Yamaha V1 Manual de usuario

Manual de usuario

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PM5D system software V1.10 includes the following changes and additions relative to V1.04 (changes in V1.05 are also included).
Use ENCODER [ON] keys to turn phan-
tom power (+48V) on/off
A “USE ENCODER-ON AS +48V” option has been added
to the PREFERENCE 1 screen. If this option is on, and HA
(head amp input sensitivity) is selected as the encoder
mode, you can use the ENCODER [ON] key located above
each encoder to turn phantom power supply (+48V) on/off.
Switch parameter value indication on/
off in the Name display
added to the PREFERENCE 2 screen. In V1.04 and earlier,
operating the fader or encoder (pan setting) of each chan-
nel caused the name display to show the value of that
parameter. In V1.05 and later, turning the “ENCODER
VALUE” and “FADER VALUE” options off will prevent the
respective parameter value from appearing when you oper-
ate the fader or encoder.
Select the monitor source from the
When selecting a monitor source from the panel in V1.04 or
earlier, you could simultaneously select one source from
[2TR A1]–[2TR D3] or [DEFINE] and one source from
[STEREO A]/[STEREO B] (including LCR), for a maxi-
mum total of two sources. In V1.05 and later, turning on
one key will turn off the other keys, allowing you to select a
single monitor source more rapidly. If you want to select
two sources simultaneously (as in V1.04 and earlier), press
the corresponding panel keys simultaneously, or use the
MONITOR screen.
HA follows Recall Safe on/off operations
A new SAFE KEY MODE SELECT section has been added
to the RECALL SAFE screen. If you turn on the HA+CH
button, using the [RECALL SAFE] key of the panel or the
RECALL SAFE button in the CH VIEW screen (INPUT
VIEW function) to turn Recall Safe on/off will now also
turn on/off the Recall Safe setting for the HA patched to the
corresponding channel. If the CH button is on, the HA
Recall Safe setting will not be linked.
DCA group name Recall Safe and Selec-
tive Recall can be switched on/off
A new WITH NAME button has been added to the DCA
area of the RECALL SAFE screen and SELECTIVE RECALL
screen. This allows you to exclude just the DCA group name
from DCA group Recall Safe and Selective Recall. If the
WITH NAME button is on, Recall Safe and Selective Recall
will apply to the DCA group names of DCA groups for
which these functions are on. If the WITH NAME button is
off, DCA group names are excluded from Recall Safe and
Selective Recall.
Support for the Y96K card (from V1.10)
A PLUG-IN screen has been added to the EFFECT func-
tion. Also, PLUGIN parameters have been added to the
the SCENE function. These additions are in order to sup-
port the Y96K card that will become available in the near
future from the Waves Corporation. For details on opera-
tion, refer to the owner’s manual for the Y96K.
Please note that the Y96K card will operate as follows.
Data will be stored/recalled as scene data, but the Undo
function is not supported.
If you power-off and then power-on the PM5D, con-
ventional scene data will be in the same state as when
PM5D V1.10 Supplementary Manual
PM5D V1.10_E Page 1 Wednesday, October 27, 2004 9:15 AM
you powered-off, but the Y96K will be in the state that
was last stored or recalled.
If you recall a scene that produces a major change in the
settings of the Y96K, the settings of the Y96K will change
several seconds after recall occurs on the PM5D. If you
want the timing of the change to be synchronized, use
the FADE TIME screen to specify a START OFFSET.
Do not perform scene store/recall operations in the
Y96K’s update waiting screen. If you do so, the screen
will become inoperable for up to 30 seconds.
The Scene Store operation saves the Y96K settings in the
PM5D. If you executed Scene Store while the Y96K had
previously been installed, and then once again store the
scene with the Y96K not installed, the previous Y96K
settings will remain. If a scene has never been stored
while the Y96K is installed, recalling that scene with the
Y96K installed will not affect the Y96K in any way.
In PREVIEW mode, the PLUG-IN screen does not dis-
play the Y96K status.
MIDI EVENT etc. data now maintained
during scene recall
TRANSPORT data included in a scene is now maintained
when a scene recall occurs. This means that if you store a
recalled scene into another scene, this data will be stored as
it was when recalled.
DME series monitor source selection and
A MONITOR button and monitor source select button have
been added to the DME CONTROL screen. When you click
the monitor source select button ( ), the MONITOR
POINT SELECT window will appear, letting you select the
DME series unit monitor source. If the MONITOR button
is on, the EXTERNAL CUE indicator in the upper part of
the display will turn on, and the monitor signal of the DME
series unit will be sent to the PM5D’s CUE bus.
Before turning on the MONITOR button, you must select the
same port as the monitor output on the DME series unit and
as the monitor input for the PM5D. To specify the DME series
unit monitor output, use the “Monitor Out” dialog box of DME
Designer, accessed by [Tools] menu
[Monitor]. To specify
the PM5D monitor input, use the MONITOR PORT field on the
SETUP page of the DME CONTROL screen.
Newly added bulk dump data types
The following data types can now be handled by bulk dump.
SETUP data compatibility
SETUP data created on system software V1.05 or later can-
not be loaded into a system that’s running V1.03 or earlier.
However, SETUP data created on system software V1.03 or
earlier can be loaded by a system that’s running V1.05 or
Scene data compatibility (from V1.10)
In conjunction with Y96K card support, compatibility of
ORY with LINKED LIBRARY) has been changed as follows.
Scene data created with system software V1.10 or later can-
not be loaded into a system running V1.04 or earlier.
However, scene data created on a system running V1.04 or
earlier can be loaded into a system running V1.10 or later.
In this case, the Y96K settings will remain as they were prior
to loading. If you save this data on a system running V1.10
or later, the data size will increase by the amount required
for Y96K support.
A note regarding scenes/libraries imme-
diately after system startup
After the system is started up, the PM5D takes several min-
utes to transfer scene/library data within internal memory.
(The time required depends on the amount of data.) This
means that the following restrictions apply during this time.
You can’t execute the PASTE button in the GLOBAL
PASTE screen.
You can’t execute the scene memory UNDO function.
Scene memory recall will take a bit of time.
Support for Studio Manager (PM5D Edi-
tor) (from V1.10)
Now you can use the included Studio Manager application
software to control the PM5D. For details on Studio Man-
ager, refer to the Studio Manager installation guide.
Data name
Data Number
tx/rx Function
(Current Data)
Surround Setting
& Request
(Current Data)
User Defined Keys
& Request
(Current Data)
MIDI Remote &
(Current Data)
Fader Mode &
U.R.G., Pro Audio & Digital Musical Instrument Division, Yamaha Corporation
© 2004 Yamaha Corporation
PM5D V1.10_E Page 2 Wednesday, October 27, 2004 9:15 AM

Transcripción de documentos

PM5D V1.10_E Page 1 Wednesday, October 27, 2004 9:15 AM PM5D V1.10 Supplementary Manual PM5D system software V1.10 includes the following changes and additions relative to V1.04 (changes in V1.05 are also included). Use ENCODER [ON] keys to turn phantom power (+48V) on/off A “USE ENCODER-ON AS +48V” option has been added to the PREFERENCE 1 screen. If this option is on, and HA (head amp input sensitivity) is selected as the encoder mode, you can use the ENCODER [ON] key located above each encoder to turn phantom power supply (+48V) on/off. Switch parameter value indication on/ off in the Name display HA follows Recall Safe on/off operations A new SAFE KEY MODE SELECT section has been added to the RECALL SAFE screen. If you turn on the HA+CH button, using the [RECALL SAFE] key of the panel or the RECALL SAFE button in the CH VIEW screen (INPUT VIEW function) to turn Recall Safe on/off will now also turn on/off the Recall Safe setting for the HA patched to the corresponding channel. If the CH button is on, the HA Recall Safe setting will not be linked. A “CHANNEL NAME NUMERIC DISPLAY” field has been added to the PREFERENCE 2 screen. In V1.04 and earlier, operating the fader or encoder (pan setting) of each channel caused the name display to show the value of that parameter. In V1.05 and later, turning the “ENCODER VALUE” and “FADER VALUE” options off will prevent the respective parameter value from appearing when you operate the fader or encoder. DCA group name Recall Safe and Selective Recall can be switched on/off Select the monitor source from the panel When selecting a monitor source from the panel in V1.04 or earlier, you could simultaneously select one source from [2TR A1]–[2TR D3] or [DEFINE] and one source from [STEREO A]/[STEREO B] (including LCR), for a maximum total of two sources. In V1.05 and later, turning on one key will turn off the other keys, allowing you to select a single monitor source more rapidly. If you want to select two sources simultaneously (as in V1.04 and earlier), press the corresponding panel keys simultaneously, or use the MONITOR screen. A new WITH NAME button has been added to the DCA area of the RECALL SAFE screen and SELECTIVE RECALL screen. This allows you to exclude just the DCA group name from DCA group Recall Safe and Selective Recall. If the WITH NAME button is on, Recall Safe and Selective Recall will apply to the DCA group names of DCA groups for which these functions are on. If the WITH NAME button is off, DCA group names are excluded from Recall Safe and Selective Recall. Support for the Y96K card (from V1.10) A PLUG-IN screen has been added to the EFFECT function. Also, PLUGIN parameters have been added to the RECALL SAFE screen and SELECTIVE RECALL screen of the SCENE function. These additions are in order to support the Y96K card that will become available in the near future from the Waves Corporation. For details on operation, refer to the owner’s manual for the Y96K. Please note that the Y96K card will operate as follows. • Data will be stored/recalled as scene data, but the Undo function is not supported. • If you power-off and then power-on the PM5D, conventional scene data will be in the same state as when EN PM5D V1.10_E Page 2 Wednesday, October 27, 2004 9:15 AM • • • • you powered-off, but the Y96K will be in the state that was last stored or recalled. If you recall a scene that produces a major change in the settings of the Y96K, the settings of the Y96K will change several seconds after recall occurs on the PM5D. If you want the timing of the change to be synchronized, use the FADE TIME screen to specify a START OFFSET. Do not perform scene store/recall operations in the Y96K’s update waiting screen. If you do so, the screen will become inoperable for up to 30 seconds. The Scene Store operation saves the Y96K settings in the PM5D. If you executed Scene Store while the Y96K had previously been installed, and then once again store the scene with the Y96K not installed, the previous Y96K settings will remain. If a scene has never been stored while the Y96K is installed, recalling that scene with the Y96K installed will not affect the Y96K in any way. In PREVIEW mode, the PLUG-IN screen does not display the Y96K status. MIDI EVENT etc. data now maintained during scene recall The MIDI EVENT, GPI OUT CONTROL, and REMOTE TRANSPORT data included in a scene is now maintained when a scene recall occurs. This means that if you store a recalled scene into another scene, this data will be stored as it was when recalled. DME series monitor source selection and EXTERNAL CUE on/off A MONITOR button and monitor source select button have been added to the DME CONTROL screen. When you click the monitor source select button ( ), the MONITOR POINT SELECT window will appear, letting you select the DME series unit monitor source. If the MONITOR button is on, the EXTERNAL CUE indicator in the upper part of the display will turn on, and the monitor signal of the DME series unit will be sent to the PM5D’s CUE bus. Newly added bulk dump data types The following data types can now be handled by bulk dump. Data name (D0) Data Number (D1,2) tx/rx Function ‘K’ 512 Surround Setting tx/rx (Current Data) & Request ‘V’ 512User Defined Keys tx/rx (Current Data) & Request ‘L’ 512MIDI Remote & tx/rx (Current Data) Request ‘U’ 512Fader Mode & tx/rx (Current Data) Request SETUP data compatibility SETUP data created on system software V1.05 or later cannot be loaded into a system that’s running V1.03 or earlier. However, SETUP data created on system software V1.03 or earlier can be loaded by a system that’s running V1.05 or later. Scene data compatibility (from V1.10) In conjunction with Y96K card support, compatibility of scene data (ALL DATA, SCENE MEMORY, SCENE MEMORY with LINKED LIBRARY) has been changed as follows. Scene data created with system software V1.10 or later cannot be loaded into a system running V1.04 or earlier. However, scene data created on a system running V1.04 or earlier can be loaded into a system running V1.10 or later. In this case, the Y96K settings will remain as they were prior to loading. If you save this data on a system running V1.10 or later, the data size will increase by the amount required for Y96K support. A note regarding scenes/libraries immediately after system startup After the system is started up, the PM5D takes several minutes to transfer scene/library data within internal memory. (The time required depends on the amount of data.) This means that the following restrictions apply during this time. • You can’t execute the PASTE button in the GLOBAL PASTE screen. • You can’t execute the scene memory UNDO function. • Scene memory recall will take a bit of time. Support for Studio Manager (PM5D Editor) (from V1.10) Note Now you can use the included Studio Manager application software to control the PM5D. For details on Studio Manager, refer to the Studio Manager installation guide. Before turning on the MONITOR button, you must select the same port as the monitor output on the DME series unit and as the monitor input for the PM5D. To specify the DME series unit monitor output, use the “Monitor Out” dialog box of DME Designer, accessed by [Tools] menu → [Monitor]. To specify the PM5D monitor input, use the MONITOR PORT field on the SETUP page of the DME CONTROL screen. U.R.G., Pro Audio & Digital Musical Instrument Division, Yamaha Corporation © 2004 Yamaha Corporation
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Yamaha V1 Manual de usuario

Manual de usuario
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