Сделано в Китае / Қытайда жасалған / Made in China
Batch numer : xxxxxxxxxxx
** Garantie 2 ans / 2 años de garantía / Garantia de 2 anos / Garanzia 2 anni
/ Εγγύηση 2 ετών / Gwarancja 2-letnia / Гарантия 2 года / Кепілдік 2 жыл /
Гарантія 2 pokN / Garanţie 2 ani / Garantia 2 anos / 2-year guarantee
Ce produit est recyclable. S’il ne peut plus être utilisé, veuillez l’apporter dans un centre de recyclage
de déchets.
Este producto es reciclable. Si ya no se puede usar, llévelo a un centro de reciclaje de residuos.
Este produto é reciclável. Se deixar de o utilizar, entregue-o num centro de reciclagem de resíduos.
Questo prodotto può essere riciclato. Se deve essere smaltito, portalo presso un centro de reciclaggio.
Αυτό το προϊόν είναι ανακυκλώσιμο. Εάν δεν μπορεί πλέον να χρησιμοποιηθεί, μεταφέρετε την οε κάποιο
κέντρο ανακύκλωσης απορριμμάτων.
Этот продукт может перерабатываться. Если он больше не пригоден для пользования, сдайте
его в утилизационный центр.
Ьұл өнім қайта өңдеуге келеді. Оны әрі қолдануға болмайтын жағдайда, оны қайта өңдейтін
орталыққа тапсыруыңызды өтінеміз.
Цей продукт може перероблятися. Якщо воно більше не с придатне для використування,
здайте його в утилізаційний центр.
Aceast produs este reciclabil. Dacă nu mai poate ti folosit, vă rugăm să il aduceți într-un centru de
reciclare a deșeurilor.
Este produto é reciclável. Se não puder mais ser usado, descarte em um centro de reciclagem de
This product is recyclable. If it cannot be used anymore, please take it to waste recycling centre.
Adeo Services.
135, rue Sadi Carnot - CS 00001 59790 - RONCHIN - France.
UA ТОВ «Леруа Мерлен Україна», вул. Полярна 17а, м. Київ 04201,
DE BRICOLAGEM - CNPJ: 01.438.784/0001-05 Rua Pascoal Pais, nº 525,
6º andar cj 61 a 64, Vila Cordeiro, São Paulo-SP. CEP 04581-060 CALM
(Central de Atendimento Leroy Merlin): Capitais 4020-5376 Demais
Regiões 0800-0205376 IMAGENS ILUSTRATIVAS.
SA Imported by Adeo South Africa (PTY) LTD T/A Leroy Merlin Hosted
in Leroy Merlin Fourways Store - 35 Roos Street, Witkoppen Ext 97,
Sandton, 2191 - Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.
KZ Импорттаушы/Сатушы /Қазақстан Республикасында өнім
сапасы бойынша наразылықтарды қабылдайтын ұйым: «Леруа
Мерлен Қазақстан» ЖШС, Қазақстан Республикасы, 050000,
Алматы қ., Қонаев көшесі, 77, «PARK VIEW» БО, 6-қабат, 07-кеңсе.
Импортер/Продавец/Организация, принимающая претензии
по качеству продукции в Республике Казахстан: ТОО «Леруа
Мерлен Казахстан», Республика Казахстан, 050000, г. Алматы,
ул. Кунаева, 77, БЦ «PARK VIEW», 6 этаж, офис № 07.
RU Импортер/Продавец/Организация, уполномоченная
принимать претензии по качеству товара в РФ: ООО «ЛЕРУА
МЕРЛЕН ВОСТОК», 141031, Россия, Московская Обл., г. Мытищи,
Осташковское шоссе, д.1.
Срок службы: 7 лет
Қызмет мерзімі: 7 жыл
to better meet your needs. Therefore, please do not hesitate to share your experience with
product on our website.
ADEO Services - 135 rue Sadi Carnot CS 00001 - 59790 RONCHIN - France
and color changes over time. There are two solutions: let the wood age naturally or oil the wood
to preserve its colour and restore its shine (annual maintenance required).
If you use a cleaning product, it can be applied using a non-abrasive sponge with a mild soap
hot water. Follow closely the instructions provided with the such products and check to
they are compatible with your product. If the product has some fabric element, please follow
the care instructions on its label. If your pad or cushion cover is removable, please follow the
washing instructions indicated on the label. Wipe the product, especially the flat surfaces,
each rain or snow event. To remove dirt or stubborn stains, an alcohol-based glass window
cleaner can be used on the metal.
For better stability and for your safety, tighten the screws once again around two weeks after
setup. Tighten the screws also at least once a year for a long-lasting maintenance.
In case of paint chipping o, the aected part must be cleaned and repainted in order to avoid
formation of rust.
In winter, it is recommended to store this product in a dry location away from humidity, for
example in a garden shelter, or under a roof.
Please remember to take packages and products that reach the end of their lives to the waste
NATERIAL products are designed according to the highest quality standards for products
intended for the consumer market. This sale warranty covers a period of 2 years as of the
of purchase of the product. This warranty covers all defects in materials and workmanship:
missing parts and elements, and damage occurring under normal use circumstances. Repair
and replacement of parts do not lead to an extension of the initial warranty period.
Warranty exclusions
This warranty does not cover problems nor incidents resulting from incorrect use of the
product. Warranty coverage is limited to the value of this product. The following cases are
particularly excluded:
• Damage occurring during setup.
• Fading colours, or stains resulting from non-compliance with care instructions.
• Upon opening the packaging, traces of cutters and staples, as well as marks resulting from
contact between the product surface and the floor. (Please protect it with cardboard!)
In case of problems with your product, please contact the manager of the Garden department
of your store. Keep your invoice or your receipt: these documents will be requested upon
processing any claims.
We thank you for your business and hope that you will be completely satisfied using our
It is important for us to know your opinion regarding this product, in order to keep improving
If the product is already assembled, please make sure that all screws are tightly fixed before
using it. If the product requires that you assemble it, please make sure upon opening the
that all the elements needed for setting up the product have been provided. If the product is
damaged or has defects, do not use it and take it back to the nearest store.
We recommend using the product packaging as a surface for setting up the product in order
to avoid damage (scratches, paint stains, dirt...). Before finishing setup, we also recommend
not tightening the screws too much and leaving a bit of play for each element. Once setup is
completed, please make sure that all screws are firmly tightened. This product must be placed
on a stable surface.
This product is intended for home and non-business use outdoors. Keep this product away from
flames or direct heat sources such as outdoor heaters and BBQ grills. If the product has folding
parts or extensions, close them each time before transporting.
We recommend regular maintenance of your product.
In case of not using the product for an extended period of time, please remember to cover
it. Continuous exposure to weather elements may accelerate deterioration of the product.
Using floor pads helps protect the product from humidity and prevents damage to the floor on
which the product is placed (scratches, stains...). Please protect your pad or your cushion from
weather elements. If the product contains wood, its appearance may show some rough aspect