SNS 45 B4 US-EN │ 9 ■
► People with unusual skin discolorations,
► People with more than 16 moles (with a minimum diameter
of 2 mm) on their body,
► People with atypical moles (atypical moles are asymmetrical
moles with a diameter of more than 5 mm and different pig-
mentation plus irregular border areas; if in doubt, consult your
► People who are suffering from sunburn,
► People who do not tan in the sun without skin burns,
► People who quickly suffer from skin burns in direct sunlight,
► People who have frequently suffered from severe sunburn
during their childhood,
► People who suffer from skin cancer or are suffering from this
disease or are susceptible to skin cancer,
► People with a first-degree relative who is suffering or has
previously suffered from melanoma (skin cancer),
► People who, due to a light sensitivity ailment, are under a
physician’s care or are undergoing medical treatment,
► People who absolutely cannot tan at all, or who cannot tan
without getting sunburned, when they are exposed to the sun,
► Pregnant women who are easily sunburned when they are
exposed to the sun.
► The irradiation should not exceed the minimal erythema dose
(MED). If erythema (skin redness) occurs several hours after
irradiation, no further applications should be carried out. In this
case, the next irradiation should not take place until at least one
week after the date of the skin redness.
► If unexpected side effects, such as itching, occur within 48 hours
after the first application of the UV appliance, you should con-
sult a physician before receiving further UV irradiation.