Master ProtectionAgreements
Congratulations on making a smart purchase.
Your new Kenmore_ product is designed and manufac-
tured for years of dependable operation.
But likeall products, it may require preventive mainte-
nance or repair from time to time.
That'swhen having a Master ProtectionAgreement can
save you money and aggravation.
Purchase a Master Protection Agreement now andpro-
tect yourseff fromunexpected hassle
and expense.
The Master ProtectionAgreement also helpsextend the
life ofyour new product. Here's
what's included in theAgreement:
5( Expert service by our 12,000 professional repair
5( Unlimited service and no charge for parts and
labor on all covered repairs
5( "No-lemon" guarantee- replacement ofyour cov-
ered product if four or more product failures occur
within twelve months
5( Product replacement if your covered product can't
5( Annual Preventive Maintenance Check at your
request- no extra charge
5( Fast help by phone- phonesupper[ from a Sears
technician on products requiring in-home repair,
plus convenient repair scheduling
5( Power surge protection against electrical damage
due to power fluctuations
5( Rental reimbursement if repair of your covered
product takes longer than promised
Once you purchase theAgreement, a simple phone call
is all that it takesfor you to schedule service.
You can call anytime day or night,or schedule a service
appointment online.
Sears hasover 12,000 professional repair specialists,
who have access to over 4.5 million quality parts and
accessories. That's the kind of professionalism you can
count on to help prolong the lifeof your new purchase
for years to come. Purchase your Master Protection
Agreement today!
Some limitations and exclusions apply. For prices
and additional information call 1-800-827-6655
Soars Installation Service
For Sears professional installation of homeappliances,
garage door openers, water heaters, and other major
home items, in the U.SA. call
Felicitacionesparhaberhechouna ¢omprainte/igente
Su nuavoproductoKenmora_est_ disefiadey fabrJcado
par8alias deepersci6nsegura.
Perocomotedo producto,puedanecasitarmantanimienta
preventivee raparacionescad8ciertetiampo.Esallf cuan-
do el tanerunAcuerde Maestrode pretesci6nle puade
ahorrardineroo evitar qua 18fslla ampesre.
Adquiere unAcue_JaMaestrodeprotecciSnahora y
resgu#tdesede ccalqaiermolestiaa gastasinesperados.
El Contratode Pretecci6nMaestroayudatambi6nextender
18vidade su nueveproducte. Estasson los8spactos
inclufdosen el Centrste :
5( Servicioexperto,Ilevsdo8 cabe percualquierade
nuestros12.000profesienalesespecialistasan repara-
5( Servicioilimitadoy sin cargoalguno,per las plazas
o perel trabajeen toda Insreparacienescubiertasper
el Acuerda.
5( Garantiade "No-Lemon" - cambiade su producto
cubiartosi ecurram_sde cuatrso m_sfslles 81pro-
ducto dantrode doca primerosmesas.
5( Reemplazodel productosi suesta esegursdeno
puade arreglarse.
5( Controlanualde mantenimiento preventive8 pedi-
do suyo sincargoextra.
5( Ayudar_pidavfatel6fonico - Soportetelaf6nicode
unt_cnicode Searssabrelospreductosquase
requierede raparaci6nen cas8,m_s 18programaci6n
convenientade servicie.
5( Protescibncontrasobrecargael_ctrica,per dafios
el_ctricoscausadesperfluctuacionesde corriente.
5( Reembelso de alquiler si la raparsci6ndal producte
eseguradeternarn_stiampode la prernatida.
Un8vaz qua ha cornprsdeel Acuerdo,unasimple 118mad8
telef6nicaasredo Ioque letomar_ para8gendarun servi-
cio. PuedeIlamara cualquierher8del din o de 18nocheo
hacerun compromisede atenci6npertel_feno.
Searstiene m_sde 12,000prefesionalesespesialistasen
reparacianesqua tienanaccasea m_s de 4.5rnillenesde
piezasde calidady acceserios.Esaes laclasede profe-
sienalismecon 18qua puedeusted contarpara8yudara
prolengar18vida de su nueva8dquisici6nen los alias per
venir, ;Suscdb8y8 unAcuerdoMaestrode prctesci6n!
Se aplicanalgunaslimitacionesy exclusiones. Per pre-
eiose informacibnadieionalllamaal 1-800-827-6655.
Servicio de instalaci6n Sears
Para18instalaci6nprofesion81deSearsde los8paratasdel
hogar,dispositivosde aperturade la puertadel garaje,
calantadoresdeagu8,y otrositems principalesdel begat,
llamaen los EstadosUnidesa 1-SOO4-MY-HOME*.