ee = ELEMENT NUMBER(00 - 03)
<Table 2 - 11>
MIDI Parameter Change table (NATIVE DRUM
<Table 2 - 12>
MIDI Parameter Change table (NATIVE DRUM
rr = NOTE NUMBER(0D - 5B)
10 2 00 - 01 Level Scaling Offset4 -128...+0...+127 00
11 00 - 7F 00
12 1 00 - 7F Note Limit Low C-2...G8 00
13 1 00 - 7F Note Limit High C-2...G8 7F
14 1 01 - 7F Velocity Limit Low 1...127 01
15 1 01 - 7F Velocity Limit High 1...127 7F
16 1 01 - 7F Note Shift -63...0...+63 40
17 1 01 - 7F Detune -63...0...+63 40
18 1 00 - 05 Pitch Scaling Sensitivity
100%, 50%, 20%, 10%, 5%, 0%
19 1 00 - 7F Pitch Scaling Center C-2...G8 3C
1A 1 00 - 02 LFO Wave Saw, Tri, S&H 01
1B 1 00 - 01 LFO Phase Init OFF, ON 01
1C 1 00 - 3F LFO Speed 0...63 1F
1D 1 00 - 7F PLFO Delay 0...127 00
1E 1 00 - 7F PLFO Fade Time 0...127 00
1F 1 00 - 7F LFO Pmod Depth 0...127 00
20 1 00 - 7F LFO Fmod Depth 0...127 00
21 1 00 - 7F LFO Amod Depth 0...127 00
22 1 39 - 47 PEG Level Velocity Sensitivity -7...+0...+7 40
23 1 39 - 47 PEG Rate Velocity Sensitivity -7...+0...+7 40
24 1 39 - 47 PEG Rate Scaling Sensitivity -7...+0...+7 40
25 1 00 - 7F
PEG Rate Scaling Center
C-2...G8 3C
26 1 00 - 3F PEG Attack Rate 0...63 00
27 1 00 - 3F PEG Decay1 Rate 0...63 00
28 1 00 - 3F PEG Decay2 Rate 0...63 00
29 1 00 - 3F PEG Release Rate 0...63 00
2A 2 2D - 52 PEG Initial Level -2400...+0...+2400 40
2B 00 - 7F 00
2C 2 2D - 52 PEG Attack Level -2400...+0...+2400 40
2D 00 - 7F 00
2E 2 2D - 52 PEG Decay1 Level -2400...+0...+2400 40
2F 00 - 7F 00
30 2 2D - 52 PEG Decay2 Level -2400...+0...+2400 40
31 00 - 7F 00
32 2 2D - 52 PEG Release Level -2400...+0...+2400 40
33 00 - 7F 00
34 2 00 - 0F Filter Cutoff Frequency 0...2047 0F
35 00 - 7F 7F
36 1 00 - 3F Filter Resonance 0...63 06
37 1 00 - 01 Filter Cutoff Scaling Flag Brk.p, Table 00
38 1 00 - 7F Filter Cutoff Scaling BP1 C-2...G8 18
39 1 00 - 7F Filter utoff Scaling BP2 C-2...G8 30
3A 1 00 - 7F Filter Cutoff Scaling BP3 C-2...G8 60
3B 1 00 - 7F Filter Cutoff Scaling BP4 C-2...G8 6C
3C 2 00 - 01 Filter Cutoff Scaling Offset1 -128...+0...+127 00
3D 00 - 7F 00
3E 2 00 - 01 Filter Cutoff Scaling Offset2 -128...+0...+127 00
3F 00 - 7F 00
40 2 00 - 01 Filter Cutoff Scaling Offset3 -128...+0...+127 00
41 00 - 7F 00
42 2 00 - 01 Filter Cutoff Scaling Offset4 -128...+0...+127 00
43 00 - 7F 00
44 1 00 - 0f
Filter Cutoff Scaling
0...15 00
45 1 00 - 0f Cutoff Velocity Sensitivity 0...15 00
46 1 00 - 7F FEG Hold Rate 0...127 00
47 1 00 - 7F FEG Attack Rate 0...127 00
48 1 00 - 7F FEG Decay1 Rate 0...127 00
49 1 00 - 7F FEG Decay2 Rate 0...127 00
4A 1 00 - 7F FEG Release Rate 0...127 00
4B 2 30 - 4F FEG Initial Level -2047...+0...+2047 40
4C 00 - 7F 00
4D 2 30 - 4F FEG Attack Level -2047...+0...+2047 40
4E 00 - 7F 00
4F 2 30 - 4F FEG Decay1 Level -2047...+0...+2047 40
50 00 - 7F 00
51 2 30 - 4F FEG Decay2 Level -2047...+0...+2047 40
52 00 - 7F 00
53 2 30 - 4F FEG Release Level -2047...+0...+2047 40
54 00 - 7F 00
55 1 00 - 0F FEG Rate Scaling Sensitivity 0...15 00
56 1 00 - 0F
Filter Scaling Velocity Sensitivity
0...15 00
57 1 00 - 0F
Resonance Velocity Sensitivity
0...15 00
58 1 39 - 47
FEG Attack Rate Velocity
-7...+0...+7 40
59 1 39 - 47
FEG Other Rate Velocity
-7...+0...+7 40
5A 1 00 - 0f Keyon Delay 0...15 00
5B 1 00 - 7F AEG Attack Rate 0...127 7F
5C 1 00 - 7F AEG Decay1 Rate 0...127 00
5D 1 00 - 7F AEG Decay2 Rate 0...127 00
5E 1 - not used - -
5F 1 00 - 7F AEG Release Rate 0...127 50
60 2 00 - 01 AEG Initial Level 01 7F(0:Min)...00 00(255:Max) 00
61 00 - 7F 00
62 2 00 - 01 AEG Decay Level 01 7F(0:Min)...00 00(255:Max) 00
63 00 - 7F 00
64 2 00 - 01 AEG Sustain Level 01 7F(0:Min)...00 00(255:Max) 00
65 00 - 7F 00
66 1 00 - 0F Level Scaling Sensitivity 0...15 00
67 1 00 - 0F AEG Rate Scaling Sensitivity 0...15 00
68 1 00 - 0F AEG Level Velocity Sensitivity 0...15 00
69 1 00 - 0F
AEG Attack Rate Velocity
0...15 00
42 ee 00 4 00 - 0F Level Scaling Table Number 0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 00
01 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 00
02 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 06
03 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 00
Address Size Data Parameter Description Default value
(H) (H) (H) (H)
04 4 00 - 0F Scaling Pan Table Number 0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 00
05 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 00
06 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 00
07 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 05
08 4 00 - 0F Tuning Curve Table Number 0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 0f
09 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 0f
0A 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 0f
0B 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 0f
0C 4 00 - 0F Cutoff Scaling Table Number 0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 0f
0D 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 0f
0E 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 0f
0F 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 0f
10 4 00 - 0F
Cutoff Velocity Curve Table
0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 00
11 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 00
12 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 00
13 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 01
14 4 00 - 0F
FEG Rate Scaling Table Number
0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 00
15 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 00
16 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 00
17 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 07
18 4 00 - 0F
FEG Depth Velocity Curve
Ta ble Number
0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 00
19 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 00
1A 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 00
1B 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 01
1C 4 00 - 0F
Resonance Velocity Curve
Ta ble Number
0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 00
1D 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 00
1E 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 00
1F 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 02
20 4 00 - 0F
FEG Rate Velocity Table Number
0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 00
21 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 00
22 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 00
23 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 03
24 4 00 - 0F
AEG Level Scaling Table
0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 00
25 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 00
26 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 06
27 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 00
28 4 00 - 0F
AEG Rate Scaling Table Number
0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 00
29 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 00
2A 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 00
2B 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 07
2C 4 00 - 0F
AEG Level Velocity Table Number
0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 00
2D 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 00
2E 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 00
2F 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 01
30 4 00 - 0F
AEG Rate Velocity Table Number
0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 00
31 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 00
32 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 00
33 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 01
Address Size Data Parameter Description Default value
(H) (H) (H) (H)
46 00 00 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 1 32...127(ASCII) 49 ('I')
01 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 2 32...127(ASCII) 6E ('n')
02 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 3 32...127(ASCII) 69 ('i')
03 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 4 32...127(ASCII) 74 ('t')
04 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 5 32...127(ASCII) 20 (' ')
05 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 6 32...127(ASCII) 4B ('K')
06 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 7 32...127(ASCII) 69 ('i')
07 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 8 32...127(ASCII) 74 ('t')
08 1 00 - 10 Voice Category
0, 2...16(--, PF, OR, GT, BA,
00 ('--')
09 1 00 - 13 Original Kit 01(StandKit) ...20(SFX Kit2) 00
Address Size Data Parameter Description Default value
(H) (H) (H) (H)
47 rr 00 1 00 - 7F Pitch Coarse -64...0...+63(semitones) 40
01 1 00 - 7F Pitch Fine -64...0...+63(cent) 40
02 1 00 - 7F Level 0...127 depend on the note
03 1 00 - 7F Alternate Group 0ff, 1..127 depend on the note
04 1 00 - 7F Pan Random, L63..C..R63 depend on the note
05 1 00 - 7F Reverb Send 0...127 depend on the note
06 1 00 - 7F Chorus Send 0...127 depend on the note
07 1 - not used - --
08 1 00 - 01 Key Assign Single, Multi 00
09 1 00 - 01 Receve Note Off OFF, ON depend on the note
0a 1 00 - 01 Receive Note On OFF, ON 01
0b 1 00 - 7F Filter Cutoff Frequency 0...127 7F
0c 1 00 - 7F Filter Resonance 0...63 10
0d 1 00 - 7F EG Attack Rate 0...127 7F
0e 1 00 - 7F EG Decay1 Rate 0...127 40
0f 1 00 - 7F EG Decay2 Rate 0...127 40