Wiley 978-1-1180-2240-5 Ficha de datos

Manuales de software
Ficha de datos
Numbers and Symbols
4:3 (Standard) option, 157
16:9 (Widescreen) option, 157
Account item, 199
Account Picture option, 149
Apple, 54, 104
e-mail, 54
e-mail, synchronizing, 119
overview, 54
POP, 55
types of, 191
user, adding, 190–191
Active Screen Corners dialog, 183
Add a Face option, 145
Add Account dialog, 54
Add Bookmark dialog, 46
Add Field option, 75
Add option, 190
Add to existing Event option, 158
Address Book application
opening and closing, 70–71
overview, 5
addresses, web page, 37–38
Administrator option, 191
After option, 85
Album List option, 91
adding photos to, 135
creating, 134
Albums option, 92
All calendars option, 118
All contacts option, 118
All folders option, 113
All on My Mac option, 76
All photos, albums, events, and faces option, 112
all unwatched option, 117
all-day events, 83
Angle slider, 141
app folders
creating in Launchpad, 188–189
overview, 188
App Store
gift card for, 199
installing programs using, 198–199
overview, 5
App Store icon, 5
App Store option, 198
Apple accounts, 54, 104
Apple icon, 216
Apple.com Start page, 44
adding icons for, 194–195
Address Book, 5, 70–71
Close button, 12
DVD Player, 152–153
forcing to close, 220–221
Horizontal scrollbar, 12
iCal, 78–81
iPhoto, 128–129
iTunes, 88–89, 91
Mail, 52–53
Minimize button, 12
Photo Booth, 148–149
resize control, 12
running full screen, 13–14
shutting down, 7
Software Update, 209
starting, 6–7
starting using Launchpad feature, 8–10
status bar, 12
switching between, 10
synchronizing, 120–121
toolbar, 12
uninstalling, 206–207
vertical scrollbar, 12
viewing with Mission Control feature, 11
Zoom button, 12
Applications icon, 5
Applications option, 6, 194, 206
Applications window, 7
Applies to all stills option, 167
Applies to all transitions option, 165
Apps tab, 120
Arrange By option, 203
aspect ratio, 187
Aspect Ratio option, 157
Attach option, 58
attachments, 58–59
Audio tab, 169
audiobooks, 90
Autofill From option, 111
Autofill option, 111
Auto-fix red-eye check box, 143
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Categories area, 91
Cc lines
overview, 56
replying to, 64
audio level of, 95
burning music files to, 102–103
ejecting, 97
importing tracks from, 98–99
playing, 94–97
repeating, 96
Center option, 181
Change Desktop Background option, 180
Change picture option, 181
characters, 24
Charged message, 109
Charging message, 109
check boxes, 17
Check for new messages pop-up menu, 63
Check for updates option, 209
Check for updates popup menu, 209
Choose File option, 59
Choose folder option, 113
Choose option, 75
Clean Up option, 203
Clear History option, 43
clearing History list, 43
click to name box, 145
Clip option, 163, 167
adding to video projects, 160–161
adding transitions between, 164–165
moving, 161
multiple, selecting, 175
playing before adding, 161
trimming, 162–163
trimming frames from, 163
Close button, 12
closing stuck applications, 220–221
Colors option, 57
.com website domain name suffix, 37
Comic Book theme, 157
command button, 16
executing, 14
selecting from pull-down menus, 14
selecting using toolbars, 15
Company option, 72
Automatically add option, 157
Automatically include option, 116, 117
Back option, 127
background images
changing, setting, 181
fixed, setting, 180–181
overview, 180
background music tracks, 169
configuring, 210–211
navigating in Time Machine feature, 213
restoring files, 212–213
Battery option, 185
battery power, 184
Birthday field, 74
bit rate, 99
defined, 46
deleting, 47
setting web pages as, 46–47
synchronizing, 119
Bookmarks window, 47
Buddy Picture option, 149
Bulletin Board theme, 157
Burn option, 103
Burn Playlist to Disc option, 103
Burn Settings dialog, 103
burning music files to CDs, 102–103
Buy Album option, 104
Buy button, 104, 105, 199
.ca website domain name suffix, 37
calendar feature, 80
going to specific dates, 81
overview, 80
synchronizing, 118
Calendars option, 82, 83
camcorders, importing video from, 158
importing photos from, 130–131
importing video from, 159
Capture option, 159
card, defined, 70
categories, 90
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setting fixed background image, 180–181
sleep options for desktops, 184
sleep options for notebooks, 185
turning on Dock hiding, 196
Daily option, 209
Dashboard icon, 5
Date text box, 81
Day option, 80, 81
Delete Entire Clip option, 161
Delete Only This Event option, 85
Delete Photos option, 115, 131
bookmarks, 47
characters, 24
files, 31
History list, 43
Department field, 74
changing background photo of, 180–181
displaying free space on, 204–205
organizing, 203
overview, 4
sleep options for, 184
Desktop & Screen Saver option, 180, 182
desktop icon, 4
Desktop option, 180
connecting, 108
disconnecting, 109
iPod touch, iPhone, and iPad, 118
synchronizing apps, 120–121
synchronizing contacts and calendars on, 118
synchronizing e-mail accounts on, 119
synchronizing movies and TV shows, 116–117
synchronizing music, 110–111
synchronizing photos from, 114–115
synchronizing photos to, 112–113
Devices section, 94
Devices tab, 109
dialog controls
check boxes, 17
command buttons, 16
list boxes, 16
pop-up menus, 17
radio buttons, 17
tabs, 17
text boxes, 16
Composing tab, 67
connecting devices, 108
Connecting option, 131
Connecting this iPhone opens option, 115
Constrain check box, 137
Constrain list, 137
adding, 72–73
adding pictures to, 75
creating contact groups, 76
creating groups of selected contacts, 77
editing, 74–75
opening and closing Address Book application, 70–71
overview, 70
synchronizing, 118
Contents area, 91
Continue option, 55, 225, 227
copying files, 28
copying text, 26
corrupt disk permissions, 227
corrupt Preferences files, 222–223
Cover Flow option, 91, 124
Create a new tab icon, 39
Create a signature option, 60
Create new Event option, 158, 159
Create option, 55, 157
Create User option, 191
credits, adding to video, 172–173
Crop button, 136, 166, 167
Crop tool, 137
cropping photos, 136–137
Custom option, 85, 99
activating screen saver, 182–183
adding icons for nonrunning applications to Dock,
adding icons for running applications to Dock, 195
adding user accounts, 190–191
changing desktop background, 180
changing display resolution with Display
preferences, 186
changing display resolution with menu bar, 187
closing System Preferences settings, 179
creating application folders in Launchpad feature,
displaying temporarily, 197
Energy Saver Preferences window, 184
installing programs using App Store, 198–199
opening System Preferences settings, 178
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dialogs, defined, 16
digital cameras, importing photos from, 130–131
digital rights management (DRM), 105
digital video. See video
disconnecting devices, 109
disk permissions
corrupt, 227
repairing, 226–227
disk repairing, 228–229
Disk Utility option, 226–229
DiskWarrior tool, 229
Display preferences, 186
display resolution
changing with Display preferences, 186
changing with menu bar, 187
display sleep timer, 185
displaying Dock, 197
displaying free space on desktop, 204–205
Displays icon, 187
Displays option, 186
Displays preferences, 186
Do not disconnect message, 109
adding icons for nonrunning applications, 194–195
adding icons for running applications, 195
adding icons to, 7
applications, 5
customizing, 192–193
displaying temporarily, 197
hiding, 196–197
overview, 4, 5
Dock divider option, 192
Dock Hiding feature, 196
Dock icon, 10, 193
Dock Preferences option, 192, 193
copying files, 28
copying text, 26
deleting files, 31
deleting text characters, 24
moving files, 29
moving text, 27
opening, 21
organizing, 203
previewing, 23
printing, 22–23
renaming files, 30–31
saving, 20
selecting text, 25–26
Documents icon, 5
domain, defined, 56
Download All Free Updates option, 121
Download updates automatically option, 209
Downloads icon, 5
Downloads option, 105
DRM (digital rights management), 105
Ducking option, 169
Duplicate option, 28
Duration text box, 165, 167
DVD Player application, 152–153
DVD Player option, 153
playing, 152–153
starting in window, 153
Edit option, 136
Edit Picture option, 191
Edit SMTP Server List option, 55
editing contacts, 74–75
.edu website domain name suffix, 37
Effects option, 149
Eject Before Disconnecting message, 109
Eject button, 97, 99
ejecting CDs, 97
adding accounts, 54
adding Apple accounts, 54
adding file attachments, 58–59
adding POP accounts, 55
adding signatures, 60–61
addresses, 56
closing Mail application, 53
forwarding messages, 66–67
opening Mail application, 52–53
overview, 52
reading messages, 63
receiving messages, 62
replying to messages, 64–65
sending e-mail messages, 56–58
sending messages to groups, 77
sending photos, 146–147
sending to multiple addresses, 56
synchronizing accounts, 119
Email option, 146, 149
Empty Page option, 45
Empty Trash option, 202
emptying Trash, 202
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folders, creating, 188–189
font of titles, 173
Fonts option, 57
Force Quit feature, 220, 221
Format option, 57
formats, filenames of, 223
Forward As Attachment option, 67
Forward option, 66
forwarding messages, 66–67
4:3 (Standard) option, 157
frames, trimming certain number of, 163
Free button, 198
applications, 13–14
mode, 132
playing DVDs, 152
Gap Between Songs pop-up menu, 103
GarageBand icon, 5
General tab, 63, 90
Genie effect, 193
genius sidebar, 91
Get CD Track Names option, 97
Get Help Online option, 225
Get Mail option, 62
Get Update option, 121
gift card, App Store, 199
Go option, 222
Go to date dialog, 81
Go to Date option, 81
Go to Folder option, 222
Google search site, 48
.gov website domain name suffix, 37
GPS-enabled camera, 128
Grid option, 91
overview, 76
of selected contacts, 77
send e-mail messages to, 77
hard disk
checking free space using Finder feature, 204
DiskWarrior tool, 229
displaying free space on desktop, 204–205
hard disk icon, 205
Hard disks option, 205
Hide photos already imported check box, 115
Energy Saver Preferences window, 184
Enter Full Screen mode option, 153
Enter Full Screen option, 13
Entire music library option, 110
Equalizer window, 95
Event Name text box, 114, 130
creating all-day events, 83
creating regular events, 82
creating repeating events, 84–85
deleting single occurrence of, 85
iCal application, 78–81
Events option, 131
Exit Full Screen option, 13
external hard disks, 210
faces, adding names to, 144–145
Faces option, 145
FaceTime icon, 5
Fade In: Manual option, 169
Fade Out: Manual option, 169
fast-forwarding, 152
features, turning on and off, 14,15
file selection dialog, 59
filename formats, 223
adding attachments, 58–59
attaching to messages, 59
copying, 28
deleting, 31
moving, 29
music, burning to CDs, 102–103
organizing, 203
Preferences, repairing, 222–223
renaming, 30–31
restoring, 31, 212–213
video, importing, 158–159
Fill Screen option, 181
Finder application, 124
Finder feature, 204
Finder icon, 5, 6
Finder option, 115, 124, 125
First Aid option, 227, 229
First field, 72
Fit option, 167
Fit to Screen option, 181
Fix Red-Eye option, 142
folder icon, 7
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hiding Dock, 196, 197
History list
clearing, 43
loading pages from, 42
History option, 42, 43, 45
hits, 48
Home option, 45
home page
changing, 44–45
viewing, 45
Horizontal scrollbar, 12
hot corners, 183
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 37
iCal application
going to specific dates, 81
opening and closing, 78–79
overview, 84
using calendar feature, 80
iCal icon, 5
iCal window, 78
iChat icon, 5
adding for nonrunning applications, 194–195
adding for running applications, 195
adding to Dock, 7
App Store, 5
Apple, 216
Applications, 5
Create a new tab, 39
Dashboard, 5
desktop, 4
Displays, 187
Dock, 10, 193
Documents, 5
Downloads, 5
FaceTime, 5
Finder, 5, 6
folder, 7
GarageBand, 5
hard disk, 205
iCal, 5
iChat, 5
iDVD, 5
iMovie, 5, 156
iPhoto, 5
iTunes, 5
iWeb, 5
Launchpad, 5, 8
Lock, 190
Macintosh HD, 205
Mail, 5, 52
Next Page, 41
overview, 5
Photo Booth, 5
Preview, 5
Previous Page, 40
removing from app folders, 189
removing from Dock, 195
restoring, 179
Rotate, 139
Safari, 5, 34
See your recent searches, 49
Snapback, 49
speaker, 93
System Preferences, 5
System Preferences Locked, 218
Time Machine, 5
transition, 165
Trash, 5, 31, 207
Uninstaller, 207
Wi-Fi Status, 225
iDVD icon, 5
iDVD option, 175
Ignore option, 102, 175
Image Capture application, 131
Image Capture option, 115, 131
adding names to faces in, 144–145
adding photos to albums, 135
adding to contacts, 75
adding to video, 166–167
changing background, 181
changing size of, 147
creating albums, 134
cropping, 136–137
e-mailing, 146–147
fixed background, 180–181
importing from digital cameras, 130–131
iPhoto application, 128–129
in movies, 167
Photo Booth application, 148–149
removing red eye from, 142–143
rotating, 138–139
setting as background, 180–181
straightening, 140–141
synchronizing, 112–113, 114–115
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syncing folders of, 113
viewing, 132
viewing previews of, 124–125
viewing slide show of, 126–127
immediately option, 219
iMovie Font Panel option, 173
iMovie icon, 5, 156
iMovie themes, 157
Import All option, 115, 131, 158
Import CD option, 98
Import Checked option, 159
Import from Camera option, 159
Import option, 158, 159
Import Selected option, 115, 131
Import Settings dialog, 99
Import Settings option, 99
music, 98
photos from digital cameras, 130–131
quality of, 99
tracks from music CDs, 98–99
video files, 158–159
videos from iSight camera, 159
Inbox folder, 62
Info option, 118, 119, 144
Input option, 170
Input Volume slider, 171
Inspector dialog, 165
installing programs using App Store, 198–199
iPad. See devices
iPhone. See devices
iPhoto application
closing, 129
importing photos with, 130
opening, 128
iPhoto icon, 5
iPhoto option, 128, 149
iPod. See devices
iSight camera
importing video from, 159
overview, 158
iTunes application
closing, 89
opening, 88
playback controls, 91
iTunes gift card, 105
iTunes icon, 5
iTunes Library, 90
iTunes option, 89
iTunes Store, purchasing music from, 104–105
iWeb icon, 5
Job Title field, 74
jump cut, defined, 164
Kbps (kilobits per second), 99
Keep in Dock option, 7, 195
Keep Photos option, 115, 131
Ken Burns effect, 166
Ken Burns option, 167
keyboard shortcuts, while viewing slideshows, 127
kilobits per second (Kbps), 99
Last field, 72
creating application folders in, 188–189
screen, 8
Launchpad icon, 5, 8
Launchpad option, 188, 199
Left volume meter, 171
Library, iTunes, 90
opening in new tabs, 38–39
selecting, 36
list boxes, 16
location text box, 83
Lock icon, 190
locking system preferences, 219
Log Out option, 217
Log Out User option, 217
login items, 195
Macintosh HD icon, 205
Macintosh HD option, 204
Magnification feature, 192
Magnification slider, 193
Mail Activity area, 62
Mail application
closing, 53
opening, 52–53
Mail icon, 5, 52
Mailbox option, 57
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iTunes application, 88–91
iTunes Library, 90
pausing and resuming CDs, 95–96
playing CDs, 94
playing songs, 92–93, 96
playing songs randomly, 97
purchasing from iTunes Store, 104–105
repeating CDs, 96
restrictions to sharing, 105
skipping tracks, 95
synchronizing, 110–111
volume of CD’s, 95
Music and Sound Effect Browser button, 168
Music category, 92, 111
Music tab, 110
Name option, 203
Name text box, 157, 219
names, adding to faces in photos, 144–145
navigating web pages
going back one page, 40
going back several pages, 40
going forward one page, 41
going forward several pages, 41–42
shortcuts for, 41
New Account dialog, 191
New Card option, 72
New Finder Window option, 28
New Folder option, 29
New Group From Selection option, 77
New Group option, 76
New Message option, 56, 58, 61
New Playlist from Selection option, 101
New Playlist option, 100
New Project option, 156
New Smart Group option, 77
New Smart Playlist option, 101
Next button, 80, 95
Next Page icon, 41, 42
Nickname field, 74
No application option, 115
No repairs were necessary message, 229
nonrunning applications, 194–195
notebooks, sleep options for, 185
OK to disconnect message, 109
Open at Login option, 195
checking hard disk free space, 204–205
emptying Trash, 202
organizing desktop, 203
setting software update schedule, 208–209
Time Machine feature, 210–213
uninstalling applications, 206–207
Make Plain Text option, 57
Managed with Parental Controls account type, 191
Manual option, 159
Manually option, 63
Mark as Unwatched option, 117
menu bar, 4, 187
Message option, 83
attaching files to, 59
composing offline, 57
forwarding, 66–67
reading, 63
receiving, 62
redirecting, 65
replying to, 64–65
sending, 56–58
microphone level, 171
Middle Name field, 74
Minimize button, 12
Minimize Using option, 193
Minimize windows, 193
Mission Control feature, 11
Month option, 80
Monthly option, 209
mouse pointer
overview, 4
using to move and copy text, 27
Move Left option, 163
Move option, 116
Move Right option, 163
Movie Location text box, 155
movies. See video
moving files, 29
moving text, 27
multitasking feature, 10
adding songs to playlists, 101
adding tracks to video, 168–169
burning music files to CDs, 102–103
creating playlists, 100
ejecting CDs, 97
importing tracks from music CDs, 98–99
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Open dialog, 21, 155
Open File option, 154
Open iTunes option, 102
Open Link in New Tab option, 38
Open Location option, 155
Open option, 21
Open With option, 125
documents, 21
Mail application, 52–53
Safari, 34
web pages in tabs, 39
check boxes, 17
command buttons, 16
list boxes, 16
pop-up menus, 17
radio buttons, 17
tabs, 17
text boxes, 16
.org website domain name suffix, 37
organizing desktop, 203
Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) list, 55
bookmarked, displaying, 47
bookmarking, 46
going back one page, 40
going back several pages, 40
going forward one page, 41
going forward several pages, 41–42
length of time to keep stored in history, 43
loading from History list, 42
shortcuts for navigating, 41
shortcuts for opening in tabs, 39
web, entering addresses, 37–38
web, opening in tabs, 38
Password text box, 219
Pause button, 93, 127
pausing music, 95–96
permissions, 227
Phone field, 73
Photo Album theme, 157
Photo Booth application
taking pictures with, 148–149
working with pictures in, 149
Photo Booth icon, 5
Photo Booth option, 148
Photo Size option, 147
adding names to faces in, 144–145
adding photos to albums, 135
adding to contacts, 75
adding to video, 166–167
changing size of, 147
creating albums, 134
cropping, 136–137
e-mailing, 146–147
importing from digital cameras, 130–131
iPhoto application, 128–129
in movies, 167
removing red eye from, 142–143
rotating, 138–139
setting as background, 180–181
straightening, 140–141
synchronizing, 112–113, 114–115
syncing folders of, 113
taking with Photo Booth application, 148–149
viewing, 132
viewing previews of, 124–125
viewing slide show of, 126–127
working with in Photo Booth application, 149
Photos Browser button, 166
pictures. See photos
pixels, 187
Play Album option, 92
Play from Beginning option, 174
Play Movie option, 153
Play option, 92, 127, 152
Play Project from beginning button, 174
Play Selection option, 161, 175
Playback Control buttons, 91
Player tab, 153
playing CDs
ejecting CDs, 97
overview, 94
pausing and resuming, 95–96
playing other songs, 96
playing songs randomly, 97
repeating CDs, 96
skipping tracks, 95
playing clips, 161
playing movies, 174–175
playing songs, 92–93
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playing video from web, 155
adding songs to, 101
creating, 100
POP (Post Office Protocol) account, 54–55
pop-up menus, 17
Position on screen options, 193
Power Adapter option, 185
power cycling, 216, 217
preferences, locking and unlocking, 218–219
Preferences files, repairing, 222–223
Preferences option, 44, 60, 90, 153
Prevent iPods, iPhones, and iPads from syncing
automatically check box, 109
Preview application, 124, 125
Preview icon, 5
Preview option, 125, 126
Preview window, 126
previewing documents, 23
viewing in Preview application, 125
viewing with Cover Flow feature, 124
viewing with Quick Look feature, 124
Previous button, 80, 95, 125
Previous Page button, 42
Previous Page icon, 40
Print dialog, 23
Print option, 22
printing documents, 22–23
programs, installing using App Store, 198–199
Project Library button, 157
pull-down menus, 14
purchasing music from iTunes Store, 104–105
quality of imported music, 99
Quick Look option, 124, 126
QuickTime player, 154–155
Quit Address Book option, 71
Quit iCal option, 79
Quit Image Capture option, 131
Quit iPhoto option, 129
Quit iTunes option, 89
Quit Mail option, 53
Quit option, 7
Quit Preview option, 23
Quit Safari option, 35
Quit System Preferences option, 179
radio buttons, 17
Random order option, 181
randomly playing songs, 97
ratios, 187
reading messages, 63
receiving messages, 62
Recent Items option, 35, 53, 71
Recording option, 171
recording voiceovers, 170–171
Recovery HD option, 224, 228
recovery tools
restarting, 225
utilities, 224
red eye, removing, 142–143
Redeem option, 105, 199
Red-Eye tool, 143
Redirect option, 65
regular events, 82
Remove from Dock option, 195
Remove history items pop-up menu, 43
renaming files, 30–31
Repair Disk option, 229
Repair Disk Permissions option, 227
repairing corrupt Preferences files, 222–223
repairing disk permissions, 226–227
repairing hard disk, 228–229
Repeat feature, 96
repeating CDs, 96
repeating events, 84–85
Replace option, 213
Reply All option, 64
Reply option, 64
replying to messages, 64–65
Require password option, 219
resize control, 12
Restart option, 216, 225
accessing Recovery HD by, 225
overview, 216
power cycling, 217
Restore option, 213
restoring files, 31, 212–213
resuming music, 95–96
rewinding, 152
rich text, 67
Right volume meter, 171
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ripping music, 98
Rotate Clockwise option, 139
Rotate icon, 139
rotating photos, 138–139
closing, 35
opening, 34
overview, 34
Safari icon, 5, 34
Save As text box, 20
Save option, 20
saving documents, 20
Scale effect, 193
Scheduled Check option, 209
Scrapbook theme, 157
screen elements, 4
screen saver, 182–183
Screen Saver option, 182
screens, navigating by swiping, 9
scrollbars, 12
scrolling credits, 172
Search box, 104
search engines, 48
searching for sites, 48–49
Security & Privacy option, 219
See your recent searches icon, 49
Select Disk option, 211
Select Tool option, 125
Selected albums, events, and faces, and automatically
include option, 112
Selected folders option, 113
Selected playlists, artists, albums, and genres option, 110
selecting text, 25–26
Send Email option, 73
Send Email to option, 77
Send option, 57, 59, 147
sending e-mail messages, 56–58
Sent folder, 57
Set option, 75
Set to Current Page option, 45
Share option, 146, 175
for navigating web pages, 41
for opening web pages in tabs, 39
for selecting text, 25
Show all bookmarks button, 47
Show All option, 145, 179
Show Details option, 23
Show displays in menu bar option, 186
Show Fonts command, 173
Show item info option, 205
Show option, 81
Show Project Library option, 157
Show Stationery option, 57
Show Status Bar option, 36
Show View Options option, 204
Show Visualizer option, 95
Show with clock option, 183
Shuffle button, 97
Shuffle feature, 96
Shut Down option, 217, 225
Sign In option, 199
signatures, 60–61
sites for searching web, 48–49
16:9 (Widescreen) option, 157
Size option, 192
Size slider, 143, 192
skipping tracks, 95
Sleep mode, 184
sleep options
for desktops, 184
Energy Saver Preferences window, 184
for notebooks, 185
sleep timer, 185
slide shows, 126–127
Slideshow option, 126
Smart Album dialog, 135
smart albums, 135
smart group, 77
smartphones, importing video from, 158
Snapback icon, 49
Software Update application, 209
software update schedule, 208–209
adding to playlists, 101
automatically adding to playlists, 101
playing, 92–93, 96
playing randomly, 97
titles of, 97
Sort buttons, 91
Sound option, 170
Source List area, 90
15_9781118022405-bindex.indd 24015_9781118022405-bindex.indd 240 7/26/11 6:32 PM7/26/11 6:32 PM
creating, 39
opening links in, 38–39
overview, 17
shortcuts for opening web pages in, 39
Take a movie clip option, 148
Take a still picture option, 148
Take All Accounts Offline command, 57
Take four quick pictures option, 148
Take Photo option, 149
TechTool Pro tool, 229
copying, 26
copying with mouse, 27
deleting characters, 24
moving, 27
selecting, 25–26
shortcut methods for selecting, 25
text boxes, 16
Text size option, 205
The volume Macintosh HD appears to be OK message, 229
themes, iMovie, 157
Tile option, 181
Time Machine feature
configuring backups, 210–211
navigating backups in, 213
restoring files using, 212–213
Time Machine icon, 5
adding to video, 172–173
font of, 173
Titles browser button, 172
To field, 56
To text box, 147
Today option, 80
overview, 12
selecting commands using, 15
toolbar buttons, 125
Crop, 137
DiskWarrior, 229
recovery, 224–225
Red-Eye, 143
TechTool Pro, 229
tools for recovery, 224–225
speaker icon, 93
Spotlight option, 35, 53, 71
Standard (4:3) option, 157
Standard account type, 191
Start playing disc option, 153
Start screen saver slider, 182
Start week on pop-up menu, 81
starting applications, 6–10
Status area, 91
status bar, 12
Stereo Bit Rate pop-up, 99
Stop option, 159
storage space, 111
Store, iTunes, 104–105
Straighten option, 140
straightening photos, 140–141
Stretch to Fill Screen option, 181
stretched resolution, 187
stuck applications, closing, 220–221
Subject field, 56
Subject text box, 147
swiping, 9
switching between applications, 10
Sync Address Book Contacts option, 118
Sync Apps option, 120
Sync iCal Calendars option, 118
Sync in Progress message, 109
Sync Mail Accounts option, 119
Sync Movies option, 116
Sync Music option, 110
Sync Photos from option, 112, 113
Sync Safari bookmarks check box, 119
Sync TV Shows option, 117
apps, 120–121
contacts and calendars, 118
e-mail accounts, 119
movies and TV shows, 116–117
music, 110–111
photos, 112–113, 114–115
preventing, 109
System Preferences icon, 5
System Preferences Locked icon, 218
System Preferences, locking and unlocking, 218–219
System Preferences option, 170, 208, 210
System Preferences settings
closing, 179
opening, 178
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USB connector, 108
USB port, 108, 109, 130
Use as Backup Disk option, 210
Use Authentication option, 55
Use Backup Disk option, 211
Use custom port option, 55
Use random screen saver option, 183
Use the same message format as the original message
check box, 67
user accounts, 190–191
Users & Groups option, 190
utilities, 224
vertical scrollbar, 12
adding music tracks, 168–169
adding photos, 166–167
adding scrolling credits to movies, 172
adding titles and credits, 172–173
adding transitions between clips, 164–165
adding video clips to projects, 160–161
background music tracks, 169
creating new movie projects, 156–157
importing video files, 158–159
playing, 174–175
playing from web, 155
playing with QuickTime player, 154–155
recording voiceovers, 170–171
trimming clips, 162–163
using DVD Player application full-screen, 152
using DVD Player application in window, 153
View option, 126
View Option buttons, 91
viewing home page, 45
viewing photo previews
with Cover Flow feature, 124
in Preview application, 125
with Quick Look feature, 124
viewing photos, 132
viewing slide shows, 126–127
visualizations, displaying during music playback, 95
Voiceover dialog, 170
defined, 170
recording, 170–171
volume, adjusting, 93
Volume slider, 93, 169
importing from music CDs, 98–99
skipping, 95
transfer method, 37
transition icon, 165
adding between clips, 164–165
changing duration of, 165
Transitions Browser button, 164
emptying, 202
restoring, 212
Trash icon, 5, 31, 207
Trash window, 31
Trim Clip End option, 163
Trim to Selection option, 163
trimming clips, 162–163
trimming frames from clips, 163
forcing stuck applications to close, 220–221
power cycling, 217
recovery tools, 224–225
repairing corrupt Preferences files, 222–223
repairing disk permissions, 226–227
repairing hard disk, 228–229
restarting, 216–217
unlocking system preferences, 218–219
Turn Hiding Off option, 197
Turn Hiding On option, 196
Turn Magnification Off option, 193
Turn Magnification On option, 193
TV Shows option, 117
TV shows, synchronizing, 116–117
Undo option, 24
Uniform Resource Locator (URL), 37
uninstalling applications, 206–207
Unlock option, 219
unlocking system preferences, 218–219
unnamed option, 144
unwatched option, 117
Updates Available option, 121
updates schedule, 208–209
updating apps, 121
URL (Uniform Resource Locator), 37
URL (web address) field, 74
USB cable, 108
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web servers, 32
web-based e-mail accounts, 54
website, defined, 32
website domain name, 37
Week option, 80, 83
Week view, 81
Weekly option, 209
Welcome to Mail dialog, 52, 54
Widescreen (16:9) option, 157
widescreen aspect ratio, 187
width-to-height ratio, 187
Wi-Fi Status icon, 225
applications, 12
Energy Saver Preferences, 184
starting DVDs in, 153
Zoom + option, 125
Zoom button, 12
Zoom to Selection option, 125
waking up display, 185
bookmarking web pages, 46
changing home page, 44–45
clearing History list, 43
creating new tabs, 39
displaying bookmarked web pages, 47
entering web pages addresses, 37–38
going back one page, 40
going back several pages, 40
going forward one page, 41
going forward several pages, 41–42
loading pages from History list, 42
opening links in new tabs, 38–39
playing video from, 155
Safari, closing, 35
Safari, opening, 34
searching for sites, 48–49
selecting links, 36
shortcuts for navigating pages, 41
viewing home page, 45
websites, 32
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Transcripción de documentos

Index Numbers and Symbols 4:3 (Standard) option, 157 16:9 (Widescreen) option, 157 CO PY RI TE MA D TE RI GH Account item, 199 Account Picture option, 149 accounts Apple, 54, 104 e-mail, 54 e-mail, synchronizing, 119 overview, 54 POP, 55 types of, 191 user, adding, 190–191 Active Screen Corners dialog, 183 Add a Face option, 145 Add Account dialog, 54 Add Bookmark dialog, 46 Add Field option, 75 Add option, 190 Add to existing Event option, 158 Address Book application opening and closing, 70–71 overview, 5 addresses, web page, 37–38 Administrator option, 191 After option, 85 Album List option, 91 albums adding photos to, 135 creating, 134 Albums option, 92 All calendars option, 118 All contacts option, 118 All folders option, 113 All on My Mac option, 76 All photos, albums, events, and faces option, 112 all unwatched option, 117 all-day events, 83 Angle slider, 141 app folders creating in Launchpad, 188–189 overview, 188 App Store gift card for, 199 installing programs using, 198–199 overview, 5 AL A 230 App Store icon, 5 App Store option, 198 Apple accounts, 54, 104 Apple icon, 216 Apple.com Start page, 44 applications adding icons for, 194–195 Address Book, 5, 70–71 Close button, 12 DVD Player, 152–153 forcing to close, 220–221 Horizontal scrollbar, 12 iCal, 78–81 iPhoto, 128–129 iTunes, 88–89, 91 Mail, 52–53 Minimize button, 12 Photo Booth, 148–149 resize control, 12 running full screen, 13–14 shutting down, 7 Software Update, 209 starting, 6–7 starting using Launchpad feature, 8–10 status bar, 12 switching between, 10 synchronizing, 120–121 toolbar, 12 uninstalling, 206–207 vertical scrollbar, 12 viewing with Mission Control feature, 11 Zoom button, 12 Applications icon, 5 Applications option, 6, 194, 206 Applications window, 7 Applies to all stills option, 167 Applies to all transitions option, 165 Apps tab, 120 Arrange By option, 203 aspect ratio, 187 Aspect Ratio option, 157 Attach option, 58 attachments, 58–59 Audio tab, 169 audiobooks, 90 Autofill From option, 111 Autofill option, 111 Auto-fix red-eye check box, 143 Automatically add option, 157 Automatically include option, 116, 117 B Back option, 127 background images changing, setting, 181 fixed, setting, 180–181 overview, 180 background music tracks, 169 backups configuring, 210–211 navigating in Time Machine feature, 213 restoring files, 212–213 Battery option, 185 battery power, 184 Birthday field, 74 bit rate, 99 bookmarks defined, 46 deleting, 47 setting web pages as, 46–47 synchronizing, 119 Bookmarks window, 47 Buddy Picture option, 149 Bulletin Board theme, 157 Burn option, 103 Burn Playlist to Disc option, 103 Burn Settings dialog, 103 burning music files to CDs, 102–103 Buy Album option, 104 Buy button, 104, 105, 199 C .ca website domain name suffix, 37 calendar feature, 80 calendars going to specific dates, 81 overview, 80 synchronizing, 118 Calendars option, 82, 83 camcorders, importing video from, 158 cameras importing photos from, 130–131 importing video from, 159 Capture option, 159 card, defined, 70 categories, 90 Categories area, 91 Cc lines overview, 56 replying to, 64 CDs audio level of, 95 burning music files to, 102–103 ejecting, 97 importing tracks from, 98–99 playing, 94–97 repeating, 96 Center option, 181 Change Desktop Background option, 180 Change picture option, 181 characters, 24 Charged message, 109 Charging message, 109 check boxes, 17 Check for new messages pop-up menu, 63 Check for updates option, 209 Check for updates popup menu, 209 Choose File option, 59 Choose folder option, 113 Choose option, 75 Clean Up option, 203 Clear History option, 43 clearing History list, 43 click to name box, 145 Clip option, 163, 167 clips adding to video projects, 160–161 adding transitions between, 164–165 moving, 161 multiple, selecting, 175 playing before adding, 161 trimming, 162–163 trimming frames from, 163 Close button, 12 closing stuck applications, 220–221 Colors option, 57 .com website domain name suffix, 37 Comic Book theme, 157 command button, 16 commands executing, 14 selecting from pull-down menus, 14 selecting using toolbars, 15 Company option, 72 231 Index Composing tab, 67 connecting devices, 108 Connecting option, 131 Connecting this iPhone opens option, 115 Constrain check box, 137 Constrain list, 137 contacts adding, 72–73 adding pictures to, 75 creating contact groups, 76 creating groups of selected contacts, 77 editing, 74–75 opening and closing Address Book application, 70–71 overview, 70 synchronizing, 118 Contents area, 91 Continue option, 55, 225, 227 copying files, 28 copying text, 26 corrupt disk permissions, 227 corrupt Preferences files, 222–223 Cover Flow option, 91, 124 Create a new tab icon, 39 Create a signature option, 60 Create new Event option, 158, 159 Create option, 55, 157 Create User option, 191 credits, adding to video, 172–173 Crop button, 136, 166, 167 Crop tool, 137 cropping photos, 136–137 Custom option, 85, 99 customization activating screen saver, 182–183 adding icons for nonrunning applications to Dock, 194–195 adding icons for running applications to Dock, 195 adding user accounts, 190–191 changing desktop background, 180 changing display resolution with Display preferences, 186 changing display resolution with menu bar, 187 closing System Preferences settings, 179 creating application folders in Launchpad feature, 188–189 displaying temporarily, 197 Energy Saver Preferences window, 184 installing programs using App Store, 198–199 opening System Preferences settings, 178 232 setting fixed background image, 180–181 sleep options for desktops, 184 sleep options for notebooks, 185 turning on Dock hiding, 196 D Daily option, 209 Dashboard icon, 5 Date text box, 81 Day option, 80, 81 Delete Entire Clip option, 161 Delete Only This Event option, 85 Delete Photos option, 115, 131 deleting bookmarks, 47 characters, 24 files, 31 History list, 43 Department field, 74 desktop changing background photo of, 180–181 displaying free space on, 204–205 organizing, 203 overview, 4 sleep options for, 184 Desktop & Screen Saver option, 180, 182 desktop icon, 4 Desktop option, 180 devices connecting, 108 disconnecting, 109 iPod touch, iPhone, and iPad, 118 synchronizing apps, 120–121 synchronizing contacts and calendars on, 118 synchronizing e-mail accounts on, 119 synchronizing movies and TV shows, 116–117 synchronizing music, 110–111 synchronizing photos from, 114–115 synchronizing photos to, 112–113 Devices section, 94 Devices tab, 109 dialog controls check boxes, 17 command buttons, 16 list boxes, 16 pop-up menus, 17 radio buttons, 17 tabs, 17 text boxes, 16 dialogs, defined, 16 digital cameras, importing photos from, 130–131 digital rights management (DRM), 105 digital video. See video disconnecting devices, 109 disk permissions corrupt, 227 repairing, 226–227 disk repairing, 228–229 Disk Utility option, 226–229 DiskWarrior tool, 229 Display preferences, 186 display resolution changing with Display preferences, 186 changing with menu bar, 187 display sleep timer, 185 displaying Dock, 197 displaying free space on desktop, 204–205 Displays icon, 187 Displays option, 186 Displays preferences, 186 Do not disconnect message, 109 Dock adding icons for nonrunning applications, 194–195 adding icons for running applications, 195 adding icons to, 7 applications, 5 customizing, 192–193 displaying temporarily, 197 hiding, 196–197 overview, 4, 5 Dock divider option, 192 Dock Hiding feature, 196 Dock icon, 10, 193 Dock Preferences option, 192, 193 documents copying files, 28 copying text, 26 deleting files, 31 deleting text characters, 24 moving files, 29 moving text, 27 opening, 21 organizing, 203 previewing, 23 printing, 22–23 renaming files, 30–31 saving, 20 selecting text, 25–26 Documents icon, 5 domain, defined, 56 Download All Free Updates option, 121 Download updates automatically option, 209 Downloads icon, 5 Downloads option, 105 DRM (digital rights management), 105 Ducking option, 169 Duplicate option, 28 Duration text box, 165, 167 DVD Player application, 152–153 DVD Player option, 153 DVDs playing, 152–153 starting in window, 153 E Edit option, 136 Edit Picture option, 191 Edit SMTP Server List option, 55 editing contacts, 74–75 .edu website domain name suffix, 37 Effects option, 149 Eject Before Disconnecting message, 109 Eject button, 97, 99 ejecting CDs, 97 e-mail adding accounts, 54 adding Apple accounts, 54 adding file attachments, 58–59 adding POP accounts, 55 adding signatures, 60–61 addresses, 56 closing Mail application, 53 forwarding messages, 66–67 opening Mail application, 52–53 overview, 52 reading messages, 63 receiving messages, 62 replying to messages, 64–65 sending e-mail messages, 56–58 sending messages to groups, 77 sending photos, 146–147 sending to multiple addresses, 56 synchronizing accounts, 119 Email option, 146, 149 Empty Page option, 45 Empty Trash option, 202 emptying Trash, 202 233 Index Energy Saver Preferences window, 184 Enter Full Screen mode option, 153 Enter Full Screen option, 13 Entire music library option, 110 Equalizer window, 95 Event Name text box, 114, 130 events creating all-day events, 83 creating regular events, 82 creating repeating events, 84–85 deleting single occurrence of, 85 iCal application, 78–81 Events option, 131 Exit Full Screen option, 13 external hard disks, 210 F faces, adding names to, 144–145 Faces option, 145 FaceTime icon, 5 Fade In: Manual option, 169 Fade Out: Manual option, 169 fast-forwarding, 152 features, turning on and off, 14,15 file selection dialog, 59 filename formats, 223 files adding attachments, 58–59 attaching to messages, 59 copying, 28 deleting, 31 moving, 29 music, burning to CDs, 102–103 organizing, 203 Preferences, repairing, 222–223 renaming, 30–31 restoring, 31, 212–213 video, importing, 158–159 Fill Screen option, 181 Finder application, 124 Finder feature, 204 Finder icon, 5, 6 Finder option, 115, 124, 125 First Aid option, 227, 229 First field, 72 Fit option, 167 Fit to Screen option, 181 Fix Red-Eye option, 142 folder icon, 7 234 folders, creating, 188–189 font of titles, 173 Fonts option, 57 Force Quit feature, 220, 221 Format option, 57 formats, filenames of, 223 Forward As Attachment option, 67 Forward option, 66 forwarding messages, 66–67 4:3 (Standard) option, 157 frames, trimming certain number of, 163 Free button, 198 full-screen applications, 13–14 mode, 132 playing DVDs, 152 G Gap Between Songs pop-up menu, 103 GarageBand icon, 5 General tab, 63, 90 Genie effect, 193 genius sidebar, 91 Get CD Track Names option, 97 Get Help Online option, 225 Get Mail option, 62 Get Update option, 121 gift card, App Store, 199 Go option, 222 Go to date dialog, 81 Go to Date option, 81 Go to Folder option, 222 Google search site, 48 .gov website domain name suffix, 37 GPS-enabled camera, 128 Grid option, 91 groups overview, 76 of selected contacts, 77 send e-mail messages to, 77 H hard disk checking free space using Finder feature, 204 DiskWarrior tool, 229 displaying free space on desktop, 204–205 hard disk icon, 205 Hard disks option, 205 Hide photos already imported check box, 115 hiding Dock, 196, 197 History list clearing, 43 loading pages from, 42 History option, 42, 43, 45 hits, 48 Home option, 45 home page changing, 44–45 viewing, 45 Horizontal scrollbar, 12 hot corners, 183 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 37 I iCal application going to specific dates, 81 opening and closing, 78–79 overview, 84 using calendar feature, 80 iCal icon, 5 iCal window, 78 iChat icon, 5 icons adding for nonrunning applications, 194–195 adding for running applications, 195 adding to Dock, 7 App Store, 5 Apple, 216 Applications, 5 Create a new tab, 39 Dashboard, 5 desktop, 4 Displays, 187 Dock, 10, 193 Documents, 5 Downloads, 5 FaceTime, 5 Finder, 5, 6 folder, 7 GarageBand, 5 hard disk, 205 iCal, 5 iChat, 5 iDVD, 5 iMovie, 5, 156 iPhoto, 5 iTunes, 5 iWeb, 5 Launchpad, 5, 8 Lock, 190 Macintosh HD, 205 Mail, 5, 52 Next Page, 41 overview, 5 Photo Booth, 5 Preview, 5 Previous Page, 40 removing from app folders, 189 removing from Dock, 195 restoring, 179 Rotate, 139 Safari, 5, 34 See your recent searches, 49 Snapback, 49 speaker, 93 System Preferences, 5 System Preferences Locked, 218 Time Machine, 5 transition, 165 Trash, 5, 31, 207 Uninstaller, 207 Wi-Fi Status, 225 iDVD icon, 5 iDVD option, 175 Ignore option, 102, 175 Image Capture application, 131 Image Capture option, 115, 131 images adding names to faces in, 144–145 adding photos to albums, 135 adding to contacts, 75 adding to video, 166–167 changing background, 181 changing size of, 147 creating albums, 134 cropping, 136–137 e-mailing, 146–147 fixed background, 180–181 importing from digital cameras, 130–131 iPhoto application, 128–129 in movies, 167 Photo Booth application, 148–149 removing red eye from, 142–143 rotating, 138–139 setting as background, 180–181 straightening, 140–141 synchronizing, 112–113, 114–115 235 Index images syncing folders of, 113 viewing, 132 viewing previews of, 124–125 viewing slide show of, 126–127 immediately option, 219 iMovie Font Panel option, 173 iMovie icon, 5, 156 iMovie themes, 157 Import All option, 115, 131, 158 Import CD option, 98 Import Checked option, 159 Import from Camera option, 159 Import option, 158, 159 Import Selected option, 115, 131 Import Settings dialog, 99 Import Settings option, 99 importing music, 98 photos from digital cameras, 130–131 quality of, 99 tracks from music CDs, 98–99 video files, 158–159 videos from iSight camera, 159 Inbox folder, 62 Info option, 118, 119, 144 Input option, 170 Input Volume slider, 171 Inspector dialog, 165 installing programs using App Store, 198–199 iPad. See devices iPhone. See devices iPhoto application closing, 129 importing photos with, 130 opening, 128 iPhoto icon, 5 iPhoto option, 128, 149 iPod. See devices iSight camera importing video from, 159 overview, 158 iTunes application closing, 89 opening, 88 playback controls, 91 iTunes gift card, 105 iTunes icon, 5 236 iTunes Library, 90 iTunes option, 89 iTunes Store, purchasing music from, 104–105 iWeb icon, 5 J Job Title field, 74 jump cut, defined, 164 K Kbps (kilobits per second), 99 Keep in Dock option, 7, 195 Keep Photos option, 115, 131 Ken Burns effect, 166 Ken Burns option, 167 keyboard shortcuts, while viewing slideshows, 127 kilobits per second (Kbps), 99 L Last field, 72 Launchpad creating application folders in, 188–189 screen, 8 Launchpad icon, 5, 8 Launchpad option, 188, 199 Left volume meter, 171 Library, iTunes, 90 links opening in new tabs, 38–39 selecting, 36 list boxes, 16 location text box, 83 Lock icon, 190 locking system preferences, 219 Log Out option, 217 Log Out User option, 217 login items, 195 M Macintosh HD icon, 205 Macintosh HD option, 204 Magnification feature, 192 Magnification slider, 193 Mail Activity area, 62 Mail application closing, 53 opening, 52–53 Mail icon, 5, 52 Mailbox option, 57 maintenance checking hard disk free space, 204–205 emptying Trash, 202 organizing desktop, 203 setting software update schedule, 208–209 Time Machine feature, 210–213 uninstalling applications, 206–207 Make Plain Text option, 57 Managed with Parental Controls account type, 191 Manual option, 159 Manually option, 63 Mark as Unwatched option, 117 menu bar, 4, 187 Message option, 83 messages attaching files to, 59 composing offline, 57 forwarding, 66–67 reading, 63 receiving, 62 redirecting, 65 replying to, 64–65 sending, 56–58 microphone level, 171 Middle Name field, 74 Minimize button, 12 Minimize Using option, 193 Minimize windows, 193 Mission Control feature, 11 Month option, 80 Monthly option, 209 mouse pointer overview, 4 using to move and copy text, 27 Move Left option, 163 Move option, 116 Move Right option, 163 Movie Location text box, 155 movies. See video moving files, 29 moving text, 27 multitasking feature, 10 music adding songs to playlists, 101 adding tracks to video, 168–169 burning music files to CDs, 102–103 creating playlists, 100 ejecting CDs, 97 importing tracks from music CDs, 98–99 iTunes application, 88–91 iTunes Library, 90 pausing and resuming CDs, 95–96 playing CDs, 94 playing songs, 92–93, 96 playing songs randomly, 97 purchasing from iTunes Store, 104–105 repeating CDs, 96 restrictions to sharing, 105 skipping tracks, 95 synchronizing, 110–111 volume of CD’s, 95 Music and Sound Effect Browser button, 168 Music category, 92, 111 Music tab, 110 N Name option, 203 Name text box, 157, 219 names, adding to faces in photos, 144–145 navigating web pages going back one page, 40 going back several pages, 40 going forward one page, 41 going forward several pages, 41–42 shortcuts for, 41 New Account dialog, 191 New Card option, 72 New Finder Window option, 28 New Folder option, 29 New Group From Selection option, 77 New Group option, 76 New Message option, 56, 58, 61 New Playlist from Selection option, 101 New Playlist option, 100 New Project option, 156 New Smart Group option, 77 New Smart Playlist option, 101 Next button, 80, 95 Next Page icon, 41, 42 Nickname field, 74 No application option, 115 No repairs were necessary message, 229 nonrunning applications, 194–195 notebooks, sleep options for, 185 O OK to disconnect message, 109 Open at Login option, 195 237 Index Open dialog, 21, 155 Open File option, 154 Open iTunes option, 102 Open Link in New Tab option, 38 Open Location option, 155 Open option, 21 Open With option, 125 opening documents, 21 Mail application, 52–53 Safari, 34 web pages in tabs, 39 options check boxes, 17 command buttons, 16 list boxes, 16 pop-up menus, 17 radio buttons, 17 tabs, 17 text boxes, 16 .org website domain name suffix, 37 organizing desktop, 203 Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) list, 55 P pages bookmarked, displaying, 47 bookmarking, 46 going back one page, 40 going back several pages, 40 going forward one page, 41 going forward several pages, 41–42 length of time to keep stored in history, 43 loading from History list, 42 shortcuts for navigating, 41 shortcuts for opening in tabs, 39 web, entering addresses, 37–38 web, opening in tabs, 38 Password text box, 219 Pause button, 93, 127 pausing music, 95–96 permissions, 227 Phone field, 73 Photo Album theme, 157 Photo Booth application taking pictures with, 148–149 working with pictures in, 149 Photo Booth icon, 5 238 Photo Booth option, 148 Photo Size option, 147 photos adding names to faces in, 144–145 adding photos to albums, 135 adding to contacts, 75 adding to video, 166–167 changing size of, 147 creating albums, 134 cropping, 136–137 e-mailing, 146–147 importing from digital cameras, 130–131 iPhoto application, 128–129 in movies, 167 removing red eye from, 142–143 rotating, 138–139 setting as background, 180–181 straightening, 140–141 synchronizing, 112–113, 114–115 syncing folders of, 113 taking with Photo Booth application, 148–149 viewing, 132 viewing previews of, 124–125 viewing slide show of, 126–127 working with in Photo Booth application, 149 Photos Browser button, 166 pictures. See photos pixels, 187 Play Album option, 92 Play from Beginning option, 174 Play Movie option, 153 Play option, 92, 127, 152 Play Project from beginning button, 174 Play Selection option, 161, 175 Playback Control buttons, 91 Player tab, 153 playing CDs ejecting CDs, 97 overview, 94 pausing and resuming, 95–96 playing other songs, 96 playing songs randomly, 97 repeating CDs, 96 skipping tracks, 95 playing clips, 161 playing movies, 174–175 playing songs, 92–93 playing video from web, 155 playlists adding songs to, 101 creating, 100 POP (Post Office Protocol) account, 54–55 pop-up menus, 17 Position on screen options, 193 Power Adapter option, 185 power cycling, 216, 217 preferences, locking and unlocking, 218–219 Preferences files, repairing, 222–223 Preferences option, 44, 60, 90, 153 Prevent iPods, iPhones, and iPads from syncing automatically check box, 109 Preview application, 124, 125 Preview icon, 5 Preview option, 125, 126 Preview window, 126 previewing documents, 23 previews viewing in Preview application, 125 viewing with Cover Flow feature, 124 viewing with Quick Look feature, 124 Previous button, 80, 95, 125 Previous Page button, 42 Previous Page icon, 40 Print dialog, 23 Print option, 22 printing documents, 22–23 programs, installing using App Store, 198–199 Project Library button, 157 pull-down menus, 14 purchasing music from iTunes Store, 104–105 Q quality of imported music, 99 Quick Look option, 124, 126 QuickTime player, 154–155 Quit Address Book option, 71 Quit iCal option, 79 Quit Image Capture option, 131 Quit iPhoto option, 129 Quit iTunes option, 89 Quit Mail option, 53 Quit option, 7 Quit Preview option, 23 Quit Safari option, 35 Quit System Preferences option, 179 R radio buttons, 17 Random order option, 181 randomly playing songs, 97 ratios, 187 reading messages, 63 receiving messages, 62 Recent Items option, 35, 53, 71 Recording option, 171 recording voiceovers, 170–171 Recovery HD option, 224, 228 recovery tools restarting, 225 utilities, 224 red eye, removing, 142–143 Redeem option, 105, 199 Red-Eye tool, 143 Redirect option, 65 regular events, 82 Remove from Dock option, 195 Remove history items pop-up menu, 43 renaming files, 30–31 Repair Disk option, 229 Repair Disk Permissions option, 227 repairing corrupt Preferences files, 222–223 repairing disk permissions, 226–227 repairing hard disk, 228–229 Repeat feature, 96 repeating CDs, 96 repeating events, 84–85 Replace option, 213 Reply All option, 64 Reply option, 64 replying to messages, 64–65 Require password option, 219 resize control, 12 Restart option, 216, 225 restarting accessing Recovery HD by, 225 overview, 216 power cycling, 217 Restore option, 213 restoring files, 31, 212–213 resuming music, 95–96 rewinding, 152 rich text, 67 Right volume meter, 171 239 Index ripping music, 98 Rotate Clockwise option, 139 Rotate icon, 139 rotating photos, 138–139 S Safari closing, 35 opening, 34 overview, 34 Safari icon, 5, 34 Save As text box, 20 Save option, 20 saving documents, 20 Scale effect, 193 Scheduled Check option, 209 Scrapbook theme, 157 screen elements, 4 screen saver, 182–183 Screen Saver option, 182 screens, navigating by swiping, 9 scrollbars, 12 scrolling credits, 172 Search box, 104 search engines, 48 searching for sites, 48–49 Security & Privacy option, 219 See your recent searches icon, 49 Select Disk option, 211 Select Tool option, 125 Selected albums, events, and faces, and automatically include option, 112 Selected folders option, 113 Selected playlists, artists, albums, and genres option, 110 selecting text, 25–26 Send Email option, 73 Send Email to option, 77 Send option, 57, 59, 147 sending e-mail messages, 56–58 Sent folder, 57 Set option, 75 Set to Current Page option, 45 Share option, 146, 175 shortcuts for navigating web pages, 41 for opening web pages in tabs, 39 for selecting text, 25 240 Show all bookmarks button, 47 Show All option, 145, 179 Show Details option, 23 Show displays in menu bar option, 186 Show Fonts command, 173 Show item info option, 205 Show option, 81 Show Project Library option, 157 Show Stationery option, 57 Show Status Bar option, 36 Show View Options option, 204 Show Visualizer option, 95 Show with clock option, 183 Shuffle button, 97 Shuffle feature, 96 Shut Down option, 217, 225 Sign In option, 199 signatures, 60–61 sites for searching web, 48–49 16:9 (Widescreen) option, 157 Size option, 192 Size slider, 143, 192 skipping tracks, 95 Sleep mode, 184 sleep options for desktops, 184 Energy Saver Preferences window, 184 for notebooks, 185 sleep timer, 185 slide shows, 126–127 Slideshow option, 126 Smart Album dialog, 135 smart albums, 135 smart group, 77 smartphones, importing video from, 158 Snapback icon, 49 Software Update application, 209 software update schedule, 208–209 songs adding to playlists, 101 automatically adding to playlists, 101 playing, 92–93, 96 playing randomly, 97 titles of, 97 Sort buttons, 91 Sound option, 170 Source List area, 90 speaker icon, 93 Spotlight option, 35, 53, 71 Standard (4:3) option, 157 Standard account type, 191 Start playing disc option, 153 Start screen saver slider, 182 Start week on pop-up menu, 81 starting applications, 6–10 Status area, 91 status bar, 12 Stereo Bit Rate pop-up, 99 Stop option, 159 storage space, 111 Store, iTunes, 104–105 Straighten option, 140 straightening photos, 140–141 Stretch to Fill Screen option, 181 stretched resolution, 187 stuck applications, closing, 220–221 Subject field, 56 Subject text box, 147 swiping, 9 switching between applications, 10 Sync Address Book Contacts option, 118 Sync Apps option, 120 Sync iCal Calendars option, 118 Sync in Progress message, 109 Sync Mail Accounts option, 119 Sync Movies option, 116 Sync Music option, 110 Sync Photos from option, 112, 113 Sync Safari bookmarks check box, 119 Sync TV Shows option, 117 synchronizing apps, 120–121 contacts and calendars, 118 e-mail accounts, 119 movies and TV shows, 116–117 music, 110–111 photos, 112–113, 114–115 preventing, 109 System Preferences icon, 5 System Preferences Locked icon, 218 System Preferences, locking and unlocking, 218–219 System Preferences option, 170, 208, 210 System Preferences settings closing, 179 opening, 178 T tabs creating, 39 opening links in, 38–39 overview, 17 shortcuts for opening web pages in, 39 Take a movie clip option, 148 Take a still picture option, 148 Take All Accounts Offline command, 57 Take four quick pictures option, 148 Take Photo option, 149 TechTool Pro tool, 229 text copying, 26 copying with mouse, 27 deleting characters, 24 moving, 27 selecting, 25–26 shortcut methods for selecting, 25 text boxes, 16 Text size option, 205 The volume Macintosh HD appears to be OK message, 229 themes, iMovie, 157 Tile option, 181 Time Machine feature configuring backups, 210–211 navigating backups in, 213 restoring files using, 212–213 Time Machine icon, 5 titles adding to video, 172–173 font of, 173 Titles browser button, 172 To field, 56 To text box, 147 Today option, 80 toolbar overview, 12 selecting commands using, 15 toolbar buttons, 125 tools Crop, 137 DiskWarrior, 229 recovery, 224–225 Red-Eye, 143 TechTool Pro, 229 tools for recovery, 224–225 241 Index tracks importing from music CDs, 98–99 skipping, 95 transfer method, 37 transition icon, 165 transitions adding between clips, 164–165 changing duration of, 165 Transitions Browser button, 164 Trash emptying, 202 restoring, 212 Trash icon, 5, 31, 207 Trash window, 31 Trim Clip End option, 163 Trim to Selection option, 163 trimming clips, 162–163 trimming frames from clips, 163 troubleshooting forcing stuck applications to close, 220–221 power cycling, 217 recovery tools, 224–225 repairing corrupt Preferences files, 222–223 repairing disk permissions, 226–227 repairing hard disk, 228–229 restarting, 216–217 unlocking system preferences, 218–219 Turn Hiding Off option, 197 Turn Hiding On option, 196 Turn Magnification Off option, 193 Turn Magnification On option, 193 TV Shows option, 117 TV shows, synchronizing, 116–117 U Undo option, 24 Uniform Resource Locator (URL), 37 uninstalling applications, 206–207 Unlock option, 219 unlocking system preferences, 218–219 unnamed option, 144 unwatched option, 117 Updates Available option, 121 updates schedule, 208–209 updating apps, 121 URL (Uniform Resource Locator), 37 URL (web address) field, 74 USB cable, 108 242 USB connector, 108 USB port, 108, 109, 130 Use as Backup Disk option, 210 Use Authentication option, 55 Use Backup Disk option, 211 Use custom port option, 55 Use random screen saver option, 183 Use the same message format as the original message check box, 67 user accounts, 190–191 Users & Groups option, 190 utilities, 224 V vertical scrollbar, 12 video adding music tracks, 168–169 adding photos, 166–167 adding scrolling credits to movies, 172 adding titles and credits, 172–173 adding transitions between clips, 164–165 adding video clips to projects, 160–161 background music tracks, 169 creating new movie projects, 156–157 importing video files, 158–159 playing, 174–175 playing from web, 155 playing with QuickTime player, 154–155 recording voiceovers, 170–171 trimming clips, 162–163 using DVD Player application full-screen, 152 using DVD Player application in window, 153 View option, 126 View Option buttons, 91 viewing home page, 45 viewing photo previews with Cover Flow feature, 124 in Preview application, 125 with Quick Look feature, 124 viewing photos, 132 viewing slide shows, 126–127 visualizations, displaying during music playback, 95 Voiceover dialog, 170 voiceovers defined, 170 recording, 170–171 volume, adjusting, 93 Volume slider, 93, 169 W waking up display, 185 web bookmarking web pages, 46 changing home page, 44–45 clearing History list, 43 creating new tabs, 39 displaying bookmarked web pages, 47 entering web pages addresses, 37–38 going back one page, 40 going back several pages, 40 going forward one page, 41 going forward several pages, 41–42 loading pages from History list, 42 opening links in new tabs, 38–39 playing video from, 155 Safari, closing, 35 Safari, opening, 34 searching for sites, 48–49 selecting links, 36 shortcuts for navigating pages, 41 viewing home page, 45 websites, 32 web servers, 32 web-based e-mail accounts, 54 website, defined, 32 website domain name, 37 Week option, 80, 83 Week view, 81 Weekly option, 209 Welcome to Mail dialog, 52, 54 Widescreen (16:9) option, 157 widescreen aspect ratio, 187 width-to-height ratio, 187 Wi-Fi Status icon, 225 windows applications, 12 Energy Saver Preferences, 184 starting DVDs in, 153 Z Zoom + option, 125 Zoom button, 12 Zoom to Selection option, 125 243
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