Whirlpool AKR 466 IX WP Program Chart

Campanas de cocina
Program Chart
5019 100 75196
AKR 433-444-445
AKR 453-464-466-467
Mindestabstand zur Kochfläche: 60 cm (Elektrokochplatten), 70 cm
(Gas-, Öl- oder Kohleflammen).
Bei allen Modellen aus Edelstahl mit direkt außen angebrachtem Fettfilter kann
das Absaugitter nicht entfernt werden. Alle Wartungs- und Montagearbeiten, bei
denen ein Zugang zum Inneren der Dunstabzugshaube erforderlich ist, können
unmittelbar nach Entfernung des Fettfilters vorgenommen werden. Es folgt eine
Liste der betreffenden Modelle: (die Zahl zwischen Klammern gibt die letzten 5
Zahlen des 12-Zahlen-Codes auf dem Service-Etikett an) AKR444 IX (22030),
AKR445 IX (01000), AKR453 IX (15040), AKR453 IX (10030), AKR464 IX (01030),
AKR467 IX (29030), AKR466 IX (01030).
Das Gerät darf erst nach erfolgter Installation an die Stromversorgung
angeschlossen werden.
Das Auslassrohr (13 A) wird nicht mitgeliefert und muss gesondert gekauft
Der Stecker der Dunstabzugshaube muss mit einer normgerechten und gut
zugänglichen Steckdose verbunden werden. Wenn die Dunstabzugshaube nicht
mit einem Stecker versehen ist (direkter Netzanschluss), muss ein
normgerechter und gut zugänglicher zweipoliger Schalter eingebaut werden,
dessen Kontakte einen Abstand von mindestens 3 mm aufweisen sollen.
Minimum height above cooker: 60 cm (electric cookers), 70 cm
(gas, gas oil or coal cookers).
STAINLESS STEEL models with externally mounted grease filter feature a
permanently fixed extraction grille; all cleaning and maintenance operations
requiring access to the hood interior should be carried out by removing the
grease filters only. This applies to the following models (the number in brackets
indicates the last 5 figures of the 12-figure code on the Service sticker):
AKR444 IX (22030), AKR445 IX (01000), AKR453 IX (15040), AKR453 IX (10030),
AKR464 IX (01030), AKR467 IX (29030), AKR466 IX (01030).
Do not connect the appliance to the electrical power supply until installation is
The exhaust pipe is not supplied, and should be bought separately.
If the appliance is fitted with a power plug, connect the hood to a socket that
complies with current regulations, located in an easily accessible point. If the
hood is not fitted with a plug (direct connection to the power supply), fit a two-
pole switch in compliance with regulations, with minimum break distance
between contacts of 3 mm (easily accessible).
Distance minimale par rapport à la cuisinière : 60 cm (cuisinière électrique),
70 cm (cuisinière à gaz, mazout ou charbon).
Il est impossible de retirer la grille d'aspiration des modèles INOX avec filtre à
graisses monté directement à l'extérieur : procéder aux opérations de montage
et d'entretien pour lesquelles il est nécessaire d'accéder à l’intérieur de la hotte
en retirant uniquement les filtres à graisses; vous trouverez ci-dessous la liste
des (le nombre entre parenthèses indique les 5 derniers chiffres du code à 12
chiffres présent sur l'autocollant Service) AKR444 IX (22030), AKR445 IX (01000),
AKR453 IX (15040), AKR453 IX (10030), AKR464 IX (01030), AKR467 IX (29030),
AKR466 IX (01030).
Ne branchez pas l'appareil tant que l'installation n'est pas terminée.
Le tuyau d'évacuation n'est pas fourni avec l'appareil et doit être acheté à part.
Si l'appareil est muni d'une fiche, branchez-la dans une prise conforme aux
normes en vigueur, installée dans un endroit facile d'accès. Si la hotte est
dépourvue de fiche (branchement direct sur le réseau), appliquez un interrupteur
bipolaire conforme aux normes, ayant une ouverture minimale de 3 mm entre les
contacts (accessible).
75196.fm5 Page 1 Friday, October 27, 2000 4:26 PM
5019 100 75196
AKR 433-444-445
AKR 453-464-466-467
Minimumafstand tot het kooktoestel: 60 cm (elektrische kooktoestellen), 70 cm
(kooktoestellen op gas, olie of kolen).
Let op!
Bij alle INOX-modellen met een vetfilter die direct op de buitenkant is
gemonteerd, kan het afzuigrooster niet worden verwijderd. Alle montage- en
onderhoudswerkzaamheden die de toegang tot de binnenkant van de kap
vereisen, moeten uitgevoerd worden door slechts de vetfilters te verwijderen.
Hieronder vindt u een lijst met de desbetreffende modellen: (het cijfer tussen
haakjes duidt op de laatste 5 cijfers in de code van 12 tekens die op de zelfklever
van de Dienst staat vermeld) AKR444 IX (22030), AKR445 IX (01000),
AKR453 IX (15040), AKR453 IX (10030), AKR464 IX (01030), AKR467 IX (29030),
AKR466 IX (01030).
Geef het apparaat geen stroom totdat de installatie geheel voltooid is.
De afvoerleiding wordt niet bijgeleverd en dient aangeschaft te worden.
Als het apparaat voorzien is van een stekker, moet de wasemkap worden
aangesloten op een stopcontact dat aan de geldende voorschriften voldoet en op
een goed bereikbare plaats zit. In het geval dat de kap geen stekker heeft (directe
aansluiting op het elektriciteitsnet) dient u een tweepolige schakelaar te
gebruiken met een afstand tussen de contacten van minstens 3 mm, die aan de
geldende voorschriften voldoet (en bereikbaar is).
Distancia mínima desde los fuegos: 60 cm (fuegos eléctricos), 70 cm
(fuegos de gas, gasóleo o carbón).
En los modelos de acero inoxidable con el filtro para grasas montado
directamente en el exterior, la rejilla de aspiración no se extrae. Para efectuar
operaciones de montaje y mantenimiento en el interior de la campana, sólo deben
quitarse los filtros para grasas. Dichos modelos son los siguientes (el número
entre paréntesis indica las 5 últimas cifras del código de 12 cifras que figura en
la pegatina de Servicio) AKR444 IX (22030), AKR445 IX (01000),
AKR453 IX (15040), AKR453 IX (10030), AKR464 IX (01030), AKR467 IX (29030),
AKR466 IX (01030).
No conecte el aparato a la corriente eléctrica hasta que la instalación esté
completamente finalizada.
El tubo de salida no se suministra con la campana y debe comprarse aparte.
Si el aparato está provisto de clavija, conéctela a una toma de corriente conforme
a las normativas vigentes y situada en un lugar accesible. Si la campana carece
de clavija (conexión directa a la red), se debe instalar un interruptor bipolar
homologado con una distancia de apertura de los contactos no inferior a 3 mm y
situado en una posición accesible.
Distância mínima dos fogões: 60 cm (fogões eléctricos), 70 cm
(fogões a gás, óleo ou carbono).
Em todos os modelos INOX com filtro de gordura montado directamente no
exterior não é possível retirar a grelha de aspiração: todas as operações de
montagem e de manutenção que necessitam do acesso ao interior do exaustor
devem ser executadas retirando apenas os filtros de gordura; segue-se uma lista
dos modelos interessados (o número entre parêntesis indica os últimos 5
números do código de 12 números colocado no autocolante de assistência)
AKR444 IX (22030), AKR445 IX (01000), AKR453 IX (15040), AKR453 IX (10030),
AKR464 IX (01030), AKR467 IX (29030), AKR466 IX (01030).
Não ligue o aparelho à corrente eléctrica até a instalação estar concluída.
O tubo de descarga não é fornecido com o aparelho pelo que deve ser adquirido.
Se o aparelho está equipado com uma ficha, ligue o exaustor a uma tomada
conforme as normas em vigor, e coloque-a numa zona acessível. Se o aparelho
não estiver equipado com uma ficha (ligação directa com a rede eléctrica) aplique
um interruptor bipolar segundo as normas com uma distância dos contactos à
abertura não inferior a 3 mm (acessível).
75196.fm5 Page 2 Friday, October 27, 2000 4:26 PM
5019 100 75196
AKR 433-444-445
AKR 453-464-466-467
Distanza minima dai fuochi: 60 cm (fuochi elettrici), 70 cm
(fuochi a gas, gasolio o carbone)
In tutti i modelli con filtro antigrasso montato direttamente all'esterno, non è
possibile rimuovere la griglia di aspirazione: tutte le operazioni di montaggio e
manutenzione che richiedono l'accesso all'interno della cappa vanno eseguite
togliendo solamente i filtri antigrasso; segue la lista dei modelli interessati
(il numero tra parentesi indica le ultime 5 cifre del codice a 12 cifre riportato
sull'adesivo di manutenzione): AKR444 IX (22030), AKR445 IX (01000),
AKR453 IX (15040), AKR453 IX (10030), AKR464 IX (01030), AKR467 IX (29030),
AKR466 IX (01030).
Non dare corrente all’apparecchio finché l’installazione non è totalmente
Il tubo di scarico non è fornito e va acquistato.
Se l’apparecchio è provvisto di spina allacciare la cappa ad una presa conforme
alle norme vigenti posta in zona accessibile. Se l’apparecchio è sprovvisto di
spina (collegamento diretto alla rete) applicare un interruttore bipolare a norme
con una distanza dei contatti in apertura non inferiore a 3 mm (accessibile).
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75196.fm5 Page 3 Friday, October 27, 2000 4:26 PM
5019 100 75196
AKR 433-444-445
AKR 453-464-466-467
Entfernen Sie das Schaumstoffstück vom hinteren
Remove the sponge from the rear outlet!
Retirez la mousse du dispositif d'évacuation
Verwijder de spons uit de afvoer aan de
¡Quite la esponja de la salida posterior!
Retire a esponja do despejo posterior!
Rimuovere la spugna dallo scarico posteriore!
ú202 13 #!.)2 1& ...&"
(F) Umluftversion
(F) Filter Version
(F) Version Filtrante
(F) Model met luchtcirculatie
(F) Versión filtrante
(F) Versão Filtrante
(F) Versione Filtrante
) 2 0..*&1
Carbon filter
Filtre au charbon
Filtro de carbón
Filtro de carbono
Filtro al carbone
-2! 00! *
Dunstabzugsversion (A)
Extractor version (A)
Version aspirante (A)
Model met luchtafvoer naar buiten (A)
Versión aspirante (A)
Versão aspirante (A)
Versione Aspirante (A)
 2 0..&2 #.!.$
75196.fm5 Page 4 Friday, October 27, 2000 4:26 PM
5019 100 75196
AKR 433-444-445
AKR 453-464-466-467
Montage unter einem Hängeschrank
Under cupboard mounting
Fixation sous un élément mural
Bevestiging onder een keukenkastje
Fijación bajo un mueble de pared
Fixação debaixo de um móvel
Fissaggio sotto un pensile
20!&12&.)2 #
Wall mounting
Fixation au mur
Bevestiging aan een wand
Fijación en la pared
Fixação na parede
Fissaggio al muro
20!&1102 $
75196.fm5 Page 5 Friday, October 27, 2000 4:26 PM
5019 100 75196
AKR 433-444-445
AKR 453-464-466-467
1. Control panel
2. Grease filter (positioned behind the extraction
grille, or fitted externally)
3. Lighting unit
Note! The AKR 467 model is designed for use
with 2 x 20W halogen bulbs.
Removing and washing the grease
1. Unplug the appliance or disconnect the mains
power supply.
2. For models with the grease filter located
behind the extraction grille:
- Open the extractor grille.
- Press the buttons (Fig. 1a-b-c, Fig. 2d) to
release the grille, all the time supporting it
to prevent it from falling.
- Remove the device securing the grease
filter (Fig. 3e, Fig. 4f).
- Remove the dirty grease filter (Fig. 4g).
For models with the grease filter located
- Pull the handles back (Fig. 5h), and then
downwards (Fig. 5i).
3. After cleaning the grease filter refit in reverse
order, making sure the entire extraction
surface is covered. Wash the extraction grille
(where provided) with hot soapy water.
AKR 433 - 444
A. Light ON/OFF
B. Rotating switch for
extraction speed
selection, 3 settings
for models AKR433
andAKR445, 3
settings plus
intensive speed for
model AKR444.
AKR 453 - 464
AKR 466 - 467
C. Light ON/OFF switch
(models AKR453 and
AKR464 feature two
light functions:
Soft light: press once.
Bright light: press
Press again to switch
off the light).
D. Motor ON/OFF
E. Extraction speed
increase button, 3
settings for model
AKR453, 3 settings
plus intensive speed for
F. Extraction speed
decrease button.
FIG. 1
FIG. 2
FIG. 5
FIG. 3
FIG. 4
75196.fm5 Page 9 Friday, October 27, 2000 4:26 PM
5019 100 75196
AKR 433-444-445
AKR 453-464-466-467
Active carbon filter maintenance:
The active carbon filter for this unit is made of
a spongy material, and should be washed
every two months under normal working
Wash the carbon filter by hand or in a dishwasher
at 65° C using a suitable detergent (be careful not
to damage its cloth covering). Gently remove
excess water, then dry in an oven at a constant
temperature of 100° C for 10 minutes.
The filter can be washed together with the plastic
frame which secures it in place.
Replace the carbon filter every 2 years.
1. Unplug the appliance or disconnect the mains
power supply.
2. Models with extraction grille
- Open the extractor grille.
- Press the buttons (Fig. 1a-b-c, Fig. 2d) to
release the grille, all the time supporting it
to prevent it from falling.
- Fitting: Fit the active carbon filter (Fig. 6j)
over the extraction grill (Fig. 6k - bayonet
fitting), the arrow (Fig. 6l) printed on the
carbon filter should align with the arrow on
the fan shroud (Fig. 6m). Turn clockwise.
- Removing: Turn the active carbon filter
anti-clockwise to release it from its seat.
Models with an external grease filter
- Open the grease filters.
- Pull the handles back (Fig. 5h), and then
downwards (Fig. 5i).
- Fit the rectangular active carbon filters over
the rear section of the grease filters and
secure them in place using the four small
metal rods (two per filter) supplied with the
carbon filters (Fig. 7).
3. Refit the extractor grille.
Replacing bulbs
1. Unplug the appliance or disconnect the mains
power supply.
2. Open the extractor grille.
Press the buttons (Fig. 1a-b-c, Fig. 2d) to
release it, all the time holding the grille to
prevent it from falling.
3. Remove the burnt-out buln.
Replace using 40W max E14 (Fig. 8) or PL
11W bulbs only (Fig. 9).
4. Refit the extractor grille.
Replacing the halogen bulbs
1. Unplug the appliance or disconnect the mains
power supply.
Using a screwdriver or other suitable tool,
prise off the lampcover (Fig. 10).
2. Remove the burnt-out bulb.
Replace using 20W max halogen bulbs only
(Fig. 10) taking care not to touch them with
your hands.
3. Replace the lamp cover so that it clicks into
FIG. 6
FIG. 7
FIG. 8
FIG. 9
FIG. 10
75196.fm5 Page 10 Friday, October 27, 2000 4:26 PM

Transcripción de documentos

75196.fm5 Page 1 Friday, October 27, 2000 4:26 PM AKR 433-444-445 AKR 453-464-466-467 D INSTALLATIONSANGABEN UND ALLGEMEINE HINWEISE Mindestabstand zur Kochfläche: 60 cm (Elektrokochplatten), 70 cm (Gas-, Öl- oder Kohleflammen). Achtung! Bei allen Modellen aus Edelstahl mit direkt außen angebrachtem Fettfilter kann das Absaugitter nicht entfernt werden. Alle Wartungs- und Montagearbeiten, bei denen ein Zugang zum Inneren der Dunstabzugshaube erforderlich ist, können unmittelbar nach Entfernung des Fettfilters vorgenommen werden. Es folgt eine Liste der betreffenden Modelle: (die Zahl zwischen Klammern gibt die letzten 5 Zahlen des 12-Zahlen-Codes auf dem Service-Etikett an) AKR444 IX (22030), AKR445 IX (01000), AKR453 IX (15040), AKR453 IX (10030), AKR464 IX (01030), AKR467 IX (29030), AKR466 IX (01030). Das Gerät darf erst nach erfolgter Installation an die Stromversorgung angeschlossen werden. Das Auslassrohr (13 A) wird nicht mitgeliefert und muss gesondert gekauft werden. Der Stecker der Dunstabzugshaube muss mit einer normgerechten und gut zugänglichen Steckdose verbunden werden. Wenn die Dunstabzugshaube nicht mit einem Stecker versehen ist (direkter Netzanschluss), muss ein normgerechter und gut zugänglicher zweipoliger Schalter eingebaut werden, dessen Kontakte einen Abstand von mindestens 3 mm aufweisen sollen. GB INSTALLATION SHEET AND GENERAL PRECAUTIONS Minimum height above cooker: 60 cm (electric cookers), 70 cm (gas, gas oil or coal cookers). Warning! STAINLESS STEEL models with externally mounted grease filter feature a permanently fixed extraction grille; all cleaning and maintenance operations requiring access to the hood interior should be carried out by removing the grease filters only. This applies to the following models (the number in brackets indicates the last 5 figures of the 12-figure code on the Service sticker): AKR444 IX (22030), AKR445 IX (01000), AKR453 IX (15040), AKR453 IX (10030), AKR464 IX (01030), AKR467 IX (29030), AKR466 IX (01030). Do not connect the appliance to the electrical power supply until installation is completed. The exhaust pipe is not supplied, and should be bought separately. If the appliance is fitted with a power plug, connect the hood to a socket that complies with current regulations, located in an easily accessible point. If the hood is not fitted with a plug (direct connection to the power supply), fit a twopole switch in compliance with regulations, with minimum break distance between contacts of 3 mm (easily accessible). F FICHE D'INSTALLATION ET RECOMMANDATIONS GÉNÉRALES  Distance minimale par rapport à la cuisinière : 60 cm (cuisinière électrique), 70 cm (cuisinière à gaz, mazout ou charbon). Attention! Il est impossible de retirer la grille d'aspiration des modèles INOX avec filtre à graisses monté directement à l'extérieur : procéder aux opérations de montage et d'entretien pour lesquelles il est nécessaire d'accéder à l’intérieur de la hotte en retirant uniquement les filtres à graisses; vous trouverez ci-dessous la liste des (le nombre entre parenthèses indique les 5 derniers chiffres du code à 12 chiffres présent sur l'autocollant Service) AKR444 IX (22030), AKR445 IX (01000), AKR453 IX (15040), AKR453 IX (10030), AKR464 IX (01030), AKR467 IX (29030), AKR466 IX (01030). Ne branchez pas l'appareil tant que l'installation n'est pas terminée. Le tuyau d'évacuation n'est pas fourni avec l'appareil et doit être acheté à part. Si l'appareil est muni d'une fiche, branchez-la dans une prise conforme aux normes en vigueur, installée dans un endroit facile d'accès. Si la hotte est dépourvue de fiche (branchement direct sur le réseau), appliquez un interrupteur bipolaire conforme aux normes, ayant une ouverture minimale de 3 mm entre les contacts (accessible). 5019 100 75196 75196.fm5 Page 2 Friday, October 27, 2000 4:26 PM AKR 433-444-445 AKR 453-464-466-467 NL INSTALLATIEKAART EN ALGEMENE WAARSCHUWINGEN Minimumafstand tot het kooktoestel: 60 cm (elektrische kooktoestellen), 70 cm (kooktoestellen op gas, olie of kolen). Let op! Bij alle INOX-modellen met een vetfilter die direct op de buitenkant is gemonteerd, kan het afzuigrooster niet worden verwijderd. Alle montage- en onderhoudswerkzaamheden die de toegang tot de binnenkant van de kap vereisen, moeten uitgevoerd worden door slechts de vetfilters te verwijderen. Hieronder vindt u een lijst met de desbetreffende modellen: (het cijfer tussen haakjes duidt op de laatste 5 cijfers in de code van 12 tekens die op de zelfklever van de Dienst staat vermeld) AKR444 IX (22030), AKR445 IX (01000), AKR453 IX (15040), AKR453 IX (10030), AKR464 IX (01030), AKR467 IX (29030), AKR466 IX (01030). Geef het apparaat geen stroom totdat de installatie geheel voltooid is. De afvoerleiding wordt niet bijgeleverd en dient aangeschaft te worden. Als het apparaat voorzien is van een stekker, moet de wasemkap worden aangesloten op een stopcontact dat aan de geldende voorschriften voldoet en op een goed bereikbare plaats zit. In het geval dat de kap geen stekker heeft (directe aansluiting op het elektriciteitsnet) dient u een tweepolige schakelaar te gebruiken met een afstand tussen de contacten van minstens 3 mm, die aan de geldende voorschriften voldoet (en bereikbaar is). E FICHA DE INSTALACIÓN Y ADVERTENCIAS GENERALES Distancia mínima desde los fuegos: 60 cm (fuegos eléctricos), 70 cm (fuegos de gas, gasóleo o carbón). ¡Atención! En los modelos de acero inoxidable con el filtro para grasas montado directamente en el exterior, la rejilla de aspiración no se extrae. Para efectuar operaciones de montaje y mantenimiento en el interior de la campana, sólo deben quitarse los filtros para grasas. Dichos modelos son los siguientes (el número entre paréntesis indica las 5 últimas cifras del código de 12 cifras que figura en la pegatina de Servicio) AKR444 IX (22030), AKR445 IX (01000), AKR453 IX (15040), AKR453 IX (10030), AKR464 IX (01030), AKR467 IX (29030), AKR466 IX (01030). No conecte el aparato a la corriente eléctrica hasta que la instalación esté completamente finalizada. El tubo de salida no se suministra con la campana y debe comprarse aparte. Si el aparato está provisto de clavija, conéctela a una toma de corriente conforme a las normativas vigentes y situada en un lugar accesible. Si la campana carece de clavija (conexión directa a la red), se debe instalar un interruptor bipolar homologado con una distancia de apertura de los contactos no inferior a 3 mm y situado en una posición accesible. P FICHA DE INSTALAÇÃO E ADVERTÊNCIAS GERAIS 5019 100 75196  Distância mínima dos fogões: 60 cm (fogões eléctricos), 70 cm (fogões a gás, óleo ou carbono). Atenção! Em todos os modelos INOX com filtro de gordura montado directamente no exterior não é possível retirar a grelha de aspiração: todas as operações de montagem e de manutenção que necessitam do acesso ao interior do exaustor devem ser executadas retirando apenas os filtros de gordura; segue-se uma lista dos modelos interessados (o número entre parêntesis indica os últimos 5 números do código de 12 números colocado no autocolante de assistência) AKR444 IX (22030), AKR445 IX (01000), AKR453 IX (15040), AKR453 IX (10030), AKR464 IX (01030), AKR467 IX (29030), AKR466 IX (01030). Não ligue o aparelho à corrente eléctrica até a instalação estar concluída. O tubo de descarga não é fornecido com o aparelho pelo que deve ser adquirido. Se o aparelho está equipado com uma ficha, ligue o exaustor a uma tomada conforme as normas em vigor, e coloque-a numa zona acessível. Se o aparelho não estiver equipado com uma ficha (ligação directa com a rede eléctrica) aplique um interruptor bipolar segundo as normas com uma distância dos contactos à abertura não inferior a 3 mm (acessível). 75196.fm5 Page 3 Friday, October 27, 2000 4:26 PM AKR 433-444-445 AKR 453-464-466-467 I SCHEDA INSTALLAZIONE E AVVERTENZE GENERALI Distanza minima dai fuochi: 60 cm (fuochi elettrici), 70 cm (fuochi a gas, gasolio o carbone) Attenzione! In tutti i modelli con filtro antigrasso montato direttamente all'esterno, non è possibile rimuovere la griglia di aspirazione: tutte le operazioni di montaggio e manutenzione che richiedono l'accesso all'interno della cappa vanno eseguite togliendo solamente i filtri antigrasso; segue la lista dei modelli interessati (il numero tra parentesi indica le ultime 5 cifre del codice a 12 cifre riportato sull'adesivo di manutenzione): AKR444 IX (22030), AKR445 IX (01000), AKR453 IX (15040), AKR453 IX (10030), AKR464 IX (01030), AKR467 IX (29030), AKR466 IX (01030). Non dare corrente all’apparecchio finché l’installazione non è totalmente completata. Il tubo di scarico non è fornito e va acquistato. Se l’apparecchio è provvisto di spina allacciare la cappa ad una presa conforme alle norme vigenti posta in zona accessibile. Se l’apparecchio è sprovvisto di spina (collegamento diretto alla rete) applicare un interruttore bipolare a norme con una distanza dei contatti in apertura non inferiore a 3 mm (accessibile).  GR ù üùü+ ù ù ùþ ùÿ+üÿ üüÿûÿóüÿ ü$12.Œ)12.1.Œ)2"0120" FP 02!"0120"  FP 0120" .0! #Œ02!0. #0! #  ! 1 $ û00../*.2 ..3.!10202!...!!)31"12. 2.,12;0 32! .Œ2 Œ 02 .Œ0#0."12 0&20!)Œ! 02012"0!.10" 2 Œ 21".1#2!1".2" Œ 0".Œ.202.Œ!)1.112  01&20!)2 #.Œ !! 32!..3.!+2.") 2.32!..Œù  #0 .2  "2& 2& .!)"12"Œ.!010"..3!02.12. 200#2..%3.2 #&/ *%3&Œ #!102.12 .#2 )2 2 # !" $.5,;  $.5,;  $.5,;   $.5,;  $.5,;  $.5,;  $.5,;   2! 3 / 2020002!)!0*.21#10#Œ!2  !&12" 0.212.1" 1&.".Œ.&"/0/.202.02 .Œ !! 32!..Œ!Œ0. .Œ 20$&!12 ù .Œ !! 32!."/.203"1#/1202 0Œ!.102&. 1+ Œ #!102.10Œ! 1Œ01 10 ü .Œ !! 32!."/0/.203" .Œ0#0."1*/0102 /2# 2 Œ 02120./Œ )/.)Œ210 2&. 1+00$12  .02.*2&0Œ.3+ PP 10Œ! 1Œ01 10  5019 100 75196 75196.fm5 Page 4 Friday, October 27, 2000 4:26 PM AKR 433-444-445 AKR 453-464-466-467 Dunstabzugsversion (A) Extractor version (A) Version aspirante (A) Model met luchtafvoer naar buiten (A) Versión aspirante (A) Versão aspirante (A) Versione Aspirante (A)  2 0.Œ.&2 #.!. $ Entfernen Sie das Schaumstoffstück vom hinteren Luftauslass! Remove the sponge from the rear outlet! Retirez la mousse du dispositif d'évacuation arrière! Verwijder de spons uit de afvoer aan de achterkant! ¡Quite la esponja de la salida posterior! Retire a esponja do despejo posterior! Rimuovere la spugna dallo scarico posteriore! ú202 13 #!.Œ)2 Œ1& ..Œ.&" (F) Umluftversion (F) Filter Version (F) Version Filtrante (F) Model met luchtcirculatie (F) Versión filtrante (F) Versão Filtrante (F) Versione Filtrante )  2 0..*&1 5019 100 75196  Kohlefilter Carbon filter Filtre au charbon Koolstoffilter Filtro de carbón Filtro de carbono Filtro al carbone -2! 00! * !.. 75196.fm5 Page 5 Friday, October 27, 2000 4:26 PM AKR 433-444-445 AKR 453-464-466-467 Montage unter einem Hängeschrank Under cupboard mounting Fixation sous un élément mural Bevestiging onder een keukenkastje Fijación bajo un mueble de pared Fixação debaixo de um móvel Fissaggio sotto un pensile 20!&12&.Œ)2 #Œ Wandmontage Wall mounting Fixation au mur Bevestiging aan een wand Fijación en la pared Fixação na parede Fissaggio al muro 20!&1102 $ ABZUGSHAUBE EXTRACTOR ASPIRANTE LUCHTAFVOER NAAR BUITEN ASPIRANTE ASPIRANTE ASPIRANTE üùù+ +þ  ùüù  ABZUGSHAUBE EXTRACTOR ASPIRANTE LUCHTAFVOER NAAR BUITEN ASPIRANTE ASPIRANTE ASPIRANTE üùù+ +þ  ùüù 5019 100 75196 75196.fm5 Page 9 Friday, October 27, 2000 4:26 PM AKR 433-444-445 AKR 453-464-466-467 PRODUCT SHEET CONTROL PANEL 1. Control panel 2. Grease filter (positioned behind the extraction grille, or fitted externally) 3. Lighting unit Note! The AKR 467 model is designed for use with 2 x 20W halogen bulbs. Removing and washing the grease filters: 1. Unplug the appliance or disconnect the mains power supply. 2. For models with the grease filter located behind the extraction grille: - Open the extractor grille. - Press the buttons (Fig. 1a-b-c, Fig. 2d) to release the grille, all the time supporting it to prevent it from falling. - Remove the device securing the grease filter (Fig. 3e, Fig. 4f). - Remove the dirty grease filter (Fig. 4g). For models with the grease filter located externally: - Pull the handles back (Fig. 5h), and then downwards (Fig. 5i). 3. After cleaning the grease filter refit in reverse order, making sure the entire extraction surface is covered. Wash the extraction grille (where provided) with hot soapy water. AKR 433 - 444 AKR 453 - 464 AKR 466 - 467 A. Light ON/OFF switch. B. Rotating switch for extraction speed selection, 3 settings for models AKR433 andAKR445, 3 settings plus intensive speed for model AKR444. C. Light ON/OFF switch (models AKR453 and AKR464 feature two light functions: Soft light: press once. Bright light: press twice. Press again to switch off the light). D. Motor ON/OFF switch. E. Extraction speed increase button, 3 settings for model AKR453, 3 settings plus intensive speed for models AKR464-466-467. F. Extraction speed decrease button. FIG. 3 FIG. 2 FIG. 1  FIG. 4 5019 100 75196 FIG. 5 D GB F NL E P I GR 75196.fm5 Page 10 Friday, October 27, 2000 4:26 PM AKR 433-444-445 AKR 453-464-466-467 Active carbon filter maintenance: . The active carbon filter for this unit is made of a spongy material, and should be washed every two months under normal working conditions. Wash the carbon filter by hand or in a dishwasher at 65° C using a suitable detergent (be careful not to damage its cloth covering). Gently remove excess water, then dry in an oven at a constant temperature of 100° C for 10 minutes. The filter can be washed together with the plastic frame which secures it in place. Replace the carbon filter every 2 years. 1. Unplug the appliance or disconnect the mains power supply. 2. Models with extraction grille - Open the extractor grille. - Press the buttons (Fig. 1a-b-c, Fig. 2d) to release the grille, all the time supporting it to prevent it from falling. - Fitting: Fit the active carbon filter (Fig. 6j) over the extraction grill (Fig. 6k - bayonet fitting), the arrow (Fig. 6l) printed on the carbon filter should align with the arrow on the fan shroud (Fig. 6m). Turn clockwise. - Removing: Turn the active carbon filter anti-clockwise to release it from its seat. FIG. 6 Models with an external grease filter - Open the grease filters. - Pull the handles back (Fig. 5h), and then downwards (Fig. 5i). - Fit the rectangular active carbon filters over the rear section of the grease filters and secure them in place using the four small metal rods (two per filter) supplied with the carbon filters (Fig. 7). 3. Refit the extractor grille. Replacing bulbs 5019 100 75196 D GB F NL FIG. 7 FIG. 8 FIG. 9 FIG. 10 E P I GR  (AKR433-444-445-453-464-466) 1. Unplug the appliance or disconnect the mains power supply. 2. Open the extractor grille. Press the buttons (Fig. 1a-b-c, Fig. 2d) to release it, all the time holding the grille to prevent it from falling. 3. Remove the burnt-out buln. Replace using 40W max E14 (Fig. 8) or PL 11W bulbs only (Fig. 9). 4. Refit the extractor grille. Replacing the halogen bulbs (AKR467 only) 1. Unplug the appliance or disconnect the mains power supply. Using a screwdriver or other suitable tool, prise off the lampcover (Fig. 10). 2. Remove the burnt-out bulb. Replace using 20W max halogen bulbs only (Fig. 10) taking care not to touch them with your hands. 3. Replace the lamp cover so that it clicks into position.
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Whirlpool AKR 466 IX WP Program Chart

Campanas de cocina
Program Chart