
Sitecom LN-030 Guía de instalación

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Installation guide
LN-030 QIG.indd 1-2 26-09-14 14:26
Package content
USB 2.0 Network Adapter 1x CD
USB 2.0 network
10/100 Mbps
LN-030 QIG.indd 3-4 26-09-14 14:26
Make a connection
NL Maak verbinding
IT Crea un collegamento
DE Verbindung herstellen
ES Realizar una conexión
PT Fazer uma ligação
FR Mise en place d’une connexion
UK USB port
NL USB poort
IT Porta USB
DE USB-Anschluss
ES Puerto USB
PT Porta USB
LN-030 QIG.indd 5-6 26-09-14 14:26
UK Network cable
NL Netwerkkabel
IT Cavo di rete
DE Netzwerkkabel
ES Cable de red
PT Cabo de rede
FR Câble de réseau
Windows 7 / Vista / XP
Windows 8 and up
Mac OSX 10.7 and up
LN-030 QIG.indd 7-8 26-09-14 14:26
Installation with CD wizard
Windows 7 / Vista / XP
NL Installatie PC (Windows 7 / Vista / XP)
IT Installazione su PC (Windows 7 / Vista / XP)
DE Installation PC (Windows 7 / Vista / XP)
ES Instalación en PC (Windows 7 / Vista / XP)
PT Instalação PC (Windows 7 / Vista / XP)
FR Installation PC(Windows 7 / Vista / XP)
UK Follow the steps
NL Volg de stappen
IT Segui i passaggi
DE Führen Sie die Schritte durch
ES Siga los pasos
PT Siga os passos
FR Suivez les étapes
USB 2.0 network adapter
Install Drivers
LN-030 QIG.indd 9-10 26-09-14 14:26
Register this product online
within 3 weeks of purchase and
get a free 10 year warranty
UK Full manual available in English
NL Volledige handleiding beschikbaar in het engels
IT Il manuale utente completo è disponibile in lingua inglese
DE Vollständiges Handbuch in englischer Sprache verfügbar
ES Manual completo disponible en inglés
PT Manual completo disponível em inglês
FR Manuel complet disponible en anglais
RU Подробное руководство доступно на английском языке
Sitecom Europe BV
EC Declaration of Conformity
Sitecom Europe BV
Linatebaan 101
3045 AH Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Hereby declare under our sole responsibility that the Sitecom product:
Product number: LN-030 v3 001
Product description: USB 2.0 Network Adapter
To which this declaration relates is in conformity with the requirements of the following standards:
· EN 301 489-1 V1.8.1.
· EN 301 489-17 V2.1.1.
This certi es that the following designated Sitecom product:
Product description: USB 2.0 Network Adapter
Product No.: LN-030 v3 001
Complies with the requirements of the following directives and carries the CE marking accordingly:
EMC Directive 2004/108/EC
Sitecom Europe B.V.
Rotterdam, 2 August 2012
M. Bergwerff ,
LN-030 QIG.indd 11-12 26-09-14 14:26