Master Protection Agreements
Congratulations on making a smart purd'_asa.
Your new Kenmore ®product is designed and
manufactured for years of dependable operation.
But like at[ products, it may require preventive
maintenance or repair from time to time.
That's when having a Master Protection Agreement
can save you money and aggravation.
Purchase a Maser Protection Agreement now and
protect yourseff from unexpected hassle and
The Master Protection Agreement also helps extend
the life of your new product, Here's what's included
in the Agreement:
E_ Expert service by our 12,000 professional
repair spectalists
[_ Unlimited service =nd no charge for parts and
labor on aft covered repairs
[] "No=lemon" guarentce -replacement of your
covered product if four or more product failures
occur within twelve months
j_ Pier,duct replacement if your covered product
can't be fixed
[] Annual Preventive Maintenance Cheek at your
request - no extra charge
[_ Fast help by phone - phone support from a
Sears technician on products requiring in-home
repair, plus convenient repair scheduling
[]Power surge protection against electrical
damage due to power fluctuations
[_ Rental reimbursement if repair of your covered
product takes longer than premised
Once you purchase the Agreement, a simple phone
call is all that it takes for you to schedule service,
You can carl anytime day or night, or schedule a
service appointment online.
Sears has over I2,000 professional repair
specialists, who have access to over 4.5 million
quality parts and accessories. That's the kind of
professionalism you can count on to he;p prolong
the life of your new purchase for years to come.
Purchase your Master Protection Agreement today!
Some limitations and exclusions apply.
For prices and additions! information calf
Sears Installation Service
For Sears professional installation of home
appliances, garage door openers, water
heaters, and other major home items, in the
U.S.A. call 1-600-4_MY-HOME ®
Acuerdos de Ptoteccibn Especiatit.ada
tEnhorabuenal Ha realizado one compraintellgonte.
Su nuavo aparsto Kenmore® est&dissuadey fabricado
paraofrecedeaPicsde bushfuncionamiento.
Sinembargo, a]iguatque todoslos productos,puede
precisar un rnantenimiento preventiveo inclusoalguna
reparaci_n de vez en cuando.En esasocas_,onee,un
Master ProteCtionAgreement puede ayudarloaaborter
dineroe inconvenientes.
Adquiera un Maser ProtectionAgreement ahora,y
pmt6jase a s! mismo de mo!es#as y gastos inesparados.
E1Master ProteCtionAgreement le ayudar_tambtdn a
prolonger favide de su nuevo aparato. Los siguientee
serviciosestdn incluidos:
[] Servlote experto per parts de cualqutera de
nuealtos ! 2.000 t&onicosprofesicnales espec_atistas
de Sears.
[_ Prestaci6n de sarvicios sin timltaciones y sin
eargarte tas plazaso ]amane de obrs an todaslas
reparaclonescubier_s par st acuerdo.
[] Garantfa saris de sust_uclbn de ias plazas del
productocubierto parel acuerdo,sicuatro o ads
piezas se mostrasen defactuosasen unperiodode
doce mesas,
[] Sustituoidn dsl producto per otto naevo, si et
defectuosono pudieser_pararse.
[] Control de mantenimienta anual preventive,
siempre qua Io deses y singustoadicienal aiguna.
[] Aeistencia talefbnica inmediats de un tdc_co
espec_atistaen productos qua hen de set reparadcs a
domicilio, adem&sde una progrsmact6nadecuada de
le reparsc'_n.
Pmt_'ci6n centre aublda_ de tensi6n qua
provoquendefies ei_ctricosdebidosalas
fluc'_acioneeen et suministm.
[] Reintegro del alqulier sila reparaci6nde{pmducto
Ileva m_s tiempo de1promtetido
Una vaz qua haya adquiddo et Agreement, no nacesitar&
rods queuna simplelfamada parasolicitore} servicio de
su aparato. Adam,s, pod_ hacerloan cualquier memento
dotdie o de ia noche, o sellout una cite pareprestaci6n
de serviciosonline.
Sears cuen_acon m_s de 12.000 t_cnicosprefesionales
aspecialistasan rsparaciones, con acceso a m_Lsde 4,5
miltones de plazas de sustituci6ny accesoriesde csiidad,
_ste ser_ elripede profesional_dady servic'_ con e_que
podr_ canterpareprolongerlavide de su nuevo producto
partouches a_. iAdquierahey mtsmo su Master
Se aplicar_n algunas lim_taciones y
Sf desce hecar alguna consults sobre los
precios u otra infon'nacibn adiolonal, te rogareos
Ilame a! te|6fone 1-800_27_55,
Servicios de Instalacibn Sears
Pare so!foiler servicios de insta/acidn profesionales
de Sears de eiectrodom#.sticos, mandos de aperture
de puertas de garajes, calentadores de ague y arras
uparatos en ice Estados Unidos, puede flarnar a
1-800-4-MY-HOME ®
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