Via Pradazzo, 6/b
40012 Calderara di Reno
Bologna - Italy
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Made in Italy
Iveco Turbostar 190.48 Special
The Iveco Turbostar was an important commercial success for Italian manufacturer. Thanks to
the European truck market and it was the most widespread industrial vehicle in Italy in the late
transportation needs of the users. The version with the canvas deck was one of the most common
advantage of the Iveco 190.42 was the loading capacity compared to the overall dimension. The
payload / size ratio provided by 190.42 was an important factor to perform transportation duties
outside of the motorways and even in the smaller urban area. Often an hydraulic rear platform to
make easier the loading and unloading activities was added to the canvas version. The Turbostar
which became a reference point for road transport in the 1980s. The wide range of engines
480 HP engine which delivered impressive performance levels.
No 39261:24
transport de tout type de marchandise. L’autre gros avantage du 190.42 bâché était la capacité
pour faciliter les opérations de chargement et de déchargement de la marchandise. Le Turbostar
distances à parcourir. Les nombreuses versions réalisées comptent notamment le célèbre 190.48
Il Turbostar è stato un importante successo commerciale di Iveco. Grazie alle sue caratteristiche di
declinato in numerose versione e in numerosi allestimenti per rispondere in modo puntuale
e preciso alle richieste delle aziende utilizzatrici. Il Turbostar ha avuto il maggior successo
di riferimento del trasporto su gomma degli anni ’80. La vasta gamma di motorizzazioni consentiva
inoltre di adattare il veicolo agli impieghi di lavoro e alle distanze da percorrere. Tra le numerose
in grado di rilasciare prestazioni degne di nota.
Der Turbostar war ein bedeutender kommerzieller Erfolg für Iveco. Dank seiner Merkmale
wie Robustheit, Zuverlässigkeit und Leistung erlangte er eine bedeutende Position auf dem
europäischen Lkw-Markt und war in Italien am Ende der 80er Jahre das am weitesten verbreitete
war und bemerkenswerte Leistungen erbrachte.
y preciso con las necesidades de las empresas usuarias. Las versiones con caja entoldada eran
Otra de las grandes ventajas del 190.42 entoldado era la capacidad de carga unida a las
en un punto de referencia para el transporte por carretera en los años 80. La amplia gama de
ATTENTION - Useful advice!
ATTENZIONE - Consigli utili!
ACHTUNG - Ein nützlicher Rat!
ATTENTION - Conseils utiles!
ATENCION - Consejos útiles!
NL WAARSCHWING: Geschikt voor 14 jaar en ouder.
EN WARNING: Model for adult modellers age 14 and over
IT ATTENZIONE: Modello per collezionisti adulti di età superiore ai 14 anni
FR ATTENTION: Modèle pour modélistes de 14 and et plus.
DE ACHTUNG: Modellbausatze Für Modellbauer über 14 Jahre.
ES ATENCION: Modelo para modelistas mayors de 14 anõs.