Ingersoll-Rand MRV040 Maintenance Information

Maintenance Information

Este manual también es adecuado para

Edition 5
February 2011
Save These Instructions
Air Motor
MRV009, MRV015, MRV040, MRV050
Series Reversible
Operation and
Maintenance Information
Operation and Maintenance Information
Operación y Mantenimiento de Información
L’utilisation et la Maintenance Informations
EN-2 04614020_ed5
General Product Safety Information
Important Safety Information enclosed.
Read and understand this manual before operating this tool.
It is your responsibility to make this safety information available to others that will operate this tool.
Failure to observe the following warnings could result in injury.
Placing the Motor in Service
Always install, operate, inspect and maintain this product in
accordance with all applicable standards and regulations (local,
state, country, federal, etc.).
Always use clean, dry air at 90 psig (6.2 bar/620 kPa) maximum
air pressure at the inlet. Higher pressure may result in hazardous
situations including excessive speed, rupture, or incorrect output
torque or force.
Ensure an accessible emergency shut o valve has been installed
in the air supply line, and make others aware of its location.
Do not use damaged, frayed or deteriorated air hoses and  ttings.
Always turn o the air supply and disconnect the air supply hose
before installing, removing or performing any maintenance on
this motor.
Do not lubricate with  ammable or volatile liquids such as
kerosene, diesel or jet fuel. Use only recommended lubricants.
Keep work area clean, uncluttered, ventilated and illuminated.
Do not remove any labels. Replace any damaged label.
Using the Motor
Always wear eye protection when operating or performing
maintenance on this motor.
Always wear hearing protection when operating this motor.
Always use Personal Protective Equipment appropriate to the
motor used. This may include dust mask or other breathing
apparatus, safety glasses, ear plugs, gloves, apron, safety shoes,
hard hat and other equipment.
Keep others a safe distance from your work area, or ensure they
use appropriate Personal Protective Equipment.
This motor is not insulated against electric shock.
Keep hands, loose clothing, long hair and jewelry away from
Motor and/or accessories may brie y continue their motion after
throttle is released.
Do not operate when tired, or under the in uence of medication,
drugs, or alcohol.
Never use a damaged or malfunctioning motor or accessory.
Do not modify the motor, safety devices, or accessories.
Do not use this motor for purposes other than those
Use accessories recommended for Ingersoll Rand Products.
Safety Symbol Identi cation
Wear Respiratory
Wear Eye
Wear Hearing
Read Manuals Before
Operating Products
(Dwg. MHP2598)
Safety Information - Explanation of Safety Signal
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury or
property damage.
Indicates information or a company policy that relates directly or indirectly to the safety of personnel or
protection of property.
04614020_ed5 EN-3
Model Designation Breakout
MRV Series
Air Motors
A = Round Shaft With Square Key
B = Round Shaft with Woodru key #3
C = Round Shaft with Flat on Shaft
B5D71 = Round Shaft (14mm) with Square Key*
B5D80 = Round Shaft (19mm) with Square Key**
B5D90 = Round Shaft (24mm) with Square Key***
* Available on MRV009, MRV015, MRV040 only
** Available on MRV040 only
*** Available on MRV050 only
IR# 10
Ingersoll Rand suggests using an air line lubricator with these
motors. We recommend a 1/2” Filter-Regulator-Lubricator (FRL) for
optimum motor performance and life.
Ingersoll Rand Series vanes are made of a special material that does
not require lubrication. While we suggest lube for optimum service
life, our vanes have been shown to last substantially longer than
standard laminate versions. This makes Ingersoll Rand motors a
good choice for Food Grade or Clean Room environments where oil
is not permitted.
The use of 1/2” Filter, Regulator, Lubricator (FRL), in the air supply line
is recommended. Attach the unit as close to the motor as practical.
Refer to Air Motor Catalog (“ Components, Equipments and
Accessories Section) for the recommended Ingersoll Rand FRL that
can provide optimal performance.
Main Line(s) Inner Ø
to be 3X Size of
Air Tool’s Inlet Ø
o Air
o Air
Drain Regularly
Branch Line(s) Inner Ø
to be 2X Size of
Air Tool’s Inlet Ø
(Dwg. TPD905-2)
Servicing the Motor
If the motor operates sluggishly,  ush it with a clean, non-toxic,
non ammable commercial solvent in a well ventilated area.
To ush the motor:
Disconnect the air line and mu er.
Pour 6 to 8 cc of solvent into each inlet.
Rotate the motor shaft by hand in both directions several times to
ensure all internal parts of motor are thoroughly cleaned.
Apply air pressure to the inlet and slowly increase the air  ow
until there is no trace of the solvent in the exhaust.
After  ushing, shut o the air supply and disconnect air supply
Pour 6 to 8 cc of Ingersoll Rand # 10 motor oil into the air inlet.
Reconnect the air supply line, slowly increase the air pressure to
ensure all internal parts of motor will be covered with a  lm of oil.
If the motor is still low in power, return motor to your nearest
service repair center.
Lubrication and Installation
ES-1 04614020_ed5
Información general sobre seguridad del producto
Importante información de seguridad adjunta.
Lea este manual y asegúrese de comprenderlo bien antes de utilizar este producto.
Es su responsabilidad poner esta información de seguridad a disposición de quienes vayan a utilizar el producto.
El hecho de hacer caso omiso a las advertencias siguientes podría ocasionar lesiones.
La colocación del motor en servicio
Instale, utilice, inspeccione y mantenga siempre este producto de acuerdo con todas las regulaciones y normas aplicables (locales, estatales,
nacionales, federales, etc.).
Use siempre aire limpio y seco a una presión máxima de 60 psig (4,2 bares/413 kPa) en la entrada de aire del dispositivo. Una presión
superior puede redundar en situaciones peligrosas, entre ellas una velocidad excesiva, rotura, o un par o una fuerza de salida incorrectos.
Asegúrese de que la válvula de cierre de emergencia accesible haya sido instalada en la línea de alimentación de aire y ponga su ubicación
en conocimiento de los demás.
No utilice mangueras de aire y accesorios dañados, desgastados ni deteriorados.
Corte siempre el suministro de aire y desconecte la manguera de suministro de aire antes de instalar, desmontar o ajustar cualquier
accesorio de esta herramienta, o antes de realizar cualquier operación de mantenimiento de la misma.
No lubrique las herramientas con líquidos in amables o volátiles tales como queroseno, gasoil o combustible para motores a reacción. Use
sólo los lubricantes recomendados.
Mantenga la zona de trabajo limpia, despejada, ventilada e iluminada.
No retire ninguna etiqueta. Sustituya cualquier etiqueta dañada.
Usando el motor
Use siempre protección ocular cuando utilice o realice operaciones de mantenimiento en este motor.
Use siempre protección para los oídos cuando maneje esta motor.
Utilice siempre el equipo de protección individual que corresponda a la corresponda a la de motor usado. Esto puede incluir una mascarilla
contra el polvo u otro aparato de respiración, gafas de seguridad, tapones para los oídos, guantes, delantal, zapatos de seguridad, casco y
otros artículos.
Mantenga a los demás a una distancia segura de la zona de trabajo o asegúrese de que utilizan el correspondiente equipo de protección
Este motor no está aislado contra descargas eléctricas.
Mantenga las manos, la ropa suelta, el cabello largo y las alhajas apartados del extremo de trabajo de la motor.
El movimiento de la Motor y / o accesorios puede prolongarse brevemente después de soltarse el mando.
No utilice este producto cuando esté cansado o bajo la in uencia de medicamentos, drogas o alcohol.
No utilice nunca un motor o un accesorio dañado o que no funcione correctamente.
No modi que la motor, los dispositivos de seguridad ni los accesorios.
No utilice esta motor para otros  nes que no sean los recomendados.
Utilice accesorios recomendados por Ingersoll Rand Productos.Identi cación de los símbolos de seguridad
Utilice protección
Utilice protección ocular Utilice protección
Lea los manuales antes
de utilizar el producto
(Dwg. MHP2598)
Información de seguridad: Explicación de los mensajes de las señales de seguridad
Indica una situación de peligro inminente que, de no evitarse, resultaría en lesiones graves o muerte.
Indica una situación potencialmente peligrosa que, de no evitarse, podría resultar en lesiones graves o muerte.
Indica una situación potencialmente peligrosa que, de no evitarse, podría producir lesiones de leves a
moderadas o daños en la propiedad.
Indica información o una política de la empresa directa o indirectamente relacionada con la seguridad del
personal o la protección de la propiedad.
04614020_ed5 ES-2
Designación de modelo
MRV Series
Motor de Aire
A = Ronda del eje con la llave cuadrada
B = Ronda Eje con Woodru tecla # 3
C = Ronda de eje con plano en el eje
B5D71 = Ronda del eje (14 mm) con la llave cuadrada *
B5D80 = Ronda del eje (19 mm) con la llave cuadrada **
B5D90 = Ronda del eje (24 mm) con la llave cuadrada ***
Eje/Interfaz Series
* Disponible en MRV009, MRV015, sólo MRV040
** Disponible en MRV040 sólo
*** Disponible en MRV050 sólo
IR# 10
Ingersoll Rand sugiere el uso de un lubricante de aire comprimido
con estos motores. Se recomienda de 1 / 2 “Filtro-Regulador-
Lubricador (FRL) para un rendimiento óptimo del motor y la vida.
Ingersoll Rand paletas de la serie están hechas de un material
especial que no requiere lubricación. Aunque le sugerimos lubricante
para una vida útil óptima, nuestro paletas Se ha demostrado que por
última considerablemente más que las versiones laminado. Esto hace
que Ingersoll Rand motores una buena opción para la alimentación
de grado o limpieza en los entornos de la habitación donde el
petróleo no está permitido.
El uso de 1 / 2 “Filtro, regulador, lubricador (FRL), en la línea de
suministro de aire se recomienda. Coloque la unidad lo más cerca
del motor como sea posible. Consulte el Catálogo de aire del motor
(“Componentes, Equipos y Accesorios” Sección) recomienda para la
FRL Ingersoll Rand que puede proporcionar un rendimiento óptimo.
Línea (s) Ø interior que se
3X Tamaño de la entrada
de la herramienta Ø Aérea
Para Sistema
de aire
de aire
Válvula de corte
de emergencia
Lubricante Regulador
Vacíe regularmente
Ramal (s) Ø interior que se
2X Tamaño de la entrada
de la herramienta Ø Aérea
(Dwg. TPD905-2)
Si el motor funciona lentamente, tirar de la cadena con un paño
limpio, no tóxico, no in amable solvente comercial en un área
bien ventilada.
Para lavar el motor:
Desconecte la línea de aire y silenciador.
Vierta 6 a 8 cc de disolvente en cada ori cio de salida.
Gire el eje del motor con la mano en ambos sentidos varias veces
para asegurar que todas las partes internas del motor se limpian
a fondo.
Aplique presión de aire a la entrada y poco a poco aumentar el
ujo de aire hasta que no hay rastro del solvente en el escape.
Después de lavar, cortar el suministro de aire y desconectar la
línea de suministro de aire.
Vierta 6 a 8 cc de Ingersoll Rand aceite de motor # 10 en la
entrada de aire.
Vuelva a conectar la línea de suministro de aire, aumente
lentamente la presión del aire para asegurar que todas las partes
internas del motor se cubre con una capa de aceite.
Si el motor sigue siendo baja en el poder, el motor regresar a su
centro de servicio de reparación.
Mantenimiento del Motor
Lubricación & Instalación
FR-2 04614020_ed5
Informations générales relatives à la sécurité du produit
Des informations de sécurité importantes sont fournies à l’intérieur.
Veuillez lire attentivement ce manuel avant d’utiliser ce l’outil.
Iil vous incombe de transmettre les presentes informations de securite a tous les utilisateurs du l’outil.
Le non respect des avertissements suivants pourra entraîner des blessures.
Placer le moteur en service
Installez, utilisez, inspectez et entretenez toujours ce produit
conformément à toutes les normes et réglementations en vigueur
(locales, nationales, fédérales, européennes, etc.).
Utilisez toujours de l’air propre et sec à une pression maximum de
90 psig (6,2 bar/620 kPa) en entrée. Une pression supérieure peut
en e et générer des situations à risques, notamment une vitesse
excessive, une rupture ou encore une force ou un couple de sortie
Véri ez qu’un robinet d’arrêt d’urgence accessible a bien été
installé dans le circuit d’alimentation d’air et indiquez son
emplacement à l’ensemble du personnel.
N’utilisez pas des  exibles ni des raccords endommagés, e lochés
ou détériorés.
Toujours fermer l’alimentation en air et débrancher le tuyau
d’alimentation avant d’installer, d’enlever ou de régler tout
accessoire sur cet outil, ou avant de procéder à tout entretien.
Ne lubri ez pas les outils avec des liquides in ammables ou
volatils, tels que le kérosène et le gasoil. Utilisez exclusivement les
lubri ants recommandés.
Maintenir le lieu de travail propre, dégagé, aéré et bien éclairé.
Do not remove any labels. Remplacer toutes les étiquettes
Utilisation du moteur
Portez toujours une protection oculaire lorsque vous utilisez ce
moteur ou procédez à sa maintenance.
Portez toujours une protection auditive lors de l’utilisation de cet
Toujours utiliser des équipements de protection individuelle
approprié pour le moteur utilisé. Il peut s’agir de masques
anti-poussière ou d’autres dispositifs respiratoires, de lunettes
de sécurité, de bouchons anti-bruit, de gants, d’un tablier, de
chaussures de sécurité, d’un casque, etc.
Pour des raisons de sécurité, tenir les autres personnes à l’écart de
la zone de travail ou véri er qu’elles ont revêtu les équipements
de protection individuelle appropriés.
Ce moteur n’est pas isolé contre les chocs électriques.
Maintenez les mains, les vêtements amples, les cheveux et les
bijoux à distance de moteur.
Moteurl et/ou les accessoires peuvent continuer à se déplacer
brièvement après que la gâchette a été relâchée.
N’utilisez pas à lorsque vous êtes fatigué(e), sous l’e et de
médicaments, ou sous l’emprise de drogues ou d’alcool.
N’utilisez jamais un appareil ni un moteur endommagé, ou ne
fonctionnant pas correctement.
N’essayez jamais de modi er moteur, les dispositifs de sécurité ni
les accessoires.
N’utilisez pas ce moteur à des  ns autres que celles
Utiliser les accessoires recommandés pour Ingersoll Rand
Identi cation du Symbole de Sécurité
Portez une
Portez une protection
Portez une protection
Lisez attentivement les
manuels avant d’utiliser
le produit
(Dwg. MHP2598)
Informations de sécurité - Explication des termes des signaux de sécurité
Signale une situation de danger imminent qui, si elle n’est pas évitée, peut entraîner la mort ou des blessures
Signale une situation de danger potentiel qui, si elle nest pas évitée, peut provoquer la mort ou des blessures
Signale une situation de danger potentiel qui, si elle nest pas évitée, peut provoquer des blessures mineures
ou modérées ou des dommages matériels.
Signale une information ou une règle de l’entreprise en rapport direct ou indirect avec la sécurité du personnel
ou avec la protection des biens.
04614020_ed5 FR-3
Désignation du modèle - Breakout
MRV Series
Moteurs pneumatiques
A = Tige ronde avec Square-clés
B = Cycle Arbre avec Woodru clés # 3
C = Cycle Arbre avec plat sur l'arbre
B5D71 =Cycle d'arbre (14mm) avec Square-clés *
B5D80 = arbre ronde (19mm) avec Square clés **
B5D90 = arbre ronde (24mm) avec Square clés ***
Arbre / InterfaceSérie
* Disponible sur MRV009, MRV015, MRV040 seulement
** Disponible sur MRV040 seulement
*** Disponible sur MRV050 seulement
IR# 10
Ingersoll Rand propose d’utiliser un lubri cateur avec ces moteurs.
Nous recommandons une 1 / 2 “Filtre-régulateur-lubri cateur (FRL)
pour une performance optimale du moteur et de la vie.
IIngersoll Rand aubes de série sont faites d’un matériau spécial qui
ne nécessitent pas de lubri cation. Alors que nous vous suggérons
de lubri ant pour la durée de vie optimale, nos aubes ont été montré
au dernier beaucoup plus long que des versions standard strati é.
Cela rend Ingersoll Rand moteurs un bon choix pour de qualité
alimentaire ou Clean Room environnements où le pétrole n’est pas
L’utilisation de 1 / 2 “Filtre, régulateur, lubri cateur (FRL), dans la ligne
d’alimentation en air est recommandé. Fixer l’unité au plus près du
moteur en pratique.
Reportez-vous à moteur pneumatique Catalogue (composants,
équipements et accessoires “) pour le recommandé FRL
Ingersoll Rand qui peuvent fournir des performances optimales.
La section de la conduite
principale doit être
3 fois supérieure
à celle de l'alimentation
de l'outil pneumatique.
Vers le système
d'air comprimé
Vers l'outil
Vanne d'arrêt
La section du
conduit de raccordement doit
être 2 fois supérieure à celle
de l'alimentation
de l'outil pneumatique.
(Dwg. TPD905-2)
Entretien du moteur
Si le moteur fonctionne lentement, rincez-le avec un chi on
propre, non-toxique, non in ammable commerciale solvant dans
un endroit bien aéré.
Pour rincer le moteur:
Débranchez la conduite d’air et le silencieux.
Pour 6 à 8 cc de solvant dans chaque entrée.
Tournez l’arbre du moteur à la main dans les deux sens à plusieurs
reprises pour s’assurer que toutes les pièces internes du moteur
sont nettoyés à fond.
Appliquer la pression d’air à l’entrée et à augmenter lentement le
débit d’air jusqu’à ce qu’il n’y a pas trace de solvant dans les gaz
Après le rinçage, couper l’alimentation en air et débrancher le
tuyau d’alimentation en air.
Pour 6 à 8 cc d Ingersoll Rand # 10 Huile de moteur dans l’entrée
Rebranchez la conduite d’alimentation d’air, augmenter
lentement la pression d’air pour assurer toutes les pièces internes
du moteur sera recouverte d’une pellicule d’huile.
Si le moteur est encore faible en puissance, le moteur revenir à
votre centre de service le plus proche de réparation.
Lubrication & Installation
8 04614020_ed5
Speci cations
Max Power
Speed at
Max. Power
Speed *
Starting Torque Stall Torque
Air Consumption
at Max. Power
hp kw rpm rpm lb.-ft. Nm lb.-ft. Nm scfm m
/m lb. kg
MRV009 0.88 0.66 3000 7900 1.70 2.30 2.30 3.10 48 1.4 7.50 3.40
MRV015 1.50 1.10 3000 7900 2.60 3.50 4.10 5.60 67 1.9 8.25 3.70
MRV040 3.60 2.70 3000 7900 5.30 7.20 8.70 11.80 120 3.4 16.25 7.40
MRV050 4.80 3.60 2500 7000 10.00 13.60 14.00 19.0 152 4.3 22.50 10.20
* ALL models must be operated with su cient load to prevent speed from exceeding maximum allowable speed shown on performance
curve. Performance  gures are at 90 psig (620 kPa) air pressure, with mu er installed.
Dimension Drawings
Model MRV009B5D71
2X ¼ “ - 18 NPT
Ø 63.6
Ø 160.0
Ø 110.0
Ø 13.5
Ø 116.0
Ø 130.0
4 X Ø 10.0
4 X 90°
(Motor dimensions with Flange not shown)
(Motor dimensions with Flange)
(Dwg. 21868436)
04614020_ed5 9
Model MRV009C
Ø 85.8
Ø 63.6
Ø 44.45
Ø 12.7
8.0 Min
Ø 116.0
3 Places
2X ¼” - 18 NPT
(Dwg. 21868419)
Model MRV015A
2X ¼ “- 18 NPT
Ø 115.0
Ø 85.8
Ø 15.875
Ø 57.15
1 to 3 mm Gap
11.00 Min
M6 -6H
3 Places
Ø 76.2
(Dwg. 04614053)
10 04614020_ed5
Model MRV015FB
Ø 12.7
Ø 7.00
R 6.0
3 Holes
Woodru Key # 3
2X¼ “-18 NPT
(Dwg. 21869573)
Model MRV040A
Ø 76.0
Ø 57.15
Ø 15.875
3 Holes
Ø 104.0
Ø 126.0
2X ½ “-14 NPT
(Dwg. 04686671)
04614020_ed5 11
Model MRV040B5D80
4 X Ø 11.5 [.453]
Ø 165.0
Ø 126.0
Ø 200.0
Ø 130.0
Ø 19.0
36.4 [1.433]
20.0 [.787]
15.0 [.591]
18 [.709]
15.8 [.622]
2 X ½ “ -14 NPT
(Motor dimensions with Flange not shown)
(Motor dimensions with Flange)
(Dwg. 56752520)
12 04614020_ed5
Model MRV050A
3 Holes
1 to 3 mm
2X ½”-14 NPT
Ø 108.0
Ø 80.95
Ø 22.23
Ø 142
(Dwg. 04686689)
Model MRV050B5D90
1 to 3mm gap
Ø 12.0
Ø 165.0
Ø 200.0
Ø 130.0
Ø 24.0
2X ½ “-14 NPT
4 Holes
45˚ 45˚
(Motor dimensions with Flange not shown)
(Motor dimensions with Flange)
(Dwg. 21868492)
04614020_ed5 13
MRV- Series Air Motor - Exploded View
(Dwg. TPM1002)
MRV- Series Air Motor - Parts List
Item Description Part Number
1 Cylinder **
2 Front End Plate **
3 Rear End Plate **
4 Rotor **
4A Drive Key **
5 Vane (4) See Service Kits
5A Vane Spring (2) **
5B Vane Pin (4) **
6 Rear Rotor Bearing **
6A Front Rotor Bearing **
7 Rotor Shaft Seal **
8 Gasket (2) **
9 Rear End Cap **
10 End Cap Gasket **
11 Mu er Assembly See Service Kits
12 Front End Plate Cap Screw (6) **
13 Rear End Plate Cap Screw (6) **
* Mounting Foot See Service Kits
* Mounting Flange See Service Kits
* Not shown
** Parts not sold separately (only sold in complete Motor or Tune-Up Kit)
14 04614020_ed5
Equipment Options
Furnished with Catalogue Models
Optional Accessories
Mounting Mu er
2 Hole Face Mount
Supplied with Motor
MRV015A-AH634 Mounting Foot
Flange with MRV009B5D71
2 Hole Face Mount
Flange with MRV015B5D71
2 Hole Face Mount
MRV015A-AH634 Mounting FootFlange with MRV040B5D71
Flange with MRV040B5D80
2 Hole Face Mount
MRV050A-AH640 Mounting Foot
Flange with MRV050B5D90
Service Kits
(includes illustrated parts 5, 6, 6A, 7, 8 and 10)
Model Mu er Assembly Mounting Foot Vane Kit Tune-up Kit
MRV009B MRV015B-AH635
MRV009C MRV015B-AH635
MRV015B MRV015B-AH635
MRV015FB MRV015FB-013
MRV040B5D71 -
MRV040B5D80 - MRV040B5D80-TK1
MRV050A MRV050A-AH640
MRV050B5D90 - MRV050B5D90-TK1
04614020_ed5 15
If the motor operates sluggishly,  ush it with a clean, non-toxic,
non ammable commercial solvent in a well ventilated area.
To ush the motor:
Disconnect the air line and mu er.
Pour 6 to 8 cc of solvent into each inlet.
Rotate the rotor shaft by hand in both directions several times to
ensure all internal parts of motor are thoroughly cleaned.
Apply air pressure to the inlet and slowly increase the air  ow
until there is no trace of the solvent in the exhaust.
After  ushing, shut o the air supply and disconnect air supply
Pour 6 to 8 cc of a high detergent IR# 10 motor oil into the air inlet.
Reconnect the air supply line, slowly increase the air pressure to
ensure all internal parts of motor will be covered with a  lm of oil.
If the motor is still low in power, check for damaged vanes or
foreign material in the vane slots in the Rotor.
Vane Replacement
Periodically, check the Vanes for wear. Always replace Vanes in
sets, never replace an individual Vane.
Vanes life is dependant upon the Speed of the Motor, Operating
pressure, Lubrication, and Preventive Manintenance. Periodically, you
should check the Vanes for wear, and replace them if the width of the
Vane is equal to or less than the replacement width shown below:
Model Width of New Vane Width of Replacement Vane
MRV009 3/4 inch (19.05 mm) 9/16 inch (14.29 mm)
MRV015 3/4 inch (19.05 mm) 9/16 inch (14.29 mm)
MRV040 13/16 inch (20.60 mm) 25/32 (19.80 mm)
MRV050 29/32 inch (23.00 mm) 57/64 inch (22.60 mm)
Always replace Vanes in sets; never replace an individual Vane.
Replace Vanes as follows:
Disconnect the air line at the motor.
Unscrew and remove the Rear End Cap.
Unscrew and remove the Rear End Plate Cap Screws.
Using a puller, pull the Rear End Plate along with the Rear Rotor
Bearing from the motor.
Wipe each of the new Vanes to be installed with a thin  lm of
light oil.
Orientate the Rotor with one open Vane slot facing down
vertically in the Cylinder.
Insert Vane into slot with notch facing the center of the Rotor.
Rotate the Rotor 90 degrees and repeat the procedure.
Repeat the procedure with each Vane.
The use of other than genuine Ingersoll Rand replacement
parts may result in decreased tool performance and increased
maintenance, and may invalidate all warranties.
Always wear eye protection when operating or performing
maintenance on this motor.
Always turn o air supply and disconnect supply hose before
installing, removing or adjusting any accessory on this motor, or
before performing any maintenance on this motor.
General Instructions
Always disconnect the air line at the motor before attempting any
Do not disassemble the motor any further than necessary to
replace or repair damaged parts.
Do not withdraw the Rotor from the Cylinder unless it is
absolutely necessary. Vanes can easily be replaced without
withdrawing the Rotor. (see Vane Replacement” section).
When grasping a part in a vise, always use leather-covered or
copper-covered vise jaws to protect the surface of the part and
help prevent distortion. This is particularly true of threaded
members and housings.
Do not remove any part which is a press  t in or on a subassembly
unless the removal of that part is necessary for repairs or
Important: After these motors were assembled at the factory,
Cylinder Dowel alignment pins were pressed into the End Plates
and Cylinder. During disassembly, these pins will usually remain
with the Cylinder. Do not remove them.
Disassembly of the Rear End Plate
Unscrew and remove the Rear End Cap (9).
Unscrew and remove the Rear End Plate Screws (13).
Using a puller, pull the Rear End Plate (3) along with the Rear
Rotor Bearing (6) from the motor.
The Rear Rotor Bearing is a slip  t in the Rear End Plate. Slide or
push it from the bearing recess.
Disassembly of the Front End Plate
Unscrew the Front End Plate Cap Screws (12).
Using a puller, pull the Front End Plate (2) along with the Front
Rotor Bearing (6A) from the rotor shaft.
The Rotor Shaft Seal (7) is pressed into the Front End Plate. Do not
remove this Seal unless you have a new Seal on hand. This Seal is
always destroyed in the removal process. If you have to remove
the Rotor Shaft Seal, pry it out with a large screwdriver.
The Front Rotor Bearing is a slip  t in the Front End Plate. Slide or
push it from the bearing recess.
Removal of the Rotor
If the Rotor (4) must be withdrawn from the Cylinder, remove the
Rear End Plate as previously described.
Unscrew the Front End Plate Cap Screws.
Carefully withdraw the assembled Front End Plate and Rotor from
the Cylinder. Caution: As you withdraw the Rotor, grasp the
rotor body so that the Vanes (5) do not fall out.
After withdrawing the Rotor, remove the Vanes.
Support the Front End Plate as close to the rotor body as possible,
and press the Rotor from the Front Rotor Bearing.
General Instructions
Always wipe all parts with a thin  lm of oil before installing them
in the motor.
Always press on the inner ring of a ball-type bearing when
installing the bearing on a shaft.
Always press on the outer ring of a ball-type bearing when
pressing the bearing into a bearing recess.
Whenever grasping a part in a vise, always use leather-covered
or copper-covered vise jaws to protect the surface of the part
and help prevent distortion. This is particularly true of threaded
members and housings.
Assembly of the Rear End Plate
Support the Motor on the Front End Plate (2).
Place End Plate Gasket (10) on the rear face of the Cylinder (1),
making certain that it is properly oriented relative to the Cylinder
Dowels and tapped holes in the Cylinder.
Maintenance Section
16 04614020_ed5
If you are installing a new Gasket, you will have to punch or cut
two holes in it to accommodate the Cylinder Dowels. Do this
by placing the Gasket on the Gasket on the Rear End Plate to
determine the location of the dowel holes. Use a proper size
gasket punch to cut the required dowel holes.
3. Align the dowel holes in the Rear End Plate (3) with Cylinder
Dowels in the Cylinder and, using a plastic hammer, tap the Rear
End Plate into place against the Gasket.
4. Using a sleeve that contacts only the inner ring of the Bearing,
press the Rear Rotor Bearing (6) onto the rotor shaft until it seats
in the bearing recess in the Rear End Plate.
Do not bind the End Plate against the Rotor.
5. Rotate Rotor (4) by hand. It should rotate freely with no binding
or rubbing against the Cylinder. If the Rotor rubs or binds, tap the
top edge of the Rear End Plate with a plastic hammer in the area
midway between the inlet and outlet ports. Tap the End Plate
gently. The Rotor needs only 0.0015 inch (0.038 mm) clearance
from the top of the Cylinder. If the Rotor continues to rub, it may
be contacting the Front End Plate due to pressing on the Rear
Rotor Bearing. Lightly tap the output end of the rotor shaft with
a plastic hammer. The Rotor needs about 0.002 inch (0.05 mm)
clearance between the rotor body and each End Plate.
6. When the Rotor turns freely, install the End Plate Cap Screws (13).
Tighten them to 8 to 10 ft-lb (10.8 to 13.5 Nm).
7. Slip End Cap Gasket (10) over the threaded hub of Rear End
Cap (9) and thread the Rear End Cap into Rear End Plate.
Assembly of the Front End Plate
Support the Motor on the Rear End Plate.
Place an End Plate Gasket on the front face of the Cylinder,
making certain that is properly oriented relative to the Cylinder
Dowels and tapped holes in the Cylinder.
If you are installing a new Gasket, you will have to punch or cut
two holes in it to accommodate the Cylinder Dowels. Do this
by placing the Gasket on the Gasket on the Rear End Plate to
determine the location of the dowel holes. Use a proper size
gasket punch to cut the required dowel holes.
3. Align the dowel holes in the Front End Plate with the Cylinder
Dowels in the Cylinder and, using a plastic hammer, tap the Front
End Plate into place against the Gasket.
4. Using a sleeve that contacts only the inner ring of the Bearing,
press the Front Rotor Bearing (6A) onto rotor shaft until it seats in
the bearing recess in the Front End Plate.
5. Rotate the Rotor by hand. It should rotate freely with no binding
or rubbing against the Cylinder. If the Rotor rubs or binds, tap the
top edge of the Front End Plate with a plastic hammer in the area
midway between the inlet and outlet ports. Tap the End Plate
gently. The Rotor needs only 0.0015 inch (0.038 mm) clearance
from the top of the Cylinder. If the Rotor continues to rub, it may
be contacting the Rear End Plate due to pressing on the Front
Rotor Bearing. Remove the Rear End Cap and lightly tap the end
of the rotor hub with a plastic hammer. The Rotor needs
about 0.002 inch (0.05 mm) clearance between the rotor body
and each End Plate.
6. When the Rotor turns freely, install the Front End Plate Cap
Screws (12). Tighten them to 8 to 10 ft-lb (10.8 to 13.5 Nm).
7. Moisten the lip of a new Rotor Shaft Seal (7) with O-Ring
lubricant, and press the Seal, lip side  rst, into the Front End Plate
until the trailing face of the Seal is  ush with the face of the End
Assembly of the Motor
Position the Rotor vertically on the table of an arbor press so that
the short hub is upward.
Place the Rear End Plate,  at side  rst, on the short hub of the
Place a 0.002 inch (0.05 mm) thick shim on each side of the Rotor
between the rotor body and the Rear End Plate.
Using a sleeve that contacts only the inner ring of the Bearing,
press the Rear Rotor Bearing (6) onto the hub of the Rotor until it
seats in the bearing recess in the Rear End Plate.
Withdraw the shims.
Stand the assembled Rotor and End Plate upright on on the hub
of the Rear End Plate.
Moisten each Vane (5) with  lm of light oil.
Place a Vane, notched side  rst, in each vane slot.
Place an End Plate Gasket on the rear face of the Cylinder, making
certain that it is properly oriented relative to the Cylinder Dowels
and tapped holes in the Cylinder.
If you are installing a new Gasket, you will have to punch or cut
two holes in it to accommodate the Cylinder Dowels. Do this
by placing the Gasket on the Rear End Plate to determine the
location of the dowel holes. Use a proper size gasket punch to
cut the required dowel holes.
10. Slide the assembled Rotor and Rear End Plate into the Cylinder
until the End Plate contacts the Cylinder Dowels.
11. Using a wire hook inserted between the End Plate Cylinder, pull
the rubber band free of the rotor, thus leaving the Vanes, Vane
Springs and Vane Pins trapped in the Cylinder.
12. Align the dowel holes in the Rear End Plate with the Cylinder
Dowels in the Cylinder and, using a plastic hammer, tap the Rear
End Plate into place against the Gasket.
13. Install the Front End Plate as described in Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the
section titled Assembly of the Front End Plate.
14. Rotate the Rotor by hand. It should rotate freely with no binding
or rubbing against the Cylinder. If the Rotor rubs or binds, tap the
top edge of the Rear End Plate with a plastic hammer in the area
midway between the inlet and outlet ports. Tap the End Plates
gently. The Rotor needs only 0.0015 inch (0.038 mm) clearance
from the top of the Cylinder. If the Rotor continues to rub, it may
be contacting the Rear End Plate due to pressing on the Front
Rotor Bearing. Lightly tap the end of the rotor hub with a plastic
hammer. The Rotor needs about 0.002 inch (0.05 mm) clearance
between the rotor body and each End Plate.
15. When the Rotor turns freely, install the End Plate Cap Screws (12)
and tighten them to 8 to 10 ft-lb (10.8 to 13.5 Nm).
16. Install the Rotor Shaft Seal (7) and Front End Cap as described in
Step 7 in the section titled Assembly of the Front End Plate.
17. Install the Rear End Cap (9) as described in Step 7 in the section
titled Assembly of the Rear End Plate.
18. Again, check the Rotor to see that it rotates freely. Make certain it
is rotating freely before connecting the air supply line.
04614020_ed5 17
Troubleshooting Guide
Trouble Probable Cause Solution
Low power or low free speed Low air pressure at the inlet Check air pressure at the inlet. For top performance and
durability of parts, the air pressure must be 90 psig (6.2
bar/620 kPa) at the inlet.
Worn or broken Vanes Install a new set of Vanes.
Improper lubrication or dirt building
up in the Motor
Lubricate as instructed under LUBRICATION. If this does not
help,  ush the Motor as instructed under OPERATION.
Rough operation Worn or broken Rotor Bearings Examine each Bearing. Install new bearing where necessary.
Scoring of End Plates and/or Cylinder Rotor does not have proper clearance Refer to Assembly of Motor section. (Step 16)
Parts and Maintenance
The use of other than genuine Ingersoll Rand replacement parts may result in safety hazards, decreased motor performance, and
increased maintenance, and may invalidate all warranties.
Ingersoll Rand is not responsible for customer modi cation of motors for applications on which Ingersoll Rand was not consulted.
Repairs should be made only by authorized trained personnel. Consult your nearest Ingersoll Rand Authorized Service center.
When the life of the tool has expired, it is recommended that the tool be disassembled, degreased and parts be separated by material so that
they can be recycled.
Manuals can be downloaded from
Refer all communications to the nearest Ingersoll Rand O ce or Distributor.
© 2011 Ingersoll Rand

Transcripción de documentos

04614020 Edition 5 February 2011 Air Motor MRV009, MRV015, MRV040, MRV050 Series Reversible Operation and Maintenance Information EN Operation and Maintenance Information ES Operación y Mantenimiento de Información FR L’utilisation et la Maintenance Informations Save These Instructions EN WARNING General Product Safety Information • Important Safety Information enclosed. • Read and understand this manual before operating this tool. • It is your responsibility to make this safety information available to others that will operate this tool. WARNING Failure to observe the following warnings could result in injury. Placing the Motor in Service • Always install, operate, inspect and maintain this product in accordance with all applicable standards and regulations (local, state, country, federal, etc.). • Always use clean, dry air at 90 psig (6.2 bar/620 kPa) maximum air pressure at the inlet. Higher pressure may result in hazardous situations including excessive speed, rupture, or incorrect output torque or force. • Ensure an accessible emergency shut off valve has been installed in the air supply line, and make others aware of its location. • Do not use damaged, frayed or deteriorated air hoses and fittings. • Always turn off the air supply and disconnect the air supply hose Using the Motor • Always wear eye protection when operating or performing maintenance on this motor. • Always wear hearing protection when operating this motor. • Always use Personal Protective Equipment appropriate to the motor used. This may include dust mask or other breathing apparatus, safety glasses, ear plugs, gloves, apron, safety shoes, hard hat and other equipment. • Keep others a safe distance from your work area, or ensure they use appropriate Personal Protective Equipment. • This motor is not insulated against electric shock. • Keep hands, loose clothing, long hair and jewelry away from motor. before installing, removing or performing any maintenance on this motor. • Do not lubricate with flammable or volatile liquids such as kerosene, diesel or jet fuel. Use only recommended lubricants. • Keep work area clean, uncluttered, ventilated and illuminated. • Do not remove any labels. Replace any damaged label. • Motor and/or accessories may briefly continue their motion after throttle is released. • Do not operate when tired, or under the influence of medication, drugs, or alcohol. • Never use a damaged or malfunctioning motor or accessory. • Do not modify the motor, safety devices, or accessories. • Do not use this motor for purposes other than those recommended. • Use accessories recommended for Ingersoll Rand Products. Safety Symbol Identification Wear Respiratory Protection Wear Eye Protection Wear Hearing Protection Read Manuals Before Operating Products (Dwg. MHP2598) Safety Information - Explanation of Safety Signal DANGER Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. WARNING Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. CAUTION Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury or property damage. NOTICE EN-2 Indicates information or a company policy that relates directly or indirectly to the safety of personnel or protection of property. 04614020_ed5 EN Model Designation Breakout MRV XXX A MRV Series Air Motors Series Shaft/Interface MRV 009 A = Round Shaft With Square Key 015 B = Round Shaft with Woodruff key #3 040 050 C = Round Shaft with Flat on Shaft B5D71 = Round Shaft (14mm) with Square Key* B5D80 = Round Shaft (19mm) with Square Key** B5D90 = Round Shaft (24mm) with Square Key*** * Available on MRV009, MRV015, MRV040 only ** Available on MRV040 only *** Available on MRV050 only Lubrication and Installation Main Line(s) Inner Ø to be 3X Size of Air Tool’s Inlet Ø IR# 10 Lubrication Ingersoll Rand suggests using an air line lubricator with these motors. We recommend a 1/2” Filter-Regulator-Lubricator (FRL) for optimum motor performance and life. Ingersoll Rand Series vanes are made of a special material that does not require lubrication. While we suggest lube for optimum service life, our vanes have been shown to last substantially longer than standard laminate versions. This makes Ingersoll Rand motors a good choice for Food Grade or Clean Room environments where oil is not permitted. Branch Line(s) Inner Ø to be 2X Size of Air Tool’s Inlet Ø To Air System To Air Tool Emergency Shut-Off Valve Lubricator L R Regulator F Filter FRL Drain Regularly Compressor Installation The use of 1/2” Filter, Regulator, Lubricator (FRL), in the air supply line is recommended. Attach the unit as close to the motor as practical. Refer to Air Motor Catalog (“ Components, Equipments and Accessories” Section) for the recommended Ingersoll Rand FRL that can provide optimal performance. (Dwg. TPD905-2) Servicing the Motor Operation NOTICE If the motor operates sluggishly, flush it with a clean, non-toxic, nonflammable commercial solvent in a well ventilated area. To flush the motor: 1. Disconnect the air line and muffler. 2. Pour 6 to 8 cc of solvent into each inlet. 3. Rotate the motor shaft by hand in both directions several times to ensure all internal parts of motor are thoroughly cleaned. 04614020_ed5 4. Apply air pressure to the inlet and slowly increase the air flow until there is no trace of the solvent in the exhaust. 5. After flushing, shut off the air supply and disconnect air supply line. 6. Pour 6 to 8 cc of Ingersoll Rand # 10 motor oil into the air inlet. 7. Reconnect the air supply line, slowly increase the air pressure to ensure all internal parts of motor will be covered with a film of oil. 8. If the motor is still low in power, return motor to your nearest service repair center. EN-3 ES ADVERTENCIA Información general sobre seguridad del producto • Importante información de seguridad adjunta. • Lea este manual y asegúrese de comprenderlo bien antes de utilizar este producto. • Es su responsabilidad poner esta información de seguridad a disposición de quienes vayan a utilizar el producto. ADVERTENCIA El hecho de hacer caso omiso a las advertencias siguientes podría ocasionar lesiones. La colocación del motor en servicio • Instale, utilice, inspeccione y mantenga siempre este producto de acuerdo con todas las regulaciones y normas aplicables (locales, estatales, nacionales, federales, etc.). • Use siempre aire limpio y seco a una presión máxima de 60 psig (4,2 bares/413 kPa) en la entrada de aire del dispositivo. Una presión superior puede redundar en situaciones peligrosas, entre ellas una velocidad excesiva, rotura, o un par o una fuerza de salida incorrectos. • Asegúrese de que la válvula de cierre de emergencia accesible haya sido instalada en la línea de alimentación de aire y ponga su ubicación en conocimiento de los demás. • No utilice mangueras de aire y accesorios dañados, desgastados ni deteriorados. • Corte siempre el suministro de aire y desconecte la manguera de suministro de aire antes de instalar, desmontar o ajustar cualquier accesorio de esta herramienta, o antes de realizar cualquier operación de mantenimiento de la misma. • No lubrique las herramientas con líquidos inflamables o volátiles tales como queroseno, gasoil o combustible para motores a reacción. Use sólo los lubricantes recomendados. • Mantenga la zona de trabajo limpia, despejada, ventilada e iluminada. • No retire ninguna etiqueta. Sustituya cualquier etiqueta dañada. Usando el motor • Use siempre protección ocular cuando utilice o realice operaciones de mantenimiento en este motor. • Use siempre protección para los oídos cuando maneje esta motor. • Utilice siempre el equipo de protección individual que corresponda a la corresponda a la de motor usado. Esto puede incluir una mascarilla contra el polvo u otro aparato de respiración, gafas de seguridad, tapones para los oídos, guantes, delantal, zapatos de seguridad, casco y otros artículos. • Mantenga a los demás a una distancia segura de la zona de trabajo o asegúrese de que utilizan el correspondiente equipo de protección individual. • Este motor no está aislado contra descargas eléctricas. • Mantenga las manos, la ropa suelta, el cabello largo y las alhajas apartados del extremo de trabajo de la motor. • El movimiento de la Motor y / o accesorios puede prolongarse brevemente después de soltarse el mando. • No utilice este producto cuando esté cansado o bajo la influencia de medicamentos, drogas o alcohol. • No utilice nunca un motor o un accesorio dañado o que no funcione correctamente. • No modifique la motor, los dispositivos de seguridad ni los accesorios. • No utilice esta motor para otros fines que no sean los recomendados. • Utilice accesorios recomendados por Ingersoll Rand Productos.Identificación de los símbolos de seguridad Utilice protección respiratoria Utilice protección ocular Utilice protección acústica Lea los manuales antes de utilizar el producto (Dwg. MHP2598) Información de seguridad: Explicación de los mensajes de las señales de seguridad PELIGRO ADVERTENCIA CUIDADO AVISO ES-1 Indica una situación de peligro inminente que, de no evitarse, resultaría en lesiones graves o muerte. Indica una situación potencialmente peligrosa que, de no evitarse, podría resultar en lesiones graves o muerte. Indica una situación potencialmente peligrosa que, de no evitarse, podría producir lesiones de leves a moderadas o daños en la propiedad. Indica información o una política de la empresa directa o indirectamente relacionada con la seguridad del personal o la protección de la propiedad. 04614020_ed5 ES Designación de modelo MRV XXX A MRV Series Motor de Aire Series Eje/Interfaz MRV 009 015 040 050 A = Ronda del eje con la llave cuadrada B = Ronda Eje con Woodruff tecla # 3 C = Ronda de eje con plano en el eje B5D71 = Ronda del eje (14 mm) con la llave cuadrada * B5D80 = Ronda del eje (19 mm) con la llave cuadrada ** B5D90 = Ronda del eje (24 mm) con la llave cuadrada *** * Disponible en MRV009, MRV015, sólo MRV040 ** Disponible en MRV040 sólo *** Disponible en MRV050 sólo Lubricación & Instalación Línea (s) Ø interior que se 3X Tamaño de la entrada de la herramienta Ø Aérea IR# 10 Lubricación Ingersoll Rand sugiere el uso de un lubricante de aire comprimido con estos motores. Se recomienda de 1 / 2 “Filtro-ReguladorLubricador (FRL) para un rendimiento óptimo del motor y la vida. Ingersoll Rand paletas de la serie están hechas de un material especial que no requiere lubricación. Aunque le sugerimos lubricante para una vida útil óptima, nuestro paletas Se ha demostrado que por última considerablemente más que las versiones laminado. Esto hace que Ingersoll Rand motores una buena opción para la alimentación de grado o limpieza en los entornos de la habitación donde el petróleo no está permitido. Para Sistema de aire Para Herramienta de aire Válvula de corte de emergencia R L Lubricante Regulador F Filtro FRL Vacíe regularmente Instalación El uso de 1 / 2 “Filtro, regulador, lubricador (FRL), en la línea de suministro de aire se recomienda. Coloque la unidad lo más cerca del motor como sea posible. Consulte el Catálogo de aire del motor (“Componentes, Equipos y Accesorios” Sección) recomienda para la FRL Ingersoll Rand que puede proporcionar un rendimiento óptimo. Ramal (s) Ø interior que se 2X Tamaño de la entrada de la herramienta Ø Aérea Compresor (Dwg. TPD905-2) Mantenimiento del Motor Funcionamiento AVISO Si el motor funciona lentamente, tirar de la cadena con un paño limpio, no tóxico, no inflamable solvente comercial en un área bien ventilada. Para lavar el motor: 1. Desconecte la línea de aire y silenciador. 2. Vierta 6 a 8 cc de disolvente en cada orificio de salida. 3. Gire el eje del motor con la mano en ambos sentidos varias veces para asegurar que todas las partes internas del motor se limpian a fondo. 4. Aplique presión de aire a la entrada y poco a poco aumentar el flujo de aire hasta que no hay rastro del solvente en el escape. 04614020_ed5 5. Después de lavar, cortar el suministro de aire y desconectar la línea de suministro de aire. 6. Vierta 6 a 8 cc de Ingersoll Rand aceite de motor # 10 en la entrada de aire. 7. Vuelva a conectar la línea de suministro de aire, aumente lentamente la presión del aire para asegurar que todas las partes internas del motor se cubre con una capa de aceite. 8. Si el motor sigue siendo baja en el poder, el motor regresar a su centro de servicio de reparación. ES-2 FR AVERTISSEMENT Informations générales relatives à la sécurité du produit • Des informations de sécurité importantes sont fournies à l’intérieur. • Veuillez lire attentivement ce manuel avant d’utiliser ce l’outil. • Iil vous incombe de transmettre les presentes informations de securite a tous les utilisateurs du l’outil. AVERTISSEMENT Le non respect des avertissements suivants pourra entraîner des blessures. Placer le moteur en service • Installez, utilisez, inspectez et entretenez toujours ce produit conformément à toutes les normes et réglementations en vigueur (locales, nationales, fédérales, européennes, etc.). • Utilisez toujours de l’air propre et sec à une pression maximum de 90 psig (6,2 bar/620 kPa) en entrée. Une pression supérieure peut en effet générer des situations à risques, notamment une vitesse excessive, une rupture ou encore une force ou un couple de sortie inadéquat(e). • Vérifiez qu’un robinet d’arrêt d’urgence accessible a bien été installé dans le circuit d’alimentation d’air et indiquez son emplacement à l’ensemble du personnel. Utilisation du moteur • Portez toujours une protection oculaire lorsque vous utilisez ce moteur ou procédez à sa maintenance. • Portez toujours une protection auditive lors de l’utilisation de cet moteur. • Toujours utiliser des équipements de protection individuelle approprié pour le moteur utilisé. Il peut s’agir de masques anti-poussière ou d’autres dispositifs respiratoires, de lunettes de sécurité, de bouchons anti-bruit, de gants, d’un tablier, de chaussures de sécurité, d’un casque, etc. • Pour des raisons de sécurité, tenir les autres personnes à l’écart de la zone de travail ou vérifier qu’elles ont revêtu les équipements de protection individuelle appropriés. • Ce moteur n’est pas isolé contre les chocs électriques. • N’utilisez pas des flexibles ni des raccords endommagés, effilochés ou détériorés. • Toujours fermer l’alimentation en air et débrancher le tuyau d’alimentation avant d’installer, d’enlever ou de régler tout accessoire sur cet outil, ou avant de procéder à tout entretien. • Ne lubrifiez pas les outils avec des liquides inflammables ou volatils, tels que le kérosène et le gasoil. Utilisez exclusivement les lubrifiants recommandés. • Maintenir le lieu de travail propre, dégagé, aéré et bien éclairé. • Do not remove any labels. Remplacer toutes les étiquettes endommagées. • Maintenez les mains, les vêtements amples, les cheveux et les bijoux à distance de moteur. • Moteurl et/ou les accessoires peuvent continuer à se déplacer brièvement après que la gâchette a été relâchée. • N’utilisez pas à lorsque vous êtes fatigué(e), sous l’effet de médicaments, ou sous l’emprise de drogues ou d’alcool. • N’utilisez jamais un appareil ni un moteur endommagé, ou ne fonctionnant pas correctement. • N’essayez jamais de modifier moteur, les dispositifs de sécurité ni les accessoires. • N’utilisez pas ce moteur à des fins autres que celles recommandées. • Utiliser les accessoires recommandés pour Ingersoll Rand Produits. Identification du Symbole de Sécurité Portez une protection respiratoire Portez une protection oculaire Portez une protection auditive Lisez attentivement les manuels avant d’utiliser le produit (Dwg. MHP2598) Informations de sécurité - Explication des termes des signaux de sécurité DANGER AVERTISSEMENT ATTENTION AVIS FR-2 Signale une situation de danger imminent qui, si elle n’est pas évitée, peut entraîner la mort ou des blessures graves. Signale une situation de danger potentiel qui, si elle n’est pas évitée, peut provoquer la mort ou des blessures graves. Signale une situation de danger potentiel qui, si elle n’est pas évitée, peut provoquer des blessures mineures ou modérées ou des dommages matériels. Signale une information ou une règle de l’entreprise en rapport direct ou indirect avec la sécurité du personnel ou avec la protection des biens. 04614020_ed5 FR Désignation du modèle - Breakout MRV XXX A MRV Series Moteurs pneumatiques Série Arbre / Interface MRV 009 015 040 050 A = Tige ronde avec Square-clés B = Cycle Arbre avec Woodruff clés # 3 C = Cycle Arbre avec plat sur l'arbre B5D71 =Cycle d'arbre (14mm) avec Square-clés * B5D80 = arbre ronde (19mm) avec Square clés ** B5D90 = arbre ronde (24mm) avec Square clés *** * Disponible sur MRV009, MRV015, MRV040 seulement ** Disponible sur MRV040 seulement *** Disponible sur MRV050 seulement Lubrication & Installation IR# 10 Lubrication Ingersoll Rand propose d’utiliser un lubrificateur avec ces moteurs. Nous recommandons une 1 / 2 “Filtre-régulateur-lubrificateur (FRL) pour une performance optimale du moteur et de la vie. IIngersoll Rand aubes de série sont faites d’un matériau spécial qui ne nécessitent pas de lubrification. Alors que nous vous suggérons de lubrifiant pour la durée de vie optimale, nos aubes ont été montré au dernier beaucoup plus long que des versions standard stratifié. Cela rend Ingersoll Rand moteurs un bon choix pour de qualité alimentaire ou Clean Room environnements où le pétrole n’est pas autorisée. La section de la conduite principale doit être 3 fois supérieure à celle de l'alimentation de l'outil pneumatique. La section du conduit de raccordement doit être 2 fois supérieure à celle de l'alimentation de l'outil pneumatique. Vers le système d'air comprimé Vers l'outil pneumatique Vanne d'arrêt d'urgence Lubrificateur R L Régulateur F Filtre FRL Installation L’utilisation de 1 / 2 “Filtre, régulateur, lubrificateur (FRL), dans la ligne d’alimentation en air est recommandé. Fixer l’unité au plus près du moteur en pratique. Reportez-vous à moteur pneumatique Catalogue (composants, équipements et accessoires “) pour le recommandé FRL Ingersoll Rand qui peuvent fournir des performances optimales. Vidangez régulièrement Compresseur (Dwg. TPD905-2) Entretien du moteur Opération AVIS Si le moteur fonctionne lentement, rincez-le avec un chiffon propre, non-toxique, non inflammable commerciale solvant dans un endroit bien aéré. Pour rincer le moteur: 1. Débranchez la conduite d’air et le silencieux. 2. Pour 6 à 8 cc de solvant dans chaque entrée. 3. Tournez l’arbre du moteur à la main dans les deux sens à plusieurs reprises pour s’assurer que toutes les pièces internes du moteur sont nettoyés à fond. 4. Appliquer la pression d’air à l’entrée et à augmenter lentement le débit d’air jusqu’à ce qu’il n’y a pas trace de solvant dans les gaz d’échappement. 04614020_ed5 5. Après le rinçage, couper l’alimentation en air et débrancher le tuyau d’alimentation en air. 6. Pour 6 à 8 cc d Ingersoll Rand # 10 Huile de moteur dans l’entrée d’air. 7. Rebranchez la conduite d’alimentation d’air, augmenter lentement la pression d’air pour assurer toutes les pièces internes du moteur sera recouverte d’une pellicule d’huile. 8. Si le moteur est encore faible en puissance, le moteur revenir à votre centre de service le plus proche de réparation. FR-3 EN Specifications Speed at Free Max. Power Speed * Max Power Series * Starting Torque Stall Torque Air Consumption at Max. Power Weight hp kw rpm rpm lb.-ft. Nm lb.-ft. Nm scfm m3/m lb. kg MRV009 0.88 0.66 3000 7900 1.70 2.30 2.30 3.10 48 1.4 7.50 3.40 MRV015 1.50 1.10 3000 7900 2.60 3.50 4.10 5.60 67 1.9 8.25 3.70 MRV040 3.60 2.70 3000 7900 5.30 7.20 8.70 11.80 120 3.4 16.25 7.40 MRV050 4.80 3.60 2500 7000 10.00 13.60 14.00 19.0 152 4.3 22.50 10.20 ALL models must be operated with sufficient load to prevent speed from exceeding maximum allowable speed shown on performance curve. Performance figures are at 90 psig (620 kPa) air pressure, with muffler installed. Dimension Drawings Model MRV009B5D71 114.3 [4.499] 29.9 [1.178] 4 X Ø 10.0 [.394] 26.3 [1.036] 20.0 [.787] Ø 130.0 [5.118] M6-7H Ø 160.0 [6.299] Ø 110.0 [4.331] 16.00 [.630] 15.00 [.591] Ø 13.5 [.533] 45° 12.3 [.484] 4 X 90° (Motor dimensions with Flange) 15.9 [.626] 63.5 [2.50] 31.75 [1.25] 5.0 Key [.197] REVERSE INLET 2X ¼ “ - 18 NPT FORWARD INLET H Ø 63.6 [2.50] 158.4 [6.235] 15° 15° 4.0 [.157] 102.5 [4.034] Ø 116.0 [4.567] (Motor dimensions with Flange not shown) (Dwg. 21868436) 8 04614020_ed5 EN Model MRV009C 63.5 [2.50] 116.4 [4.582] 31.75 [1.25] FORWARD INLET 72.7 [2.862] REVERSE INLET 2X ¼” - 18 NPT H 15.8 [.622] Ø 85.8 [3.378] 28.52 [1.123] Ø 63.6 [2.50] 15° 158.4 [6.235] 15° Ø 44.45 [1.75] 11.5 [.453] 102.5 [4.034] 4.0 [.157] 25.4 [1.00] Ø 12.7 [.50] M6-6H 3 Places Ø 116.0 [4.567] 8.0 Min [.315] (Dwg. 21868419) Model MRV015A 63.5 [2.50] 158.9 [6.26] 31.75 [1.25] 104.9 [4.13] 4.775 KEY [3⁄16] FORWARD INLET H M6 -6H 3 Places 32.0 [1.26] Ø 85.8 [3.38] 6.37 [161.90] 11.00 Min [.433] REVERSE INLET 2X ¼ “- 18 NPT 1 to 3 mm Gap 46.5 [1.83] Ø 76.2 [3.00] Ø 57.15 17.90 [2.25] [.705] 4.02 [102.00] Ø 15.875 [.625] 30° 30° 4.00 [.16] 50.5 [1.99] Ø 115.0 [4.53] 63.5 [2.50] (Dwg. 04614053) 04614020_ed5 9 EN Model MRV015FB 136.8 [5.39] 82.8 [3.26] 28.6 [1.12] 15.8 [.62] Woodruff Key # 3 REVERSE INLET 2X¼ “-18 NPT FORWARD INLET H 12.30 [.48] 15° 15° 133.0 [5.24] 89.0 [3.50] 63.50 [2.50] 14.2 [.56] Ø 12.7 [.50] M6-6H 3 Holes 8.0 [.31] Ø 7.00 [.28] R 6.0 [.24] 76.00 [2.992] 25.50 [1.004] 25.50 [1.004] 27.00 [1.06] 6.0 [.24] 24.00 [.94] 89.0 [3.50] 127.00 [5.00] (Dwg. 21869573) Model MRV040A 70.0 [2.7559] 204.1 [8.035] 35.0 [1.3780] 124.5 [4.903] 4.775 Key [3⁄16] FORWARD INLET H REVERSE INLET 2X ½ “-14 NPT 63.9 [2.516] 12.0 [.472] M6-6H 3 Holes Ø 76.0 [2.992] 4.8 [.189] 196.25 [7.726] 58.2 [2.291] 30º 30º 125.75 [4.951] 32.0 [1.26] Ø 57.15 17.9 [2.25] [.705] Ø 15.875 [.625] 47.9 [1.886] Ø 104.0 [4.094] Ø 126.0 [4.961] (Dwg. 04686671) 10 04614020_ed5 EN Model MRV040B5D80 191.6 [7.543] 112.0 [4.411] 6.0 Key [.236] Ø 165.0 [6.496] 3.5 [.138] 4 X Ø 11.5 [.453] Holes 36.4 [1.433] 20.0 [.787] 196.25 [7.726] 15.0 [.591] Ø 200.0 [7.874] Ø 130.0 21.5 [5.118] [.846] M6-7H 18 [.709] Ø 19.0 [.748] 45° 45° 15.8 [.622] (Motor dimensions with Flange) 70.0 [2.756] 35.0 [1.378] REVERSE INLET FORWARD INLET H 2 X ½ “ -14 NPT 4.8 [.189] 45° 45° Ø 126.0 [4.961] (Motor dimensions with Flange not shown) (Dwg. 56752520) 04614020_ed5 11 EN Model MRV050A 70.0 [2.756] 150.7 [5.935] 35.0 [1.378] 4.775 [.188] Key FORWARD INLET REVERSE INLET 2X ½”-14 NPT H 12.0 [.472] M6-6H 3 Holes 1 to 3 mm 25.0 [.984] 206.5 [8.130] 5.5 [.217] Ø 80.95 [3.187] 24.35 [.959] 136.0 [5.354] Ø 22.23 [.875] 45° 45° 57.9 [2.279] 93.9 [3.697] Ø 108.0 [4.252] 242.1 [9.531] Ø 142 [5.591] (Dwg. 04686689) Model MRV050B5D90 233.4 [9.189] 143.3 [5.644] 8.0 Key [.315] Ø 12.0 [.472] 4 Holes 32.0 [1.260] Ø 165.0 [6.496] 1 to 3mm gap Ø 200.0 [7.874] Ø 130.0 [5.118] 27.0 [1.063] M8-7H 20.0 [.787] 26.0 [1.024] Ø 24.0 [.945] 46.3 [1.823] 45˚ 3.6 [.142] 45˚ (Motor dimensions with Flange) 16.3 [.642] 70.0 [2.756] 35.0 [1.378] REVERSE INLET 2X ½ “-14 NPT H FORWARD INLET 206.5 [8.130] 5.5 [.217] 136.0 [5.354] Ø142.0 [5.591] (Motor dimensions with Flange not shown) (Dwg. 21868492) 12 04614020_ed5 EN MRV- Series Air Motor - Exploded View 11 8 8 3 1 13 7 6A 12 6 10 9 5 4A 5B 2 5A 4 (Dwg. TPM1002) MRV- Series Air Motor - Parts List Item 1 2 3 4 4A 5 5A 5B 6 6A 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 * * * ** Description Cylinder Front End Plate Rear End Plate Rotor Drive Key Vane (4) Vane Spring (2) Vane Pin (4) Rear Rotor Bearing Front Rotor Bearing Rotor Shaft Seal Gasket (2) Rear End Cap End Cap Gasket Muffler Assembly Front End Plate Cap Screw (6) Rear End Plate Cap Screw (6) Mounting Foot Mounting Flange Not shown Parts not sold separately (only sold in complete Motor or Tune-Up Kit) 04614020_ed5 Part Number ** ** ** ** ** See Service Kits ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** See Service Kits ** ** See Service Kits See Service Kits 13 EN Equipment Options Furnished with Catalogue Models Series MRV009A MRV015A Mounting 2 Hole Face Mount Flange with MRV009B5D71 MRV015A-AH634 Mounting Foot 2 Hole Face Mount Flange with MRV015B5D71 2 Hole Face Mount MRV040A Optional Accessories Muffler Supplied with Motor Flange with MRV040B5D71 MRV015A-AH634 Mounting Foot Flange with MRV040B5D80 MRV050A 2 Hole Face Mount MRV050A-AH640 Mounting Foot Flange with MRV050B5D90 Service Kits (includes illustrated parts 5, 6, 6A, 7, 8 and 10) Model Muffler Assembly Mounting Foot MRV009A MRV015A-AH634 MRV009B MRV015B-AH635 MRV009B5D71 - MRV009C MRV015B-AH635 MRV009F Vane Kit Tune-up Kit SM2AMAN-TK1 SM2AMC-005 SM2AMC-TK1 SM2AMAN-TK1 MRV015A-010-RP MRV015A-AH634 MRV015A SM4AMAN-TK1 MRV015B MRV015B-AH635 MRV015B5D71 - MRV015FB MRV015FB-013 MRV040A MRV015A-AH634 MRV040B5D71 - SM4AMB-005 SM4AMB-TK1 SM6AMA-TK1 MRV040B5D80 MRV050A MRV040A-010-RP SM6AMA-005 - MRV040B5D80-TK1 MRV050A-AH640 SM8AMA-TK1 SM8AMA-005 MRV050B5D90 14 - MRV050B5D90-TK1 04614020_ed5 EN Maintenance Section NOTICE If the motor operates sluggishly, flush it with a clean, non-toxic, nonflammable commercial solvent in a well ventilated area. To flush the motor: 1. Disconnect the air line and muffler. 2. Pour 6 to 8 cc of solvent into each inlet. 3. Rotate the rotor shaft by hand in both directions several times to ensure all internal parts of motor are thoroughly cleaned. 4. Apply air pressure to the inlet and slowly increase the air flow until there is no trace of the solvent in the exhaust. 5. After flushing, shut off the air supply and disconnect air supply line. 6. Pour 6 to 8 cc of a high detergent IR# 10 motor oil into the air inlet. 7. Reconnect the air supply line, slowly increase the air pressure to ensure all internal parts of motor will be covered with a film of oil. 8. If the motor is still low in power, check for damaged vanes or foreign material in the vane slots in the Rotor. Vane Replacement Periodically, check the Vanes for wear. Always replace Vanes in sets, never replace an individual Vane. Vanes life is dependant upon the Speed of the Motor, Operating pressure, Lubrication, and Preventive Manintenance. Periodically, you should check the Vanes for wear, and replace them if the width of the Vane is equal to or less than the replacement width shown below: Model Width of New Vane Width of Replacement Vane MRV009 3/4 inch (19.05 mm) 9/16 inch (14.29 mm) MRV015 3/4 inch (19.05 mm) 9/16 inch (14.29 mm) MRV040 13/16 inch (20.60 mm) 25/32 (19.80 mm) MRV050 29/32 inch (23.00 mm) 57/64 inch (22.60 mm) Always replace Vanes in sets; never replace an individual Vane. Replace Vanes as follows: 1. Disconnect the air line at the motor. 2. Unscrew and remove the Rear End Cap. 3. Unscrew and remove the Rear End Plate Cap Screws. 4. Using a puller, pull the Rear End Plate along with the Rear Rotor Bearing from the motor. 5. Wipe each of the new Vanes to be installed with a thin film of light oil. 6. Orientate the Rotor with one open Vane slot facing down vertically in the Cylinder. 7. Insert Vane into slot with notch facing the center of the Rotor. 8. Rotate the Rotor 90 degrees and repeat the procedure. 9. Repeat the procedure with each Vane. NOTICE The use of other than genuine Ingersoll Rand replacement parts may result in decreased tool performance and increased maintenance, and may invalidate all warranties. WARNING Always wear eye protection when operating or performing maintenance on this motor. Always turn off air supply and disconnect supply hose before installing, removing or adjusting any accessory on this motor, or before performing any maintenance on this motor. Disassembly replace or repair damaged parts. 3. Do not withdraw the Rotor from the Cylinder unless it is absolutely necessary. Vanes can easily be replaced without withdrawing the Rotor. (see “Vane Replacement” section). 4. When grasping a part in a vise, always use leather-covered or copper-covered vise jaws to protect the surface of the part and help prevent distortion. This is particularly true of threaded members and housings. 5. Do not remove any part which is a press fit in or on a subassembly unless the removal of that part is necessary for repairs or replacement. 6. Important: After these motors were assembled at the factory, Cylinder Dowel alignment pins were pressed into the End Plates and Cylinder. During disassembly, these pins will usually remain with the Cylinder. Do not remove them. Disassembly of the Rear End Plate 1. Unscrew and remove the Rear End Cap (9). 2. Unscrew and remove the Rear End Plate Screws (13). 3. Using a puller, pull the Rear End Plate (3) along with the Rear Rotor Bearing (6) from the motor. 4. The Rear Rotor Bearing is a slip fit in the Rear End Plate. Slide or push it from the bearing recess. Disassembly of the Front End Plate 1. Unscrew the Front End Plate Cap Screws (12). 2. Using a puller, pull the Front End Plate (2) along with the Front Rotor Bearing (6A) from the rotor shaft. 3. The Rotor Shaft Seal (7) is pressed into the Front End Plate. Do not remove this Seal unless you have a new Seal on hand. This Seal is always destroyed in the removal process. If you have to remove the Rotor Shaft Seal, pry it out with a large screwdriver. 4. The Front Rotor Bearing is a slip fit in the Front End Plate. Slide or push it from the bearing recess. Removal of the Rotor 1. If the Rotor (4) must be withdrawn from the Cylinder, remove the Rear End Plate as previously described. 2. Unscrew the Front End Plate Cap Screws. 3. Carefully withdraw the assembled Front End Plate and Rotor from the Cylinder. Caution: As you withdraw the Rotor, grasp the rotor body so that the Vanes (5) do not fall out. 4. After withdrawing the Rotor, remove the Vanes. 5. Support the Front End Plate as close to the rotor body as possible, and press the Rotor from the Front Rotor Bearing. Assembly General Instructions 1. Always wipe all parts with a thin film of oil before installing them in the motor. 2. Always press on the inner ring of a ball-type bearing when installing the bearing on a shaft. 3. Always press on the outer ring of a ball-type bearing when pressing the bearing into a bearing recess. 4. Whenever grasping a part in a vise, always use leather-covered or copper-covered vise jaws to protect the surface of the part and help prevent distortion. This is particularly true of threaded members and housings. Assembly of the Rear End Plate 1. Support the Motor on the Front End Plate (2). 2. Place End Plate Gasket (10) on the rear face of the Cylinder (1), making certain that it is properly oriented relative to the Cylinder Dowels and tapped holes in the Cylinder. General Instructions 1. Always disconnect the air line at the motor before attempting any disassembly. 2. Do not disassemble the motor any further than necessary to 04614020_ed5 15 EN NOTICE If you are installing a new Gasket, you will have to punch or cut two holes in it to accommodate the Cylinder Dowels. Do this by placing the Gasket on the Gasket on the Rear End Plate to determine the location of the dowel holes. Use a proper size gasket punch to cut the required dowel holes. 3. Align the dowel holes in the Rear End Plate (3) with Cylinder Dowels in the Cylinder and, using a plastic hammer, tap the Rear End Plate into place against the Gasket. 4. Using a sleeve that contacts only the inner ring of the Bearing, press the Rear Rotor Bearing (6) onto the rotor shaft until it seats in the bearing recess in the Rear End Plate. CAUTION Do not bind the End Plate against the Rotor. 5. Rotate Rotor (4) by hand. It should rotate freely with no binding or rubbing against the Cylinder. If the Rotor rubs or binds, tap the top edge of the Rear End Plate with a plastic hammer in the area midway between the inlet and outlet ports. Tap the End Plate gently. The Rotor needs only 0.0015 inch (0.038 mm) clearance from the top of the Cylinder. If the Rotor continues to rub, it may be contacting the Front End Plate due to pressing on the Rear Rotor Bearing. Lightly tap the output end of the rotor shaft with a plastic hammer. The Rotor needs about 0.002 inch (0.05 mm) clearance between the rotor body and each End Plate. 6. When the Rotor turns freely, install the End Plate Cap Screws (13). Tighten them to 8 to 10 ft-lb (10.8 to 13.5 Nm). 7. Slip End Cap Gasket (10) over the threaded hub of Rear End Cap (9) and thread the Rear End Cap into Rear End Plate. Assembly of the Front End Plate 1. Support the Motor on the Rear End Plate. 2. Place an End Plate Gasket on the front face of the Cylinder, making certain that is properly oriented relative to the Cylinder Dowels and tapped holes in the Cylinder. NOTICE If you are installing a new Gasket, you will have to punch or cut two holes in it to accommodate the Cylinder Dowels. Do this by placing the Gasket on the Gasket on the Rear End Plate to determine the location of the dowel holes. Use a proper size gasket punch to cut the required dowel holes. 3. Align the dowel holes in the Front End Plate with the Cylinder Dowels in the Cylinder and, using a plastic hammer, tap the Front End Plate into place against the Gasket. 4. Using a sleeve that contacts only the inner ring of the Bearing, press the Front Rotor Bearing (6A) onto rotor shaft until it seats in the bearing recess in the Front End Plate. 5. Rotate the Rotor by hand. It should rotate freely with no binding or rubbing against the Cylinder. If the Rotor rubs or binds, tap the top edge of the Front End Plate with a plastic hammer in the area midway between the inlet and outlet ports. Tap the End Plate gently. The Rotor needs only 0.0015 inch (0.038 mm) clearance from the top of the Cylinder. If the Rotor continues to rub, it may be contacting the Rear End Plate due to pressing on the Front Rotor Bearing. Remove the Rear End Cap and lightly tap the end of the rotor hub with a plastic hammer. The Rotor needs about 0.002 inch (0.05 mm) clearance between the rotor body and each End Plate. 6. When the Rotor turns freely, install the Front End Plate Cap Screws (12). Tighten them to 8 to 10 ft-lb (10.8 to 13.5 Nm). 7. Moisten the lip of a new Rotor Shaft Seal (7) with O-Ring lubricant, and press the Seal, lip side first, into the Front End Plate until the trailing face of the Seal is flush with the face of the End Plate. 16 Assembly of the Motor 1. Position the Rotor vertically on the table of an arbor press so that the short hub is upward. 2. Place the Rear End Plate, flat side first, on the short hub of the Rotor. 3. Place a 0.002 inch (0.05 mm) thick shim on each side of the Rotor between the rotor body and the Rear End Plate. 4. Using a sleeve that contacts only the inner ring of the Bearing, press the Rear Rotor Bearing (6) onto the hub of the Rotor until it seats in the bearing recess in the Rear End Plate. 5. Withdraw the shims. 6. Stand the assembled Rotor and End Plate upright on on the hub of the Rear End Plate. 7. Moisten each Vane (5) with film of light oil. 8. Place a Vane, notched side first, in each vane slot. 9. Place an End Plate Gasket on the rear face of the Cylinder, making certain that it is properly oriented relative to the Cylinder Dowels and tapped holes in the Cylinder. NOTICE If you are installing a new Gasket, you will have to punch or cut two holes in it to accommodate the Cylinder Dowels. Do this by placing the Gasket on the Rear End Plate to determine the location of the dowel holes. Use a proper size gasket punch to cut the required dowel holes. 10. Slide the assembled Rotor and Rear End Plate into the Cylinder until the End Plate contacts the Cylinder Dowels. 11. Using a wire hook inserted between the End Plate Cylinder, pull the rubber band free of the rotor, thus leaving the Vanes, Vane Springs and Vane Pins trapped in the Cylinder. 12. Align the dowel holes in the Rear End Plate with the Cylinder Dowels in the Cylinder and, using a plastic hammer, tap the Rear End Plate into place against the Gasket. 13. Install the Front End Plate as described in Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the section titled Assembly of the Front End Plate. 14. Rotate the Rotor by hand. It should rotate freely with no binding or rubbing against the Cylinder. If the Rotor rubs or binds, tap the top edge of the Rear End Plate with a plastic hammer in the area midway between the inlet and outlet ports. Tap the End Plates gently. The Rotor needs only 0.0015 inch (0.038 mm) clearance from the top of the Cylinder. If the Rotor continues to rub, it may be contacting the Rear End Plate due to pressing on the Front Rotor Bearing. Lightly tap the end of the rotor hub with a plastic hammer. The Rotor needs about 0.002 inch (0.05 mm) clearance between the rotor body and each End Plate. 15. When the Rotor turns freely, install the End Plate Cap Screws (12) and tighten them to 8 to 10 ft-lb (10.8 to 13.5 Nm). 16. Install the Rotor Shaft Seal (7) and Front End Cap as described in Step 7 in the section titled Assembly of the Front End Plate. 17. Install the Rear End Cap (9) as described in Step 7 in the section titled Assembly of the Rear End Plate. 18. Again, check the Rotor to see that it rotates freely. Make certain it is rotating freely before connecting the air supply line. 04614020_ed5 EN Troubleshooting Guide Trouble Low power or low free speed Rough operation Probable Cause Solution Low air pressure at the inlet Check air pressure at the inlet. For top performance and durability of parts, the air pressure must be 90 psig (6.2 bar/620 kPa) at the inlet. Worn or broken Vanes Install a new set of Vanes. Improper lubrication or dirt building up in the Motor Lubricate as instructed under LUBRICATION. If this does not help, flush the Motor as instructed under OPERATION. Worn or broken Rotor Bearings Examine each Bearing. Install new bearing where necessary. Scoring of End Plates and/or Cylinder Rotor does not have proper clearance Refer to Assembly of Motor section. (Step 16) Parts and Maintenance NOTICE The use of other than genuine Ingersoll Rand replacement parts may result in safety hazards, decreased motor performance, and increased maintenance, and may invalidate all warranties. Ingersoll Rand is not responsible for customer modification of motors for applications on which Ingersoll Rand was not consulted. Repairs should be made only by authorized trained personnel. Consult your nearest Ingersoll Rand Authorized Service center. When the life of the tool has expired, it is recommended that the tool be disassembled, degreased and parts be separated by material so that they can be recycled. Manuals can be downloaded from Refer all communications to the nearest Ingersoll Rand Office or Distributor. 04614020_ed5 17 Notes: Notes: © 2011 Ingersoll Rand
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Ingersoll-Rand MRV040 Maintenance Information

Maintenance Information
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