UNIVERSAL ELECTRONICS / ONE FOR ALL, ürünü ilk satın alan kişiye, bu ürünün, satın alma tarihinden itibaren bir (1) yıllık süre
içinde normal ve doğru kullanımda malzeme ve işçilik hataları içermeyeceğini garanti etmektedir. Bir (1) yıllık garanti süresi içinde
arızalı olduğu tespit edildiğinde bu ürün onarılacak ya da gerekiyorsa değiştirilecektir. Ürünün gönderilmesi masrafı, ürünün sahi-
bine, geri gönderilmesi masrafı da UNIVERSAL ELECTRONICS / ONE FOR ALL'a aittir. Bu garanti UNIVERSAL ELECTRONICS / ONE FOR
ALL tarafından sağlanmayan ürünler ya da hizmetlerin neden olduğu ya da ürünün, kılavuzdaki talimatlara uygun olarak monte
edilmemesinden kaynaklanan hasarları ya da arızaları kapsamamaktadır. Bu kapsam dışı durumu, aynı zamanda ürün, UNIVERSAL
ELECTRONICS / ONE FOR ALL dışındaki kişilerce değiştirildiğinde / onarıldığında ya da arıza, bir kaza, yanlış kullanım, kötü kullanım,
ihmal, yanlış taşıma, yanlış uygulama, hatalı montaj, uygun olmayan bakım, değişiklik, ürün üzerinde oynama, yangın, su, yıldırım
çarpması, doğal afetler, hatalı kullanım ya da dikkatsizlikten kaynaklandığında da geçerlidir. Garanti süresi içinde garanti hizmeti
almak için lütfen hizmet almaya hakkınız olduğunu ispatlayacak olan orijinal satın alma belgenize gereksinim duyacağımızı unut-
Bu ürünü, ticaretiniz, işiniz ya da mesleğinizle ilgili olmayan bir amaç için satın aldıysanız, tüketici mallarının satışıyla ilgili ulusal ya-
salarınıza bağlı yasal haklara sahip olabilirsiniz. Bu garanti, ilgili haklarınızı etkilememektedir.
Universal Electronics BV
Europe & International
P.O. Box 3332
7500 DH, Enschede
The Netherlands
UEI Electronics Private Ltd offers you, the customer, ONE YEAR WARRANTY for your Remote.
The Remote is warranted against manufacturing defects arising from faulty design, poor workmanship and
aterials for a period of One year (“the period”) from the date of its original purchase by you, on the following terms and conditions.
To obtain warranty service, please call us at the numbers applicable to your local area mentioned on the Customer Service Page of the User
Manual or available on www.oneforall.co.in
This warranty will be valid only when the original invoice/ purchase receipt (indicating date of purchase, product description, dealer’s name
etc.) is presented with the defective Remote. Universal reserves the right to refuse free-of-charge warranty replacement if the above
document cannot be presented or if the information contained in it is incomplete, illegible or incorrect. This Warranty does not apply if the
type, serial number on the Remote has been altered, deleted, removed or otherwise made illegible. Universal’s liability, under this warranty,
shall be strictly limited to the first/original sale by the dealer/retailer to you (the first user), and will not apply or extend to any secondary or
subsequent sale/transfer of the Remote by you.
You shall be liable for all expenses incurred in delivering the defective Remote to us at the applicable addresses, however, we shall bear the
cost of delivery to you for the replacement Remote. While Universal shall make all efforts to replace the defective Remote at the earliest, it
is made expressly clear that Universal is under no obligation to do so in a specified period of time. Universal reserves the right to retain the
defective Remote, at its own discretion. Please note that the replacement of the Remote, shall not extend the warranty period beyond one
year from the original purchase. No fresh warranty shall apply to the replacement Remote.
This Warranty covers only manufacturing defects in the Remote which occur under conditions of normal operation of the Remote and in
consonance with their proper and prescribed use. This Warranty does not cover the damage resulting from adaptations, adjustments,
modifications made to the Remote or normal wear and tear, misuse, reckless use, damages caused due to natural disasters, Acts of God. This
Warranty does not extend to accessories or products used with the Remote, batteries, broken or marred cabinets, cartons, carrying cases or
any other item used in connection with the Remote. This Warranty does not apply if the Remote has been tampered with, altered, serviced
by any agency, person not authorized by Universal. It is your responsibility to check and verify from Universal, the authenticity of the
authorization, which any servicing agency may represent to you.
This Warranty is in lieu of all implied conditions and warranties under applicable law and is confined to replacement of the defective
Remote and does not cover any special, consequential, incidental or resulting liability, damage, loss arising from such defects. This warranty,
in no event, shall extend to the payment of any monetary consideration or compensation whatsoever.
This Warranty does not affect your statutory rights under applicable Indian laws. This Warranty is valid only within the territory of India. In
the event of a dispute arising in relation to or connected with this Warranty, the decision of Universal shall be final and binding.
For more information, write to:
UEI Electronics Private Ltd
M01, Mezzanine Floor
Prestige Infantry Court
#130, Infantry Road
Bangalore 560 001
Email: support@oneforall.co.in
UEI Electronics Private Ltd helpline:
• Toll Free number (Airtel/BSNL/Tata
Indicom/BPL subscribers only): 1800-102-3299
• Other subscribers: 080-40351700
Fax : 0 212 274 02 47
Tel. : 0 212 213 93 25
Web. : www.oneforall.tr
Universal Electronics BV
Europe & International
P.O. Box 3332
7500 DH, Enschede
The Netherlands
UNIVERSAL ELECTRONICS INC./ONE FOR ALL garantiert dem Kunden, dass dieses Produkt bei sachgemässem und ordentlichem
Gebrauch für die dauer eines Jahres volkommen frei von Defekten materieller oder technischer Art bleiben wird, gerechnet ab
Kaufdatum. Falls erwiesen werden kann, dass innerhalb der Garantiezeit eines Jahres ein Defekt entstanden ist, wird dieses
Produkt gebührenfrei ersetzt, falls besagtes Produkt innerhalb der Garantiezeit auf Kosten des Kunden zurückgeschickt wird.
Diese Garantie erstreckt sich nicht auf Verpackungen, Transportbehältnisse, Batterien, zerbrochene oder beschädigte Gehäuse
oder ander Objekte, die in Verbindung mit dem Produkt verwendet werden. Jegliche weitere Verpflichtung als die oben
aufgeführte wird ausgeschlossen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir Ihren Kaufbeleg brauchen um fest zu stellen ob Sie Anspruch auf
unseren Garantieservice erheben können.
Wenn Sie dieses Produkt nicht für den Zweck gekauft haben, die mit Ihrem Handel, Geschäft oder Beruf zusammenhängen,
beachten Sie bitte, dass es verbriefte Rechte unter Ihrer staatlichen Gesetzgebung geben kann, die den Verkauf der
Verbrauchsgüter regelt. Diese Garantie beeinflusst nicht jene Rechte.
In Deutschland
E-Mail : ofahelp@uebv.com (*)
Fax : +31 53 432 9816
Tel. : 06966984962
In Õsterreich In der Schweiz In Luxemburg
E-Mail : ofahelp@uebv.com (*) E-Mail : ofahelp@uebv.com (*) E-Mail : ofahelp@uebv.com (*)
Fax : +31 53 432 9816 Fax : +31 53 432 9816 Fax : +31 53 432 9816
Tel. : 01790876064 Tel. : 0443420449 Tel. : 4066615632
Ukraine Slovakia Croatia
E-mail : alexx@ckc.com.ua E-mail: ofa@dsi.sk E-mail :lucija@tehnocentar.hr
Fax : +38 044 4890187 Fax : +421 55 611 8111 Fax : +385 1 48 16 807
Tel. : +38 044 4890188 Tel. : +421 55 611 8131 Fax : +385 1 48 16 806
Web. : ww.oneforall.com.ua Web. : www.dsi.sk Web. : www.tehnocentar.hr
(*) Bitte senden Sie uns nur eine leere E-Mail, Sie erhalten direkt eine automatisch generierte Antwort.
Universal Electronics BV
Europe & International
P.O. Box 3332
7500 DH, Enschede
The Netherlands
Wichtiger Hinweis: Kanalbetreiber haben uns freundlicherweise das Recht
eingeräumt, ihre jeweiligen Logos ausschließlich zum Zwecke der Werbung für
ihre Kanäle auf der beigefügten Fernbedienung zu verwenden. Universal
Electronics B.V. bestätigt und anerkennt, dass ein Kanalbetreiber durch die
Erlaubnis zur Verwendung seines Logos dieses Produkt in keiner Weise
unterstützt oder fördert und dass kein wirtschaftlicher Zusammenhang zwischen
diesem Kanalbetreiber und Universal Electronics B.V. besteht. Für alle
Haftungsansprüche (direkten oder indirekte Haftung) bezüglich der beigefügten
Fernbedienung ist Universal Electronics B.V. zuständig.
Önemli Not: Kanal operatörleri, yalnızca kanallarının tanıtımı amacıyla ekteki
uzaktan kumanda ürününde kendi logolarının kullanılması için bize izin
vermişlerdir. Universal Electronics B.V., kanal operatörünün, logosunun
kullanılmasına izin vermesinin, bu ürünü herhangi bir şekilde onayladığı ya da
ürüne sponsor olduğu anlamına gelmediğini ve bu kanal operatörüyle Universal
Electronics B.V. arasında herhangi bir bağlaşıklık olmadığını onaylamakta ve
kabul etmektedir. Ekteki uzaktan kumanda ürünü ile ilgili tüm yükümlülük
sorunları (doğrudan ya da dolaylı) Universal Electronics B.V.'nin
UNIVERSAL ELECTRONICS/ONE FOR ALL garantiza al comprador que este producto estará libre de defectos materiales o de
fabrcación, al menos durate 1 año desde la fecha actual de su adquisición ,y en caso de que se utilice de un modo normal y
correcto. Este producto será sustituido de forma gratuita siempre y cuando se pueda demostrar que es defectuoso y que esto
haya sucedido dentro del año de garantía, corriendo a cuenta del comprador los gastos de su devolución. Esta garantia no cubre
embalajes, maletines, envoltorios, pilas, armarios u otros objetos utilizados en conexión con este producto. Se excluyen otras
obligciones, cualesquiera que sean, además de las mencionadas más arriba. Por favor, asegúrese de tener su recibo o ticket de
compra para que podamos establecer su legitimidad a este servicio.
Si ha adquirido este producto con propósitos que no estén relacionados con su comercio, negocio o profesión, por favor recuerde
que es posible que según la legislación de su país tenga derechos legales en cuanto a la venta de productos para el consumidor.
Esta garantía no afecta a esos derechos.
En España
E-mail : ofahelp@uebv.com (*)
Fax : +31 53 432 9816
Tel. : 917873180
(*) Por favor envíenos un mensaje en blanco, a su vez recibirá una respuesta
automática con un formulario a rellenar.
Universal Electronics BV
Europe & International
P.O. Box 3332
7500 DH, Enschede
The Netherlands
Nota importante: Los operadores de canal nos han concedido amablemente el
permiso para usar sus respectivos logos en el producto mando a distancia
adjunto con la única finalidad de promocionar sus canales. Universal Electronics
B.V. confirma y reconoce que al permitir el uso de su logo, un operador de canal
no sanciona ni patrocina este producto de ninguna manera y que no hay
afiliación entre este operador de canal y Universal Electronics B.V. Toda
responsabilidad ( directa o indirecta ) derivada del producto mando a distancia
adjunto recaerá en Universal Electronics B.V.