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The Bluetooth® work mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such
marks by B&W Group Ltd. is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a
service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Android and Google Play are trademarks of
Google LLC.
Fast Pair
In one tap, Pi7 S2 enables quick, effortless Bluetooth pairing with your
Android* devices.
*Android phones running Marshmallow and above/6.0+.
Les Pi7 S2 permettent un couplage
Bluetooth rapide et sans effort avec vos
appareils Android*.
*Téléphones Android avec Marshmallow 6.0+.
Pi7 S2 ermöglichen eine schnelle und
mühelose Bluetooth-Kopplung mit Ihren
*Android-Handys mit Marshmallow und
höher/6.0 +.
Pi7 S2は、ワンタップで素早く簡単に
Bluetoothペ アリン グが 可 能 に な ります。
*マ シュマロ か / 6.0以上を搭載したAndroid
携帯電話 。
Pi7 S2 permiten el emparejamiento
Bluetooth rápido y sin esfuerzo con sus
dispositivos Android*.
*Teléfonos Android con Marshmallow 6.0+.
Pi7 S2 consentono un accoppiamento
Bluetooth rapido e senza sforzo con i tuoi
dispositivi Android*.
*Compatibile con Android Marshmallow 6.0+.
只需轻轻一按,Pi7 S2即可实现 与Android
设备 快速、轻松的蓝牙配对。