. The
following warnings are provided for safety reasons
and must be read carefully.
This appliance complies with the following
Community Directives:
- 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and
subsequent amendments;
- 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic
Compatibility) and subsequent amendments;
- 2002/96/CE.
Observe local environmental standards when
disposing packaging material for recycling
The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE),
requires that old household electrical appliances
must not be disposed of in the normal unsorted
municipal waste stream. Old appliances must be
collected separately in order to optimise the
recovery and recycling of the materials they contain
and reduce the impact on human health and the
environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin”
symbol on the product reminds you of your
obligation, that when you dispose of the appliance
it must be separately collected.
Consumers should contact their local authority or
retailer for information concerning the correct
disposal of their old appliance.
Observe local environmental standards when
disposing packaging material for recycling
Directive 2012/19/EUon Wwaste Electrical
and Electronic Equipment (WEEE 2
Directive), requires that old household
electrical appliances must not be disposed
of in the normal unsorted municipal waste
stream. Old appliances must be collected
separately in order to optimise the recovery
and recycling of the materials they contain
and reduce the impact on human health and
the environment. The crossed out “wheeled
bin” symbol on the product reminds you of
your obligation, that when you dispose of the
appliance it must be separately collected.
Consumers should contact their local
authority or retailer for information
concerning the correct disposal of their old
! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre.
! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are
left unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer.
Maintenance and troubleshooting
Problem Possible causes/solutions
The compressor does not work The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or
not enough to make contact. Or, there could be
a power failure in your home.
The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the
wine cellar into another wall-outlet to check.
The compressor never stops Contact the Service Centre
Before calling for Assistance:
Check if the malfunction can be solved on your own (see Troubleshooting).
If after all the checks, the appliance still does not operate or the problem persists, call the nearest
Service Centre
Never call on unauthorized technicians and always refuse spare parts which are not originals.
type of malfunction
appliance model (Mod.)
serial number (S/N)
This information can be found on the data plate
located on the bottom left side of the refrigerator
Before calling for Assistance:
Check if the malfunction can be solved on your own (
see Troubleshooting
If after all the checks, the appliance still does not operate or the problem persists, call the nearest Service
type of malfunction
appliance model (Mod.)
serial number (S/N)
This information can be found on the data
plate located on the bottom left side of the
refrigerator compartment.
Never call on unauthorized technicians and always refuse spare parts which are not originals.
RG 2330
93139180000 S/N 704211801
220 - 240 V- 50 Hz 150 W
Max 15 w
R 134 a
kg 0,090
Freez. Capac
Poder de Cong
Made in Italy 13918
LOW 140
kg/24 h
model serial number
Table des matières
Caractéristiques, 30
Fiche de données
Installation, 35
Emplacement et branchement électrique
Informations techniques
Description du produit, 36
Pièces intérieures
Panneau de commande
Utilisation de la cave à vin, 37-38
Compartiment de vieillissement des
Contrôle de température manuel
Sortie des tablettes en bois
Tableau des températures de vin idéales
Stockage des bouteilles de vin, 39
Comment stocker les bouteilles
Entretien et dépannage, 40
Nettoyage et entretien
Assistance, 41
Italiano, 4
English, 17
Français, 29
Español, 42
Deutsch, 55
Русский, 68
Қазақша, 81
Nederlands, 94
Português, 107
Avant d’utiliser l’appareil, lire
attentivement les consignes de
sécurité. Conservez-les à portée pour
consultation ultérieure.
Le présent manuel et l’appareil en
question contiennent des consignes de
sécurité importantes qui doivent être
lues et observées en tout temps. Le
Fabricant décline toute responsabilité
si les consignes de sécurité ne sont
pas respectées, en cas de mauvaise
utilisation de l’appareil, ou d’un mauvais
réglage des commandes.
Les enfants en bas âge (0-3 ans)
doivent être tenus à l’écart de l’appareil.
Les jeunes enfants (3-8 ans) doivent
être tenus à l’écart de l’appareil sauf
s’ils se trouvent sous surveillance
constante. Les enfants âgés de 8 ans et
plus, ainsi que les personnes présentant
des capacités physiques, sensorielles
ou mentales réduites, ou ne possédant
ni l’expérience ni les connaissances
requises, peuvent utiliser cet appareil
seulement s’ils sont supervisés, ou
si une personne responsable leur a
expliqué l’utilisation sécuritaire et
les dangers potentiels de l’appareil.
Ne laissez pas les enfants jouer avec
l’appareil. Les enfants ne doivent pas
nettoyer, ni procéder à l’entretien de
l’appareil sans surveillance.
Les enfants âgés de 3 à 8 ans sont
autorisés à charger et décharger les
appareils de réfrigération.
MISE EN GARDE : Cet appareil n’est
pas conçu pour fonctionner à l’aide
d’un dispositif de commutation externe,
comme une minuterie ou un système
de télécommande.
Cet appareil est destiné à un usage
domestique et peut aussi être utilisé
dans les endroits suivants : cuisines pour
le personnel dans les magasins, bureaux
et autres environnements de travail
; dans les fermes; par les clients dans
les hôtels, motels, et autres résidences
Cet appareil n’est pas conçu pour
un usage professionnel. N’utilisez pas
l’appareil en extérieur.
L’ampoule utilisée dans l’appareil
est spécialement conçue pour des
appareils ménagers et ne convient pas
à l’éclairage général d’une pièce au
domicile (réglementation CE 244/2009).
L’appareil est conçu pour
fonctionner à des endroits où la
température ambiante se trouve dans
les plages suivantes, en fonction de la
classe climatique indiquée sur la plaque
signalétique. L’appareil risque de ne
pas fonctionner correctement s’il reste
pendant une longue période à une
température supérieure ou inférieure à
la plage prévue.
Températures ambiantes classe
climatique :
SN: De 10 à 32 °C
ST: De 16 à 38 °C;
N: De 16 à 32 °C
T: De 16 à 43 °C
Cet appareil ne contient pas de CFC.
Le circuit de réfrigérant contient du
R600a (HC). Appareils avec isobutane
(R600a) : l’isobutane est un gaz naturel
qui n’est pas nuisible à l’environnement,
mais il est inflammable. Par conséquent,
assurez-vous que les tuyaux du circuit
réfrigérant ne sont pas endommagés,
surtout lorsque vous videz le circuit
AVERTISSEMENT : N’endommagez
pas les tuyaux du circuit de
refroidissement de l’appareil.
AVERTISSEMENT : Veillez à ce
que les ouvertures de ventilation,
dans l’enceinte de l’appareil ou dans
la structure intégrée, soient dénuées
AVERTISSEMENT : N’utilisez pas
des moyens mécaniques, électriques
ou chimiques différents de ceux
recommandés par le fabricant
pour accélérer le processus de
AVERTISSEMENT : N’utilisez pas ou
ne placez pas les dispositifs électriques
à l’intérieur des compartiments de
l’appareil s’ils ne sont pas du type
expressément autorisé par le fabricant.
AVERTISSEMENT : Les machines à
glaçons et/ou les distributeurs d’eau non
directement raccordés à l’arrivée d’eau
doivent être remplis uniquement avec
de l’eau potable.
N’entreposez pas de substances
explosives comme les aérosols et ne
placez pas ou n’ utilisez pas d’essence
ou d’autres matériaux inflammables
dans ou près de l’appareil.
N’avalez pas le contenu (non
toxique) des sacs de glace (dans certains
modèles). Ne mangez pas de glaçons
ou de bâtonnets glacés immédiatement
après les avoir sortis du congélateur ; ils
pourraient provoquer des brûlures par
le gel.
Pour les produits conçus pour
utiliser un filtre à air à l’intérieur d’un
couvercle de ventilateur accessible, le
filtre doit toujours être en place lorsque
le réfrigérateur est en marche.
Ne stockez pas de récipients
en verre avec des liquides dans
le compartiment congélateur; ils
pourraient se briser. N’obstruez pas
le ventilateur (si disponible) avec des
aliments. Après avoir placé les aliments,
vérifiez que la porte des compartiments
ferme correctement, en particulier la
porte du congélateur.
Les joints endommagés doivent être
remplacés dès que possible.
Cet appareil est destiné à être utilisé
exclusivement pour le stockage du vin
dans le compartiment de stockage du
vin, pour le stockage des aliments frais
dans le tiroir en mode réfrigérateur et
pour le stockage des aliments congelés,
la congélation des aliments frais et la
fabrication de glaçons dans le tiroir en
mode congélation. Stockez toujours les
bouteilles sans leur emballage et non à
l’intérieur de caisses ou de boîtes. La
capacité du compartiment de stockage
du vin est indiquée dans le chapitre
décrivant le stockage des bouteilles de
Évitez de mettre des aliments
non emballés directement en
contact avec les surfaces intérieures
du compartiment réfrigérateur ou
du compartiment congélateur. Les
appareils peuvent être équipés de
compartiments spéciaux (compartiment
fraîcheur, compartiment « Zéro degré
»,...). Sauf spécification différente dans
la brochure du produit, ils peuvent
être retirés tout en maintenant des
performances équivalentes.
Le c-pentane est utilisé en tant
qu’agent gonflant dans la mousse
d’isolation et est un gaz inflammable.
La pièce du tiroir la plus appropriée
dans laquelle des types spécifiques
d’aliments doivent être conservés,
en tenant compte de la répartition
différente de la température dans les
différents compartiments de l’appareil,
sont les suivants:
- Mode réfrigérateur:
1) Zone supérieure du compartiment
du réfrigérateur - zone de
température: Conservez fruits
tropicaux, canettes, boissons, oeufs,
sauces, cornichons, beurre, confiture
2) Zone centrale du compartiment
du réfrigérateur - zone froide :
Conservez fromage, lait, produits
laitiers, charcuterie, yaourt
3) Zone inférieure du compartiment
du réfrigérateur - zone plus froide:
Conservez charcuterie, desserts,
viande et poisson, cheesecake, pâtes
fraîches, crème fraîche, pesto/salsa,
plats faits maison, crème pâtissière,
pudding et fromage à la crème
4) Le fond du compartiment
Conservez fruits et légumes (fruits
tropicaux exceptés)
- Mode congélateur:
Les produits surgelés achetés ont
la date d’échéance indiquée sur
l’emballage. Cette date prend en
compte le type de nourriture conservé
et doit donc être respectée. Les
aliments frais doivent être conservés
pendant les périodes suivantes : 1-3
mois pour fromage, fruits de mer, glace,
jambon/saucisse, lait, liquides frais; 4
mois pour steak ou côtelettes (boeuf,
agneau porc); 6 mois pour beurre ou
margarine, volaille (poulet, dinde); 8-12
mois pour fruits (agrumes exceptés),
rôti (boeuf, porc, agneau), légumes.
Les dates d’échéance figurant sur
l’emballage des aliments doivent être
Pour éviter la contamination des
aliments, veuillez respecter les points
suivants :
- L’ouverture prolongée de la porte
peut entraîner une augmentation
importante de la température dans
les compartiments de l’appareil.
- Nettoyez régulièrement les surfaces
pouvant entrer en contact avec les
aliments et les systèmes de drainage
- Nettoyez les réservoirs d’eau s’ils
n’ont pas été utilisés pendant 48 h;
rincez le système d’alimentation en
eau raccordé à une source d’eau si
l’eau n’a pas été aspirée pendant 5
- Conservez viande et poisson crus
dans des récipients appropriés au
réfrigérateur, de manière à ce qu’ils
n’entrent pas en contact ou coulent
sur d’autres aliments.
- Les compartiments deux étoiles pour
aliments congelés conviennent à la
conservation d’aliments pré-congelés,
à la conservation ou à la fabrication
de glace et de glaçons.
- Ne congelez pas les aliments frais
dans des compartiments à une, deux
ou trois étoiles.
- Si l’appareil de réfrigération reste
vide pendant de longues périodes,
éteignez, décongelez, nettoyez,
séchez et laissez la porte ouverte
pour éviter la formation de
moisissure à l’intérieur de l’appareil.
Deux personnes minimum sont
nécessaires pour déplacer et installer
l’appareil - risque de blessure. Utilisez
des gants de protection pour le
déballage et l’installation de l’appareil -
vous risquez de vous couper.
L’installation, incluant l’alimentation
en eau (selon le modèle), et les
connexions électriques, ainsi que les
réparations, doivent être exécutées
par un technicien qualifié. Ne procédez
à aucune réparation ni à aucun
remplacement de pièce sur l’appareil
autre que ceux spécifiquement
indiqués dans le guide d’utilisation.
Gardez les enfants à l’écart du site
d’installation. Après avoir déballé
l’appareil, assurez-vous qu’il n’a pas
été endommagé pendant le transport.
En cas de problème, contactez votre
revendeur ou le Service Après-Vente le
plus proche. Une fois installé, gardez le
matériel d’emballage (sacs en plastique,
parties en polystyrène, etc.) hors de
la portée des enfants - ils pourraient
s’étouffer. L’appareil ne doit pas être
branché à l’alimentation électrique
lors de l’installation - vous pourriez
vous électrocuter. Au moment de
l’installation, assurez-vous que le câble
d’alimentation n’est pas endommagé
par l’appareil - risque d’incendie ou
de choc électrique. Allumez l’appareil
uniquement lorsque l’installation est
Prenez garde à ne pas endommager
les sols (p. ex., les parquets) lorsque
vous déplacez l’appareil. Installez
l’appareil sur un sol ou des supports
suffisamment résistants pour supporter
son poids et dans un endroit adapté
à sa taille et à son utilisation. Lors de
l’installation de l’appareil, assurez-vous
qu’il n’est pas placé près d’une source
de chaleur et que les quatre pieds sont
stables et reposent sur le sol, en les
réglant au besoin. Assurez-vous aussi
que l’appareil est parfaitement de
niveau en utilisant un niveau à bulle.
Attendez au moins deux heures avant
de brancher l’appareil pour s’assurer
que le circuit de réfrigération atteint
son efficacité maximum.
AVERTISSEMENT : Lors de la mise
en place de l’appareil, assurez-vous que
le câble d’alimentation n’est pas coincé
ou endommagé.
AVERTISSEMENT : pour éviter
tout danger dû à l’instabilité, le
positionnement ou le montage
de l’appareil doit être effectué
conformément aux instructions du
fabricant. Il est interdit de placer le
réfrigérateur de sorte que le tuyau
métallique d’une cuisinière à gaz, les
tuyaux métalliques de gaz ou d’eau, ou
les câbles électriques soient en contact
avec la paroi arrière du réfrigérateur
(bobine de condenseur).
Afin de garantir une aération
adéquate, laissez un espace des deux
côtés et au-dessus de l’appareil. La
distance entre l’arrière de l’appareil
et le mur derrière l’appareil doit être
de 50 mm pour empêcher l’accès à
des surfaces chaudes. Une réduction
de l’espace recommandé entraîne une
augmentation de la consommation
Il doit être possible de débrancher
l’appareil de l’alimentation électrique en
retirant la fiche de la prise de courant
si elle est accessible, ou à l’aide d’un
interrupteur multipolaire en amont
de la prise de courant, conformément
aux règles de câblage et l’appareil doit
être mis à la terre conformément
aux normes de sécurité électrique
N’utilisez pas de rallonge, de prises
multiples ou d’adaptateurs. Une fois
l’installation terminée, l’utilisateur
ne devra plus pouvoir accéder aux
composantes électriques. N’utilisez pas
l’appareil si vous êtes mouillé ou si vous
êtes pieds nus. N’utilisez pas l’appareil
si le câble d’alimentation ou la prise de
courant est endommagé(e), si l’appareil
ne fonctionne pas correctement, ou s’il
a été endommagé ou est tombé.
Si le câble d’alimentation est
endommagé, il doit être remplacé avec
un câble identique par le fabricant, un
représentant du Service Après-vente,
ou par toute autre personne qualifiée -
vous pourriez vous électrocuter.
AVERTISSEMENT : Ne placez pas
les prises portables multiples ou les
alimentations électriques portables à
l’arrière de l’appareil.
AVERTISSEMENT : Assurez-vous
que l’appareil est éteint et débranchez
de l’alimentation électrique avant
d’effectuer le nettoyage ou l’entretien
; n’utilisez jamais un appareil de
nettoyage à vapeur - risque de choc
N’utilisez pas de nettoyants abrasifs
ou rugueux comme les vaporisateurs
pour fenêtre, nettoyants, liquides
inflammables, nettoyant pour cire,
détergents concentrés, désinfectants
et nettoyants contenant des produits
pétroliers ou des particules de plastique
à l’intérieur et sur le contour et les
joints de la porte. N’utilisez pas
d’essuie-tout, de tampons à récurer, ou
autres outils de nettoyage rugueux.
Les matériaux d’emballage sont entièrement
recyclables comme l’indique le symbole
de recyclage
with the wiring rules and the appliance must
be earthed in conformity with national electrical
safety standards.
Do not use extension leads, multiple sockets
or adapters. The electrical components must not
be accessible to the user after instal lation. Do not
use the appliance when you are wet or barefoot .
Do not operate this appliance if it has a damaged
power cable or plug, if it is not working properly,
or if it has been damaged or dropped.
If the supply cord is damaged, it must
be replaced with an identical one by the
manufacturer, its service agent or similarly
qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard -
risk of electric shock.
WARNING: Do not locate multiple portable
socket-outlets or portable power suppl ies at the
rear of t he appli ance.
WARNING: Ensure that the appliance is
switched off and disconnected from the power
supply before performing any maintenance
operation; never use steam cleaning equipment -
risk of electric shock.
Do not use abrasi ve or harsh cleaners such
as window sprays, scouring cleansers, flammable
fluids, cleaning waxes, concentrated detergents ,
bleaches or cleanser s containing petroleum
products on plastic parts, interior and door liners
or gaskets. Do not use paper towel s , scouring
pads, or ot her harsh cleani ng tools .
The packaging material is 100% recyclable and is marked with the
recycle symbol
. The various parts of the packaging must therefore
be disposed of responsibly and in full compliance with local authority
regulations governing waste disposal.
This appliance is manufactured with recyclable or reusable materials.
Dispose of it in accordance with local waste disposal regulations.
For further information on the treatment, recovery and recycling
of household electrical appliances, contact your local authority, the
collection service for household waste or the store where you purchased
the appliance. This appliance is marked in compliance with European
Directive 2012/19/EU, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).
By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent
negative consequences for the environment and human health. The
on the product or on the accompanying documentation
indicates that it should not be treated as domestic waste but must be
taken to an appropriate collection centre for the recycling of electrical
and electronic equipment.
To guarantee adequate ventilation follow installation instructions.
Insufficient ventilation at the back of the product increases energy
consumption and decreases cooling ef f iciency.
Frequent door opening might cause an increase in Energy consumption.
The internal temperature of the appliance and the Energy Consumption
may be affected also by the ambient temperature, as well as location of
the appliance. Temperature setting should take into consideration these
factors. Reduce door opening to minimum.
When thawing frozen food, place it in the refrigerator. The low
temperature of the frozen products cools the food in the refrigerator.
Allow warm food and drinks to cool down before placing in the
Positioning of the shelves i n the refrigerator has no impact on the
efficient usage of energy. Food should be pl aced on the shelves in such
way to ensure proper air circulation (food should not t ouch each other
and distance between food and rear wall should be kept).
You can increase storage capacity of frozen food by removing baskets
and, if present, Stop Fros t shelf.
Do not worry about noises coming from the compressor which are
normal operation noises.
. Les différentes parties de
l’emballage doivent donc être jetées de manière
responsable et en totale conformité avec la
réglementation des autorités locales régissant la
mise au rebut de déchets.
Cet appareil est fabriqué avec des matériaux
recyclables ou pouvant être réutilisés. Mettez-le
au rebut en vous conformant à la réglementation
locale en matière d’élimination des déchets.
Pour toute information supplémentaire sur
le traitement et le recyclage des appareils
électroménagers, contactez le service local
compétent, le service de collecte des déchets
ménagers ou le magasin où vous avez acheté
l’appareil. Cet appareil est certifié conforme à
la Directive européenne 2012/19/UE relative
aux déchets d’équipements électriques
et électroniques (DEEE). En s’assurant
que ce produit est correctement mis au
rebut, vous contribuerez à empêcher toute
conséquence nuisible pour l’environnement et
la santé. Le symbole sur le produit ou sur
la documentation qui l’accompagne indique
qu’il ne doit pas être traité comme un déchet
domestique, mais doit être remis à un centre de
collecte spécialisé pour le recyclage des appareils
électriques et électroniques.
Pour garantir une ventilation adéquate, suivez
les instructions d’installation. Une aération
insuffisante à l’arrière du produit augmente la
consommation d’énergie et réduit l’efficacité
du refroidissement. L’ouverture fréquente de
la porte peut augmenter la consommation
La température interne de l’appareil et la
consommation d’énergie peuvent être affectées
par la température ambiante et l’endroit
où l’appareil est installé. Le réglage de la
température doit toujours prendre ces facteurs
en compte. Évitez le plus possible d’ouvrir les
portes. Lors de la décongélation des produits
surgelés, placez-les dans le réfrigérateur. La
basse température des produits surgelés
refroidit les aliments dans le réfrigérateur.
Laissez refroidir les aliments et boissons chaudes
avant de les placer dans l’appareil.
Le positionnement des tablettes dans le
réfrigérateur n’affecte pas l’utilisation efficace
de l’énergie. Les aliments doivent être placés
sur les tablettes de sorte à assurer une bonne
circulation de l’air (les aliments ne doivent pas
être en contact les uns avec les autres et une
certaine distance entre les aliments et la paroi
arrière doit être maintenue).
Vous pouvez augmenter la capacité de stockage
des aliments congelés en enlevant des paniers et
si elle est présente, l’étagère Antigivre.
Ne vous inquiétez pas des bruits provenant
du compresseur qui sont des bruits de
fonctionnement normaux.
1. Enlevez avec précautions les protections et les
adhésifs, ouvrez la porte et assurez-vous que
tous les composants sont présents.
2. Sortez le câble d'alimentation électrique.
1. Positionnez le dispositif dans une zone bien
aérée, non humide et libre (évitez des armoires
avec des parois fermées).
2. Conservez le dispositif à l'abri des sources de
3. Assurez-vous que les distances minimum
entre le dispositif et les parois de la pièce où il
est placé sont maintenues, afin d'assurer une
parfaite ventilation du dispositif.
Voir figure.
Branchement du câblage
Après le transport, disposez le système
verticalement, attendez au moins 3 heures avant de le
brancher au système de câblage. Avant de brancher la
fiche dans la prise de courant, assurez-vous que :
la prise est mise à la terre et conforme aux
légales ;
la prise est en mesure de supporter une charge
électrique maximale de la machine, indiquée
sur le tableau de la fiche de données ou sur la
plaque de caractéristique dans le bas à droite
(voir Description du dispositif) ;
la tension d'alimentation chute dans la plage
indiquée dans le tableau de la Fiche de données
ou sur la plaque de caractéristiques dans le bas
à droite (voir Description du dispositif) ;
la prise électrique est compatible avec la fiche
du dispositif. Autrement, remplacez la prise ou
la fiche ; n'utilisez pas de rallonges ou de prises
Positionnement et raccordement
Ventilation space:
at least 50 mm
of the
side area
of the cellar
Description du produit
Pièces intérieures
Panneau de commande
Interior Parts
Control Panel
Product Description
Interior Parts
Control Panel
Product Description
Compartiment de vieillissement des bouteilles
La fonction principale du compartiment de
vieillissement consiste à garantir que vos vins sont
préservés dans des conditions optimales.
La température a été réglée à l'usine à une
température jugée optimale dans la plupart des cas
et elle est de 15°C dans le compartiment supérieur.
Le vin est de nature complexe et il résulte d'un
processus de production long et lent. Afin de
mieux exprimer ses attributs, des conditions très
spécifiques sont nécessaires.
Tous les vins sont préservés à la même
température, mais en fonction de leurs
caractéristiques différentes, les vins sont servis et
goûtés à des températures très différentes (voir le
Tableau des températures de vin idéales).
Donc, tout comme les caves à vin des fabricants,
pour votre nouvel appareil, la valeur de
température absolue n'est pas importante pour
préserver votre vin. Par contre, une température
constante au fil du temps est importante. La
conservation du vin est idéale à n'importe quelle
température, tant que la température ne varie pas.
Contrôle de température manuel
Lorsque vous branchez votre cave à vin, l'écran
affiche la température à l'intérieur de la cave :
elle doit atteindre 15 ° C et doit rester constante.
Si vous devez la régler, suivez les instructions ci-
dessous :
1. Lorsque vous branchez votre cave à vin, l'écran
affiche la température qui a été réglée
2. Appuyez sur le bouton + pendant une
seconde (voir le panneau de commande). La
température commencera à clignoter.
3. Appuyez sur les boutons + or - jusqu'à
atteindre la température souhaitée
4. Attendez 5 secondes pour que la température
arrête de clignoter.
5. Attendez que la cave à vin atteigne la
température souhaitée avant de placer les
bouteilles de vin à l'intérieur.
L'éclairage interne ne s'allume pas (ou s'éteint
temporairement) quand la température intérieure
dépasse 24° C. Cela vous permet d'atteindre la
température préétablie plus rapidement.
Sortie des tablettes en bois
AVERTISSEMENT : Les tablettes en bois ne
coulissent pas. Ne les sortez pas lorsqu'elles sont
chargées de bouteilles, pour éviter le risque de
casser des bouteilles.
Vous pouvez sortez les tablettes pour les nettoyer
uniquement lorsqu'aucune bouteille n'est disposée
Utilisation de la cave à vin
Tableau des températures de vin idéales
Ce tableau indique les températures approximatives auxquelles le vin doit être servi. Si l'un de vos vins
doit être servi à une température supérieure à la température à l'intérieur de votre cave à vin, nous vous
suggérons de le laisser à l'extérieur de la cave à vin pendant le temps nécessaire avant de servir.
Amarone 17 °C Vins pétillants, secs et doux 6 °C
Barbaresco 17 °C
Verdicchio di Matelica
et dei Castelli di Jesi
8 °C
Barolo 17 °C
Vins blancs secs du
Trentin Haut Adige
11 °C
Beaujolais 13 °C Vins blancs de Franciacorta 11 °C
Bordeaux liquoreux blanc 6 °C Vins blancs secs aromatiques 10 °C
Bordeaux blanc sec 8 °C
Vins blancs secs, jeunes,
et fruités
8 °C
Bordeaux rouge 17 °C
Vins blancs du
Frioul Vénétie Julienne
11 °C
Bourgogne blanc 11 °C Vins du Rhône 15°C
Bourgogne rouge 18 °C Vins blancs secs de la Loire 10 °C
Brunello 17 °C Vins liquoreux de la Loire 7 °C
Champagne 6 °C Vins rouges de la Loire 14 °C
Chianti Classico 16 °C Vins liquoreux Passito 8-18 °C
Languedoc-Roussillon 13 °C Vins rosés, vins nouveaux 12 °C
Passito di Pantelleria 6 °C
Vins rouges légers, avec trame
tannique légère
14 °C
Rosé Provence 12 °C
Vins rouges, plutôt tanniques
avec une structure moyenne
16 °C
Stock de 24 bouteilles standards
Le stock de 24 bouteilles (pour des bouteilles
standards, mixtes et Renana) est recommandé
pour les vins qui doivent être visibles et faciles à
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
24 bouteilles (toutes allongées)
3 tablettes
Positionnez chaque bouteille dans les fentes sur
les trois tablettes en bois. 6 bouteilles peuvent
être placées dans le bas de la cave à vin.
Nous vous suggérons de placer les bouteilles
Renana sur la tablette inférieure et dans le fond
de la cave à vin car il est spécialement conçu
pour contenir des bouteilles plus grandes.
! La tablette en bois peut supporter en toute
sécurité jusqu'à 22 bouteilles
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
Stock de bouteilles de Champagne
Les bouteilles de Champagne sont plus grandes
que les bouteilles standards.. Elles doivent être
placées dans le fond de la cave à vin, qui peut
contenir jusqu'à cinq bouteilles.
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
Si vous voulez stocker plus de cinq bouteilles
de Champagne dans votre cave à vin, enlevez
la troisième tablette et empilez les bouteilles
en deux rangées (en plaçant les bouteilles de
la seconde rangée entre celles sur la rangée
supérieure). Cela permettra de contenir jusqu'à
neuf bouteilles.
Quelques configurations de stockage
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
28 bouteilles (toutes allongées)
Stockage des bouteilles de vin
Nettoyage et entretien
Débranchement de la cave à vin
Pendant le nettoyage et l'entretien, il est impératif
de débrancher votre cave à vin.
Si vous constatez que votre cave à vin ne
fonctionne pas correctement, vérifiez avec la liste
suivante avant d'appeler le Service après-vente.
! Cet appareil est conçu et fabriqué en conformité
avec les normes de sécurité internationales.
Les avertissements suivants sont fournis pour
des raisons de sécurité et doivent être lus
Cet appareil est conforme aux Directives
communautaires suivantes :
Maintenance and
Care and maintenance
Disconnecting the wine cellar
During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar
If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your
Service Centre.
The compressor does not work
The compressor never stops
Possible causes/solutions
The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not
enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power
failure in your home.
The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine
cellar into another wall-outlet to check.
Contact the Service Centre
! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre.
! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left
unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer.
! The appliance was designed and manufactured in
compliance with international safety standards. The
following warnings are provided for safety reasons
and must be read carefully.
This appliance complies with the following
Community Directives:
- 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and
subsequent amendments;
- 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic
Compatibility) and subsequent amendments;
- 2002/96/CE.
Observe local environmental standards when
disposing packaging material for recycling
The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE),
requires that old household electrical appliances
must not be disposed of in the normal unsorted
municipal waste stream. Old appliances must be
collected separately in order to optimise the
recovery and recycling of the materials they contain
and reduce the impact on human health and the
environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin”
symbol on the product reminds you of your
obligation, that when you dispose of the appliance
it must be separately collected.
Consumers should contact their local authority or
retailer for information concerning the correct
disposal of their old appliance.
- Directive basse tension (LVD) 2014/35/EU
- Directive sur la compatibilité électromagnétique
(EMC) 2014/30/EU
- Directive RAEE 2012/30/EU
Mise au rebut
Maintenance and
Care and maintenance
Disconnecting the wine cellar
During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar
If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your
Service Centre.
The compressor does not work
The compressor never stops
Possible causes/solutions
The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not
enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power
failure in your home.
The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine
cellar into another wall-outlet to check.
Contact the Service Centre
! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre.
! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left
unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer.
! The appliance was designed and manufactured in
compliance with international safety standards. The
following warnings are provided for safety reasons
and must be read carefully.
This appliance complies with the following
Community Directives:
- 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and
subsequent amendments;
- 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic
Compatibility) and subsequent amendments;
- 2002/96/CE.
Observe local environmental standards when
disposing packaging material for recycling
The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE),
requires that old household electrical appliances
must not be disposed of in the normal unsorted
municipal waste stream. Old appliances must be
collected separately in order to optimise the
recovery and recycling of the materials they contain
and reduce the impact on human health and the
environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin”
symbol on the product reminds you of your
obligation, that when you dispose of the appliance
it must be separately collected.
Consumers should contact their local authority or
retailer for information concerning the correct
disposal of their old appliance.
Conformez-vous aux normes
environnementales locales pour le recyclage
lors de la mise au rebut du matériel d’emballage.
La directive européenne 2012/19/CE relative
aux déchets d’équipements électriques et
électroniques (DEEE) exige que les vieux
appareils électroménagers ne soient pas mis
au rebut avec le flux normal des déchets
municipaux. Les vieux appareils doivent
être collectés séparément pour optimiser la
récupération et le recyclage des matériaux
qu’ils contiennent et ainsi réduire l’impact
sur la santé humaine et l’environnement. Le
symbole de la « poubelle sur roue » barrée
d’une croix sur l’appareil a pour but de vous
rappeler que lors de la mise au rebut de
l’appareil, il doit être collecté séparément.
Les consommateurs devraient contacter
leur service municipal ou leur détaillant
pour obtenir de l’information sur la façon
appropriée de disposer de leur vieil appareil.
! Tous les travaux à effectuer sur la cave à vin doivent être réalisés par votre centre de maintenance local
! Des pannes de courte durée, comme une panne de courant, ne compromettront pas les vins. Le vin peut
souffrir uniquement lorsque les pannes restent sans solution pendant un long moment.
Entretien et dépannage
Problème Causes possibles/solutions
Le compresseur ne fonctionne pas La prise n’est pas branchée ou pas suffisamment
pour faire contact. Ou il peut y avoir une panne
de courant dans votre maison.
La prise murale ne fonctionne pas. Branchez
la cave à vin dans une autre prise murale pour
Le compresseur ne s'arrête jamais Contactez le Service
Avant de contacter le centre d’Assistance :
Vérifiez si vous pouvez résoudre l'anomalie vous-même ( voir Anomalie et Remèdes).
Si, malgré tous ces contrôles, l'appareil ne fonctionne toujours pas et si l'inconvénient persiste, appelez
le service après-vente le plus proche
Ne faites jamais appel à des techniciens non agréés et exigez toujours l’installation de pièces
détachées originales.
Signalez-lui :
le type d'anomalie
le modèle d'appareil (Mod.)
le numéro de série (S/N)
Vous trouverez ces informations sur la plaque
signalétique située sur le côté inférieur gauche du
compartiment réfrigérateur..
Before calling for Assistance:
Check if the malfunction can be solved on your own (
see Troubleshooting
If after all the checks, the appliance still does not operate or the problem persists, call the nearest Service
type of malfunction
appliance model (Mod.)
serial number (S/N)
This information can be found on the data
plate located on the bottom left side of the
refrigerator compartment.
Never call on unauthorized technicians and always refuse spare parts which are not originals.
RG 2330
93139180000 S/N 704211801
220 - 240 V- 50 Hz 150 W
Max 15 w
R 134 a
kg 0,090
Freez. Capac
Poder de Cong
Made in Italy 13918
LOW 140
kg/24 h
model serial number
Funciones, 43
Ficha técnica
Instalación, 48
Ubicación y conexión de la alimentación
Información técnica
Descripción del producto, 49
Piezas interiores
Panel de control
Uso de la bodega de vino, 50-51
Compartimento de envejecimiento de
Control de temperatura manual
Extracción de los estantes de madera
Tabla de temperaturas de vino ideales
Almacenamiento de las botellas de
vino, 52
Cómo almacenar las botellas
Mantenimiento y resolución de
problemas, 53
Cuidados y mantenimiento
Solución de problemas
Asistencia, 54
Italiano, 4
English, 17
Français, 29
Español, 42
Deutsch, 55
Русский, 68
Қазақша, 81
Nederlands, 94
Português, 107
Antes de usar el aparato, lea
atentamente estas instrucciones
de seguridad. Téngalas a mano
para consultarlas más adelante.
Este manual y el propio aparato
contienen advertencias de seguridad
que se deben leer y seguir en todo
momento. El fabricante declina
cualquier responsabilidad derivada del
incumplimiento de estas instrucciones
de seguridad, del uso indebido del
aparato o del ajuste incorrecto de los
Mantenga a los niños menores
de 3 años alejados del aparato. Los
menores de 8 años deben permanecer
alejados del aparato a menos que
estén supervisados en todo momento.
Tanto los niños a partir de 8 años
como las personas cuyas capacidades
físicas, sensoriales o mentales estén
disminuidas o que carezcan de la
experiencia y conocimientos necesarios
pueden utilizar este aparato si reciben
la supervisión o las instrucciones
necesarias para utilizarlo de forma
segura y comprenden los riesgos a
los que se exponen. Los niños no
deben jugar con el aparato. Los niños
no deben realizar tareas de limpieza
o de mantenimiento sin supervisión.
Se permite a los niños de entre 3 y 8
años cargar y descargar los aparatos de
PRECAUCIÓN: El aparato
no está destinado a ponerse en
funcionamiento por medio de un
dispositivo de encendido externo, como
un temporizador, o de un sistema de
control remoto independiente.
Este aparato está destinado a un
uso en ambientes domésticos o en
ambientes similares como: áreas de
cocina en oficinas, tiendas y otros;
granjas; por los clientes de hoteles,
moteles, hostales y otros entornos
Este aparato no es para uso
profesional. No utilice este aparato al
aire libre.
La bombilla que se usa dentro del
aparato está diseñada específicamente
para electrodomésticos y no es
adecuada para la iluminación general
de habitaciones en una vivienda
(Normativa CE 244/2009).
El aparato puede funcionar en
sitios en los que la temperatura esté
dentro de los límites siguientes, según
la clase climática indicada en la placa de
El aparato podría no funcionar
correctamente si se deja durante
bastante tiempo a una temperatura
distinta de los límites especificados.
Temperaturas ambiente de clase
SN: 10 a 32 °C
ST: 16 a 38 °C;
N: 16 a 32 °C
T: 16 a 43 °C
Este aparato no contiene CFC.
El circuito de refrigeración contiene
R600a (HC). Aparatos con isobutano
(R600a): el isobutano es un gas natural
sin impacto medioambiental, pero que
resulta inflamable.
Por este motivo, compruebe que las
tuberías del circuito de refrigeración no
estén dañadas, especialmente cuando
vacíe el circuito de refrigeración.
ADVERTENCIA: No dañe las
tuberías del circuito de refrigeración del
despejadas los orificios de ventilación
del aparato o la estructura.
ADVERTENCIA: No use medios
mecánicos, eléctricos o químicos,
excepto los indicados por el
fabricante, para acelerar el proceso de
ADVERTENCIA: No use ni coloque
dispositivos eléctricos dentro de los
compartimentos del aparato, salvo
que se trate de aquellos autorizados
expresamente por el fabricante.
ADVERTENCIA: Las máquinas de
hielo o los dispensadores de agua que
no estén conectados directamente a la
toma de agua deben llenarse solamente
con agua potable.
No almacene sustancias explosivas,
como aerosoles, ni coloque ni utilice
gasolina u otros materiales inflamables
encima o cerca del aparato.
No ingiera el contenido (no es
tóxico) de los acumuladores de frío
(suministrado con algunos modelos).
No coma cubitos de hielo ni polos
inmediatamente después de sacarlos
del congelador, ya que pueden provocar
quemaduras por frío.
Para los productos diseñados
para funcionar con un filtro de
aire integrados en una cubierta del
ventilador accesible, el filtro debe estar
siempre bien colocado si el frigorífico
está en funcionamiento.
No guarde recipientes de cristal
con líquidos en el compartimento
congelador ya que podrían romperse.
No obstruya el ventilador (si se incluye)
con los alimentos. Después de colocar
los alimentos compruebe que las
puertas de los compartimentos cierran
correctamente, especialmente la puerta
del congelador.
Las juntas dañadas deben sustituirse
lo antes posible.
Este aparato está pensado para
utilizarse exclusivamente para
el almacenamiento de vino en el
compartimento de almacenamiento
de vino, para almacenar alimentos
frescos en el cajón en modo frigorífico
y para almacenar alimentos congelados,
congelar alimentos frescos y hacer
cubitos de hielo en el cajón en modo
Guarde siempre las botellas
sin el embalaje y no dentro de
contenedores o cajas. La capacidad del
compartimento de almacenamiento de
vino se indica en el capítulo dedicado al
almacenamiento de botellas de vino.
Envuelva los alimentos para
guardarlos; de este modo se evita que
entren en contacto directo con las
superficies interiores del frigorífico o
del congelador. Los aparatos podrían
incluir compartimentos especiales
(compartimento de alimentos frescos,
compartimento de cero grados,...).
Si no se especifica lo contrario en el
folleto específico del producto pueden
retirarse, manteniendo rendimientos
El pentano C se utiliza como agente
expansor en la espuma aislante y es un
gas inflamable.
La parte más apropiada del cajón
en la que se deben conservar tipos
de alimentos específicos, teniendo
en cuenta la distinta distribución de
temperatura en cada compartimento
del aparato, es la siguiente:
- Modo frigorífico:
1) Zona superior del compartimento
del frigorífico - zona de temperatura:
Para conservar frutas tropicales,
latas, bebidas, huevos, salsas,
encurtidos, mantequilla y mermelada
2) Zona media del compartimento del
frigorífico: zona fría: Para conservar
queso, leche, productos lácteos,
delicatessen y yogures
3) Zona inferior del compartimento
del frigorífico: zona más fría: Para
almacenar fiambres, postres, carne
y pescado, tartas de queso, pasta
fresca, natas agrias, pesto/salsas,
comidas caseras cocinadas, pastas,
pudines y quesos cremosos
4) La parte inferior del compartimento
del frigorífico: Para conservar
frutas y verduras (excepto frutas
- Modo congelador:
Los alimentos que se compran
congelados tienen la fecha de caducidad
indicada en el envase. Esta fecha
tiene en cuenta el tipo de alimento
que se conserva y, por tanto, se debe
respetar. Los alimentos frescos deben
conservarse durante los siguientes
periodos de tiempo: 1-3 meses para
los quesos, moluscos, helados, jamón/
embutidos, leche y líquidos frescos;
4 meses para los filetes o costillas
(ternera, cordero, cerdo); 6 meses para
la mantequilla o margarina y las aves
(pollo, pavo);
8-12 meses para las frutas (excepto
los cítricos), la carne asada (ternera,
cerdo, cordero) y las verduras. Deben
respetarse las fechas de caducidad de
los envases.
Para evitar la contaminación de los
alimentos, cumpla siempre lo siguiente:
- Abrir la puerta durante largos
periodos puede aumentar
considerablemente la temperatura en
los compartimentos del aparato.
- Limpie regularmente las superficies
que pueden entrar en contacto
con los alimentos y los sistemas de
drenaje accesibles
- Limpie los depósitos de agua si
estos no se han utilizado durante
48 h; descargue el sistema de agua
conectado a un suministro de agua si
no se descarga agua durante 5 días.
- Conserve la carne y el pescado
crudos en recipientes aptos en el
frigorífico de modo que no entren
en contacto con otros alimentos ni
goteen sobre ellos.
- Los compartimentos de alimentos
congelados de dos estrellas son
aptos para conservar alimentos
precongelados y para almacenar o
hacer helado y cubitos de hielo.
- No congele alimentos frescos en los
compartimentos de una, dos o tres
- Si el aparato de refrigeración se
deja vacío durante largos periodos,
apáguelo, descongélelo, límpielo,
séquelo y deje abierta la puerta para
evitar que se forme moho dentro del
La manipulación e instalación del
aparato la deben realizar dos o más
personas, ya que hay riesgo de lesiones.
Utilice guantes de protección para el
desembalaje y la instalación, ya que hay
riesgo de cortes.
La instalación, incluido el suministro
de agua (si lo hay) y las conexiones
eléctricas y las reparaciones, deben ser
realizadas por un técnico cualificado.
No realice reparaciones ni sustituciones
de partes del aparato no indicadas
específicamente en el manual del
usuario. Mantenga a los niños alejados
del lugar de instalación. Tras desembalar
el aparato, compruebe que no se
ha dañado durante el transporte. Si
observa algún problema, póngase
en contacto con el distribuidor o el
Servicio Postventa más cercano. Una
vez instalado el aparato, mantenga los
restos de embalaje (plásticos, piezas
de poliestireno extruido, etc.) fuera
del alcance de los niños, ya que hay
riesgo de asfixia. El aparato debe
desconectarse del suministro eléctrico
antes de efectuar cualquier operación
de instalación; hay riesgo de descarga
eléctrica. Durante la instalación,
compruebe que el aparato no dañe el
cable de alimentación; hay riesgo de
descarga eléctrica. No active el aparato
hasta haberlo instalado por completo.
Tenga cuidado de no dañar el piso
(por ejemplo, parquet) al mover el
aparato. Instale el aparato sobre una
superficie o soporte capaz de soportar
su peso y en un lugar adecuado a su
tamaño y uso. Asegúrese de que el
aparato no esté cerca de una fuente
de calor y de que las cuatro patas
sean estables y descansen sobre el
suelo, ajústelas si es necesario y, a
continuación, compruebe si el aparato
está perfectamente nivelado usando un
nivel de burbuja. Espere al menos dos
horas antes de encender el aparato para
garantizar que el circuito de refrigerante
funciona correctamente.
ADVERTENCIA: Cuando coloque
el aparato, asegúrese de que el cable
de alimentación no esté atrapado o
ADVERTENCIA: Para evitar
accidentes debido a la inestabilidad, el
posicionamiento o la fijación del aparato
deben realizarse según las instrucciones
del fabricante. Está prohibido colocar el
frigorífico de tal modo que el conducto
metálico de la cocina de gas, o los
conductos del gas o el agua o de los
cables eléctricos estén en contacto con
la parte trasera del frigorífico (serpentín
del condensador).
Para garantizar una ventilación
adecuada, deje espacio a ambos lados
y por encima del aparato. La distancia
entre la parte trasera del aparato y la
pared de detrás del aparato debe ser
de al menos 50 mm, para impedir el
acceso a las superficies calientes. Una
reducción de este espacio significaría un
incremento del consumo de energía del
Debe ser posible desconectar el
aparato de la alimentación eléctrica
desenchufándolo si el enchufe es
accesible o mediante un interruptor
omnipolar instalado antes del enchufe,
de conformidad con las normativas de
cableado y el aparato debe conectarse
a una toma de tierra de acuerdo con
las normativas de seguridad vigentes en
materia de electricidad.
No utilice alargadores, regletas ni
adaptadores. Una vez terminada la
instalación, los componentes eléctricos
no deberán quedar accesibles para el
usuario. No utilice el aparato si está
mojado o va descalzo. No use este
aparato si tiene un cable o un enchufe
de red dañado, si no funciona bien, o si
se ha dañado o se ha caído.
Si el cable de alimentación está
dañado, sólo debe sustituirlo por otro
idéntico por el fabricante, personal
cualificado del servicio de asistencia
técnica del fabricante o similar para
evitar daños, hay riesgo de descarga
varias tomas de corriente portátiles
o suministros eléctricos en la parte
trasera del aparato.
de que el aparato esté apagado y
desconectado del suministro eléctrico
antes de realizar cualquier operación
de mantenimiento; no utilice aparatos
de limpieza con vapor, hay riesgo de
descarga eléctrica.
No use limpiadores abrasivos o
agresivos como limpiacristales, polvos
limpiadores, fluidos inflamables, ceras
limpiadoras, detergentes concentrados,
lejías o limpiadores con derivados del
petroleo para las partes de plástico,
los revestimientos interiores y de la
puerta o las juntas. No use papel de
cocina, estropajos metálicos u otras
herramientas de limpieza agresivas.
El material de embalaje es 100% reciclable y
está marcado con el símbolo de reciclaje
with the wiring rules and the appliance must
be earthed in conformity with national electrical
safety standards.
Do not use extension leads, multiple sockets
or adapters. The electrical components must not
be accessible to the user after instal lation. Do not
use the appliance when you are wet or barefoot .
Do not operate this appliance if it has a damaged
power cable or plug, if it is not working properly,
or if it has been damaged or dropped.
If the supply cord is damaged, it must
be replaced with an identical one by the
manufacturer, its service agent or similarly
qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard -
risk of electric shock.
WARNING: Do not locate multiple portable
socket-outlets or portable power suppl ies at the
rear of t he appli ance.
WARNING: Ensure that the appliance is
switched off and disconnected from the power
supply before performing any maintenance
operation; never use steam cleaning equipment -
risk of electric shock.
Do not use abrasi ve or harsh cleaners such
as window sprays, scouring cleansers, flammable
fluids, cleaning waxes, concentrated detergents ,
bleaches or cleanser s containing petroleum
products on plastic parts, interior and door liners
or gaskets. Do not use paper towel s , scouring
pads, or ot her harsh cleani ng tools .
The packaging material is 100% recyclable and is marked with the
recycle symbol
. The various parts of the packaging must therefore
be disposed of responsibly and in full compliance with local authority
regulations governing waste disposal.
This appliance is manufactured with recyclable or reusable materials.
Dispose of it in accordance with local waste disposal regulations.
For further information on the treatment, recovery and recycling
of household electrical appliances, contact your local authority, the
collection service for household waste or the store where you purchased
the appliance. This appliance is marked in compliance with European
Directive 2012/19/EU, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).
By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent
negative consequences for the environment and human health. The
on the product or on the accompanying documentation
indicates that it should not be treated as domestic waste but must be
taken to an appropriate collection centre for the recycling of electrical
and electronic equipment.
To guarantee adequate ventilation follow installation instructions.
Insufficient ventilation at the back of the product increases energy
consumption and decreases cooling ef f iciency.
Frequent door opening might cause an increase in Energy consumption.
The internal temperature of the appliance and the Energy Consumption
may be affected also by the ambient temperature, as well as location of
the appliance. Temperature setting should take into consideration these
factors. Reduce door opening to minimum.
When thawing frozen food, place it in the refrigerator. The low
temperature of the frozen products cools the food in the refrigerator.
Allow warm food and drinks to cool down before placing in the
Positioning of the shelves i n the refrigerator has no impact on the
efficient usage of energy. Food should be pl aced on the shelves in such
way to ensure proper air circulation (food should not t ouch each other
and distance between food and rear wall should be kept).
You can increase storage capacity of frozen food by removing baskets
and, if present, Stop Fros t shelf.
Do not worry about noises coming from the compressor which are
normal operation noises.
. Por
lo tanto, deberá desechar las diferentes piezas
del embalaje de forma responsable, respetando
siempre las normas locales sobre eliminación de
Este aparato ha sido fabricado con materiales
reciclables o reutilizables. Debe desecharse
de acuerdo con la normativa local al respecto.
Para obtener información más detallada sobre
el tratamiento, recuperación y reciclaje de
electrodomésticos, póngase en contacto con las
autoridades locales, con el servicio de recogida
de residuos domésticos, o con la tienda en la
que adquirió el aparato. Este aparato lleva la
marca CE de conformidad con la Directiva
Europea 2012/19/UE sobre residuos de aparatos
eléctricos y electrónicos (RAEE). La correcta
eliminación de este producto evita consecuencias
negativas para el medio ambiente y la salud. El
símbolo que se incluye en el aparato o en la
documentación que lo acompaña indica que no
puede tratarse como un residuo doméstico, sino
que debe entregarse en un punto de recogida
adecuado para el reciclado de aparatos eléctricos
y electrónicos.
Para garantizar una ventilación adecuada,
siga las instrucciones de instalación. Una
ventilación insuficiente en la parte trasera del
electrodoméstico incrementa el consumo de
energía y reduce la eficiencia de la refrigeración.
La abertura frecuente de la puerta puede
provocar un aumento del consumo de energía.
La temperatura interior del aparato y el
consumo de energía también pueden depender
de la temperatura ambiente y de la ubicación del
aparato. Cuando ajuste la temperatura, tenga en
cuenta todos estos factores. Reduzca al mínimo
el tiempo que la puerta permanece abierta.
Para descongelar alimentos, colóquelos en el
frigorífico. La baja temperatura de los productos
congelados enfría los alimentos del frigorífico.
Deje enfriar los alimentos y las bebidas antes de
introducirlos en el aparato.
La posición de los estantes en el frigorífico no
tiene efecto en la eficiencia energética. Los
alimentos deben colocarse en los estantes de
forma que se asegure una adecuada circulación
de aire (los alimentos no deben tocarse entre sí y
deben estar separados de la pared posterior).
Puede aumentar la capacidad de almacenamiento
de comida congelada retirando cestas o el
estante Stop Frost, si lo hay.
No se preocupe por los sonidos procedentes del
compresor, que son sonidos de funcionamiento
1. Retire con cuidado las protecciones y los
adhesivos, abra la puerta y asegúrese de que no
falte ningún componente.
2. Saque el cable de alimentación.
1. Coloque el dispositivo en un área bien
ventilada, sin humedad y libre (evite armarios
con paredes cerradas).
2. Mantenga el dispositivo alejado de fuentes de
3. Asegúrese de mantener las distancias mínimas
entre el dispositivo y las paredes de la sala
en la que se encuentre para garantizar una
ventilación perfecta del dispositivo.
Consulte la figura.
Conexión de cableado
Después de su transporte, coloque el dispositivo
verticalmente y espere 3 horas como mínimo antes
de conectarlo al cableado. Antes de enchufarlo a la
toma de corriente, asegúrese de que:
la toma esté conectada a tierra de conformidad
con las normativas
la toma sea capaz de soportar hasta la carga
eléctrica máxima del aparato, indicada en
la tabla de la ficha técnica o en la placa de
características en la parte inferior derecha
(consulte Descripción del dispositivo);
la tensión del suministro eléctrico se encuentre
dentro del rango indicado en la tabla de la Ficha
técnica o en la placa de características en la
parte inferior derecha (consulte Descripción del
la toma de corriente sea compatible con
el enchufe del dispositivo. De lo contrario,
sustituya la toma o el enchufe; no utilice tomas
múltiples ni alargaderas.
Colocación y conexión
Ventilation space:
at least 50 mm
of the
side area
of the cellar
Descripción del producto
Piezas interiores
Panel de control
Interior Parts
Control Panel
Product Description
Interior Parts
Control Panel
Product Description
Compartimento de envejecimiento de
La función principal del compartimento de
envejecimiento es garantizar que sus vinos se
conserven en unas condiciones óptimas.
La temperatura ajustada de fábrica es excelente
en la mayoría de los casos y es de 15 °C en el
compartimento superior.
El vino tiene una naturaleza compleja y necesita
un proceso largo y lento. Para expresar mejor sus
atributos, es necesario garantizar unas condiciones
muy específicas.
Todos los vinos se conservan a la misma
temperatura pero, en función de sus distintas
características, los vinos se sirven y se toman a
temperaturas muy diferentes (consulte la Tabla de
temperaturas de vino ideales).
Por tanto, como en el caso de las bodegas de
los productores, en su nuevo aparato el valor
de temperatura absoluto no es importante para
conservar su vino. Lo importante es mantener
una temperatura constante a lo largo del tiempo.
La conservación del vino es ideal a cualquier
temperatura, mientras la temperatura no varíe.
Control de temperatura manual
Al conectar su bodega, la pantalla muestra la
temperatura en el interior de esta: está ajustada
para alcanzar los 15 °C y mantenerse constante.
Si necesita ajustarla, siga las instrucciones a
1. Al conectar su bodega, la pantalla muestra la
temperatura ajustada
2. Pulse el botón + durante un segundo (consulte
el Panel de control). La temperatura comenzará
a parpadear.
3. Pulse los botones + o - hasta alcanzar la
temperatura deseada
4. Espere 5 segundos para que la temperatura
deje de parpadear.
5. Espere hasta que la bodega alcance su
temperatura antes de colocar botellas de vino
en su interior.
La luz interior no se enciende (o se apaga
temporalmente) cuando la temperatura interior
supera los 24 °C. Esto le permite alcanzar la
temperatura preajustada más rápidamente.
Extracción de los estantes de madera
ADVERTENCIA: Los estantes de madera no
son deslizantes. No los extraiga si están cargados
de botellas para evitar el riesgo de que estas se
Puede extraer los estantes para limpiarlos
únicamente si no tienen botellas.
Uso de la bodega
Tabla de temperaturas de vino ideales
Esta tabla indica las temperaturas aproximadas a las que debe servirse cada vino. Si uno de sus vinos debe
servirse a una temperatura más alta de la del interior de su bodega, le sugerimos que deje el vino fuera el
tiempo necesario antes de servirlo.
Amarone 17 °C Vinos espumosos secos y dulces 6 °C
Barbaresco 17 °C
Verdicchio di Matelica
e dei Castelli di Jesi
8 °C
Barolo 17 °C
Vinos blancos de
Trentino Alto Adige
11 °C
Beaujolais 13 °C Vinos blancos Franciacorta 11 °C
Burdeos con licor blanco 6 °C Vinos blancos secos aromáticos 10 °C
Burdeos blanco seco 8 °C
Vinos blancos
secos, jóvenes y afrutados
8 °C
Burdeos tinto 17 °C
Vinos blancos de
Friuli Venezia Giulia
11 °C
Borgoña blanco 11 °C Vinos del Ródano 15 °C
Borgoña tinto 18 °C Vinos blancos secos del Loira 10 °C
Brunello 17 °C Vinos con licor del Loira 7 °C
Champán 6 °C Vinos tintos del Loira 14 °C
Chianti Classico 16 °C Vinos Passito con licor 8-18 °C
Languedoc-Roussillon 13 °C Vinos rosados, nuevos vinos 12 °C
Passito di Pantelleria 6 °C
Vinos tintos ligeros con tanino
14 °C
Provence rosado 12 °C
Vinos tintos con más taninos
y estructura media
16 °C
Almacenamiento de 24 botellas estándar
El almacenamiento de 24 botellas (para botellas
estándar, mixtas y renana) se recomienda para los
vinos que deben permanecer visibles y que puedan
sacarse fácilmente.
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
24 botellas (100 % boca abajo)
3 estantes
Coloque cada botella en las ranuras sobre
los 3 estantes de madera. Pueden colocarse
6 botellas en la parte inferior de la bodega.
Le sugerimos que coloque las botellas Renana
en el estante inferior y en la parte inferior de la
bodega, ya que están diseñadas especialmente
para soportar botellas más grandes.
! El estante de madera puede soportar de forma
segura un máximo de 22 botellas
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
Almacenamiento de botellas de champán
Las botellas de champán tienen un mayor tamaño
que las botellas estándar. Deben colocarse sobre la
base de la bodega, que puede albergar hasta 5.
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
Si desea almacenar más de 5 botellas de
champán en su bodega, retire el tercer estante
y almacénelas en dos filas (colocando las botellas
en la segunda fila entre las que se encuentran
en la fila inferior). Así pueden conservarse hasta
9 botellas.
Algunas configuraciones de
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
28 botellas (100 % boca abajo)
Almacenamiento de las botellas de vino
Cuidados y mantenimiento
Desconexión de la bodega
Durante la limpieza y el mantenimiento, es
imperativo desconectar la bodega.
Solución de problemas
Si ve que la bodega no funciona correctamente,
consulte esta lista antes de llamar al Servicio
! El aparato ha sido proyectado y fabricado en
conformidad con las normas internacionales sobre
seguridad. Estas advertencias se suministran
por razones de seguridad y deben ser leídas
Este aparato es conforme con las siguientes
Directivas Comunitarias:
Maintenance and
Care and maintenance
Disconnecting the wine cellar
During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar
If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your
Service Centre.
The compressor does not work
The compressor never stops
Possible causes/solutions
The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not
enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power
failure in your home.
The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine
cellar into another wall-outlet to check.
Contact the Service Centre
! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre.
! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left
unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer.
! The appliance was designed and manufactured in
compliance with international safety standards. The
following warnings are provided for safety reasons
and must be read carefully.
This appliance complies with the following
Community Directives:
- 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and
subsequent amendments;
- 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic
Compatibility) and subsequent amendments;
- 2002/96/CE.
Observe local environmental standards when
disposing packaging material for recycling
The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE),
requires that old household electrical appliances
must not be disposed of in the normal unsorted
municipal waste stream. Old appliances must be
collected separately in order to optimise the
recovery and recycling of the materials they contain
and reduce the impact on human health and the
environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin”
symbol on the product reminds you of your
obligation, that when you dispose of the appliance
it must be separately collected.
Consumers should contact their local authority or
retailer for information concerning the correct
disposal of their old appliance.
- Directiva de baja tensión (LVD) 2014/35/UE
- La Directiva de compatibilidad electromagnética
(EMC) 2014/30/UE
- La Directiva de RAEE 2012/30/UE
Maintenance and
Care and maintenance
Disconnecting the wine cellar
During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar
If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your
Service Centre.
The compressor does not work
The compressor never stops
Possible causes/solutions
The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not
enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power
failure in your home.
The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine
cellar into another wall-outlet to check.
Contact the Service Centre
! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre.
! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left
unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer.
! The appliance was designed and manufactured in
compliance with international safety standards. The
following warnings are provided for safety reasons
and must be read carefully.
This appliance complies with the following
Community Directives:
- 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and
subsequent amendments;
- 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic
Compatibility) and subsequent amendments;
- 2002/96/CE.
Observe local environmental standards when
disposing packaging material for recycling
The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE),
requires that old household electrical appliances
must not be disposed of in the normal unsorted
municipal waste stream. Old appliances must be
collected separately in order to optimise the
recovery and recycling of the materials they contain
and reduce the impact on human health and the
environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin”
symbol on the product reminds you of your
obligation, that when you dispose of the appliance
it must be separately collected.
Consumers should contact their local authority or
retailer for information concerning the correct
disposal of their old appliance.
Eliminación del material de embalaje: respete
las normas locales, de esta manera los
embalajes podrán ser reutilizados.
En base a la Directiva 2012/19/UE de
Residuos de aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos
(Directiva RAEE 2), los electrodomésticos
viejos no pueden ser arrojados en los
contenedores municipales habituales. Los
aparatos antiguos tienen que ser recogidos
selectivamente para optimizar la recuperación
y reciclado de los componentes y materiales
que los constituyen, y reducir el impacto
en la salud humana y el medio ambiente. El
símbolo del cubo de basura tachado se marca
sobre todos los productos para recordar al
consumidor la obligación de separarlos para la
recogida selectiva.
El consumidor debe contactar con la
autoridad local o con el vendedor para
informarse en relación a la correcta
eliminación de su aparato viejo.
! Cualquier reparación en la bodega deberá llevarla a cabo su centro de Servicio Técnico local autorizado.
! Los fallos a corto plazo, como un fallo de corriente, no pondrán en peligro los vinos. Los vinos solo
pueden verse afectados si los fallos de funcionamiento no se resuelven durante un largo periodo.
Mantenimiento y resolución de problemas
Problema Posibles causas/soluciones
El compresor no funciona El enchufe no está conectado a la toma de
corriente o no se ha insertado lo suficiente
como para hacer contacto. También podría
haber un fallo de corriente en su hogar.
La toma de corriente no funciona. Conecte
la bodega a otra toma de corriente para
El compresor no se detiene nunca Póngase en contacto con el Servicio Técnico
Antes de llamar al Servicio de Asistencia Técnica:
Verifique si usted mismo puede resolver el problema de mal funcionamiento (consulte Resolución de
Si, no obstante los controles, el aparato no funciona y el problema continúa, llame al Centro de
Asistencia Técnica más cercano
No recurra nunca a técnicos no autorizados y rechace siempre la instalación de repuestos que
no sean originales.
el tipo de problema de mal funcionamiento
el modelo del aparato (Mod.)
el número de serie (S/N)
Esta información se encuentra en la placa de
datos situada en la parte inferior izquierda del
compartimento frigorífico.
Before calling for Assistance:
Check if the malfunction can be solved on your own (
see Troubleshooting
If after all the checks, the appliance still does not operate or the problem persists, call the nearest Service
type of malfunction
appliance model (Mod.)
serial number (S/N)
This information can be found on the data
plate located on the bottom left side of the
refrigerator compartment.
Never call on unauthorized technicians and always refuse spare parts which are not originals.
RG 2330
93139180000 S/N 704211801
220 - 240 V- 50 Hz 150 W
Max 15 w
R 134 a
kg 0,090
Freez. Capac
Poder de Cong
Made in Italy 13918
LOW 140
kg/24 h
model serial number
Eigenschaften, 56
Installation, 61
Standort und Stromanschluss
Technische Information
Produktbeschreibung, 62
Benutzung des Weinschranks, 63-64
Manuelle Temperatureinstellung
Entnehmen der Holzablageflächen
Tabelle für die idealen Weintemperaturen
Lagerung der Weinflaschen, 65
Lagern der Flaschen
Pflege und Anleitung zur
Fehlersuche, 66
Pflege und Wartung
Anleitung zur Fehlersuche
Kundendienst, 67
Italiano, 4
English, 17
Français, 29
Español, 42
Deutsch, 55
Русский, 68
Қазақша, 81
Nederlands, 94
Português, 107
Diese Sicherheitsanweisungen vor
dem Gebrauch durchlesen. Diese
Anweisungen zum Nachschlagen
leicht zugänglich aufbewahren.
In diesen Anweisungen sowie auf
dem Gerät selbst werden wichtige
Sicherheitshinweise angegeben, die
durchgelesen und stets beachtet
werden müssen. Der Hersteller
übernimmt keine Haftung für
die Nichtbeachtung dieser
Sicherheitshinweise, für unsachgemäße
Verwendung des Geräts oder falsche
Babys und Kleinkinder (0-3 Jahre)
müssen vom Gerät fern gehalten
werden. Jüngere Kinder (3-8 Jahre)
müssen vom Gerät fern gehalten
werden, es sei denn, sie werden ständig
beaufsichtigt. Dieses Gerät darf von
Kindern ab 8 Jahren sowie Personen
mit herabgesetzten physischen,
sensorischen oder geistigen Fähigkeiten
und Mangel an Erfahrung und
Kenntnissen nur unter Aufsicht oder
nach ausreichender Einweisung durch
eine für ihre Sicherheit verantwortliche
Person verwendet werden. Kinder
dürfen nicht mit dem Gerät spielen.
Die Reinigung und Pflege des Geräts
darf von Kindern nicht ohne Aufsicht
durchgeführt werden.
Kinder im Alter von 3 bis 8 Jahren
dürfen Kühlgeräte beladen und
VORSICHT: Das Gerät ist nicht
für den Betrieb mit einer externen
Schaltvorrichtung, z. B. einem Timer
oder einer separaten Fernbedienung,
Dieses Gerät ist für
Haushaltsanwendungen und ähnliche
Anwendungen konzipiert, zum
Beispiel: Mitarbeiterküchen im
Einzelhandel, in Büros oder in anderen
Arbeitsbereichen; Gutshäuser;
von Kunden in Hotels, Motels,
Frühstückspensionen und anderen
Dieses Gerät ist nicht für den
professionellen Gebrauch ausgelegt.
Das Gerät ist nicht für die Benutzung im
Freien geeignet.
Die im Gerät verwendete Lampe
ist speziell für Elektrogeräte konzipiert
und ist nicht für die Beleuchtung von
Räumen geeignet (EUVerordnung
Das Gerät ist für den Einsatz
in Räumen mit nachstehenden
ausgelegt, die ihrerseits von der
Klimaklasse auf dem Typenschild
abhängig sind.
Wird der vorgegebene
Temperaturbereich für das Gerät
für einen längeren Zeitraum unter-
oder überschritten, kann es zu
Funktionsstörungen kommen.
SN: Von 10 bis 32 °C
ST: Von 16 bis 38 °C;
N: Von 16 bis 32 °C
T: Von 16 bis 43 °C
Dieses Gerät ist FCKW-frei. Der
Kältemittelkreislauf enthält R600a (HC).
Hinweis zu Geräten mit Isobutan
Isobutan ist ein umweltverträgliches,
natürliches Gas, es ist jedoch leicht
entflammbar. Aus diesem Grund
sicherstellen, dass die Leitungen des
Kühlmittelkreislaufs nicht beschädigt
sind, insbesondere beim Entleeren des
WARNUNG: Beschädigen Sie
auf keinen Fall die Leitungen des
WARNUNG: Lüftungsöffnungen
in der Geräteverkleidung oder im
Einbaumöbel sind von Behinderungen
frei zu halten.
WARNUNG: Zum Beschleunigen
des Abtauvorganges niemals zu anderen
mechanischen, elektrischen oder
chemischen Hilfsmitteln greifen als zu
den vom Hersteller empfohlenen.
WARNUNG: Verwenden Sie keine
elektrischen Geräte in den Fächern
des Gerätes, wenn deren Einsatz nicht
explizit vom Hersteller zugelassen
worden ist.
WARNUNG: Eisbereiter und/oder
Wasserspender, die nicht direkt mit der
Wasserleitung verbunden sind, dürfen
nur mit Trinkwasser befüllt werden.
Bewahren Sie keine
explosionsgefährdeten Stoffe wie
Spraydosen im oder in der Nähe des
Gerätes auf. Das gleiche gilt für Benzin
und sonstige entflammbare Stoffe und
deren Verwendung.
Die in den Kühlakkus (bei
manchen Modellen vorhanden)
enthaltene (ungiftige) Flüssigkeit
darf nicht verschluckt werden.
Verzehren Sie Eiswürfel oder
Wassereis nicht unmittelbar nach der
Entnahme aus dem Gefrierfach, da
sie Kälteverbrennungen hervorrufen
Bei Produkten, die für den
Gebrauch eines Luftfilters hinter einer
zugänglichen Lüfterabdeckung ausgelegt
sind, muss der Filter bei laufendem
Kühlschrank stets eingesetzt sein.
Bewahren Sie keine Glasbehälter
mit Flüssigkeiten im Gefrierfach, sie
könnten zerbrechen. Blockieren Sie
das Gebläse (falls inbegriffen) nicht mit
Lebensmitteln. Prüfen Sie nach dem
Ablegen von Lebensmitteln, ob die Tür
der Fächer korrekt schließt, besonders
die Tür des Gefrierfachs.
Beschädigte Dichtungen müssen
so schnell wie möglich ausgetauscht
Dieses Gerät ist ausschließlich zum
Lagern von Wein im Weinlagerfach,
zum Aufbewahren von frischen
Lebensmitteln im Fach im Kühlmodus
und zum Aufbewahren von
tiefgekühlten Lebensmitteln, zum
Einfrieren von frischen Lebensmitteln
und zur Herstellung von Eiswürfeln
im Fach im Gefriermodus konzipiert.
Flaschen immer aus der Verpackung
nehmen und nicht in Kisten
oder Schachteln einlagern. Das
Fassungsvermögen des Weinlagerfachs
ist im Kapitel angegeben, in dem die
Lagerung von Weinflaschen beschrieben
Unverpackte Lebensmittel so lagern,
dass sie nicht mit den Innenwänden des
Kühl- bzw. Gefrierfachs in Berührung
kommen. Möglicherweise verfügt das
Gerät über Sonderfächer (Frischefach,
Null-Grad-Box, ...).
Falls nicht anderweitig in der Anleitung
des Gerätes anders angegeben, können
diese für eine gleichmäßige Funktion
im gesamten Gerät herausgenommen
Das brennbare Gas C-Pentan
wird als Treibmittel im Isolierschaum
Folgender Teil des Fachs eignet
sich am besten zur Aufbewahrung
verschiedener Arten von Lebensmitteln,
unter Berücksichtigung der
unterschiedlichen Temperaturverteilung
in verschiedenen Fächern des Geräts:
- Kühlmodus:
1) Oberer Bereich des
Kühlschrankfachs -
Temperaturbereich: Zur
Aufbewahrung von tropischen
Früchten, Dosen, Getränken, Eiern,
Soßen, Gewürzgurken, Butter,
2) Mittlerer Bereich des
Kühlschrankfachs - kühler Bereich:
Zur Aufbewahrung von Käse, Milch,
Milchprodukten, Feinkost, Joghurt
3) Unterer Bereich des
Kühlschrankfachs - kältester Bereich:
Zur Aufbewahrung von Aufschnitt,
Desserts, Fleisch und Fisch,
Käsekuchen, frischen Nudeln, saurer
Sahne, Pesto/Salsa, selbstgemachtem
Essen, Sahne, Pudding und
4) Boden des Kühlschrankfachs:
Zur Aufbewahrung von Obst und
Gemüse (außer tropische Früchte)
- Gefriermodus:
Bei gekaufter Tiefkühlkost ist das
Haltbarkeitsdatum auf der Verpackung
angegeben. Bei diesem Datum wird
die Art des gelagerten Lebensmittels
berücksichtigt und daher sollte dieses
Datum eingehalten werden. Frische
Lebensmittel sollten für folgender
Zeiträume gelagert werden: 1-3
Monate für Käse, Krustentiere,
Eiscreme, Schinken/Würste, Milch,
frische Flüssigkeiten; 4 Monate für
Steaks oder Koteletts (Rind, Lamm,
Schwein); 6 Monate für Butter oder
Margarine, Geflügel (Hähnchen, Pute);
8-12 Monate bei Obst (ausgenommen
Zitrusfrüchte), Braten (Rind, Schwein,
Lamm), Gemüse. Haltbarkeitszeiten
auf der Verpackung von Lebensmitteln
müssen eingehalten werden.
Beachten Sie zur Vermeidung von
Lebensmittelverunreinigungen folgende
- Das Öffnen der Tür für längere
Zeit kann zu einer deutlichen
Temperaturerhöhung in den Fächern
des Kühlgeräts führen.
- Reinigen Sie Oberflächen,
die mit Lebensmitteln und
Abwassersystemen in Kontakt
kommen können, regelmäßig.
- Reinigen Sie Wasserbehälter, wenn
sie 48 Stunden lang nicht benutzt
wurden; spülen Sie das mit der
Wasserversorgung verbundene
Wassersystem, wenn seit 5 Tagen
kein Wasser entnommen wurde.
- Bewahren Sie rohes Fleisch und
Fisch in geeigneten Behältern im
Kühlschrank auf, damit es nicht mit
anderen Lebensmitteln in Kontakt
kommt oder auf sie tropft.
- Zwei-Sterne-Gefrierfächer eignen
sich zur Aufbewahrung von
tiefgekühlten Lebensmitteln, zur
Aufbewahrung oder Herstellung von
Speiseeis und Eiswürfeln.
- Frieren Sie frische Lebensmittel nicht
in Ein, Zwei- oder Drei-Sterne-
Gefrierfächern ein.
- Wenn das Kühlgerät lange leer
steht, schalten Sie es aus, tauen Sie
es ab, reinigen und trocknen Sie es
und lassen Sie die Tür offen, um zu
verhindern, dass sich im Inneren des
Geräts Schimmel bildet.
Das Gerät muss von zwei oder
mehr Personen gehandhabt und
aufgestellt werden – Verletzungsgefahr.
Schutzhandschuhe zum Auspacken und
zur Installation des Geräts verwenden –
Die Installation, einschließlich der
Wasserversorgung (falls vorhanden)
und elektrische Anschlüsse und
Reparaturen müssen von einem
qualifizierten Techniker durchgeführt
werden. Reparieren Sie das Gerät nicht
selbst und tauschen Sie keine Teile aus,
wenn dies vom Bedienungshandbuch
nicht ausdrücklich vorgesehen ist.
Kinder vom Installationsort fern
halten. Prüfen Sie das Gerät nach dem
Auspacken auf Transportschäden. Bei
auftretenden Problemen wenden Sie
sich bitte an Ihren Händler oder den
Kundenservice. Nach der Installation
müssen Verpackungsabfälle (Kunststoff,
Styroporteile usw.) außerhalb der
Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahrt
werden - Erstickungsgefahr. Das
Gerät vor Installationsarbeiten
von der Stromversorgung trennen
- Stromschlaggefahr. Während
der Installation sicherstellen, das
Netzkabel nicht mit dem Gerät
selbst zu beschädigen - Brand- oder
Stromschlaggefahr. Das Gerät erst
starten, wenn die Installationsarbeiten
abgeschlossen sind.
Achten Sie beim Bewegen des
Gerätes darauf, den Boden (z. B.
Parkett) nicht zu beschädigen. Stellen
Sie das Gerät auf dem Boden oder
einer für sein Gewicht ausreichend
starken Halterung auf. Der Ort sollte
der Größe und der Nutzung des Geräts
entsprechen. Sicherstellen, dass sich
das Gerät nicht in der Nähe einer
Wärmequelle befindet und dass die
vier Füße fest auf dem Boden aufliegen.
Die Füße entsprechend einstellen und
mit einer Wasserwaage kontrollieren,
dass das Gerät vollkommen eben und
standfest ist. Warten Sie mindestens
zwei Stunden, bevor Sie das Gerät
einschalten, um sicherzustellen, dass
der Kältemittelkreislauf einwandfrei
WARNUNG: Stellen Sie beim
Aufstellen des Geräts sicher, dass das
Netzkabel nicht eingeklemmt oder
beschädigt wird.
WARNUNG: Um Gefahren aufgrund
von Instabilität zu verhindern, muss das
Gerät gemäß Herstelleranweisungen
platziert oder befestigt werden. Der
Kühlschrank darf nicht so aufgestellt
werden, dass das Metallrohr eines
Gasherdes, Metall- bzw. Wasserrohre
oder elektrische Verkabelungen
mit der Rückwand des Gerätes in
Berührung kommen (oder mit der
Um eine ausreichende Belüftung
sicherzustellen, muss an beiden
Seiten und über dem Gerät etwas
Platz gelassen werden. Der Abstand
zwischen der Rückwand des Geräts
und der Wand hinter dem Gerät muss
50 mm betragen, um Zugang zu heißen
Oberflächen zu vermeiden. Eine
Verringerung dieses Abstands erhöht
den Energieverbrauch des Gerätes.
Es muss gemäß den
Verdrahtungsregeln möglich sein, den
Netzstecker des Gerätes zu ziehen,
oder es mit einem Trennschalter,
welcher der Steckdose vorgeschaltet
ist, auszuschalten. Das Gerät muss im
Einklang mit den nationalen elektrischen
Sicherheitsbestimmungen geerdet sein.
Verwenden Sie keine
Verlängerungskabel, Mehrfachstecker
oder Adapter. Nach der Installation
dürfen Strom führende Teile für den
Benutzer nicht mehr zugänglich sein.
Das Gerät nicht bedienen, wenn Sie
nasse Hände haben oder barfuß sind.
Das Gerät nicht in Betrieb nehmen,
wenn das Netzkabel oder der
Stecker beschädigt ist, wenn es nicht
einwandfrei funktioniert, herunter
gefallen ist oder in irgendeiner Weise
beschädigt wurde.
Wenn das Netzkabel beschädigt
ist, muss es aus Sicherheitsgründen
vom Hersteller, von seinem
Kundendienstvertreter oder einer
ähnlich qualifizierten Fachkraft mit
einem identischen Kabel ersetzt werden
- Stromschlaggefahr.
WARNUNG: Bringen Sie keine
Mehrfachstecker oder tragbare
Stromversorgungsgeräte an der
Geräterückseite an.
WARNUNG: Vor der Durchführung
von Wartungsarbeiten, sicherstellen,
dass das Gerät ausgeschaltet und von
der Stromversorgung getrennt ist
Verwenden Sie niemals Dampfreiniger -
Verwenden Sie keine
Scheuermittel wie Fensterspray,
Entfetter, entzündbare Flüssigkeiten,
Reinigungspaste, konzentrierte
Reinigungsmittel, Bleichmittel oder
benzinhaltige Reinigungsmittel
auf Kunststoffteilen, Innen- oder
Türablagen oder Dichtungen. Benutzen
Sie keine Papiertücher, Topfreiniger
oder scharfen Gegenstände.
Das Verpackungsmaterial ist zu 100 %
wiederverwertbar und trägt das Recycling-
. Werfen Sie das Verpackungsmaterial
deshalb nicht einfach weg, sondern entsorgen Sie
es gemäß den geltenden örtlichen Vorschriften.
Dieses Gerät wurde aus recycelbaren oder
wiederverwendbaren Werkstoffen hergestellt.
Entsorgen Sie das Gerät im Einklang mit den
lokalen Vorschriften zur Abfallbeseitigung.
Genauere Informationen zu Behandlung,
Entsorgung und Recycling von elektrischen
Haushaltsgeräten sind bei der örtlichen Behörde,
der Müllabfuhr oder dem Händler erhältlich, bei
dem das Gerät gekauft wurde. Dieses Gerät ist
gemäß der Europäischen Richtlinie 2012/19/EU
für Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräte (WEEE)
gekennzeichnet. Durch Ihren Beitrag zur
korrekten Entsorgung dieses Produkts schützen
Sie die Umwelt und die Gesundheit Ihrer
Mitmenschen. Das Symbol auf dem Gerät
bzw. auf dem beiliegenden Informationsmaterial
weist darauf hin, dass dieses Gerät kein normaler
Haushaltsabfall ist, sondern in einer Sammelstelle
für Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräte entsorgt
werden muss.
Befolgen Sie die Aufstellanweisungen, um
angemessene Belüftung sicherzustellen. Eine
unzureichende Belüftung hinten am Gerät
erhöht den Energieverbrauch und verringert die
Kühlkapazität. Häufiges Öffnen der Tür kann zu
einem erhöhten Energieverbrauch führen.
Die Innentemperatur des Gerätes und der
Energieverbrauch können sowohl von der
Umgebungstemperatur als auch vom Standort
des Gerätes beeinflusst werden. Bei der
Temperatureinstellung sind diese Faktoren zu
berücksichtigen. Öffnen Sie die Tür so wenig wie
Platzieren Sie Lebensmittel zum Auftauen im
Kühlschrank. Die niedrige Temperatur der
gefrorenen Lebensmittel kühlt das Essen im
Lassen Sie warme Speisen und Getränke
abkühlen, bevor Sie diese im Gerät platzieren.
Die Position der Ablageflächen im Kühlschrank
hat keinen Einfluss auf den effizienten
Energieverbrauch. Lebensmittel müssen so auf
den Ablageflächen platziert werden, dass eine
korrekte Luftzirkulation sichergestellt wird
(Lebensmittel dürfen sich nicht berühren und
zwischen Lebensmitteln und Rückwand muss
Abstand gehalten werden).
Sie können die Lagerkapazität der gefrorenen
Lebensmittel durch Entnahme der Körbe
und, wenn vorhanden, der Stop-Frost-Ablage,
Es gibt keinen Grund zur Beunruhigung im Falle
von Geräuschen durch den Kompressor, diese
sind normale Betriebsgeräusche.
1. Entfernen Sie vorsichtig den Schutz und die
Aufkleber, öffnen Sie die Tür und stellen Sie
sicher, dass alle Bestandteile vorhanden sind.
2. Entnehmen Sie das Netzkabel.
1. Stellen Sie das Gerät in einem gut belüfteten,
nicht feuchten und freien Bereich auf (Schränke
mit geschlossenen Wänden vermeiden).
2. Halten Sie das Gerät von Wärmequellen fern.
3. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Mindestabstände
zwischen dem Gerät und den Wänden des
Raums, in dem es aufgestellt wird, eingehalten
werden, um eine einwandfreie Belüftung des
Geräts zu gewährleisten.
Siehe Abbildung.
Stellen Sie das Gerät nach dem Transport senkrecht
auf und warten Sie wenigstens 3 Stunden, bevor Sie
es an das elektrische Leitungssystem anschließen.
Vor dem Einsetzen des Netzsteckers in die
Steckdose ist sicherzustellen, dass:
die Steckdose geerdet ist und den gesetzlichen
die Steckdose der maximalen Stromlast des
Geräts standhalten kann, die in der Tabelle der
technischen Daten oder am Kennschild unten
rechts (siehe Gerätebeschreibung) angegeben ist;
die Versorgungsspannung innerhalb des Bereichs
liegt, der in der Tabelle der technischen Daten
oder am Kennschild unten rechts (siehe
Gerätebeschreibung) angegeben ist;
die Steckdose mit dem Netzstecker des Geräts
kompatibel ist. Ersetzen Sie anderenfalls die
Steckdose oder den Netzstecker; verwenden Sie
keine Verlängerungen oder Mehrfachstecker.
Aufstellung und Anschluss
Ventilation space:
at least 50 mm
of the
side area
of the cellar
Interior Parts
Control Panel
Product Description
Interior Parts
Control Panel
Product Description
Die Hauptfunktion des Lagerraums besteht darin,
zu gewährleisten, dass Ihre Weine unter optimalen
Bedingungen aufbewahrt werden.
Die Temperatur wurde ab Werk auf eine
Temperatur voreingestellt, die sich in den meisten
Fällen als ausgezeichnet herausgestellt hat. Sie
beträgt 15 °C im oberen Fach.
Die Natur des Weins ist komplex und er
ist das Produkt eines langen und langsamen
Prozesses. Um seine Eigenschaften bestmöglich
zum Ausdruck zu bringen, sind ganz spezielle
Bedingungen erforderlich.
Alle Weine werden bei der gleichen Temperatur
aufbewahrt, je nach ihren Eigenschaften werden
Weine jedoch bei sehr unterschiedlichen
Temperaturen serviert und verkostet (siehe Tabelle
für die idealen Weintemperaturen).
Deshalb ist für Ihr neues Gerät, wie auch für
die Weinkeller der Produzenten, der absolute
Temperaturwert für die Lagerung ihres Weins nicht
wichtig. Vielmehr ist eine konstante Temperatur
im Laufe der Zeit wichtig. Die Weinlagerung ist bei
jeder Temperatur ideal, so lange diese Temperatur
nicht schwankt.
Manuelle Temperatureinstellung
Wenn der Weinklimaschrank mit dem
Stromnetz verbunden ist, zeigt die Anzeige die
Innentemperatur des Klimaschranks: Sie wurde
auf 15 °C eingestellt und hält diese konstant.
Sollten Sie diese einstellen müssen, folgen Sie den
nachstehenden Anweisungen:
1. Wenn der Weinklimaschrank mit dem
Stromnetz verbunden ist, zeigt das Display, die
eingestellte Temperatur
2. Drücken Sie eine Sekunde lang die Taste +
(siehe Bedientafel). Die Temperatur beginnt zu
3. Drücken Sie die Tasten + oder -, bis Sie die
gewünschte Temperatur erreichen
4. Warten Sie 5 Sekunden, bis die Temperatur zu
blinken aufhört.
5. Warten Sie, bis der Weinklimaschrank
seine Temperatur erreicht, bevor Sie die
Weinflaschen hineinlegen.
Das Innenlicht schaltet sich nicht ein (oder
schaltet sich vorübergehende aus), wenn die
Innentemperatur 24 °C überschreitet. Dies
gestattet Ihnen, die voreingestellte Temperatur
schneller zu erreichen.
Entnehmen der Holzablageflächen
WARNUNG: Die Holzablageflächen gleiten nicht.
Entnehmen Sie diese nicht, wenn Flaschen darauf
liegen, um die Gefahr des Brechens der Flaschen
zu vermeiden.
Sie können die Ablageflächen nur zum Reinigen
entnehmen, wenn sie nicht mit Flaschen beladen
Benutzung des Weinschranks
Tabelle für die idealen Weintemperaturen
Diese Tabelle gibt die ungefähren Serviertemperaturen für verschiedene Weine an. Sollte einer Ihrer Weine
bei höheren Temperaturen serviert werden müssen, als die Temperatur in Ihrem Weinklimaschrank beträgt,
empfehlen wir, diesen vor dem Servieren die erforderliche Zeit heraußen zu lassen.
Amarone 17°C
Trockene und süße
6 °C
Barbaresco 17°C
Verdicchio di Matelica
e dei Castelli di Jesi
8 °C
Barolo 17°C
11 °C
Beaujolais 13 °C Weißwein - Franciacorta 11 °C
Weiße Likörweine - Bordeaux 6 °C Trockener, würziger Weißwein 10 °C
Weißwein, trocken - Bordeaux 8 °C
Trockener, junger
und fruchtiger Weißwein
8 °C
Roter Bordeaux 17°C
Weißwein -
Friaul-Julisch Venetien
11 °C
Weißer Burgunder 11 °C Rodano Weine 15°C
Roter Burgunder 18 °C Weißwein, trocken - Loire 10 °C
Brunello 17°C Likörweine - Loire 7 °C
Champagner 6 °C Rotwein - Loire 14 °C
Chianti Classico 16 °C Trockenbeerenauslesen 8-18 °C
Languedoc-Roussillon 13 °C Roséwein, junger Wein 12 °C
Passito di Pantelleria 6 °C
Leichter Rotwein mit milden
14 °C
Rosé - Provence 12 °C
Tanninhaltiger Rotwein
mit mittlerer Struktur
16 °C
Standardlagerung für 24 Flaschen
Die Lagerung von 24 Flaschen (für Standard-,
gemischte und Renana-Flaschen) wird für Weine
empfohlen, die sichtbar und leicht zu entnehmen
sein müssen.
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
24 Flaschen (100% liegend)
3 Ablageflächen
Legen Sie jede Flasche in die Schlitze auf den
3 Holzablageflächen. 6 Flaschen können am
Boden des Weinschranks platziert werden.
Wir empfehlen Ihnen, die Renana-Flaschen auf
die untere Ablagefläche und auf den Boden des
Weinschranks zu legen, da diese speziell für die
Aufnahme breiterer Flaschen gestaltet wurden.
! Die Holzablagefläche kann bis zu 22 Flaschen
sicher tragen
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
Lagerung von Champagnerflaschen
Champagnerflaschen sind breiter als
normale Flaschen. Sie müssen am Boden des
Weinklimaschranks platziert werden, der bis zu 5
aufnehmen kann.
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
Möchten Sie mehr als 5 Champagnerflaschen
in Ihrem Weinschrank lagern, entfernen Sie
die 3. Ablagefläche und lagern Sie die Flaschen
in zwei Reihen (die Flaschen der zweiten
Reihe sind zwischen denen der unteren Reihe
zu platzieren). So können bis zu 9 Flaschen
aufgenommen werden.
Einige Konfigurationen für die Lagerung
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
28 Flaschen (100% liegend)
Lagerung der Weinflaschen
Pflege und Wartung
Unterbrechen des Weinschranks
Während Reinigung und Pflege muss der
Weinschrank unbedingt ausgesteckt werden.
Anleitung zur Fehlersuche
Wenn Sie feststellen, dass Ihr Weinschrank nicht
ordnungsgemäß arbeitet, überprüfen Sie diesen
entsprechend der folgenden Liste, bevor Sie Ihren
Kundendienst rufen.
! Das Gerät wurde entwickelt und hergestellt
in Übereinstimmung mit internationalen
Sicherheitsstandards. Die folgenden Warnungen
werden aus Sicherheitsgründen gegeben und
müssen sorgfältig gelesen werden.
Dieses Gerät ist konform mit den folgenden
Maintenance and
Care and maintenance
Disconnecting the wine cellar
During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar
If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your
Service Centre.
The compressor does not work
The compressor never stops
Possible causes/solutions
The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not
enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power
failure in your home.
The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine
cellar into another wall-outlet to check.
Contact the Service Centre
! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre.
! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left
unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer.
! The appliance was designed and manufactured in
compliance with international safety standards. The
following warnings are provided for safety reasons
and must be read carefully.
This appliance complies with the following
Community Directives:
- 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and
subsequent amendments;
- 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic
Compatibility) and subsequent amendments;
- 2002/96/CE.
Observe local environmental standards when
disposing packaging material for recycling
The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE),
requires that old household electrical appliances
must not be disposed of in the normal unsorted
municipal waste stream. Old appliances must be
collected separately in order to optimise the
recovery and recycling of the materials they contain
and reduce the impact on human health and the
environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin”
symbol on the product reminds you of your
obligation, that when you dispose of the appliance
it must be separately collected.
Consumers should contact their local authority or
retailer for information concerning the correct
disposal of their old appliance.
- Niederspannungsrichtlinie (engl. LVD) 2014/35/
- Richtlinie 2014/30/EU über die
elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (EMV)
- WEEE-Richtlinie 2012/30/EU
Maintenance and
Care and maintenance
Disconnecting the wine cellar
During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar
If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your
Service Centre.
The compressor does not work
The compressor never stops
Possible causes/solutions
The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not
enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power
failure in your home.
The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine
cellar into another wall-outlet to check.
Contact the Service Centre
! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre.
! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left
unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer.
! The appliance was designed and manufactured in
compliance with international safety standards. The
following warnings are provided for safety reasons
and must be read carefully.
This appliance complies with the following
Community Directives:
- 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and
subsequent amendments;
- 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic
Compatibility) and subsequent amendments;
- 2002/96/CE.
Observe local environmental standards when
disposing packaging material for recycling
The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE),
requires that old household electrical appliances
must not be disposed of in the normal unsorted
municipal waste stream. Old appliances must be
collected separately in order to optimise the
recovery and recycling of the materials they contain
and reduce the impact on human health and the
environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin”
symbol on the product reminds you of your
obligation, that when you dispose of the appliance
it must be separately collected.
Consumers should contact their local authority or
retailer for information concerning the correct
disposal of their old appliance.
Beachten Sie die örtlichen Umweltstandards,
wenn Sie Verpackungsmaterialien für den
Recyclingprozess entsorgen.
Die Richtlinie 2012/19 /EU über Elektro- und
Elektronik-Altgeräte (WEEE 2 Richtlinie),
fordert, dass alte elektrische Haushaltsgeräte
nicht in der kommunalen Abfallentsorgung
entsorgt werden. Altgeräte müssen separat
gesammelt werden, um die Rückgewinnung
und das Recycling der darin enthaltenen
Materialien zu verbessern und um die
Auswirkung auf die Gesundheit von Personen
und die Umgebung zu reduzieren. Das
Symbol der durchgestrichenen "Mülltonne“
auf dem Produkt weist darauf hin, dass es
bei der Entsorgung des Gerätes separat
gesammelt werden muss.
Verbraucher sollten ihre Lokalbehörde oder
Händler kontaktieren für Informationen über
die korrekte Entsorgung von Altgeräten.
! Alle Arbeiten, die am Weinschrank ausgeführt werden, sollten von Ihrem autorisierten örtlichen
Kundendienst durchgeführt werden.
! Kurzzeitige Störungen wie Stromausfall beeinträchtigen die Weine nicht. Nur wenn Betriebsstörungen
längere Zeit nicht behoben werden, kann dies dem Wein schaden.
Pflege und Anleitung zur Fehlersuche
Fehler Mögliche Ursachen/Abstellmaßnahmen
Der Kompressor funktioniert nicht Der Stecker ist nicht in die Wandsteckdose
eingesteckt, oder nicht ausreichend, um einen
Kontakt herzustellen. Oder es könnte einen
Stromausfall in Ihrem Haus geben.
Die Steckdose ist nicht funktionstüchtig. Stecken
Sie den Weinklimaschrank zur Kontrolle an einer
anderen Steckdose an.
Der Kompressor läuft ständig Wenden Sie sich bitte an den Kundendienst
Bevor Sie sich an den Kundendienst wenden:
Prüfen Sie, ob die Störung selbst behoben werden kann (siehe Anleitung zur Fehlersuche).
Sollte trotz aller Kontrollen das Gerät nicht funktionieren und der von Ihnen festgestellte Fehler weiter
bestehen bleiben, dann fordern Sie bitte den nächstgelegenen technischen Kundendienst an und teilen
Sie dort zusammen mit Ihrer Fehlerbeschreibung folgende Daten mit
Beauftragen Sie auf keinen Fall einen nicht befugten Kundendienst und lassen Sie ausschließlich
Geben Sie bitte Folgendes an:
die Art der Störung
das Gerätemodell (Mod.)
Seriennummer (S/N)
Diese Informationen finden Sie auf dem
Typenschild auf der unteren linken Seite des
Before calling for Assistance:
Check if the malfunction can be solved on your own (
see Troubleshooting
If after all the checks, the appliance still does not operate or the problem persists, call the nearest Service
type of malfunction
appliance model (Mod.)
serial number (S/N)
This information can be found on the data
plate located on the bottom left side of the
refrigerator compartment.
Never call on unauthorized technicians and always refuse spare parts which are not originals.
RG 2330
93139180000 S/N 704211801
220 - 240 V- 50 Hz 150 W
Max 15 w
R 134 a
kg 0,090
Freez. Capac
Poder de Cong
Made in Italy 13918
LOW 140
kg/24 h
model serial number
Характеристики, 69
Установка, 74
Размещение и подключение к сети
Техническая информация
Описание изделия, 75
Внутреннее наполнение
Панель управления
Эксплуата ция винного шкафа,
Отделение для выдержки
Ручная регулировка температуры
Извлечение деревянных полок
Таблица идеальной температуры вин
Размещение бутылок, 78
Как размещать бутылки
Обслуживание и устранение
неисправностей, 79
Уход и обслуживание
Поиск и устранение неисправностей
Сервис, 80
Italiano, 4
English, 17
Français, 29
Español, 42
Deutsch, 55
Русский, 68
Қазақша, 81
Nederlands, 94
Português, 107
Прежде чем пользоваться прибором,
прочтите данную инструкцию по
Сохраните ее для возможности
обращения в будущем.
В настоящей инструкции и на самом
приборе содержатся важные указания
по безопасности. Их необходимо
прочесть и выполнять постоянно.
Изготовитель снимает с себя всякую
ответственность за последствия
несоблюдения настоящих указаний
по безопасности, ненадлежащего
использования прибора или
неправильные рабочие настройки на
пульте управления.
Очень маленьких детей (до 3 лет)
не следует подпускать к прибору.
Дети в возрасте от 3 до 8 лет могут
находиться рядом с прибором только
под постоянным присмотром. Дети,
начиная с 8-летнего возраста, лица
с ограниченными физическими,
сенсорными или умственными
способностями и лица, не имеющие
достаточных знаний и навыков,
могут пользоваться прибором только
под присмотром или после того, как
получат указания по безопасному
использованию прибора и осознают
имеющиеся опасности. Не позволяйте
детям играть с прибором. Дети
могут осуществлять чистку и уход
за прибором только под присмотром
взрослых. Детям в возрасте от 3
до 8 лет разрешается загружать и
выгружать холодильное оборудование.
ОСТОРОЖНО: Данный прибор
не предназначен для работы
с управлением от внешнего
переключающего устройства, такого
как таймер, или пульта дистанционного
Данный прибор предназначен
для использования в быту, а также
в следующих случаях: в бытовых
комнатах персонала в различных
предприятиях, офисах и др. трудовых
коллективах; на фермах; в номерах
отелей, мотелей и прочих жилых
Данный прибор не предназначен для
профессионального использования.
Запрещается использовать печь вне
Лампа, используемая в приборе,
специально предназначена для
электробытовых приборов и
непригодна для освещения помещений
(Регламент Комиссии ЕС № 244/2009).
Прибор предназначен для
использования в помещениях,
температура воздуха в которых
соответствует указанным ниже
диапазонам (в соответствии с
климатическим классом, указанным на
табличке с паспортными данными).
Прибор может не работать
надлежащим образом, если он
длительное время находился при
температуре, выходящей за пределы
допустимого интервала.
Климатический класс
температуры окружающей среды:
SN: Вид 10 до 32 °C
ST: Вид 16 до 38 °C;
N: Вид 16 до 32 °C
T: Вид 16 до 43 °C
Прибор не содержит
хлорфторуглероды (CFC). В
холодильном контуре используется
хладагент R600a (HC). Для приборов с
изобутаном (R600a):
изобутан представляет собой
природный газ, не оказывающий
вредного воздействия на окружающую
среду, но являющийся горючим.
В связи с этим необходимо избегать
повреждения трубок холодильного
контура, особенно во время
опустошения холодильного контура.
ВНИМАНИЕ: Избегайте
повреждения трубок холодильного
контура прибора.
ВНИМАНИЕ: Не закрывайте
вентиляционные отверстия на корпусе
прибора и на мебели для встраивания.
Поддерживайте их в чистоте.
ВНИМАНИЕ: Не используйте
и не помещайте электрические
устройства внутрь отделений
прибора, за исключением устройств,
рекомендованных изготовителем.
ВНИМАНИЕ: устройства для
приготовления льда и/или устройства
подачи воды, не подключенные
непосредственно к системе
водоснабжения, необходимо наполнять
только питьевой водой.
Не храните взрывоопасные
предметы (такие как аэрозольные
баллончики), не размещайте и не
используйте внутри прибора или
вблизи от него бензин и другие
легковоспламеняющиеся вещества.
Не проглатывайте содержимое
(нетоксичное) аккумуляторов холода
(присутствуют в некоторых моделях).
Не ешьте кубики льда или фруктовый
лед непосредственно из морозилки,
так как это может вызвать холодовые
Если конструкция крышки
вентилятора предусматривает
установку воздушного фильтра, он
должен находиться на своем месте во
время работы холодильника.
Не ставьте в морозильное
отделение стеклянные емкости с
жидкостью: они могут лопнуть.
Не загораживайте вентилятор (при
наличии) продуктами.
После помещения продуктов в
холодильник убедитесь, что дверцы
закрываются правильным образом
особенности, дверца морозильного
Поврежденные прокладки
необходимо как можно быстрее
Данный прибор предназначен
исключительно для хранения вина
в винной камере, хранения свежих
продуктов в ящике в режиме
охлаждения и хранения замороженных
продуктов, замораживания свежих
продуктов и изготовления кубиков льда
в ящике в режиме замораживания.
Всегда храните бутылки без упаковки,
а не внутри корзин или ящиков.
Вместимость камеры для хранения
вина указана в разделе, посвященном
хранению винных бутылок.
Не допускайте, чтобы продукты
без упаковки касались внутренних
стенок холодильного и морозильного
отделения. В приборе могут быть
специальные отделения (отделение
для свежих продуктов, отделение с
нулевой температурой и т. п.). Если
иного не указано в специальной
инструкции к изделию, эти отсеки
можно вынуть без нарушения исходных
показателей прибора.
В качестве порообразующего
вещества в пеноизоляции используется
С-пентан, являющийся горючим газом.
Наиболее подходящая часть ящика,
в которой должны храниться
определенные типы продуктов с
учетом различного распределения
температуры в разных отсеках:
- Режим охлаждения:
1) Верхняя часть холодильного
отделения - температурная зона:
Хранение тропических фруктов,
консервов, напитков, яиц, соусов,
солений, сливочного масла, варенья
2) Средняя часть холодильного
отделения - холодная зона:
Хранение сыра, молока, молочных
продуктов, деликатесных закусок,
3) Нижняя часть холодильного
отделения - самая холодная зона:
Хранение мясной нарезки, десертов,
мяса и рыбы, чизкейков, свежей
пасты, сметаны, соуса песто/сальсы,
домашней пищи, заварного крема,
пудинга и сливочного сыра
4) Дно холодильного отделения:
Хранение овощей и фруктов (за
исключением тропических фруктов)
- Режим замораживания:
Купленные замороженные продукты
имеют срок годности, указанный на
упаковке. Эта дата учитывает тип
пищи, и ее следует соблюдать.
Свежие продукты должны храниться
в течение следующего периода: сыр,
рaкooбpaзныe, мороженое, ветчина/
сосиски, молоко, свежие жидкости
— 1-3 месяца; стейк или котлеты
(говядина, баранина, свинина) — 4
сливoчнoe мacлo или мapгapин, птицa
(курица, индейка) — 6 месяцев; фрукты
(кроме цитрусовых), жаркое (говядина,
свинина, баранина), овощи — 8-12
месяцев. Необходимо соблюдать срок
годности, указанный на упаковке
Чтобы избежать загрязнения пищи,
соблюдайте следующие инструкции:
- Если дверца будет оставаться
открытой в течение длительного
времени, это может привести
к значительному повышению
температуры в отсеках прибора.
- Регулярно очищайте поверхности,
которые могут соприкасаться
с продуктами и открытыми
дренажными системами.
- Если резервуары для воды не
использовались в течение 48 часов,
их необходимо очистить; слейте
воду из системы водоснабжения,
подключенной к водопроводу, если
вы не пользовались водой в течение
5 дней.
- Храните сырое мясо и рыбу в
холодильнике в подходящих
контейнерах, чтобы они не
соприкасались с другими продуктами
и жидкость с них не капала вниз.
- Отсеки для замороженных
продуктов, обозначенные
двумя звездочками, подходят
для хранения предварительно
замороженных продуктов, хранения
или приготовления мороженого и
кубиков льда.
- Не замораживайте свежие продукты
в отсеках с одной, двумя или тремя
- Если вы не планируете использовать
холодильное устройство в течение
длительного времени, выключите
его, разморозьте, очистите,
высушите и оставьте дверцу
открытой, чтобы предотвратить
образование плесени внутри
Перемещать и устанавливать
прибор должны двое или более
человек во избежание травм. При
распаковке и установке следует
использовать защитные перчатки во
избежание порезов.
Установку, в том числе подключение
к системе водоснабжения (при
наличии) и выполнение электрических
соединений, а также ремонтные работы
должен выполнять квалифицированный
персонал. Запрещается ремонтировать
или заменять любые детали прибора,
за исключением случаев, особо
оговоренных в руководстве по
Не разрешайте детям подходить близко
к месту установки. После распаковки
прибора убедитесь, что он не
поврежден во время транспортировки.
В случае обнаружения проблем
обращайтесь к продавцу или в
ближайший сервисный центр. После
установки отходы упаковочных
материалов (пластик, пенопластовые
детали и т.д.) должны храниться
в недоступном для детей месте во
избежание опасности удушения.
Перед выполнением любых операций
по установке отключите прибор от
электросети: существует опасность
поражения электрическим током. При
установке соблюдайте осторожность,
чтобы не повредить сетевой шнур
корпусом прибора - опасность пожара
и поражения электрическим током.
Не включайте прибор до завершения
Будьте осторожны при перемещении
прибора, чтобы не повредить полы
(например, паркет). Устанавливайте
прибор на полу, способном выдержать
вес прибора. Выбранное для установки
место должно соответствовать
размерам прибора и его назначению.
Убедитесь, что прибор не находится
поблизости источника тепла и все
четыре ножки прибора твердо стоят
на полу. Отрегулируйте ножки
при необходимости. Проверьте
горизонтальность прибора при помощи
уровня. Подождите не менее двух часов
перед тем как включать прибор: это
время необходимо для восстановления
полной эффективности холодильного
ВНИМАНИЕ: При размещении
прибора убедитесь, что шнур питания
не поврежден и не зажат.
ВНИМАНИЕ: Во избежание
опрокидывания прибора выполняйте
операции по установке и закреплению
в соответствии с инструкциями
изготовителя. Запрещается размещать
холодильник таким образом, чтобы
металлический шланг газовой
плиты, металлические газовые
или водопроводные трубы или
электрические кабели касались
задней стенки холодильника (змеевика
Для обеспечения надлежащей
вентиляции оставьте свободное
место с обеих боковых сторон и над
прибором. Для предотвращения
доступа к горячим поверхностям
расстояние между стеной и задней
стенкой прибора должно составлять
50 мм. Уменьшение этого расстояния
ведет к росту энергопотребления
Для прибора должна иметься
возможность отключения от
электросети посредством
отсоединения вилки от розетки (если
к ней есть доступ) или с помощью
многополюсного выключателя,
устанавливаемого до розетки.
Прибор должен быть заземлен в
соответствии с национальными
стандартами электрической
Не используйте удлинители,
разветвители и переходники. После
завершения установки электрические
компоненты должны стать недоступны
для пользователя. Не используйте
прибор, если Вы мокрые или босиком.
Не пользуйтесь прибором, если у него
повреждены сетевой шнур или вилка,
если он не работает должным образом
или был поврежден вследствие удара
или падения.
В случае повреждения сетевого
шнура во избежание возникновения
опасных ситуаций он должен
быть заменен производителем,
сотрудником сервисного центра или
квалифицированным специалистом -
опасность поражения электрическим
ВНИМАНИЕ: Не располагайте
несколько портативных розеток или
портативных источников питания на
задней панели прибора.
ВНИМАНИЕ! Перед проведением
технического обслуживания прибора
убедитесь в том, что он выключен и
отсоединен от электросети; никогда
не используйте пароочистители:
существует опасность поражения
электрическим током.
Не используйте абразивные или
агрессивные чистящие средства, такие
как спреи для стекол, полировальные
пасты, легковоспламеняющиеся
жидкости, чистящие воски,
концентрированные моющие средства,
отбеливатели или моющие средства на
основе производных нефти для чистки
пластмассовых частей, внутренних
и внешних уплотнителей дверцы. Не
используйте бумажные полотенца,
абразивные мочалки и другие грубые
средства очистки.
Упаковочный материал допускает
полную вторичную переработку,
о чем свидетельствует символ
Различные части упаковки должны быть
утилизированы в полном соответствии с
действующими местными правилами по
утилизации отходов.
Данный прибор изготовлен из материалов,
допускающих переработку или повторное
использование. Утилизируйте прибор
в соответствии с местными правилами
утилизации отходов. Дополнительную
информацию о правилах обращения
с электробытовыми приборами, их
утилизации и переработке можно получить
в местных государственных органах, службе
сбора бытовых отходов или в магазине,
где был приобретен прибор. Данный
прибор несет маркировку в соответствии
с Европейской Директивой 2012/19/EC по
утилизации электрического и электронного
оборудования (WEEE). Обеспечив
правильную утилизацию данного изделия,
Вы поможете предотвратить негативные
последствия для окружающей среды и
здоровья человека.
Символ на самом изделии или на
сопроводительной документации
указывает, что при утилизации данного
изделия с ним нельзя обращаться
как с обычными бытовыми отходами.
Вместо этого, его следует сдать на
переработку в соответствующий пункт
приема электрического и электронного
Для обеспечения надлежащей вентиляции
следуйте указаниям по установке.
Недостаточная вентиляция с задней
стороны прибора ведет к повышению
энергопотребления и снижению
эффективности охлаждения.
Частое открывание дверцы может вести к
повышенному потреблению электроэнергии.
На внутреннюю температуру прибора
и энергопотребление может повлиять
температура окружающей среды и
местоположение прибора. Учитывайте эти
факторы при настройке температуры.
Избегайте ненужного открывания дверцы.
Для оттаивания замороженных продуктов
помещайте их в холодильное отделение.
Низкая температура замороженных
продуктов будет способствовать
охлаждению продуктов, находящихся
в холодильном отделении. Прежде чем
помещать в прибор теплую еду и напитки,
дайте им остыть.
Расположение полок в холодильнике не
влияет на эффективность использования
электроэнергии. Располагайте продукты на
так, чтобы обеспечить правильную
циркуляция воздуха (продукты не
должны соприкасаться друг с другом и с
задней стенкой отделения).
Пространство для хранения замороженных
продуктов можно расширить, вынув
корзины и, при наличии, лоток Stop Frost.
Не беспокойтесь по поводу звуков, которые
слышны из компрессора, которые являются
нормой при функционировании устройства.
1. Аккуратно удалите все фиксирующие и
защитные элементы, откройте дверцу и
убедитесь в наличии всех комплектующих.
2. Достаньте кабель питания.
1. Устанавливайте прибор в хорошо
проветриваемом помещении: сухом и
просторном (не располагайте в закрытых
2. Устанавливайте прибор на достаточном
расстоянии от источников тепла.
3. Соблюдайте минимальное расстояние
между прибором и стеной для обеспечения
необходимой вентиляции.
См. рисунок.
Подключение к электропитанию
После транспортировки установите прибор
вертикально и дайте ему отстояться минимум
3 часа, прежде чем подключать к сети
электропитания. Перед тем, как вставлять
вилку в розетку убедитесь, что:
розетка заземлена и установлена в
соответствии с правовыми
розетка способна выдержать максимальную
мощность прибора, указанную в
Спецификации или на шильдике справа
снизу на приборе (см. Описание изделия);
напряжение электросети находится
в пределах диапазона, указанного в
Спецификации или на шильдике справа
снизу на приборе (см. Описание изделия);
розетка совместима со штепсельной вилкой
прибора. В противном случае замените
розетку или штепсельную вилку; не
используйте удлинители и разветвители.
Размещение и подключение
Ventilation space:
at least 50 mm
of the
side area
of the cellar
Описание прибора
Внутреннее наполнение
Панель управления
Interior Parts
Control Panel
Product Description
Interior Parts
Control Panel
Product Description
Отделение для выдержки
Основная функция отделения для выдержки
— обеспечить хранение ваших вин в
оптимальных условиях.
Заводская настройка температуры является
оптимальной в большинстве случаев и
составляет 15°C в верхнем отделении.
Вино по своей природе является сложным
продуктом и результатом длительного и
медленного производственного процесса.
Чтобы лучше раскрыть винный купаж,
требуются особые условия.
Все вина хранятся при одной и той
же температуре, однако подаются
и дегустируются при самых разных
температурах в зависимости от их
характеристик (см. Таблицу идеальной
температуры вин).
Поэтому, как и в винных погребах у виноделов,
для хранения вашего вина важно не
абсолютное значение температуры в вашем
новом приборе, а скорее поддержание
постоянной температуры в течение долгого
времени. Вино идеально хранится при
любой температуре, если эта температура не
Ручная регулировка температуры
При подключении винного шкафа к
электросети дисплей показывает температуру
внутри шкафа: он настроен на достижение
и поддержание температуры 15°C. Если вам
нужно отрегулировать температуру, следуйте
1. При подключении винного шкафа к
электросети дисплей показывает заданную
2. Нажмите и удерживайте кнопку + в течение
секунды (см. «Панель управления»).
Значение температуры начнет мигать.
3. Нажимайте кнопку + или - до достижения
нужного значения
4. Подождите 5 секунд, пока мигание
значения температуры не прекратится.
5. Прежде чем помещать в него бутылки
вина, подождите, пока в нем не будет
установлена соответствующая температура.
Внутренняя подсветка не включается (или
временно отключается), если внутренняя
температура превышает 24°C. Это позволит
быстрее достичь заданной температуры.
Извлечение деревянных полок
ВНИМАНИЕ: Деревянные полки не имеют
выдвижного механизма. Не выдвигайте полки,
занятые бутылками, чтобы не разбить их.
Можно извлечь полки для очистки только в
том случае, если на них не лежат бутылки.
Эксплуатация винного шкафа
Таблица идеальной температуры вин
В этой таблице указаны приблизительные значения температуры, при которой вино нужно
подавать к столу. Если какое-либо из ваших вин нужно подавать при температуре выше, чем
температура внутри вашего винного шкафа, рекомендуем заблаговременно вынуть его из шкафа.
Амароне 17°C
Сухие и сладкие игристые
Барбареско 17°C
Вердикьо ди Мателика
э дей Кастелли ди Йезе
Бароло 17°C
Белые вина
из Трентино-Альто Адидже
Божоле 13°C Белые вина Франчакорта 11°C
Белые ликерные вина Бордо 6°C Сухие, ароматные белые вина 10°C
Сухие белые вина Бордо 8°C
Сухие, молодые
и фруктовые белые вина
Красные вина Бордо 17°C
Белые вина из
Фриули – Венеция-Джулия
Белое Бургундское 11°C Вина из Родано 15°C
Красное Бургундское 18°C
Сухие белые вина из долины
Брунелло 17°C
Ликерные вина из долины
Шампанское 6°C
Красные вина из долины
Кьянти Классико 16°C Ликерные вина Пассито 8–18°C
Лангедок-Русильон 13°C Розовые вина, ранние вина 12°C
Пассито ди Пантеллерия 6°C
Легкие, красные вина с
мягким танином
Прованское розовое вино 12°C
Красные, довольно танинные
вина средней структуры
Стандартная схема на 24 бутылки
Схема размещения на 24 бутылки (для
обычных, смешанных и рейнских бутылок)
рекомендуется для вин, которые должны быть
видны и легко выниматься.
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
24 бутылок (все горизонтально)
3 полки
Уложите все бутылки в щели на 3
деревянных полках. 6 бутылок можно
положить на дно винного шкафа.
Рейнские бутылки рекомендуем укладывать
на нижнюю полку и на дно винного
шкафа, потому что эти места специально
рассчитаны на размещение больших
! Деревянная полка надежно выдерживает
до 22 бутылок
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
Схема для шампанского
Бутылки шампанского крупнее обычных
бутылок. Их следует укладывать на дно
винного шкафа, где поместится до 5 бутылок.
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
Если вы хотите поместить в свой винный
шкаф больше 5 бутылок шампанского,
выньте третью полку и уложите бутылки в
два слоя (верхние между нижними). В этом
случае поместится до 9 бутылок.
Некоторые схемы размещения
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
28 бутылок (все горизонтально)
Размещение бутылок
Уход и обслуживание
Отключение винного шкафа от сети
Во время очистки и обслуживание прибора
обязательно отключайте его от розетки.
Поиск и устранение неисправностей
Если вы заметили неисправности в работе
винного шкафа, ознакомьтесь со следующим
списком перед обращением в сервисный
! Прибор разработан и изготовлен
в соответствии с международными
стандартами безопасности. Внимательно
прочтите и соблюдайте изложенные ниже
предостережения, которые приводятся в
целях вашей безопасности.
Прибор соответствует следующим директивам
Maintenance and
Care and maintenance
Disconnecting the wine cellar
During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar
If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your
Service Centre.
The compressor does not work
The compressor never stops
Possible causes/solutions
The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not
enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power
failure in your home.
The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine
cellar into another wall-outlet to check.
Contact the Service Centre
! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre.
! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left
unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer.
! The appliance was designed and manufactured in
compliance with international safety standards. The
following warnings are provided for safety reasons
and must be read carefully.
This appliance complies with the following
Community Directives:
- 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and
subsequent amendments;
- 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic
Compatibility) and subsequent amendments;
- 2002/96/CE.
Observe local environmental standards when
disposing packaging material for recycling
The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE),
requires that old household electrical appliances
must not be disposed of in the normal unsorted
municipal waste stream. Old appliances must be
collected separately in order to optimise the
recovery and recycling of the materials they contain
and reduce the impact on human health and the
environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin”
symbol on the product reminds you of your
obligation, that when you dispose of the appliance
it must be separately collected.
Consumers should contact their local authority or
retailer for information concerning the correct
disposal of their old appliance.
- Директива «Низковольтное оборудование»
(LVD) 2014/35/ЕС
- Директива об электромагнитной
совместимости (EMC) 2014/30/ЕС
- Директива об отходах электрического и
электронного оборудования (RAEE) 2012/30/
Maintenance and
Care and maintenance
Disconnecting the wine cellar
During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar
If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your
Service Centre.
The compressor does not work
The compressor never stops
Possible causes/solutions
The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not
enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power
failure in your home.
The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine
cellar into another wall-outlet to check.
Contact the Service Centre
! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre.
! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left
unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer.
! The appliance was designed and manufactured in
compliance with international safety standards. The
following warnings are provided for safety reasons
and must be read carefully.
This appliance complies with the following
Community Directives:
- 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and
subsequent amendments;
- 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic
Compatibility) and subsequent amendments;
- 2002/96/CE.
Observe local environmental standards when
disposing packaging material for recycling
The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE),
requires that old household electrical appliances
must not be disposed of in the normal unsorted
municipal waste stream. Old appliances must be
collected separately in order to optimise the
recovery and recycling of the materials they contain
and reduce the impact on human health and the
environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin”
symbol on the product reminds you of your
obligation, that when you dispose of the appliance
it must be separately collected.
Consumers should contact their local authority or
retailer for information concerning the correct
disposal of their old appliance.
Сдавайте упаковочные материалы на
переработку с соблюдением местного
экологического законодательства.
Согласно требованиям директивы
2012/19/ЕС об утилизации отходов
электрического и электронного
оборудования (Директива WEEE 2),
отслужившие бытовые электроприборы
нельзя утилизировать как обычные
бытовые отходы. Отслужившие приборы
следует сдавать в специализированные
пункты сбора, чтобы оптимизировать
процесс вторичного использования
содержащихся в них материалов и
уменьшить вредное воздействие
на окружающую среду и здоровье
человека. Находящийся на приборе
символ перечеркнутого мусорного бака
напоминает о том, что прибор подлежит
утилизации отдельно от обычных бытовых
Для получения информации по
правильной утилизации отслужившего
прибора обращайтесь в местные органы
управления или торговую организацию.
! Любые манипуляции с винным шкафом может выполнять только специалист регионального
авторизованного сервисного центра.
! От кратковременных неполадок, таких как перебои в энергоснабжении, вино не испортится.
Вино может испортиться только в том случае, если прибор находился в неисправном состоянии в
течении длительного периода времени.
Обслуживание и устранение неисправностей
Проблема Возможные причины/способы устранения
Компрессор не работает Вилка не вставлена в розетку или вставлена
недостаточно плотно. Возможно, в доме
нарушено электропитание.
Розетка неисправна. Подсоедините винный
шкаф к другой розетке для проверки.
Компрессор работает постоянно Обратитесь в сервисный центр
Прежде чем обращаться в сервисный центр:
Попытайтесь устранить неисправность самостоятельно (см. “Поиск и устранение
Если после всех проверок прибор по-прежнему не работает или проблема сохраняется,
обратитесь в ближайший сервисный центр
Не обращайтесь в неавторизованные мастерские, не допускайте использования
неоригинальных запасных частей.
тип неисправности;
модель прибора (Mod.);
серийный номер (S/N)
Эта информация содержится на табличке
технических данных, находящейся внизу с
левой стороны холодильного отделения.
Before calling for Assistance:
Check if the malfunction can be solved on your own (
see Troubleshooting
If after all the checks, the appliance still does not operate or the problem persists, call the nearest Service
type of malfunction
appliance model (Mod.)
serial number (S/N)
This information can be found on the data
plate located on the bottom left side of the
refrigerator compartment.
Never call on unauthorized technicians and always refuse spare parts which are not originals.
RG 2330
93139180000 S/N 704211801
220 - 240 V- 50 Hz 150 W
Max 15 w
R 134 a
kg 0,090
Freez. Capac
Poder de Cong
Made in Italy 13918
LOW 140
kg/24 h
model serial number
Техникалық сипаттізім
Орналасуы және желіге қосылуы
Техникалық ақпарат
Ішкі бөліктер
Басқару панелі
Бөтелкелерді сақтау орны
Температураны қолдан реттеу
Ағаш сөрелерді шығару
Шараптың мінсіз температуралар
Бөтелкелерді сақтау тәсілі
Күтім және техникалық қызмет
Ақауларды шешу
Italiano, 4
English, 17
Français, 29
Español, 42
Deutsch, 55
Русский, 68
Қазақша, 81
Nederlands, 94
Português, 107
Құрылғыны пайдаланбас бұрын осы
нұсқауларды мұқият оқып шығыңыз.
Оларды болашақта қарау үшін
сақтап қойыңыз.
Бұл нұсқаулар мен құрал барлық
уақытта ұстану қажет маңызды
қауіпсіздік ескертулерін қамтамасыз
етеді. Өндіршуі осы қауіпсіздік
нұсқауларын ұстанбау, құралды
дұрыс пайдаланбау немесе басқару
параметрлерін дұрыс орнатпау
нәтижесінде туындаған ақаулық
үшін жауапты емес.
Кішкентай сәбилерді (0-3
жастағы) құрылғыға жақындатпау
керек. Үнемі бақылау болмаса, жас
балаларды (3- 8 жастағы) құрылғыға
жақындатпау керек.
8 жас және одан үлкен жастағы
балалар және физикалық, сезімдік
немесе рухани мүмкіншіліктері
жеткіліксіз немесе тәжірибесі
мен білімі жеткіліксіз тұлғалар
құрылғыны тек басқару бойынша
арнайы қауіпсіз пайдалану
нұсқаулары берілгеннен кейін
пайдалана алады. Балалар
құрылғымен ойнамауы тиіс.
Егер қасында жетекшілік ететін
ересек адам болмаса, балалардың
тазалау және жөндеу жұмыстарын
орындауына болмайды. 3 пен 8
жас аралығындағы балаларға
тоңазытқыш құрылғысына азық-
түліктерді салып, алуға рұқсат
АБАЙЛАҢЫЗ: Бұл құрылғы
сыртқы таймер немесе бөлек
қашықтан басқару құралы сияқты
алмастыру қондырғысымен
пайдаланылуға арналмаған.
Бұл құрылғы тұрмыстық
және сол сияқты қолданыстарда
пайдаланылуға арналған, мысалы:
дүкендердегі, кеңселер мен жұмыс
орталарындағы қызметкерлерге
арналған асхана аумақтары;
шаруашылық ғимараттары; қонақ
үйлердің, мотельдердің, шағын
мейманханалардың және басқа
тұрғын жайлардың клиенттерінің
Бұл құрылғы кәсіптік мақсатта
пайдалануға арналмаған. Бұл
құрылғыны сыртта пайдаланбаңыз.
Құрылғы ішінде пайдаланылған
шам тұрмыстық техника үшін
арнайы жасақталған және үй
ішіндегі жалпы бөлме жарықтандыру
үшін жарамсыз болып табылады
(244/2009 ЕО ережесі).
Құрылғы, техникалық төлқұжатта
берілген климат класына
сәйкес,сыртқы температура келесі
ауқымдарда болатын жерлерде
жұмыс істеу үшін құрастырып
Құрылғы көрсетілген ауқымнан
тыс температурада ұзақ уақытқа
қалдырылған кезде, дұрыс жұмыс
істемеуі мүмкін.
Қоршаған орта
температуралардың климаттық
SN: 10 °C және 32 °C аралығы;
ST: 16 °C және 38 °C аралығы;;
N: 16 °C және 32 °C аралығы;
T: 16 °C және 43 °C аралығы;
Бұл құрылғы құрамында фреон
жоқ. Салқындатқыш құрамында
R600a (HC) бар. Құрамында
изобутан (R600a) бар құрылғылар:
изобутан - қоршаған орта үшін
қауіпсіз болып табылатын, бірақ
жанғыш табиғи газ.
Сондықтан, хладагент тізбегінің
құбырларын зақымдалудан
қорғаңыз, әсіресе хладагент тізбегін
ағызу барысында.
ЕСКЕРТУ: Құрылғыдағы
хладагент тізбегінің құбырларын
зақымдап алмаңыз.
ЕСКЕРТУ: Құрылғы корпусындағы
немесе кірістірілген құрылымдағы
желдету саңылауларын кедергісіз
ашық қалдырыңыз.
ЕСКЕРТУ: Еріту процесін
жылдамдату үшін өндіруші
ұсынғаннан басқа механикалық,
электрлік не химиялық құралдарды
ЕСКЕРТУ: Электрлік құрылғылар
Өндіруші арнайы рұқсат бермеген
түрге жатса, оларды пайдаланбаңыз
немесе құрылғы бөлімдерінің ішіне
ЕСКЕРТУ: Су көздеріне тікелей
қосылмаған мұздатқыштар және/
немесе су диспенсерлері тек ауыз
сумен толтырылуы керек.
Құрылғының ішінде немесе
жанында аэрозоль қауашақтары
сияқты жарылғыш заттарды
сақтамаңыз және бензинді немесе
басқа да жанғыш заттарды қоймаңыз
немесе пайдаланбаңыз.
Мұз пакеттерінің (кейбір
үлгілерде кездеседі) ішіндегісін
(уытты емес) жұтпаңыз. Мұз
текшелері немесе жеміс мұзы суық
күйіктерін тудыра алатындықтан,
оларды мұздатқыштан алған соң
бірден аузыңызға салмаңыз.
Қолжетімді желдеткіш
қақпағының ішінде ауа сүзгісін
пайдалану үшін жасақталған өнімдер
үшін, тоңазытқыш жұмыс істеген
кезде сүзгі әрқашан орнында болуы
Шыны контейнерлерді
мұздатқыш бөлімде сақтамаңыз,
себебі олар сынып кетуі мүмкін.
Тамақты желдеткішке (бар болса)
кедергі келтірмейтіндей етіп
Азық- түліктерді орналастырған
соң, бөлімдердің есіктері, әсіресе
мұздатқыш бөлімнің есігі дұрыс
жабылып тұрғанына көз жеткізіңіз.
Зақымдалған аралық тығыздағыш
мүмкіндігінше дереу ауыстырылуы
Бұл құрылғы шарап сақтау
бөлімінде шарап сақтауға, тоңазыту
режимін қолданып тартпада балғын
өнімдерді сақтауға, мұздатылған
өнімдерді сақтауға, балғын өнімдерді
мұздатуға және мұздату режимін
қолданып тартпада мұз текшелерін
жасауға арналған. Бөтелклерді
қаптамасыз, ыдысысыз мен
тоғанағысыз сақтаңыз. Шарап
сақтайтын бөлімнің сыйымдылығы
шарап бөтелкелерін сақтау туралы
сипатталған тарауда көрсетілген.
Қапталмаған тағамды тоңазытқыш
не мұздатқыш бөлімдерінің ішкі
беттеріне тікелей тигізіп сақтамаңыз.
Құрылғылардың арнайы бөлімдері
болуы мүмкін (Жаңа піскен тағам
бөлімі, нөл градустық жәшік,...).
Өнімге арналған кітапшада
басқаша көрсетілмесе, баламалы
функцияларын сақтай отырып,
оларды алып тастауға болады.
C-пентан оқшаулағыш көбікпен
көбіктендіретін агент ретінде
пайдаланылады және жанғыш газ
болып табылады.
Тартпаның әртүрлі бөліктерінде
әртүрлі температураларды
қамтамасыз ете отырып, белгілі
бір типтегі азық-түліктерді
сақтауға жарамды ең жақсы бөлім
- Тоңазыту режимі:
1) Тоңазытқыш бөлімінің үстіңгі
жағы - температуралық аймақ:
Мұнда тропикалық жемістерді,
қалбырларды, сусындарды,
жұмыртқаларды, тұздықтарды,
тұздалған азық-түліктерді, майлар
мен тосаптарды сақтаңыз
2) Тоңазытқыш бөлімінің ортаңғы
аймағы - салқындату аймағы:
Мұнда ірімшік, сүт, сүт өнімдерін,
дүкен өнімдерін, йогурттарды
3) Тоңазытқыш бөлімінің астыңғы
бөлімі - ең суық аймақ: Мұнда
ет тілімдерін, десерттер, ет пен
балық, чизкейктер, жаңа пісірілген
паста, қаймақ, песто/сальса
тұздықтары, үйде әзірленген
тағамдар, кондитерлік кілегейлер,
пудинг пен кілегейлі ірімшіктерді
4) Тоңазытқыш бөлімнің түбі:
Мұнда жемістер мен көкөністерді
сақтаңыз (тропикалық
жемістерден басқа)
- Мұздату режимі:
Дүкеннен сатып алынған
мұздатылған өнімдердің орамасында
жарамдылық мерзімі көрсетіліп
тұрады. Мұндай жарамдылық
мерзімі сақталатын өнімнің түрін
ескеретіндіктен, ол өнімді сол
мерзімге сай сақтау аса маңызды.
Балғын өнімдерді төмендегідей
уақыт ішінде сақтаған жөн:
Ірімшік, ұлулар, балмұздақ, ветчина/
шұжық, сүт, балғын сұйықтықтарды
- 1-3 ай; Стейк немесе жаншылған
еттер (сиыр еті, қой еті, шошқа еті)
- 4 ай; Май немесе маргарин, құс
еті (тауық еті, күркетауық еті) - 6
ай; Жемістер (цитрустардан өзге),
қуырылған ет (сиыр еті, шошқа еті,
қой еті) - 8-12 ай. Азық-түліктердің
орамаларында көрсетілген
жарамдылық мерзімдері сақталуы
Азық-түліктер бұзылып кетпес үшін,
төмендегі нұсқауларды орындаңыз:
- Есікті ұзақ уақытқа ашып қоятын
болса, құрылғы бөліктеріндегі
температура айтарлықтай
көтерілуі мүмкін.
- Азық-түлікпен және қолжетімді
жерде орналасқан су ағызу
жүйелерімен жанасуы мүмкін
беттерді жиі тазалап тұрыңыз.
- Су толтыратын сыйымдылықтар
48 сағат ішінде пайдаланылмаған
болса, оларды тазалаңыз;
егер соңғы 5 күн ішінде су
пайдаланылмаған болса, су
құбырына жалғанған сумен қамту
жүйесін жуып жіберіңіз.
- Шикі ет пен балық өзге азық-
түліктерге тиіп және тамып
кетпеуі үшін, оларды қолайлы
контейнерлерге салып сақтаңыз.
- Мұздатылған өнімдер сақтайтын
екі жұлдызды бөліктерде алдын
ала мұздатылған өнімдерді
сақтауға, балмұздақ пен мұз
текшелерін жасап, сақтауға
- Балғын өнімдерді бір, екі немесе
үш жұлдызды бөліктерге салып
- Егер тоңазытқыш құрылғы
ұзақ уақытқа бос қалдырылған
болса, оны өшіріңіз де, ерітіп,
тазалап, құрғатыңыз, құрылғы іші
көгеріп кетпес үшін есігін ашық
Құрылғыны екі не одан көп
адам тасуы және орнатуы керек
- жарақат алу қатері. Қорабынан
шығарып, орнату үшін қолғап киіңіз -
қолыңызды кесіп алу қатері.
Орнатуды, соның ішінде сумен
жабдықтауды (егер болса) және
электр сымдарын жалғауды білікті
техник маман жүзеге асыруы керек.
Құрылғыны ешбір бөлігін жөндеуге
немесе ауыстыруға болмайды, егер
пайдаланушы нұсқаулығында солай
деп жазылмаса.
Құрылғы орнатылатын жерге
балаларды жақындатпаңыз.
Құрылғыны орамнан шығарған
соң, оның тасымалдау барысында
зақымдалмағанына көз жеткізіңіз.
Ақаулық орын алса, дилерге немесе
маңайдағы тұтынушыға қызмет
көрсету орталығына хабарласыңыз.
Орнатылғаннан кейін орауыштың
қалдықтарын (пластик, көбікті
полистирол т.с.с.) балалардың
қолы жетпейтін жерде сақтау
керек - тұншығып қалу қатері. Кез
келген орнату жұмысының алдында
құрылғыны қуат көзінен ажырату
қажет - электр тоғы соғу қатері.
Орнату барысында құрылғының қуат
сымына нұқсан келтірмейтіндігіне
көз жеткізіңіз - өрт шығуы немесе
электр тоғы соғу қатері. Құрылғыны
тек орнату жұмысы аяқталған соң
ғана іске қосыңыз.
Құрылғыны жылжытқан кезде,
есіктерін (мысалы, паркет) зақымдап
алудан сақ болыңыз. Құрылғының
салмағын ұстау үшін еденге немесе
жеткілікті қолдау көрсететін орынға
және өлшемі мен қолданысы үшін
жарамды жерге орнатыңыз және
деңгейлетіңіз. Құрылғының жылу
көзінің жанына орнатылмағандығына
және орнату барысында төрт
аяғының мықты және еденге тиіп
тұрғанына көз жеткізіңіз, қажет
болса оларды реттеп, деңгейді
өлшеу құралымен құрылғының түзу
тұрғанына көз жеткізіңіз. Хладагент
тізбегі толығымен жұмыс істеуге
қабілетті екендігіне көз жеткізу үшін
құрылғыны қоспас бұрын кемінде екі
сағат күтіңіз.
ЕСКЕРТУ: Құрылғыны
орнатқан кезде, қуат сымының
тұйықталмағанына немесе
бүлінбегеніне көз жеткізіңіз.
ЕСКЕРТУ: Өнімнің
тұрақсыздығынан орын алатын
қауіпті болдырмау үшін, құрылғыны
орналастыру не бекіту жұмыстары
өндіруші нұсқауларына сәйкес
орындалуы керек. Тоңазытқышты
газ жанарғысының металл шлангі,
газ немесе су металл құбыр
желісі, электр сымдар жүйесі
тоңазытқыштың артқы жағымен
(жылан түтікпен) қақтығысып
қалатын жолымен орнатуға тыйым
Құрылғының жеткілікті
желдетілуін қамтамасыз ету үшін,
оның екі жағынан және үстінен орын
қалдырыңыз. Ыстық беткейлерге
қол жеткізбеу үшін құрылғының
артқы жағы мен құрылғы артындағы
қабырғаның арасындағы қашықтық
50 мм болуы тиіс. Көрсетілген
аралықты азайту өнімнің қуат
тұтыну көлемін арттырады.
Құрылғының ашасына қол жеткізу
мүмкін болған жағдайда, розеткадан
суыру арқылы немесе электр сымдар
жүйесі ережесімен бойынша ол
розеткадан қажет.
Ұзартқыштарды, бірнеше
розетканы немесе адаптерлерді
пайдаланбаңыз. ч. Электр
құрамдастары орнатудан кейін
пайдаланушы қатынаса алатындай
болуы қажет. Аяғыңыз су болса
немесе жалаң аяқ болсаңыз,
құрылғыны пайдалануға болмайды.
Құрылғының қуат сымы немесе
ашасы бүлінген болса, дұрыс жұмыс
істемесе немесе бұзылған немесе
құлаған болса, оны пайдаланбаңыз.
Егер ұзартқыш зақымдалса,
қауіпке жол бермеу үшін оны
өндіруші, оның қызмет көрсету
делдалы немесе сол сияқты білімді
тұлғалары соған ұқсас ұзартқышпен
алмастыруы тиіс - электр тоғының
соғу қаупі.
ЕСКЕРТУ: Құрылғының артқы
жағына тасымалы розеткаларды
немесе тасымалы ықшам қуат
блоктарын қоймаңыз.
ЕСКЕРТУ: Тазалау немесе
техникалық қызмет көрсету
жұмыстарын жүргізерден бұрын
құрылғының өшіріліп, қуат көзінен
ажыратылғанына көз жеткізіңіз -
электр тоғымен зақымдану қаупі бар;
бумен тазалау жабдығын ешқашан
пайдаланбаңыз - электр тоғымен
зақымдану қаупі бар.
Әйнек спрейлері, таратқыш
құрамдар, жанатын сұйықтықтар,
тазалағыш балауыздар, қоюлатылған
тазартықштар, ағартқыштар
немесе мұнай өнімдерін қамтитын
тазартқыштар сияқты қырғыш
немесе қатты тазартқыштарды
пластикалық бөліктеріне, ішкі
бөлігіне және есік төсемелеріне
немесе тығыздауыштарына
қолданбаңыз. Қағаз сүлгілерді,
тазалағыш губкаларды немесе
басқа қырғыш тазалау құралдарын
Орам материалы 100% қайта өңделеді
және ол қайта өңдеу таңбасымен
with the wiring rules and the appliance must
be earthed in conformity with national electrical
safety standards.
Do not use extension leads, multiple sockets
or adapters. The electrical components must not
be accessible to the user after instal lation. Do not
use the appliance when you are wet or barefoot .
Do not operate this appliance if it has a damaged
power cable or plug, if it is not working properly,
or if it has been damaged or dropped.
If the supply cord is damaged, it must
be replaced with an identical one by the
manufacturer, its service agent or similarly
qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard -
risk of electric shock.
WARNING: Do not locate multiple portable
socket-outlets or portable power suppl ies at the
rear of t he appli ance.
WARNING: Ensure that the appliance is
switched off and disconnected from the power
supply before performing any maintenance
operation; never use steam cleaning equipment -
risk of electric shock.
Do not use abrasi ve or harsh cleaners such
as window sprays, scouring cleansers, flammable
fluids, cleaning waxes, concentrated detergents ,
bleaches or cleanser s containing petroleum
products on plastic parts, interior and door liners
or gaskets. Do not use paper towel s , scouring
pads, or ot her harsh cleani ng tools .
The packaging material is 100% recyclable and is marked with the
recycle symbol
. The various parts of the packaging must therefore
be disposed of responsibly and in full compliance with local authority
regulations governing waste disposal.
This appliance is manufactured with recyclable or reusable materials.
Dispose of it in accordance with local waste disposal regulations.
For further information on the treatment, recovery and recycling
of household electrical appliances, contact your local authority, the
collection service for household waste or the store where you purchased
the appliance. This appliance is marked in compliance with European
Directive 2012/19/EU, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).
By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent
negative consequences for the environment and human health. The
on the product or on the accompanying documentation
indicates that it should not be treated as domestic waste but must be
taken to an appropriate collection centre for the recycling of electrical
and electronic equipment.
To guarantee adequate ventilation follow installation instructions.
Insufficient ventilation at the back of the product increases energy
consumption and decreases cooling ef f iciency.
Frequent door opening might cause an increase in Energy consumption.
The internal temperature of the appliance and the Energy Consumption
may be affected also by the ambient temperature, as well as location of
the appliance. Temperature setting should take into consideration these
factors. Reduce door opening to minimum.
When thawing frozen food, place it in the refrigerator. The low
temperature of the frozen products cools the food in the refrigerator.
Allow warm food and drinks to cool down before placing in the
Positioning of the shelves i n the refrigerator has no impact on the
efficient usage of energy. Food should be pl aced on the shelves in such
way to ensure proper air circulation (food should not t ouch each other
and distance between food and rear wall should be kept).
You can increase storage capacity of frozen food by removing baskets
and, if present, Stop Fros t shelf.
Do not worry about noises coming from the compressor which are
normal operation noises.
Орамның әр түрлі бөліктері қоқысты
тастауға рұқсат беретін жергілікті орган
ережелеріне толығымен сәйкес және
жауапкершілікпен өткізілуі қажет.
Бұл құрылғы қайта өңделмелі немесе
қайта қолданбалы материалдардан
жасалған. Оны жергілікті қалдықты
тастау ережелеріне сәйкес қоқысқа
тастаңыз. Тұрмыстық электр
құрылғыларын қолдану, қалпына
келтіру және қайта пайдалануға
тапсыру бойынша қосымша ақпарат
алу үшін құзыретті жергілікті билік
органына, тұрмыстық қалдықтарды
жинау қызметіне немесе құрылғы сатып
алынған дүкенге хабарласыңыз. Бұл
құрал электрлік және электрондық
жабдықты қоқысқа тастау (WEEE)
бойынша 2012/19/EU Еуропалық
директивасына сай белгіленген.
Бұл өнімнен дұрыс арылу арқылы
қоршаған ортаға және адамдардың
денсаулығына теріс әсердің
салдарының алдын алуға көмектесесіз.
Құрылғыдағы немесе онымен берілген
құжаттамадағы белгісі бұл
құрылғының үй қоқыстарымен бірге
тасталмай, электрондық және электрлік
құрылғыларды қоқысқа тастау ережесіне
сай арнайы жинау орнына өткізу
керектігін көрсетеді.
Жеткілікті желдетуді қамтамасыз ету
үшін, орнату нұсқауларын орындаңыз.
Өнімнің артындағы жеткіліксіз желдету
қуат тұтынылуын арттырады және
салқындату тиімділігін азайтады. Есіктің
жиі ашылуы қуат тұтыну көлемінің
артуына себеп болуы мүмкін.
Құрылғының ішкі температураларына
және қуат тұтыну көлеміне қоршаған
орта температурасы, құрылғының
орналасқан жері әсер етуі мүмкін.
Температураны орнатқанда осы
факторларды ескеру қажет. Есіктің
ашылу жиілігін барынша азайтыңыз.
Мұздатылған тағамды жібіткен кезде
тоңазытқыштың ішіне қойыңыз.
Мұздатылған өнімдердің төмен
температурасы тоңазытқыш ішіндегі
тағамды салқындатады. Жылы тағам
мен сусындарды құрылғы ішіне салмас
бұрын, оларға салқындауға мүмкіндік
Тоңазытқыштағы сөрелердің орналасуы
қуаттың тиімді қолданылуына әсер
етпейді. Тағам тиісті ауа айналымын
қамтамасыз ету үшін сөрелерге қойылуы
керек (тағамдар бір біріне тимеуі
керек және тағам мен артқы қабырға
арасындағы қашықтық сақталуы керек).
Мұздатқан тамақтың сақтау аумағын
арттыру үшін себеттің және, егер бар
болса, Аяз Тоқтату сөресін суырып алып
Компрессордан шыққан шу қалыпты
жұмыс істеу барысындағы шулар болып
1. Қорғаныш және жабыстырғыш
құралдарды абайлап алып, есікті ашып,
барлық компоненттердің орнында
тұрғанына көз жеткізіңіз.
2. Қуат кабелін шығарыңыз.
1. Құрылғыны жақсы желдетілетін, құрғақ
және бос бөлмеге орнатыңыз (қабырғасы
жабық шкафтарды қолданбаңыз).
2. Құрылғыны жылу көздерінен алыс
3. Құрылғының мінсіз желдетілуін
қамтамасыз ету үшін, құрылғы және
құрылғы орналасқан бөлме қабырғалары
арасындағы минималды қашықтықтың
сақталғандығына көз жеткізіңіз.
Суретті қараңыз.
Тасымалдан кейін құрылғыны көлденеңінен
қойып, оны сымдар жүйесіне қоспас бұрын,
3 сағаттай күтіңіз. Ашаны розеткаға салмас
бұрын, мыналарды тексеріп алыңыз:
розетка тұйықталған әрі ол ережелерге
сәйкес орындалған;
розетка техникалық деректер тізімінде
немесе сол жақ төменгі тұстағы
техникалық деректер тақтайшасында
көрсетілген машинаға түсетін
максималды жүктемені көтере алады
(құрылғы сипаттамасын қараңыз);
қуат көзінің кернеуі техникалық деректер
тізімінде немесе сол жақ төменгі тұстағы
техникалық деректер тақтайшасында
көрсетілген диапазон аясында болады
(құрылғы сипаттамасын қараңыз);
розетка құрылғының ашасымен
үйлесімді. Олай болмаған
жағдайда, розетканы немесе ашаны
алмастырыңыз; ұзартқыштарды немесе
бірнеше розетканы пайдаланбаңыз.
Ventilation space:
at least 50 mm
of the
side area
of the cellar
Interior Parts
Control Panel
Product Description
Interior Parts
Control Panel
Product Description
Сақтау бөлігінің негізгі функциясы сіз
жинаған шараптардың оңтайлы ортада
сақталатынына кепілдік беруге негізделген.
Құрылғы температурасы зауытта көп
жағдайда жоғары етіп орнатылған әрі үстіңгі
бөлікте ол 15 ° C-ты құрайды.
Шараптың табиғаты күрделі және ол ұзақ
әрі жай жүретін процестен тұрады. Оның
сипаттарын жақсырақ ашу үшін, ерекше
жағдайда сақтауды қажет етеді.
Барлық шараптар бірдей температурада
сақталады, бірақ олардың сипаттамалары
әртүрлі болғандықтан, олар әртүрлі
температураларда беріледі әрі дәмі
татылады (Шараптың мінсіз температурасы
тізімін қараңыз).
Сондықтан, өндірушілер шарап сақтайтын
қоймалар секілді, сіздің жаңа құрылғыңызда
да шарапты сақтаудың абсолютті
температура мәні орнатылмаған. Оған
қарағанда, уақыт өтсе де тұрақты болып
тұратын температура маңыздырақ.
Шарапты сақтау мінсіз температурасы кез
келген температура, бірақ бұл температура
өзгермейді деген шартта.
Егер сіз шарап қоймасын ашалы
розеткаға қоссаңыз, дисплей оның ішінде
температураны көрсетеді: ол 15 ° C
етіп орнатылған әрі құрылғыда тұрақты
етіп қабылданған. Оны реттегіңіз келсе,
төмендегі нұсқауларды орындаңыз:
1. Егер сіз шарап қоймасын ашалы
розеткаға қоссаңыз, дисплей орнатылған
температураны көрсетеді
1. + батырмасын бір секунд басыңыз
(Басқару панелін қараңыз). Температура
жыпылықтай бастайды.
2. Қажетті температураға жеткенше, +
немесе- батырмаларын баса беріңіз
3. Температура мәні жыпылықтауын
тоқтату үшін, 5 секундтай күте тұрыңыз.
4. Шарап қоймасына бөтелкелерді салмас
бұрын, оның қажетті температураға
жеткенін күтіңіз.
Ішкі температура 24 ° C-тан асып кеткенде,
іштегі жарық қосылмайды (немес уақытша
өшеді). Бұл белгіленген температураға
жылдам жетуге мүмкіндік береді.
ЕСКЕРТУ: Ағаш сөрелер сырғымайды.
Бөтелкелер жарылып кетпес үшін, қойма
толып тұрғанда, оларды шығармаңыз.
Қоймада бөтелкелер толып тұрмағанда
ғана, оны тазалау үшін бөтелкелерді
шығаруыңызға болады.
Бұл кестеде шарапты даярлап беруге болатын шамамен температуралар көрсетілген. Егер
қандай да бір шарапты қойма ішіндегі температурадан жоғары температурада ұсыну керек
болса, оны ұсынбас бұрын сыртқа шығарып, сәл қоя тұрыңыз.
Амароне 17°C
Барбареско 17°C
Бароло 17°C
Божоле 13°C Франчакортаақшараптары 11°C
СұйылтылғанақБордо 6°C
ЖеңілАқБордо 8°C
ҚызылБордо 17°C
АқБургундия 11°C Роданошараптары 15°C
ҚызылБургундия 18°C
Брунелло 17°C
Шампань 6°C
КьянтиКлассико 16°C
Лангедок-Руссийон 13°C
ПасситодиПантеллерия 6°C
ҚызғылтПрованс 12°C
24-бөтелке қоры (стандартты, аралас және
"renana" бөтелкелері) көрінетін және оңай
алынатын шараптарға арналған.
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
24 бөтелке (барлығы жатқан қалпында)
3 текшелері
Әр бөтелкені 3 ағаш текшелерінің
саңылауына орналастырыңыз. Шарап
қоймасының түбіне 6 бөтелке қоюға
Біз Renana бөтелкелерін төменгі сөреге
және шарап қоймасының түбіне қоюды
ұсынамыз, себебі ол арнайы үлкен
бөтелкелерді сақтауға арналған орын.
! Ағаш сөресі 22 бөтелкені қауіпсіз сақтай
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
Шампань бөтелкелері стандартты
бөтелкелерден үлкенірек. Олар бес
бөтелкеге дейін ұстай алатын шарап
қоймасының түбіне орналастырылуы керек.
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
Егер сіз өз шарап қоймаңызға бестен
көп Шампань бөтелкелерін сақтауды
қаласаңыз, үшінші сөрені алып тастап,
бөтелкелерді екі қатарға қойыңыз
(төменгі қатардың арасына екінші
қатардың бөтелкелерді салыңыз). Бұл
жер тоғыз бөтелкеге дейін көтере алады.
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
28 бөтелке (барлығы жатқан қалпында)
Шарап қоймасын тазалағанда және оған
техникалық қызмет көрсеткенде, оны өшіріп
Шарап қоймасының тиісті түрде жұмыс
істемей тұрғанын аңғарсаңыз, қызмет
көрсету орталығына хабарласпас бұрын,
төмендегі тізіммен танысып шығыңыз.
!Бұл құрылғы халықаралық қауіпсіздік
стандарттарына сәйкес жобаланған және
жасалған. Қауіпсіздік себептері үшін
төмендегі ескертулер беріледі және оларды
мұқият оқып шығу қажет.
Бұл құрылғы төмендегі Еуропалық Одақ
директиваларына сай келеді:
Maintenance and
Care and maintenance
Disconnecting the wine cellar
During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar
If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your
Service Centre.
The compressor does not work
The compressor never stops
Possible causes/solutions
The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not
enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power
failure in your home.
The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine
cellar into another wall-outlet to check.
Contact the Service Centre
! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre.
! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left
unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer.
! The appliance was designed and manufactured in
compliance with international safety standards. The
following warnings are provided for safety reasons
and must be read carefully.
This appliance complies with the following
Community Directives:
- 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and
subsequent amendments;
- 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic
Compatibility) and subsequent amendments;
- 2002/96/CE.
Observe local environmental standards when
disposing packaging material for recycling
The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE),
requires that old household electrical appliances
must not be disposed of in the normal unsorted
municipal waste stream. Old appliances must be
collected separately in order to optimise the
recovery and recycling of the materials they contain
and reduce the impact on human health and the
environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin”
symbol on the product reminds you of your
obligation, that when you dispose of the appliance
it must be separately collected.
Consumers should contact their local authority or
retailer for information concerning the correct
disposal of their old appliance.
- Төмен вольтты жабдықтар жөніндегі
директива (LVD) 2014/35 / EU
- Электромагниттік сәйкестік (EMC)
директивасы 2014/30/EU
- RAEE Директивасы 2012/30/EU
Maintenance and
Care and maintenance
Disconnecting the wine cellar
During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar
If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your
Service Centre.
The compressor does not work
The compressor never stops
Possible causes/solutions
The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not
enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power
failure in your home.
The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine
cellar into another wall-outlet to check.
Contact the Service Centre
! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre.
! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left
unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer.
! The appliance was designed and manufactured in
compliance with international safety standards. The
following warnings are provided for safety reasons
and must be read carefully.
This appliance complies with the following
Community Directives:
- 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and
subsequent amendments;
- 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic
Compatibility) and subsequent amendments;
- 2002/96/CE.
Observe local environmental standards when
disposing packaging material for recycling
The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE),
requires that old household electrical appliances
must not be disposed of in the normal unsorted
municipal waste stream. Old appliances must be
collected separately in order to optimise the
recovery and recycling of the materials they contain
and reduce the impact on human health and the
environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin”
symbol on the product reminds you of your
obligation, that when you dispose of the appliance
it must be separately collected.
Consumers should contact their local authority or
retailer for information concerning the correct
disposal of their old appliance.
Қаптама материалдарынан қайта
өңдеу мақсаттарында арылған кезде
жергілікті қоршаған ортаны қорғау
ережелерін ұстаныңыз.
Электрлік және электрондық
жабдықтардың қалдығы жөніндегі
2012/19 / EU директивасы (WEEE 2
директивасы) ескі тұрмыстық электр
құралдарының сұрыпталмаған жай
тұрмыстық қалдықтармен бірге
тасталмауы қажет екендігін талап етеді.
Ескі құрылғылардың құрамындағы
материалдардың қалпына келтірілуі
мен қайта өңделуін оңтайландырып,
адам денсаулығы мен қоршаған ортаға
келтіретін ықпалын азайту үшін оларды
бөлек жинау қажет. Құрылғыдағы
үстінен сызылған “дөңгелек қақпақты
себет” таңбасы осы құрылғыдан
арылған кезде оны бөлек жинау
бойынша сіздің міндетіңізді есіңізге
Тұтынушылар ескі құрылғыдан дұрыс
арылуға қатысты ақпарат алу үшін
жергілікті уәкілетті органға немесе
сатушыға хабарласуға тиіс.
! Шарап қоймасында орындалатын кез келген жұмыс қызмет көрсету орталығының білікті
маманымен жүргізілуі керек.
! Электр энергиясының дұрыс берілмеуі секілді қысқа уақыттық ақаулар шарапқа еш зиян
келтірмейді. Ақау ұзақ уақыт сақталғанда ғана шарапқа зақым келуі мүмкін.
Мәселе Ықтималсебептері/шешімдер
Компрессор жұмыс істемейді Аша желі розеткасына қосылмаған немесе
байланыс орнатылмаған. Немесе үйіңізде қуат
Розетка жұмыс істемей тұр. Шарап қоймасын
басқа желелік розеткаға қосып сынап көріңіз.
Компрессор ешқашан тоқтамайды Қызмет көрсету орталығына хабарласыңыз
Ақауды өзіңіздің түзете алатыныңызды тексеріңіз (Ақауларды анықтау тарауын қараңыз).
Егер барлығын тексергеннен кейін құрылғы жұмыс істемесе немесе мәселе шешілмесе,
жақын жердегі қызмет көрсету орталығына хабарласыңыз
ақау түрі
құрылғы үлгісі (үлгі)
сериялық нөмірі (S/N)
Бұл ақпаратты тоңазытқыш бөлімнің
сол жақ түбінде орналасқан деректер
тақтайшасынан табуға болады.
Before calling for Assistance:
Check if the malfunction can be solved on your own (
see Troubleshooting
If after all the checks, the appliance still does not operate or the problem persists, call the nearest Service
type of malfunction
appliance model (Mod.)
serial number (S/N)
This information can be found on the data
plate located on the bottom left side of the
refrigerator compartment.
Never call on unauthorized technicians and always refuse spare parts which are not originals.
RG 2330
93139180000 S/N 704211801
220 - 240 V- 50 Hz 150 W
Max 15 w
R 134 a
kg 0,090
Freez. Capac
Poder de Cong
Made in Italy 13918
LOW 140
kg/24 h
model serial number
Functies, 95
Installatie, 100
Plaatsing en stroomaansluiting
Technische informatie
Productbeschrijving, 101
Interne delen
Gebruik van de wijnbewaarkast, 102-
Ruimte voor rijping
Handmatige temperatuurregeling
De houten schappen verwijderen
Tabel met ideale wijntemperaturen
Opslag van de wijnflessen, 104
Hoe de flessen op te slaan
Onderhoud en probleemoplossing, 105
Reiniging en onderhoud
Storingen verhelpen
Service, 106
Italiano, 4
English, 17
Français, 29
Español, 42
Deutsch, 55
Русский, 68
Қазақша, 81
Nederlands, 94
Português, 107
Lees voordat u het apparaat gaat
gebruiken deze veiligheidsinstructies.
Houd ze binnen handbereik voor
toekomstige raadpleging. Deze
instructies en het apparaat zelf
zijn voorzien van belangrijke
veiligheidsaanwijzingen, die te allen tijde
moeten worden opgevolgd.
De fabrikant kan niet aansprakelijk
gesteld worden voor schade die het
gevolg is van het niet opvolgen van
deze veiligheidsinstructies, oneigenlijk
gebruik van het apparaat of een foute
instelling van de regelknoppen.
Kleine kinderen (0-3 jaar) moeten
uit de buurt van het apparaat gehouden
worden. Jonge kinderen (3-8 jaar)
moeten uit de buurt van het apparaat
gehouden worden, tenzij ze constant
onder toezicht staan. Kinderen vanaf
8 jaar en personen met verminderde
fysieke, sensorische of mentale
vermogens of gebrek aan ervaring en
kennis, mogen dit apparaat gebruiken
indien ze onder toezicht staan of
instructies hebben ontvangen over veilig
gebruik en de mogelijke gevaren ervan
begrijpen. Kinderen mogen niet spelen
met het apparaat. De reiniging en het
onderhoud mogen niet door kinderen
worden uitgevoerd zonder toezicht.
Kinderen van 3 tot 8 jaar mogen
etenswaren uit de koelapparatuur halen
en er in leggen.
VOORZICHTIG: Het apparaat is
niet geschikt voor inwerkingstelling
met een externe schakelaar zoals een
timer, of een afzonderlijk systeem met
Dit apparaat is bedoeld voor gebruik
in huishoudelijke en gelijkaardige
toepassingen zoals : personeelskeukens
in winkels, kantoren en overige
werkomgevingen; landbouwbedrijven;
klanten in hotels, motels, bed &
breakfasts en andere residentiële
Dit apparaat is niet voor
professioneel gebruik bedoeld. Gebruik
het apparaat niet buiten.
De lamp die in het apparaat wordt
gebruikt is specifiek ontworpen voor
huishoudapparaten en is niet geschikt
voor ruimteverlichting (EC Richtlijn Nr.
Het apparaat is bedoeld voor
gebruik op plaatsen waar de
temperatuur binnen het volgende
bereik komt, conform de klimaatklasse
op het typeplaatje. Mogelijk werkt het
apparaat niet correct indien het lange
tijd op een temperatuur buiten het
aangegeven bereik wordt gebruikt.
Omgevingstemperaturen van
SN: van 10 tot 32 °C
ST: van 16 tot 38 °C;
N: van 16 tot 32 °C
T: van 16 tot 43 °C
Dit apparaat bevat geen CFK.
Het koelcircuit bevat R600a (HC).
Apparaten met Isobutaan (R600a):
isobutaan is een natuurlijk gas dat geen
schadelijke invloed heeft op het milieu,
maar wel ontvlambaar is. Zorg er
daarom voor dat de koelcircuitleidingen
niet beschadigd raken, vooral wanneer
het koelcircuit geledigd wordt.
WAARSCHUWING: Beschadig de
koelcircuitleidingen van het apparaat
ventilatieopeningen in de behuizing
van het apparaat of in de ingebouwde
structuur vrij van obstakels.
WAARSCHUWING: Gebruik geen
mechanische, elektrische of chemische
middelen behalve de middelen
aanbevolen door de fabrikant om het
ontdooiproces te versnellen.
plaats geen elektrische apparaten
binnenin de apparaatcompartimenten
indien deze niet het type zijn dat
uitdrukkelijk is goedgekeurd door de
of waterdispensers die niet rechtstreeks
op het waterleidingnet zijn aangesloten,
mogen uitsluitend met drinkwater
worden gevuld.
Geen ontplofbare stoffen zoals
spuitbussen opslaan en geen benzine of
andere brandbare materialen gebruiken
in of in de buurt van het apparaat.
Slik de (niet-giftige) vloeistof uit
de vrieselementen niet in (bij enkele
modellen). Eet geen ijsblokjes of
waterijsjes die net uit de vriezer komen,
aangezien deze vriesbrandwonden
kunnen veroorzaken.
Bij producten ontworpen voor
gebruik met een luchtfilter in een
toegankelijke ventilatorafdekking, moet
het filter altijd zijn aangebracht wanneer
de koelkast in bedrijf is.
Bewaar geen glazen
containers met vloeistoffen in het
diepvriezercompartiment omdat
ze kunnen breken. Blokkeer de
ventilator (indien aanwezig) niet met
levensmiddelen. Controleer nadat u
levensmiddelen in het apparaat heeft
geplaatst of de deuren van de vakken
goed zijn gesloten, met name de deur
van het vriesvak.
Een beschadigde afdichting dient zo
snel mogelijk vervangen te worden.
Dit apparaat is uitsluitend bedoeld
voor het bewaren van wijn in het
wijnbewaarvak, voor het bewaren
van vers voedsel in de lade in de
koelkastmodus en voor het bewaren
van bevroren voedsel, het invriezen van
vers voedsel en het maken van ijsblokjes
in de lade in de diepvriesmodus. Bewaar
flessen altijd zonder de verpakking, en
niet in kratten of dozen. De capaciteit
van het wijnbewaarcompartiment
wordt aangegeven in het hoofdstuk dat
de opslag van wijnflessen beschrijft.
Vermijd het bewaren van
onverpakt voedsel in direct contact
met interne oppervlakken van de
koelkast- of diepvriescompartimenten.
Apparaten kunnen over speciale
compartimenten beschikken (vak voor
verse etenswaar, nul graden-vak,...).
Indien niet anders gespecificeerd in
de productbeschrijving, kunnen deze
compartimenten verwijderd worden
zonder dat hierdoor de prestaties
C-pentaan wordt gebruikt als
blaasmiddel in het isolatieschuim en is
een licht ontvlambaar gas.
Het meest geschikte deel van
de lade waar specifieke soorten
voedsel moeten worden opgeslagen,
rekening houdend met verschillende
temperatuurverdeling in verschillende
compartimenten in het apparaat, is als
- Koelkastmodus:
1) Bovenste gedeelte van het
koelkastcompartiment -
temperatuurzone: Bewaar tropisch
fruit, blikjes, drankjes, eieren,
sauzen, augurken, boter, jam
2) Middengedeelte van het
koelkastcompartiment - koele zone:
Bewaar kaas, melk, zuivelproducten,
delicatessen, yoghurt
3) Onderste gedeelte van het
koelkastcompartiment - koelste
zone: Bewaar vleeswaren, desserts,
vlees en vis, cheesecake, verse pasta,
zure room, pesto/salsa, zelfgemaakte
gerechten, banketbakkersroom,
pudding en roomkaas
4) De bodem van het
Bewaar groenten en fruit (geen
tropisch fruit)
- Diepvriesmodus:
De houdbaarheidsdatum van
gekochte diepvriesproducten staat
op de verpakking vermeld. Deze
datum houdt rekening met het type
voedsel dat wordt bewaard, en moet
daarom worden aangehouden. Verse
etenswaren kunnen worden bewaard
voor de onderstaande periodes: 1-3
maanden voor kaas, schaaldieren, ijs,
ham/worst, melk, verse vloeistoffen; 4
maanden voor biefstuk of koteletten
(rund, lam, varken); 6 maanden voor
boter of margarine en gevogelte (kip,
kalkoen); 8-12 maanden voor fruit
(behalve citrusvruchten), gebraden
vlees (rund, varken, lam), groenten.
De vervaldatums op de verpakking
van levensmiddelen moeten worden
Houd rekening met de volgende punten
om voedselbesmetting te voorkomen:
- Het langdurig openen van de
deur kan de temperatuur in de
compartimenten van het apparaat
aanzienlijk verhogen.
- Reinig regelmatig oppervlakken
die in contact kunnen komen met
etenswaren, evenals toegankelijke
- Reinig watertanks als ze 48 uur
niet zijn gebruikt; spoel het
watersysteem dat is aangesloten op
een watertoevoer als er gedurende
5 dagen geen water is gebruikt.
- Bewaar rauw vlees en rauwe vis
in geschikte bewaarbakken in
de koelkast, om contact met (of
druppelen op) andere etenswaren te
- Vriescompartimenten met twee
sterren zijn geschikt voor het
bewaren van reeds ingevroren
voedsel en voor het bewaren of
maken van ijs en ijsblokjes.
- Vries geen verse etenswaren in
compartimenten met één, twee of
drie sterren.
- Als het koelapparaat gedurende lange
perioden leeg blijft, schakel het dan
uit, ontdooi het, maak het schoon,
laat het drogen en laat de deur open
om te voorkomen dat zich schimmel
in het apparaat vormt.
Het apparaat moet verplaatst en
geïnstalleerd worden door twee of
meer personen - gevaar voor letsel.
Gebruik handschoenen tijdens het
uitpakken en installeren - gevaar voor
Laat de installatie, m.i.v. de
aansluiting op het waternet (indien
van toepassing) en de elektrische
aansluitingen en reparaties door
een gekwalificeerd technicus
verrichten. Repareer of vervang geen
enkel onderdeel van het apparaat,
behalve als dit expliciet aangegeven
wordt in de gebruikershandleiding.
Houd kinderen uit de buurt van
de installatieplaats. Controleer na
het uitpakken van het apparaat
of het tijdens het transport geen
beschadigingen heeft opgelopen. Neem
in geval van twijfel contact op met
uw leverancier of de dichtstbijzijnde
Consumentenservice. Na de installatie
moet het verpakkingsmateriaal (plastic,
piepschuim enz.) buiten het bereik van
kinderen bewaard worden - risico voor
verstikking. Het apparaat moet worden
losgekoppeld van het elektriciteitsnet
voordat u installatiewerkzaamheden
uitvoert - risico voor elektrocutie.
Tijdens de installatie dient u ervoor
te zorgen dat het apparaat de
voedingskabel niet beschadigd - risico
voor brand of elektrocutie. Activeer het
apparaat alleen als de installatie is
Zorg dat u de vloer (bijv. parket)
niet beschadigt tijdens het verplaatsen
van het apparaat. Installeer het apparaat
op een vloer of steun die sterk genoeg
is om het gewicht te kunnen hebben,
en op een plaats die geschikt is voor
grootte en gebruik. Controleer of
het apparaat niet vlak naast een
warmtebron staat en of de vier pootjes
stevig op de vloer rusten, stel ze naar
wens af en controleer of het apparaat
exact horizontaal staat en gebruik
hiervoor een waterpas. Wacht minstens
twee uur alvorens het apparaat in te
schakelen, om zeker te stellen dat het
koelcircuit volledig efficiënt is.
het plaatsen van het apparaat voor dat
de voedingssnoer niet geklemd zit of
beschadigd is.
WAARSCHUWING: Om gevaar als
gevolg van instabiliteit te voorkomen,
moet de positionering of bevestiging
van het apparaat worden uitgevoerd
volgens de instructies van de fabrikant.
Het is verboden de koelkast dusdanig
te plaatsen dat de metalen slang van
de gaskachel, de metalen gas- of
waterleidingen of de elektrische draden
in contact komen met de achterwand
van de koelkast (condensatorspoel).
Om voor voldoende ventilatie te
zorgen dient er aan beide zijkanten
en aan de bovenkant van het apparaat
ruimte vrijgelaten te worden. De
afstand tussen de achterzijde van
het apparaat en de muur achter
het apparaat dient minimaal 50 mm
te bedragen, om contact met hete
oppervlakken te voorkomen. Bij minder
ruimte aan de achterzijde neemt het
energieverbruik van het product toe.
Het moet mogelijk zijn het apparaat
van het elektriciteitsnet af te koppelen
door de stekker uit het stopcontact
te halen of via een meerpolige
netschakelaar die bovenstrooms van
het stopcontact is geplaatst conform
de bedradingsvoorschriften en het
apparaat dient geaard te zijn conform
de nationale veiligheidsnormen voor
Gebruik geen verlengsnoeren,
meervoudige stopcontacten of
adapters. Als de installatie voltooid
is, mogen de elektrische onderdelen
niet meer toegankelijk zijn voor de
Raak het apparaat niet aan wanneer
u nat bent of op blote voeten staat.
Gebruik dit apparaat niet als de
stroomkabel of de stekker beschadigd
is, als het apparaat niet goed werkt of
als het beschadigd of gevallen is.
Als het netsnoer beschadigd
is, moet het vervangen
worden door de fabrikant, een
servicevertegenwoordiger of
gekwalificeerd personeel om risico’s te
voorkomen - risico voor elektrocutie.
draagbare stopcontacten of draagbare
voedingen mogen niet aan de
achterkant van het apparaat worden
WAARSCHUWING: Het apparaat
moet worden losgekoppeld van
het elektriciteitsnet voordat u
installatiewerkzaamheden uitvoert;
gebruik geen stoomreinigers - risico van
Gebruik op kunststof
onderdelen, binnenen deurranden
of afdichtingen geen schurende of
agressieve schoonmaakmiddelen
zoals ruitensprays, schurende
reinigingsmiddelen, brandbare
vloeistoffen, schoonmaakwassen,
geconcentreerde schoonmaakmiddelen,
bleekmiddelen en reinigingsmiddelen
die aardolieproducten bevatten.
Gebruik geen papieren handdoeken,
schuursponsjes of ander hard
De verpakking kan volledig gerecycled worden,
zoals door het recyclingssymbool wordt
with the wiring rules and the appliance must
be earthed in conformity with national electrical
safety standards.
Do not use extension leads, multiple sockets
or adapters. The electrical components must not
be accessible to the user after instal lation. Do not
use the appliance when you are wet or barefoot .
Do not operate this appliance if it has a damaged
power cable or plug, if it is not working properly,
or if it has been damaged or dropped.
If the supply cord is damaged, it must
be replaced with an identical one by the
manufacturer, its service agent or similarly
qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard -
risk of electric shock.
WARNING: Do not locate multiple portable
socket-outlets or portable power suppl ies at the
rear of t he appli ance.
WARNING: Ensure that the appliance is
switched off and disconnected from the power
supply before performing any maintenance
operation; never use steam cleaning equipment -
risk of electric shock.
Do not use abrasi ve or harsh cleaners such
as window sprays, scouring cleansers, flammable
fluids, cleaning waxes, concentrated detergents ,
bleaches or cleanser s containing petroleum
products on plastic parts, interior and door liners
or gaskets. Do not use paper towel s , scouring
pads, or ot her harsh cleani ng tools .
The packaging material is 100% recyclable and is marked with the
recycle symbol
. The various parts of the packaging must therefore
be disposed of responsibly and in full compliance with local authority
regulations governing waste disposal.
This appliance is manufactured with recyclable or reusable materials.
Dispose of it in accordance with local waste disposal regulations.
For further information on the treatment, recovery and recycling
of household electrical appliances, contact your local authority, the
collection service for household waste or the store where you purchased
the appliance. This appliance is marked in compliance with European
Directive 2012/19/EU, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).
By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent
negative consequences for the environment and human health. The
on the product or on the accompanying documentation
indicates that it should not be treated as domestic waste but must be
taken to an appropriate collection centre for the recycling of electrical
and electronic equipment.
To guarantee adequate ventilation follow installation instructions.
Insufficient ventilation at the back of the product increases energy
consumption and decreases cooling ef f iciency.
Frequent door opening might cause an increase in Energy consumption.
The internal temperature of the appliance and the Energy Consumption
may be affected also by the ambient temperature, as well as location of
the appliance. Temperature setting should take into consideration these
factors. Reduce door opening to minimum.
When thawing frozen food, place it in the refrigerator. The low
temperature of the frozen products cools the food in the refrigerator.
Allow warm food and drinks to cool down before placing in the
Positioning of the shelves i n the refrigerator has no impact on the
efficient usage of energy. Food should be pl aced on the shelves in such
way to ensure proper air circulation (food should not t ouch each other
and distance between food and rear wall should be kept).
You can increase storage capacity of frozen food by removing baskets
and, if present, Stop Fros t shelf.
Do not worry about noises coming from the compressor which are
normal operation noises.
. De diverse onderdelen van de
verpakking mogen daarom niet bij het gewone
huisvuil worden weggegooid, maar moeten
worden afgevoerd volgens de plaatselijke
voorschriften voor afvalverwerking.
Dit apparaat is vervaardigd van recyclebaar
of herbruikbaar materiaal. Dank het apparaat
af in overeenstemming met plaatselijke
milieuvoorschriften voor afvalverwerking. Voor
meer informatie over behandeling, terugwinning
en recycling van huishoudelijke apparaten kunt u
contact opnemen met uw plaatselijke instantie,
de vuilnisophaaldienst of de winkel waar u dit
apparaat hebt gekocht. Dit apparaat is voorzien
van het merkteken volgens de Europese Richtlijn
2012/19/EU inzake Afgedankte elektrische en
elektronische apparaten (AEEA). Door ervoor te
zorgen dat dit product correct wordt afgedankt,
helpt u mogelijke schadelijke gevolgen voor
het milieu en de gezondheid te voorkomen.
Het symbool op het product of op de
begeleidende documentatie geeft aan dat dit
apparaat niet als huishoudelijk afval behandeld
mag worden, maar dat het ingeleverd moet
worden bij een speciaal inzamelingscentrum
voor de recycling van elektrische en
elektronische apparatuur.
Volg de installatie-instructies om voldoende
ventilatie te garanderen. Door onvoldoende
ventilatie aan de achterzijde van het product
neemt het energieverbruik toe en neemt de
koelefficiëntie af. Wanneer de deur vaak wordt
geopend kan dit leiden tot een verhoogd
De interne temperatuur van het apparaat en
het Energieverbruik worden beïnvloed door de
omgevingstemperatuur en de plaats waar het
apparaat opgesteld is. Bij het instellen van de
temperatuur moet rekening gehouden worden
met deze factoren. Beperk het openen van
deuren tot een minimum.
Plaats diepgevroren etenswaren die u wilt
ontdooien in de koelkast. De lage temperatuur
van de diepgevroren etenswaar koelt de
etenswaar in de koelkast. Laat warme gerechten
en dranken eerst afkoelen voordat ze in het
apparaat geplaatst worden.
De positionering van de platen in de
koelkast heeft geen invloed op het efficiënte
energiegebruik. De etenswaar dient zodanig
op de platen geplaatst te worden om voor
voldoende luchtcirculatie te zorgen (de
verschillende etenswaar dient elkaar niet te
raken en de afstand tussen de etenswaar en de
achterwand moet behouden blijven).
U kunt de opslagcapaciteit voor ingevroren
etenswaar vergroten door opslagmanden
en, indien aanwezig, de Stop Frost-plaat te
Wees niet verontrust over geluiden die van de
compressor komen want dat zijn de normale
geluiden van werking.
1. Verwijder voorzichtig de beschermingen,
open de deur en controleer of alle onderdelen
aanwezig zijn.
2. Haal het netsnoer naar buiten.
1. Plaats het apparaat vrij (niet in een gesloten
kast) in een goed geventileerde, droge ruimte.
2. Plaats het apparaat uit de buurt van
3. Houd u aan de minimumafstand tussen het
apparaat en de wanden van de ruimte waar het
wordt geplaatst, om een perfecte ventilatie van
het apparaat te garanderen.
Zie afbeelding.
Zet het apparaat na transport rechtop en wacht
minstens 3 uur voordat u het aansluit op het net.
Controleer voordat de stekker in het stopcontact
wordt gestoken:
of het stopcontact geaard is en aan de
wettelijke voorschriften
of het stopcontact geschikt is voor de maximale
stroombelasting van het apparaat, die is
aangegeven in de gegevenstabel of op het
typeplaatje rechtsonder (zie Beschrijving van
het apparaat);
of de voedingsspanning binnen het bereik valt
dat is aangegeven op de gegevenstabel of op
het typeplaatje rechtsonder (zie Beschrijving
van het apparaat);
of het stopcontact compatibel is met de
stekker van het apparaat. Zo niet, vervang
het stopcontact of de stekker; gebruik geen
verlengkabels of meervoudige stopcontacten.
Positionering en aansluiting
Ventilation space:
at least 50 mm
of the
side area
of the cellar
Interne delen
Interior Parts
Control Panel
Product Description
Interior Parts
Control Panel
Product Description
Ruimte voor rijping
De belangrijkste functie van de ruimte voor rijping
is om uw wijnen in optimale omstandigheden te
De in de fabriek ingestelde temperatuur van 15°C
in het bovencompartiment is in de meeste gevallen
Wijn is een complex product en is het resultaat
van een lang en geleidelijk proces. Om de wijn
optimaal tot zijn recht te laten komen, zijn
specifieke omstandigheden nodig.
Alle wijnen worden op dezelfde temperatuur
bewaard. Ze worden echter geserveerd en
geproefd op verschillende temperaturen,
afhankelijk van de eigenschappen van de wijn (zie
de tabel met ideale wijntemperaturen).
Daarom is de absolute temperatuur voor uw
nieuwe apparaat niet belangrijk bij het bewaren
van uw wijn, net als in de wijnkelders van de
producent. Het is echter van belang om de
temperatuur constant te houden. Wijn kan bij
elke temperatuur worden bewaard, zolang de
temperatuur maar constant is.
Handmatige temperatuurregeling
Als u uw wijnbewaarkast aansluit, toont het display
de temperatuur in de kast. De temperatuur is
ingesteld op 15 °C en zal stabiel blijven op die
temperatuur. Volg de onderstaande instructies als u
de temperatuur wilt aanpassen:
1. Als u uw wijnbewaarkast aansluit, toont het
display de ingestelde temperatuur
2. Druk gedurende één seconde op de knop +
(zie het bedieningspaneel). De temperatuur
begint te knipperen.
3. Druk op + of - om de gewenste temperatuur
in te stellen
4. Na 5 seconden houdt de temperatuur op met
5. Wacht tot de wijnbewaarkast de ingestelde
temperatuur bereikt voordat u de wijnflessen
erin legt.
Het binnenlicht gaat niet aan (of gaat tijdelijk uit)
wanneer de binnentemperatuur hoger wordt dan
24 °C. Hierdoor wordt de ingestelde temperatuur
sneller bereikt.
De houten schappen verwijderen
WAARSCHUWING: De houten schappen
schuiven niet. Haal ze niet naar buiten als er flessen
op liggen: de flessen kunnen breken.
U kunt de schappen alleen verwijderen om ze te
reinigen als er geen flessen op liggen.
Gebruik van de wijnbewaarkast
Tabel met ideale wijntemperaturen
Deze tabel toont de temperatuur waarop verschillende wijnen behoren te worden geserveerd. Als een
wijn moet worden geserveerd op een temperatuur die hoger is dan de temperatuur in uw wijnbewaarkast,
kunt u de wijn het beste buiten de kast laten voor een bepaalde periode, voordat u de wijn serveert.
Amarone 17 °C
Droge, zoete, mousserende
6 °C
Barbaresco 17 °C
Verdicchio van Matelica
en de kastelen van Jesi
8 °C
Barolo 17 °C
Witte wijnen uit
11 °C
Beaujolais 13 °C Witte Franciacortawijnen 11 °C
Witte likeurwijn Bordeaux 6 °C Droge aromatische witte wijnen 10 °C
Droge witte Bordeaux 8 °C
Droge, jonge
en fruitige witte wijnen
8 °C
Rode Bordeaux 17 °C
Witte wijnen
van Friuli Venezia Giulia
11 °C
Witte Bourgogne 11 °C Rodanowijnen 15°C
Rode Bourgogne 18 °C Droge witte Loirewijnen 10 °C
Brunello 17 °C Likeurwijnen van de Loire 7 °C
Champagne 6 °C Rode Loirewijnen 14 °C
Chianti Classico 16 °C Passito-likeurwijnen
Languedoc-Roussillon 13 °C Roséwijnen, jonge wijnen 12 °C
Passito di Pantelleria 6 °C
Lichte rode wijnen, weinig
14 °C
Rosé Provence 12 °C
Rode wijnen met gemiddelde
structuur, redelijk
16 °C
Standaardopslag van 24 flessen
Wij adviseren de standaardopslag van 24 flessen
(voor normale en Rijnwijnflessen of een combinatie
daarvan) voor wijnen die goed zichtbaar en
gemakkelijk te pakken moeten zijn.
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
24 flessen (100% liggend bewaard)
3 schappen
Plaats elke fles in de uitsparingen op de drie
houten schappen. Er kunnen zes flessen onderin
de wijnbewaarkast worden geplaatst.
We suggereren om de Rijnwijn op het onderste
schap te leggen en onderin de bewaarkast,
omdat deze plekken speciaal voor grotere
flessen zijn ontworpen.
! Het houten schap kan zonder problemen tot
22 flessen dragen
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
Opslag van champagneflessen
Champagneflessen zijn groter dan standaardflessen.
Ze moeten onderin de bewaarkast worden
geplaatst, waar plaats is voor maximaal vijf flessen.
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
Als u meer dan vijf champagneflessen in de
bewaarkast wilt opslaan, kunt u het derde
schap verwijderen en de flessen in twee
lagen stapelen, waarbij u de tweede rij in de
uitsparingen van de onderste rij plaatst. Op die
manier kunt u maximaal negen flessen opslaan.
Voorbeelden van indelingen
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
28 flessen (100% liggend bewaard)
Opslag van de wijnflessen
Reiniging en onderhoud
Trek de stekker van de wijnbewaarkast uit
het stopcontact
Tijdens reiniging en onderhoud is het belangrijk
om de stekker van de wijnbewaarkast uit het
stopcontact te halen.
Storingen verhelpen
Bekijk de volgende tabel als u merkt dat uw
wijnbewaarkast niet goed werkt, voordat u de
klantenservice belt.
! Het apparaat is ontworpen en geproduceerd
in overeenstemming met de internationale
veiligheidsnormen. De onderstaande
waarschuwingen worden om veiligheidsredenen
vermeld en dienen zorgvuldig te worden gelezen.
Dit apparaat is conform de volgende Europese
Maintenance and
Care and maintenance
Disconnecting the wine cellar
During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar
If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your
Service Centre.
The compressor does not work
The compressor never stops
Possible causes/solutions
The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not
enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power
failure in your home.
The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine
cellar into another wall-outlet to check.
Contact the Service Centre
! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre.
! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left
unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer.
! The appliance was designed and manufactured in
compliance with international safety standards. The
following warnings are provided for safety reasons
and must be read carefully.
This appliance complies with the following
Community Directives:
- 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and
subsequent amendments;
- 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic
Compatibility) and subsequent amendments;
- 2002/96/CE.
Observe local environmental standards when
disposing packaging material for recycling
The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE),
requires that old household electrical appliances
must not be disposed of in the normal unsorted
municipal waste stream. Old appliances must be
collected separately in order to optimise the
recovery and recycling of the materials they contain
and reduce the impact on human health and the
environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin”
symbol on the product reminds you of your
obligation, that when you dispose of the appliance
it must be separately collected.
Consumers should contact their local authority or
retailer for information concerning the correct
disposal of their old appliance.
- Laagspanningsrichtlijn (LVD) 2014/35/EU
- Richtlijn m.b.t. elektromagnetische
compatibiliteit (EMC) 2014/30/EU
- RAEE-richtlijn 2012/30/EU
Maintenance and
Care and maintenance
Disconnecting the wine cellar
During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar
If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your
Service Centre.
The compressor does not work
The compressor never stops
Possible causes/solutions
The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not
enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power
failure in your home.
The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine
cellar into another wall-outlet to check.
Contact the Service Centre
! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre.
! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left
unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer.
! The appliance was designed and manufactured in
compliance with international safety standards. The
following warnings are provided for safety reasons
and must be read carefully.
This appliance complies with the following
Community Directives:
- 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and
subsequent amendments;
- 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic
Compatibility) and subsequent amendments;
- 2002/96/CE.
Observe local environmental standards when
disposing packaging material for recycling
The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE),
requires that old household electrical appliances
must not be disposed of in the normal unsorted
municipal waste stream. Old appliances must be
collected separately in order to optimise the
recovery and recycling of the materials they contain
and reduce the impact on human health and the
environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin”
symbol on the product reminds you of your
obligation, that when you dispose of the appliance
it must be separately collected.
Consumers should contact their local authority or
retailer for information concerning the correct
disposal of their old appliance.
Neem de plaatselijke milieunormen in acht
wanneer u het verpakkingsmateriaal afvoert
voor recycling.
De Europese Richtlijn 2012/19/EU inzake
Afgedankte elektrische en elektronische
apparaten (Richtlijn WEEE 2) schrijft voor dat
oude elektrische huishoudelijke apparaten
niet mogen worden afgevoerd met het
normale niet-gesorteerde gemeentelijk
afval. Oude apparaten dienen afzonderlijk
te worden ingezameld om de terugwinning
en recycling van de materialen die ze
bevatten te optimaliseren en de impact op de
volksgezondheid en het milieu te beperken.
Het symbool met de doorgestreepte
"vuilnisbak op wielen" op het product
herinnert u eraan dat het afgedankte apparaat
afzonderlijk moet worden ingezameld.
Consumenten dienen contact op te nemen
met de plaatselijke instantie of de verkoper
voor informatie inzake de correcte wijze van
afdanken van hun oude apparaat.
! Alle werkzaamheden aan de wijnbewaarkast moeten worden uitgevoerd door uw erkende lokale
! Kortstondige storingen, zoals een stroomstoring, hebben geen invloed op de opgeslagen wijn. De wijn kan
alleen negatief worden beïnvloed als problemen langdurig blijven bestaan.
Onderhoud en probleemoplossing
Probleem Mogelijke oorzaken/oplossingen
De compressor werkt niet De stekker zit niet of niet goed in het
stopcontact. Er kan een stroomstoring in uw
huis zijn.
Het stopcontact staat niet onder spanning. Sluit
de bewaarkast ter controle aan op een ander
De compressor stopt nooit Neem contact op met de klantenservice
Voordat u de Servicedienst belt:
Controleer of u de storing niet zelf kunt oplossen (zie Probleemoplossing).
Indien, ondanks alle controles, het apparaat niet goed werkt of de storing blijft bestaan, kunt u zich tot
de dichtstbijzijnde Technische Dienst wenden
Wendt u zich nooit tot onbevoegde installateurs en weiger altijd de installatie van niet-originele
U moet doorgeven:
het type storing
het model apparaat (Mod.)
serienummer (S/N)
Deze informatie vindt u op het gegevensplaatje
links onder in het koelkastcompartiment.
Before calling for Assistance:
Check if the malfunction can be solved on your own (
see Troubleshooting
If after all the checks, the appliance still does not operate or the problem persists, call the nearest Service
type of malfunction
appliance model (Mod.)
serial number (S/N)
This information can be found on the data
plate located on the bottom left side of the
refrigerator compartment.
Never call on unauthorized technicians and always refuse spare parts which are not originals.
RG 2330
93139180000 S/N 704211801
220 - 240 V- 50 Hz 150 W
Max 15 w
R 134 a
kg 0,090
Freez. Capac
Poder de Cong
Made in Italy 13918
LOW 140
kg/24 h
model serial number
Características, 108
Ficha informativa
Instalação, 113
Localização e fonte de alimentação
Informações técnicas
Descrição do produto, 114
Peças interiores
Painel de controlo
Utilizar a cave de vinho, 115-116
Compartimento para envelhecimento de
Controlo manual da temperatura
Retirar as prateleiras de madeira
Tabela das temperaturas ideais para
Armazenar as garrafas de vinho, 117
Como armazenar as garrafas
Manutenção e resolução de
problemas, 118
Limpeza e Manutenção
Resolução de problemas
Assistência, 119
Italiano, 4
English, 17
Français, 29
Español, 42
Deutsch, 55
Русский, 68
Қазақша, 81
Nederlands, 94
Português, 107
Antes de utilizar o aparelho, leia estas
instruções de segurança com atenção.
Guarde-as por perto para consulta
Estas instruções e o próprio aparelho
possuem mensagens importantes
relativas à segurança, que deve ler
e respeitar sempre. O fabricante
declina qualquer responsabilidade pela
inobservância das presentes instruções
de segurança, pela utilização inadequada
do aparelho ou pela incorreta
configuração dos controlos.
As crianças até aos 3 anos deverão
manterse afastadas do aparelho. As
crianças entre os 3 e os 8 anos devem
ser mantidas afastadas do aparelho,
exceto se estiverem sob supervisão
permanente. Este aparelho pode ser
utilizado por crianças a partir dos 8 anos
e por pessoas com capacidades físicas,
sensoriais ou mentais reduzidas ou com
falta de experiência e conhecimento,
desde que estejam sob supervisão ou
tenham recebido instruções quanto à
utilização segura deste aparelho e se
compreenderem os perigos envolvidos.
As crianças não devem brincar com o
aparelho. A limpeza e a manutenção
a cargo do utilizador não devem ser
realizadas por crianças sem supervisão.
As crianças entre os 3 e os 8 anos estão
habilitadas a introduzir e a remover
produtos nos aparelhos de refrigeração.
ATENÇÃO: o aparelho não deve
ser ligado a partir de um dispositivo
de comutação externo, como, por
exemplo, um temporizador, nem
a partir de um sistema de controlo
remoto em separado.
Este aparelho destina-se a ser
utilizado em ambiente doméstico e
em aplicações semelhantes, tais como:
copas para utilização dos funcionários
em lojas, escritórios e outros ambientes
de trabalho; quintas de exploração
agrícola; clientes em hotéis, motéis, bed
& breakfast e outros tipos de ambientes
Este aparelho não está concebido
para o uso profissional. Não utilize o
aparelho no exterior.
A lâmpada usada no interior do
aparelho foi especificamente desenhada
para eletrodomésticos e não é
adequada para iluminação de habitações
(Regulamento CE 244/2009).
O aparelho foi concebido para
funcionar em locais onde a temperatura
se enquadra nos seguintes intervalos, de
acordo com a classe climática referida
na placa de características. O aparelho
poderá não funcionar devidamente
se ficar durante muito tempo a uma
temperatura que se encontre fora do
intervalo especificado.
Classe climática das temperaturas
SN: De 10 a 32 °C
ST: De 16 a 38 °C;
N: De 16 a 32 °C
T: De 16 a 43 °C
Este aparelho não contém CFCs.
O circuito de refrigeração contém
R600a (HC). Aparelhos com Isobutano
(R600a): o isobutano é um gás natural
sem impacto no ambiente, mas que é
inflamável. Sendo assim, certifique-se de
que os tubos do circuito de refrigeração
não estão danificados, especialmente ao
esvaziar o circuito de refrigeração.
AVISO: Não danifique os tubos do
circuito de refrigeração do aparelho.
AVISO: Mantenha as aberturas
de ventilação existentes no corpo do
aparelho ou na estrutura encastrada,
livres de obstruções.
AVISO: Não utilize meios mecânicos,
elétricos ou químicos, para além dos
recomendados pelo fabricante para
acelerar o processo de descongelação.
AVISO: Não utilize nem coloque
dispositivos elétricos dentro dos
compartimentos do aparelho, se estes
não forem do tipo expressamente
autorizado pelo fabricante.
AVISO: os dispensadores de água
ou gelo não ligados diretamente ao
abastecimento de água, devem apenas
ser enchidos com água potável.
Não armazene substâncias
explosivas, tais como embalagens
de aerossóis, nem coloque ou utilize
gasolina ou outros materiais inflamáveis
perto do aparelho.
Não ingerir o conteúdo (atóxico) das
bolsas de gelo (fornecido com alguns
modelos). Não coma cubos de gelo ou
gelados imediatamente após os retirar
do aparelho, dado que podem causar
“queimaduras” de frio.
Nos produtos desenhados para
usar um filtro de ar no interior de uma
tampa de ventoinha acessível, o filtro
deve estar sempre colocado quando o
frigorífico estiver a funcionar.
Não guarde recipientes de vidro
com líquido no compartimento do
congelador, pois estes podem quebrar-
se. Não obstrua a ventoinha (se
disponível) com alimentos. Após inserir
os alimentos, verifique se a porta dos
compartimentos fecha devidamente,
especialmente a porta do congelador.
Qualquer junta que esteja danificada
deverá ser substituída logo que possível.
Este aparelho destina-se a ser
utilizado exclusivamente para
o armazenamento de vinho no
compartimento de armazenamento de
vinho, para armazenar alimentos frescos
na gaveta no modo de refrigeração, e
para armazenar alimentos congelados,
congelar alimentos frescos e para fazer
cubos de gelo na gaveta no modo
de congelação. Armazene sempre as
garrafas sem as embalagens nem dentro
de caixotes nem caixas. A capacidade
do compartimento de armazenamento
de vinho está indicada no capítulo sobre
o armazenamento de garrafas de vinho.
Evite guardar alimentos não
embrulhados em contacto direto
com as superfícies internas dos
compartimentos do frigorífico ou
do congelador. Os aparelhos podem
ter compartimentos especiais
(Compartimento para Alimentos
Frescos, Caixa Zero Graus, etc.).
Salvo especificação em contrário no
manual do produto, estes podem ser
retirados, mantendo os desempenhos
O C-Pentano é utilizado como
agente de expansão na espuma de
isolamento e é um gás inflamável.
A parte mais adequada da gaveta, na
qual são armazenados tipos específicos
de alimentos, considerando a diferente
distribuição da temperatura pelos
vários compartimentos do aparelho, é a
- Modo de refrigeração:
1) Área superior do compartimento do
frigorífico - zona de temperatura:
Armazenamento de frutas tropicais,
latas, bebidas, ovos, molhos, pickles,
manteiga, compotas
2) Área intermédia do compartimento
do frigorífico - zona fria:
Armazenamento de queijo, leite,
laticínios, iogurtes
3) Área inferior do compartimento
do frigorífico - zona mais fria:
Armazenamento de charcutaria,
sobremesas, carne e peixe,
cheesecake, massa fresca, natas
azedas, pesto/salsa, comida caseira,
creme de pasteleiro, pudim e creme
de queijo
4) O fundo do compartimento do
Armazenamento de frutas e vegetais
(exceto frutas tropicais)
- Modo de congelação:
Os alimentos congelados comprados
contêm a data de validade na respetiva
embalagem. Esta data tem em conta o
tipo de alimento armazenado e, como
tal, deve ser respeitada. Os alimentos
frescos devem ser armazenados
durante os seguintes períodos de
tempo: 1-3 meses para queijo, marisco,
gelado, fiambre/chouriço, leite,
líquidos frescos; 4 meses para bifes
ou costeletas (vaca, borrego, porco);
6 meses para manteiga ou margarina,
carne de aves (frango, peru); 8-12
meses para frutas (exceto citrinos),
carne assada (vaca, porco, borrego),
vegetais. As datas de validade nas
embalagens dos alimentos deverão ser
Para evitar a contaminação dos
alimentos, siga as seguintes instruções:
- Deixar a porta do aparelho aberta
durante longos períodos de tempo
pode provocar um aumento
significativo da temperatura nos
compartimentos do aparelho.
- Limpe regularmente os sistemas de
drenagem acessíveis e as superfícies
do aparelho que possam entrar com
contacto com os alimentos.
- Lave os reservatórios de água, caso
os mesmos não sejam utilizados
durante 48 horas; drene o sistema
de água ligado ao abastecimento
de água, caso a água não tenha sido
drenada nos últimos 5 dias.
- Armazene a carne e o peixe
frescos no interior do frigorífico em
recipientes adequados, para que
estes não entrem em contacto, nem
pinguem para cima dos restantes
- Os compartimentos para alimentos
congelados com duas estrelas são
adequados para o armazenamento de
alimentos pré-congelados, para fazer
gelados e cubos de gelo.
- Não congele alimentos frescos nos
compartimentos com uma, duas ou
três estrelas.
- Caso o aparelho de refrigeração
fique vazio durante longos períodos
de tempo, desligue-o, descongele-o,
limpe-o e deixe a porta do mesmo
aberta para evitar a formação de
bolor no seu interior.
O aparelho deve ser transportado
e instalado por duas ou mais pessoas -
risco de lesões. Use luvas de proteção
para desembalar e instalar o aparelho -
risco de cortes.
A instalação, incluindo a alimentação
de água (caso seja necessário) e as
ligações elétricas, bem como quaisquer
reparações devem ser realizadas por
um técnico devidamente qualificado.
Não repare nem substitua nenhuma
peça do aparelho a não ser que tal seja
especificamente indicado no manual
de utilização. Mantenha as crianças
afastadas do local da instalação. Depois
de desembalar o aparelho, certifique-
se de que este não foi danificado
durante o transporte. Em caso de
problemas, contacte o revendedor ou
o Serviço Pós-Venda mais próximo.
Uma vez instalado o aparelho, os
elementos da embalagem (plástico,
peças de esferovite, etc.) devem
ser armazenados longe do alcance
das crianças - risco de asfixia. Deve
desligar o aparelho da corrente elétrica
antes de efetuar qualquer operação
de instalação, para evitar o risco de
choques elétricos. Durante a instalação,
certifique-se de que o aparelho não
danifica o cabo de alimentação, pois
existe o risco de incêndio ou de
choques elétricos. Ligue o aparelho
apenas depois de concluída a instalação
do mesmo.
Tenha cuidado para não danificar
o chão (exemplo parquet) quando
deslocar o aparelho. Instale o aparelho
sobre um pavimento ou suporte
suficientemente forte para suportar o
peso do aparelho e num local adequado
à sua dimensão e utilização. Ao instalar
o aparelho, certifique-se de que o
aparelho não está perto de uma fonte
de calor e que os quatro pés ficam
estáveis e corretamente assentes no
pavimento e de que fica bem nivelado
(utilize um nível de bolha de ar).
Espere pelo menos duas horas antes de
ligar o aparelho, assegurando assim que
o circuito refrigerador está totalmente
AVISO: Ao posicionar o aparelho,
certifique-se de que o cabo de
alimentação não fica preso ou
AVISO: para evitar riscos devido
a instabilidade, o posicionamento ou
fixação do aparelho devem ser feitos de
acordo com as instruções do fabricante.
É proibido a colocação do frigorífico
de forma que a parede traseira do
frigorífico (bobina do condensador)
esteja em contacto com mangueiras
metálicas do fogão a gás, tubagens
metálicas de gás ou de água ou fios
Para garantir uma ventilação
adequada, deixe espaço de ambos
os lados e por cima do aparelho. A
distância entre a parte de trás do
aparelho e a parede deve ser de 50
mm, de forma a evitar o contacto com
superfícies quentes. Se este espaço
for menor irá aumentar o consumo de
Energia do produto.
Deve ser possível desligar o aparelho
da fonte de alimentação, desligando-o
na ficha, caso esta esteja acessível, ou
através de um interruptor multipolar
instalado na tomada de acordo com
a regulamentação aplicável a ligações
elétricas; além disso, o aparelho deve
dispor de ligação à terra, de acordo
com as normas de segurança elétrica
Não utilize adaptadores, fichas
múltiplas ou extensões. Após a
instalação do aparelho, os componentes
elétricos devem estar inacessíveis ao
utilizador. Não utilize o aparelho com
os pés descalços ou molhados. Não
ligue este aparelho se o cabo ou a ficha
elétrica apresentar danos, se não estiver
a funcionar corretamente, se estiver
danificado ou se tiver caído.
Se o cabo de alimentação estiver
danificado deverá ser substituído por
um idêntico do mesmo fabricante
ou por um técnico de assistência ou
pessoas similarmente qualificadas de
modo a evitar a ocorrência de situações
perigosas, pois existe o risco de
choques elétricos.
AVISO: Não coloque várias
tomadas múltiplas ou outras fontes de
alimentação portáteis junto da parte
traseira do aparelho.
AVISO: Assegure-se de que o
aparelho está desligado da fonte de
alimentação antes de realizar quaisquer
operações de manutenção; nunca use
uma máquina de limpeza a vapor para
limpar o aparelho - risco de choques
Não utilize produtos de limpeza
abrasivos ou agressivos, tais como
pulverizadores limpa-vidros, produtos
de limpeza erosivos, fluidos inflamáveis,
ceras de limpeza, detergentes
concentrados, lixívias ou produtos
de limpeza que contenham produtos
derivados de petróleo em peças de
plástico, no interior e nos revestimentos
das portas ou das juntas. Não utilize
toalhetes de papel, esfregões de metal
abrasivos, ou outros acessórios de
limpeza agressivos.
O material da embalagem é 100% reciclável,
conforme indicado pelo símbolo de reciclagem
with the wiring rules and the appliance must
be earthed in conformity with national electrical
safety standards.
Do not use extension leads, multiple sockets
or adapters. The electrical components must not
be accessible to the user after instal lation. Do not
use the appliance when you are wet or barefoot .
Do not operate this appliance if it has a damaged
power cable or plug, if it is not working properly,
or if it has been damaged or dropped.
If the supply cord is damaged, it must
be replaced with an identical one by the
manufacturer, its service agent or similarly
qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard -
risk of electric shock.
WARNING: Do not locate multiple portable
socket-outlets or portable power suppl ies at the
rear of t he appli ance.
WARNING: Ensure that the appliance is
switched off and disconnected from the power
supply before performing any maintenance
operation; never use steam cleaning equipment -
risk of electric shock.
Do not use abrasi ve or harsh cleaners such
as window sprays, scouring cleansers, flammable
fluids, cleaning waxes, concentrated detergents ,
bleaches or cleanser s containing petroleum
products on plastic parts, interior and door liners
or gaskets. Do not use paper towel s , scouring
pads, or ot her harsh cleani ng tools .
The packaging material is 100% recyclable and is marked with the
recycle symbol
. The various parts of the packaging must therefore
be disposed of responsibly and in full compliance with local authority
regulations governing waste disposal.
This appliance is manufactured with recyclable or reusable materials.
Dispose of it in accordance with local waste disposal regulations.
For further information on the treatment, recovery and recycling
of household electrical appliances, contact your local authority, the
collection service for household waste or the store where you purchased
the appliance. This appliance is marked in compliance with European
Directive 2012/19/EU, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).
By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent
negative consequences for the environment and human health. The
on the product or on the accompanying documentation
indicates that it should not be treated as domestic waste but must be
taken to an appropriate collection centre for the recycling of electrical
and electronic equipment.
To guarantee adequate ventilation follow installation instructions.
Insufficient ventilation at the back of the product increases energy
consumption and decreases cooling ef f iciency.
Frequent door opening might cause an increase in Energy consumption.
The internal temperature of the appliance and the Energy Consumption
may be affected also by the ambient temperature, as well as location of
the appliance. Temperature setting should take into consideration these
factors. Reduce door opening to minimum.
When thawing frozen food, place it in the refrigerator. The low
temperature of the frozen products cools the food in the refrigerator.
Allow warm food and drinks to cool down before placing in the
Positioning of the shelves i n the refrigerator has no impact on the
efficient usage of energy. Food should be pl aced on the shelves in such
way to ensure proper air circulation (food should not t ouch each other
and distance between food and rear wall should be kept).
You can increase storage capacity of frozen food by removing baskets
and, if present, Stop Fros t shelf.
Do not worry about noises coming from the compressor which are
normal operation noises.
As várias partes da embalagem devem ser
eliminadas de forma responsável e em total
conformidade com as normas estabelecidas pelas
autoridades locais.
Este aparelho é fabricado com materiais
recicláveis ou reutilizáveis. Elimine-o em
conformidade com as normas de eliminação de
resíduos locais. Para obter mais informações
sobre o tratamento, recuperação e reciclagem
de eletrodomésticos, contacte as autoridades
locais, o serviço de recolha de resíduos
domésticos ou a loja onde adquiriu o aparelho.
Este aparelho está marcado em conformidade
com a Diretiva Europeia 2012/19/EU relativa
aos Resíduos de Equipamentos Elétricos e
Eletrónicos (REEE). Ao assegurar a eliminação
correta deste produto, estamos a proteger
o ambiente e a saúde humana contra riscos
O símbolo no produto, ou nos documentos
que acompanham o produto, indica que este
aparelho não deve ser tratado como resíduo
doméstico e deve ser transportado para um
centro de recolha adequado para proceder
à reciclagem do equipamento elétrico e
Para garantir uma ventilação adequada, siga as
instruções de instalação.
Uma ventilação insuficiente na parte de trás
do produto aumenta o consumo de energia e
diminui a eficiência de arrefecimento.
A abertura frequente da porta poderá resultar
num consumo de energia acrescido.
A temperatura interna do aparelho bem como
o consumo de energia podem ser afetados
pela temperatura ambiente, assim como pelo
local onde se encontra o aparelho. Ao regular
a temperatura deve ter em consideração estes
fatores. Reduza ao mínimo a abertura da porta.
Os alimentos congelados devem ser
descongelados no compartimento frigorífico.
A baixa temperatura dos produtos congelados
arrefece os alimentos no compartimento
frigorífico. Deixe arrefecer os alimentos e as
bebidas quentes antes de os colocar no aparelho.
O posicionamento das prateleiras no
compartimento frigorífico não tem impacto na
utilização eficiente da energia. Os alimentos
devem ser colocados nas prateleiras de forma
a garantir uma circulação de ar adequada (os
alimentos não se devem tocar e deve ser
mantida uma distância entre estes e a parede
Pode aumentar a capacidade de armazenamento
de alimentos congelados, retirando as gavetas e,
se existir, a prateleira Stop Frost.
Os sons produzidos pelo compressor são
perfeitamente normais, pelo que não deve
1. Remova cuidadosamente as proteções e os
adesivos, abra a porta e certifique-se de que
todos os componentes estão presentes.
2. Retire o cabo da fonte de alimentação.
1. Posicione o aparelho numa área com boa
ventilação, sem humidade e espaçosa (evitar
armários com paredes fechadas).
2. Mantenha o aparelho afastado de fontes de
3. Certifique-se de que mantém as distâncias
mínimas entre o aparelho e a parede da divisão
onde este é instalado, de forma a assegurar a
perfeita ventilação do aparelho.
Ver figura.
Ligação da cablagem
Após o transporte, coloque o aparelho na vertical
e aguarde, pelo menos, 3 horas antes de o ligar
ao sistema da cablagem. Antes de ligar a ficha à
tomada, certifique-se de que:
a tomada tem ligação à terra e está de acordo
com os regulamentos
a tomada consegue suportar a carga de energia
máxima da máquina, indicada na tabela da ficha
informativa ou na placa de características no
canto inferior direito (consulte a descrição do
a tensão de alimentação está dentro do
intervalo indicado na tabela da ficha informativa
ou na placa de características no canto inferior
direito (consulte a descrição do aparelho);
a tomada é compatível com a ficha do aparelho.
Caso contrário, substitua a tomada ou a ficha;
não utilize extensões ou tomadas múltiplas.
Posicionamento e ligação
Ventilation space:
at least 50 mm
of the
side area
of the cellar
Descrição do aparelho
Peças interiores
Painel de controlo
Interior Parts
Control Panel
Product Description
Interior Parts
Control Panel
Product Description
Compartimento para envelhecimento de
A principal função do compartimento de
envelhecimento é garantir que os seus vinhos
sejam conservados nas condições ideais.
A temperatura vem definida de fábrica para uma
temperatura considerada excelente na maioria dos
casos, correspondendo a 15°C no compartimento
O vinho tem uma natureza complexa e deriva de
um processo longo e moroso. São necessárias
condições muito específicas, de forma a melhor
expressar os seus atributos.
Todos os vinhos são conservados à mesma
temperatura mas, dependendo das suas diferentes
características, os vinhos são servidos e saboreados
a temperaturas muito diferentes (consulte a tabela
de temperaturas ideais para vinhos).
Assim, e tal como acontece nas caves dos
produtores, para o seu novo aparelho, o valor
de temperatura absoluto não é importante
para a conservação do seu vinho. Muito pelo
contrário, a manutenção de uma temperatura
constante ao longo do tempo é o mais importante.
A conservação do vinho é ideal a qualquer
temperatura, desde que a temperatura não varie.
Controlo manual da temperatura
Quando liga a sua cave de vinho, o visor apresenta
a temperatura no interior da cave: a mesma foi
definida para atingir os 15 °C e manter-se estável.
Caso necessita de regular a temperatura, siga as
instruções abaixo:
1. Quando liga a sua cave de vinho, o visor
apresenta a temperatura que tiver sido definida
2. Prima o botão + durante um segundo
(consulte o painel de controlo). A temperatura
começará a piscar.
3. Prima os botões + ou - até atingir a
temperatura pretendida
4. Aguarde 5 segundos para a temperatura parar
de piscar.
5. aguarde até que a cave de vinho atinja a sua
temperatura antes de colocar as garrafas de
vinho no seu interior.
A luz interna não se acende (ou apaga-se
temporariamente) quando a temperatura interior
ultrapassar os 24 °C. Tal permite que o aparelho
atinja a temperatura predefinida mais rapidamente.
Retirar as prateleiras de madeira
AVISO: As prateleiras de madeira não deslizam.
Não retire as prateleiras quando as mesmas
estiverem carregadas com garrafas, para evitar o
risco de partir as garrafas.
Pode retirar as prateleiras para limpeza apenas
quando não estiverem carregadas com garrafas.
Utilizar a cave de vinho
Tabela das temperaturas ideais para vinhos
Esta tabela indica as temperaturas aproximadas em que o vinho deve ser servido. Caso um dos seus vinhos
necessite de ser servido a uma temperatura superior à existente no interior da cave de vinho, sugerimos
que deixe o vinho no exterior durante o tempo que for necessário antes de o servir.
Amarone 17°C
Vinhos espumantes secos e
Barbaresco 17°C
Verdicchio di Matelica
e dei Castelli di Jesi
Barolo 17°C
Vinhos brancos de
Trentino Alto Adige
Beaujolais 13°C Vinhos brancos Franciacorta 11°C
Vinho branco licoroso de
Vinhos brancos aromáticos
Vinho branco seco de Bordéus 8°C
Vinhos brancos secos,
jovens e frutados
Vinho tinto de Bordéus 17°C
Vinhos brancos de
Friuli Venezia Giulia
Vinho branco de Bourgogne 11°C Vinhos Ródano 15°C
Vinho tinto de Bourgogne 18°C Vinhos brancos secos de Loire 10°C
Brunello 17°C Vinhos licorosos de Loire 7°C
Champanhe 6°C Vinhos tintos de Loire 14°C
Chianti Classico 16°C Vinhos Passito licorosos 8-18°C
Languedoc-Roussillon 13°C Vinhos rosé, Vinhos novos 12°C
Passito di Pantelleria 6°C
Vinhos tintos ligeiros com notas
tânicas suaves
Rosé de Provence 12°C
Vinhos tintos, com bastantes
notas tânicas e uma estrutura
Stock de 24 garrafas standard
Recomenda-se um stock de 24 garrafas (para
as garrafas padrão, mixas e renana) para os
vinhos que necessitem de estar visíveis e de ser
removidos facilmente.
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
24 garrafas (deitadas a 100%)
3 prateleiras
Posicione cada garrafa nas ranhuras das 3
prateleiras de madeira. Podem ser colocadas 6
garrafas na parte inferior da cave de vinho.
Sugerimos que coloque as garrafas Renana na
prateleira inferior e no fundo da cave de vinho
porque estas foram concebidas especialmente
para suportar garrafas mais largas.
! A prateleira de madeira pode suportar até 22
garrafas em segurança
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
Stock de garrafa de Champanhe
As garrafas de champanhe são mais largas do que
as garrafas padrão. Devem ser colocadas na base
da cave de vinho, que pode suportar até 5 garrafas.
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
Se pretender armazenar mais do que 5 garrafas
de Champanhe na sua cave de vinho, remova a
3.ª prateleira e armazene as garrafas em duas
filas (colocando-as na segunda fila entre as que
estão na fila inferior). Tal irá comportar até 9
Algumas configurações de armazenamento
Stocking the wine bottles
Standard 24-bottle stock
The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana
bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be
visible and easily removed.
24 Bottles (100% lying down)
3 shelves
Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden
shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the
wine cellar.
We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the
lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because
they have been specially designed to hold larger
! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles.
Champagne bottle stock
Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.
They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar,
which can hold up to 5.
If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in
your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the
bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second
row between those on the bottom row). This will hold
up to 9 bottles.
Some stocking configurations
28 Bottles (100% lying down)
28 garrafas (deitadas a 100%)
Armazenar as garrafas de vinho
Limpeza e manutenção
Desligar a cave de vinho
Durante as operações de limpeza e de
manutenção, é imperativo que desligue a cave de
Resolução de problemas
Se notar que a sua cave de vinho não está a
funcionar corretamente, verifique a seguinte lista
antes de contactar o Centro de Assistência.
! O aparelho foi concebido e fabricado em
conformidade com as normas de segurança
internacionais. Os seguintes avisos são fornecidos
por razões de segurança e devem ser lidos
Este aparelho está em conformidade com as
seguintes diretivas comunitárias:
Maintenance and
Care and maintenance
Disconnecting the wine cellar
During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar
If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your
Service Centre.
The compressor does not work
The compressor never stops
Possible causes/solutions
The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not
enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power
failure in your home.
The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine
cellar into another wall-outlet to check.
Contact the Service Centre
! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre.
! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left
unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer.
! The appliance was designed and manufactured in
compliance with international safety standards. The
following warnings are provided for safety reasons
and must be read carefully.
This appliance complies with the following
Community Directives:
- 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and
subsequent amendments;
- 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic
Compatibility) and subsequent amendments;
- 2002/96/CE.
Observe local environmental standards when
disposing packaging material for recycling
The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE),
requires that old household electrical appliances
must not be disposed of in the normal unsorted
municipal waste stream. Old appliances must be
collected separately in order to optimise the
recovery and recycling of the materials they contain
and reduce the impact on human health and the
environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin”
symbol on the product reminds you of your
obligation, that when you dispose of the appliance
it must be separately collected.
Consumers should contact their local authority or
retailer for information concerning the correct
disposal of their old appliance.
- Diretiva de Baixa Tensão (LVD) 2014/35/UE
- Diretiva 2014/30/UE sobre Compatibilidade
Eletromagnética (EMC)
- Diretiva REEE 2012/30/UE
Maintenance and
Care and maintenance
Disconnecting the wine cellar
During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar
If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your
Service Centre.
The compressor does not work
The compressor never stops
Possible causes/solutions
The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not
enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power
failure in your home.
The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine
cellar into another wall-outlet to check.
Contact the Service Centre
! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre.
! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left
unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer.
! The appliance was designed and manufactured in
compliance with international safety standards. The
following warnings are provided for safety reasons
and must be read carefully.
This appliance complies with the following
Community Directives:
- 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and
subsequent amendments;
- 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic
Compatibility) and subsequent amendments;
- 2002/96/CE.
Observe local environmental standards when
disposing packaging material for recycling
The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE),
requires that old household electrical appliances
must not be disposed of in the normal unsorted
municipal waste stream. Old appliances must be
collected separately in order to optimise the
recovery and recycling of the materials they contain
and reduce the impact on human health and the
environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin”
symbol on the product reminds you of your
obligation, that when you dispose of the appliance
it must be separately collected.
Consumers should contact their local authority or
retailer for information concerning the correct
disposal of their old appliance.
Respeite as normas ambientais locais ao
eliminar o material da embalagem para fins de
A diretiva 2012/19/UE referente à gestão
de resíduos de equipamentos elétricos
e eletrónicos (Diretiva 2 REEE), prevê
que os eletrodomésticos não podem ser
eliminados em conjunto com os resíduos
urbanos normais. Os aparelhos usados
devem ser recolhidos separadamente, de
forma a otimizar a recuperação e reciclagem
dos materiais que os compõem e reduzir
o impacto na saúde humana e no meio
ambiente. O símbolo de um contentor de lixo
barrado com uma cruz no produto recorda a
obrigatoriedade da recolha separada.
Os consumidores devem contactar as
autoridades locais para mais informações
relativas à eliminação correta do seu aparelho
! Qualquer tipo de trabalho realizado na cave de vinho deve ser efetuado pelo seu Centro de Assistência
local autorizado.
! As avarias num curto espaço de tempo, tais como falhas de energia, não comprometerão os vinhos. Os
vinhos poderão sofrer alterações apenas quando se tratam de avarias operacionais deixadas por resolver
durante um longo período de tempo.
Manutenção e resolução de problemas
Problema Causas possíveis/soluções
O compressor não funciona A ficha não está inserida na tomada de parede
ou não está inserida o suficiente para fazer
contacto. Ou, poderá haver uma falha de
energia na sua casa.
A tomada de parede não está a funcionar
corretamente. Ligue a cave de vinho a outra
tomada de parede para verificar.
O compressor nunca para Contacte o Centro de Assistência
Antes de contactar a Assistência Técnica:
Verifique se pode resolver sozinho a anomalia (veja as Anomalias e Soluções).
Se, após todas as verificações, o aparelho não funcionar e o problema persistir, contacte o Centro de
Assistência mais próximo
Nunca recorra a técnicos não autorizados e recuse sempre a instalação de peças sobresselentes
não originais.
O tipo de problema
O modelo do aparelho (Mod.)
O número de série (S/N)
Estas informações encontram-se na placa de
identificação situada no lado inferior esquerdo do
compartimento do frigorífico.
Before calling for Assistance:
Check if the malfunction can be solved on your own (
see Troubleshooting
If after all the checks, the appliance still does not operate or the problem persists, call the nearest Service
type of malfunction
appliance model (Mod.)
serial number (S/N)
This information can be found on the data
plate located on the bottom left side of the
refrigerator compartment.
Never call on unauthorized technicians and always refuse spare parts which are not originals.
RG 2330
93139180000 S/N 704211801
220 - 240 V- 50 Hz 150 W
Max 15 w
R 134 a
kg 0,090
Freez. Capac
Poder de Cong
Made in Italy 13918
LOW 140
kg/24 h
model serial number

Transcripción de documentos

IT Istruzioni per l’uso EN Instructions for use FR Mode d’emploi ES Guía de usuario DE Gebrauchsanweisung RU Руководство по эксплуатации KZ Пайдаланушы нұсқаулығы NL Gebruiksaanwijzing NL Guia do utilizador 3 Italiano, ISTRUZIONI PER L’USO IT Italiano, 4 RU Русский, 68 EN English, 17 KZ Қазақша, 81 FR Français, 29 NL Nederlands, 94 ES Español, 42 PT Português, 107 DE Deutsch, 55 Sommario Caratteristiche, 2 Avvertenze Scheda tecnica Installazione, 10 Posizione e collegamento elettrico Dati tecnici Descrizione del prodotto, 11 Parti interne Pannello comandi Uso della cantinetta, 12-13 Comparto di invecchiamento Regolazione manuale della temperatura Estrazione dei ripiani in legno Tabella delle temperature ideali dei vini Disposizione delle bottiglie di vino, 14 Come introdurre le bottiglie Manutenzione e guida alla ricerca guasti, 15 Pulizia e manutenzione Guida alla ricerca guasti Assistenza, 16 4 NORME DI SICUREZZA IMPORTANTE: DA LEGGERE E OSSERVARE Prima di utilizzare l’apparecchio, leggere le seguenti norme di sicurezza. Conservarle per eventuali consultazioni successive. Questo manuale e l’apparecchio sono corredati da importanti avvertenze di sicurezza, da leggere e rispettare sempre. Il fabbricante declina qualsiasi responsabilità che derivi dalla mancata osservanza delle presenti istruzioni di sicurezza, da usi impropri dell’apparecchio o da errate impostazioni dei comandi. Tenere l’apparecchio fuori dalla portata dei bambini di età inferiore a 3 anni. Senza la sorveglianza costante di un adulto tenere anche l’apparecchio fuori dalla portata dei bambini di età compresa tra 3 e 8 anni. I bambini di età superiore agli 8 anni, le persone con ridotte capacità fisiche, sensoriali o mentali e le persone che non abbiano esperienza o conoscenza dell’apparecchio potranno utilizzarlo solo sotto sorveglianza, o quando siano state istruite sull’utilizzo sicuro dell’apparecchio e siano consapevoli dei rischi del suo utilizzo. I bambini non devono giocare con l’apparecchio. I bambini non devono eseguire operazioni di pulizia e manutenzione dell’apparecchio senza la sorveglianza di un adulto. Ai bambini di età compresa tra i 3 e gli 8 anni è consentito caricare e scaricare apparecchi refrigeranti. USO CONSENTITO ATTENZIONE: l’apparecchio non è destinato ad essere messo in funzione mediante un dispositivo esterno o un sistema di comando a distanza separato. L’apparecchio è destinato all’uso domestico e ad applicazioni analoghe, quali: aree di cucina per il personale di negozi, uffici e altri contesti lavorativi; agriturismi; camere di hotel, motel, bed & breakfast e altri ambienti residenziali. Questo apparecchio non è destinato all’uso professionale. Non utilizzare l’apparecchio all’aperto. La lampadina utilizzata nell’apparecchio è progettata specificatamente per gli elettrodomestici e non è adatta per l’illuminazione domestica (CE N. 244/2009). L’apparecchio è predisposto per operare in ambienti in cui la temperatura sia compresa nei seguenti intervalli, a seconda della classe climatica riportata sulla targhetta. L’apparecchio potrebbe non funzionare correttamente se lasciato per un lungo periodo ad una temperatura superiore o inferiore all’intervallo previsto. Temperature ambiente delle classi climatiche: SN: da 10 a 32 °C ST: da 16 a 38 °C; N: da 16 a 32 °C T: da 16 a 43 °C Questo apparecchio non contiene CFC. Il circuito refrigerante contiene R600a (HC). Apparecchi con isobutano (R600a): l’isobutano è un gas naturale senza effetti nocivi sull’ambiente, tuttavia è infiammabile. È perciò indispensabile assicurarsi che i tubi del circuito refrigerante non siano danneggiati, in particolare durante lo svuotamento del circuito refrigerante. AVVERTENZA: Non danneggiare i tubi del circuito refrigerante dell’apparecchio. AVVERTENZA: Mantenere libere da ostruzioni le aperture di ventilazione nello spazio circostante l’apparecchio o nella nicchia di incasso. AVVERTENZA: Non usare dispositivi meccanici, elettrici o chimici diversi da quelli raccomandati dal produttore per accelerare il processo di sbrinamento. 5 La capacità del comparto per il vino è indicata nella sezione che descrive la conservazione delle bottiglie di vino. Non conservare alimenti senza confezione a contatto diretto con le superfici del frigorifero o del congelatore. Gli apparecchi possono essere dotati di comparti speciali (comparto cibi freschi, comparto zero gradi, ecc.). Se non indicato diversamente nel libretto del prodotto, questi comparti possono essere rimossi mantenendo prestazioni equivalenti. Il c-pentano è utilizzato come agente dilatante nella schiuma isolante ed è un gas infiammabile. Di seguito sono descritte le parti del cassetto più adatte per la conservazione di specifici tipi di alimenti tenendo conto della diversa distribuzione delle temperature: - Modalità frigorifero: 1) Area superiore del comparto frigorifero - zona temperata: Conservazione di frutta tropicale, lattine, bevande, uova, salse, sottaceti, burro, conserve 2) Area centrale del comparto frigorifero - zona fredda: Conservazione di formaggi, latte, latticini, piatti pronti, yogurt 3) Area inferiore del comparto frigorifero - zona più fredda: Conservazione di affettati, dessert, carne, pesce, semifreddi, pasta fresca, panna acida, pesto/sughi, piatti cucinati, creme dolci, budini e formaggi a pasta molle 4) Parte inferiore del comparto frigorifero: Conservazione di frutta e verdura (esclusi i frutti tropicali) - Modalità congelatore: I surgelati acquistati hanno la data di scadenza stampata sulla confezione. Questa data tiene conto del tipo di alimento e deve essere perciò rispettata. Le durate di conservazione consigliate per gli alimenti freschi sono AVVERTENZA: Non usare o introdurre apparecchiature elettriche all’interno degli scomparti dell’apparecchio se queste non sono del tipo espressamente autorizzato dal produttore. AVVERTENZA: i produttori di ghiaccio e/o i distributori d’acqua non direttamente collegati all’alimentazione idrica devono essere riempiti unicamente con acqua potabile. Non riporre sostanze esplosive, ad esempio bombolette spray, e non conservare o utilizzare benzina o altri materiali infiammabili all’interno o in prossimità dell’apparecchio. Non ingerire il liquido (atossico) contenuto negli accumulatori di freddo (presenti in alcuni modelli). Non mangiare cubetti di ghiaccio o ghiaccioli subito dopo averli tolti dal congelatore poiché potrebbero causare bruciature da freddo. Per i prodotti che prevedono l’uso di un filtro aria all’interno di un coperchio ventola accessibile, il filtro deve essere sempre in posizione quando il frigorifero è in funzione. Non conservare nel comparto congelatore alimenti liquidi in contenitori di vetro, perché questi potrebbero rompersi. Non ostruire la ventola (se presente) con gli alimenti. Dopo avere introdotto gli alimenti, assicurarsi che le porte dei comparti si chiudano bene, in particolare la porta del comparto congelatore. Sostituire non appena possibile le guarnizioni danneggiate. Questo apparecchio è destinato ad essere usato esclusivamente per la conservazione del vino nell’apposito comparto, la conservazione di alimenti freschi nel cassetto in modalità frigorifero e la conservazione di alimenti surgelati, il congelamento di alimenti freschi e la preparazione di cubetti di ghiaccio in modalità congelatore. Conservare sempre le bottiglie senza imballaggio e non in casse o cartoni. 6 le seguenti: 1-3 mesi per formaggi, crostacei, gelati, salumi, latte, liquidi freschi; 4 mesi per bistecche o tagli di carne (manzo, agnello, suino); 6 mesi per burro o margarina, pollame (pollo, tacchino); 8-12 mesi per frutta (esclusi gli agrumi), arrosti di carne (manzo, suino, agnello), verdure. È necessario rispettare le date di scadenza riportate sulle confezioni degli alimenti. Per evitare la contaminazione degli alimenti, osservare le seguenti indicazioni: - L’apertura prolungata della porta può causare un considerevole aumento della temperatura nei comparti dell’apparecchio. - Pulire periodicamente le superfici che possono entrare a contatto con gli alimenti e i sistemi di scarico accessibili. - Pulire i serbatoi dell’acqua se non vengono usati per 48 ore; se l’acqua non viene prelevata per 5 giorni, sciacquare completamente il sistema collegato alla rete idrica. - Conservare in frigorifero la carne a il pesce crudi in recipienti adatti, in modo che non entrino a contatto con gli altri alimenti e non perdano liquidi. - Non congelare gli alimenti freschi nei comparti a una, due o tre stelle. - Se l’apparecchio refrigerante deve essere lasciato vuoto a lungo, si raccomanda di spegnere, sbrinare, pulire e asciugare l’apparecchio e di lasciare la porta aperta per impedire la formazione di muffe. elettrici, e gli interventi di riparazione devono essere eseguiti da personale qualificato. Non riparare o sostituire qualsiasi parte dell’apparecchio se non espressamente richiesto nel manuale d’uso. Tenere i bambini a distanza dal luogo dell’installazione. Dopo aver disimballato l’apparecchio, assicurarsi che non sia stato danneggiato durante il trasporto. In caso di problemi, contattare il rivenditore o il Servizio Assistenza. A installazione completata, conservare il materiale di imballaggio (parti in plastica, polistirolo, ecc.) fuori della portata dei bambini per evitare il rischio di soffocamento. Per evitare rischi di scosse elettriche, prima di procedere all’installazione scollegare l’apparecchio dalla rete elettrica. Durante l’installazione, accertarsi che l’apparecchio non possa danneggiare il cavo di alimentazione e causare così rischi di scosse elettriche. Attivare l’apparecchio solo dopo avere completato la procedura di installazione. Nello spostare l’apparecchio, fare attenzione per evitare di danneggiare i pavimenti (es. parquet). Installare l’apparecchio su un pavimento in grado di sostenerne il peso e in un ambiente adatto alle sue dimensioni e al suo utilizzo. Controllare che l’apparecchio non sia vicino a una fonte di calore e che i quattro piedini siano stabili e bene in appoggio sul pavimento, regolandoli se necessario; controllare inoltre che l’apparecchio sia perfettamente in piano usando una livella a bolla d’aria. Attendere almeno due ore prima di attivare l’apparecchio, per dare modo al circuito refrigerante di essere perfettamente efficiente. AVVERTENZA: Quando si posiziona l’apparecchio, fare attenzione a non incastrare o danneggiare il cavo di alimentazione. AVVERTENZA: per evitare pericoli dovuti all’instabilità dell’apparecchio, posizionarlo o fissarlo attenendosi alle istruzioni del produttore. INSTALLAZIONE Per evitare il rischio di lesioni personali, le operazioni di movimentazione e installazione dell’apparecchio devono essere eseguite da almeno due persone. Per le operazioni di disimballaggio e installazione utilizzare i guanti protettivi per non procurarsi tagli. L’installazione, comprendente anche eventuali raccordi per l’alimentazione idrica e i collegamenti 7 with the wiring rules and t be earthed in conformity wit safety standards. Do not use extension lea or adapters. The electrical co be accessible to the user after use the appliance when you PULIZIA E MANUTENZIONE Do not operate this appliance powerrischi cable or plug, if it is no ATTENZIONE: Per evitare or if it has been damaged or d di folgorazione, prima di qualsiasi If the supply cord is intervento di manutenzione accertarsi be replaced with an iden che l’apparecchio sia spento e manufacturer, its service scollegato dall’alimentazione elettrica; qualified persons in order t inoltre, non usare in nessunriskcaso of electric shock. WARNING: Do not locat pulitrici a getto di vapore. socket-outlets or portable po Non usare detergenti abrasivi o appliance. rear of the È vietato posizionare il frigorifero in modo che la sua parete posteriore (bobina del condensatore) entri a contatto con il tubo metallico di un piano di cottura a gas, con le tubazioni metalliche del gas o dell’acqua o con cavi elettrici. Per garantire un’adeguata ventilazione, lasciare i lati e la parte superiore dell’apparecchio sufficientemente distanziati dalla parete. Per impedire l’accesso alle superfici surriscaldate, la distanza fra il lato posteriore dell’apparecchio e la parete deve essere di 50 mm. Uno spazio inferiore determinerà un maggiore consumo energetico dell’apparecchio. aggressivi quali ad esempioCLEANING spray AND MAINTENANC per i vetri, creme abrasive, liquidi WARNING: Ensure that infiammabili, cere per pulizia, detergenti switched off and disconnect supply before performing concentrati, sbiancanti o detergenti operation; never use steam cl contenenti prodotti derivati dal petrolio risk of electric shock. sulle parti in plastica, gli interni, i Do not use abrasive or rivestimenti delle porte o le guarnizioni. as window sprays, scouring c Non utilizzare carta da cucina, fluids, cleaning waxes, conce spugnette abrasive o altri strumenti di cleansers con bleaches or products on plastic parts, inte pulizia aggressivi. ELECTRICAL WARNINGS Deve essere possibile scollegare l’apparecchio dalla rete elettrica disinserendo la spina, se questa è accessibile, o tramite un interruttore multipolare installato a monte della presa nel rispetto dei regolamenti elettrici vigenti; inoltre, l’apparecchio deve essere messo a terra in conformità alle norme di sicurezza elettrica nazionali. Non utilizzare cavi di prolunga, prese multiple o adattatori. Al termine dell’installazione, i componenti elettrici non dovranno più essere accessibili all’utilizzatore. Non utilizzare l’apparecchio quando si è bagnati oppure a piedi nudi. Non accendere l’apparecchio se il cavo di alimentazione o la spina sono danneggiati, se si osservano anomalie di funzionamento o se l’apparecchio è caduto o è stato danneggiato. Se il cavo di alimentazione è danneggiato, deve essere sostituito con uno dello stesso tipo dal produttore, da un centro di assistenza autorizzato o da un tecnico qualificato per evitare situazioni di pericolo o rischi di scosse elettriche. AVVERTENZA: Non disporre prese multiple o alimentatori portatili sul retro dell’apparecchio. or gaskets. Do not use pap SMALTIMENTO DEL MATERIALE DI pads, or other harsh cleaning IMBALLAGGIO DISPOSAL OF PACKAGING MA Il materiale di imballaggio è riciclabile al 100% ed is 100% recycla The packaging material .. The various parts of t symbol è contrassegnato dal simbolo delrecycle riciclaggio be disposed of responsibly and in full com Le varie parti dell’imballaggio devono pertanto regulations governing waste disposal. essere smaltite responsabilmenteDISPOSAL e in stretta OF HOUSEHOLD AP appliance is manufactured with recy osservanza delle norme stabilite This dalle autorità Dispose of it in accordance with local locali. For further information on the treatme of household electrical appliances, conta SMALTIMENTO DEGLI collection service for household waste or th the appliance. This appliance is marked i ELETTRODOMESTICI Directive 2012/19/EU, Waste Electrical and By ensuring Questo prodotto è stato fabbricato con this product is disposed of co negative consequences for the environm materiale riciclabile o riutilizzabile. Smaltire symbol on the product or on the ac il prodotto rispettando le normative locali indicates that it should not be treated as taken to an appropriate collection centre in materia. Per ulteriori informazioni sul equipment. and electronic trattamento, il recupero e il riciclaggio ENERGY SAVING TIPS guarantee adequate ventilation foll degli elettrodomestici, contattareTol’ufficio Insufficient ventilation at the back of th locale competente, il servizio di consumption raccolta and decreases cooling efficie Frequent il door opening might cause an incr dei rifiuti domestici o il negozio presso The internal temperature of the appliance quale il prodotto è stato acquistato. Questo may be affected also by the ambient temp appliance. Temperature setting should apparecchio è contrassegnato inthe conformità factors. Reduce door opening to minimum alla Direttiva Europea 2012/19/UE suithawing rifiuti frozen food, place it in When of the frozen products cools di apparecchiature elettriche ed temperature elettroniche Allow warm food and drinks to cool d (RAEE). Provvedendo al correttoappliance. smaltimento Positioning of the shelves in the refrige del prodotto si contribuirà ad evitare potenziali efficient usage of energy. Food should be conseguenze negative sull’ambiente e ensure sulla proper air circulation (food way to and distance between food and rear wall sh salute umana. Il simbolo sul prodotto o sulla documentazione di accompagnamento indica che questo prodotto non deve essere trattato come rifiuto domestico, ma deve essere consegnato presso l’idoneo punto di raccolta per il riciclaggio di apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche. 8 CONSIGLI PER IL RISPARMIO ENERGETICO Per garantire un’adeguata ventilazione, seguire le istruzioni di installazione. Una ventilazione insufficiente sul retro dell’apparecchio provoca un aumento del consumo energetico e una riduzione dell’efficienza del raffreddamento. L’apertura frequente delle porte può causare un aumento del consumo di energia. La temperatura interna dell’apparecchio e il consumo energetico possono variare anche in funzione della temperatura ambiente e del luogo di installazione. Questi fattori devono essere presi in considerazione quando si imposta il termostato. Ridurre l’apertura delle porte allo stretto necessario. Per scongelare prodotti surgelati, collocarli nel comparto frigorifero. La bassa temperatura dei prodotti surgelati raffredda gli alimenti nel comparto frigorifero. Fare raffreddare alimenti e bevande calde prima di introdurli nell’apparecchio. Il posizionamento dei ripiani nel frigorifero non ha effetto sull’utilizzo efficiente dell’energia. Collocare gli alimenti sui ripiani in maniera da assicurare un’adeguata circolazione dell’aria (gli alimenti non devono essere a contatto tra di loro e non devono essere a contatto con la parete posteriore). Si può aumentare la capacità dell’area di conservazione di alimenti surgelati togliendo i cestelli e, se presente, il ripiano Stop Frost. I rumori provenienti dal compressore sono da considerarsi come normali rumori di funzionamento. 9 Installazione Posizionamento e collegamento Disimballaggio e 1. Rimuovere con cautela le protezioni e gli adesivi, aprire lo sportello e verificare che tutti i componenti siano presenti. 2. Estrarre il cavo di alimentazione. Collegamenti elettrici Dopo il trasporto, disporre il dispositivo verticalmente e attendere almeno 3 ore prima di collegarlo alla rete elettrica. Prima di inserire la spina nella presa elettrica, verificare che: • la presa sia messa a terra e sia a norma secondo le disposizioni • di legge; • la presa possa sostenere il carico elettrico massimo dell'apparecchio, indicato nella tabella della scheda tecnica o sulla targhetta di identificazione applicata in basso a destra (vedere la Descrizione del dispositivo); • la tensione di alimentazione rientri nell'intervallo indicato nella tabella della scheda tecnica o sulla targhetta di identificazione applicata in basso a destra (vedere la Descrizione del dispositivo); • la presa elettrica sia compatibile con la spina del dispositivo. In caso contrario, sostituire la presa o la spina; non usare prolunghe e multiple. Posizionamento 1. Posizionare il dispositivo in un'area ben ventilata, non umida e aperta (evitare gli armadi con pareti chiuse). 2. Tenere il dispositivo lontano da fonti di calore. 3. Verificare che siano rispettate le distanze minime tra il dispositivo e le pareti del locale in cui è posizionato, per garantire una ventilazione ideale dell'apparecchio. Vedere la figura. Dimensions of the cellar 455 444 Dimensions of the compartment Ventilation space: at least 50 mm 5 55 Here “PUSH TO OPEN” Here “PUSH TO CLOSE” 10 Furniture side area Product Description Descrizione del prodotto Product Description Parti interne EN EN Interior Parts CONTROL PANEL DOOR Interior Parts CONTROL PANEL BOTTLE AGEING COMPARTMENT BOTTLE AGEING COMPARTMENT DOOR SHELVES DATA PLATE SHELVES DATA PLATE Control Panel Pannello comandi ControlPILOT Panel REDUCE TEMPERATURE DISPLAY LAMP LIT PILOT LAMP LIT DISPLAY REDUCE TEMPERATURE POWER CONNECTION LIGHT POWER CONNECTION LIGHT LIGHT COOLING PILOT LAMP LIGHT COOLING PILOT LAMP 11 INCREASE TEMPERATURE INCREASE TEMPERATURE ON/OFF BUTTON ON/OFF BUTTON Uso della cantinetta Comparto di invecchiamento La funzione principale di questo comparto è garantire che i vini si conservino in condizioni ottimali. La temperatura viene preimpostata in fabbrica a un valore considerato ideale nella maggior parte dei casi, ed è pari a 15°C nella zona superiore. Il vino è un prodotto complesso, frutto di un processo lungo e lento, e per esprimere al meglio i suoi attributi ha bisogno di condizioni molto particolari. Tutti i vini vengono conservati alla stessa temperatura ma, a seconda delle loro caratteristiche, vanno serviti e gustati a temperature molto differenti (vedere la tabella delle temperature ideali). Per questa ragione, come nelle cantine delle aziende vinicole, non è tanto la temperatura assoluta dell'apparecchio il fattore importante per la conservazione dei vini, quanto piuttosto il mantenimento di quella temperatura a un valore costante nel tempo. Qualsiasi temperatura può essere ideale per la conservazione del vino, purché non subisca variazioni. Regolazione manuale della temperatura Quando si collega la cantinetta alla rete elettrica, il display mostra la temperatura interna: è stata impostata per raggiungere il valore di 15 ° C e mantenerlo costante. Se fosse necessario regolarla, seguire le istruzioni sotto riportate: 1. Quando si collega la cantinetta alla rete elettrica, il display mostra la temperatura impostata 2. Premere il tasto + per un secondo (vedere il Pannello comandi). Le cifre della temperatura lampeggeranno. 3. Premere i tasti + o - fino a raggiungere la temperatura desiderata 4. Attendere 5 secondi finché la temperatura non smette di lampeggiare. 5. Attendere che la cantinetta raggiunga la temperatura desiderata prima di introdurre le bottiglie. La luce interna non si accende (o si spegne temporaneamente) quando la temperatura interna supera i 24° C. Questo permette di raggiungere più velocemente la temperatura impostata. Estrazione dei ripiani in legno ATTENZIONE: I ripiani di legno non sono scorrevoli. Non estrarli quando vi sono appoggiate delle bottiglie, perché si rischierebbe di romperle. Prima di estrarre i ripiani per la pulizia si raccomanda di togliere prima le bottiglie. 12 Tabella delle temperature ideali dei vini Questa tabella indica le temperature approssimative a cui il vino dovrebbe essere servito. Se un vino deve essere servito a una temperatura più alta di quella presente all'interno della cantinetta, si raccomanda di estrarre la bottiglia con un anticipo sufficiente. Amarone 17°C Vini frizzanti, secchi e dolci 6°C Barbaresco 17°C Verdicchio di Matelica e dei Castelli di Jesi 8°C Barolo 17°C Vini bianchi del Trentino Alto Adige 11°C Beaujolais 13°C Vini bianchi Franciacorta 11°C 10°C Bordeaux bianco liquoroso 6°C Vini bianchi secchi aromatici Bordeaux bianco secco 8°C Vini bianchi secchi, giovani e fruttati 8°C Bordeaux rosso 17°C Vini bianchi del Friuli Venezia Giulia 11°C Vini bianchi di Borgogna 11°C Vini della Valle del Rodano 15°C Vini rossi di Borgogna 18°C Vini bianchi secchi della Valle della Loira 10°C Brunello 17°C Vini liquorosi della Loira Champagne 6°C Vini rossi della Valle della Loira 7°C 14°C Chianti Classico 16°C Vini passiti liquorosi 8-18°C Languedoc-Roussillon 13°C Vini rosé, vini novelli 12°C Passito di Pantelleria 6°C Vini rossi leggeri e poco tannici 14°C Vini rosé di Provenza 12°C Vini rossi molto tannici con struttura media 16°C 13 Stocking the wine bottles Stocking the wine bottles Stocking the wine bottles Disposizione delle bottiglie di vino Stocking the wine bottles Standard 24-bottle stock Champagne bottle stock Standard 24-bottle stock Champagne bottle stock standard a 24 bottiglie Disposizione per bottles bottiglie champagne Standard 24-bottle stock bottle stock TheDisposizione 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renanaChampagne Champagne aredi larger than standard bottles. disposizione (permixed, bottiglie Le bottiglie di champagne sono piùthe grandi quelle EN TheLa 24-bottle stocka 24 (forbottiglie standard, and to renana Champagne are larger thandistandard bottles. bottles) is recommended for wines that need be They must bebottles placed onto base of the wine cellar, standard, miste e renane) è consigliata per i vini standard. Devono perciò essere disposte sulla base bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar, The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles. visible and easily removed. which can hold up to 5. della cantinetta, che può contenere cinque and easily removed. which can hold up to 5. che devono essere visibilithat e facili da to estrarre. bottles) isvisible recommended for wines need be They must be placed onto the base offino thea wine cellar, Standard 24-bottle stock Champagne bottle stock visible and easily removed. which can hold up to 5. bottiglie. EN The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be visible and easily removed. Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles. They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar, which can hold up to 5. STANDARD If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in If youwine wantcellar, to stock morethe than 5 shelf Champagne bottles STANDARD 24 Bottles (100% lying down) your remove 3th and stock the in STANDARD your cellar, remove thethe 3thbottles shelfbottles and stock the 24 Bottles (100% lying down) STANDARD If you want to wine stock more than 5 Champagne insecond 3 shelves bottles in two rows (placing in the Se si desidera conservare nella cantinetta più 24 bottiglie (tutte distese) bottles inremove two those rows the in thewill second 3 shelves 24 Bottles (100% lying down) your winerow cellar, the(placing 3ththe shelf andbottles stock the between on bottom row). This hold di cinque bottiglie dithose champagne, rimuovere on the bottom row). This will hold 3 shelves 3 ripiani bottles inrow two rows (placing the bottles in the second up tobetween 9 bottles. il terzo ripiano e disporre le bottiglie su due up to tothose 9 bottles. row between on thethan bottom row). This will hold in Posizionare le bottiglie disponendone in Position each bottle into the slots on the 3una wooden STANDARD If you want stock more 5 Champagne bottles file le bottiglie della seconda fila Position each bottle slots on the the 3 wooden to 9(collocando bottles. ogni incavo sui can treinto ripiani di legno. Sulla base of theup shelves. 6 bottles bethe placed on bottom Some stocking 24 Bottles (100% lying down) your wine cellar, remove configurations the 3th shelf and stock the alternate quelle in appoggio sulla base). shelves. 6 bottles beon placed thesei bottom of thebottles stocking configurations Position bottle into thecan the 3 on wooden wine cellar. 3 shelveseach inSome twoarows (placing the bottles in the second della cantinetta èslots possibile disporre bottiglie. cellar. shelves. wine 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the disposizione permette introdurre Some stocking configurations rowQuesta between those on the bottom di row). This willfino hold Si raccomanda di disporre le bottiglie renane wine cellar. a nove bottiglie. We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the up to 9 bottles. sul ripiano inferiore e sulla base della cantinetta, We suggest youthe place the bottles onto the lower shelf and bottom ofthe the3 wine cellar because Position each bottle into slots onRenana wooden perché questi sono glion spazi più adatti le lower shelf and the bottom of wine cellar because We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the they have been specially designed to hold larger shelves. 6 bottles can be placed thethe bottom ofper the Some stocking configurations Alcuni esempi di disposizione they have specially designed hold larger lowercellar. shelf and the been bottom of the wine cellar to because bottiglie relativamente grandi. bottles. wine they havebottles. been specially designed to hold larger ! Il ripiano di legno può sostenere con sicurezza bottles. ! The wooden shelf can safely hold up the to 22 bottles. We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto fino a 22 bottiglie ! The shelfofcan hold up to 22 bottles. lower shelf andwooden the bottom thesafely wine cellar because ! Thehave wooden can safely hold up to 22larger bottles. they beenshelf specially designed to hold PRESERVATION bottles. PRESERVATION 28 Bottles (100% lying down) 28 Bottles (100% lying down) PRESERVATION ! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles. 28 Bottles (100% lying down) PRESERVATION CONSERVAZIONE 28 Bottles (100% lying down) 28 bottiglie (tutte distese) 14 Maintenance and alla ricerca guasti Manutenzione e guida troubleshooting Pulizia e manutenzione Guida alla ricerca guasti Care and maintenance Se la cantinetta non funziona correttamente, Disconnessione della cantinetta EN consultare l'elenco seguente prima di contattare il Durante le operazioni di pulizia e manutenzione, Disconnecting the wine cellar servizio di assistenza. è assolutamente necessario staccare la cantinetta cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar dalla During rete elettrica. Maintenance and troubleshooting Troubleshooting Care and maintenance Problema Possibili cause/rimedi If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your EN Disconnecting the wine cellar Service Centre. During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar Possible causes/solutions Problem Il compressore non funziona • La spina non è inserita nella presa elettrica, Troubleshooting oppure non è inserita a sufficienza per fare • The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not The compressor does not work contatto. si call è verificata un'interruzione If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list you your enoughOppure, to before make contact. Or, there could be a power Service Centre. di corrente nell'impianto domestico. failure in your home. • presa The wall-outlet in working order. Plug the wine • causes/solutions La elettricais ènotguasta o difettosa. Collegare Possible Problem cellar into another wall-outlet to check. la cantinetta a un'altra presa per verificarne il • The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not The compressor does not work enoughfunzionamento. to make contact. Or, there could be a power Il compressore nonnever si arresta The compressor stops mai failure in your home. Contattare il servizio assistenza • The• wall-outlet is not in working order.di Plug the wine • Contact the Service Centre cellar into another wall-outlet to check. ! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre. compressor never stops • Contact the ! The Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise theService wines.Centre It is only when working faults are left ! Qualsiasi intervento cantinetta essere eseguito da un tecnico autorizzato del servizio assistenza unsettled for a longsulla time that the winedeve may suffer. ! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre. di zona. ! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left ! I guasti di breve durata, come lemay interruzioni temporanee di corrente, non compromettono la unsettled for a long time that the wine suffer. conservazione dei vini. Questi possono subire alterazioni solo se i difetti di funzionamento vengono lasciati irrisolti per un periodo prolungato. Disposal ! The appliance wasprogettato designed and manufactured ! L’apparecchio è stato e fabbricato in in Smaltimento compliance with international safety standards. The conformità alle norme internazionali di sicurezza. ! The appliance was designed and manufactured following warnings are provided for safety in reasonsDisposal compliance with international safetyper standards. Queste avvertenze sono fornite scopiThe di and must be read carefully. following warnings are provided for safety reasons sicurezza e devono and must be read essere carefully. lette attentamente. • Attenersi vigentistandards per lo when Observe alle localnorme environmental Thisapparecchiatura appliance complies with the following Questa è conforme alle seguenti • Observe•smaltimento local environmental standards when difor This applianceDirectives: complies with the following del materiale imballaggio disposing packaging material recycling Community disposing packaging material for recycling Community Directives: direttive europee: purposes. riciclabile. purposes. • La direttiva europea 2012/19/UE sui - • The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste • The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Electricalrifiuti and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), di apparecchiature elettriche(WEEE), ed 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and Direttiva Bassa Tensione 2014/35/UE requires thatrequires old household electrical appliances that(RAEE) old household electrical appliances subsequent amendments; elettroniche vieta lo smaltimento degli subsequent amendments; must not bemust disposed of in disposed the normal unsorted Direttiva Compatibilità Elettromagnetica (EMC) not be of in the normal unsorted 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic municipalelettrodomestici waste stream. Old appliances must be - - 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic insieme ai normali rifiuti municipal waste stream. Old appliances must be Compatibility) and subsequent amendments; 2014/30/UE collected separately in order to optimise the Compatibility) - 2002/96/CE. and subsequent amendments; separately in they order to optimise apparecchi dismessithe devono recovery indifferenziati. andcollected recycling of the Gli materials contain Direttiva RAEE 2012/30/UE - 2002/96/CE. recovery and recycling they contain and reduce the impact on human health of andthe thematerials essere smaltiti separatamente per ottimizzare environment.and The reduce crossed out bin”human health and the the “wheeled impact on il tasso di recupero e riciclaggio dei materiali symbol on the product reminds of your out “wheeled bin” environment. Theyou crossed obligation, that liwhen you dispose of e theimpedire appliance potenziali che compongono symbol on the product reminds you of your it must be separately collected. obligation, that when you dispose danni per la salute umana e l’ambiente. Consumers should contact their local authority or of the appliance it must be separately retailer for information concerning the collected. correct Il simbolo del "bidone barrato" riportato disposal of Consumers their old appliance. should contact their local authority or sulretailer prodotto ricorda l'obbligo di the raccolta for information concerning correct differenziata. disposal of their old appliance. Per ulteriori informazioni sul corretto smaltimento degli elettrodomestici, rivolgersi all'ufficio pubblico preposto o al rivenditore. 18 18 15 Assistenza Assistance Prima di contattare l'Assistenza: • Verificare se si riesce a risolvere da soli il problema (vedere la sezione Anomalie e Rimedi). • In caso negativo, contattare il Numero Unico Nazionale 199.199.199 Before calling for Assistance: • Check if the malfunction can be solved on your own (see Troubleshooting). • If after all the checks, the appliance still does not operate or the problem persists, call the nearest Service Centre model serial number Comunicare: • il tipo di anomalia Communicating: • il modello dell'apparecchio (Mod.) • type of malfunction • il numero di serie (S/N) model (Mod.) • appliance • serial number (S/N) Queste informazioni trovanocan sullabetarghetta datidata This si information found on the plate located on the bottom left side of the posta in basso a sinistra nel vano frigorifero. refrigerator compartment. Mod. RG 2330 220 - 240 V- TI 50 Hz Cod. 150 W 75 Total 340 Net Gross Gross Util Bruto Bruto Utile Brut Brut Compr. R 134 a Test Pressure HIGH-235 Syst. P.S-I. LOW 140 Kompr. kg 0,090 Made in Italy 13918 93139180000 W Fuse S/N 704211801 A Max 15 w Capac Class Poder de Cong Clase Freez. Gross Bruto Brut EN kg/24 h 4,0 N Classe ESEMPIO DI ETICHETTA Never call on unauthorized technicians and always refuse spare parts which are not originals. Non ricorrete mai a tecnici non autorizzati e rifiutate sempre l'installazione di pezzi di ricambio non originali. 19 16 English, USER GUIDE IT Italiano, 4 RU Русский, 68 EN English, 17 KZ Қазақша, 81 FR Français, 29 NL Nederlands, 94 ES Español, 42 PT Português, 107 DE Deutsch, 55 Contents Features, 18 Notices Data Sheet Installation, 22 Location and power connection Technical information Product Description, 23 Interior Parts Control Panel Using the Wine Cellar, 24-25 Bottle ageing compartment Manual temperature control Taking out the wooden shelves Table of ideal wine temperatures Stocking the wine bottles, 26 How to stock the bottles Maintenance and troubleshooting, 27 Care and Maintenance Troubleshooting Assistance, 28 17 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS IMPORTANT to be read and observed Before using the appliance, read these safety instructions. Keep them nearby for future reference. These instructions and the appliance itself provide important safety warnings, to be observed at all times. The manufacturer declines any liability for failure to observe these safety instructions, for inappropriate use of the appliance or incorrect setting of controls. Very young children (0-3 years) should be kept away from the appliance. Young children (3-8 years) should be kept away from the appliance unless continuously supervised. Children from 8 years old and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge can use this appliance only if they are supervised or have been given instructions on safe use and understand the hazards involved. Children must not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance must not be carried out by children without supervision. Children aged from 3 to 8 years are allowed to load and unload refrigerating appliances. room lighting within the home (EC Regulation 244/2009). The appliance is designed for operation in places where the ambient temperature comes within the following ranges, according to the climatic class given on the rating plate. The appliance may not work properly if it is left for a long time at a temperature outside the specified range. Climatic Class Amb. T. (°C) SN: From 10 to 32 °C ST: From 16 to 38 °C; N: From 16 to 32 °C T: From 16 to 43 °C This appliance does not contain CFCs. The refrigerant circuit contains R600a (HC). Appliances with Isobutane (R600a): isobutane is a natural gas without environmental impact, but is flammable. Therefore, make sure the refrigerant circuit pipes are not damaged, especially when emptying the refrigerant circuit. WARNING: Do not damage the appliance refrigerant circuit pipes. WARNING: Keep ventilation openings, in the appliance enclosure or in the built-in structure, clear of obstruction. WARNING: Do not use mechanical, electric or chemical means other than those recommended by the Manufacturer to speed up the defrost process. WARNING: Do not use or place electrical devices inside the appliance compartments if they are not of the type expressly authorised by the Manufacturer. WARNING: Ice makers and/or water dispensers not directly connected to the water supply must be filled with potable water only. Do not store explosive substances such as aerosol cans and do not place PERMITTED USE CAUTION: The appliance is not intended to be operated by means of an external switching device, such as a timer, or separate remote controlled system. This appliance is intended to be used in household and similar applications such as: staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working environments; farm houses; by clients in hotels, motels, bed & breakfast and other residential environments. This appliance is not for professional use. Do not use the appliance outdoors. The bulb used inside the appliance is specifically designed for domestic appliances and is not suitable for general 18 or use gasoline or other flammable materials in or near the appliance. Do not swallow the contents (nontoxic) of the ice packs (provided with some models). Do not eat ice cubes or ice lollies immediately after taking them out of the freezer since they may cause cold burns. Do not store glass containers with liquids in the freezer compartment since they may break. Do not obstruct the fan (if included) with food items. After placing the food check that the door of compartments closes properly, especially the freezer door. Damaged gaskets must be replaced as soon as possible. This appliance is intended to be used exclusively for the storage of wine in the wine storage compartment, for storing fresh food in the drawer in refrigerator mode and for storing frozen food, freezing fresh food and making ice cubes in the drawer in freezer mode. Always store bottles without their packaging and not inside crates or boxes. The capacity of the wine storage compartment is indicated in the chapter describing the stocking of wine bottles. Avoid storing unwrapped food in direct contact with internal surfaces of the refrigerator or freezer compartments. Appliances could have special compartments (Fresh Food Compartment, Zero Degree Box,...). Unless differently specified in the specific booklet of product, they can be removed, maintaining equivalent performances. C-Pentane is used as blowing agent in the insulation foam and it is a flammable gas. The most appropriate part of the drawer where specific types of food are to be stored, taking into account different temperature distribution in different compartments in the appliance, are as follows: - Refrigerator mode: 1) Upper area of the refrigerator compartment - temperature zone: Store tropical fruit, cans, drinks, eggs, sauces, pickles, butter, jam 2) Middle area of the refrigerator compartment - cool zone: Store cheese, milk, dairy food, deli food, yoghurt 3) Lower area of the refrigerator compartment - coldest zone: Store cold cuts, desserts, meat and fish, cheesecake, fresh pasta, sour cream, pesto/salsa, home-cooked food, pastry cream, pudding and cream cheese 4) The bottom of the refrigerator compartment: Store vegetables and fruits (excluding tropical fruits) - Freezer mode: Purchased frozen food has the storage expiration date stated on the packaging. This date takes into account the type of food being stored and therefore this date should be respected. Fresh food should be stored for the following time periods: 1-3 months for cheese, shellfish, ice cream, ham/sausage, milk, fresh liquids; 4 months for steak or chops (beef, lamb, pork); 6 months for butter or margarine, poultry (chicken, turkey); 8-12 months for fruits (except citrus), roast meat (beef, pork, lamb), vegetables. Expiration dates on the packaging of foods must be respected. To avoid food contamination, please observe the following: a significant increase of the temperature in the compartments of the appliance. – Regularly clean surfaces that may come into contact with food and accessible drainage systems. – Clean water tanks if they have not been used for 48 h; flush the water system connected to a water supply if water has not been drawn for 5 days. 19 – Store raw meat and fish in suitable containers in the refrigerator, so that it does not come into contact with or drip onto other food. – Two-star frozen food compartments are suitable for storing pre-frozen food, storing or making ice cream and ice cubes. – Do not freeze fresh food in one, two or three-star compartments. – If the refrigerating appliance is left empty for long periods, switch off, defrost, clean, dry, and leave the door open to prevent mould developing inside the appliance. feet are stable and resting on the floor, adjusting them as required, and check that the appliance is perfectly level using a spirit level. Wait at least two hours before switching the appliance on, to ensure that the refrigerant circuit is fully efficient. WARNING: When positioning the appliance, ensure the supply cord is not trapped or damaged. WARNING: To avoid a hazard due to instability, positioning or fixing of the appliance must be done in accordance with the manufacturer instructions. It’s forbidden to place the refrigerator in such way that the metal hose of gas stove, metal gas or water pipes, or electrical wires are in contact with the refrigerator back wall (condenser coil). To guarantee adequate ventilation, leave a space on both sides and above the appliance. The distance between the rear of the appliance and the wall behind the appliance should be 50mm, to avoid access to hot surfaces. A reduction of this space will increase the Energy consumption of product. INSTALLATION The appliance must be handled and installed by two or more persons - risk of injury. Use protective gloves to unpack and install - risk of cuts. Installation, including water supply (if any), electrical connections and repairs must be carried out by a qualified technician. Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance unless specifically stated in the user manual. Keep children away from the installation site. After unpacking the appliance, make sure that it has not been damaged during transport. In the event of problems, contact the dealer or your nearest Aftersales Service. Once installed, packaging waste (plastic, styrofoam parts etc.) must be stored out of reach of children - risk of suffocation. The appliance must be disconnected from the power supply before any installation operation - risk of electric shock. During installation, make sure the appliance does not damage the power cable - risk of fire or electric shock. Only activate the appliance when the installation has been completed. Be careful not to damage the floors (e.g. parquet) when moving the appliance. Install the appliance on a floor or support strong enough to take its weight and in a place suitable for its size and use. Make sure the appliance is not near a heat source and that the four ELECTRICAL WARNINGS It must be possible to disconnect the appliance from the power supply by unplugging it if plug is accessible, or by a multi-pole switch installed upstream of the socket in accordance with the wiring rules and the appliance must be earthed in conformity with national electrical safety standards. Do not use extension leads, multiple sockets or adapters. The electrical components must not be accessible to the user after installation. Do not use the appliance when you are wet or barefoot. Do not operate this appliance if it has a damaged power cable or plug, if it is not working properly, or if it has been damaged or dropped. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced with an identical one by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard - risk of electric shock. 20 can increase storage capacity of frozen with the wiring rules and the appliance must You and, if present, Stop Frost shelf. be earthed in conformity with national electrical Do not worry about noises coming from safety standards. normal operation noises. Do not use extension leads, multiple sockets or adapters. The electrical components must not ENERGY SAVING TIPS WARNING: Do notbelocate multiple accessible to the user after installation. Do not guarantee ventilation follow appliance whenToyou are wetadequate or barefoot. portable socket-outletsuse orthe portable installation instructions. Insufficient ventilation Do not operate this appliance if it has a damaged power supplies at the rear of the at the back of the product increases energy power cable or plug, if it is not working properly, appliance. or if it has been damaged or dropped. consumption and decreases cooling efficiency. If the supply cord is damaged, it must Frequent door opening might cause an CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE be replaced with anincrease identical one consumption. by the in Energy The internal WARNING: Ensuremanufacturer, that the its service agent ofor similarly temperature the appliance and the Energy appliance is switched off and persons in order to avoid a hazard qualified Consumption may be affected also by the disconnected from therisk power supply of electric shock. as well as location of WARNING: Do notambient locate temperature, multiple portable before performing any maintenance the appliance. Temperature socket-outlets power supplies at thesetting should operation; never use steam cleaningor portable take into consideration these factors. Reduce rear of the appliance. equipment - risk of electric shock. CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE door opening to minimum. When thawing Do not use abrasive or harsh WARNING: Ensurefrozen thatfood, the place appliance it in the is refrigerator. The cleaners such as window sprays,off and disconnected switched from the power low temperature of the frozen products cools supply before performing scouring cleansers, flammable the foodany in themaintenance refrigerator. Allow warm food never use steam cleaning equipment fluids, cleaning waxes, operation; concentrated and drinks to cool down before placing in the risk of electric shock. detergents, bleaches or cleansers appliance. Do not use abrasive or harsh cleaners such containing petroleum products Positioning of theflammable shelves in the refrigerator has as windowon sprays, scouring cleansers, plastic parts, interior and door liners waxes, no impact on thedetergents, efficient usage of energy. Food fluids, cleaning concentrated or gaskets. Do not usebleaches paper towels, or cleansersshould containing be placed petroleum on the shelves in such way to on plastic parts, interior andairdoor liners (food should not scouring pads, or otherproducts harsh cleaning ensure proper circulation or gaskets. Do not use paper towels, scouring tools. touch each other and distance between food and pads, or other harsh cleaning tools. rear wall should be kept). DISPOSAL OF PACKAGING MATERIALS DISPOSAL OF PACKAGING MATERIALS can increase storage of frozen food The packaging material is 100% recyclable The packaging material is 100%You recyclable and is marked with capacity the The various parts of the packaging must and, therefore recycle symbol by removing baskets if present, Stop Frost and is marked with the recycle symbol .. The be disposed of responsibly and in full compliance with local authority shelf. Do not worry about noises coming from various parts of the packaging must therefore be disposal. regulations governing waste the compressor disposed of responsibly andDISPOSAL in full compliance OF HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCESwhich are normal operation This appliance is manufactured with recyclable or reusable materials. noises. with local authority regulations governing waste Dispose of it in accordance with local waste disposal regulations. disposal. For further information on the treatment, recovery and recycling of household electrical appliances, contact your local authority, the collection service for household waste or the store where you purchased DISPOSAL OF HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES the appliance. This appliance is marked in compliance with European This appliance is manufactured with2012/19/EU, recyclable Directive Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent or reusable materials. Dispose of it in accordance negative consequences for the environment and human health. The with local waste disposal regulations. For symbol on thefurther product or on the accompanying documentation indicates that it should not be treated as domestic waste but must be information on the treatment, recovery and taken to an appropriate collection centre for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. recycling of household electrical appliances, SAVING TIPS contact your local authority,ENERGY the collection adequate ventilation follow installation instructions. service for household wasteTo orguarantee the store where Insufficient ventilation at the back of the product increases energy consumption and decreases you purchased the appliance. This appliance is cooling efficiency. Frequent door opening might cause an increase in Energy consumption. marked in compliance with The European Directive internal temperature of the appliance and the Energy Consumption mayand be affected also by the ambient temperature, as well as location of 2012/19/EU, Waste Electrical Electronic the appliance. Temperature setting should take into consideration these Equipment (WEEE). By ensuring product factors.this Reduce door opening to minimum. thawing frozen food, place it in the refrigerator. The low is disposed of correctly, youWhen will help prevent temperature of the frozen products cools the food in the refrigerator. negative consequences for the Allowenvironment warm food andand drinks to cool down before placing in the appliance. the shelves human health. The symbol Positioning on the ofproduct or in the refrigerator has no impact on the efficient usage of energy. Food should be placed on the shelves in such on the accompanying documentation way to ensureindicates proper air circulation (food should not touch each other between food and rear wall should be kept). that it should not be treatedand asdistance domestic waste but must be taken to an appropriate collection centre for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. 21 Installation Positioning and connection Unpacking 1. Carefully remove the protections and the adhesives, open the door and make sure all the components are present. 2. Take out the power supply cable. Wiring connection After transport, stand the device vertically, and wait for at least 3 hours before connecting it to the wiring system. Before putting the plug into the power socket, make sure that: • the socket is earthed and according to legal • regulations; • the socket is able to hold up to the maximum power load of the machine, indicated on the Data Sheet table or on the feature plate to the bottom right (see Description of the device); • the power supply voltage falls within the range indicated on the Data Sheet table or on the feature plate to the bottom right (see Description of the device); • the power socket is compatible with the plug of the device. Otherwise, replace the socket or the plug; do not use extensions or multiple sockets. Positioning 1. Position the device in a well ventilated area, not damp and free (avoid cabinets with closed walls). 2. Keep the device away from heat sources. 3. Make sure the minimum distances between the device and the walls of the room where it is placed are kept, in order to ensure perfect ventilation of the device. See figure. Dimensions of the cellar 455 444 Dimensions of the compartment Ventilation space: at least 50 mm 5 55 Here “PUSH TO OPEN” Here “PUSH TO CLOSE” 22 Furniture side area Product Description Product Description Product Description Interior Parts EN EN Interior Parts CONTROL PANEL DOOR Interior Parts CONTROL PANEL BOTTLE AGEING COMPARTMENT BOTTLE AGEING COMPARTMENT DOOR SHELVES DATA PLATE SHELVES DATA PLATE Control Panel Control Panel ControlPILOT Panel REDUCE TEMPERATURE DISPLAY LAMP LIT PILOT LAMP LIT DISPLAY REDUCE TEMPERATURE POWER CONNECTION LIGHT POWER CONNECTION LIGHT LIGHT COOLING PILOT LAMP LIGHT COOLING PILOT LAMP 23 INCREASE TEMPERATURE INCREASE TEMPERATURE ON/OFF BUTTON ON/OFF BUTTON Using the wine cellar Bottle ageing compartment The ageing compartment’s main function is that of guaranteeing that your wines are preserved in optimal conditions. The temperature has been set in the factory at a temperature held to be excellent in most cases and is 15°C in the upper compartment. Wine has a complex nature and it derives from a long and slow process. In order to best express its attributes, very specific conditions are necessary. All wines are preserved at the same temperature, but, depending on their different characteristics, wines are served and tasted at very different temperatures (see the Table of ideal wine temperatures). Therefore, just as for manufacturers’ wine cellars, for your new appliance, the absolute temperature value is not important for preserving your wine. Rather, the constant temperature through time is important. Wine preservation is ideal at any temperature, as long as that temperature does not vary. Manual temperature control When you plug in your wine cellar, the display shows the temperature inside the cellar: it has been set to reach 15 ° C and become steady on it. Should you need to adjust it, follow the instructions below: 1. When you plug in your wine cellar, the display shows the temperature that has been set 2. Press the + button for one second (see the Control Panel). The temperature will begin to blink. 3. Press the + or - buttons until you reach the desired temperature 4. Wait 5 seconds for the temperature to stop blinking. 5. Wait until the wine cellar reaches its temperature before you place the wine bottles inside. The inside light does not go on (or it goes off temporarily) when the inside temperature goes over 24° C. This allows you to reach the pre-set temperature more quickly. Taking out the wooden shelves WARNING: The wooden shelves are not sliding. Do not take them out when loaded with bottles, to prevent the risk of the bottles breaking. You can take the shelves out for cleaning only when they are not loaded with any bottles. 24 Table of ideal wine temperatures This table indicates the approximate temperatures at which wine should be served. Should one of your wines need to be served at a temperature that is greater than the temperature inside your wine cellar, we suggest that you leave it wine out for the time that is necessary before you serve it. Amarone 17°C Dry and Sweet Sparkling Wines 6°C Barbaresco 17°C Verdicchio di Matelica e dei Castelli di Jesi 8°C Barolo 17°C White wines from Trentino Alto Adige 11°C Beaujolais 13°C Franciacorta White Wines 11°C White liquered Bordeaux 6°C Dry aromatic white wines 10°C Dry White Bordeaux 8°C Dry, young, and fruity white wines 8°C Red Bordeaux 17°C White wines from Friuli Venezia Giulia 11°C White Bourgogne 11°C Rodano wines 15°C Red Bourgogne 18°C Dry white wines from the Loire 10°C Brunello 17°C Liquered wines from the Loire 7°C Champagne 6°C Red wines from the Loire 14°C Chianti Classico 16°C Liquered Passito wines Languedoc-Roussillon 13°C Rosè Wines, New Wines 12°C Passito di Pantelleria 6°C Light red wines with mild tannic 14°C Red, rather tannic wines with medium structure 16°C Rosé Provence 12°C 25 8-18°C Stocking the wine bottles Stocking Stocking the the wine wine bottles bottles Stocking the wine bottles Stocking the wine bottles Standard 24-bottle stock Champagne bottle stock Standard Standard 24-bottle 24-bottle stock stock Champagne Champagne bottle stock bottle stock 24-bottle stock mixed, and renanaChampagne Champagne bottle stock Standard 24-bottle stock bottle stock TheStandard 24-bottle stock (for standard, Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles.EN 24-bottle stock standard, mixed, andto Champagne bottles are larger than standard EN The 24-bottle TheThe 24-bottle stock (forstock standard, (for(for standard, mixed, and mixed, renana and renana Champagne bottles are bottles larger are than larger standard than standard bottles. bottles. bottles) is recommended for wines that need be Champagne They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar, renana bottles) is recommended for wines that bottles. They must be placed onto the base of the bottles) isbottles) recommended is recommended for wines for that wines need that to be need to be They must They be placed must be onto placed the base onto the of the base wine of the cellar, wine cellar, The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles. visible and easily removed. which can hold up to 5. visible and easily removed. easily removed. which can which hold can up to hold 5. upthe toup5. needand to be visible and easily wine cellar, which can hold to 5.of the wine cellar, bottles) isvisible recommended for wines thatremoved. need to be They must be placed onto base visible and easily removed. which can hold up to 5. STANDARD If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in STANDARD you wantcellar, to stock more than 5 shelf Champagne STANDARD If you want to wine stock more than 5 Champagne bottles inbottles 24 Bottles (100% lying down) your remove the 3th and stock the in STANDARD If youIf want to stock more than 5 Champagne 24 Bottles (100% down) your cellar, remove thethe 3th shelf and stock the 24 Bottleslying (100% lying down) your cellar, remove the 3th andbottles stock thethe STANDARD If youwine want to wine stock more than 5 shelf Champagne bottles insecond 3 shelves bottles in two rows (placing in 24 Bottles (100% lying down) bottles in your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf 3 shelves bottles inremove two rows the in thewill second 3 shelves bottles inrow two rows (placing the bottles inbottles the second 24 Bottles (100% lying down) your wine cellar, the(placing 3ththe shelf and stock the between those on bottom row). This hold stock the bottles two rows (placing thehold row on the bottom row). This will hold rowand between those on those theinbottom row). This will 3 shelves 3 shelves bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second up tobetween 9 bottles. bottles second row between on the upintothe 9 bottles. up to 9 bottles. row between those on the bottom row).those This will hold Position each bottle slots on the 3 Position each bottle intointo the the slots on the 3 wooden bottom row). This will hold up to 9 bottles. Position each bottle into thecan slots on the 3 on wooden Position each bottle into slots on the 3 wooden 9 bottles. wooden shelves. 6 bottles can be the placed on the shelves. 6 bottles bethe placed bottom of theup to Some stocking configurations shelves. each 6 bottles be placed on the the of theSome stocking shelves. 6can bottles can be placed theofbottom Position bottle into the slots on the bottom 3 on wooden Some stocking configurations configurations wine cellar. bottom of the wine cellar. wine cellar. wine cellar. shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the Some stocking configurations Some stocking configurations We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto wine cellar. We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the lower shelf and the bottom of the We suggest you place the Renana onto thewine We the suggest you place the bottles Renana bottles onto the lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because cellar because they have been specially lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the designed they have been specially designed to hold larger they have been specially designed to hold they been designed to hold larger lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellarlarger because tohave hold largerspecially bottles. bottles. bottles. they havebottles. been specially designed to hold larger ! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles. ! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles. bottles ! The wooden canshelf safely hold up to 22 up bottles. ! The shelf wooden can safely hold to 22 bottles. ! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles. PRESERVATION PRESERVATION PRESERVATION 28 Bottles (100% lying down) 28(100% Bottleslying (100% lying down) 28 Bottles down) PRESERVATION PRESERVATION 28 Bottles (100% lying down) 28 Bottles (100% lying down) 26 Maintenance and troubleshooting EN Maintenance and troubleshooting Care and maintenance Maintenance and Troubleshooting Caretroubleshooting and maintenance Disconnecting the wine cellar During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar If you notice that your wine cellar is not working Disconnecting the wine cellar Troubleshooting properly, check with the following list before you DuringCare cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative and maintenance If you notice the thatwine your wine cellar is not working properly, call check withService the following list before you call your EN your Centre. that you unplug cellar. Disconnecting the wine cellar Service Centre. During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar Possible causes/solutions Problem Problem Possible causes/solutions Troubleshooting • The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not The compressor does not work The If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following you call your enoughlist to before make contact. Or, there could be a power Service Centre. does not work compressor • Thefailure plug inis your not home. plugged into the wall-outlet or • The wall-outletmake is notcontact. in workingOr, order. Plugcould the wine there be cellar into another wall-outlet to check. a power failure in your home. The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not • The wall-outlet is not inbeworking enough to make contact. Or, there could a power order. Plug the failure in your home. wine cellar into another wall-outlet to check. Problem not enough to Possible causes/solutions The compressor does not work • The compressor never stops The compressor never stops • The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine • Contact the Service Centre cellar into another wall-outlet to check. • Contact the Service Centre ! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre. compressor never stops • Contact the ! The Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise theService wines.Centre It is only when working faults are left unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer. ! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre. ! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre. Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left ! Short!unsettled term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are for a long time that the wine may suffer. left unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer. Disposal The appliance designed manufacturedinin ! The! appliance waswas designed andand manufactured Disposal compliance with international safety standards. The compliance with international safety standards. The Disposal ! The appliance was designed and manufactured in following warnings are provided for safety reasons compliance with international safety for standards. following warnings arecarefully. provided safetyThe reasons and must be read following warnings are provided for safety reasons and must be read carefully. and must be read carefully. • •Observe standards when Observelocal local environmental environmental standards when This appliance complies with following This appliance complies with thethefollowing • Observe disposing local environmental standards when for This applianceDirectives: complies with the following packaging material forrecycling recycling disposing packaging material Community disposing packaging material for recycling Community Directives: Community Directives: purposes. purposes. purposes. • Directive 2012/19/EUon Wwaste Electrical 73/23/EEC (Low Voltage) and and - -73/23/EEC of19/02/73 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) - Low Voltage ofDirective (LVD) 2014/35/EU subsequent amendments; subsequent amendments; - The Electromagnetic - 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89compatibility (Electromagnetic (EMC) - 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic Compatibility) and subsequent amendments; Directive 2014/30/EU Compatibility) - 2002/96/CE. and subsequent amendments; - RAEE Directive 2012/30/EU - 2002/96/CE. • The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste • The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Electricaland and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), Electronic Equipment (WEEE(WEEE), 2 requires thatrequires old household electrical appliances that old household electrical appliances requires that old household must not Directive), bemust disposed of in the normal unsorted not be disposed of in the normal unsorted municipalelectrical waste stream. Old appliances mustnot be be disposed appliances must municipal waste stream. Old appliances must be collected separately in order to optimise the separately in they order to optimisewaste the inrecycling the normal unsorted municipal recovery of andcollected of the materials contain recovery and recycling the they contain and reduce the impact on human health of and thematerials stream. Old appliances must be collected environment.and The reduce crossed out bin”human health and the the “wheeled impact on separately in order to optimise the recovery symbol on the product reminds of your environment. Theyou crossed out “wheeled bin” obligation, that recycling when you dispose of the appliance they contain and the materials symbol on theofproduct reminds you of your it must be separately collected. obligation, that when dispose the appliance and reduce the impact on human and Consumers should contact their localyou authority or of health it must be separately retailer for information concerning the collected. correct the environment. The crossed out “wheeled disposal of Consumers their old appliance. should contact their local authority or bin” symbol on the product reminds you of retailer for information concerning the correct your obligation, when you dispose of the disposal of their that old appliance. appliance it must be separately collected. Consumers should contact their local authority or retailer for information concerning the correct disposal of their old appliance. 18 18 27 Assistance Assistance Before calling for Assistance: • Check if the malfunction can be solved on your own (see Troubleshooting). • If after all the checks, the appliance still does not operate or the problem persists, call the nearest Service CentreBefore calling for Assistance: EN • Check if the malfunction can be solved on your own (see Troubleshooting). • If after all the checks, the appliance still does not operate or the problem persists, call the nearest Service Centre Communicating: model serial number • type of malfunction Communicating: • appliance model • (Mod.) type of malfunction • serial number (S/N) • appliance model (Mod.) • serial number (S/N) This information can found on data plate This be information canthe be found on the data plate located on of the the bottom left side of the located on the bottom left side refrigerator refrigerator compartment. compartment. Mod. RG 2330 220 - 240 V- TI 50 Hz Cod. 150 W 75 Total 340 Net Gross Gross Util Bruto Bruto Utile Brut Brut Compr. R 134 a Test Pressure HIGH-235 Syst. P.S-I. LOW 140 Kompr. kg 0,090 Made in Italy 13918 93139180000 W Fuse S/N 704211801 A Gross Bruto Brut Max 15 w Capac Class Poder de Cong Clase Freez. kg/24 h 4,0 N Classe EXAMPLE OF LABEL Never call on unauthorized technicians and always refuse spare parts which are not originals. Never call on unauthorized technicians and always refuse spare parts which are not originals. 19 28 Français, GUIDE D'UTILISATION IT Italiano, 4 RU Русский, 68 EN English, 17 KZ Қазақша, 81 FR Français, 29 NL Nederlands, 94 ES Español, 42 PT Português, 107 DE Deutsch, 55 Table des matières Caractéristiques, 30 Communications Fiche de données Installation, 35 Emplacement et branchement électrique Informations techniques Description du produit, 36 Pièces intérieures Panneau de commande Utilisation de la cave à vin, 37-38 Compartiment de vieillissement des bouteilles Contrôle de température manuel Sortie des tablettes en bois Tableau des températures de vin idéales Stockage des bouteilles de vin, 39 Comment stocker les bouteilles Entretien et dépannage, 40 Nettoyage et entretien Dépannage Assistance, 41 29 CONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉ IMPORTANT - À LIRE ET À RESPECTER Avant d’utiliser l’appareil, lire attentivement les consignes de sécurité. Conservez-les à portée pour consultation ultérieure. Le présent manuel et l’appareil en question contiennent des consignes de sécurité importantes qui doivent être lues et observées en tout temps. Le Fabricant décline toute responsabilité si les consignes de sécurité ne sont pas respectées, en cas de mauvaise utilisation de l’appareil, ou d’un mauvais réglage des commandes. Les enfants en bas âge (0-3 ans) doivent être tenus à l’écart de l’appareil. Les jeunes enfants (3-8 ans) doivent être tenus à l’écart de l’appareil sauf s’ils se trouvent sous surveillance constante. Les enfants âgés de 8 ans et plus, ainsi que les personnes présentant des capacités physiques, sensorielles ou mentales réduites, ou ne possédant ni l’expérience ni les connaissances requises, peuvent utiliser cet appareil seulement s’ils sont supervisés, ou si une personne responsable leur a expliqué l’utilisation sécuritaire et les dangers potentiels de l’appareil. Ne laissez pas les enfants jouer avec l’appareil. Les enfants ne doivent pas nettoyer, ni procéder à l’entretien de l’appareil sans surveillance. Les enfants âgés de 3 à 8 ans sont autorisés à charger et décharger les appareils de réfrigération. le personnel dans les magasins, bureaux et autres environnements de travail ; dans les fermes; par les clients dans les hôtels, motels, et autres résidences similaires. Cet appareil n’est pas conçu pour un usage professionnel. N’utilisez pas l’appareil en extérieur. L’ampoule utilisée dans l’appareil est spécialement conçue pour des appareils ménagers et ne convient pas à l’éclairage général d’une pièce au domicile (réglementation CE 244/2009). L’appareil est conçu pour fonctionner à des endroits où la température ambiante se trouve dans les plages suivantes, en fonction de la classe climatique indiquée sur la plaque signalétique. L’appareil risque de ne pas fonctionner correctement s’il reste pendant une longue période à une température supérieure ou inférieure à la plage prévue. Températures ambiantes classe climatique : SN: De 10 à 32 °C ST: De 16 à 38 °C; N: De 16 à 32 °C T: De 16 à 43 °C Cet appareil ne contient pas de CFC. Le circuit de réfrigérant contient du R600a (HC). Appareils avec isobutane (R600a) : l’isobutane est un gaz naturel qui n’est pas nuisible à l’environnement, mais il est inflammable. Par conséquent, assurez-vous que les tuyaux du circuit réfrigérant ne sont pas endommagés, surtout lorsque vous videz le circuit réfrigérant. AVERTISSEMENT : N’endommagez pas les tuyaux du circuit de refroidissement de l’appareil. AVERTISSEMENT : Veillez à ce que les ouvertures de ventilation, UTILISATION AUTORISÉE MISE EN GARDE : Cet appareil n’est pas conçu pour fonctionner à l’aide d’un dispositif de commutation externe, comme une minuterie ou un système de télécommande. Cet appareil est destiné à un usage domestique et peut aussi être utilisé dans les endroits suivants : cuisines pour 30 dans l’enceinte de l’appareil ou dans la structure intégrée, soient dénuées d’obstructions. AVERTISSEMENT : N’utilisez pas des moyens mécaniques, électriques ou chimiques différents de ceux recommandés par le fabricant pour accélérer le processus de décongélation. AVERTISSEMENT : N’utilisez pas ou ne placez pas les dispositifs électriques à l’intérieur des compartiments de l’appareil s’ils ne sont pas du type expressément autorisé par le fabricant. AVERTISSEMENT : Les machines à glaçons et/ou les distributeurs d’eau non directement raccordés à l’arrivée d’eau doivent être remplis uniquement avec de l’eau potable. N’entreposez pas de substances explosives comme les aérosols et ne placez pas ou n’ utilisez pas d’essence ou d’autres matériaux inflammables dans ou près de l’appareil. N’avalez pas le contenu (non toxique) des sacs de glace (dans certains modèles). Ne mangez pas de glaçons ou de bâtonnets glacés immédiatement après les avoir sortis du congélateur ; ils pourraient provoquer des brûlures par le gel. Pour les produits conçus pour utiliser un filtre à air à l’intérieur d’un couvercle de ventilateur accessible, le filtre doit toujours être en place lorsque le réfrigérateur est en marche. Ne stockez pas de récipients en verre avec des liquides dans le compartiment congélateur; ils pourraient se briser. N’obstruez pas le ventilateur (si disponible) avec des aliments. Après avoir placé les aliments, vérifiez que la porte des compartiments ferme correctement, en particulier la porte du congélateur. Les joints endommagés doivent être remplacés dès que possible. Cet appareil est destiné à être utilisé exclusivement pour le stockage du vin dans le compartiment de stockage du vin, pour le stockage des aliments frais dans le tiroir en mode réfrigérateur et pour le stockage des aliments congelés, la congélation des aliments frais et la fabrication de glaçons dans le tiroir en mode congélation. Stockez toujours les bouteilles sans leur emballage et non à l’intérieur de caisses ou de boîtes. La capacité du compartiment de stockage du vin est indiquée dans le chapitre décrivant le stockage des bouteilles de vin. Évitez de mettre des aliments non emballés directement en contact avec les surfaces intérieures du compartiment réfrigérateur ou du compartiment congélateur. Les appareils peuvent être équipés de compartiments spéciaux (compartiment fraîcheur, compartiment « Zéro degré »,...). Sauf spécification différente dans la brochure du produit, ils peuvent être retirés tout en maintenant des performances équivalentes. Le c-pentane est utilisé en tant qu’agent gonflant dans la mousse d’isolation et est un gaz inflammable. La pièce du tiroir la plus appropriée dans laquelle des types spécifiques d’aliments doivent être conservés, en tenant compte de la répartition différente de la température dans les différents compartiments de l’appareil, sont les suivants: - Mode réfrigérateur: 1) Zone supérieure du compartiment du réfrigérateur - zone de température: Conservez fruits tropicaux, canettes, boissons, oeufs, sauces, cornichons, beurre, confiture 2) Zone centrale du compartiment du réfrigérateur - zone froide : Conservez fromage, lait, produits laitiers, charcuterie, yaourt 31 3) Zone inférieure du compartiment du réfrigérateur - zone plus froide: Conservez charcuterie, desserts, viande et poisson, cheesecake, pâtes fraîches, crème fraîche, pesto/salsa, plats faits maison, crème pâtissière, pudding et fromage à la crème 4) Le fond du compartiment réfrigérateur: Conservez fruits et légumes (fruits tropicaux exceptés) - Mode congélateur: Les produits surgelés achetés ont la date d’échéance indiquée sur l’emballage. Cette date prend en compte le type de nourriture conservé et doit donc être respectée. Les aliments frais doivent être conservés pendant les périodes suivantes : 1-3 mois pour fromage, fruits de mer, glace, jambon/saucisse, lait, liquides frais; 4 mois pour steak ou côtelettes (boeuf, agneau porc); 6 mois pour beurre ou margarine, volaille (poulet, dinde); 8-12 mois pour fruits (agrumes exceptés), rôti (boeuf, porc, agneau), légumes. Les dates d’échéance figurant sur l’emballage des aliments doivent être respectées. Pour éviter la contamination des aliments, veuillez respecter les points suivants : - L’ouverture prolongée de la porte peut entraîner une augmentation importante de la température dans les compartiments de l’appareil. - Nettoyez régulièrement les surfaces pouvant entrer en contact avec les aliments et les systèmes de drainage accessibles. - Nettoyez les réservoirs d’eau s’ils n’ont pas été utilisés pendant 48 h; rincez le système d’alimentation en eau raccordé à une source d’eau si l’eau n’a pas été aspirée pendant 5 jours. - Conservez viande et poisson crus dans des récipients appropriés au réfrigérateur, de manière à ce qu’ils n’entrent pas en contact ou coulent sur d’autres aliments. - Les compartiments deux étoiles pour aliments congelés conviennent à la conservation d’aliments pré-congelés, à la conservation ou à la fabrication de glace et de glaçons. - Ne congelez pas les aliments frais dans des compartiments à une, deux ou trois étoiles. - Si l’appareil de réfrigération reste vide pendant de longues périodes, éteignez, décongelez, nettoyez, séchez et laissez la porte ouverte pour éviter la formation de moisissure à l’intérieur de l’appareil. INSTALLATION Deux personnes minimum sont nécessaires pour déplacer et installer l’appareil - risque de blessure. Utilisez des gants de protection pour le déballage et l’installation de l’appareil vous risquez de vous couper. L’installation, incluant l’alimentation en eau (selon le modèle), et les connexions électriques, ainsi que les réparations, doivent être exécutées par un technicien qualifié. Ne procédez à aucune réparation ni à aucun remplacement de pièce sur l’appareil autre que ceux spécifiquement indiqués dans le guide d’utilisation. Gardez les enfants à l’écart du site d’installation. Après avoir déballé l’appareil, assurez-vous qu’il n’a pas été endommagé pendant le transport. En cas de problème, contactez votre revendeur ou le Service Après-Vente le plus proche. Une fois installé, gardez le matériel d’emballage (sacs en plastique, parties en polystyrène, etc.) hors de la portée des enfants - ils pourraient s’étouffer. L’appareil ne doit pas être branché à l’alimentation électrique lors de l’installation - vous pourriez vous électrocuter. Au moment de 32 l’installation, assurez-vous que le câble d’alimentation n’est pas endommagé par l’appareil - risque d’incendie ou de choc électrique. Allumez l’appareil uniquement lorsque l’installation est terminée. Prenez garde à ne pas endommager les sols (p. ex., les parquets) lorsque vous déplacez l’appareil. Installez l’appareil sur un sol ou des supports suffisamment résistants pour supporter son poids et dans un endroit adapté à sa taille et à son utilisation. Lors de l’installation de l’appareil, assurez-vous qu’il n’est pas placé près d’une source de chaleur et que les quatre pieds sont stables et reposent sur le sol, en les réglant au besoin. Assurez-vous aussi que l’appareil est parfaitement de niveau en utilisant un niveau à bulle. Attendez au moins deux heures avant de brancher l’appareil pour s’assurer que le circuit de réfrigération atteint son efficacité maximum. AVERTISSEMENT : Lors de la mise en place de l’appareil, assurez-vous que le câble d’alimentation n’est pas coincé ou endommagé. AVERTISSEMENT : pour éviter tout danger dû à l’instabilité, le positionnement ou le montage de l’appareil doit être effectué conformément aux instructions du fabricant. Il est interdit de placer le réfrigérateur de sorte que le tuyau métallique d’une cuisinière à gaz, les tuyaux métalliques de gaz ou d’eau, ou les câbles électriques soient en contact avec la paroi arrière du réfrigérateur (bobine de condenseur). Afin de garantir une aération adéquate, laissez un espace des deux côtés et au-dessus de l’appareil. La distance entre l’arrière de l’appareil et le mur derrière l’appareil doit être de 50 mm pour empêcher l’accès à des surfaces chaudes. Une réduction de l’espace recommandé entraîne une augmentation de la consommation d’énergie. AVERTISSEMENTS ÉLECTRIQUES Il doit être possible de débrancher l’appareil de l’alimentation électrique en retirant la fiche de la prise de courant si elle est accessible, ou à l’aide d’un interrupteur multipolaire en amont de la prise de courant, conformément aux règles de câblage et l’appareil doit être mis à la terre conformément aux normes de sécurité électrique nationales. N’utilisez pas de rallonge, de prises multiples ou d’adaptateurs. Une fois l’installation terminée, l’utilisateur ne devra plus pouvoir accéder aux composantes électriques. N’utilisez pas l’appareil si vous êtes mouillé ou si vous êtes pieds nus. N’utilisez pas l’appareil si le câble d’alimentation ou la prise de courant est endommagé(e), si l’appareil ne fonctionne pas correctement, ou s’il a été endommagé ou est tombé. Si le câble d’alimentation est endommagé, il doit être remplacé avec un câble identique par le fabricant, un représentant du Service Après-vente, ou par toute autre personne qualifiée vous pourriez vous électrocuter. AVERTISSEMENT : Ne placez pas les prises portables multiples ou les alimentations électriques portables à l’arrière de l’appareil. NETTOYAGE ET ENTRETIEN AVERTISSEMENT : Assurez-vous que l’appareil est éteint et débranchez de l’alimentation électrique avant d’effectuer le nettoyage ou l’entretien ; n’utilisez jamais un appareil de nettoyage à vapeur - risque de choc électrique. N’utilisez pas de nettoyants abrasifs ou rugueux comme les vaporisateurs pour fenêtre, nettoyants, liquides 33 If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced with an identical one by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard risk of electric shock. WARNING: Do not locate multiple portable socket-outlets or portable power supplies at the rear of the appliance. CONSEILS RELATIFS À L’ÉCONOMIE inflammables, pour cire, CLEANING ANDnettoyant MAINTENANCE détergents concentrés, WARNING: Ensure désinfectants that the appliance D’ÉNERGIE is Pour garantir une ventilation adéquate, suivez switched off and disconnected from the power et nettoyants contenant des produits supply before performing any maintenance les instructions d’installation. Une aération pétroliers desuse particules de plastique operation;ou never steam cleaning equipmentinsuffisante à l’arrière du produit augmente la à risk l’intérieur etshock. sur le contour et les of electric consommation d’énergie et réduit l’efficacité jointsDo denot la porte. N’utilisez pas cleaners such use abrasive or harsh du refroidissement. L’ouverture fréquente de as window sprays, scouring cleansers, d’essuie-tout, de tampons à récurer,flammable ou la porte peut augmenter la consommation fluids, cleaning waxes, concentrated detergents, autres outils nettoyage rugueux. petroleum d’énergie. bleaches or decleansers containing La température interne de l’appareil et la products on plastic parts, interior and door liners ÉLIMINATION DES MATÉRIAUX consommation d’énergie peuvent être affectées or gaskets. Do not use paper towels, scouring D’EMBALLAGE pads, or other harsh cleaning tools. par la température ambiante et l’endroit Les matériaux sont entièrement DISPOSAL OFd’emballage PACKAGING MATERIALS où l’appareil est installé. Le réglage de la recyclables comme le symbole The packaging materiall’indique is 100% recyclable and is marked with the température doit toujours prendre ces facteurs . The various parts of the packaging must therefore recycle symbol de recyclage . Les différentes parties de en compte. Évitez le plus possible d’ouvrir les be disposed of responsibly and in full compliance with local authority l’emballage doiventwaste donc être jetées de manière regulations governing disposal. portes. Lors de la décongélation des produits responsable totale conformité avec la DISPOSAL et OFen HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES surgelés, placez-les dans le réfrigérateur. La This appliance is manufactured with recyclable or reusable materials. réglementation des autorités locales régissant la Dispose of it in accordance with local waste disposal regulations. basse température des produits surgelés mise au rebut de déchets. For further information on the treatment, recovery and recycling refroidit les aliments dans le réfrigérateur. of household electrical appliances, contact your local authority, the collection for household waste or the store where you purchased MISE AUservice REBUT DES APPAREILS Laissez refroidir les aliments et boissons chaudes the appliance. This appliance is marked in compliance with European ÉLECTROMÉNAGERS avant de les placer dans l’appareil. Directive 2012/19/EU, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent Cet appareil est fabriqué avec des matériaux Le positionnement des tablettes dans le negative consequences for the environment and human health. The recyclables être Mettez-le réfrigérateur n’affecte pas l’utilisation efficace symbol onou thepouvant product or on réutilisés. the accompanying documentation it should not be treated waste but mustde be l’énergie. Les aliments doivent être placés auindicates rebut that en vous conformant à as la domestic réglementation taken to an appropriate collection centre for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. locale en matière d’élimination des déchets. sur les tablettes de sorte à assurer une bonne ENERGY TIPSsupplémentaire sur Pour touteSAVING information circulation de l’air (les aliments ne doivent pas guarantee adequate ventilation follow installation instructions. leTo traitement et le recyclage appareils être en contact les uns avec les autres et une Insufficient ventilation at the backdes of the product increases energy consumption and decreases coolingle efficiency. électroménagers, contactez service local certaine distance entre les aliments et la paroi Frequent door opening might cause an increase in Energy consumption. compétent, le service de collecte des déchets arrière doit être maintenue). The internal temperature of the appliance and the Energy Consumption may be affected by the ambient temperature, as well as locationVous of ménagers ou lealsomagasin où vous avez acheté pouvez augmenter la capacité de stockage the appliance. Temperature setting should take into consideration these l’appareil. Cet appareil est certifié conforme à des aliments congelés en enlevant des paniers et factors. Reduce door opening to minimum. thawing frozen food, place it in the refrigerator. laWhen Directive européenne 2012/19/UE relative The low si elle est présente, l’étagère Antigivre. temperature of the frozen products cools the food in the refrigerator. aux déchets d’équipements Ne vous inquiétez pas des bruits provenant Allow warm food and drinks to électriques cool down before placing in the etappliance. électroniques (DEEE). En s’assurant du compresseur qui sont des bruits de Positioning of the shelves in the refrigerator has no impact on the que ce produit est correctement mis au fonctionnement normaux. efficient usage of energy. Food should be placed on the shelves in such way to vous ensurecontribuerez proper air circulation (food shouldtoute not touch each other rebut, à empêcher and distance between food and rear wall should be kept). conséquence nuisible pour l’environnement et la santé. Le symbole sur le produit ou sur la documentation qui l’accompagne indique qu’il ne doit pas être traité comme un déchet domestique, mais doit être remis à un centre de collecte spécialisé pour le recyclage des appareils électriques et électroniques. 34 Installation Positionnement et raccordement Déballage 1. Enlevez avec précautions les protections et les adhésifs, ouvrez la porte et assurez-vous que tous les composants sont présents. 2. Sortez le câble d'alimentation électrique. Branchement du câblage Après le transport, disposez le système verticalement, attendez au moins 3 heures avant de le brancher au système de câblage. Avant de brancher la fiche dans la prise de courant, assurez-vous que : • la prise est mise à la terre et conforme aux réglementations • légales ; • la prise est en mesure de supporter une charge électrique maximale de la machine, indiquée sur le tableau de la fiche de données ou sur la plaque de caractéristique dans le bas à droite (voir Description du dispositif) ; • la tension d'alimentation chute dans la plage indiquée dans le tableau de la Fiche de données ou sur la plaque de caractéristiques dans le bas à droite (voir Description du dispositif) ; • la prise électrique est compatible avec la fiche du dispositif. Autrement, remplacez la prise ou la fiche ; n'utilisez pas de rallonges ou de prises multiples. Positionnement 1. Positionnez le dispositif dans une zone bien aérée, non humide et libre (évitez des armoires avec des parois fermées). 2. Conservez le dispositif à l'abri des sources de chaleur. 3. Assurez-vous que les distances minimum entre le dispositif et les parois de la pièce où il est placé sont maintenues, afin d'assurer une parfaite ventilation du dispositif. Voir figure. Dimensions of the cellar 455 444 Dimensions of the compartment Ventilation space: at least 50 mm 5 55 Here “PUSH TO OPEN” Here “PUSH TO CLOSE” 35 Furniture side area Product Description Description du produit Product Description Pièces intérieures EN EN Interior Parts CONTROL PANEL DOOR Interior Parts CONTROL PANEL BOTTLE AGEING COMPARTMENT BOTTLE AGEING COMPARTMENT DOOR SHELVES DATA PLATE SHELVES DATA PLATE Control Panel Panneau de commande ControlPILOT Panel REDUCE TEMPERATURE DISPLAY LAMP LIT PILOT LAMP LIT DISPLAY REDUCE TEMPERATURE POWER CONNECTION LIGHT POWER CONNECTION LIGHT LIGHT COOLING PILOT LAMP LIGHT COOLING PILOT LAMP 36 INCREASE TEMPERATURE INCREASE TEMPERATURE ON/OFF BUTTON ON/OFF BUTTON Utilisation de la cave à vin Compartiment de vieillissement des bouteilles La fonction principale du compartiment de vieillissement consiste à garantir que vos vins sont préservés dans des conditions optimales. La température a été réglée à l'usine à une température jugée optimale dans la plupart des cas et elle est de 15°C dans le compartiment supérieur. Le vin est de nature complexe et il résulte d'un processus de production long et lent. Afin de mieux exprimer ses attributs, des conditions très spécifiques sont nécessaires. Tous les vins sont préservés à la même température, mais en fonction de leurs caractéristiques différentes, les vins sont servis et goûtés à des températures très différentes (voir le Tableau des températures de vin idéales). Donc, tout comme les caves à vin des fabricants, pour votre nouvel appareil, la valeur de température absolue n'est pas importante pour préserver votre vin. Par contre, une température constante au fil du temps est importante. La conservation du vin est idéale à n'importe quelle température, tant que la température ne varie pas. Contrôle de température manuel Lorsque vous branchez votre cave à vin, l'écran affiche la température à l'intérieur de la cave : elle doit atteindre 15 ° C et doit rester constante. Si vous devez la régler, suivez les instructions cidessous : 1. Lorsque vous branchez votre cave à vin, l'écran affiche la température qui a été réglée 2. Appuyez sur le bouton + pendant une seconde (voir le panneau de commande). La température commencera à clignoter. 3. Appuyez sur les boutons + or - jusqu'à atteindre la température souhaitée 4. Attendez 5 secondes pour que la température arrête de clignoter. 5. Attendez que la cave à vin atteigne la température souhaitée avant de placer les bouteilles de vin à l'intérieur. L'éclairage interne ne s'allume pas (ou s'éteint temporairement) quand la température intérieure dépasse 24° C. Cela vous permet d'atteindre la température préétablie plus rapidement. Sortie des tablettes en bois AVERTISSEMENT : Les tablettes en bois ne coulissent pas. Ne les sortez pas lorsqu'elles sont chargées de bouteilles, pour éviter le risque de casser des bouteilles. Vous pouvez sortez les tablettes pour les nettoyer uniquement lorsqu'aucune bouteille n'est disposée dessus. 37 Tableau des températures de vin idéales Ce tableau indique les températures approximatives auxquelles le vin doit être servi. Si l'un de vos vins doit être servi à une température supérieure à la température à l'intérieur de votre cave à vin, nous vous suggérons de le laisser à l'extérieur de la cave à vin pendant le temps nécessaire avant de servir. Amarone 17 °C Vins pétillants, secs et doux 6 °C Barbaresco 17 °C Verdicchio di Matelica et dei Castelli di Jesi 8 °C Barolo 17 °C Vins blancs secs du Trentin Haut Adige 11 °C Beaujolais 13 °C Vins blancs de Franciacorta 11 °C 10 °C Bordeaux liquoreux blanc 6 °C Vins blancs secs aromatiques Bordeaux blanc sec 8 °C Vins blancs secs, jeunes, et fruités 8 °C Bordeaux rouge 17 °C Vins blancs du Frioul Vénétie Julienne 11 °C Bourgogne blanc 11 °C Vins du Rhône 15°C Bourgogne rouge 18 °C Vins blancs secs de la Loire 10 °C Brunello 17 °C Vins liquoreux de la Loire Champagne 7 °C 6 °C Vins rouges de la Loire Chianti Classico 16 °C Vins liquoreux Passito Languedoc-Roussillon 13 °C Vins rosés, vins nouveaux 12 °C Passito di Pantelleria 6 °C Vins rouges légers, avec trame tannique légère 14 °C 12 °C Vins rouges, plutôt tanniques avec une structure moyenne 16 °C Rosé Provence 38 14 °C 8-18 °C Stocking wine bottles Stocking Stocking thethe the wine wine bottles bottles Stockage deswine bouteilles de vin Stocking the bottles Standard 24-bottle stock Stock de24-bottle 24 stock bouteilles standards Standard Standard 24-bottle stock Champagne bottle stock StockChampagne de bouteilles Champagne Champagne bottle de stock bottle stock stock destock 24 bouteilles (pour des bouteilles de Champagne plusthan grandes TheLe 24-bottle (for standard, mixed, and renana Les bouteilles Champagne bottles aresont larger standard bottles.EN standards, mixtes et Renana) est recommandé que les bouteilles standards.. Elles doivent The 24-bottle The 24-bottle stock (for stock standard, (for standard, mixed, and mixed, renana and renana Champagne Champagne bottles are bottles larger are than larger standard than standard bottles. bottles. bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be They must be placed onto the baseêtre of the wine cellar, pour lesrecommended vins qui doivent être visibles facilestoàbe Champagne placées dans lebottle fond de lathe cave à vin, peut bottles) isvisible bottles) recommended is for winesfor that wines need that toetbe need They must They be placed must beonto placed base onto the ofqui the base wine of the cellar, wine cellar, and easily removed. which can hold up to 5. Standard 24-bottle stock stock visible and visible easily and removed. easily removed. which can which hold can up cinq to hold 5.bouteilles. up to 5. enlever. contenir jusqu'à EN The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles. bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar, visible and easily removed. which can hold up to 5. STANDARD If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in STANDARD If you wantcellar, to stock than 5 shelf Champagne STANDARD If you want to wine stock more than 5 Champagne bottles inbottles 24 Bottles (100% lying down) your remove the 3th and stock the in STANDARD Si vous voulez stocker plusmore de cinq bouteilles 24 Bottles (100% down) wine cellar, remove thethe 3th shelf stock the 24 Bottleslying (100% lying down) your wineyour cellar, the 3th shelf andbottles stockand thethe 3 shelves bottles inremove two rows (placing in second 24 bouteilles (toutes allongées) de Champagne dans votre cave à vin, enlevez 3 shelves3 shelves in two rows (placing theinbottles in thewill second bottles inbottles twobetween rows (placing the bottles the second row those on the bottom row). This hold 3 tablettes labetween troisième tablette et empilez les bouteilles rowto those on5the bottom This in will hold row those on the bottom row). Thisrow). will hold up tobetween 9 bottles. STANDARD If you want stock more than Champagne bottles en deux rangées (en plaçant les bouteilles de the up to 9 bottles. up to 9 bottles. Positionnez chaque les 3fentes sur your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock Position each intobouteille the slotsdans on the wooden 24 Bottles (100% lying bottle down) la seconde rangée entre celles sur la in rangée Position into thecan slots on the 3 on wooden Position each bottle into the slots on the bottom 3peuvent wooden lesbottle trois tablettes enbebois. 6 bouteilles shelves. 6 bottles placed the of thebottles stocking configurations 3 shelveseach inSome two rows (placing the bottles the second shelves. shelves. 6 bottles bedans placed on thelabottom the of theSome 6can bottles canlebe placed on the bottom Celaonpermettra derow). contenir Some stocking configurations stocking configurations wine cellar. rowsupérieure). between those the bottom This jusqu'à will hold être placées bas de cave à of vin. wine cellar. wine cellar. neuf bouteilles. up to 9 bottles. Nous vous suggérons de placer les bouteilles We suggest youthe place the bottles onto the Position each bottle into slots onRenana the 3 wooden Renana sur lathe tablette inférieure et dans lebecause fond We suggest you place the Renana onto the We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the Some lower shelf and bottom of wine cellar shelves. 6 bottles can be placed onbottles thethe bottom of the stockingconfigurations configurationsde stockage Quelques dehave lathe cave à vin car il est spécialement conçu lowercellar. shelf and bottom of the wine cellar because lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because they been specially designed to hold larger wine they havethey been specially designed to hold larger have been specially designed to hold larger pour contenir des bouteilles plus grandes. bottles. bottles. bottles. We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto ! La tablette en bois peut supporter the en toute ! The wooden shelfof can safely hold up to 22 bottles. lower shelf and the bottom the wine cellar because sécurité jusqu'à 22 bouteilles ! Thehave wooden canshelf safely hold up to 22larger bottles. ! The wooden can safely hold up to 22 bottles. they beenshelf specially designed to hold bottles. PRESERVATION PRESERVATION PRESERVATION 28 Bottles (100% lying down) ! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles. 28(100% Bottleslying (100% lying down) 28 Bottles down) PRESERVATION CONSERVATION 28 Bottles (100% lying down) 28 bouteilles (toutes allongées) 39 Maintenance and troubleshooting Entretien et dépannage Care and maintenance EN Maintenance and troubleshooting Disconnecting the wine cellar Nettoyage et entretien Dépannage Si vousthe constatez que votre cave à vin ne Débranchement cave à vinit is imperative that you unplug During cleaningde andlamaintenance, wine cellar fonctionne pas correctement, vérifiez avec la liste Pendant le nettoyage et l'entretien, il est impératif Troubleshooting suivante avant d'appeler le Service après-vente. de débrancher votre cave à vin. EN If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your Care and maintenance Service Centre. Problème Disconnecting the wine cellar Causes possibles/solutions Possible causes/solutions Problem During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar • prise The plug is not intoou thepas wall-outlet or not • La n’est pasplugged branchée suffisamment enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power pourfailure faireincontact. Ou il peut y avoir une panne home. If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following listyour before you call your de dans isvotre • courant The wall-outlet not inmaison. working order. Plug the wine Service Centre. cellar murale into another to check. • La prise ne wall-outlet fonctionne pas. Branchez Possible causes/solutions Problem la cave à vin dans une autre prise murale pour • The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not The compressor does not work vérifier. enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power The compressor not workpas Le compresseur nedoes fonctionne Troubleshooting failure in•yourContact home. the Service Centre Contactez Service • The• wall-outlet is not inle working order. Plug the wine cellar into another wall-outlet to check.local Service Centre. ! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized The compressor never stops Le compresseur ne s'arrête jamais ! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left unsettled for a long The compressor nevertime stopsthat the wine may suffer. • Contact the Service Centre ! Tous les travaux à effectuer sur la cave à vin doivent être réalisés par votre centre de maintenance local agréé.! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre. Short term such as power failure, will not compromise the courant, wines. It is only working faults are left ! Des !pannes defaults, courte durée, comme une panne de ne when compromettront pas les vins. Le vin peut unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer. souffrir uniquement lorsque les pannes restent sans solution pendant un long moment. Disposal The appliance was designed anden manufactured ! Cet !appareil est conçu et fabriqué conformitéin Mise au rebut with international safety standards. The avec compliance les normes de sécurité internationales. following warnings are provided for safety reasons Les avertissements suivants sont fournis pour Disposal ! Themust appliance was designed and manufactured in and be read carefully. compliance with international safety standards. des raisons de sécurité et doivent être lusThe • •Conformez-vous aux normes following warnings are provided for safety reasons Observe local environmental standards when This appliance complies with the following attentivement. and must be read carefully. environnementales le recyclage disposing packaginglocales materialpour for recycling Community Directives: Cet appareil est conforme aux Directives purposes. • Observe lors local environmental This appliance complies with the following de la mise standards au rebutwhen du matériel d’emballage. disposing packaging material for recycling Community Directives: communautaires suivantes : • La directive européenne 2012/19/CE relative • The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste purposes. - • - 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and subsequent - 73/23/EEC ofamendments; 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and Directive basse tension (LVD) 2014/35/EU - subsequent 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic Directive suramendments; la compatibilité électromagnétique - 89/336/EEC of and 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic Compatibility) subsequent amendments; and subsequent amendments; (EMC) 2014/30/EU - Compatibility) 2002/96/CE. - 2002/96/CE. - Directive RAEE 2012/30/EU Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE),et aux déchets d’équipements électriques The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste requires that old household electrical Electricalélectroniques and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), (DEEE) exige que lesappliances vieux not be disposed of in the normal unsorted requires thatmust old household electrical appliances soient pas stream. Old ne appliances mustmis be must not appareils bemunicipal disposed électroménagers ofwaste in the normal unsorted municipalau waste stream. Old le appliances must be collected separately order todes optimise the rebut avec fluxinnormal déchets collected separately in order to optimise the recovery andLes recycling of the materials they contain vieuxthey appareils recovery municipaux. and recycling of the materials contain doivent and reduce the impact on human health and the and reduce the collectés impact on human health and the être séparément pour optimiser la The crossed environment.environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin”out “wheeled bin” récupération le symbol onreminds theetproduct remindsdes youmatériaux of your symbol on the product yourecyclage of your obligation, that when you that dispose of appliance obligation, when you dispose of l’impact the appliance qu’ils contiennent etthe ainsi réduire it must be separately collected. it must be separately collected. sur la santé humaine l’environnement. Le Consumers should contact their local et authority or Consumers should contact their local authority or retailer for information concerning the correct symbole deinformation la « poubelle sur roue barrée concerning the» correct disposal of retailer their old for appliance. d’une croix a pour but de vous disposal of sur theirl’appareil old appliance. rappeler que lors de la mise au rebut de l’appareil, il doit être collecté séparément. Les consommateurs devraient contacter leur service municipal ou leur détaillant pour obtenir de l’information sur la façon appropriée de disposer de leur vieil appareil. 18 18 40 Assistance Assistance Avant de contacter le centre d’Assistance : • Vérifiez si vous pouvez résoudre l'anomalie vous-même ( voir Anomalie et Remèdes). • Si, malgré tous ces contrôles, l'appareil ne fonctionne toujours pas et si l'inconvénient persiste, appelez le service après-vente le plus proche Before calling for Assistance: • Check if the malfunction can be solved on your own (see Troubleshooting). • If after all the checks, the appliance still does not operate or the problem persists, call the nearest Service Centre model serial number Signalez-lui : • le type d'anomalie Communicating: • le modèle d'appareil • type(Mod.) of malfunction • le numéro de série (S/N) model (Mod.) • appliance • serial number (S/N) Vous trouverez ces sur plaque Thisinformations information can belafound on the data the bottom left side signalétique situéeplate sur located le côtéoninférieur gauche duof the refrigerator compartment. compartiment réfrigérateur.. Mod. RG 2330 220 - 240 V- TI 50 Hz Cod. 150 W 75 Total 340 Net Gross Gross Util Bruto Bruto Utile Brut Brut Compr. R 134 a Test Pressure HIGH-235 Syst. P.S-I. LOW 140 Kompr. kg 0,090 Made in Italy 13918 93139180000 W Fuse S/N 704211801 A Max 15 w Capac Class Poder de Cong Clase Freez. Gross Bruto Brut EN kg/24 h 4,0 N Classe EXEMPLE D'ÉTIQUETTE Never call on unauthorized technicians and always refuse spare parts which are not originals. Ne faites jamais appel à des techniciens non agréés et exigez toujours l’installation de pièces détachées originales. 19 41 Español, GUÍA DE USUARIO IT Italiano, 4 RU Русский, 68 EN English, 17 KZ Қазақша, 81 FR Français, 29 NL Nederlands, 94 ES Español, 42 PT Português, 107 DE Deutsch, 55 Contenido Funciones, 43 Avisos Ficha técnica Instalación, 48 Ubicación y conexión de la alimentación Información técnica Descripción del producto, 49 Piezas interiores Panel de control Uso de la bodega de vino, 50-51 Compartimento de envejecimiento de botellas Control de temperatura manual Extracción de los estantes de madera Tabla de temperaturas de vino ideales Almacenamiento de las botellas de vino, 52 Cómo almacenar las botellas Mantenimiento y resolución de problemas, 53 Cuidados y mantenimiento Solución de problemas Asistencia, 54 42 INSTRUCCIONES DE SEGURIDAD ES IMPORTANTE QUE LEA Y SIGA LAS SIGUIENTES RECOMENDACIONES Antes de usar el aparato, lea atentamente estas instrucciones de seguridad. Téngalas a mano para consultarlas más adelante. Este manual y el propio aparato contienen advertencias de seguridad que se deben leer y seguir en todo momento. El fabricante declina cualquier responsabilidad derivada del incumplimiento de estas instrucciones de seguridad, del uso indebido del aparato o del ajuste incorrecto de los mandos. Mantenga a los niños menores de 3 años alejados del aparato. Los menores de 8 años deben permanecer alejados del aparato a menos que estén supervisados en todo momento. Tanto los niños a partir de 8 años como las personas cuyas capacidades físicas, sensoriales o mentales estén disminuidas o que carezcan de la experiencia y conocimientos necesarios pueden utilizar este aparato si reciben la supervisión o las instrucciones necesarias para utilizarlo de forma segura y comprenden los riesgos a los que se exponen. Los niños no deben jugar con el aparato. Los niños no deben realizar tareas de limpieza o de mantenimiento sin supervisión. Se permite a los niños de entre 3 y 8 años cargar y descargar los aparatos de refrigeración. cocina en oficinas, tiendas y otros; granjas; por los clientes de hoteles, moteles, hostales y otros entornos residenciales. Este aparato no es para uso profesional. No utilice este aparato al aire libre. La bombilla que se usa dentro del aparato está diseñada específicamente para electrodomésticos y no es adecuada para la iluminación general de habitaciones en una vivienda (Normativa CE 244/2009). El aparato puede funcionar en sitios en los que la temperatura esté dentro de los límites siguientes, según la clase climática indicada en la placa de características. El aparato podría no funcionar correctamente si se deja durante bastante tiempo a una temperatura distinta de los límites especificados. Temperaturas ambiente de clase climática: SN: 10 a 32 °C ST: 16 a 38 °C; N: 16 a 32 °C T: 16 a 43 °C Este aparato no contiene CFC. El circuito de refrigeración contiene R600a (HC). Aparatos con isobutano (R600a): el isobutano es un gas natural sin impacto medioambiental, pero que resulta inflamable. Por este motivo, compruebe que las tuberías del circuito de refrigeración no estén dañadas, especialmente cuando vacíe el circuito de refrigeración. ADVERTENCIA: No dañe las tuberías del circuito de refrigeración del aparato. ADVERTENCIA: Mantenga despejadas los orificios de ventilación del aparato o la estructura. USO PERMITIDO PRECAUCIÓN: El aparato no está destinado a ponerse en funcionamiento por medio de un dispositivo de encendido externo, como un temporizador, o de un sistema de control remoto independiente. Este aparato está destinado a un uso en ambientes domésticos o en ambientes similares como: áreas de 43 de vino, para almacenar alimentos frescos en el cajón en modo frigorífico y para almacenar alimentos congelados, congelar alimentos frescos y hacer cubitos de hielo en el cajón en modo congelador. Guarde siempre las botellas sin el embalaje y no dentro de contenedores o cajas. La capacidad del compartimento de almacenamiento de vino se indica en el capítulo dedicado al almacenamiento de botellas de vino. Envuelva los alimentos para guardarlos; de este modo se evita que entren en contacto directo con las superficies interiores del frigorífico o del congelador. Los aparatos podrían incluir compartimentos especiales (compartimento de alimentos frescos, compartimento de cero grados,...). Si no se especifica lo contrario en el folleto específico del producto pueden retirarse, manteniendo rendimientos equivalentes. El pentano C se utiliza como agente expansor en la espuma aislante y es un gas inflamable. La parte más apropiada del cajón en la que se deben conservar tipos de alimentos específicos, teniendo en cuenta la distinta distribución de temperatura en cada compartimento del aparato, es la siguiente: - Modo frigorífico: 1) Zona superior del compartimento del frigorífico - zona de temperatura: Para conservar frutas tropicales, latas, bebidas, huevos, salsas, encurtidos, mantequilla y mermelada 2) Zona media del compartimento del frigorífico: zona fría: Para conservar queso, leche, productos lácteos, delicatessen y yogures 3) Zona inferior del compartimento del frigorífico: zona más fría: Para almacenar fiambres, postres, carne y pescado, tartas de queso, pasta ADVERTENCIA: No use medios mecánicos, eléctricos o químicos, excepto los indicados por el fabricante, para acelerar el proceso de descongelación. ADVERTENCIA: No use ni coloque dispositivos eléctricos dentro de los compartimentos del aparato, salvo que se trate de aquellos autorizados expresamente por el fabricante. ADVERTENCIA: Las máquinas de hielo o los dispensadores de agua que no estén conectados directamente a la toma de agua deben llenarse solamente con agua potable. No almacene sustancias explosivas, como aerosoles, ni coloque ni utilice gasolina u otros materiales inflamables encima o cerca del aparato. No ingiera el contenido (no es tóxico) de los acumuladores de frío (suministrado con algunos modelos). No coma cubitos de hielo ni polos inmediatamente después de sacarlos del congelador, ya que pueden provocar quemaduras por frío. Para los productos diseñados para funcionar con un filtro de aire integrados en una cubierta del ventilador accesible, el filtro debe estar siempre bien colocado si el frigorífico está en funcionamiento. No guarde recipientes de cristal con líquidos en el compartimento congelador ya que podrían romperse. No obstruya el ventilador (si se incluye) con los alimentos. Después de colocar los alimentos compruebe que las puertas de los compartimentos cierran correctamente, especialmente la puerta del congelador. Las juntas dañadas deben sustituirse lo antes posible. Este aparato está pensado para utilizarse exclusivamente para el almacenamiento de vino en el compartimento de almacenamiento 44 fresca, natas agrias, pesto/salsas, comidas caseras cocinadas, pastas, pudines y quesos cremosos 4) La parte inferior del compartimento del frigorífico: Para conservar frutas y verduras (excepto frutas tropicales) - Modo congelador: Los alimentos que se compran congelados tienen la fecha de caducidad indicada en el envase. Esta fecha tiene en cuenta el tipo de alimento que se conserva y, por tanto, se debe respetar. Los alimentos frescos deben conservarse durante los siguientes periodos de tiempo: 1-3 meses para los quesos, moluscos, helados, jamón/ embutidos, leche y líquidos frescos; 4 meses para los filetes o costillas (ternera, cordero, cerdo); 6 meses para la mantequilla o margarina y las aves (pollo, pavo); 8-12 meses para las frutas (excepto los cítricos), la carne asada (ternera, cerdo, cordero) y las verduras. Deben respetarse las fechas de caducidad de los envases. Para evitar la contaminación de los alimentos, cumpla siempre lo siguiente: - Abrir la puerta durante largos periodos puede aumentar considerablemente la temperatura en los compartimentos del aparato. - Limpie regularmente las superficies que pueden entrar en contacto con los alimentos y los sistemas de drenaje accesibles - Limpie los depósitos de agua si estos no se han utilizado durante 48 h; descargue el sistema de agua conectado a un suministro de agua si no se descarga agua durante 5 días. - Conserve la carne y el pescado crudos en recipientes aptos en el frigorífico de modo que no entren en contacto con otros alimentos ni goteen sobre ellos. - Los compartimentos de alimentos congelados de dos estrellas son aptos para conservar alimentos precongelados y para almacenar o hacer helado y cubitos de hielo. - No congele alimentos frescos en los compartimentos de una, dos o tres estrellas. - Si el aparato de refrigeración se deja vacío durante largos periodos, apáguelo, descongélelo, límpielo, séquelo y deje abierta la puerta para evitar que se forme moho dentro del aparato. INSTALACIÓN La manipulación e instalación del aparato la deben realizar dos o más personas, ya que hay riesgo de lesiones. Utilice guantes de protección para el desembalaje y la instalación, ya que hay riesgo de cortes. La instalación, incluido el suministro de agua (si lo hay) y las conexiones eléctricas y las reparaciones, deben ser realizadas por un técnico cualificado. No realice reparaciones ni sustituciones de partes del aparato no indicadas específicamente en el manual del usuario. Mantenga a los niños alejados del lugar de instalación. Tras desembalar el aparato, compruebe que no se ha dañado durante el transporte. Si observa algún problema, póngase en contacto con el distribuidor o el Servicio Postventa más cercano. Una vez instalado el aparato, mantenga los restos de embalaje (plásticos, piezas de poliestireno extruido, etc.) fuera del alcance de los niños, ya que hay riesgo de asfixia. El aparato debe desconectarse del suministro eléctrico antes de efectuar cualquier operación de instalación; hay riesgo de descarga eléctrica. Durante la instalación, compruebe que el aparato no dañe el cable de alimentación; hay riesgo de descarga eléctrica. No active el aparato 45 hasta haberlo instalado por completo. Tenga cuidado de no dañar el piso (por ejemplo, parquet) al mover el aparato. Instale el aparato sobre una superficie o soporte capaz de soportar su peso y en un lugar adecuado a su tamaño y uso. Asegúrese de que el aparato no esté cerca de una fuente de calor y de que las cuatro patas sean estables y descansen sobre el suelo, ajústelas si es necesario y, a continuación, compruebe si el aparato está perfectamente nivelado usando un nivel de burbuja. Espere al menos dos horas antes de encender el aparato para garantizar que el circuito de refrigerante funciona correctamente. ADVERTENCIA: Cuando coloque el aparato, asegúrese de que el cable de alimentación no esté atrapado o dañado. ADVERTENCIA: Para evitar accidentes debido a la inestabilidad, el posicionamiento o la fijación del aparato deben realizarse según las instrucciones del fabricante. Está prohibido colocar el frigorífico de tal modo que el conducto metálico de la cocina de gas, o los conductos del gas o el agua o de los cables eléctricos estén en contacto con la parte trasera del frigorífico (serpentín del condensador). Para garantizar una ventilación adecuada, deje espacio a ambos lados y por encima del aparato. La distancia entre la parte trasera del aparato y la pared de detrás del aparato debe ser de al menos 50 mm, para impedir el acceso a las superficies calientes. Una reducción de este espacio significaría un incremento del consumo de energía del producto. accesible o mediante un interruptor omnipolar instalado antes del enchufe, de conformidad con las normativas de cableado y el aparato debe conectarse a una toma de tierra de acuerdo con las normativas de seguridad vigentes en materia de electricidad. No utilice alargadores, regletas ni adaptadores. Una vez terminada la instalación, los componentes eléctricos no deberán quedar accesibles para el usuario. No utilice el aparato si está mojado o va descalzo. No use este aparato si tiene un cable o un enchufe de red dañado, si no funciona bien, o si se ha dañado o se ha caído. Si el cable de alimentación está dañado, sólo debe sustituirlo por otro idéntico por el fabricante, personal cualificado del servicio de asistencia técnica del fabricante o similar para evitar daños, hay riesgo de descarga eléctrica. ADVERTENCIA: No coloque varias tomas de corriente portátiles o suministros eléctricos en la parte trasera del aparato. LIMPIEZA Y MANTENIMIENTO ADVERTENCIA: Asegúrese de que el aparato esté apagado y desconectado del suministro eléctrico antes de realizar cualquier operación de mantenimiento; no utilice aparatos de limpieza con vapor, hay riesgo de descarga eléctrica. No use limpiadores abrasivos o agresivos como limpiacristales, polvos limpiadores, fluidos inflamables, ceras limpiadoras, detergentes concentrados, lejías o limpiadores con derivados del petroleo para las partes de plástico, los revestimientos interiores y de la puerta o las juntas. No use papel de cocina, estropajos metálicos u otras herramientas de limpieza agresivas. ADVERTENCIAS SOBRE ELECTRICIDAD Debe ser posible desconectar el aparato de la alimentación eléctrica desenchufándolo si el enchufe es ELIMINACIÓN DEL MATERIAL DE 46 risk of electric shock. Do not use abrasive or harsh cleaners such as window sprays, scouring cleansers, flammable fluids, cleaning waxes, concentrated detergents, bleaches or cleansers containing petroleum products on plastic parts, interior and door liners or gaskets. Do not use paper towels, scouring pads, or other harsh cleaning tools. EMBALAJE CONSEJOS PARA AHORRAR ENERGÍA DISPOSAL OF PACKAGING MATERIALS El material de embalaje es 100% reciclablematerial y Pararecyclable garantizar una ventilación The packaging is 100% and is marked with the adecuada, The various parts the packaging must recycle symbol está marcado con el símbolo de reciclaje .. Por siga lasofinstrucciones detherefore instalación. Una be disposed of responsibly and in full compliance with local authority lo tanto, deberá desechar las diferentes piezas waste disposal. ventilación insuficiente en la parte trasera del regulations governing del embalaje de forma responsable, respetando electrodoméstico DISPOSAL OF HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCESincrementa el consumo de This appliance is manufactured with recyclable or reusable materials. siempre las normas locales sobre eliminación de energía y reduce la eficiencia de la refrigeración. Dispose of it in accordance with local waste disposal regulations. residuos. La abertura frecuente de la puerta puede For further information on the treatment, recovery and recycling of household electrical appliances, contactunyour local authority, the provocar aumento del consumo de energía. ELIMINACIÓN DE LOS collection service for household waste or the store where you purchased the appliance. This appliance La is marked in compliance with European temperatura interior del aparato y el ELECTRODOMÉSTICOS Directive 2012/19/EU, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). consumo de energía pueden depender ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will también help prevent Este aparato ha sido fabricadoBy con materiales negative consequences for thede environment and human health. The la temperatura ambiente y de la ubicación del reciclables o reutilizables. Debe desecharse symbol on the product or on the accompanying documentation Cuandowaste ajuste temperatura, tenga en indicates that it should not beaparato. treated as domestic but la must be de acuerdo con la normativa local al respecto. taken to an appropriate collection centre for theestos recycling of electrical cuenta todos factores. Reduzca al mínimo electronicsobre equipment. Para obtener información másand detallada TIPS el tiempo que la puerta permanece abierta. el tratamiento, recuperación yENERGY reciclajeSAVING de Para descongelar alimentos, colóquelos en el To guarantee adequate ventilation installation instructions. electrodomésticos, póngase en contacto con lasat the back offollow Insufficient ventilation the product increases energy de los productos frigorífico. La baja temperatura consumption and decreases cooling efficiency. autoridades locales, con el servicio de recogida congelados losconsumption. alimentos del frigorífico. Frequent door opening might cause an increaseenfría in Energy de residuos domésticos, o conThe la internal tiendatemperature en la of theDeje appliance and the Consumption enfriar losEnergy alimentos y las bebidas antes de may be affected que adquirió el aparato. Este aparato lleva also la by the ambient temperature, as well as location of introducirlos enconsideration el aparato.these the appliance. Temperature setting should take into marca CE de conformidad confactors. la Directiva Reduce door opening to Laminimum. posición de los estantes en el frigorífico no When thawing frozen food, place it in the refrigerator. The low Europea 2012/19/UE sobre residuos de aparatos tienecools efecto en laineficiencia energética. Los temperature of the frozen products the food the refrigerator. eléctricos y electrónicos (RAEE). correcta AllowLawarm food and drinks to cool down before placing in the alimentos deben colocarse en los estantes de eliminación de este producto appliance. evita consecuencias que sehas asegure unaonadecuada circulación Positioning of the shelves in forma the refrigerator no impact the negativas para el medio ambiente y lausage salud. El Food should be placed on the shelves in such efficient of energy. de aire (los alimentos way to ensure proper air circulation (food should not touchno eachdeben other tocarse entre sí y andaparato distance between rear wallestar shouldseparados be kept). de la pared posterior). símbolo que se incluye en el o en lafood anddeben Puede aumentar la capacidad de almacenamiento documentación que lo acompaña indica que no de comida congelada retirando cestas o el puede tratarse como un residuo doméstico, sino estante Stop Frost, si lo hay. que debe entregarse en un punto de recogida adecuado para el reciclado de aparatos eléctricos No se preocupe por los sonidos procedentes del compresor, que son sonidos de funcionamiento y electrónicos. normales. 47 Instalación Colocación y conexión Desembalaje 1. Retire con cuidado las protecciones y los adhesivos, abra la puerta y asegúrese de que no falte ningún componente. 2. Saque el cable de alimentación. Conexión de cableado Después de su transporte, coloque el dispositivo verticalmente y espere 3 horas como mínimo antes de conectarlo al cableado. Antes de enchufarlo a la toma de corriente, asegúrese de que: • la toma esté conectada a tierra de conformidad con las normativas • legales; • la toma sea capaz de soportar hasta la carga eléctrica máxima del aparato, indicada en la tabla de la ficha técnica o en la placa de características en la parte inferior derecha (consulte Descripción del dispositivo); • la tensión del suministro eléctrico se encuentre dentro del rango indicado en la tabla de la Ficha técnica o en la placa de características en la parte inferior derecha (consulte Descripción del dispositivo); • la toma de corriente sea compatible con el enchufe del dispositivo. De lo contrario, sustituya la toma o el enchufe; no utilice tomas múltiples ni alargaderas. Colocación 1. Coloque el dispositivo en un área bien ventilada, sin humedad y libre (evite armarios con paredes cerradas). 2. Mantenga el dispositivo alejado de fuentes de calor. 3. Asegúrese de mantener las distancias mínimas entre el dispositivo y las paredes de la sala en la que se encuentre para garantizar una ventilación perfecta del dispositivo. Consulte la figura. Dimensions of the cellar 455 444 Dimensions of the compartment Ventilation space: at least 50 mm 5 55 Here “PUSH TO OPEN” Here “PUSH TO CLOSE” 48 Furniture side area Product Description Descripción del producto Product Description Piezas interiores EN EN Interior Parts CONTROL PANEL DOOR Interior Parts CONTROL PANEL BOTTLE AGEING COMPARTMENT BOTTLE AGEING COMPARTMENT DOOR SHELVES DATA PLATE SHELVES DATA PLATE Control Panel Panel de control ControlPILOT Panel REDUCE TEMPERATURE DISPLAY LAMP LIT PILOT LAMP LIT DISPLAY REDUCE TEMPERATURE POWER CONNECTION LIGHT POWER CONNECTION LIGHT LIGHT COOLING PILOT LAMP LIGHT COOLING PILOT LAMP 49 INCREASE TEMPERATURE INCREASE TEMPERATURE ON/OFF BUTTON ON/OFF BUTTON Uso de la bodega Compartimento de envejecimiento de botellas La función principal del compartimento de envejecimiento es garantizar que sus vinos se conserven en unas condiciones óptimas. La temperatura ajustada de fábrica es excelente en la mayoría de los casos y es de 15 °C en el compartimento superior. El vino tiene una naturaleza compleja y necesita un proceso largo y lento. Para expresar mejor sus atributos, es necesario garantizar unas condiciones muy específicas. Todos los vinos se conservan a la misma temperatura pero, en función de sus distintas características, los vinos se sirven y se toman a temperaturas muy diferentes (consulte la Tabla de temperaturas de vino ideales). Por tanto, como en el caso de las bodegas de los productores, en su nuevo aparato el valor de temperatura absoluto no es importante para conservar su vino. Lo importante es mantener una temperatura constante a lo largo del tiempo. La conservación del vino es ideal a cualquier temperatura, mientras la temperatura no varíe. Control de temperatura manual Al conectar su bodega, la pantalla muestra la temperatura en el interior de esta: está ajustada para alcanzar los 15 °C y mantenerse constante. Si necesita ajustarla, siga las instrucciones a continuación: 1. Al conectar su bodega, la pantalla muestra la temperatura ajustada 2. Pulse el botón + durante un segundo (consulte el Panel de control). La temperatura comenzará a parpadear. 3. Pulse los botones + o - hasta alcanzar la temperatura deseada 4. Espere 5 segundos para que la temperatura deje de parpadear. 5. Espere hasta que la bodega alcance su temperatura antes de colocar botellas de vino en su interior. La luz interior no se enciende (o se apaga temporalmente) cuando la temperatura interior supera los 24 °C. Esto le permite alcanzar la temperatura preajustada más rápidamente. Extracción de los estantes de madera ADVERTENCIA: Los estantes de madera no son deslizantes. No los extraiga si están cargados de botellas para evitar el riesgo de que estas se rompan. Puede extraer los estantes para limpiarlos únicamente si no tienen botellas. 50 Tabla de temperaturas de vino ideales Esta tabla indica las temperaturas aproximadas a las que debe servirse cada vino. Si uno de sus vinos debe servirse a una temperatura más alta de la del interior de su bodega, le sugerimos que deje el vino fuera el tiempo necesario antes de servirlo. Amarone 17 °C Vinos espumosos secos y dulces 6 °C Barbaresco 17 °C Verdicchio di Matelica e dei Castelli di Jesi 8 °C Barolo 17 °C Vinos blancos de Trentino Alto Adige 11 °C Beaujolais 13 °C Vinos blancos Franciacorta 11 °C 10 °C Burdeos con licor blanco 6 °C Vinos blancos secos aromáticos Burdeos blanco seco 8 °C Vinos blancos secos, jóvenes y afrutados 8 °C Burdeos tinto 17 °C Vinos blancos de Friuli Venezia Giulia 11 °C Borgoña blanco 11 °C Vinos del Ródano 15 °C Borgoña tinto 18 °C Vinos blancos secos del Loira 10 °C Brunello 17 °C Vinos con licor del Loira Champán 6 °C Vinos tintos del Loira Chianti Classico 16 °C Vinos Passito con licor Languedoc-Roussillon 13 °C Vinos rosados, nuevos vinos 12 °C Passito di Pantelleria 6 °C Vinos tintos ligeros con tanino suave 14 °C Vinos tintos con más taninos y estructura media 16 °C Provence rosado 12 °C 51 7 °C 14 °C 8-18 °C Stocking thethe wine bottles Stocking wine bottles Stocking the wine bottles Stocking the wine Almacenamiento de bottles las botellas de vino Standard 24-bottle stock stock Standard 24-bottle Almacenamiento destock 24 botellas estándar Standard 24-bottle Champagne bottle stock Champagne bottle stock Almacenamiento debottle botellasstock de champán Champagne EN almacenamiento destandard, 24 botellas (para botellas Las botellas de champán tienen un standard mayor tamaño The 24-bottle stock (forstock standard, mixed, and renana bottles are larger than bottles. bottles. TheEl24-bottle (for mixed, and renanaChampagne Champagne bottles are larger than standard estándar, mixtas y renana) se recomienda para los que las botellas estándar. Deben colocarse lawine bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar, The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles. Standard 24-bottle stock for wines that need to be Champagne bottle stock bottles) is recommended They must be placed onto the basesobre of the cellar, vinosand debenremoved. permanecer visibles que puedan visible and easily removed. hold up to 5.placed basecan de la bodega, puede albergar hasta of 5. the wine cellar, bottles) isque recommended for wines thaty need to be which They must beque onto the base EN visible easily which can hold up to 5. visible andfácilmente. easily removed. which can hold up to 5. sacarse The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles. bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar, visible and easily removed. which can hold up to 5. STANDARD If you want to stock than Champagne bottles inbottles in STANDARD If you want more to más stock than 5de Champagne Si desea almacenar demore 55 botellas 24 Bottles (100% lying down) your wineyour remove the 3th shelf and stockand thestock If cellar, youwine want to stock more than 5 shelf Champagne bottles STANDARD 24 Bottles (100% lying down) cellar, remove the 3th the in ESTÁNDAR champán en su bodega, retire el tercer estante 3 shelves24 bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the Bottles (100% lying down) 3 shelves bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second 24 botellas (100 % boca abajo) ybetween almacénelas dos (colocando las botellas row those on thefilas bottom row). will hold bottles inen two rows (placing theThis bottles in thein second 3 shelves STANDARD If you want stock more than Champagne bottles rowtobetween those on5the bottom row). This will hold 3 estantes enwine segunda fila entre las3th que sebottom encuentran up to 9labottles. row those the row). the This will hold 24 Bottles (100% lying down) your cellar, remove the on shelf and stock up tobetween 9 bottles. en la fila inferior). Así pueden conservarse hasta Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden up to 9 bottles. Coloque botella en las ranuras 3 shelvesPosition eachcada bottle into the slots on thesobre 3 wooden bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the second shelves. shelves. 6 bottles be placed the bottom ofbottom 9between botellas. Some stocking configurations Position bottle into the slots on the the 3the wooden those on the bottom row). This will hold los 3 each estantes de madera. Pueden colocarse 6can bottles can beon placed on of therow Some stocking configurations wine cellar. shelves. 6 bottles beinferior placedde onlathe bottom of theup to 9 bottles. Some stocking configurations wine 6 cellar. botellas en lacan parte bodega. wine cellar. Algunas configuraciones de Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden Le sugerimos que coloque las botellas Renana We suggest you place theplace Renana onto the shelves. 6 bottles canyou be placed onbottles the bottom of the We suggest the Renana bottles onto the Some stocking configurations almacenamiento en elthe estante inferior ywine en parte inferior dethe la lower shelf and bottom ofbottom thethe cellar because We suggest youthe place Renana bottles onto wine cellar. lower shelf and of lathe wine cellar because bodega, ya que están diseñadas especialmente they havethey been specially designed to larger lower shelf and the bottom of hold the wine cellarlarger because have been specially designed to hold bottles. they have been specially to hold para soportar botellas más grandes. We suggest you place the Renanadesigned bottles onto the larger bottles. bottles. lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because ! El estante de madera puede soportar de forma !they Thehave wooden shelf canshelf safely hold up to 22larger bottles. been specially designed to hold ! The wooden can safely hold up to 22 bottles. segura un máximo de 22 botellas bottles. ! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles. ! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles. PRESERVATION PRESERVATION 28 Bottles down) PRESERVATION 28(100% Bottleslying (100% lying down) 28 Bottles (100% lying down) PRESERVATION CONSERVACIÓN 28 Bottles (100% lying down) 28 botellas (100 % boca abajo) 52 Maintenance and troubleshooting Mantenimiento y resolución de problemas EN Care and maintenance Cuidados y mantenimiento Disconnecting the wine cellar Solución de problemas Si ve que la bodega no funciona correctamente, Desconexión de la bodega During cleaning and it is imperative that you unplug theesta winelista cellarantes de llamar al Servicio consulte Durante la limpieza y elmaintenance, mantenimiento, es Técnico. imperativo desconectar la bodega. Troubleshooting Maintenance and troubleshooting If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your Care and maintenance Service Centre. ENProblema Disconnecting the wine cellar Posibles causas/soluciones Possible causes/solutions Problem During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar El compresor no funciona The compressor does not work • El• enchufe está conectado la toma de The plugno is not plugged into thea wall-outlet or not enoughotono make Or, there be a power corriente se contact. ha insertado locould suficiente failure inlistyour home. If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following before you call your También podría como para hacer contacto. • The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine Service Centre. haber un fallo de corriente su hogar. cellar into another wall-outleten to check. Possible Problem • causes/solutions La toma de corriente no funciona. Conecte la isbodega a otra toma de corriente para • The plug not plugged into the wall-outlet or not The compressor does not work enoughcomprobarlo. to make contact. Or, there could be a power The compressor never stops • Contact the Service Centre failure in your home. Troubleshooting El compresor no se detiene nunca • The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine • Póngase en contacto con el Servicio Técnico cellar into another wall-outlet to check.local Service Centre. ! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized ! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left unsettled for a long The compressor nevertime stopsthat the wine may suffer. • Contact the Service Centre ! Any work that is doneen to the wine cellardeberá should bellevarla performed your su authorized Centre. ! Cualquier reparación la bodega a by cabo centrolocal de Service Servicio Técnico local autorizado. ! Short a term faults,plazo, such as como power failure, will not the no wines. It is only when working faults are left Los vinos solo ! Los fallos corto un fallo decompromise corriente, pondrán en peligro los vinos. unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer. pueden verse afectados si los fallos de funcionamiento no se resuelven durante un largo periodo. Disposal ! The appliance was designedyand manufactured in ! El aparato ha sido proyectado fabricado en Eliminación compliance with international safety standards. The conformidad con las normas internacionales sobre following warnings are provided for safety reasons seguridad. Estas se manufactured suministranin Disposal ! Themust appliance was designed and be advertencias read carefully.and compliance international safety standards. The por razones dewith seguridad y deben ser leídas • •Eliminación delenvironmental material de standards embalaje:when respete following warnings are provided for safety reasons Observe local This appliance complies with the following atentamente. and must be read carefully. lasdisposing normas packaging locales, dematerial esta manera los for recycling Community Directives: Este aparato es conforme con las siguientes purposes. • Observe embalajes local environmental standards when This appliance complies with the following podrán ser reutilizados. disposing packaging material for recycling Community Directives: Directivas Comunitarias: • En base a la Directiva 2012/19/UE de • The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste purposes. - • - 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and subsequent amendments; - 73/23/EEC 19/02/73 (Low (LVD) Voltage) 2014/35/UE and Directiva de ofbaja tensión - subsequent 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic amendments; La Compatibility) Directiva compatibilidad electromagnética - 89/336/EECde of and 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic subsequent amendments; and subsequent amendments; (EMC) 2014/30/UE - Compatibility) 2002/96/CE. - 2002/96/CE. - La Directiva de RAEE 2012/30/UE Electricalde and Electronic Equipmenty (WEEE), Residuos aparatos Eléctricos Electrónicos The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste requires that old 2), household electrical appliances Electrical(Directiva and ElectronicRAEE Equipment (WEEE), los electrodomésticos not be disposed of in the normal unsorted requires thatmust old household electrical appliances viejos no pueden ser arrojados en los must be stream. Old appliances must not bemunicipal disposed ofwaste in the normal unsorted municipalcontenedores waste stream.separately Old municipales appliances must habituales. be collected in order to optimise the Los collected separately in and order recycling to optimise of thethe materials they contain recovery antiguos tienen ser recogidos recovery aparatos and recycling of the materials theyque contain and reduce the impact on human health and the and reduce the impact on human health and the selectivamente para optimizar la recuperación The crossed environment.environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin”out “wheeled bin” y the reciclado de componentes materiales symbol onreminds the los product reminds youyof your symbol on product you of your obligation, that whenconstituyen, you that dispose of the appliance obligation, when disposeelofimpacto the appliance que los yyou reducir it must be separately collected. it must be separately collected. enConsumers la salud humana y el medio Consumers should contact their local authority or ambiente. El should contact their local authority or retailer for information concerning the correct símbolo del cubo de basura tachado se marca information concerning the correct disposal of retailer their old for appliance. sobre todos los productos para recordar al disposal of their old appliance. consumidor la obligación de separarlos para la recogida selectiva. El consumidor debe contactar con la autoridad local o con el vendedor para informarse en relación a la correcta eliminación de su aparato viejo. 18 18 53 Asistencia Assistance Antes de llamar al Servicio de Asistencia Técnica: • Verifique si usted mismo puede resolver el problema de mal funcionamiento (consulte Resolución de problemas). • Si, no obstante los controles, el aparato no funciona y el problema continúa, llame al Centro de Before calling for Assistance: Asistencia Técnica más cercano EN • Check if the malfunction can be solved on your own (see Troubleshooting). • If after all the checks, the appliance still does not operate or the problem persists, call the nearest Service Centre model serial number Comunique: • el tipo de problema de mal funcionamiento Communicating: • el modelo del aparato • type of(Mod.) malfunction • el número de serie (S/N) model (Mod.) • appliance • serial number (S/N) Esta información This se encuentra information en canlabeplaca foundde on the data located on the bottom left side of the datos situada en laplate parte inferior izquierda del refrigerator compartment. compartimento frigorífico. Mod. RG 2330 220 - 240 V- TI 50 Hz Cod. 150 W 75 Total 340 Net Gross Gross Util Bruto Bruto Utile Brut Brut Compr. R 134 a Test Pressure HIGH-235 Syst. P.S-I. LOW 140 Kompr. kg 0,090 Made in Italy 13918 93139180000 W Fuse S/N 704211801 A Gross Bruto Brut Max 15 w Capac Class Poder de Cong Clase Freez. kg/24 h 4,0 N Classe EJEMPLO DE ETIQUETA Never call on unauthorized technicians and always refuse spare parts which are not originals. No recurra nunca a técnicos no autorizados y rechace siempre la instalación de repuestos que no sean originales. 19 54 Deutsch, GEBRAUCHSANLEITUNG IT Italiano, 4 RU Русский, 68 EN English, 17 KZ Қазақша, 81 FR Français, 29 NL Nederlands, 94 ES Español, 42 PT Português, 107 DE Deutsch, 55 Inhaltsverzeichnis Eigenschaften, 56 Hinweise Datenblatt Installation, 61 Standort und Stromanschluss Technische Information Produktbeschreibung, 62 Innenteile Bedientafel Benutzung des Weinschranks, 63-64 Flaschenlagerraum Manuelle Temperatureinstellung Entnehmen der Holzablageflächen Tabelle für die idealen Weintemperaturen Lagerung der Weinflaschen, 65 Lagern der Flaschen Pflege und Anleitung zur Fehlersuche, 66 Pflege und Wartung Anleitung zur Fehlersuche Kundendienst, 67 55 SICHERHEITSHINWEISE DIESE MÜSSEN DURCHGELESEN UND BEACHTET WERDEN Diese Sicherheitsanweisungen vor dem Gebrauch durchlesen. Diese Anweisungen zum Nachschlagen leicht zugänglich aufbewahren. In diesen Anweisungen sowie auf dem Gerät selbst werden wichtige Sicherheitshinweise angegeben, die durchgelesen und stets beachtet werden müssen. Der Hersteller übernimmt keine Haftung für die Nichtbeachtung dieser Sicherheitshinweise, für unsachgemäße Verwendung des Geräts oder falsche Bedienungseinstellung. Babys und Kleinkinder (0-3 Jahre) müssen vom Gerät fern gehalten werden. Jüngere Kinder (3-8 Jahre) müssen vom Gerät fern gehalten werden, es sei denn, sie werden ständig beaufsichtigt. Dieses Gerät darf von Kindern ab 8 Jahren sowie Personen mit herabgesetzten physischen, sensorischen oder geistigen Fähigkeiten und Mangel an Erfahrung und Kenntnissen nur unter Aufsicht oder nach ausreichender Einweisung durch eine für ihre Sicherheit verantwortliche Person verwendet werden. Kinder dürfen nicht mit dem Gerät spielen. Die Reinigung und Pflege des Geräts darf von Kindern nicht ohne Aufsicht durchgeführt werden. Kinder im Alter von 3 bis 8 Jahren dürfen Kühlgeräte beladen und entladen. Beispiel: Mitarbeiterküchen im Einzelhandel, in Büros oder in anderen Arbeitsbereichen; Gutshäuser; von Kunden in Hotels, Motels, Frühstückspensionen und anderen Wohneinrichtungen. Dieses Gerät ist nicht für den professionellen Gebrauch ausgelegt. Das Gerät ist nicht für die Benutzung im Freien geeignet. Die im Gerät verwendete Lampe ist speziell für Elektrogeräte konzipiert und ist nicht für die Beleuchtung von Räumen geeignet (EUVerordnung 244/2009). Das Gerät ist für den Einsatz in Räumen mit nachstehenden Umgebungstemperaturbereichen ausgelegt, die ihrerseits von der Klimaklasse auf dem Typenschild abhängig sind. Wird der vorgegebene Temperaturbereich für das Gerät für einen längeren Zeitraum unteroder überschritten, kann es zu Funktionsstörungen kommen. Klimaklasse Umgebungstemperaturen: SN: Von 10 bis 32 °C ST: Von 16 bis 38 °C; N: Von 16 bis 32 °C T: Von 16 bis 43 °C Dieses Gerät ist FCKW-frei. Der Kältemittelkreislauf enthält R600a (HC). Hinweis zu Geräten mit Isobutan (R600a): Isobutan ist ein umweltverträgliches, natürliches Gas, es ist jedoch leicht entflammbar. Aus diesem Grund sicherstellen, dass die Leitungen des Kühlmittelkreislaufs nicht beschädigt sind, insbesondere beim Entleeren des Kühlmittelkreislaufs. ZULÄSSIGE NUTZUNG VORSICHT: Das Gerät ist nicht für den Betrieb mit einer externen Schaltvorrichtung, z. B. einem Timer oder einer separaten Fernbedienung, ausgelegt. Dieses Gerät ist für Haushaltsanwendungen und ähnliche Anwendungen konzipiert, zum 56 die Tür des Gefrierfachs. Beschädigte Dichtungen müssen so schnell wie möglich ausgetauscht werden. Dieses Gerät ist ausschließlich zum Lagern von Wein im Weinlagerfach, zum Aufbewahren von frischen Lebensmitteln im Fach im Kühlmodus und zum Aufbewahren von tiefgekühlten Lebensmitteln, zum Einfrieren von frischen Lebensmitteln und zur Herstellung von Eiswürfeln im Fach im Gefriermodus konzipiert. Flaschen immer aus der Verpackung nehmen und nicht in Kisten oder Schachteln einlagern. Das Fassungsvermögen des Weinlagerfachs ist im Kapitel angegeben, in dem die Lagerung von Weinflaschen beschrieben wird. Unverpackte Lebensmittel so lagern, dass sie nicht mit den Innenwänden des Kühl- bzw. Gefrierfachs in Berührung kommen. Möglicherweise verfügt das Gerät über Sonderfächer (Frischefach, Null-Grad-Box, ...). Falls nicht anderweitig in der Anleitung des Gerätes anders angegeben, können diese für eine gleichmäßige Funktion im gesamten Gerät herausgenommen werden. Das brennbare Gas C-Pentan wird als Treibmittel im Isolierschaum eingesetzt. Folgender Teil des Fachs eignet sich am besten zur Aufbewahrung verschiedener Arten von Lebensmitteln, unter Berücksichtigung der unterschiedlichen Temperaturverteilung in verschiedenen Fächern des Geräts: - Kühlmodus: 1) Oberer Bereich des Kühlschrankfachs Temperaturbereich: Zur Aufbewahrung von tropischen Früchten, Dosen, Getränken, Eiern, Soßen, Gewürzgurken, Butter, Marmelade WARNUNG: Beschädigen Sie auf keinen Fall die Leitungen des Kältemittelkreises. WARNUNG: Lüftungsöffnungen in der Geräteverkleidung oder im Einbaumöbel sind von Behinderungen frei zu halten. WARNUNG: Zum Beschleunigen des Abtauvorganges niemals zu anderen mechanischen, elektrischen oder chemischen Hilfsmitteln greifen als zu den vom Hersteller empfohlenen. WARNUNG: Verwenden Sie keine elektrischen Geräte in den Fächern des Gerätes, wenn deren Einsatz nicht explizit vom Hersteller zugelassen worden ist. WARNUNG: Eisbereiter und/oder Wasserspender, die nicht direkt mit der Wasserleitung verbunden sind, dürfen nur mit Trinkwasser befüllt werden. Bewahren Sie keine explosionsgefährdeten Stoffe wie Spraydosen im oder in der Nähe des Gerätes auf. Das gleiche gilt für Benzin und sonstige entflammbare Stoffe und deren Verwendung. Die in den Kühlakkus (bei manchen Modellen vorhanden) enthaltene (ungiftige) Flüssigkeit darf nicht verschluckt werden. Verzehren Sie Eiswürfel oder Wassereis nicht unmittelbar nach der Entnahme aus dem Gefrierfach, da sie Kälteverbrennungen hervorrufen können. Bei Produkten, die für den Gebrauch eines Luftfilters hinter einer zugänglichen Lüfterabdeckung ausgelegt sind, muss der Filter bei laufendem Kühlschrank stets eingesetzt sein. Bewahren Sie keine Glasbehälter mit Flüssigkeiten im Gefrierfach, sie könnten zerbrechen. Blockieren Sie das Gebläse (falls inbegriffen) nicht mit Lebensmitteln. Prüfen Sie nach dem Ablegen von Lebensmitteln, ob die Tür der Fächer korrekt schließt, besonders 57 2) Mittlerer Bereich des Kühlschrankfachs - kühler Bereich: Zur Aufbewahrung von Käse, Milch, Milchprodukten, Feinkost, Joghurt 3) Unterer Bereich des Kühlschrankfachs - kältester Bereich: Zur Aufbewahrung von Aufschnitt, Desserts, Fleisch und Fisch, Käsekuchen, frischen Nudeln, saurer Sahne, Pesto/Salsa, selbstgemachtem Essen, Sahne, Pudding und Frischkäse 4) Boden des Kühlschrankfachs: Zur Aufbewahrung von Obst und Gemüse (außer tropische Früchte) - Gefriermodus: Bei gekaufter Tiefkühlkost ist das Haltbarkeitsdatum auf der Verpackung angegeben. Bei diesem Datum wird die Art des gelagerten Lebensmittels berücksichtigt und daher sollte dieses Datum eingehalten werden. Frische Lebensmittel sollten für folgender Zeiträume gelagert werden: 1-3 Monate für Käse, Krustentiere, Eiscreme, Schinken/Würste, Milch, frische Flüssigkeiten; 4 Monate für Steaks oder Koteletts (Rind, Lamm, Schwein); 6 Monate für Butter oder Margarine, Geflügel (Hähnchen, Pute); 8-12 Monate bei Obst (ausgenommen Zitrusfrüchte), Braten (Rind, Schwein, Lamm), Gemüse. Haltbarkeitszeiten auf der Verpackung von Lebensmitteln müssen eingehalten werden. Beachten Sie zur Vermeidung von Lebensmittelverunreinigungen folgende Regeln: - Das Öffnen der Tür für längere Zeit kann zu einer deutlichen Temperaturerhöhung in den Fächern des Kühlgeräts führen. - Reinigen Sie Oberflächen, die mit Lebensmitteln und Abwassersystemen in Kontakt kommen können, regelmäßig. - Reinigen Sie Wasserbehälter, wenn sie 48 Stunden lang nicht benutzt - - - wurden; spülen Sie das mit der Wasserversorgung verbundene Wassersystem, wenn seit 5 Tagen kein Wasser entnommen wurde. Bewahren Sie rohes Fleisch und Fisch in geeigneten Behältern im Kühlschrank auf, damit es nicht mit anderen Lebensmitteln in Kontakt kommt oder auf sie tropft. Zwei-Sterne-Gefrierfächer eignen sich zur Aufbewahrung von tiefgekühlten Lebensmitteln, zur Aufbewahrung oder Herstellung von Speiseeis und Eiswürfeln. Frieren Sie frische Lebensmittel nicht in Ein, Zwei- oder Drei-SterneGefrierfächern ein. Wenn das Kühlgerät lange leer steht, schalten Sie es aus, tauen Sie es ab, reinigen und trocknen Sie es und lassen Sie die Tür offen, um zu verhindern, dass sich im Inneren des Geräts Schimmel bildet. INSTALLATION Das Gerät muss von zwei oder mehr Personen gehandhabt und aufgestellt werden – Verletzungsgefahr. Schutzhandschuhe zum Auspacken und zur Installation des Geräts verwenden – Schnittgefahr. Die Installation, einschließlich der Wasserversorgung (falls vorhanden) und elektrische Anschlüsse und Reparaturen müssen von einem qualifizierten Techniker durchgeführt werden. Reparieren Sie das Gerät nicht selbst und tauschen Sie keine Teile aus, wenn dies vom Bedienungshandbuch nicht ausdrücklich vorgesehen ist. Kinder vom Installationsort fern halten. Prüfen Sie das Gerät nach dem Auspacken auf Transportschäden. Bei auftretenden Problemen wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Händler oder den Kundenservice. Nach der Installation müssen Verpackungsabfälle (Kunststoff, Styroporteile usw.) außerhalb der 58 Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahrt werden - Erstickungsgefahr. Das Gerät vor Installationsarbeiten von der Stromversorgung trennen - Stromschlaggefahr. Während der Installation sicherstellen, das Netzkabel nicht mit dem Gerät selbst zu beschädigen - Brand- oder Stromschlaggefahr. Das Gerät erst starten, wenn die Installationsarbeiten abgeschlossen sind. Achten Sie beim Bewegen des Gerätes darauf, den Boden (z. B. Parkett) nicht zu beschädigen. Stellen Sie das Gerät auf dem Boden oder einer für sein Gewicht ausreichend starken Halterung auf. Der Ort sollte der Größe und der Nutzung des Geräts entsprechen. Sicherstellen, dass sich das Gerät nicht in der Nähe einer Wärmequelle befindet und dass die vier Füße fest auf dem Boden aufliegen. Die Füße entsprechend einstellen und mit einer Wasserwaage kontrollieren, dass das Gerät vollkommen eben und standfest ist. Warten Sie mindestens zwei Stunden, bevor Sie das Gerät einschalten, um sicherzustellen, dass der Kältemittelkreislauf einwandfrei funktioniert. WARNUNG: Stellen Sie beim Aufstellen des Geräts sicher, dass das Netzkabel nicht eingeklemmt oder beschädigt wird. WARNUNG: Um Gefahren aufgrund von Instabilität zu verhindern, muss das Gerät gemäß Herstelleranweisungen platziert oder befestigt werden. Der Kühlschrank darf nicht so aufgestellt werden, dass das Metallrohr eines Gasherdes, Metall- bzw. Wasserrohre oder elektrische Verkabelungen mit der Rückwand des Gerätes in Berührung kommen (oder mit der Kondensatorschlange). Um eine ausreichende Belüftung sicherzustellen, muss an beiden Seiten und über dem Gerät etwas Platz gelassen werden. Der Abstand zwischen der Rückwand des Geräts und der Wand hinter dem Gerät muss 50 mm betragen, um Zugang zu heißen Oberflächen zu vermeiden. Eine Verringerung dieses Abstands erhöht den Energieverbrauch des Gerätes. HINWEISE ZUR ELEKTRIK Es muss gemäß den Verdrahtungsregeln möglich sein, den Netzstecker des Gerätes zu ziehen, oder es mit einem Trennschalter, welcher der Steckdose vorgeschaltet ist, auszuschalten. Das Gerät muss im Einklang mit den nationalen elektrischen Sicherheitsbestimmungen geerdet sein. Verwenden Sie keine Verlängerungskabel, Mehrfachstecker oder Adapter. Nach der Installation dürfen Strom führende Teile für den Benutzer nicht mehr zugänglich sein. Das Gerät nicht bedienen, wenn Sie nasse Hände haben oder barfuß sind. Das Gerät nicht in Betrieb nehmen, wenn das Netzkabel oder der Stecker beschädigt ist, wenn es nicht einwandfrei funktioniert, herunter gefallen ist oder in irgendeiner Weise beschädigt wurde. Wenn das Netzkabel beschädigt ist, muss es aus Sicherheitsgründen vom Hersteller, von seinem Kundendienstvertreter oder einer ähnlich qualifizierten Fachkraft mit einem identischen Kabel ersetzt werden - Stromschlaggefahr. WARNUNG: Bringen Sie keine Mehrfachstecker oder tragbare Stromversorgungsgeräte an der Geräterückseite an. 59 with the wiring rules and the appliance must be earthed in conformity with national electrical safety standards. Do not use extension leads, multiple sockets or adapters. The electrical components must not be accessible to the user after installation. Do not use the appliance when you are wet or barefoot. UND PFLEGE Do REINIGUNG not operate this appliance if it has a damaged Durchführung power WARNUNG: cable or plug, ifVor it is der not working properly, or ifvon it has been damaged or dropped. Wartungsarbeiten, sicherstellen, If the cord is damaged, it must dass dassupply Gerät ausgeschaltet und von be replaced with an identical one by the der Stromversorgung manufacturer, its service getrennt agent oristsimilarly Verwenden qualified personsSie in niemals order toDampfreiniger avoid a hazard- riskStromschlaggefahr. of electric shock. WARNING: Do not Verwenden Sie locate keine multiple portable socket-outlets or portable power supplies at the rearScheuermittel of the appliance.wie Fensterspray, Entfetter, CLEANING ANDentzündbare MAINTENANCEFlüssigkeiten, Reinigungspaste, konzentrierte WARNING: Ensure that the appliance is switched off and disconnected fromoder the power Reinigungsmittel, Bleichmittel supply before performing any maintenance benzinhaltige Reinigungsmittel operation; never use steam cleaning equipment Kunststoffteilen, Innen- oder riskauf of electric shock. Türablagen Dichtungen. Benutzen Do not use oder abrasive or harsh cleaners such as window sprays, scouring cleansers, flammable Sie keine Papiertücher, Topfreiniger fluids, cleaning waxes, concentrated detergents, oder scharfen Gegenstände. bleaches or cleansers containing petroleum products on plastic ENTSORGUNG parts, VON interior and door liners or gaskets. Do not use paper towels, scouring VERPACKUNGSMATERIALIEN pads, or other harsh cleaning tools. Das Verpackungsmaterial ist zu 100 % DISPOSAL OF PACKAGING MATERIALS undrecyclable trägt dasandRecyclingThe wiederverwertbar packaging material is 100% is marked with the The various parts the packaging must therefore recycle symbol Symbol .. Werfen Sie dasof Verpackungsmaterial be disposed of responsibly and in full compliance with local authority deshalb nicht waste einfach weg, sondern entsorgen Sie regulations governing disposal. es gemäß geltenden örtlichen Vorschriften. DISPOSAL OFden HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES This appliance is manufactured with recyclable or reusable materials. Dispose of it in accordanceVON with local waste disposal regulations. ENTSORGUNG For further information on the treatment, recovery and recycling HAUSHALTSGERÄTEN of household electrical appliances, contact your local authority, the collection service for household or the store whereoder you purchased Dieses Gerät wurdewaste aus recycelbaren the appliance. This appliance is marked in compliance with European wiederverwendbaren Werkstoffen Directive 2012/19/EU, Waste Electrical and Electronichergestellt. Equipment (WEEE). By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent Entsorgen Sie das Gerät im Einklang mit den negative consequences for the environment and human health. The lokalen zurtheAbfallbeseitigung. symbol on Vorschriften the product or on accompanying documentation indicates that it should not be treatedzu as domestic waste but must be Genauere Informationen Behandlung, taken to an appropriate collection centre for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. Entsorgung und Recycling von elektrischen ENERGY SAVING TIPSsind bei der örtlichen Behörde, Haushaltsgeräten To guarantee adequate ventilation follow installation instructions. der Müllabfuhr demofHändler erhältlich, bei Insufficient ventilation atoder the back the product increases energy consumption andGerät decreases cooling wurde. efficiency.Dieses Gerät ist dem das gekauft Frequent door opening might cause an increase in Energy consumption. gemäß der Europäischen Richtlinie 2012/19/EU The internal temperature of the appliance and the Energy Consumption may für be affected also by theElektronik-Altgeräte ambient temperature, as well as location of Elektround (WEEE) the appliance. Temperature setting should take into consideration these gekennzeichnet. Durch Ihren Beitrag zur factors. Reduce door opening to minimum. Whenkorrekten thawing frozen food, place it in the refrigerator. The low Entsorgung dieses Produkts schützen temperature of the frozen products cools the food in the refrigerator. die food Umwelt und die Gesundheit Ihrer AllowSie warm and drinks to cool down before placing in the appliance. Positioning of the shelves refrigerator no impact Mitmenschen. Dasin theSymbol aufhasdem Geräton the efficient usage of energy. Food should be placed on the shelves in such bzw. aufproper demairbeiliegenden way to ensure circulation (foodInformationsmaterial should not touch each other and distance betweenhin, food dass and rear wall should be kept). weist darauf dieses Gerät kein normaler Haushaltsabfall ist, sondern in einer Sammelstelle für Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräte entsorgt werden muss. 60 You can increase storage capacity of frozen food by removing baskets and, if present, Stop Frost shelf. Do not worry about noises coming from the compressor which are normal operation noises. ENERGIESPARTIPPS Befolgen Sie die Aufstellanweisungen, um angemessene Belüftung sicherzustellen. Eine unzureichende Belüftung hinten am Gerät erhöht den Energieverbrauch und verringert die Kühlkapazität. Häufiges Öffnen der Tür kann zu einem erhöhten Energieverbrauch führen. Die Innentemperatur des Gerätes und der Energieverbrauch können sowohl von der Umgebungstemperatur als auch vom Standort des Gerätes beeinflusst werden. Bei der Temperatureinstellung sind diese Faktoren zu berücksichtigen. Öffnen Sie die Tür so wenig wie notwendig. Platzieren Sie Lebensmittel zum Auftauen im Kühlschrank. Die niedrige Temperatur der gefrorenen Lebensmittel kühlt das Essen im Kühlschrank. Lassen Sie warme Speisen und Getränke abkühlen, bevor Sie diese im Gerät platzieren. Die Position der Ablageflächen im Kühlschrank hat keinen Einfluss auf den effizienten Energieverbrauch. Lebensmittel müssen so auf den Ablageflächen platziert werden, dass eine korrekte Luftzirkulation sichergestellt wird (Lebensmittel dürfen sich nicht berühren und zwischen Lebensmitteln und Rückwand muss Abstand gehalten werden). Sie können die Lagerkapazität der gefrorenen Lebensmittel durch Entnahme der Körbe und, wenn vorhanden, der Stop-Frost-Ablage, erhöhen. Es gibt keinen Grund zur Beunruhigung im Falle von Geräuschen durch den Kompressor, diese sind normale Betriebsgeräusche. Installation Aufstellung und Anschluss Auspacken 1. Entfernen Sie vorsichtig den Schutz und die Aufkleber, öffnen Sie die Tür und stellen Sie sicher, dass alle Bestandteile vorhanden sind. 2. Entnehmen Sie das Netzkabel. Stromanschluss Stellen Sie das Gerät nach dem Transport senkrecht auf und warten Sie wenigstens 3 Stunden, bevor Sie es an das elektrische Leitungssystem anschließen. Vor dem Einsetzen des Netzsteckers in die Steckdose ist sicherzustellen, dass: • die Steckdose geerdet ist und den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen • entspricht; • die Steckdose der maximalen Stromlast des Geräts standhalten kann, die in der Tabelle der technischen Daten oder am Kennschild unten rechts (siehe Gerätebeschreibung) angegeben ist; • die Versorgungsspannung innerhalb des Bereichs liegt, der in der Tabelle der technischen Daten oder am Kennschild unten rechts (siehe Gerätebeschreibung) angegeben ist; • die Steckdose mit dem Netzstecker des Geräts kompatibel ist. Ersetzen Sie anderenfalls die Steckdose oder den Netzstecker; verwenden Sie keine Verlängerungen oder Mehrfachstecker. Aufstellung 1. Stellen Sie das Gerät in einem gut belüfteten, nicht feuchten und freien Bereich auf (Schränke mit geschlossenen Wänden vermeiden). 2. Halten Sie das Gerät von Wärmequellen fern. 3. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Mindestabstände zwischen dem Gerät und den Wänden des Raums, in dem es aufgestellt wird, eingehalten werden, um eine einwandfreie Belüftung des Geräts zu gewährleisten. Siehe Abbildung. Dimensions of the cellar 455 444 Dimensions of the compartment Ventilation space: at least 50 mm 5 55 Here “PUSH TO OPEN” Here “PUSH TO CLOSE” 61 Furniture side area Product Description Produktbeschreibung Product Description Innenteile EN EN Interior Parts CONTROL PANEL DOOR Interior Parts CONTROL PANEL BOTTLE AGEING COMPARTMENT BOTTLE AGEING COMPARTMENT DOOR SHELVES DATA PLATE SHELVES DATA PLATE Control Panel Bedientafel ControlPILOT Panel REDUCE TEMPERATURE DISPLAY LAMP LIT PILOT LAMP LIT DISPLAY REDUCE TEMPERATURE POWER CONNECTION LIGHT POWER CONNECTION LIGHT LIGHT COOLING PILOT LAMP LIGHT COOLING PILOT LAMP 62 INCREASE TEMPERATURE INCREASE TEMPERATURE ON/OFF BUTTON ON/OFF BUTTON Benutzung des Weinschranks Flaschenlagerraum Die Hauptfunktion des Lagerraums besteht darin, zu gewährleisten, dass Ihre Weine unter optimalen Bedingungen aufbewahrt werden. Die Temperatur wurde ab Werk auf eine Temperatur voreingestellt, die sich in den meisten Fällen als ausgezeichnet herausgestellt hat. Sie beträgt 15 °C im oberen Fach. Die Natur des Weins ist komplex und er ist das Produkt eines langen und langsamen Prozesses. Um seine Eigenschaften bestmöglich zum Ausdruck zu bringen, sind ganz spezielle Bedingungen erforderlich. Alle Weine werden bei der gleichen Temperatur aufbewahrt, je nach ihren Eigenschaften werden Weine jedoch bei sehr unterschiedlichen Temperaturen serviert und verkostet (siehe Tabelle für die idealen Weintemperaturen). Deshalb ist für Ihr neues Gerät, wie auch für die Weinkeller der Produzenten, der absolute Temperaturwert für die Lagerung ihres Weins nicht wichtig. Vielmehr ist eine konstante Temperatur im Laufe der Zeit wichtig. Die Weinlagerung ist bei jeder Temperatur ideal, so lange diese Temperatur nicht schwankt. Manuelle Temperatureinstellung Wenn der Weinklimaschrank mit dem Stromnetz verbunden ist, zeigt die Anzeige die Innentemperatur des Klimaschranks: Sie wurde auf 15 °C eingestellt und hält diese konstant. Sollten Sie diese einstellen müssen, folgen Sie den nachstehenden Anweisungen: 1. Wenn der Weinklimaschrank mit dem Stromnetz verbunden ist, zeigt das Display, die eingestellte Temperatur 2. Drücken Sie eine Sekunde lang die Taste + (siehe Bedientafel). Die Temperatur beginnt zu blinken. 3. Drücken Sie die Tasten + oder -, bis Sie die gewünschte Temperatur erreichen 4. Warten Sie 5 Sekunden, bis die Temperatur zu blinken aufhört. 5. Warten Sie, bis der Weinklimaschrank seine Temperatur erreicht, bevor Sie die Weinflaschen hineinlegen. Das Innenlicht schaltet sich nicht ein (oder schaltet sich vorübergehende aus), wenn die Innentemperatur 24 °C überschreitet. Dies gestattet Ihnen, die voreingestellte Temperatur schneller zu erreichen. Entnehmen der Holzablageflächen WARNUNG: Die Holzablageflächen gleiten nicht. Entnehmen Sie diese nicht, wenn Flaschen darauf liegen, um die Gefahr des Brechens der Flaschen zu vermeiden. Sie können die Ablageflächen nur zum Reinigen entnehmen, wenn sie nicht mit Flaschen beladen sind. 63 Tabelle für die idealen Weintemperaturen Diese Tabelle gibt die ungefähren Serviertemperaturen für verschiedene Weine an. Sollte einer Ihrer Weine bei höheren Temperaturen serviert werden müssen, als die Temperatur in Ihrem Weinklimaschrank beträgt, empfehlen wir, diesen vor dem Servieren die erforderliche Zeit heraußen zu lassen. Amarone 17°C Trockene und süße Schaumweine 6 °C Barbaresco 17°C Verdicchio di Matelica e dei Castelli di Jesi 8 °C Barolo 17°C Weißweine Trentino-Südtirol 11 °C Beaujolais 13 °C Weißwein - Franciacorta 11 °C 10 °C Weiße Likörweine - Bordeaux 6 °C Trockener, würziger Weißwein Weißwein, trocken - Bordeaux 8 °C Trockener, junger und fruchtiger Weißwein Roter Bordeaux 17°C Weißwein Friaul-Julisch Venetien 11 °C Weißer Burgunder 11 °C Rodano Weine 15°C Roter Burgunder 18 °C Weißwein, trocken - Loire 10 °C Brunello 17°C Likörweine - Loire Champagner 6 °C Rotwein - Loire 8 °C 7 °C 14 °C Chianti Classico 16 °C Trockenbeerenauslesen Languedoc-Roussillon 13 °C Roséwein, junger Wein 12 °C Passito di Pantelleria 6 °C Leichter Rotwein mit milden Tanninen 14 °C Tanninhaltiger Rotwein mit mittlerer Struktur 16 °C Rosé - Provence 12 °C 64 8-18 °C Stocking wine bottles Stocking Stocking thethe the wine wine bottles bottles Lagerung derwine Weinflaschen Stocking the bottles Standard 24-bottle stock Standardlagerung 24 Flaschen Standard Standard 24-bottle 24-bottle stockfür stock Champagne bottle stock Lagerung von Champagnerflaschen Champagne Champagne bottle stock bottle stock Lagerung von(for 24 Flaschen (für Standard-, sind breiter als than standard bottles.EN TheDie 24-bottle stock standard, mixed, and renana Champagnerflaschen Champagne bottles are larger gemischte und Renana-Flaschen) wird für Weine normale Flaschen. Sie müssen am desstandard The 24-bottle The 24-bottle stock (for stock standard, (for standard, mixed, and mixed, renana and renana Champagne Champagne bottles are bottles larger are than larger standard than bottles. bottles. bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be They must be placed onto Boden the base of the wine cellar, empfohlen, diestock sichtbar und leicht zu Weinklimaschranks platziert der bisofzuthe 5 wine cellar, bottles) isvisible bottles) recommended is recommended for winesfor that wines needthat toentnehmen be need to be Champagne They must They be placed must beonto placed the base onto the of the base wine cellar, and easily removed. which can hold up to werden, 5. Standard 24-bottle bottle stock visible and visible easily removed. easily removed. which can which holdkann. can up to hold 5. up to 5. seinand müssen. aufnehmen EN The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles. bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar, visible and easily removed. which can hold up to 5. STANDARD If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in STANDARD If you wantcellar, to stock more than 5 shelf Champagne STANDARD If you want to wine stock more than 5 Champagne bottles inbottles 24 Bottles (100% lying down) your the 3th and stock the in STANDARD Möchten Sie mehr als 5remove Champagnerflaschen 24 Bottles (100% down) wine cellar, remove thethe 3th shelf stock the 24 Bottleslying (100% lying down) your wineyour cellar, the 3th shelf andbottles stockand thethe 3 shelves bottles inremove two rows (placing in second 24 Flaschen (100% liegend) in Ihrem Weinschrank lagern, entfernen Sie 3 shelves3 shelves in two rows (placing theinbottles in thewill second bottles inbottles twobetween rows (placing the bottles the second row those on the bottom row). This hold 3 Ablageflächen die 3.row Ablagefläche und lagern Sie dieThis Flaschen those on5the bottom row). This in will hold row between those on thethan bottom row). will hold up to tobetween 9 bottles. STANDARD If you want stock more Champagne bottles in zwei Reihen (die Flaschen der zweiten up to 9 bottles. up to 9 bottles. Legeneach Sie jede Flasche in slots die Schlitze den Position bottle into the on the auf 3 wooden 24 Bottles (100% lying down) your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the Reihe sind zwischen denen unteren Reihe Position bottle into thecan slots on the 3 on wooden Position each bottle into slots on the bottom 3 wooden 3 Holzablageflächen. Flaschen können am of thebottles shelves. 6 bottles be6the placed the stocking configurations 3 shelveseach inSome two rows (placing theder bottles in the second shelves. shelves. 6 bottles be placed the bottom ofbottom the of theSome 6can bottles can beon placed on the platzieren). Soonkönnen bis zurow). 9 Flaschen Some stocking configurations stocking configurations wine cellar. rowzu between those the bottom This will hold Boden des Weinschranks platziert werden. wine cellar. wine cellar. aufgenommen up to 9 bottles. werden. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, die Renana-Flaschen auf We suggest youthe place the bottles onto the Position each bottle into slots onRenana the 3 wooden die untere Ablagefläche und aufwine dencellar Boden des We suggest you place the Renana onto the We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the Some lower shelf and the bottom of because shelves. 6 bottles can be placed onbottles thethe bottom of the stocking configurations Einige Konfigurationen für die Lagerung Weinschranks zu legen, da diese speziell für die lowercellar. shelf and the been bottom ofbottom the wine cellar because lower shelf and the of the wine cellarlarger because they have specially designed to hold wine they havethey been specially designed to holdgestaltet larger have been specially designed to holdwurden. larger Aufnahme breiterer Flaschen bottles. bottles. bottles. We suggest you place the Renana bottles onto the ! Die Holzablagefläche kann bis zu 22 Flaschen ! The wooden shelfofcan hold up to 22 bottles. lower shelf and thetragen bottom thesafely wine cellar because sicher ! Thehave wooden canshelf safely hold up to 22larger bottles. ! The wooden can safely hold up to 22 bottles. they beenshelf specially designed to hold bottles. PRESERVATION PRESERVATION PRESERVATION 28 Bottles (100% lying down) ! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles. 28(100% Bottleslying (100% lying down) 28 Bottles down) PRESERVATION KONSERVIERUNG 28 Bottles (100% lying down) 28 Flaschen (100% liegend) 65 Maintenance and troubleshooting Pflege und Anleitung zur Fehlersuche Care and maintenance EN Pflege Anleitung zur Fehlersuche und Wartung Wenn Sie feststellen, dass Ihr Weinschrank nicht Disconnecting theWeinschranks wine cellar Unterbrechen des ordnungsgemäß arbeitet, überprüfen Sie diesen Während Reinigung und Pflege muss der During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar entsprechend der folgenden Liste, bevor Sie Ihren Weinschrank unbedingt ausgesteckt werden. Kundendienst rufen. Troubleshooting Maintenance and troubleshooting If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your Care and maintenance Service Centre. ENFehler Disconnecting the wine cellar Mögliche Ursachen/Abstellmaßnahmen Possible causes/solutions Problem During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar DerThe Kompressor nicht compressorfunktioniert does not work • Der Stecker in die • The plug isist notnicht plugged intoWandsteckdose the wall-outlet or not eingesteckt, oder contact. nicht ausreichend, enough to make Or, there couldum be aeinen power failureherzustellen. inlistyour home. Kontakt Oder If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following before you call your es könnte einen • The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine Service Centre. Stromausfall in Ihrem Haus geben. cellar into another wall-outlet to check. Possible Problem • causes/solutions Die Steckdose ist nicht funktionstüchtig. Stecken Sie den Weinklimaschrank zur Kontrolle an einer • The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not The compressor does not work enoughanderen to make contact. Or, there could Steckdose an. be a power Troubleshooting failure in•yourContact home. the Service Centre • The• wall-outlet is notSie in working order. Plug the wine Wenden sich bitte an den Kundendienst cellar into another wall-outlet to check.local Service Centre. ! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized The compressor never stops Der Kompressor läuft ständig ! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left unsettled for a long The compressor nevertime stopsthat the wine may suffer. • Contact the Service Centre ! Alle Arbeiten, die am Weinschrank ausgeführt werden, sollten von Ihrem autorisierten örtlichen ! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre. Kundendienst durchgeführt werden. ! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left ! Kurzzeitige Störungen wietheStromausfall unsettled for a long time that wine may suffer.beeinträchtigen die Weine nicht. Nur wenn Betriebsstörungen längere Zeit nicht behoben werden, kann dies dem Wein schaden. Disposal The appliance was designed and manufactured in ! Das!Gerät wurde entwickelt und hergestellt Entsorgung compliance with international safety standards. The in Übereinstimmung mit internationalen following warnings are provided for safety reasons Sicherheitsstandards. Die folgenden Warnungen Disposal ! Themust appliance was designed and manufactured in and be read carefully. compliance with international safetygegeben standards. und The werden aus Sicherheitsgründen • •Beachten örtlichen Umweltstandards, following warningscomplies are provided forthe safety reasons Observe Sie localdie environmental standards when This appliance with following müssen gelesen andsorgfältig must be read carefully.werden. wenn Sie Verpackungsmaterialien für den disposing packaging material for recycling Community Directives: DiesesThis Gerät ist konform mit den folgenden purposes. • Observe Recyclingprozess local environmental standards when appliance complies with the following entsorgen. disposing packaging material for recycling Community Directives: Gemeinschaftsrichtlinien: • Die Richtlinie 2012/19 /EU über Elektro- und • The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste purposes. - • - 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and subsequent - 73/23/EEC ofamendments; 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) Niederspannungsrichtlinie (engl.and LVD) 2014/35/ - subsequent 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic amendments; EUCompatibility) - 89/336/EEC of and 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic subsequent amendments; Compatibility) and subsequent Richtlinie 2014/30/EU überamendments; die - 2002/96/CE. - 2002/96/CE. elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (EMV) - WEEE-Richtlinie 2012/30/EU Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), Elektronik-Altgeräte (WEEE 2 Richtlinie), The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste requiresdass that old household electrical appliances Electricalfordert, and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), alte elektrische Haushaltsgeräte not be disposed of in the normal unsorted requires thatmust old household electrical appliances nicht in der kommunalen Abfallentsorgung stream. Old appliances must be must not bemunicipal disposed ofwaste in the normal unsorted municipalentsorgt waste stream. Old appliances must be collected separately in order to optimiseseparat the werden. Altgeräte müssen collected separately in order to optimise the recovery and recycling of the Rückgewinnung materials they contain um recovery gesammelt and recycling ofwerden, the materials theydie contain and reduce the impact on human health and the and reduce thedas impact on human health and theenthaltenen und Recycling der darin The crossed environment.environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin”out “wheeled bin” Materialien zu verbessern umofdie symbol on the product reminds your symbol on the product reminds you of your undyou obligation, that when you that dispose of Gesundheit the obligation, when youappliance dispose of thePersonen appliance Auswirkung auf die von it must be separately collected. it must be separately collected. und die Umgebung zu reduzieren. Das Consumers should contact their local authority or Consumers should contact their local authority or retailer for information concerning the correct Symbol der durchgestrichenen information concerning"Mülltonne“ the correct disposal of retailer their old for appliance. auf dem Produkt weist darauf hin, dass es disposal of their old appliance. bei der Entsorgung des Gerätes separat gesammelt werden muss. Verbraucher sollten ihre Lokalbehörde oder Händler kontaktieren für Informationen über die korrekte Entsorgung von Altgeräten. 18 18 66 Kundendienst Assistance Bevor Sie sich an den Kundendienst wenden: • Prüfen Sie, ob die Störung selbst behoben werden kann (siehe Anleitung zur Fehlersuche). • Sollte trotz aller Kontrollen das Gerät nicht funktionieren und der von Ihnen festgestellte Fehler weiter bestehen bleiben, dann fordern Sie bitte den nächstgelegenen technischen Kundendienst an und teilen Before calling for Assistance: Sie dort zusammen mit Ihrer Fehlerbeschreibung folgende Daten mit • Check if the malfunction can be solved on your own (see Troubleshooting). EN • If after all the checks, the appliance still does not operate or the problem persists, call the nearest Service Centre bitte Folgendes an: model serial number Geben Sie • die Art der Störung Communicating: • das Gerätemodell (Mod.) • type of malfunction • Seriennummer•(S/N) appliance model (Mod.) • serial number (S/N) Diese Informationen Sie can auf be dem This finden information found on the data plate located linken on the bottom left side of the Typenschild auf der unteren Seite des Kühlschranks. refrigerator compartment. Mod. RG 2330 220 - 240 V- TI 50 Hz Cod. 150 W 75 Total 340 Net Gross Gross Util Bruto Bruto Utile Brut Brut Compr. R 134 a Test Pressure HIGH-235 Syst. P.S-I. LOW 140 Kompr. kg 0,090 Made in Italy 13918 93139180000 W Fuse S/N 704211801 A Gross Bruto Brut Max 15 w Capac Class Poder de Cong Clase Freez. kg/24 h 4,0 N Classe BEISPIEL FÜR DAS TYPENSCHILD Never call on unauthorized technicians and always refuse spare parts which are not originals. Beauftragen Sie auf keinen Fall einen nicht befugten Kundendienst und lassen Sie ausschließlich Original-Ersatzteile. 19 67 Русский, РУКОВОДСТВО ПО ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИ IT Italiano, 4 RU Русский, 68 EN English, 17 KZ Қазақша, 81 FR Français, 29 NL Nederlands, 94 ES Español, 42 PT Português, 107 DE Deutsch, 55 Указатель Характеристики, 69 Обзор Спецификация Установка, 74 Размещение и подключение к сети электропитания Техническая информация Описание изделия, 75 Внутреннее наполнение Панель управления Эксплуата ция винного шкафа, 76-77 Отделение для выдержки Ручная регулировка температуры Извлечение деревянных полок Таблица идеальной температуры вин Размещение бутылок, 78 Как размещать бутылки Обслуживание и устранение неисправностей, 79 Уход и обслуживание Поиск и устранение неисправностей Сервис, 80 68 ИНСТРУКЦИЯ ПО БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО ПРОЧТИТЕ И СОБЛЮДАЙТЕ Прежде чем пользоваться прибором, прочтите данную инструкцию по безопасности. Сохраните ее для возможности обращения в будущем. В настоящей инструкции и на самом приборе содержатся важные указания по безопасности. Их необходимо прочесть и выполнять постоянно. Изготовитель снимает с себя всякую ответственность за последствия несоблюдения настоящих указаний по безопасности, ненадлежащего использования прибора или неправильные рабочие настройки на пульте управления. Очень маленьких детей (до 3 лет) не следует подпускать к прибору. Дети в возрасте от 3 до 8 лет могут находиться рядом с прибором только под постоянным присмотром. Дети, начиная с 8-летнего возраста, лица с ограниченными физическими, сенсорными или умственными способностями и лица, не имеющие достаточных знаний и навыков, могут пользоваться прибором только под присмотром или после того, как получат указания по безопасному использованию прибора и осознают имеющиеся опасности. Не позволяйте детям играть с прибором. Дети могут осуществлять чистку и уход за прибором только под присмотром взрослых. Детям в возрасте от 3 до 8 лет разрешается загружать и выгружать холодильное оборудование. Данный прибор предназначен для использования в быту, а также в следующих случаях: в бытовых комнатах персонала в различных предприятиях, офисах и др. трудовых коллективах; на фермах; в номерах отелей, мотелей и прочих жилых помещениях. Данный прибор не предназначен для профессионального использования. Запрещается использовать печь вне помещений. Лампа, используемая в приборе, специально предназначена для электробытовых приборов и непригодна для освещения помещений (Регламент Комиссии ЕС № 244/2009). Прибор предназначен для использования в помещениях, температура воздуха в которых соответствует указанным ниже диапазонам (в соответствии с климатическим классом, указанным на табличке с паспортными данными). Прибор может не работать надлежащим образом, если он длительное время находился при температуре, выходящей за пределы допустимого интервала. Климатический класс температуры окружающей среды: SN: Вид 10 до 32 °C ST: Вид 16 до 38 °C; N: Вид 16 до 32 °C T: Вид 16 до 43 °C Прибор не содержит хлорфторуглероды (CFC). В холодильном контуре используется хладагент R600a (HC). Для приборов с изобутаном (R600a): изобутан представляет собой природный газ, не оказывающий вредного воздействия на окружающую среду, но являющийся горючим. РАЗРЕШЕННОЕ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ОСТОРОЖНО: Данный прибор не предназначен для работы с управлением от внешнего переключающего устройства, такого как таймер, или пульта дистанционного управления. 69 В связи с этим необходимо избегать повреждения трубок холодильного контура, особенно во время опустошения холодильного контура. ВНИМАНИЕ: Избегайте повреждения трубок холодильного контура прибора. ВНИМАНИЕ: Не закрывайте вентиляционные отверстия на корпусе прибора и на мебели для встраивания. Поддерживайте их в чистоте. ВНИМАНИЕ: Не используйте и не помещайте электрические устройства внутрь отделений прибора, за исключением устройств, рекомендованных изготовителем. ВНИМАНИЕ: устройства для приготовления льда и/или устройства подачи воды, не подключенные непосредственно к системе водоснабжения, необходимо наполнять только питьевой водой. Не храните взрывоопасные предметы (такие как аэрозольные баллончики), не размещайте и не используйте внутри прибора или вблизи от него бензин и другие легковоспламеняющиеся вещества. Не проглатывайте содержимое (нетоксичное) аккумуляторов холода (присутствуют в некоторых моделях). Не ешьте кубики льда или фруктовый лед непосредственно из морозилки, так как это может вызвать холодовые травмы. Если конструкция крышки вентилятора предусматривает установку воздушного фильтра, он должен находиться на своем месте во время работы холодильника. Не ставьте в морозильное отделение стеклянные емкости с жидкостью: они могут лопнуть. Не загораживайте вентилятор (при наличии) продуктами. После помещения продуктов в холодильник убедитесь, что дверцы закрываются правильным образом (в особенности, дверца морозильного отделения). Поврежденные прокладки необходимо как можно быстрее заменить. Данный прибор предназначен исключительно для хранения вина в винной камере, хранения свежих продуктов в ящике в режиме охлаждения и хранения замороженных продуктов, замораживания свежих продуктов и изготовления кубиков льда в ящике в режиме замораживания. Всегда храните бутылки без упаковки, а не внутри корзин или ящиков. Вместимость камеры для хранения вина указана в разделе, посвященном хранению винных бутылок. Не допускайте, чтобы продукты без упаковки касались внутренних стенок холодильного и морозильного отделения. В приборе могут быть специальные отделения (отделение для свежих продуктов, отделение с нулевой температурой и т. п.). Если иного не указано в специальной инструкции к изделию, эти отсеки можно вынуть без нарушения исходных показателей прибора. В качестве порообразующего вещества в пеноизоляции используется С-пентан, являющийся горючим газом. Наиболее подходящая часть ящика, в которой должны храниться определенные типы продуктов с учетом различного распределения температуры в разных отсеках: - Режим охлаждения: 1) Верхняя часть холодильного отделения - температурная зона: Хранение тропических фруктов, консервов, напитков, яиц, соусов, солений, сливочного масла, варенья 2) Средняя часть холодильного отделения - холодная зона: Хранение сыра, молока, молочных продуктов, деликатесных закусок, йогурта 70 3) Нижняя часть холодильного отделения - самая холодная зона: Хранение мясной нарезки, десертов, мяса и рыбы, чизкейков, свежей пасты, сметаны, соуса песто/сальсы, домашней пищи, заварного крема, пудинга и сливочного сыра 4) Дно холодильного отделения: Хранение овощей и фруктов (за исключением тропических фруктов) - Режим замораживания: Купленные замороженные продукты имеют срок годности, указанный на упаковке. Эта дата учитывает тип пищи, и ее следует соблюдать. Свежие продукты должны храниться в течение следующего периода: сыр, рaкooбpaзныe, мороженое, ветчина/ сосиски, молоко, свежие жидкости — 1-3 месяца; стейк или котлеты (говядина, баранина, свинина) — 4 месяца; сливoчнoe мacлo или мapгapин, птицa (курица, индейка) — 6 месяцев; фрукты (кроме цитрусовых), жаркое (говядина, свинина, баранина), овощи — 8-12 месяцев. Необходимо соблюдать срок годности, указанный на упаковке продукта. Чтобы избежать загрязнения пищи, соблюдайте следующие инструкции: - Если дверца будет оставаться открытой в течение длительного времени, это может привести к значительному повышению температуры в отсеках прибора. - Регулярно очищайте поверхности, которые могут соприкасаться с продуктами и открытыми дренажными системами. - Если резервуары для воды не использовались в течение 48 часов, их необходимо очистить; слейте воду из системы водоснабжения, подключенной к водопроводу, если вы не пользовались водой в течение 5 дней. - Храните сырое мясо и рыбу в холодильнике в подходящих контейнерах, чтобы они не соприкасались с другими продуктами и жидкость с них не капала вниз. - Отсеки для замороженных продуктов, обозначенные двумя звездочками, подходят для хранения предварительно замороженных продуктов, хранения или приготовления мороженого и кубиков льда. - Не замораживайте свежие продукты в отсеках с одной, двумя или тремя звездочками. - Если вы не планируете использовать холодильное устройство в течение длительного времени, выключите его, разморозьте, очистите, высушите и оставьте дверцу открытой, чтобы предотвратить образование плесени внутри устройства. УСТАНОВКА Перемещать и устанавливать прибор должны двое или более человек во избежание травм. При распаковке и установке следует использовать защитные перчатки во избежание порезов. Установку, в том числе подключение к системе водоснабжения (при наличии) и выполнение электрических соединений, а также ремонтные работы должен выполнять квалифицированный персонал. Запрещается ремонтировать или заменять любые детали прибора, за исключением случаев, особо оговоренных в руководстве по эксплуатации. Не разрешайте детям подходить близко к месту установки. После распаковки прибора убедитесь, что он не поврежден во время транспортировки. В случае обнаружения проблем обращайтесь к продавцу или в ближайший сервисный центр. После 71 установки отходы упаковочных материалов (пластик, пенопластовые детали и т.д.) должны храниться в недоступном для детей месте во избежание опасности удушения. Перед выполнением любых операций по установке отключите прибор от электросети: существует опасность поражения электрическим током. При установке соблюдайте осторожность, чтобы не повредить сетевой шнур корпусом прибора - опасность пожара и поражения электрическим током. Не включайте прибор до завершения установки. Будьте осторожны при перемещении прибора, чтобы не повредить полы (например, паркет). Устанавливайте прибор на полу, способном выдержать вес прибора. Выбранное для установки место должно соответствовать размерам прибора и его назначению. Убедитесь, что прибор не находится поблизости источника тепла и все четыре ножки прибора твердо стоят на полу. Отрегулируйте ножки при необходимости. Проверьте горизонтальность прибора при помощи уровня. Подождите не менее двух часов перед тем как включать прибор: это время необходимо для восстановления полной эффективности холодильного контура. ВНИМАНИЕ: При размещении прибора убедитесь, что шнур питания не поврежден и не зажат. ВНИМАНИЕ: Во избежание опрокидывания прибора выполняйте операции по установке и закреплению в соответствии с инструкциями изготовителя. Запрещается размещать холодильник таким образом, чтобы металлический шланг газовой плиты, металлические газовые или водопроводные трубы или электрические кабели касались задней стенки холодильника (змеевика конденсатора). Для обеспечения надлежащей вентиляции оставьте свободное место с обеих боковых сторон и над прибором. Для предотвращения доступа к горячим поверхностям расстояние между стеной и задней стенкой прибора должно составлять 50 мм. Уменьшение этого расстояния ведет к росту энергопотребления прибора. УКАЗАНИЯ ПО ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ Для прибора должна иметься возможность отключения от электросети посредством отсоединения вилки от розетки (если к ней есть доступ) или с помощью многополюсного выключателя, устанавливаемого до розетки. Прибор должен быть заземлен в соответствии с национальными стандартами электрической безопасности. Не используйте удлинители, разветвители и переходники. После завершения установки электрические компоненты должны стать недоступны для пользователя. Не используйте прибор, если Вы мокрые или босиком. Не пользуйтесь прибором, если у него повреждены сетевой шнур или вилка, если он не работает должным образом или был поврежден вследствие удара или падения. В случае повреждения сетевого шнура во избежание возникновения опасных ситуаций он должен быть заменен производителем, сотрудником сервисного центра или квалифицированным специалистом опасность поражения электрическим током. ВНИМАНИЕ: Не располагайте несколько портативных розеток или портативных источников питания на задней панели прибора. 72 can increase storage capacity of frozen food with the wiring rules and the appliance must You and, if present, Stop Frost shelf. be earthed in conformity with national electrical Do not worry about noises coming from the co normal operation noises. ЧИСТКА И УХОДsafety standards. Символ на самом Do not use extension leads, multiple socketsизделии или на ВНИМАНИЕ! Перед проведением or adapters. The electrical components must not сопроводительной документации be accessible to the user after installation. технического обслуживания прибора указывает, чтоDo приnot утилизации данного useон the appliance иwhen you are wet or barefoot. убедитесь в том, что выключен изделия с ним нельзя обращаться Do not operate this appliance if it has a damaged обычными бытовыми отходами. отсоединен от электросети; power cableникогда or plug, if it is как not сworking properly, этого, его следует сдать на or if it has been damaged orВместо dropped. не используйте пароочистители: пункт If the supply cord isпереработку damaged, вitсоответствующий must существует опасность поражения приема электрического и электронного be replaced with an identical one by the электрическим током. manufacturer, its serviceоборудования. agent or similarly Не используйтеqualified абразивные илиin order to avoid a hazard persons агрессивные чистящие такие СОВЕТЫ ПО ЭКОНОМИИ ЭНЕРГИИ risk ofсредства, electric shock. Do not locate portable как спреи для стекол, WARNING: полировальные Для multiple обеспечения надлежащей вентиляции socket-outlets or portable power supplies at theпо установке. следуйте указаниям пасты, легковоспламеняющиеся rear of the appliance. Недостаточная вентиляция с задней жидкости, чистящие воски, AND MAINTENANCE CLEANING стороны прибора ведет концентрированные моющие средства, WARNING: Ensure that the appliance is к повышению и снижению and disconnected from the power отбеливатели или switched моющие off средства на энергопотребления эффективности охлаждения. supply before performing any maintenance основе производных нефти для чистки operation; never use steam Частое cleaning equipmentдверцы открывание может вести к пластмассовых частей, risk ofвнутренних electric shock. повышенному потреблению электроэнергии. и внешних уплотнителей Не Do дверцы. not use abrasive orНаharsh cleaners температуру such внутреннюю прибора as window sprays, scouringиcleansers, flammable может повлиять используйте бумажные полотенца, энергопотребление fluids, cleaning waxes, concentrated detergents, абразивные мочалки и другие грубые температура окружающей среды и bleaches or cleansers containing petroleum местоположение прибора. Учитывайте эти средства очистки. products on plastic parts, interior and door liners факторы приscouring настройке температуры. or gaskets. Do not use paper towels, УТИЛИЗАЦИЯ УПАКОВОЧНЫХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ pads, or other harsh cleaning tools. Избегайте ненужного открывания дверцы. Упаковочный материал допускает DISPOSAL OF PACKAGING MATERIALS Для оттаивания замороженных продуктов полную вторичную переработку, The packaging material is 100% recyclable and is marked with the помещайте их в холодильное отделение. recycle symbol о чем свидетельствует символ .. The various parts of the packaging must therefore Низкая температура be disposed of responsibly and in full compliance with local authorityзамороженных Различные части упаковки бытьdisposal. regulationsдолжны governing waste продуктов будет способствовать утилизированы в полном соответствии с DISPOSAL OF HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES охлаждению продуктов, находящихся действующими местными правилами по with recyclable This appliance is manufactured or reusable materials. Dispose of it in accordance with local waste disposal regulations. в холодильном отделении. Прежде чем утилизации отходов.For further information on the treatment, recovery and recycling помещать прибор the теплую еду и напитки, of household electrical appliances, contact your localв authority, service for household waste orдайте the storeим where you purchased УДАЛЕНИЕ В ОТХОДЫcollection СТАРОЙ остыть. the appliance. This appliance is marked in compliance with European ЭЛЕКТРОБЫТОВОЙ ТЕХНИКИ Расположение полок Directive 2012/19/EU, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). в холодильнике не By ensuring this product is disposed of влияет correctly, you will help prevent Данный прибор изготовлен из материалов, на эффективность использования negative consequences for the environment and human health. The допускающих переработку повторное Располагайте продукты на symbol или on the product or on the электроэнергии. accompanying documentation indicates that itприбор should not be treated as domestic waste but must be использование. Утилизируйте полках taken to an appropriate collection centre for the recycling of electrical в соответствии с местными правилами так, чтобы обеспечить правильную and electronic equipment. утилизации отходов.ENERGY Дополнительную SAVING TIPS циркуляция воздуха (продукты не информацию о правилах обращения To guarantee adequate ventilation follow installation instructions. должны соприкасаться друг с другом и с Insufficient ventilation с электробытовыми приборами, их at the back of the product increases energy consumption and decreases cooling efficiency. задней стенкой отделения). утилизации и переработке можно получить Frequent door opening might cause an increase in Energy consumption. для хранения замороженных The internal temperature of the appliance and the Energy Consumption в местных государственных органах, службе Пространство may be affected also by the ambient temperature, as well as location of продуктов можно расширить, вынув сбора бытовых отходов или в магазине, the appliance. Temperature setting should take into consideration these корзины и, при наличии, лоток Stop Frost. где был приобретен прибор. Данный factors. Reduce door opening to minimum. When thawing frozen food, place it Не in the refrigerator. Theпоlow беспокойтесь поводу звуков, которые прибор несет маркировку в соответствии temperature of the frozen products cools the food in the refrigerator. из placing компрессора, которые являются с Европейской Директивой 2012/19/EC по to coolслышны Allow warm food and drinks down before in the appliance. и электронного нормой при функционировании устройства. утилизации электрического Positioning of the shelves in the refrigerator has no impact on the оборудования (WEEE). Обеспечив efficient usage of energy. Food should be placed on the shelves in such way toданного ensure proper air circulation (food should not touch each other правильную утилизацию изделия, and distance between food and rear wall should be kept). Вы поможете предотвратить негативные последствия для окружающей среды и здоровья человека. 73 Установка Размещение и подключение Распаковка 1. Аккуратно удалите все фиксирующие и защитные элементы, откройте дверцу и убедитесь в наличии всех комплектующих. 2. Достаньте кабель питания. Подключение к электропитанию После транспортировки установите прибор вертикально и дайте ему отстояться минимум 3 часа, прежде чем подключать к сети электропитания. Перед тем, как вставлять вилку в розетку убедитесь, что: • розетка заземлена и установлена в соответствии с правовыми • нормами; • розетка способна выдержать максимальную мощность прибора, указанную в Спецификации или на шильдике справа снизу на приборе (см. Описание изделия); • напряжение электросети находится в пределах диапазона, указанного в Спецификации или на шильдике справа снизу на приборе (см. Описание изделия); • розетка совместима со штепсельной вилкой прибора. В противном случае замените розетку или штепсельную вилку; не используйте удлинители и разветвители. Размещение 1. Устанавливайте прибор в хорошо проветриваемом помещении: сухом и просторном (не располагайте в закрытых шкафах). 2. Устанавливайте прибор на достаточном расстоянии от источников тепла. 3. Соблюдайте минимальное расстояние между прибором и стеной для обеспечения необходимой вентиляции. См. рисунок. Dimensions of the cellar 455 444 Dimensions of the compartment Ventilation space: at least 50 mm 5 55 Here “PUSH TO OPEN” Here “PUSH TO CLOSE” 74 Furniture side area Product Description Описание прибора Product Description Внутреннее наполнение EN EN Interior Parts CONTROL PANEL DOOR Interior Parts CONTROL PANEL BOTTLE AGEING COMPARTMENT BOTTLE AGEING COMPARTMENT DOOR SHELVES DATA PLATE SHELVES DATA PLATE Control Panel Панель управления ControlPILOT Panel REDUCE TEMPERATURE DISPLAY LAMP LIT PILOT LAMP LIT DISPLAY REDUCE TEMPERATURE POWER CONNECTION LIGHT POWER CONNECTION LIGHT LIGHT COOLING PILOT LAMP LIGHT COOLING PILOT LAMP 75 INCREASE TEMPERATURE INCREASE TEMPERATURE ON/OFF BUTTON ON/OFF BUTTON Эксплуатация винного шкафа Отделение для выдержки Основная функция отделения для выдержки — обеспечить хранение ваших вин в оптимальных условиях. Заводская настройка температуры является оптимальной в большинстве случаев и составляет 15 °C в верхнем отделении. Вино по своей природе является сложным продуктом и результатом длительного и медленного производственного процесса. Чтобы лучше раскрыть винный купаж, требуются особые условия. Все вина хранятся при одной и той же температуре, однако подаются и дегустируются при самых разных температурах в зависимости от их характеристик (см. Таблицу идеальной температуры вин). Поэтому, как и в винных погребах у виноделов, для хранения вашего вина важно не абсолютное значение температуры в вашем новом приборе, а скорее поддержание постоянной температуры в течение долгого времени. Вино идеально хранится при любой температуре, если эта температура не меняется. Ручная регулировка температуры При подключении винного шкафа к электросети дисплей показывает температуру внутри шкафа: он настроен на достижение и поддержание температуры 15 °C. Если вам нужно отрегулировать температуру, следуйте инструкциям: 1. При подключении винного шкафа к электросети дисплей показывает заданную температуру 2. Нажмите и удерживайте кнопку + в течение секунды (см. «Панель управления»). Значение температуры начнет мигать. 3. Нажимайте кнопку + или - до достижения нужного значения 4. Подождите 5 секунд, пока мигание значения температуры не прекратится. 5. Прежде чем помещать в него бутылки вина, подождите, пока в нем не будет установлена соответствующая температура. Внутренняя подсветка не включается (или временно отключается), если внутренняя температура превышает 24 °C. Это позволит быстрее достичь заданной температуры. Извлечение деревянных полок ВНИМАНИЕ: Деревянные полки не имеют выдвижного механизма. Не выдвигайте полки, занятые бутылками, чтобы не разбить их. Можно извлечь полки для очистки только в том случае, если на них не лежат бутылки. 76 Таблица идеальной температуры вин В этой таблице указаны приблизительные значения температуры, при которой вино нужно подавать к столу. Если какое-либо из ваших вин нужно подавать при температуре выше, чем температура внутри вашего винного шкафа, рекомендуем заблаговременно вынуть его из шкафа. Амароне 17 °C Сухие и сладкие игристые вина 6 °C Барбареско 17 °C Вердикьо ди Мателика э дей Кастелли ди Йезе 8 °C Бароло 17 °C Белые вина из Трентино-Альто Адидже 11 °C Божоле 13 °C Белые вина Франчакорта 11 °C 10 °C Белые ликерные вина Бордо 6 °C Сухие, ароматные белые вина Сухие белые вина Бордо 8 °C Сухие, молодые и фруктовые белые вина 8 °C Красные вина Бордо 17 °C Белые вина из Фриули – Венеция-Джулия 11 °C Белое Бургундское 11 °C Вина из Родано 15°C Красное Бургундское 18 °C Сухие белые вина из долины Луары 10 °C Брунелло 17 °C Ликерные вина из долины Луары 7 °C 6 °C Красные вина из долины Луары Кьянти Классико 16 °C Ликерные вина Пассито Лангедок-Русильон 13 °C Розовые вина, ранние вина 12 °C Легкие, красные вина с мягким танином 14 °C Красные, довольно танинные вина средней структуры 16 °C Шампанское Пассито ди Пантеллерия Прованское розовое вино 6 °C 12 °C 77 14 °C 8–18 °C Stocking the wine bottles Stocking thethe wine bottles Stocking wine bottles Размещение бутылок Standard 24-bottle stock Стандартная схема stock на 24 бутылки Standard 24-bottle stock Standard 24-bottle Standard 24-bottle stock Схема размещения на 24 бутылки (для Champagne bottle stock Схема для шампанского Champagne bottle stock Champagne bottle Champagne bottle stock stock Бутылки шампанского крупнее обычных EN EN The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles. обычных, смешанных иthat рейнских бутылок) бутылок. Их следует укладывать наthe дно bottles) isThe recommended for wines need to be They must be placed onto the base of wine cellar, The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles. 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles. The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles. рекомендуется вин, которые должны быть visible and easily which can hold up to 5. винного шкафа, где поместится до 5base бутылок. bottles) isbottles) recommended forдля wines that needthat to be must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar, is recommended for wines need They must be placed onto of wine bottles) isremoved. recommended for wines that need to to be be They They must be placed onto the the base of the the wine cellar, cellar, visible and easily removed. which can holdcan up to 5. up visible and which hold видны иeasily легко removed. выниматься. visible and easily removed. which can hold up to to 5. 5. STANDARD 24 Bottles (100% lying down) STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD СТАНДАРТНАЯ СХЕМА 3 shelves 24 Bottles lying down) 24 Bottles (100% lying down) 24(100% Bottles (100% lying down) 24 бутылок (все горизонтально) 3 shelves3 shelves 3 shelves If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles in Если вы хотите поместить в свой винный your remove the 3th stock the inbottles If youwine want to stock more than 5 shelf Champagne bottles If cellar, you want to stock stock more thanand 5 Champagne Champagne bottles in in If you want to more than 5 шкаф больше 5(placing бутылок шампанского, bottles inyour two rows the bottles in the second your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock thestock wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and the your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the третью полку уложите бутылки вin rowвыньте between those on rows the и bottom row). This hold bottles inbottles two rows (placing the bottles thewill second in (placing the bottles the bottles in two two rows (placing thein bottles in the second second 3 полки два (верхние между нижними). Вrow). этом up to 9 слоя bottles. row between those on the bottom row). This will hold row between those on the bottom This row between those on the bottom row). This will will hold hold случае поместится до 9 бутылок. Position each bottle into slots onв the 3 wooden up to 9 bottles. up Уложите всеthe бутылки щели на 3 up to to 9 9 bottles. bottles. shelves. each 6 bottles can be placed the bottom Position bottle into the slots on the 3 on wooden Position each bottle into on the slots on theof3 3the wooden Some stocking configurations деревянных полках. 6 бутылок можно Position each bottle into the slots the wooden wine cellar. shelves. 6 bottles be the шкафа. bottom the of shelves. 6 bottles can be placed on stocking configurations Some Некоторые схемы configurations размещения положить на placed дно shelves. 6can bottles can винного beon placed on the theofbottom bottom of the theSome Some stocking stocking configurations wine cellar. wine cellar. cellar. wine рекомендуем We suggest Рейнские you place бутылки the Renana bottles onto укладывать the на нижнюю полку иthe наbottles дно винного lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because We suggest you place the Renana onto the onto We suggest you place bottles We suggest you place the Renana Renana bottles onto the the шкафа, потому что эти места специально they have been specially designed to hold larger lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because because bottles. they havethey been specially designed to holdбольших larger have been designed to рассчитаны на размещение they have been specially specially designed to hold hold larger larger bottles. bottles. бутылок. bottles. ! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles. ! Деревянная полка надежно ! The wooden canshelf safely hold up to 22выдерживает bottles. The shelf wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 22 bottles. bottles. !! The wooden can safely hold up to до 22 бутылок PRESERVATION 28 Bottles (100% lying down) PRESERVATION PRESERVATION КОНСЕРВИРОВАНИЕ PRESERVATION 28 Bottles down) 28 Bottles (100% lying 28(100% Bottleslying (100% lying down) down) 28 бутылок (все горизонтально) 78 Maintenance and troubleshooting EN Обслуживание и устранение неисправностей Care and maintenance Disconnecting the wine cellar Maintenance and troubleshooting Поискthe и устранение неисправностей УходDuring и обслуживание cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug wine cellar Если вы заметили неисправности в работе Отключение винного шкафа от сети Troubleshooting винного шкафа, ознакомьтесь со следующим электропитания списком перед обращением в сервисный Во время обслуживание прибора If you очистки notice thatиyour wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your центр. Service Centre. обязательно отключайте его от розетки. EN Care and maintenance Possible causes/solutions Problem Disconnecting the wine cellar Проблема Возможные причины/способы устранения • cellar The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not The compressor not work During cleaning anddoes maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power Troubleshooting failure in your home. Компрессор не работает • Вилка вставлена в розетку илиPlug вставлена • The не wall-outlet is not in working order. the wine If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your недостаточно плотно. Возможно, cellar into another wall-outlet to check. в доме Service Centre. Problem The compressor compressor does not work The never stops нарушено электропитание. • Розетка неисправна. Подсоедините винный The plug plugged the wall-outlet or notпроверки. шкаф к другой розетке для • is not Contact theinto Service Centre Possible causes/solutions • enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power failure your home. Компрессор • inОбратитесь в сервисный центрCentre. ! Any work работает that is doneпостоянно to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service • The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine cellar into another wall-outlet to check. ! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left ! Любые манипуляции с винным шкафом может выполнять только специалист регионального unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer. авторизованного сервисного центра. The compressor never stops • Contact the Service Centre ! От кратковременных такихbeкак перебои в authorized энергоснабжении, вино не испортится. ! Any work that is done toнеполадок, the wine cellar should performed by your local Service Centre. Вино может испортиться только в том случае, если прибор находился в неисправном состоянии в ! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left течении длительного времени. unsettled for a long time периода that the wine may suffer. Disposal ! The разработан appliance wasиdesigned and manufactured in ! Прибор изготовлен Утилизация compliance with international safety standards. The в соответствии с международными following warnings are provided for safety reasons стандартами безопасности. and must be read carefully. Внимательно прочтите и соблюдайте изложенные ниже Disposal ! The appliance was designed and manufactured in • •Сдавайте упаковочные материалы на Observe local environmental standards when This appliance complies with the following compliance with international safety standards. Theв предостережения, которые приводятся переработку с соблюдением местного following warnings are provided for safety reasons disposing packaging material for recycling Community Directives: целяхand вашей безопасности. must be read carefully. purposes. экологического законодательства. Прибор соответствует следующим директивам• Observe local environmental standards This appliance complies with the following • •Согласно требованиям директивы The European Directivewhen 2002/96/EC on Waste disposing packaging material for recycling ЕЕС: Community Directives: Electrical and Equipment (WEEE), 2012/19/ЕС обElectronic утилизации отходов - purposes. - 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and requires that old household electrical appliances электрического и on электронного subsequent amendments; • The European Directive 2002/96/EC Waste must not be disposed of in the normal unsorted - 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic Electricalоборудования and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), (Директива WEEE 2),must be municipal waste stream. Old appliances - 73/23/EEC «Низковольтное of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and Директива requires that old household electrical appliances Compatibility) and subsequent оборудование» amendments; collected separately in unsorted order to optimise the отслужившие бытовые электроприборы subsequent amendments; must not be disposed of in the normal (LVD) 2014/35/ЕС - - 2002/96/CE. 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic recovery and thebematerials they contain municipalнельзя waste stream. Oldrecycling appliancesof must утилизировать как обычные Compatibility) subsequent amendments; Директива обand электромагнитной and reduce thetoimpact collected separately in order optimiseon thehuman health and the - 2002/96/CE. бытовые отходы. Отслужившие приборы recovery and recycling of the materials they contain environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin” совместимости (EMC) 2014/30/ЕС and reduce the impact human and the you of your следует сдавать вhealth специализированные symbol ononthe product reminds Директива об отходах электрического и environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin” obligation, that when dispose of the appliance пункты сбора, чтобы оптимизировать on the product reminds you ofyou your электронного оборудования (RAEE) 2012/30/ symbol it must separately collected. obligation, that when be you dispose of the appliance процесс вторичного использования it must be separately collected. Consumers should contact their local authority or ЕС содержащихся нихauthority материалов и Consumers should contact theirвlocal or retailer for information concerning the correct retailer forуменьшить information concerning correct вредное воздействие disposal of their oldtheappliance. disposal of their old appliance. на окружающую среду и здоровье человека. Находящийся на приборе символ перечеркнутого мусорного бака напоминает о том, что прибор подлежит утилизации отдельно от обычных бытовых отходов. Для получения информации по правильной утилизации отслужившего прибора обращайтесь в местные органы управления или торговую организацию. 18 18 79 Сервис Assistance Прежде чем обращаться в сервисный центр: • Попытайтесь устранить неисправность самостоятельно (см. “Поиск и устранение неисправностей”). • Если после всех проверок прибор по-прежнему не работает или проблема сохраняется, Before calling for Assistance: обратитесь в ближайший сервисный центр • Check if the malfunction can be solved on your own (see Troubleshooting). EN • If after all the checks, the appliance still does not operate or the problem persists, call the nearest Service Centre model serial number Укажите: • тип неисправности; Communicating: • модель прибора (Mod.); • type of malfunction • серийный номер (S/N) model (Mod.) • appliance • serial number (S/N) Эта информацияThis содержится на be табличке information can found on the data plate located on the bottom left side технических данных, находящейся внизу с of the refrigerator compartment. левой стороны холодильного отделения. Mod. RG 2330 220 - 240 V- TI 50 Hz Cod. 150 W 75 Total 340 Net Gross Gross Util Bruto Bruto Utile Brut Brut Compr. R 134 a Test Pressure HIGH-235 Syst. P.S-I. LOW 140 Kompr. kg 0,090 Made in Italy 13918 93139180000 W Fuse S/N 704211801 A Gross Bruto Brut Max 15 w Capac Class Poder de Cong Clase Freez. kg/24 h 4,0 N Classe ПРИМЕР МАРКИРОВКИ Never call on unauthorized technicians and always refuse spare parts which are not originals. Не обращайтесь в неавторизованные мастерские, не допускайте использования неоригинальных запасных частей. 19 80 Қазақша, ПАЙДАЛАНУШЫ НҰСҚАУЛЫҒЫ IT Italiano, 4 RU Русский, 68 EN English, 17 KZ Қазақша, 81 FR Français, 29 NL Nederlands, 94 ES Español, 42 PT Português, 107 DE Deutsch, 55 Мазмұны Сипаттамасы, 82 Ескертулер Техникалық сипаттізім Орнату, 87 Орналасуы және желіге қосылуы Техникалық ақпарат Өнім сипаттамасы, 88 Ішкі бөліктер Басқару панелі Шарап қоймасын пайдалану, 89-90 Бөтелкелерді сақтау орны Температураны қолдан реттеу Ағаш сөрелерді шығару Шараптың мінсіз температуралар кестесі Шарап бөтелкелерін сақтау, 91 Бөтелкелерді сақтау тәсілі Техникалық қызмет көрсету және ақауларды шешу, 92 Күтім және техникалық қызмет көрсету Ақауларды шешу Көмек, 93 81 ҚАУІПСІЗДІК НҰСҚАУЛАРЫ ОҚЫП ШЫҒУ ЖӘНЕ ОРЫНДАУ МАҢЫЗДЫ Құрылғыны пайдаланбас бұрын осы нұсқауларды мұқият оқып шығыңыз. Оларды болашақта қарау үшін сақтап қойыңыз. Бұл нұсқаулар мен құрал барлық уақытта ұстану қажет маңызды қауіпсіздік ескертулерін қамтамасыз етеді. Өндіршуі осы қауіпсіздік нұсқауларын ұстанбау, құралды дұрыс пайдаланбау немесе басқару параметрлерін дұрыс орнатпау нәтижесінде туындаған ақаулық үшін жауапты емес. Кішкентай сәбилерді (0-3 жастағы) құрылғыға жақындатпау керек. Үнемі бақылау болмаса, жас балаларды (3- 8 жастағы) құрылғыға жақындатпау керек. 8 жас және одан үлкен жастағы балалар және физикалық, сезімдік немесе рухани мүмкіншіліктері жеткіліксіз немесе тәжірибесі мен білімі жеткіліксіз тұлғалар құрылғыны тек басқару бойынша арнайы қауіпсіз пайдалану нұсқаулары берілгеннен кейін пайдалана алады. Балалар құрылғымен ойнамауы тиіс. Егер қасында жетекшілік ететін ересек адам болмаса, балалардың тазалау және жөндеу жұмыстарын орындауына болмайды. 3 пен 8 жас аралығындағы балаларға тоңазытқыш құрылғысына азықтүліктерді салып, алуға рұқсат етіледі. пайдаланылуға арналған, мысалы: дүкендердегі, кеңселер мен жұмыс орталарындағы қызметкерлерге арналған асхана аумақтары; шаруашылық ғимараттары; қонақ үйлердің, мотельдердің, шағын мейманханалардың және басқа тұрғын жайлардың клиенттерінің пайдалануы. Бұл құрылғы кәсіптік мақсатта пайдалануға арналмаған. Бұл құрылғыны сыртта пайдаланбаңыз. Құрылғы ішінде пайдаланылған шам тұрмыстық техника үшін арнайы жасақталған және үй ішіндегі жалпы бөлме жарықтандыру үшін жарамсыз болып табылады (244/2009 ЕО ережесі). Құрылғы, техникалық төлқұжатта берілген климат класына сәйкес,сыртқы температура келесі ауқымдарда болатын жерлерде жұмыс істеу үшін құрастырып шығарылған. Құрылғы көрсетілген ауқымнан тыс температурада ұзақ уақытқа қалдырылған кезде, дұрыс жұмыс істемеуі мүмкін. Қоршаған орта температуралардың климаттық тобы: SN: 10 °C және 32 °C аралығы; ST: 16 °C және 38 °C аралығы;; N: 16 °C және 32 °C аралығы; T: 16 °C және 43 °C аралығы; Бұл құрылғы құрамында фреон жоқ. Салқындатқыш құрамында R600a (HC) бар. Құрамында изобутан (R600a) бар құрылғылар: изобутан - қоршаған орта үшін қауіпсіз болып табылатын, бірақ жанғыш табиғи газ. Сондықтан, хладагент тізбегінің құбырларын зақымдалудан РҰҚСАТ ЕТІЛГЕН ПАЙДАЛАНУ АБАЙЛАҢЫЗ: Бұл құрылғы сыртқы таймер немесе бөлек қашықтан басқару құралы сияқты алмастыру қондырғысымен пайдаланылуға арналмаған. Бұл құрылғы тұрмыстық және сол сияқты қолданыстарда 82 қорғаңыз, әсіресе хладагент тізбегін ағызу барысында. ЕСКЕРТУ: Құрылғыдағы хладагент тізбегінің құбырларын зақымдап алмаңыз. ЕСКЕРТУ: Құрылғы корпусындағы немесе кірістірілген құрылымдағы желдету саңылауларын кедергісіз ашық қалдырыңыз. ЕСКЕРТУ: Еріту процесін жылдамдату үшін өндіруші ұсынғаннан басқа механикалық, электрлік не химиялық құралдарды пайдаланбаңыз. ЕСКЕРТУ: Электрлік құрылғылар Өндіруші арнайы рұқсат бермеген түрге жатса, оларды пайдаланбаңыз немесе құрылғы бөлімдерінің ішіне орналастырмаңыз. ЕСКЕРТУ: Су көздеріне тікелей қосылмаған мұздатқыштар және/ немесе су диспенсерлері тек ауыз сумен толтырылуы керек. Құрылғының ішінде немесе жанында аэрозоль қауашақтары сияқты жарылғыш заттарды сақтамаңыз және бензинді немесе басқа да жанғыш заттарды қоймаңыз немесе пайдаланбаңыз. Мұз пакеттерінің (кейбір үлгілерде кездеседі) ішіндегісін (уытты емес) жұтпаңыз. Мұз текшелері немесе жеміс мұзы суық күйіктерін тудыра алатындықтан, оларды мұздатқыштан алған соң бірден аузыңызға салмаңыз. Қолжетімді желдеткіш қақпағының ішінде ауа сүзгісін пайдалану үшін жасақталған өнімдер үшін, тоңазытқыш жұмыс істеген кезде сүзгі әрқашан орнында болуы керек. Шыны контейнерлерді мұздатқыш бөлімде сақтамаңыз, себебі олар сынып кетуі мүмкін. Тамақты желдеткішке (бар болса) кедергі келтірмейтіндей етіп қойыңыз. Азық- түліктерді орналастырған соң, бөлімдердің есіктері, әсіресе мұздатқыш бөлімнің есігі дұрыс жабылып тұрғанына көз жеткізіңіз. Зақымдалған аралық тығыздағыш мүмкіндігінше дереу ауыстырылуы керек. Бұл құрылғы шарап сақтау бөлімінде шарап сақтауға, тоңазыту режимін қолданып тартпада балғын өнімдерді сақтауға, мұздатылған өнімдерді сақтауға, балғын өнімдерді мұздатуға және мұздату режимін қолданып тартпада мұз текшелерін жасауға арналған. Бөтелклерді қаптамасыз, ыдысысыз мен тоғанағысыз сақтаңыз. Шарап сақтайтын бөлімнің сыйымдылығы шарап бөтелкелерін сақтау туралы сипатталған тарауда көрсетілген. Қапталмаған тағамды тоңазытқыш не мұздатқыш бөлімдерінің ішкі беттеріне тікелей тигізіп сақтамаңыз. Құрылғылардың арнайы бөлімдері болуы мүмкін (Жаңа піскен тағам бөлімі, нөл градустық жәшік,...). Өнімге арналған кітапшада басқаша көрсетілмесе, баламалы функцияларын сақтай отырып, оларды алып тастауға болады. C-пентан оқшаулағыш көбікпен көбіктендіретін агент ретінде пайдаланылады және жанғыш газ болып табылады. Тартпаның әртүрлі бөліктерінде әртүрлі температураларды қамтамасыз ете отырып, белгілі бір типтегі азық-түліктерді сақтауға жарамды ең жақсы бөлім төмендегідей: - Тоңазыту режимі: 1) Тоңазытқыш бөлімінің үстіңгі жағы - температуралық аймақ: Мұнда тропикалық жемістерді, қалбырларды, сусындарды, жұмыртқаларды, тұздықтарды, тұздалған азық-түліктерді, майлар мен тосаптарды сақтаңыз 83 2) Тоңазытқыш бөлімінің ортаңғы аймағы - салқындату аймағы: Мұнда ірімшік, сүт, сүт өнімдерін, дүкен өнімдерін, йогурттарды сақтаңыз 3) Тоңазытқыш бөлімінің астыңғы бөлімі - ең суық аймақ: Мұнда ет тілімдерін, десерттер, ет пен балық, чизкейктер, жаңа пісірілген паста, қаймақ, песто/сальса тұздықтары, үйде әзірленген тағамдар, кондитерлік кілегейлер, пудинг пен кілегейлі ірімшіктерді сақтаңыз 4) Тоңазытқыш бөлімнің түбі: Мұнда жемістер мен көкөністерді сақтаңыз (тропикалық жемістерден басқа) - Мұздату режимі: Дүкеннен сатып алынған мұздатылған өнімдердің орамасында жарамдылық мерзімі көрсетіліп тұрады. Мұндай жарамдылық мерзімі сақталатын өнімнің түрін ескеретіндіктен, ол өнімді сол мерзімге сай сақтау аса маңызды. Балғын өнімдерді төмендегідей уақыт ішінде сақтаған жөн: Ірімшік, ұлулар, балмұздақ, ветчина/ шұжық, сүт, балғын сұйықтықтарды - 1-3 ай; Стейк немесе жаншылған еттер (сиыр еті, қой еті, шошқа еті) - 4 ай; Май немесе маргарин, құс еті (тауық еті, күркетауық еті) - 6 ай; Жемістер (цитрустардан өзге), қуырылған ет (сиыр еті, шошқа еті, қой еті) - 8-12 ай. Азық-түліктердің орамаларында көрсетілген жарамдылық мерзімдері сақталуы керек. Азық-түліктер бұзылып кетпес үшін, төмендегі нұсқауларды орындаңыз: - Есікті ұзақ уақытқа ашып қоятын болса, құрылғы бөліктеріндегі температура айтарлықтай көтерілуі мүмкін. - Азық-түлікпен және қолжетімді жерде орналасқан су ағызу жүйелерімен жанасуы мүмкін беттерді жиі тазалап тұрыңыз. - Су толтыратын сыйымдылықтар 48 сағат ішінде пайдаланылмаған болса, оларды тазалаңыз; егер соңғы 5 күн ішінде су пайдаланылмаған болса, су құбырына жалғанған сумен қамту жүйесін жуып жіберіңіз. - Шикі ет пен балық өзге азықтүліктерге тиіп және тамып кетпеуі үшін, оларды қолайлы контейнерлерге салып сақтаңыз. - Мұздатылған өнімдер сақтайтын екі жұлдызды бөліктерде алдын ала мұздатылған өнімдерді сақтауға, балмұздақ пен мұз текшелерін жасап, сақтауға болады. - Балғын өнімдерді бір, екі немесе үш жұлдызды бөліктерге салып мұздатпаңыз. - Егер тоңазытқыш құрылғы ұзақ уақытқа бос қалдырылған болса, оны өшіріңіз де, ерітіп, тазалап, құрғатыңыз, құрылғы іші көгеріп кетпес үшін есігін ашық қалдырыңыз. ОРНАТУ Құрылғыны екі не одан көп адам тасуы және орнатуы керек - жарақат алу қатері. Қорабынан шығарып, орнату үшін қолғап киіңіз қолыңызды кесіп алу қатері. Орнатуды, соның ішінде сумен жабдықтауды (егер болса) және электр сымдарын жалғауды білікті техник маман жүзеге асыруы керек. Құрылғыны ешбір бөлігін жөндеуге немесе ауыстыруға болмайды, егер пайдаланушы нұсқаулығында солай деп жазылмаса. Құрылғы орнатылатын жерге балаларды жақындатпаңыз. Құрылғыны орамнан шығарған 84 соң, оның тасымалдау барысында зақымдалмағанына көз жеткізіңіз. Ақаулық орын алса, дилерге немесе маңайдағы тұтынушыға қызмет көрсету орталығына хабарласыңыз. Орнатылғаннан кейін орауыштың қалдықтарын (пластик, көбікті полистирол т.с.с.) балалардың қолы жетпейтін жерде сақтау керек - тұншығып қалу қатері. Кез келген орнату жұмысының алдында құрылғыны қуат көзінен ажырату қажет - электр тоғы соғу қатері. Орнату барысында құрылғының қуат сымына нұқсан келтірмейтіндігіне көз жеткізіңіз - өрт шығуы немесе электр тоғы соғу қатері. Құрылғыны тек орнату жұмысы аяқталған соң ғана іске қосыңыз. Құрылғыны жылжытқан кезде, есіктерін (мысалы, паркет) зақымдап алудан сақ болыңыз. Құрылғының салмағын ұстау үшін еденге немесе жеткілікті қолдау көрсететін орынға және өлшемі мен қолданысы үшін жарамды жерге орнатыңыз және деңгейлетіңіз. Құрылғының жылу көзінің жанына орнатылмағандығына және орнату барысында төрт аяғының мықты және еденге тиіп тұрғанына көз жеткізіңіз, қажет болса оларды реттеп, деңгейді өлшеу құралымен құрылғының түзу тұрғанына көз жеткізіңіз. Хладагент тізбегі толығымен жұмыс істеуге қабілетті екендігіне көз жеткізу үшін құрылғыны қоспас бұрын кемінде екі сағат күтіңіз. ЕСКЕРТУ: Құрылғыны орнатқан кезде, қуат сымының тұйықталмағанына немесе бүлінбегеніне көз жеткізіңіз. ЕСКЕРТУ: Өнімнің тұрақсыздығынан орын алатын қауіпті болдырмау үшін, құрылғыны орналастыру не бекіту жұмыстары өндіруші нұсқауларына сәйкес орындалуы керек. Тоңазытқышты газ жанарғысының металл шлангі, газ немесе су металл құбыр желісі, электр сымдар жүйесі тоңазытқыштың артқы жағымен (жылан түтікпен) қақтығысып қалатын жолымен орнатуға тыйым салынады. Құрылғының жеткілікті желдетілуін қамтамасыз ету үшін, оның екі жағынан және үстінен орын қалдырыңыз. Ыстық беткейлерге қол жеткізбеу үшін құрылғының артқы жағы мен құрылғы артындағы қабырғаның арасындағы қашықтық 50 мм болуы тиіс. Көрсетілген аралықты азайту өнімнің қуат тұтыну көлемін арттырады. ЭЛЕКТРИКАЛЫҚ ЕСКЕРТУЛЕР Құрылғының ашасына қол жеткізу мүмкін болған жағдайда, розеткадан суыру арқылы немесе электр сымдар жүйесі ережесімен бойынша ол розеткадан қажет. Ұзартқыштарды, бірнеше розетканы немесе адаптерлерді пайдаланбаңыз. ч. Электр құрамдастары орнатудан кейін пайдаланушы қатынаса алатындай болуы қажет. Аяғыңыз су болса немесе жалаң аяқ болсаңыз, құрылғыны пайдалануға болмайды. Құрылғының қуат сымы немесе ашасы бүлінген болса, дұрыс жұмыс істемесе немесе бұзылған немесе құлаған болса, оны пайдаланбаңыз. Егер ұзартқыш зақымдалса, қауіпке жол бермеу үшін оны өндіруші, оның қызмет көрсету делдалы немесе сол сияқты білімді тұлғалары соған ұқсас ұзартқышпен алмастыруы тиіс - электр тоғының соғу қаупі. ЕСКЕРТУ: Құрылғының артқы жағына тасымалы розеткаларды немесе тасымалы ықшам қуат блоктарын қоймаңыз. 85 ТАЗАЛАУ ЖӘНЕ КҮТІМ ЖАСАУ Бұл өнімнен дұрыс арылу арқылы қоршаған жәнеcapacity адамдардың canортаға increase storage of frozen food by removing baskets with the wiring rules and the appliance must You ЕСКЕРТУ: Тазалау немесе and, if present, теріс Stop Frost shelf. денсаулығына әсердің be earthed in conformity with national electrical Do not worry about noises coming from the compressor which are техникалық қызмет көрсету салдарының алдын алуға көмектесесіз. safety standards. normal operation noises. Құрылғыдағы немесе онымен берілген жұмыстарын жүргізерден бұрын Do not use extension leads, multiple sockets құрылғының өшіріліп, қуат көзінен must құжаттамадағы or adapters. The electrical components not белгісі бұл be accessible to theкөз userжеткізіңіз after installation. Do not ажыратылғанына құрылғының үй қоқыстарымен бірге use theтоғымен applianceзақымдану when you are wet or barefoot. электр қаупі бар; тасталмай, электрондық және электрлік Do not operate this appliance if it has a damaged бумен ешқашан құрылғыларды қоқысқа тастау ережесіне powerтазалау cable or жабдығын plug, if it is not working properly, сай арнайы жинау орнына өткізу or if it has been damaged dropped. пайдаланбаңыз - электрorтоғымен If the қаупі supplyбар. cord is damaged, it must керектігін көрсетеді. зақымдану be replaced with anтаратқыш identical one by the Әйнек спрейлері, ҚУАТ ҮНЕМДЕУ ТУРАЛЫ КЕҢЕСТЕР manufacturer, its service agent or similarly құрамдар, жанатын сұйықтықтар, qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard Жеткілікті желдетуді қамтамасыз ету тазалағыш балауыздар, қоюлатылған үшін, орнату нұсқауларын орындаңыз. risk of electric shock. WARNING: Do not locate multiple portable тазартықштар, ағартқыштар Өнімнің артындағы жеткіліксіз желдету socket-outlets or portable power supplies at the немесе мұнай өнімдерін қамтитын қуат тұтынылуын арттырады және rear of the appliance. тазартқыштар қырғыш салқындату тиімділігін азайтады. Есіктің CLEANING AND сияқты MAINTENANCE немесеWARNING: қатты тазартқыштарды Ensure that the applianceжиі is ашылуы қуат тұтыну көлемінің артуына себеп болуы мүмкін. switched off and disconnected пластикалық бөліктеріне, ішкіfrom the power supply және beforeесік performing any maintenance Құрылғының ішкі температураларына бөлігіне төсемелеріне operation; never use steam cleaning equipment - қуат тұтыну көлеміне қоршаған және немесе тығыздауыштарына risk of electric shock. орта температурасы, құрылғының қолданбаңыз. сүлгілерді, Do not useҚағаз abrasive or harsh cleaners such орналасқан жері әсер етуі мүмкін. as window губкаларды sprays, scouring cleansers, flammable тазалағыш немесе Температураны орнатқанда осы fluids, cleaning waxes, concentrated detergents, басқа қырғыш тазалау құралдарын факторларды ескеру қажет. Есіктің bleaches or cleansers containing petroleum қолданбаңыз. ашылу жиілігін барынша азайтыңыз. products on plastic parts, interior and door liners or gaskets. Do not use paper towels, scouring Мұздатылған тағамды жібіткен кезде pads, or other harsh cleaning tools. тоңазытқыштың ішіне қойыңыз. Орам материалы 100% қайта өңделеді DISPOSAL OF PACKAGING MATERIALS Мұздатылған өнімдердің төмен және ол қайта өңдеу таңбасымен The packaging material is 100% recyclable and is marked with the температурасы тоңазытқыш ішіндегі recycle symbol белгіленген .. The various parts of the packaging must therefore be disposed of responsibly and in full compliance with local authority тағамды салқындатады. Жылы тағам Орамның түрлі бөліктері regulations әр governing waste disposal. қоқысты мен сусындарды құрылғы ішіне салмас тастауға рұқсат беретін жергілікті орган DISPOSAL OF HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES бұрын, оларға салқындауға мүмкіндік ережелеріне сәйкес және This appliance isтолығымен manufactured with recyclable or reusable materials. Dispose of it in accordance with local waste disposal regulations. беріңіз. жауапкершілікпен қажет. For further information өткізілуі on the treatment, recovery and recycling сөрелердің орналасуы of household electrical appliances, contact your local authority,Тоңазытқыштағы the collection service for household wasteТҰРМЫСТЫҚ or the store where you purchased ПАЙДАЛАНЫЛЫП БОЛҒАН қуаттың тиімді қолданылуына әсер the appliance. This appliance is marked in compliance with European ҚҰРЫЛҒЫЛАРДЫ ҚОҚЫСҚА ТАСТАУ Directive 2012/19/EU, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). етпейді. Тағам тиісті ауа айналымын By ensuring this product of correctly, you will help prevent Бұл құрылғы қайтаis disposed өңделмелі немесе ету үшін сөрелерге қойылуы negative consequences for the environment and human health. қамтамасыз The қайта қолданбалы материалдардан symbol on the product or on the accompanying documentation керек (тағамдар бір біріне тимеуі indicates thatОны it should not be treated as domestic waste but must be жасалған. жергілікті қалдықты керек және тағам мен артқы қабырға taken to an appropriate collection centre for the recycling of electrical тастау ережелеріне сәйкес қоқысқа and electronic equipment. арасындағы қашықтық сақталуы керек). тастаңыз. Тұрмыстық ENERGY SAVING TIPS электр Мұздатқан тамақтың сақтау аумағын құрылғыларын қолдану, қалпына To guarantee adequate ventilation follow installation instructions. арттыру үшін себеттің және, егер бар Insufficient ventilation at the back of the product increases energy келтіру және қайта пайдалануға consumption and decreases cooling efficiency. болса, Аяз Тоқтату сөресін суырып алып тапсыру бойынша қосымша ақпарат Frequent door opening might cause an increase in Energy consumption. тастаңыз. The internal temperature of the appliance and the Energy Consumption алу үшін құзыретті жергілікті билік may be affected also by the ambient temperature, as well as location of Компрессордан шыққан шу қалыпты органына, тұрмыстық қалдықтарды the appliance. Temperature setting should take into consideration these жұмыс істеу барысындағы шулар болып жинау немесе құрылғы сатып factors.қызметіне Reduce door opening to minimum. When thawing frozen хабарласыңыз. food, place it in the refrigerator. Theтабылады. low алынған дүкенге Бұл temperature of the frozen products cools the food in the refrigerator. құрал Allow электрлік warm food andжәне drinks электрондық to cool down before placing in the appliance. қоқысқа тастау (WEEE) жабдықты Positioning of the shelves in the refrigerator has no impact on the бойынша 2012/19/EU efficient usage of energy. FoodЕуропалық should be placed on the shelves in such way to ensure properсай air circulation (food should not touch each other директивасына белгіленген. ОРАМ МАТЕРИАЛДАРЫН ТАСТАУ and distance between food and rear wall should be kept). 86 Орнату Орналастыру және тоққа жалғау Орамасынан шығару 1. Қорғаныш және жабыстырғыш құралдарды абайлап алып, есікті ашып, барлық компоненттердің орнында тұрғанына көз жеткізіңіз. 2. Қуат кабелін шығарыңыз. Сымдарды қосу Тасымалдан кейін құрылғыны көлденеңінен қойып, оны сымдар жүйесіне қоспас бұрын, 3 сағаттай күтіңіз. Ашаны розеткаға салмас бұрын, мыналарды тексеріп алыңыз: • розетка тұйықталған әрі ол ережелерге • сәйкес орындалған; • розетка техникалық деректер тізімінде немесе сол жақ төменгі тұстағы техникалық деректер тақтайшасында көрсетілген машинаға түсетін максималды жүктемені көтере алады (құрылғы сипаттамасын қараңыз); • қуат көзінің кернеуі техникалық деректер тізімінде немесе сол жақ төменгі тұстағы техникалық деректер тақтайшасында көрсетілген диапазон аясында болады (құрылғы сипаттамасын қараңыз); • розетка құрылғының ашасымен үйлесімді. Олай болмаған жағдайда, розетканы немесе ашаны алмастырыңыз; ұзартқыштарды немесе бірнеше розетканы пайдаланбаңыз. Орналастыру 1. Құрылғыны жақсы желдетілетін, құрғақ және бос бөлмеге орнатыңыз (қабырғасы жабық шкафтарды қолданбаңыз). 2. Құрылғыны жылу көздерінен алыс ұстаңыз. 3. Құрылғының мінсіз желдетілуін қамтамасыз ету үшін, құрылғы және құрылғы орналасқан бөлме қабырғалары арасындағы минималды қашықтықтың сақталғандығына көз жеткізіңіз. Суретті қараңыз. Dimensions of the cellar 455 444 Dimensions of the compartment Ventilation space: at least 50 mm 5 55 Here “PUSH TO OPEN” Here “PUSH TO CLOSE” 87 Furniture side area Product Description Өнім сипаттамасы Product Description Ішкі бөліктер EN EN Interior Parts CONTROL PANEL DOOR Interior Parts CONTROL PANEL BOTTLE AGEING COMPARTMENT BOTTLE AGEING COMPARTMENT DOOR SHELVES DATA PLATE SHELVES DATA PLATE Control Panel Басқару панелі ControlPILOT Panel REDUCE TEMPERATURE DISPLAY LAMP LIT PILOT LAMP LIT DISPLAY REDUCE TEMPERATURE POWER CONNECTION LIGHT POWER CONNECTION LIGHT LIGHT COOLING PILOT LAMP LIGHT COOLING PILOT LAMP 88 INCREASE TEMPERATURE INCREASE TEMPERATURE ON/OFF BUTTON ON/OFF BUTTON Шарап қоймасын пайдалану Бөтелкелерді сақтау орны Сақтау бөлігінің негізгі функциясы сіз жинаған шараптардың оңтайлы ортада сақталатынына кепілдік беруге негізделген. Құрылғы температурасы зауытта көп жағдайда жоғары етіп орнатылған әрі үстіңгі бөлікте ол 15 ° C-ты құрайды. Шараптың табиғаты күрделі және ол ұзақ әрі жай жүретін процестен тұрады. Оның сипаттарын жақсырақ ашу үшін, ерекше жағдайда сақтауды қажет етеді. Барлық шараптар бірдей температурада сақталады, бірақ олардың сипаттамалары әртүрлі болғандықтан, олар әртүрлі температураларда беріледі әрі дәмі татылады (Шараптың мінсіз температурасы тізімін қараңыз). Сондықтан, өндірушілер шарап сақтайтын қоймалар секілді, сіздің жаңа құрылғыңызда да шарапты сақтаудың абсолютті температура мәні орнатылмаған. Оған қарағанда, уақыт өтсе де тұрақты болып тұратын температура маңыздырақ. Шарапты сақтау мінсіз температурасы кез келген температура, бірақ бұл температура өзгермейді деген шартта. Температураны қолдан реттеу Егер сіз шарап қоймасын ашалы розеткаға қоссаңыз, дисплей оның ішінде температураны көрсетеді: ол 15 ° C етіп орнатылған әрі құрылғыда тұрақты етіп қабылданған. Оны реттегіңіз келсе, төмендегі нұсқауларды орындаңыз: 1. Егер сіз шарап қоймасын ашалы розеткаға қоссаңыз, дисплей орнатылған температураны көрсетеді 1. +  батырмасын бір секунд басыңыз (Басқару панелін қараңыз). Температура жыпылықтай бастайды. 2. Қажетті температураға жеткенше, + немесе- батырмаларын баса беріңіз 3. Температура мәні жыпылықтауын тоқтату үшін, 5 секундтай күте тұрыңыз. 4. Шарап қоймасына бөтелкелерді салмас бұрын, оның қажетті температураға жеткенін күтіңіз. Ішкі температура 24 ° C-тан асып кеткенде, іштегі жарық қосылмайды (немес уақытша өшеді). Бұл белгіленген температураға жылдам жетуге мүмкіндік береді. Ағаш сөрелерді шығару ЕСКЕРТУ: Ағаш сөрелер сырғымайды. Бөтелкелер жарылып кетпес үшін, қойма толып тұрғанда, оларды шығармаңыз. Қоймада бөтелкелер толып тұрмағанда ғана, оны тазалау үшін бөтелкелерді шығаруыңызға болады. 89 Шараптың мінсіз температуралар кестесі Бұл кестеде шарапты даярлап беруге болатын шамамен температуралар көрсетілген. Егер қандай да бір шарапты қойма ішіндегі температурадан жоғары температурада ұсыну керек болса, оны ұсынбас бұрын сыртқа шығарып, сәл қоя тұрыңыз. Амароне 17°C Құрғақ және тәтті шымырлағыш шараптар 6°C Барбареско 17°C Вердичио ди Мателика и дей Кастелли ди Йеси 8°C Бароло 17°C Трентино Альто Адиджеден әкелінген ақ шараптар 11°C Божоле 13°C Франчакорта ақ шараптары 11°C 10°C Сұйылтылған ақ Бордо 6°C Құрғақ, хош иістендірілген ақ шараптар Жеңіл Ақ Бордо 8°C Құрғақ, жас және жемісті ақ шараптар 8°C Қызыл Бордо 17°C Фриули Венеция Джулия жерінің ақ шараптары 11°C Ақ Бургундия 11°C Родано шараптары 15°C Қызыл Бургундия 18°C Луара жерінің жеңіл ақ шараптары 10°C Брунелло 17°C Луара жерінің сұйылтылған шараптары Шампань 6°C Луара жерінің қызыл шараптары 7°C 14°C Кьянти Классико 16°C Сұйылтылған Пассито шараптары Лангедок-Руссийон 13°C Қызғылт шараптар, жаңа шараптар 12°C 6°C Аздап танин қосылған жеңіл қызыл шараптар 14°C 12°C Орта құрылымы бар біршама уылдыратын дәмімен қызыл шараптары 16°C Пассито ди Пантеллерия Қызғылт Прованс 90 8-18°C Stocking wine bottles Stocking thethe wine bottles Шарап the бөтелкелердің қоры Stocking wine bottles Standard stock Standard 24-bottle 24-bottle stock 24-бөтелке қоры StandardСтандартты 24-bottle stock Champagne Champagne bottle bottle stock stock Шампань бөтелкелердің Champagne bottle stock қоры The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be visible and easily removed. Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles. They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar, which can hold up to 5. қоры (стандартты, аралас бөтелкелері The24-бөтелке 24-bottle stock stock (for standard, mixed, mixed, andжәне renana Шампань Champagne bottlesстандартты are larger larger than than standard standard bottles. bottles.EN The 24-bottle (for standard, and renana Champagne bottles are "renana" бөтелкелері) көрінетін және оңай бөтелкелерден үлкенірек. Олар бес bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be They must be placed onto the base of the wine The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles. bottles) is recommended for wines that need to be They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar, cellar, бөтелкеге дейін ұстай алатын шарап visible and easily easily removed. which can hold up to 5. 5. алынатын шараптарға арналған. bottles) isvisible recommended for wines that need to be They must be placed onto the base of the wine cellar, Standard 24-bottle stock Champagne bottle stock and removed. which can hold up to visible and easily removed. which can hold upтүбіне to 5. орналастырылуы керек. қоймасының EN If If you you want want to to stock stock more more than than 5 5 Champagne Champagne bottles bottles in in your the 3th shelf and stock If you want to wine stockcellar, more remove than 5 Champagne bottles in the your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the Егер сіз өз шарап қоймаңызға бестен two rows your winebottles cellar,in the(placing 3th shelfthe andbottles stock in thethe bottles inremove two rows (placing the bottles in the second second көп Шампань бөтелкелерін сақтауды those on the bottom row). This will bottles inrow twobetween rows (placing the bottles in the second row between those on the bottom row). This will hold hold қаласаңыз, үшінші сөрені алып тастап, up to tothose 9 bottles. bottles. row between on thethan bottom row). This will hold in STANDARD Әр бөтелкені 3 ағаш текшелерінің If you want stock more 5 Champagne bottles up to 9 бөтелкелерді екі қатарға қойыңыз Position each into 3 to 9 bottles. саңылауына орналастырыңыз. 24 Bottles (100% lying bottle down) your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the Position each bottle into the the slots slots on on the theШарап 3 wooden wooden up (төменгі арасына екінші shelves. 6 bottles bottles can beon placed the bottom of of the thebottles Some stocking configurations Position bottle into thecan slots 3 on wooden 3 shelveseach inSome twoқатардың rows (placing the bottles in the second қоймасының түбіне 6 the бөтелке қоюға shelves. 6 be placed on the bottom stocking configurations cellar. shelves. wine 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the қатардың бөтелкелерді салыңыз). Some stocking configurations row between those on the bottom row). ThisБұл will hold wine cellar. болады. wine cellar. жер тоғыз бөтелкеге дейін көтере алады. up to 9 bottles. Біз Renana бөтелкелерін төменгі сөреге We you place the bottles Position each bottle into slots onRenana the 3 wooden We suggest suggest youthe place the Renana bottles onto onto the the және шарап қоймасының түбіне lower shelf and the bottom of wine We suggest you place the Renana onto cellar the shelves. 6 bottles can be placed onbottles thethe bottom ofқоюды the because lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar becauseSome stocking configurations Қордың кейбір конфигурациясы they have been specially designed to hold larger larger lowercellar. shelf and the been bottom of theол wine cellar to because ұсынамыз, себебі арнайы үлкен wine they have specially designed hold they havebottles. been specially designed to арналған hold larger орын. бөтелкелерді сақтауға bottles. bottles. We suggest !you place the Renana bottles onto the сақтай Ағаш сөресі 22 бөтелкені қауіпсіз !! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to lower shelf and the bottom of the wine cellar because The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 22 bottles. bottles. алады can safely hold up to 22 bottles. !they Thehave wooden beenshelf specially designed to hold larger STANDARD STANDARD СТАНДАРТТЫ 24 (100% lying STANDARD 24 Bottles Bottles (100%(барлығы lying down) down) 24 бөтелке жатқан қалпында) 3 shelves 24 Bottles (100% lying down) 3 shelves 3 текшелері 3 shelves bottles. ! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles. PRESERVATION PRESERVATION 28 PRESERVATION 28 Bottles Bottles (100% (100% lying lying down) down) 28 Bottles (100% lying down) PRESERVATION КОНСЕРВ ЖАСАУ 28 Bottles (100% lying down) 28 бөтелке (барлығы жатқан қалпында) 91 Maintenance and troubleshooting EN Care and maintenanceқызмет көрсету және Техникалық ақауларды шешу Maintenance and Ақауларды шешу Күтім және техникалық қызмет troubleshooting Troubleshooting Disconnecting the wine cellar During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar Шарап қоймасының тиісті түрде жұмыс істемей тұрғанын аңғарсаңыз, қызмет Шарап қоймасын ажырату If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your Care and maintenance көрсету орталығына хабарласпас бұрын, Service Centre. Шарап қоймасын тазалағанда және оған EN төмендегі тізіммен танысып шығыңыз. Disconnecting the wine cellar техникалық қызмет көрсеткенде, оны өшіріп көрсету Possible causes/solutions Problem қойыңыз. During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar • The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not The compressor does not work Troubleshooting Мәселе enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power Ықтимал себептері / шешімдер failure inlistyour home. If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following before you call your • The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine Service Centre. cellar into another wall-outlet to check. Problem Компрессор жұмыс істемейді causes/solutions • Possible Аша желі розеткасына қосылмаған немесе байланыс орнатылмаған. Немесе үйіңізде қуат • The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not The compressor does not work enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power ажыраған. The compressor never stops failure in•yourContact home. the Service Centre • •Розетка жұмыс тұр. The wall-outlet is not inістемей working order. PlugШарап the wine қоймасын cellar into another wall-outlet to check.қосып желелік розеткаға сынап көріңіз. ! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should beбасқа performed by your authorized local Service Centre. Компрессор ешқашан тоқтамайды • Қызмет the көрсету хабарласыңыз ! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise wines. Itорталығына is only when working faults are left unsettled for a long The compressor nevertime stopsthat the wine may suffer. • Contact the Service Centre ! Шарап қоймасында орындалатын кез келген жұмыс қызмет көрсету орталығының білікті ! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre. маманымен жүргізілуі керек. ! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer. ! Электр энергиясының дұрыс берілмеуі секілді қысқа уақыттық ақаулар шарапқа еш зиян келтірмейді. Ақау ұзақ уақыт сақталғанда ғана шарапқа зақым келуі мүмкін. Disposalтастау The appliance was designed қауіпсіздік and manufactured in !Бұл !құрылғы халықаралық Қоқысқа compliance with international safety standards. The стандарттарына сәйкес жобаланған және following warnings are provided for safety reasons жасалған. Қауіпсіздік себептері үшін in Disposal ! Themust appliance was designed and manufactured and be read carefully. compliance with international safety standards. төмендегі ескертулер беріледі жәнеThe оларды • •Қаптама материалдарынан қайта following warnings are provided for safety reasons Observe local environmental standards when Thisоқып appliance complies мұқият қажет.with the following and must beшығу read carefully. өңдеу мақсаттарында арылған кезде disposing packaging material for recycling Community Directives: Бұл құрылғы төмендегі Еуропалық Одақ purposes. • Observe жергілікті local environmental standards when This appliance complies with the following қоршаған ортаны қорғау disposing packaging material for recycling Community Directives: директиваларына сай келеді: ережелерін ұстаныңыз. • The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste purposes. - - 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and subsequent - 73/23/EEC ofamendments; 19/02/73 (Low Voltage)жөніндегі and Төмен вольтты жабдықтар - subsequent 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic amendments; директива 2014/35 / EU - 89/336/EEC(LVD) of and 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic Compatibility) subsequent amendments; amendments; Электромагниттік сәйкестік (EMC) - Compatibility) 2002/96/CE.and subsequent - 2002/96/CE. директивасы 2014/30/EU - RAEE Директивасы 2012/30/EU Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), • Электрлік және электрондық • The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste requires that old household electrical appliances Electricalжабдықтардың and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), қалдығы жөніндегі not be disposed of in the normal unsorted requires thatmust old household electrical appliances 2012/19 / EU директивасы (WEEE 2 be stream. Old appliances must must not bemunicipal disposed ofwaste in the normal unsorted municipalдирективасы) waste stream.separately Old appliances must be collected order to optimise the ескіinтұрмыстық электр collected separately in and order recycling to optimise of thethe materials they contain recovery сұрыпталмаған жай recovery құралдарының and recycling of the materials they contain and reduce the impact on human health and the and reduce the impact on human health and the тұрмыстық қалдықтармен бірге The crossed environment.environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin”out “wheeled bin” тасталмауы екендігін symbol onreminds the қажет product reminds youталап of your етеді. symbol on the product you of your obligation, that when you that dispose of the obligation, when youappliance dispose of the appliance Ескі құрылғылардың құрамындағы it must be separately collected. it must be separately collected. материалдардың Consumers should contact their localқалпына authority or келтірілуі Consumers should the contact their local authority or retailer forмен information concerning correct қайта өңделуін оңтайландырып, information concerning the correct disposal of retailer their old for appliance. адам денсаулығы мен қоршаған ортаға disposal of their old appliance. келтіретін ықпалын азайту үшін оларды бөлек жинау қажет. Құрылғыдағы үстінен сызылған “дөңгелек қақпақты себет” таңбасы осы құрылғыдан арылған кезде оны бөлек жинау бойынша сіздің міндетіңізді есіңізге салады. Тұтынушылар ескі құрылғыдан дұрыс арылуға қатысты ақпарат алу үшін жергілікті уәкілетті органға немесе сатушыға хабарласуға тиіс. 18 18 92 Көмек Assistance Көмек алу үшін қоңырау шалу алдында: • Ақауды өзіңіздің түзете алатыныңызды тексеріңіз (Ақауларды анықтау тарауын қараңыз). • Егер барлығын тексергеннен кейін құрылғы жұмыс істемесе немесе мәселе шешілмесе, Before callingкөрсету for Assistance: жақын жердегі қызмет орталығына хабарласыңыз EN • Check if the malfunction can be solved on your own (see Troubleshooting). • If after all the checks, the appliance still does not operate or the problem persists, call the nearest Service Centre model serial number Байланыс: • ақау түрі Communicating: • құрылғы үлгісі (үлгі) • type of malfunction • сериялық нөмірі (S/N) model (Mod.) • appliance • serial number (S/N) Бұл ақпаратты This тоңазытқыш бөлімнің information can be found on the data located on the bottom left side of the сол жақ түбіндеplate орналасқан деректер refrigerator compartment. тақтайшасынан табуға болады. Mod. RG 2330 220 - 240 V- TI 50 Hz Cod. 150 W 75 Total 340 Net Gross Gross Util Bruto Bruto Utile Brut Brut Compr. R 134 a Test Pressure HIGH-235 Syst. P.S-I. LOW 140 Kompr. kg 0,090 Made in Italy 13918 93139180000 W Fuse S/N 704211801 A Gross Bruto Brut Max 15 w Capac Class Poder de Cong Clase Freez. kg/24 h 4,0 N Classe ЗАТБЕЛГІ ҮЛГІСІ Never call on unauthorized technicians and always refuse spare parts which are not originals. Ешқашан рұқсаты жоқ техникалық мамандарға қоңырау шалмаңыз және түпнұсқалық емес қосалқы бөлшектерді тастаңыз. 19 93 Nederlands, GEBRUIKERSHANDLEIDING IT Italiano, 4 RU Русский, 68 EN English, 17 KZ Қазақша, 81 FR Français, 29 NL Nederlands, 94 ES Español, 42 PT Português, 107 DE Deutsch, 55 Inhoud Functies, 95 Opmerkingen Gegevensoverzicht Installatie, 100 Plaatsing en stroomaansluiting Technische informatie Productbeschrijving, 101 Interne delen Bedieningspaneel Gebruik van de wijnbewaarkast, 102103 Ruimte voor rijping Handmatige temperatuurregeling De houten schappen verwijderen Tabel met ideale wijntemperaturen Opslag van de wijnflessen, 104 Hoe de flessen op te slaan Onderhoud en probleemoplossing, 105 Reiniging en onderhoud Storingen verhelpen Service, 106 94 VEILIGHEIDSVOORSCHRIFTEN BELANGRIJK MOET WORDEN GELEZEN EN IN ACHT GENOMEN Lees voordat u het apparaat gaat gebruiken deze veiligheidsinstructies. Houd ze binnen handbereik voor toekomstige raadpleging. Deze instructies en het apparaat zelf zijn voorzien van belangrijke veiligheidsaanwijzingen, die te allen tijde moeten worden opgevolgd. De fabrikant kan niet aansprakelijk gesteld worden voor schade die het gevolg is van het niet opvolgen van deze veiligheidsinstructies, oneigenlijk gebruik van het apparaat of een foute instelling van de regelknoppen. Kleine kinderen (0-3 jaar) moeten uit de buurt van het apparaat gehouden worden. Jonge kinderen (3-8 jaar) moeten uit de buurt van het apparaat gehouden worden, tenzij ze constant onder toezicht staan. Kinderen vanaf 8 jaar en personen met verminderde fysieke, sensorische of mentale vermogens of gebrek aan ervaring en kennis, mogen dit apparaat gebruiken indien ze onder toezicht staan of instructies hebben ontvangen over veilig gebruik en de mogelijke gevaren ervan begrijpen. Kinderen mogen niet spelen met het apparaat. De reiniging en het onderhoud mogen niet door kinderen worden uitgevoerd zonder toezicht. Kinderen van 3 tot 8 jaar mogen etenswaren uit de koelapparatuur halen en er in leggen. TOEGESTAAN GEBRUIK VOORZICHTIG: Het apparaat is niet geschikt voor inwerkingstelling met een externe schakelaar zoals een timer, of een afzonderlijk systeem met afstandsbediening. Dit apparaat is bedoeld voor gebruik in huishoudelijke en gelijkaardige toepassingen zoals : personeelskeukens in winkels, kantoren en overige werkomgevingen; landbouwbedrijven; klanten in hotels, motels, bed & breakfasts en andere residentiële omgevingen. Dit apparaat is niet voor professioneel gebruik bedoeld. Gebruik het apparaat niet buiten. De lamp die in het apparaat wordt gebruikt is specifiek ontworpen voor huishoudapparaten en is niet geschikt voor ruimteverlichting (EC Richtlijn Nr. 244/2009). Het apparaat is bedoeld voor gebruik op plaatsen waar de temperatuur binnen het volgende bereik komt, conform de klimaatklasse op het typeplaatje. Mogelijk werkt het apparaat niet correct indien het lange tijd op een temperatuur buiten het aangegeven bereik wordt gebruikt. Omgevingstemperaturen van klimaatklasse: SN: van 10 tot 32 °C ST: van 16 tot 38 °C; N: van 16 tot 32 °C T: van 16 tot 43 °C Dit apparaat bevat geen CFK. Het koelcircuit bevat R600a (HC). Apparaten met Isobutaan (R600a): isobutaan is een natuurlijk gas dat geen schadelijke invloed heeft op het milieu, maar wel ontvlambaar is. Zorg er daarom voor dat de koelcircuitleidingen niet beschadigd raken, vooral wanneer het koelcircuit geledigd wordt. WAARSCHUWING: Beschadig de koelcircuitleidingen van het apparaat niet. WAARSCHUWING: Houd de ventilatieopeningen in de behuizing van het apparaat of in de ingebouwde structuur vrij van obstakels. WAARSCHUWING: Gebruik geen mechanische, elektrische of chemische middelen behalve de middelen aanbevolen door de fabrikant om het ontdooiproces te versnellen. 95 de opslag van wijnflessen beschrijft. Vermijd het bewaren van onverpakt voedsel in direct contact met interne oppervlakken van de koelkast- of diepvriescompartimenten. Apparaten kunnen over speciale compartimenten beschikken (vak voor verse etenswaar, nul graden-vak,...). Indien niet anders gespecificeerd in de productbeschrijving, kunnen deze compartimenten verwijderd worden zonder dat hierdoor de prestaties veranderen. C-pentaan wordt gebruikt als blaasmiddel in het isolatieschuim en is een licht ontvlambaar gas. Het meest geschikte deel van de lade waar specifieke soorten voedsel moeten worden opgeslagen, rekening houdend met verschillende temperatuurverdeling in verschillende compartimenten in het apparaat, is als volgt: - Koelkastmodus: 1) Bovenste gedeelte van het koelkastcompartiment temperatuurzone: Bewaar tropisch fruit, blikjes, drankjes, eieren, sauzen, augurken, boter, jam 2) Middengedeelte van het koelkastcompartiment - koele zone: Bewaar kaas, melk, zuivelproducten, delicatessen, yoghurt 3) Onderste gedeelte van het koelkastcompartiment - koelste zone: Bewaar vleeswaren, desserts, vlees en vis, cheesecake, verse pasta, zure room, pesto/salsa, zelfgemaakte gerechten, banketbakkersroom, pudding en roomkaas 4) De bodem van het koelkastcompartiment: Bewaar groenten en fruit (geen tropisch fruit) - Diepvriesmodus: De houdbaarheidsdatum van gekochte diepvriesproducten staat op de verpakking vermeld. Deze datum houdt rekening met het type WAARSCHUWING: Gebruik of plaats geen elektrische apparaten binnenin de apparaatcompartimenten indien deze niet het type zijn dat uitdrukkelijk is goedgekeurd door de Fabrikant. WAARSCHUWING: IJsmakers en/ of waterdispensers die niet rechtstreeks op het waterleidingnet zijn aangesloten, mogen uitsluitend met drinkwater worden gevuld. Geen ontplofbare stoffen zoals spuitbussen opslaan en geen benzine of andere brandbare materialen gebruiken in of in de buurt van het apparaat. Slik de (niet-giftige) vloeistof uit de vrieselementen niet in (bij enkele modellen). Eet geen ijsblokjes of waterijsjes die net uit de vriezer komen, aangezien deze vriesbrandwonden kunnen veroorzaken. Bij producten ontworpen voor gebruik met een luchtfilter in een toegankelijke ventilatorafdekking, moet het filter altijd zijn aangebracht wanneer de koelkast in bedrijf is. Bewaar geen glazen containers met vloeistoffen in het diepvriezercompartiment omdat ze kunnen breken. Blokkeer de ventilator (indien aanwezig) niet met levensmiddelen. Controleer nadat u levensmiddelen in het apparaat heeft geplaatst of de deuren van de vakken goed zijn gesloten, met name de deur van het vriesvak. Een beschadigde afdichting dient zo snel mogelijk vervangen te worden. Dit apparaat is uitsluitend bedoeld voor het bewaren van wijn in het wijnbewaarvak, voor het bewaren van vers voedsel in de lade in de koelkastmodus en voor het bewaren van bevroren voedsel, het invriezen van vers voedsel en het maken van ijsblokjes in de lade in de diepvriesmodus. Bewaar flessen altijd zonder de verpakking, en niet in kratten of dozen. De capaciteit van het wijnbewaarcompartiment wordt aangegeven in het hoofdstuk dat 96 INSTALLATIE Het apparaat moet verplaatst en geïnstalleerd worden door twee of meer personen - gevaar voor letsel. Gebruik handschoenen tijdens het uitpakken en installeren - gevaar voor snijwonden. Laat de installatie, m.i.v. de aansluiting op het waternet (indien van toepassing) en de elektrische aansluitingen en reparaties door een gekwalificeerd technicus verrichten. Repareer of vervang geen enkel onderdeel van het apparaat, behalve als dit expliciet aangegeven wordt in de gebruikershandleiding. Houd kinderen uit de buurt van de installatieplaats. Controleer na het uitpakken van het apparaat of het tijdens het transport geen beschadigingen heeft opgelopen. Neem in geval van twijfel contact op met uw leverancier of de dichtstbijzijnde Consumentenservice. Na de installatie moet het verpakkingsmateriaal (plastic, piepschuim enz.) buiten het bereik van kinderen bewaard worden - risico voor verstikking. Het apparaat moet worden losgekoppeld van het elektriciteitsnet voordat u installatiewerkzaamheden uitvoert - risico voor elektrocutie. Tijdens de installatie dient u ervoor te zorgen dat het apparaat de voedingskabel niet beschadigd - risico voor brand of elektrocutie. Activeer het apparaat alleen als de installatie is voltooid. Zorg dat u de vloer (bijv. parket) niet beschadigt tijdens het verplaatsen van het apparaat. Installeer het apparaat op een vloer of steun die sterk genoeg is om het gewicht te kunnen hebben, en op een plaats die geschikt is voor grootte en gebruik. Controleer of het apparaat niet vlak naast een warmtebron staat en of de vier pootjes stevig op de vloer rusten, stel ze naar wens af en controleer of het apparaat exact horizontaal staat en gebruik hiervoor een waterpas. Wacht minstens twee uur alvorens het apparaat in te voedsel dat wordt bewaard, en moet daarom worden aangehouden. Verse etenswaren kunnen worden bewaard voor de onderstaande periodes: 1-3 maanden voor kaas, schaaldieren, ijs, ham/worst, melk, verse vloeistoffen; 4 maanden voor biefstuk of koteletten (rund, lam, varken); 6 maanden voor boter of margarine en gevogelte (kip, kalkoen); 8-12 maanden voor fruit (behalve citrusvruchten), gebraden vlees (rund, varken, lam), groenten. De vervaldatums op de verpakking van levensmiddelen moeten worden gerespecteerd. Houd rekening met de volgende punten om voedselbesmetting te voorkomen: - Het langdurig openen van de deur kan de temperatuur in de compartimenten van het apparaat aanzienlijk verhogen. - Reinig regelmatig oppervlakken die in contact kunnen komen met etenswaren, evenals toegankelijke afvoersystemen. - Reinig watertanks als ze 48 uur niet zijn gebruikt; spoel het watersysteem dat is aangesloten op een watertoevoer als er gedurende 5 dagen geen water is gebruikt. - Bewaar rauw vlees en rauwe vis in geschikte bewaarbakken in de koelkast, om contact met (of druppelen op) andere etenswaren te voorkomen. - Vriescompartimenten met twee sterren zijn geschikt voor het bewaren van reeds ingevroren voedsel en voor het bewaren of maken van ijs en ijsblokjes. - Vries geen verse etenswaren in compartimenten met één, twee of drie sterren. - Als het koelapparaat gedurende lange perioden leeg blijft, schakel het dan uit, ontdooi het, maak het schoon, laat het drogen en laat de deur open om te voorkomen dat zich schimmel in het apparaat vormt. 97 schakelen, om zeker te stellen dat het koelcircuit volledig efficiënt is. WAARSCHUWING: Zorg er bij het plaatsen van het apparaat voor dat de voedingssnoer niet geklemd zit of beschadigd is. WAARSCHUWING: Om gevaar als gevolg van instabiliteit te voorkomen, moet de positionering of bevestiging van het apparaat worden uitgevoerd volgens de instructies van de fabrikant. Het is verboden de koelkast dusdanig te plaatsen dat de metalen slang van de gaskachel, de metalen gas- of waterleidingen of de elektrische draden in contact komen met de achterwand van de koelkast (condensatorspoel). Om voor voldoende ventilatie te zorgen dient er aan beide zijkanten en aan de bovenkant van het apparaat ruimte vrijgelaten te worden. De afstand tussen de achterzijde van het apparaat en de muur achter het apparaat dient minimaal 50 mm te bedragen, om contact met hete oppervlakken te voorkomen. Bij minder ruimte aan de achterzijde neemt het energieverbruik van het product toe. ELEKTRISCHE WAARSCHUWINGEN Het moet mogelijk zijn het apparaat van het elektriciteitsnet af te koppelen door de stekker uit het stopcontact te halen of via een meerpolige netschakelaar die bovenstrooms van het stopcontact is geplaatst conform de bedradingsvoorschriften en het apparaat dient geaard te zijn conform de nationale veiligheidsnormen voor elektriciteit. Gebruik geen verlengsnoeren, meervoudige stopcontacten of adapters. Als de installatie voltooid is, mogen de elektrische onderdelen niet meer toegankelijk zijn voor de gebruiker. Raak het apparaat niet aan wanneer u nat bent of op blote voeten staat. Gebruik dit apparaat niet als de stroomkabel of de stekker beschadigd is, als het apparaat niet goed werkt of als het beschadigd of gevallen is. Als het netsnoer beschadigd is, moet het vervangen worden door de fabrikant, een servicevertegenwoordiger of gekwalificeerd personeel om risico’s te voorkomen - risico voor elektrocutie. WAARSCHUWING: Meerdere with the wiring rules and of thedraagbare appliance must draagbare stopcontacten be earthed in conformity with national electrical voedingen mogen niet aan de safety standards. achterkant vanextension het apparaat Do not use leads,worden multiple sockets geplaatst. or adapters. The electrical components must not be accessible to the user after installation. Do not REINIGEN EN ONDERHOUD use the appliance when you are wet or barefoot. Do WAARSCHUWING: not operate this appliance it has a damaged Hetif apparaat powerworden cable or losgekoppeld plug, if it is not van working properly, moet or ifelektriciteitsnet it has been damaged or dropped. het voordat u If the supply cord is uitvoert; damaged, it must installatiewerkzaamheden be replaced with an identical one by the gebruik geen stoomreinigers - risico manufacturer, its service agent or van similarly elektrocutie. qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard riskGebruik of electricop shock. kunststof WARNING: Do not locate multiple portable onderdelen, binnenen deurranden socket-outlets or portable power supplies at the of afdichtingen geen schurende of rear of the appliance. agressieve schoonmaakmiddelen CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE zoalsWARNING: ruitensprays, schurende Ensure that the appliance is reinigingsmiddelen, brandbarefrom the power switched off and disconnected supply before performing any maintenance vloeistoffen, schoonmaakwassen, operation; never useschoonmaakmiddelen, steam cleaning equipment geconcentreerde risk of electric shock. bleekmiddelen en reinigingsmiddelen Do not use abrasivebevatten. or harsh cleaners such die aardolieproducten as window sprays, scouring cleansers, flammable Gebruik geen papieren handdoeken, fluids, cleaning waxes, concentrated detergents, schuursponsjes of andercontaining hard bleaches or cleansers petroleum products on plastic parts, interior and door liners schoonmaakmateriaal. or gaskets. Do not use paper towels, scouring VERWERKING VAN DE VERPAKKING pads, or other harsh cleaning tools. De verpakking volledig gerecycled worden, DISPOSAL OF kan PACKAGING MATERIALS zoals door het recyclingssymbool The packaging material is 100% recyclablewordt and is marked with the .. The parts of the packaging recycle symbol aangegeven Devarious diverse onderdelen vanmust de therefore be disposed of responsibly and in full compliance with local authority verpakking mogen daarom niet bij het gewone regulations governing waste disposal. huisvuil worden weggegooid, APPLIANCES maar moeten DISPOSAL OF HOUSEHOLD This appliance is manufactured or reusable materials. worden afgevoerd volgenswith derecyclable plaatselijke Dispose of it in accordance with local waste disposal regulations. voorschriften voor afvalverwerking. For further information on the treatment, recovery and recycling of household electrical appliances, contact your local authority, the collection service for household waste or the store where you purchased the appliance. This appliance is marked in compliance with European Directive 2012/19/EU, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent negative consequences for the environment and human health. The symbol on the product or on the accompanying documentation indicates that it should not be treated as domestic waste but must be taken to an appropriate collection centre for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. 98 ENERGY SAVING TIPS To guarantee adequate ventilation follow installation instructions. You can i and, if pre Do not w normal op AFDANKEN VAN HUISHOUDELIJKE APPARATUUR Dit apparaat is vervaardigd van recyclebaar of herbruikbaar materiaal. Dank het apparaat af in overeenstemming met plaatselijke milieuvoorschriften voor afvalverwerking. Voor meer informatie over behandeling, terugwinning en recycling van huishoudelijke apparaten kunt u contact opnemen met uw plaatselijke instantie, de vuilnisophaaldienst of de winkel waar u dit apparaat hebt gekocht. Dit apparaat is voorzien van het merkteken volgens de Europese Richtlijn 2012/19/EU inzake Afgedankte elektrische en elektronische apparaten (AEEA). Door ervoor te zorgen dat dit product correct wordt afgedankt, helpt u mogelijke schadelijke gevolgen voor het milieu en de gezondheid te voorkomen. TIPS OM ENERGIE TE BESPAREN Volg de installatie-instructies om voldoende ventilatie te garanderen. Door onvoldoende ventilatie aan de achterzijde van het product neemt het energieverbruik toe en neemt de koelefficiëntie af. Wanneer de deur vaak wordt geopend kan dit leiden tot een verhoogd Energieverbruik. De interne temperatuur van het apparaat en het Energieverbruik worden beïnvloed door de omgevingstemperatuur en de plaats waar het apparaat opgesteld is. Bij het instellen van de temperatuur moet rekening gehouden worden met deze factoren. Beperk het openen van deuren tot een minimum. Plaats diepgevroren etenswaren die u wilt ontdooien in de koelkast. De lage temperatuur van de diepgevroren etenswaar koelt de etenswaar in de koelkast. Laat warme gerechten en dranken eerst afkoelen voordat ze in het apparaat geplaatst worden. De positionering van de platen in de koelkast heeft geen invloed op het efficiënte energiegebruik. De etenswaar dient zodanig op de platen geplaatst te worden om voor voldoende luchtcirculatie te zorgen (de verschillende etenswaar dient elkaar niet te raken en de afstand tussen de etenswaar en de achterwand moet behouden blijven). U kunt de opslagcapaciteit voor ingevroren etenswaar vergroten door opslagmanden en, indien aanwezig, de Stop Frost-plaat te verwijderen. Wees niet verontrust over geluiden die van de compressor komen want dat zijn de normale geluiden van werking. Het symbool op het product of op de begeleidende documentatie geeft aan dat dit apparaat niet als huishoudelijk afval behandeld mag worden, maar dat het ingeleverd moet worden bij een speciaal inzamelingscentrum voor de recycling van elektrische en elektronische apparatuur. 99 Installatie Positionering en aansluiting Uitpakken 1. Verwijder voorzichtig de beschermingen, open de deur en controleer of alle onderdelen aanwezig zijn. 2. Haal het netsnoer naar buiten. Aansluiting Zet het apparaat na transport rechtop en wacht minstens 3 uur voordat u het aansluit op het net. Controleer voordat de stekker in het stopcontact wordt gestoken: • of het stopcontact geaard is en aan de wettelijke voorschriften • voldoet; • of het stopcontact geschikt is voor de maximale stroombelasting van het apparaat, die is aangegeven in de gegevenstabel of op het typeplaatje rechtsonder (zie Beschrijving van het apparaat); • of de voedingsspanning binnen het bereik valt dat is aangegeven op de gegevenstabel of op het typeplaatje rechtsonder (zie Beschrijving van het apparaat); • of het stopcontact compatibel is met de stekker van het apparaat. Zo niet, vervang het stopcontact of de stekker; gebruik geen verlengkabels of meervoudige stopcontacten. Positionering 1. Plaats het apparaat vrij (niet in een gesloten kast) in een goed geventileerde, droge ruimte. 2. Plaats het apparaat uit de buurt van warmtebronnen. 3. Houd u aan de minimumafstand tussen het apparaat en de wanden van de ruimte waar het wordt geplaatst, om een perfecte ventilatie van het apparaat te garanderen. Zie afbeelding. Dimensions of the cellar 455 444 Dimensions of the compartment Ventilation space: at least 50 mm 5 55 Here “PUSH TO OPEN” Here “PUSH TO CLOSE” 100 Furniture side area Product Description Productbeschrijving Product Description Interne delen EN EN Interior Parts CONTROL PANEL DOOR Interior Parts CONTROL PANEL BOTTLE AGEING COMPARTMENT BOTTLE AGEING COMPARTMENT DOOR SHELVES DATA PLATE SHELVES DATA PLATE Control Panel Bedieningspaneel ControlPILOT Panel REDUCE TEMPERATURE DISPLAY LAMP LIT PILOT LAMP LIT DISPLAY REDUCE TEMPERATURE POWER CONNECTION LIGHT POWER CONNECTION LIGHT LIGHT COOLING PILOT LAMP LIGHT COOLING PILOT LAMP 101 INCREASE TEMPERATURE INCREASE TEMPERATURE ON/OFF BUTTON ON/OFF BUTTON Gebruik van de wijnbewaarkast Ruimte voor rijping De belangrijkste functie van de ruimte voor rijping is om uw wijnen in optimale omstandigheden te bewaren. De in de fabriek ingestelde temperatuur van 15°C in het bovencompartiment is in de meeste gevallen uitstekend. Wijn is een complex product en is het resultaat van een lang en geleidelijk proces. Om de wijn optimaal tot zijn recht te laten komen, zijn specifieke omstandigheden nodig. Alle wijnen worden op dezelfde temperatuur bewaard. Ze worden echter geserveerd en geproefd op verschillende temperaturen, afhankelijk van de eigenschappen van de wijn (zie de tabel met ideale wijntemperaturen). Daarom is de absolute temperatuur voor uw nieuwe apparaat niet belangrijk bij het bewaren van uw wijn, net als in de wijnkelders van de producent. Het is echter van belang om de temperatuur constant te houden. Wijn kan bij elke temperatuur worden bewaard, zolang de temperatuur maar constant is. Handmatige temperatuurregeling Als u uw wijnbewaarkast aansluit, toont het display de temperatuur in de kast. De temperatuur is ingesteld op 15 °C en zal stabiel blijven op die temperatuur. Volg de onderstaande instructies als u de temperatuur wilt aanpassen: 1. Als u uw wijnbewaarkast aansluit, toont het display de ingestelde temperatuur 2. Druk gedurende één seconde op de knop + (zie het bedieningspaneel). De temperatuur begint te knipperen. 3. Druk op + of - om de gewenste temperatuur in te stellen 4. Na 5 seconden houdt de temperatuur op met knipperen. 5. Wacht tot de wijnbewaarkast de ingestelde temperatuur bereikt voordat u de wijnflessen erin legt. Het binnenlicht gaat niet aan (of gaat tijdelijk uit) wanneer de binnentemperatuur hoger wordt dan 24 °C. Hierdoor wordt de ingestelde temperatuur sneller bereikt. De houten schappen verwijderen WAARSCHUWING: De houten schappen schuiven niet. Haal ze niet naar buiten als er flessen op liggen: de flessen kunnen breken. U kunt de schappen alleen verwijderen om ze te reinigen als er geen flessen op liggen. 102 Tabel met ideale wijntemperaturen Deze tabel toont de temperatuur waarop verschillende wijnen behoren te worden geserveerd. Als een wijn moet worden geserveerd op een temperatuur die hoger is dan de temperatuur in uw wijnbewaarkast, kunt u de wijn het beste buiten de kast laten voor een bepaalde periode, voordat u de wijn serveert. Amarone 17 °C Droge, zoete, mousserende wijnen 6 °C Barbaresco 17 °C Verdicchio van Matelica en de kastelen van Jesi 8 °C Barolo 17 °C Witte wijnen uit Trentino-Zuid-Tirol 11 °C Beaujolais 13 °C Witte Franciacortawijnen 11 °C 10 °C Witte likeurwijn Bordeaux 6 °C Droge aromatische witte wijnen Droge witte Bordeaux 8 °C Droge, jonge en fruitige witte wijnen 8 °C Rode Bordeaux 17 °C Witte wijnen van Friuli Venezia Giulia 11 °C Witte Bourgogne 11 °C Rodanowijnen 15°C Rode Bourgogne 18 °C Droge witte Loirewijnen 10 °C Brunello 17 °C Likeurwijnen van de Loire Champagne 6 °C Rode Loirewijnen 7 °C 14 °C 8-18 °C Chianti Classico 16 °C Passito-likeurwijnen Languedoc-Roussillon 13 °C Roséwijnen, jonge wijnen 12 °C Passito di Pantelleria 6 °C Lichte rode wijnen, weinig tanninehoudend 14 °C Rode wijnen met gemiddelde structuur, redelijk tanninehoudend 16 °C Rosé Provence 12 °C 103 Stocking thethe wine bottles Stocking wine bottles Stocking the wine bottles Stocking the wine bottles Opslag van de wijnflessen Standard 24-bottle stock stock Champagne bottle stock Standard 24-bottle Champagne bottle stock Standaardopslag vanstock 24 flessen Opslag van champagneflessen EN Standard 24-bottle Champagne bottle stock Wij adviseren de standaardopslag van 24 flessen Champagneflessen zijn groter dan standaardflessen. The 24-bottle stock (forstock standard, mixed, and renana Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles. bottles. Standard stock bottle stock The 24-bottle 24-bottle (for standard, mixed, and renanaChampagne Champagne bottles are larger than standard (voor en (for Rijnwijnflessen ofthat een combinatie Zemust moeten onderin de bewaarkast worden bottles) isThe recommended for wines that need to be be placed theare base of the wine cellar, EN 24-bottle stock standard, mixed, and to renana Champagne bottles larger than standard bottles. bottles) isnormale recommended for wines need be They They must beonto placed onto the base of the wine cellar, daarvan) voor wijnen die goed zichtbaar en to be Champagne visible and easily which can hold upplaats to 5.placed geplaatst, waar islarger voor maximaal vijf flessen. bottles) isremoved. recommended for wines that need They must be onto the base of the wine cellar, The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana bottles are than standard bottles. visible and easily removed. which can hold up to 5. and easily removed. which can hold upthe to 5. gemakkelijk te for pakken moeten zijn. to be bottles) isvisible recommended wines that need They must be placed onto base of the wine cellar, visible and easily removed. which can hold up to 5. STANDARD If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne STANDARD you wantvijf to champagneflessen stock more than 5 in Champagne Als u Ifmeer dan debottles inbottles in 24 Bottles (100% lying down) your wineyour remove the 3th shelf and stockand thestock If cellar, youwine want to stock more than 5 shelf Champagne bottles STANDARD 24 Bottles (100% lying down) cellar, remove the 3th the in STANDAARD bewaarkast wilt (placing opslaan, the kuntbottles u het derde 3 shelves24 bottles in two rows in the second your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the Bottles (100% lying down) STANDARD If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles insecond 3 shelves bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the 24 flessen (100% liggend bewaard) schap verwijderen debottom flessen inthe twee row those on en thethe row). This will in hold inremove two rows (placing bottles thewill second 3 shelves 24 Bottles (100% lying down) yourbetween winebottles cellar, 3ththe shelf and stock the row between those on bottom row). This hold lagen stapelen, waarbij u the de rij the inrow). de up to 9 in bottles. row those on tweede the bottom This will hold 3 shelves 3 schappen bottles two rows (placing bottles in second up tobetween 9 bottles. uitsparingen van de onderste rij plaatst. Op Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden up to 9 bottles. row between those on the bottom row). This willdie hold Plaatseach elke bottle fles in into de uitsparingen drie Position the slots on op thede 3 wooden shelves. shelves. 6 bottles be placed on the bottom manier kuntstocking u maximaal negen flessen opslaan. Some configurations Position each bottle into the slots onflessen theofbottom 3the wooden to 9stocking bottles. houten schappen. Er zes onderin 6can bottles can bekunnen placed on the of theup Some configurations wine cellar. shelves. 6 bottles be placed the bottom of the Some stocking configurations Position each bottle into thecan slots on thegeplaatst. 3 on wooden wine decellar. wijnbewaarkast worden cellar. shelves. wine 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the Some stocking configurations Voorbeelden van indelingen We suggereren om de Rijnwijn op het We suggest placeyou theplace Renana theonderste wine cellar. We you suggest the bottles Renanaonto bottles onto the schap leggen en onderin de wine bewaarkast, lower shelf and thetebottom of the wine cellar because We suggest youthe place the Renana bottles onto the lower shelf and bottom of the cellar because omdat deze plekken speciaal theysuggest havethey been specially designed to larger lower shelf andthe the bottom of hold thevoor wine cellar because We you place Renana bottles onto the larger have been specially designed to grotere hold bottles. they have specially designed hold larger flessen zijn ontworpen. lower shelf and the been bottom of the wine cellar to because bottles. they havebottles. been specially designed to hold larger ! Het houten schap kan zonder problemen tot ! The wooden shelf canshelf safely hold up to 22 bottles. bottles. ! The 22wooden flessen dragencan safely hold up to 22 bottles. ! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles. ! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles. PRESERVATION PRESERVATION 28 Bottles down) PRESERVATION 28(100% Bottleslying (100% lying down) 28 Bottles (100% lying down) PRESERVATION CONSERVERING 28 Bottles (100% lying down) 28 flessen (100% liggend bewaard) 104 Maintenance and troubleshooting Onderhoud en probleemoplossing Care and maintenance EN Reiniging stopcontact te halen. en onderhoud the wine cellar Trek Disconnecting de stekker van de wijnbewaarkast uit Storingen verhelpen het stopcontact Bekijk the de wine volgende During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug cellar tabel als u merkt dat uw Tijdens reiniging en onderhoud is het belangrijk wijnbewaarkast niet goed werkt, voordat u de om de stekker van de wijnbewaarkast uit het Troubleshooting klantenservice belt. Maintenance and troubleshooting EN If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your Care and maintenance Service Centre. Probleem Disconnecting the wine cellar Mogelijke oorzaken/oplossingen Possible causes/solutions Problem During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar • The plug is plugged the wall-outlet • De stekker zitnot niet of nietinto goed in het or not enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power stopcontact. Er kan een stroomstoring in uw failure inlistyour home. If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following before you call your huis zijn. • The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine Service Centre. into another wall-outlet to check. • Hetcellar stopcontact staat niet onder spanning. Sluit Possible causes/solutions Problem de bewaarkast ter controle aan op een ander • The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not The compressor does not work stopcontact. The compressor doesniet not work De compressor werkt Troubleshooting enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power •yourContact the Service Centre failure home. • inNeem contact op met de klantenservice • The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine cellar into another wall-outlet to check.local Service Centre. ! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized The compressor never stops De compressor stopt nooit ! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left unsettled for a long The compressor nevertime stopsthat the wine may suffer. • Contact the Service Centre ! Alle werkzaamheden aan de wijnbewaarkast moeten worden uitgevoerd door uw erkende lokale ! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre. servicecentrum. ! Short term faults, such as zoals power failure, will not compromise hebben the wines. Itgeen is onlyinvloed when working faultsopgeslagen are left ! Kortstondige storingen, een stroomstoring, op de wijn. De wijn kan unsettled for a long time that the wine may suffer. alleen negatief worden beïnvloed als problemen langdurig blijven bestaan. Disposal The appliance was designed and manufactured in ! Het!apparaat is ontworpen en geproduceerd Afdanken compliance with international safety standards. The in overeenstemming met de internationale following warnings are provided for safety reasons veiligheidsnormen. Dedesigned onderstaande Disposal ! Themust appliance was and manufactured in and be read carefully. compliance withworden international standards. The waarschuwingen omsafety veiligheidsredenen • •Neem de plaatselijke milieunormen acht following warningscomplies are provided forthe safety reasons Observe local environmental standards in when This appliance with following vermeld dienen te worden gelezen. and en must be read zorgvuldig carefully. wanneer u packaging het verpakkingsmateriaal afvoert disposing material for recycling Community Directives: Dit apparaat is conform de volgende Europese • Observe voor purposes. local environmental This appliance complies with the following recycling.standards when disposing packaging material for recycling Community Directives: Richtlijnen: • De Europese Richtlijn 2012/19/EU inzake • The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste purposes. - - 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and subsequent - 73/23/EEC ofamendments; 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and Laagspanningsrichtlijn (LVD) 2014/35/EU - subsequent 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic amendments; Richtlijn m.b.t. elektromagnetische - 89/336/EEC of and 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic Compatibility) subsequent amendments; subsequent amendments; compatibiliteit (EMC) 2014/30/EU - Compatibility) 2002/96/CE.and - 2002/96/CE. - RAEE-richtlijn 2012/30/EU Electrical and Electronic en Equipment (WEEE), Afgedankte elektrische elektronische • The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste requires that old household appliances Electricalapparaten and Electronic(Richtlijn Equipment (WEEE), WEEEelectrical 2) schrijft voor dat not be disposed of in the normal unsorted requires thatmust old household electrical appliances oude elektrische huishoudelijke apparaten stream. Old appliances must be must not bemunicipal disposed ofwaste in the normal unsorted municipalniet waste stream.separately Old appliances must be collected in order to optimise the mogen worden afgevoerd met het collected separately in and order recycling to optimise of thethe materials they contain recovery normale niet-gesorteerde gemeentelijk recovery and recycling of the materials they contain and reduce human the impact on human health and the and reduce the impact health and the afzonderlijk afval. Oudeonapparaten dienen The crossed environment.environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin”out “wheeled bin” te worden ingezameld om de terugwinning symbol on the product reminds you of your symbol on the product reminds you of your obligation, that when you that dispose of materialen the obligation, when youappliance disposedie of the en recycling van de ze appliance it must be separately collected. it must be separately collected. bevatten te optimaliseren en de impact op de Consumers should contact their local authority or Consumers should contact their local authority or retailer for information concerning the correct volksgezondheid en het milieu te beperken. information concerning the correct disposal of retailer their old for appliance. Het symbool metold deappliance. doorgestreepte disposal of their "vuilnisbak op wielen" op het product herinnert u eraan dat het afgedankte apparaat afzonderlijk moet worden ingezameld. Consumenten dienen contact op te nemen met de plaatselijke instantie of de verkoper voor informatie inzake de correcte wijze van afdanken van hun oude apparaat. 18 18 105 Service Assistance Voordat u de Servicedienst belt: • Controleer of u de storing niet zelf kunt oplossen (zie Probleemoplossing). • Indien, ondanks alle controles, het apparaat niet goed werkt of de storing blijft bestaan, kunt u zich tot Before calling for Assistance: de dichtstbijzijnde Technische Dienst wenden EN • Check if the malfunction can be solved on your own (see Troubleshooting). • If after all the checks, the appliance still does not operate or the problem persists, call the nearest Service Centre doorgeven: model serial number U moet • het type storing Communicating: • het model apparaat (Mod.) • type of malfunction • serienummer (S/N) • appliance model (Mod.) • serial number (S/N) Deze informatie vindt u op het can gegevensplaatje This information be found on the data located on the bottom left side of the links onder in hetplate koelkastcompartiment. refrigerator compartment. Mod. RG 2330 220 - 240 V- TI 50 Hz Cod. 150 W 75 Total 340 Net Gross Gross Util Bruto Bruto Utile Brut Brut Compr. R 134 a Test Pressure HIGH-235 Syst. P.S-I. LOW 140 Kompr. kg 0,090 Made in Italy 13918 93139180000 W Fuse S/N 704211801 A Gross Bruto Brut Max 15 w Capac Class Poder de Cong Clase Freez. kg/24 h 4,0 N Classe VOORBEELD VAN GEGEVENSPLAATJE Never call on unauthorized technicians and always refuse spare parts which are not originals. Wendt u zich nooit tot onbevoegde installateurs en weiger altijd de installatie van niet-originele onderdelen. 19 106 Português, GUIA DO UTILIZADOR IT Italiano, 4 RU Русский, 68 EN English, 17 KZ Қазақша, 81 FR Français, 29 NL Nederlands, 94 ES Español, 42 PT Português, 107 DE Deutsch, 55 Índice Características, 108 Avisos Ficha informativa Instalação, 113 Localização e fonte de alimentação Informações técnicas Descrição do produto, 114 Peças interiores Painel de controlo Utilizar a cave de vinho, 115-116 Compartimento para envelhecimento de garrafas Controlo manual da temperatura Retirar as prateleiras de madeira Tabela das temperaturas ideais para vinhos Armazenar as garrafas de vinho, 117 Como armazenar as garrafas Manutenção e resolução de problemas, 118 Limpeza e Manutenção Resolução de problemas Assistência, 119 107 INSTRUÇÕES DE SEGURANÇA É IMPORTANTE QUE LEIA E RESPEITE ESTAS INSTRUÇÕES Antes de utilizar o aparelho, leia estas instruções de segurança com atenção. Guarde-as por perto para consulta futura. Estas instruções e o próprio aparelho possuem mensagens importantes relativas à segurança, que deve ler e respeitar sempre. O fabricante declina qualquer responsabilidade pela inobservância das presentes instruções de segurança, pela utilização inadequada do aparelho ou pela incorreta configuração dos controlos. As crianças até aos 3 anos deverão manterse afastadas do aparelho. As crianças entre os 3 e os 8 anos devem ser mantidas afastadas do aparelho, exceto se estiverem sob supervisão permanente. Este aparelho pode ser utilizado por crianças a partir dos 8 anos e por pessoas com capacidades físicas, sensoriais ou mentais reduzidas ou com falta de experiência e conhecimento, desde que estejam sob supervisão ou tenham recebido instruções quanto à utilização segura deste aparelho e se compreenderem os perigos envolvidos. As crianças não devem brincar com o aparelho. A limpeza e a manutenção a cargo do utilizador não devem ser realizadas por crianças sem supervisão. As crianças entre os 3 e os 8 anos estão habilitadas a introduzir e a remover produtos nos aparelhos de refrigeração. UTILIZAÇÃO AUTORIZADA ATENÇÃO: o aparelho não deve ser ligado a partir de um dispositivo de comutação externo, como, por exemplo, um temporizador, nem a partir de um sistema de controlo remoto em separado. Este aparelho destina-se a ser utilizado em ambiente doméstico e em aplicações semelhantes, tais como: copas para utilização dos funcionários em lojas, escritórios e outros ambientes de trabalho; quintas de exploração agrícola; clientes em hotéis, motéis, bed & breakfast e outros tipos de ambientes residenciais. Este aparelho não está concebido para o uso profissional. Não utilize o aparelho no exterior. A lâmpada usada no interior do aparelho foi especificamente desenhada para eletrodomésticos e não é adequada para iluminação de habitações (Regulamento CE 244/2009). O aparelho foi concebido para funcionar em locais onde a temperatura se enquadra nos seguintes intervalos, de acordo com a classe climática referida na placa de características. O aparelho poderá não funcionar devidamente se ficar durante muito tempo a uma temperatura que se encontre fora do intervalo especificado. Classe climática das temperaturas ambiente: SN: De 10 a 32 °C ST: De 16 a 38 °C; N: De 16 a 32 °C T: De 16 a 43 °C Este aparelho não contém CFCs. O circuito de refrigeração contém R600a (HC). Aparelhos com Isobutano (R600a): o isobutano é um gás natural sem impacto no ambiente, mas que é inflamável. Sendo assim, certifique-se de que os tubos do circuito de refrigeração não estão danificados, especialmente ao esvaziar o circuito de refrigeração. AVISO: Não danifique os tubos do circuito de refrigeração do aparelho. AVISO: Mantenha as aberturas de ventilação existentes no corpo do aparelho ou na estrutura encastrada, livres de obstruções. AVISO: Não utilize meios mecânicos, elétricos ou químicos, para além dos recomendados pelo fabricante para acelerar o processo de descongelação. 108 AVISO: Não utilize nem coloque dispositivos elétricos dentro dos compartimentos do aparelho, se estes não forem do tipo expressamente autorizado pelo fabricante. AVISO: os dispensadores de água ou gelo não ligados diretamente ao abastecimento de água, devem apenas ser enchidos com água potável. Não armazene substâncias explosivas, tais como embalagens de aerossóis, nem coloque ou utilize gasolina ou outros materiais inflamáveis perto do aparelho. Não ingerir o conteúdo (atóxico) das bolsas de gelo (fornecido com alguns modelos). Não coma cubos de gelo ou gelados imediatamente após os retirar do aparelho, dado que podem causar “queimaduras” de frio. Nos produtos desenhados para usar um filtro de ar no interior de uma tampa de ventoinha acessível, o filtro deve estar sempre colocado quando o frigorífico estiver a funcionar. Não guarde recipientes de vidro com líquido no compartimento do congelador, pois estes podem quebrarse. Não obstrua a ventoinha (se disponível) com alimentos. Após inserir os alimentos, verifique se a porta dos compartimentos fecha devidamente, especialmente a porta do congelador. Qualquer junta que esteja danificada deverá ser substituída logo que possível. Este aparelho destina-se a ser utilizado exclusivamente para o armazenamento de vinho no compartimento de armazenamento de vinho, para armazenar alimentos frescos na gaveta no modo de refrigeração, e para armazenar alimentos congelados, congelar alimentos frescos e para fazer cubos de gelo na gaveta no modo de congelação. Armazene sempre as garrafas sem as embalagens nem dentro de caixotes nem caixas. A capacidade do compartimento de armazenamento de vinho está indicada no capítulo sobre o armazenamento de garrafas de vinho. Evite guardar alimentos não embrulhados em contacto direto com as superfícies internas dos compartimentos do frigorífico ou do congelador. Os aparelhos podem ter compartimentos especiais (Compartimento para Alimentos Frescos, Caixa Zero Graus, etc.). Salvo especificação em contrário no manual do produto, estes podem ser retirados, mantendo os desempenhos equivalentes. O C-Pentano é utilizado como agente de expansão na espuma de isolamento e é um gás inflamável. A parte mais adequada da gaveta, na qual são armazenados tipos específicos de alimentos, considerando a diferente distribuição da temperatura pelos vários compartimentos do aparelho, é a seguinte: - Modo de refrigeração: 1) Área superior do compartimento do frigorífico - zona de temperatura: Armazenamento de frutas tropicais, latas, bebidas, ovos, molhos, pickles, manteiga, compotas 2) Área intermédia do compartimento do frigorífico - zona fria: Armazenamento de queijo, leite, laticínios, iogurtes 3) Área inferior do compartimento do frigorífico - zona mais fria: Armazenamento de charcutaria, sobremesas, carne e peixe, cheesecake, massa fresca, natas azedas, pesto/salsa, comida caseira, creme de pasteleiro, pudim e creme de queijo 4) O fundo do compartimento do frigorífico: Armazenamento de frutas e vegetais (exceto frutas tropicais) - Modo de congelação: Os alimentos congelados comprados contêm a data de validade na respetiva embalagem. Esta data tem em conta o tipo de alimento armazenado e, como tal, deve ser respeitada. Os alimentos 109 frescos devem ser armazenados durante os seguintes períodos de tempo: 1-3 meses para queijo, marisco, gelado, fiambre/chouriço, leite, líquidos frescos; 4 meses para bifes ou costeletas (vaca, borrego, porco); 6 meses para manteiga ou margarina, carne de aves (frango, peru); 8-12 meses para frutas (exceto citrinos), carne assada (vaca, porco, borrego), vegetais. As datas de validade nas embalagens dos alimentos deverão ser respeitadas. Para evitar a contaminação dos alimentos, siga as seguintes instruções: - Deixar a porta do aparelho aberta durante longos períodos de tempo pode provocar um aumento significativo da temperatura nos compartimentos do aparelho. - Limpe regularmente os sistemas de drenagem acessíveis e as superfícies do aparelho que possam entrar com contacto com os alimentos. - Lave os reservatórios de água, caso os mesmos não sejam utilizados durante 48 horas; drene o sistema de água ligado ao abastecimento de água, caso a água não tenha sido drenada nos últimos 5 dias. - Armazene a carne e o peixe frescos no interior do frigorífico em recipientes adequados, para que estes não entrem em contacto, nem pinguem para cima dos restantes alimentos. - Os compartimentos para alimentos congelados com duas estrelas são adequados para o armazenamento de alimentos pré-congelados, para fazer gelados e cubos de gelo. - Não congele alimentos frescos nos compartimentos com uma, duas ou três estrelas. - Caso o aparelho de refrigeração fique vazio durante longos períodos de tempo, desligue-o, descongele-o, limpe-o e deixe a porta do mesmo aberta para evitar a formação de bolor no seu interior. INSTALAÇÃO O aparelho deve ser transportado e instalado por duas ou mais pessoas risco de lesões. Use luvas de proteção para desembalar e instalar o aparelho risco de cortes. A instalação, incluindo a alimentação de água (caso seja necessário) e as ligações elétricas, bem como quaisquer reparações devem ser realizadas por um técnico devidamente qualificado. Não repare nem substitua nenhuma peça do aparelho a não ser que tal seja especificamente indicado no manual de utilização. Mantenha as crianças afastadas do local da instalação. Depois de desembalar o aparelho, certifiquese de que este não foi danificado durante o transporte. Em caso de problemas, contacte o revendedor ou o Serviço Pós-Venda mais próximo. Uma vez instalado o aparelho, os elementos da embalagem (plástico, peças de esferovite, etc.) devem ser armazenados longe do alcance das crianças - risco de asfixia. Deve desligar o aparelho da corrente elétrica antes de efetuar qualquer operação de instalação, para evitar o risco de choques elétricos. Durante a instalação, certifique-se de que o aparelho não danifica o cabo de alimentação, pois existe o risco de incêndio ou de choques elétricos. Ligue o aparelho apenas depois de concluída a instalação do mesmo. Tenha cuidado para não danificar o chão (exemplo parquet) quando deslocar o aparelho. Instale o aparelho sobre um pavimento ou suporte suficientemente forte para suportar o peso do aparelho e num local adequado à sua dimensão e utilização. Ao instalar o aparelho, certifique-se de que o aparelho não está perto de uma fonte de calor e que os quatro pés ficam estáveis e corretamente assentes no pavimento e de que fica bem nivelado (utilize um nível de bolha de ar). 110 Espere pelo menos duas horas antes de Se o cabo de alimentação estiver ligar o aparelho, assegurando assim que danificado deverá ser substituído por o circuito refrigerador está totalmente um idêntico do mesmo fabricante operacional. ou por um técnico de assistência ou AVISO: Ao posicionar o aparelho, pessoas similarmente qualificadas de certifique-se de que o cabo de modo a evitar a ocorrência de situações alimentação não fica preso ou perigosas, pois existe o risco de danificado. choques elétricos. AVISO: para evitar riscos devido AVISO: Não coloque várias You can increase storage rules and theou appliance must de a instabilidade, o posicionamento with ou the wiring tomadas múltiplas outras fontes and, if present, Stop Frost be earthed in conformity with national electrical Do not worry about nois fixação do aparelho devem ser feitos de alimentação portáteis junto da parte safety standards. normal operation noises. acordo com as instruções do fabricante. do aparelho. Do nottraseira use extension leads, multiple sockets É proibido a colocação do frigorífico or adapters. The electrical components must not LIMPEZA E MANUTENÇÃO de forma que a parede traseira dobe accessible to the user after installation. Do not AVISO: debarefoot. que o use the appliance whenAssegure-se you are wet or frigorífico (bobina do condensador) Do not operate this appliance if it has da a damaged aparelho está desligado fonte de esteja em contacto com mangueiras cable or plug, if it antes is not de working properly, alimentação realizar quaisquer metálicas do fogão a gás, tubagenspower or if it has been damaged ormanutenção; dropped. operações de nunca metálicas de gás ou de água ou fios If the supply cord is damaged, it mustuse uma máquina de limpeza a vapor para elétricos. be replaced with an identical one by the limpar aparelhoagent - riscoordesimilarly choques itso service Para garantir uma ventilação manufacturer, elétricos. qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard adequada, deixe espaço de ambos Não utilize produtos de limpeza os lados e por cima do aparelho. Arisk of electric shock. WARNING: Do not multiple abrasivos oulocate agressivos, taisportable como distância entre a parte de trás do socket-outlets or portable power supplies at the pulverizadores limpa-vidros, produtos aparelho e a parede deve ser de 50 rear of the appliance. de limpeza erosivos, fluidos inflamáveis, mm, de forma a evitar o contactoCLEANING com AND MAINTENANCE ceras Ensure de limpeza, superfícies quentes. Se este espaço WARNING: that detergentes the appliance is concentrados, lixívias ou the produtos switched off and disconnected from power for menor irá aumentar o consumo de supply before performing any maintenance de limpeza que contenham produtos Energia do produto. operation; derivados never use steam cleaningem equipment de petróleo peças de risk of electric shock. no interior e nos revestimentos AVISOS RELATIVOS À plástico, Do not useportas abrasive harsh cleaners such ELETRICIDADE ou or das juntas. Não utilize as windowdas sprays, scouring cleansers, flammable Deve ser possível desligar o aparelho toalhetes papel, esfregões de metal fluids, cleaning waxes,deconcentrated detergents, da fonte de alimentação, desligando-o ou outros acessórios de bleaches abrasivos, or cleansers containing petroleum on plastic parts, interior and door liners na ficha, caso esta esteja acessível,products ou limpeza agressivos. or gaskets.ELIMINAÇÃO Do not use paper towels, scouring através de um interruptor multipolar DA EMBALAGEM pads, or other harsh cleaning tools. instalado na tomada de acordo com O material da embalagem é 100% reciclável, DISPOSAL OF PACKAGING MATERIALS a regulamentação aplicável a ligações indicado peloand símbolo dewith reciclagem The packaging conforme material is 100% recyclable is marked the elétricas; além disso, o aparelho deve .. The various parts of the packaging must therefore recycle symbol be disposed of responsibly and in full compliance with local authority dispor de ligação à terra, de acordo As várias regulations governing wastepartes disposal.da embalagem devem ser com as normas de segurança elétrica eliminadas de forma responsável e em total DISPOSAL OF HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES This appliance conformidade is manufactured with recyclable or reusable materials. pelas nacionais. com as normas estabelecidas Dispose of it in accordance with local waste disposal regulations. autoridades locais. For further information on the treatment, recovery and recycling Não utilize adaptadores, fichas household electrical appliances, contact your local authority, the múltiplas ou extensões. Após a ofcollection service for household waste or the store where you purchased the appliance. This appliance is marked in compliance with European instalação do aparelho, os componentes Directive 2012/19/EU, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). elétricos devem estar inacessíveisByaoensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent negative consequences for the environment and human health. The utilizador. Não utilize o aparelho com symbol on the product or on the accompanying documentation os pés descalços ou molhados. Não indicates that it should not be treated as domestic waste but must be taken to an appropriate collection centre for the recycling of electrical ligue este aparelho se o cabo ou aand ficha electronic equipment. elétrica apresentar danos, se não estiver ENERGY SAVING TIPS To guarantee adequate ventilation follow installation instructions. a funcionar corretamente, se estiver Insufficient ventilation at the back of the product increases energy danificado ou se tiver caído. consumption and decreases cooling efficiency. Frequent door opening might cause an increase in Energy consumption. The internal temperature of the appliance and the Energy Consumption 111 also by the ambient temperature, as well as location of may be affected the appliance. Temperature setting should take into consideration these ELIMINAÇÃO DE ELETRODOMÉSTICOS Este aparelho é fabricado com materiais recicláveis ou reutilizáveis. Elimine-o em conformidade com as normas de eliminação de resíduos locais. Para obter mais informações sobre o tratamento, recuperação e reciclagem de eletrodomésticos, contacte as autoridades locais, o serviço de recolha de resíduos domésticos ou a loja onde adquiriu o aparelho. Este aparelho está marcado em conformidade com a Diretiva Europeia 2012/19/EU relativa aos Resíduos de Equipamentos Elétricos e Eletrónicos (REEE). Ao assegurar a eliminação correta deste produto, estamos a proteger o ambiente e a saúde humana contra riscos negativos. O símbolo no produto, ou nos documentos que acompanham o produto, indica que este aparelho não deve ser tratado como resíduo doméstico e deve ser transportado para um centro de recolha adequado para proceder à reciclagem do equipamento elétrico e eletrónico. SUGESTÕES PARA POUPAR ENERGIA Para garantir uma ventilação adequada, siga as instruções de instalação. Uma ventilação insuficiente na parte de trás do produto aumenta o consumo de energia e diminui a eficiência de arrefecimento. A abertura frequente da porta poderá resultar num consumo de energia acrescido. A temperatura interna do aparelho bem como o consumo de energia podem ser afetados pela temperatura ambiente, assim como pelo local onde se encontra o aparelho. Ao regular a temperatura deve ter em consideração estes fatores. Reduza ao mínimo a abertura da porta. Os alimentos congelados devem ser descongelados no compartimento frigorífico. A baixa temperatura dos produtos congelados arrefece os alimentos no compartimento frigorífico. Deixe arrefecer os alimentos e as bebidas quentes antes de os colocar no aparelho. O posicionamento das prateleiras no compartimento frigorífico não tem impacto na utilização eficiente da energia. Os alimentos devem ser colocados nas prateleiras de forma a garantir uma circulação de ar adequada (os alimentos não se devem tocar e deve ser mantida uma distância entre estes e a parede posterior). Pode aumentar a capacidade de armazenamento de alimentos congelados, retirando as gavetas e, se existir, a prateleira Stop Frost. Os sons produzidos pelo compressor são perfeitamente normais, pelo que não deve preocupar-se. 112 Instalação Posicionamento e ligação Desembalar 1. Remova cuidadosamente as proteções e os adesivos, abra a porta e certifique-se de que todos os componentes estão presentes. 2. Retire o cabo da fonte de alimentação. Ligação da cablagem Após o transporte, coloque o aparelho na vertical e aguarde, pelo menos, 3 horas antes de o ligar ao sistema da cablagem. Antes de ligar a ficha à tomada, certifique-se de que: • a tomada tem ligação à terra e está de acordo com os regulamentos • legais; • a tomada consegue suportar a carga de energia máxima da máquina, indicada na tabela da ficha informativa ou na placa de características no canto inferior direito (consulte a descrição do aparelho); • a tensão de alimentação está dentro do intervalo indicado na tabela da ficha informativa ou na placa de características no canto inferior direito (consulte a descrição do aparelho); • a tomada é compatível com a ficha do aparelho. Caso contrário, substitua a tomada ou a ficha; não utilize extensões ou tomadas múltiplas. Posicionamento 1. Posicione o aparelho numa área com boa ventilação, sem humidade e espaçosa (evitar armários com paredes fechadas). 2. Mantenha o aparelho afastado de fontes de calor. 3. Certifique-se de que mantém as distâncias mínimas entre o aparelho e a parede da divisão onde este é instalado, de forma a assegurar a perfeita ventilação do aparelho. Ver figura. Dimensions of the cellar 455 444 Dimensions of the compartment Ventilation space: at least 50 mm 5 55 Here “PUSH TO OPEN” Here “PUSH TO CLOSE” 113 Furniture side area Product Description Descrição do aparelho Product Description Peças interiores EN EN Interior Parts CONTROL PANEL DOOR Interior Parts CONTROL PANEL BOTTLE AGEING COMPARTMENT BOTTLE AGEING COMPARTMENT DOOR SHELVES DATA PLATE SHELVES DATA PLATE Control Panel Painel de controlo ControlPILOT Panel REDUCE TEMPERATURE DISPLAY LAMP LIT PILOT LAMP LIT DISPLAY REDUCE TEMPERATURE POWER CONNECTION LIGHT POWER CONNECTION LIGHT LIGHT COOLING PILOT LAMP LIGHT COOLING PILOT LAMP 114 INCREASE TEMPERATURE INCREASE TEMPERATURE ON/OFF BUTTON ON/OFF BUTTON Utilizar a cave de vinho Compartimento para envelhecimento de garrafas A principal função do compartimento de envelhecimento é garantir que os seus vinhos sejam conservados nas condições ideais. A temperatura vem definida de fábrica para uma temperatura considerada excelente na maioria dos casos, correspondendo a 15°C no compartimento superior. O vinho tem uma natureza complexa e deriva de um processo longo e moroso. São necessárias condições muito específicas, de forma a melhor expressar os seus atributos. Todos os vinhos são conservados à mesma temperatura mas, dependendo das suas diferentes características, os vinhos são servidos e saboreados a temperaturas muito diferentes (consulte a tabela de temperaturas ideais para vinhos). Assim, e tal como acontece nas caves dos produtores, para o seu novo aparelho, o valor de temperatura absoluto não é importante para a conservação do seu vinho. Muito pelo contrário, a manutenção de uma temperatura constante ao longo do tempo é o mais importante. A conservação do vinho é ideal a qualquer temperatura, desde que a temperatura não varie. Controlo manual da temperatura Quando liga a sua cave de vinho, o visor apresenta a temperatura no interior da cave: a mesma foi definida para atingir os 15 °C e manter-se estável. Caso necessita de regular a temperatura, siga as instruções abaixo: 1. Quando liga a sua cave de vinho, o visor apresenta a temperatura que tiver sido definida 2. Prima o botão + durante um segundo (consulte o painel de controlo). A temperatura começará a piscar. 3. Prima os botões + ou - até atingir a temperatura pretendida 4. Aguarde 5 segundos para a temperatura parar de piscar. 5. aguarde até que a cave de vinho atinja a sua temperatura antes de colocar as garrafas de vinho no seu interior. A luz interna não se acende (ou apaga-se temporariamente) quando a temperatura interior ultrapassar os 24 °C. Tal permite que o aparelho atinja a temperatura predefinida mais rapidamente. Retirar as prateleiras de madeira AVISO: As prateleiras de madeira não deslizam. Não retire as prateleiras quando as mesmas estiverem carregadas com garrafas, para evitar o risco de partir as garrafas. Pode retirar as prateleiras para limpeza apenas quando não estiverem carregadas com garrafas. 115 Tabela das temperaturas ideais para vinhos Esta tabela indica as temperaturas aproximadas em que o vinho deve ser servido. Caso um dos seus vinhos necessite de ser servido a uma temperatura superior à existente no interior da cave de vinho, sugerimos que deixe o vinho no exterior durante o tempo que for necessário antes de o servir. Amarone 17°C Vinhos espumantes secos e doces 6°C Barbaresco 17°C Verdicchio di Matelica e dei Castelli di Jesi 8°C Barolo 17°C Vinhos brancos de Trentino Alto Adige 11°C Beaujolais 13°C Vinhos brancos Franciacorta 11°C 10°C Vinho branco licoroso de Bordéus 6°C Vinhos brancos aromáticos secos Vinho branco seco de Bordéus 8°C Vinhos brancos secos, jovens e frutados 8°C Vinho tinto de Bordéus 17°C Vinhos brancos de Friuli Venezia Giulia 11°C Vinho branco de Bourgogne 11°C Vinhos Ródano 15°C Vinho tinto de Bourgogne 18°C Vinhos brancos secos de Loire 10°C Brunello 17°C Vinhos licorosos de Loire Champanhe 6°C Vinhos tintos de Loire 7°C 14°C Chianti Classico 16°C Vinhos Passito licorosos Languedoc-Roussillon 13°C Vinhos rosé, Vinhos novos 12°C Passito di Pantelleria 6°C Vinhos tintos ligeiros com notas tânicas suaves 14°C Vinhos tintos, com bastantes notas tânicas e uma estrutura média 16°C Rosé de Provence 12°C 116 8-18°C Stocking thethe wine bottles Stocking wine bottles Stocking the wine bottles Stocking the wine bottles Armazenar as garrafas de vinho Standard 24-bottle stock stock Champagne bottle stock Standard 24-bottle Champagne bottle stock Stock de24-bottle 24 garrafasstock standard StockChampagne de garrafa de bottle Champanhe EN Standard stock Recomenda-se um stock de 24 garrafas (para As garrafas de champanhe são mais largas que The 24-bottle stock (forstock standard, mixed, and renana Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles. Standard stock bottle stock The 24-bottle 24-bottle (for standard, mixed, and renanaChampagne Champagne bottles are larger thandostandard bottles. as24-bottle garrafas padrão, mixas e wines renana) para os to as must garrafas colocadas na base bottles) isThe recommended for (for wines that need to be be padrão. placed onto theser base of the wine cellar, EN stock standard, mixed, and renana Champagne bottles are larger than standard bottles. bottles) is recommended for that need be They They must beDevem placed onto the base of the wine cellar, vinhos que necessitem de visíveis e de ser visible and easily which can hold up to 5.placed da cave debottles vinho, que pode até 5 garrafas. bottles) isremoved. recommended forestar wines that need to be Champagne They must be onto base of the wine cellar, The 24-bottle stock (for standard, mixed, and renana are larger than the standard bottles. visible and easily removed. which can hold up tosuportar 5. and easily removed. which can hold upthe to 5. removidos facilmente. bottles) isvisible recommended for wines that need to be They must be placed onto base of the wine cellar, visible and easily removed. which can hold up to 5. STANDARD If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles inbottles in STANDARD If you want to stock more than Se pretender armazenar mais do que55Champagne garrafas 24 Bottles (100% lying down) your wineyour remove the 3th shelf and stockand thestock If cellar, youwine want to stock more than 5 shelf Champagne bottles STANDARD 24 Bottles (100% lying down) cellar, remove the 3th the in STANDARD de Champanhe na sua cave de vinho,inremova a 3 shelves24 bottles in two rows (placing the bottles the second your wine cellar, remove the 3th shelf and stock the Bottles (100% lying down) STANDARD If you want to stock more than 5 Champagne bottles insecond 3 shelves bottles in two rows (placing the bottles in the 24 garrafas (deitadas a 100%) 3.ªwine prateleira armazene as garrafas em duas row those on those thethe bottom row). This will in hold bottles ineremove two rows (placing the bottles thewill second 3 shelves 24 Bottles (100% lying down) yourbetween cellar, 3ththe shelf and stock the row between on bottom row). This hold filas (colocando-as na segunda fila entre as second queThis will hold up to 9 in bottles. row those on the bottom row). 3 shelves 3 prateleiras bottles two rows (placing the bottles in the up tobetween 9 bottles. estão na fila inferior). Tal irá comportar até Position each bottle into the slots on the 3 wooden up to 9 bottles. row between those on the bottom row). This will9 hold Posicione garrafa nasslots ranhuras 3 Position eachcada bottle into the on thedas 3 wooden shelves. shelves. 6 bottles be the bottom ofbottom garrafas. Some configurations Position each bottle into the slots on the 3the wooden to 9stocking bottles. prateleiras de placed madeira. Podem serthe colocadas 6 theup 6can bottles can beon placed on of Some stocking configurations wine cellar. shelves. 6 bottles beon placed thevinho. bottom of the Some stocking configurations Position each bottle into thecan slots the 3 on wooden wine cellar. garrafas na parte inferior da cave de cellar. shelves. wine 6 bottles can be placed on the bottom of the Some stocking configurations Algumas configurações de armazenamento Sugerimos que coloquebottles as garrafas Renana We suggest placeyou theplace Renana the ontonathe wine cellar. We you suggest the Renanaonto bottles prateleira inferior e the nowine fundo da cave deonto vinho lower shelf and the bottom ofbottom the cellar because We suggest you place Renana bottles the lower shelf and the of the wine cellar because porque estas foram concebidas especialmente theysuggest havethey been specially designed to larger lower shelf andthe the bottom of hold the wine cellar because We you place Renana bottles onto the larger have been specially designed to hold bottles. they have been specially designed to hold larger para suportar garrafas maiscellar largas. lower shelf and the bottom of the wine because bottles. they havebottles. been specially designed to hold larger ! A prateleira de madeira pode suportar até 22 ! The wooden shelf canshelf safely hold up to 22 up bottles. bottles. ! The wooden can safely hold to 22 bottles. garrafas em segurança ! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles. ! The wooden shelf can safely hold up to 22 bottles. PRESERVATION PRESERVATION 28 Bottles down) PRESERVATION 28(100% Bottleslying (100% lying down) 28 Bottles (100% lying down) PRESERVATION PRESERVAÇÃO 28 Bottles (100% lying down) 28 garrafas (deitadas a 100%) 117 Maintenance and de problemas Manutenção e resolução troubleshooting Limpeza e manutenção Resolução de problemas Careaand maintenance Se notar que a sua cave de vinho não está a Desligar cave de vinho EN funcionar corretamente, verifique a seguinte lista Durante as operações de limpeza e de Disconnecting the wine cellar antes de contactar o Centro de Assistência. manutenção, é imperativo que desligue a cave de vinho.During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar Maintenance and troubleshooting Troubleshooting Problema Causas possíveis/soluções If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following list before you call your EN Care and maintenance Service Centre. Disconnecting the wine cellar Problem O compressor não funciona causes/solutions • APossible ficha não está inserida na tomada de parede ou não está inserida o suficiente para fazer • The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not The compressor does not work Troubleshooting contacto. poderá haver umacould falhabedea power enough Ou, to make contact. Or, there energia casa. failurena inlistsua your home. If you notice that your wine cellar is not working properly, check with the following before you call your The wall-outlet is not não in working Plug the wine Service Centre. • A• tomada de parede está aorder. funcionar cellar into another wall-outlet to check. corretamente. Ligue a cave de vinho a outra Possible causes/solutions Problem tomada de parede para verificar. During cleaning and maintenance, it is imperative that you unplug the wine cellar • The plug is not plugged into the wall-outlet or not enough to make contact. Or, there could be a power • Contacte o Centro de Assistência failure in•yourContact home. the Service Centre • The wall-outlet is not in working order. Plug the wine cellar into another wall-outlet to check.local Service Centre. ! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized The compressor does not work O compressor nunca para The compressor never stops ! Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left ! Qualquer tipo trabalho realizado cave de vinho deve ser efetuado pelo seu Centro de Assistência unsettled for de a long time the wine na may suffer. The compressor never stopsthat • Contact the Service Centre local autorizado. ! Any work that is done to the wine cellar should be performed by your authorized local Service Centre. ! As avarias num curto espaço de tempo, tais como falhas de energia, não comprometerão os vinhos. Os Short term faults, such as power failure, will not compromise the wines. It is only when working faults are left vinhos!unsettled poderão apenas for asofrer long timealterações that the wine may suffer.quando se tratam de avarias operacionais deixadas por resolver durante um longo período de tempo. Disposal ! The appliance was designed and manufactured in ! O aparelho foi concebido e fabricado em Eliminação compliance with international safety standards. The conformidade com as normas de segurança following warnings are provided for safety reasons internacionais. Osread seguintes avisos são fornecidos Disposal ! Themust appliance was designed and manufactured in and be carefully. compliance with international safety standards. por razões de segurança e devem ser lidosThe • •Respeite normas ambientais locaiswhen ao following warnings are provided for safety reasons Observeas local environmental standards This appliance complies with the following atentamente. and must be read carefully. eliminar o material embalagem para fins de disposing packagingdamaterial for recycling Community Directives: Este aparelho está em conformidade com as purposes. • Observe reciclagem. local environmental standards when This appliance complies with the following disposing packaging material for recycling Community Directives: seguintes diretivas comunitárias: • A diretiva 2012/19/UE referente à gestão • The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste purposes. - - 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and subsequent - 73/23/EEC ofamendments; 19/02/73 (Low (LVD) Voltage) 2014/35/UE and Diretiva de Baixa Tensão - subsequent 89/336/EEC of 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic amendments; Diretiva 2014/30/UE sobre Compatibilidade - 89/336/EEC of and 03.05.89 (Electromagnetic Compatibility) subsequent amendments; subsequent amendments; Eletromagnética - Compatibility) 2002/96/CE.and(EMC) - 2002/96/CE. - Diretiva REEE 2012/30/UE Equipment (WEEE), deElectrical resíduosand deElectronic equipamentos elétricos • The European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste requires that old household electrical appliances Electricaleand Electronic Equipment (WEEE), eletrónicos (Diretiva 2 REEE), prevê not be disposed of in the normal unsorted requires thatmust old household electrical appliances os eletrodomésticos não podem ser stream. Old appliances must be must not que bemunicipal disposed ofwaste in the normal unsorted municipaleliminados waste stream.separately Old appliances must be collected in order to os optimise the em conjunto com resíduos collected separately in and order recycling to optimise of thethe materials they contain recovery normais. Os aparelhos recovery urbanos and recycling of the materials they contain usados and reduce the impact on human health and the and reduce the impact on human health separadamente, and the devem ser recolhidos de The crossed environment.environment. The crossed out “wheeled bin”out “wheeled bin” forma a otimizar a recuperação reciclagem symbol onreminds the product reminds youe of your symbol on the product you of your obligation, that when you that dispose of appliance obligation, when you dispose of the appliance dos materiais que osthe compõem e reduzir it must be separately collected. it must be separately collected. o Consumers impacto na saúde e no meio Consumers should contact their localhumana authority or should contact their local authority or retailer for information concerning the correct ambiente. O símbolo concerning de um contentor de lixo information the correct disposal of retailer their old for appliance. barrado umaoldcruz no produto recorda a disposalcom of their appliance. obrigatoriedade da recolha separada. Os consumidores devem contactar as autoridades locais para mais informações relativas à eliminação correta do seu aparelho usado. 18 18 118 Assistência Assistance Antes de contactar a Assistência Técnica: • Verifique se pode resolver sozinho a anomalia (veja as Anomalias e Soluções). • Se, após todas as verificações, o aparelho não funcionar e o problema persistir, contacte o Centro de calling for Assistance: Assistência maisBefore próximo EN • Check if the malfunction can be solved on your own (see Troubleshooting). • If after all the checks, the appliance still does not operate or the problem persists, call the nearest Service Centre model serial number Comunique: • O tipo de problema Communicating: • O modelo do aparelho • type of (Mod.) malfunction • O número de série (S/N) model (Mod.) • appliance • serial number (S/N) Estas informaçõesThis encontram-se nabeplaca information can foundde on the data plateno located on the bottom left side identificação situada lado inferior esquerdo doof the refrigerator compartment. compartimento do frigorífico. Mod. RG 2330 220 - 240 V- TI 50 Hz Cod. 150 W 75 Total 340 Net Gross Gross Util Bruto Bruto Utile Brut Brut Compr. R 134 a Test Pressure HIGH-235 Syst. P.S-I. LOW 140 Kompr. kg 0,090 Made in Italy 13918 93139180000 W Fuse S/N 704211801 A Gross Bruto Brut Max 15 w Capac Class Poder de Cong Clase Freez. kg/24 h 4,0 N Classe EXEMPLO DE ETIQUETA Never call on unauthorized technicians and always refuse spare parts which are not originals. Nunca recorra a técnicos não autorizados e recuse sempre a instalação de peças sobresselentes não originais. 19 119 IT 400011434529 EN RU FR KZ ES NL DE PT n 01/20
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Whirlpool W WC512 Guía del usuario

Enfriadores de vino
Guía del usuario