Creative Labs T3250W Especificación

Juegos de altavoces
Product overview
Enjoy audio from Bluetooth devices
PN: 03MF045000001 Rev A
b. Establish Bluetooth Connection
Press and hold the Bluetooth button
and release when the LED starts
blinking rapidly.
Power on the speaker by turning the
volume dial in the clockwise direction.
The LED status indicator will lit steady
indicating the speaker is currently ON.
Speaker Status
Pairing Mode
LED Status
LED rapid blinking
Powered ON (Idle) or
connected to any
Lit steady
a. Powering Up the speaker c. On Bluetooth device
i. Turn ON the Bluetooth feature on your device.
ii. Search for Creative T3250W.
iii. Pair and connect to Creative T3250W. If prompted for passcode, enter 0000.
iv. Pairing successful, ready to stream music.
Note: The above are generic steps to pair
to a Bluetooth device, for more
specific instructions on Bluetooth
connectivity for your device, please
consult your manufacturer’s
d. Ready to stream music via Bluetooth
Turn volume dial clockwise or
anti-clockwise to increase or decrease
volume. You may also adjust your
source device volume settings to
increase or decrease volume.
1. LED㽔㜢㺚㖸☪
2. ♋㴚⵺⤴㯞⼋
L ▘⵺㔤⌤☨⹄㫬⤂ㅢᮣ
LL 㚉㚯Creative T3250W
LLL㈨⛶⏌⻸Ⱗ㺣Creative T3250Wᮣ㑥⥗㝗㖸ㆀ㗞㑩イ
d. 㽜⌤㟜⥙⹄㫬║㗞㯞⹤⽃
2.㺺㨰⻸Ⱗ⹄㫬㔤⌤㲓Creative T3250W
⹄㫬㔤⌤㺲☨᮰Creative T3250W᮱㺺㨰⯼⻮⻸Ⱗᮣ
Creative T3250WⰧ㟜♋㴚⏌㎒㔌㢦⻸Ⱗ㺣㑌⧨㔤⌤㖫ᱨ
Creative T3250 Wireless⭝㯎ⶲ⶙㑛ㅏ✂▕4⢔㮻㈨⛶☨㔤⌤ᱨ
㑥⥗㸆㨗㔤⌤㩖㮔㲓Creative T3250W⻸Ⱗᱨ⶙⍈オ㺺㨰⻸Ⱗ
LED ⶼ㚑䱔ᬔ
1. LEDᮐ࿃㺚㖸
1. 㟬䓯㘴㫬㪏㺥㨮䂍㯞㨕
L 䱜߸㪏㺥☨㘴㫬⤂ㅢᮣ
LL 㚉౮Creative T3250W
LLL㈨౰Ϭ䓓Ⱗ㺣Creative T3250Wᮣ㑥⥗ⓞ⁵イ┈㝗㖸ᱨ
2. 㵀㘴㫬㪏㺥⧧Creative T3250W 㺐䱤㺺㨰⯼
㪏㺥㺲䔉ᇭᮮCreative T3250Wᮯ例ㅅ㮾㺺㨰䓓Ⱗᮣ
ↂT3250 Wireless丂㴚䱜߸㎒㢦䓓Ⱗ㺣㑌⧨㪏㺥ያᱨ㺐
Creative T3250W
㽂㯌Creative T3250 Wireless☨㱃ရา㺲㾎✂⶙㮾㱃㽁4Ӟ
Creative T3250Wᱨᩔ侎㺺㨰䓞㨾㈨౰ᮣ㑥⥗☾Ӟ㪏
3. ⣹ㅢㄩ㖷
⒔䓯15 ➶䬊ᩔ㘴㫬䓓Ⱗ⫊Ⲓ㩂䎨㑩ᗫᠤ⏥☡㯞㨕㨳㜌
Search results
Creative T3250W
Creative T3250W
ii.i. iii. iv.
Creative T3250W
1. LED status indicator
2. ON / OFF Switch / Volume
3. Bluetooth Connect button
4. To Wall Outlet
5. 3.5mm analog stereo mini plug
6. Left speaker
7. Right speaker
Model No. : MF0450
Creative T3250 Wireless
Quick Start Guide
ative T3250 Wireles
ck Start Guide
Status Speaker
Mode berpasangan
Status LED
LED berkedip cepat
Dinyalakan (Idle) atau
tersambung ke perangkat
Bluetooth mana pun
Menyala stabil
Gambaran Umum Produk
1. Indikator status LED
2. Sakelar / Volume ON/OFF
3. Tombol Bluetooth Connect
Untuk Colokan di Dinding
5. colokan mini stereo analog 3,5 mm
6. Speaker kiri
7. Speaker kanan
2. Nikmati audio dari perangkat Bluetooth
a. Menyalakan speaker
Nyalakan speaker dengan memutar kenop volume
searah jarum jam. Indikator status LED akan menyala
stabil ketika speaker sedang MENYALA.
b. Membuat Koneksi Bluetooth
Tekan dan tahan tombol Bluetooth dan lepaskan saat
LED mulai berkedip dengan cepat
c. Pada perangkat Bluetooth
i. MENYALAKAN fitur Bluetooth pada perangkat Anda.
ii. Mencari Creative T3250W.
iii. Memasangkan dan terhubung ke Creative T3250W.
Jika diminta kode masuk, masukkan 0000.
iv. Pemasangan berhasil, siap untuk streaming musik.
Catatan: Di atas tersebut adalah langkah-langkah umum untuk
terpasang ke perangkat Bluetooth, untuk instruksi khusus
lainnya mengenai konektivitas Bluetooth untuk perangkat
Anda, silakan baca manual produsen Anda.
d. Siap menstreaming musik melalui Bluetooth
Putar kenop volume searah atau berlawanan arah jarum jam
untuk menaikkan atau menurunkan volume.
Anda juga bisa menyesuaikan pengaturan volume
perangkat sumber untuk menaikkan atau menurunkan
3. Menghubungkan kembali perangkat
Bluetooth dan Creative T3250W
Anda dapat menghubungkan kembali perangkat
Bluetooth yang sudah berpasangan ke speaker Anda
dengan mudah. Memilih entri Creative T3250W” di
perangkat Bluetooth untuk menghubungkan kembali
salah satu dari 4 perangkat Bluetooth yang
sebelumnya dihubungkan akan bisa terhubung
kembali ke Creative T3250W jika T3250 Wireless
dinyalakan dan tidak terhubung ke perangkat lain.
Catatan: Perangkat Creative T3250 Wireless mampu
mengingat hingga 4 perangkat berpasangan dalam bank
memorinya, sehingga Anda tak perlu memasangkan lagi
apabila perangkat-perangkat ini terhubung ke Creative
T3250W. Apabila perangkat kelima dipasangkan ke
T3250W, perangkat pertama akan dihapus dari bank
memori T3250W. Maksimal ada 4 memori perangkat yang
disimpan pada saat yang bersamaan.
4. Mode Hemat Daya
Speaker memasuki mode hemat daya jika tidak ada
koneksi Bluetooth atau sinyal audio yang terdeteksi di
koneksi Line-In selama lebih dari 15 menit.
Sebaiknya Anda mematikan speaker jika tidak akan
digunakan selama beberapa hari.
Untuk versi online terbaru panduan ini dan dokumentasi
tambahan seperti informasi keselamatan dan peraturan
untuk produk ini, silakan kunjungi
ﺍﺫﻬﻟ ﻡﻳﻅﻧﺗﻟﺍﻭ ﺔﻣﻼﺳﻟﺍ ﺕﺎﻣﻭﻠﻌﻣ ﻝﺛﻣ ﺔﻳﻠﻳﻣﻛﺗﻟﺍ ﻕﺋﺎﺛﻭﻟﺍ ﻙﻟﺫﻛﻭ ﺕﻧﺭﺗﻧﻹﺍ ﺭﺑﻋ ﻝﻳﻟﺩﻟﺍ ﺍﺫﻬﻟ
ﺭﺍﺩﺻﺇ ﺙﺩﺣﺃ ﻰﻠﻋ ﻝﻭﺻﺣﻠﻟ ﺓﺭﺎﻳﺯ ﻰﺟﺭﻳ
Hoparlör Durumu
Eşleştirme modu
LED Durumu
LED hızlı yanıp sönüyor
Güç AÇIK (Boşta) veya
herhangi bir Bluetooth cihazına
Sabit yanıyor
Ürün Tanıtımı
1. LED durum ışığı
2. AÇMA/KAPAMA Anahtarı / Ses Seviyesi
3. Bluetooth Bağlantığmesi
5. 3,5 mm analog stereo mini fiş
6. Sol hoparlör
7. Sağ hoparlör
2. Bluetooth cihazlardan müziğin keyfini
a. Hoparlörü Açma
Ses seviyesi tuşunu saatin tersi yönünde çevirerek
hoparlörü açın. Hoparlörün açık olduğunu gösteren LED
durum göstergesi sürekli yanık durumda olacaktır.
b. Bluetooth Bağlantısını Kurma
Bluetoothğmesine basılı tutun ve LED hızlı bir şekilde
yanıp söndüğünde serbest bırakın
c. Bluetooth cihazında
i. Cihazınızdaki Bluetooth özelliğini açın.
ii. Creative T3250W'yi Arama.
iii. Eşleştirin ve Creative T3250W'ye bağlayın. Şifre
istenirse, 0000 değerini girin.
iv. Eşleştirme başarılı, müzik çalınabilir.
Not: Yukarıdaki adımlar, bir Bluetooth cihazını eşleştirmenin
genel adımlarıdır, cihazınızdaki Bluetooth bağlantısına ilişkin
daha özel talimatlar için lütfen üreticinizin kılavuzuna başvurun.
d. Bluetooth aracılığıyla müzik çalmaya hazırlama
Ses seviyesini arttırmak veya azaltmak için ses seviyesi
tuşunu saat yönünde ya da saatin tersi yönünde çevirin.
Ses seviyesini artırmak ya da azaltmak için kaynak
cihazınızın ses seviyesi ayarlarını da değiştirebilirsiniz.
3. Bluetooth cihazı ve Creative T3250W
arasında yeniden bağlantı kurma
Eşleştirilmiş Bluetooth cihazınızı hoparlörünüze
kolayca yeniden bağlayabilirsiniz. 4'ünden herhangi
birini yeniden bağlamak için Bluetooth cihazınızdaki
'Creative T3250W' girişini seçin, önceden bağlanan
Bluetooth cihazları, T3250 Wireless AÇIK olduğunda
ve herhangi bir cihaza bağlı olmadığında Creative
T3250W'ye yeniden bağlanabilirler.
Not: Creative T3250 Wireless önceden eşleştirilen
maksimum 4 cihazı belleğinde tutma özelliğine sahiptir,
böylece bu cihazlardan herhangi birinin Creative T3250W'ye
bağlanması gerektiğinde yeniden eşleştirme gereğini
ortadan kaldırır. 5. bir cihazın T3250W'ye bağlanması
gerektiğinde, 1. cihaz T3250W'nin belleğinden silinecektir.
Her seferinde maksimum 4 cihaz bellekte kayıtlı tutulacaktır.
4. Güç Tasarruf Modu
Hiçbir Bluetooth bağlantısı olmadığında veya Giriş
Hattı bağlantısında 15 dakikadan uzun bir süre hiçbir
ses sinyali tespit edilmediğinde hoparlör, güç tasarrufu
moduna girer.
Hoparlörün birkaç gün boyunca kullanılmaması
bekleniyorsa, kapatılması önerilir.
Bu kılavuzun ve bu ürünle ilgili güvenlik ve yönetmelik
bilgileri gibi diğer yardımcı belgelerin en yeni çevrimiçi
sürümü için, lütfen
sayfasını ziyaret edin.
스피커 상태스피커 상태
페어링 모드
LED 상태 상태
LED가 빠르게 깜박임
전원 켜짐(유휴) 또는 Bluetooth
장치에 연결됨
점등 상태 유지
제품 개요 제품 개요
1. LED 상태 표시기
2. ON/OFF 스위치 / 볼륨
3. Bluetooth 연결 버튼
벽 콘센트
5. 3.5mm 아날로그 스테레오 미니 플러그
6. 왼쪽 스피커
7. 오른쪽 스피커
1. Bluetooth 장치에서 오디오 즐기기장치에서 오디오 즐기기
a. a. 스피커 전원 켜기스피커 전원 켜기
볼륨 다이얼을 시계 방향으로 돌려서 스피커의 전원을
켭니다. LED 상태 표시등이 켜져 있으면 스피커가 현재
켜져 있다는 의미입니다.
b. b. BluetoothBluetooth 연결 설정 연결 설정
버튼을 길게 누르고 LED가 빠르게 깜박이기
시작하면 손을 놓습니다.
c. c. BluetoothBluetooth 장치에서 장치에서
i. 장치에서
기능을 켭니다.
ii. Creative T3250W를 검색합니다.
iii. Creative T3250W에 연결합니다. 암호를 입력하라는
메시지가 나오면 0000을 입력합니다.
iv. 연결이 성공되고 음악을 스트리밍할 준비가 됩니다.
참고참고: 위 설명은
장치에 연결하는 일반적인 단계이며
연결에 대한 자세한 지침은 제조업체의 설명서를
d. d. BluetoothBluetooth로 음악 스트리밍 준비로 음악 스트리밍 준비
볼륨을 높이거나 줄이려면 볼륨 다이얼을 시계 방향 또는 시계
반대 방향으로 돌립니다.
또한 소스 장치의 볼륨 설정을 조정하여 볼륨을 높이거나
낮출 수 있습니다.
2. Bluetooth 장치와장치와 Creative T3250W
다시 연결다시 연결
연결했던 Bluetooth 장치를 스피커에 손쉽게 다시
연결할 수 있습니다. T3250 Wireless의 전원이 켜지고
어떤 장치에도 연결되지 않았을 때 “Creative
T3250W“를 Bluetooth 장치에서 선택하여 이전에
연결했던 4개의 Bluetooth 장치가 Creative T3250W
다시 연결될 수 있습니다.
참고참고: Creative T3250 Wireless는 메모리 뱅크에 최대 4개의
연결 장치를 기억할 수 있으며 Creative T3250W에 연결했던
장치를 다시 연결할 필요가 없습니다. 5번째 장치를
T3250W에 연결해야 하는 경우, 첫 번째 장치가 T3250W
메모리 뱅크에서 지워집니다. 한 번에 최대 4개의 장치를
유지할 수 있습니다.
3. 절전 모드절전 모드
15분 이상 Bluetooth 연결이 없거나 라인 입력
연결에서 오디오 신호가 감지되지 않으면 스피커가
절전 모드로 들어갑니다.
스피커를 며칠 동안 사용하지 않을 경우 전원을 두는
것이 좋습니다.
이 제품에 대한 안전 및 규정 관련 정보와 같은 추가
문서 및 이 설명서의 최신 온라인 버전을 보려면를 방문하시기 바랍니다.
You can reconnect your paired Bluetooth device to your speaker easily.
Select ‘Creative T3250W’ entry on the Bluetooth device to reconnect any of the 4 previously
connected Bluetooth devices would be able to reconnect to Creative T3250W when the
T3250 Wireless is powered ON and not connected to any device.
The speaker enters power saving mode when there is no Bluetooth connection
or no audio signal detected on the Line-In connection for more than 15 minutes.
It is recommended to power off when the speaker is expected to be unused for
several days.
The Creative T3250 Wireless is able to remember up to 4 paired devices in its memory bank, eliminating
the need to re-pair again should any of these devices connect to the Creative T3250W. Should a 5th
device be paired to the T3250W, the 1st device will be erased from the T3250W’s memory banks. At any
one time a maximum memory of 4 devices are being retained.
For the latest, online version of this guide and supplementary documentation such as safety and regulatory
information for this product, please visit
Reconnections between
Bluetooth device and
Creative T3250W
Power Saving Mode
État du haut-parleur
Mode couplage
État du voyant
Voyant qui clignote
Sous tension (Inactif) ou
connecté à n'importe quel
appareil Bluetooth
Aperçu du produit
1. Voyant d'état
2. Interrupteur marche/arrêt/Volume
3. Bouton de connexion Bluetooth
4. Vers la prise mural
5. Mini-fiche stéréo analogique de 3,5 mm
6. Haut-parleur gauche
7. Haut-parleur droit
1. Écouter le son des périphériques Bluetooth
a. Activer le haut-parleur
Allumez le haut-parleur en faisant tourner la molette de
réglage du volume dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre.
Le voyant indicateur d'état s'allumera et restera stable
pour indiquer que le haut-parleur est activé.
b. Établir une connexion Bluetooth
Appuyez sur le bouton Bluetooth et maintenez-le
enfoncé, puis relâchez-le quand la LED commence à
clignoter rapidement
c. Sur le périphérique Bluetooth
i. Activez la fonction Bluetooth sur votre périphérique.
ii. Recherchez le Creative T3250W.
iii. Couplez et connectez l'équipement au Creative
T3250W. Si un code d'accès vous est demandé,
entrez '0000’.
iv. Couplage réussi, prêt à diffuser de la musique.
Remarque: les opérations ci-dessus correspondent à la
procédure générique de couplage à un périphérique Bluetooth;
pour des instructions plus précises sur la connectivité Bluetooth
en rapport à votre périphérique, consultez le manuel du
d. Prêt à diffuser de la musique via Bluetooth
Faites tourner la molette de réglage du volume dans le
sens des aiguilles d’une montre ou le sens inverse des
aiguilles d’une montre pour augmenter ou diminuer le
volume.Vous pouvez également régler les paramètres du
volume de votre appareil source pour augmenter ou
diminuer le volume.
2. Reconnexions entre le périphérique
Bluetooth et le Creative T3250W
Vous pouvez facilement reconnecter votre
périphérique Bluetooth couplé à votre haut-parleur.
Sélectionnez l'entrée 'Creative T3250W’ sur le
périphérique Bluetooth pour effectuer la reconnexion.
Un ou plusieurs des 4 périphériques Bluetooth
précédemment connectés pourraient se reconnecter
au Creative T3250W lors de la réactivation de celui-ci
et alors qu'il n'est pas connecté aux périphériques.
Remarque : Le Creative T3250W peut se souvenir d'un
maximum de 4 périphériques couplés dans sa banque de
mémoire, rendant superflu le recouplage au cas où ces
périphériques se reconnecteraient au Creative T3250W. Si
un 5ème périphérique doit être couplé au T3250W, le 1er
sera effacé des banques de mémoire du T3250W. La
mémoire maximale ne conserve que 4 périphériques à un
moment donné.
3. Mode d'économie d'énergie
Le haut-parleur passe en mode d'économie d'énergie
lorsqu'aucune connexion Bluetooth ou aucun signal
audio n'est détecté sur la connexion d'entrée ligne
pendant plus de 15 minutes.
Il est recommandé de mettre le haut-parleur hors
tension lorsqu'il doit rester inutilisé pendant plusieurs
Pour la version en ligne à jour de ce guide et d'autres
documents sur ce produit, concernant notamment la
sécurité et la réglementation, consultez le site
Estado de los altavoces
Modo de emparejamiento
LED de estado
LED con parpadeo
Encendido (inactivo) o
conectado a cualquier
dispositivo Bluetooth
Encendido fijo
Información general del producto
1. Indicador LED de estado
2. Interruptor de encendido/apagado/Volumen
3. Botón de conexión Bluetooth
4. A la toma de corriente
5. Clavija mini de 3,5 mm de estéreo analógico
6. Altavoz izquierd
7. Altavoz derecho
1. Disfrutar de contenidos de audio desde
dispositivos Bluetooth
a. Encendido del altavoz
Mantenga presionado el botón Bluetooth y libérelo
cuando el LED comience a parpadear rápidamente
b. Establecimiento de la conexión Bluetooth
Para poder realizar el emparejamiento con otros
dispositivos Bluetooth, mantenga pulsado el botón
Bluetooth hasta que oiga dos pitidos y el indicador
LED parpadee con rapidez.
c. Encender el dispositivo Bluetooth
i. Conecte la función Bluetooth del dispositivo.
ii. Realice una búsqueda de Creative T3250W.
iii. Empareje y conecte a Creative T3250W. Si se le
solicita un código de contraseña, especifique 0000.
iv. Conexión correcta, listo para reproducir música.
Nota: Las instrucciones anteriores son los pasos generales
a seguir para conectar con un dispositivo Bluetooth; para
obtener instrucciones más específicas sobre la conectividad
Bluetooth del dispositivo, consulte el manual del fabricante.
d. Preparado para reproducir música a través de Bluetooth
Gire el volumen en el sentido de las agujas del reloj, o
en el sentido contrario, para aumentar o disminuir el
También puede ajustar los valores de volumen de su
dispositivo para aumentar o reducir el volumen.
2. Volver a conectar el dispositivo
Bluetooth y Creative T3250W
Puede volver a conectar el dispositivo emparejado
Bluetooth de forma sencilla a su altavoz. Seleccione la
entrada de Creative T3250W en el dispositivo
Bluetooth que desea reconectar. Cualquiera de los 4
dispositivos Bluetooth conectados con anterioridad
podrá reconectarse a Creative T3250W cuando éste
esté encendido y no se encuentre conectado a otro
Nota: Creative T3250W recuerda hasta 4 dispositivos
emparejados en su banco de memoria, eliminando la
necesidad de volver a realizar el emparejamiento cuando
alguno de estos dispositivos se vuelve a conectar con
Creative T3250W. Si un 5º dispositivo se empareja con
T3250W, se borrará el 1er dispositivo del banco de
memoria de T3250W. La cantidad máxima de dispositivos
que puede retener a la vez la memoria es de 4.
3. Modo de ahorro de energía
El altavoz entra en el modo de ahorro de energía
cuando no hay conexión Bluetooth o no se detecta
ninguna señal de audio en la conexión de entrada de
línea durante más de 15 minutos.
Se recomienda apagar cuando no se vaya a usar el
altavoz durante varios días.
Para consultar la versión en línea más reciente de
esta guía y documentación suplementaria como
información sobre normativa y seguridad de este
producto, visita
Estado da coluna
Modo de emparelhamento
Estado do LED
LED intermitente rápido
Conectado (Inativo) ou ligado a
quaisquer dispositivos com
Aceso continuamente
Perspectiva geral do produto
1. Indicador de estado LED
2. Interruptor de ligar/desligar/Volume
3. Botão Ligar Bluetooth
Para ligação à tomada eléctrica
5. Mini tomada estéreo analógica de 3,5 mm
6. Coluna esquerda
7. Coluna direita
1. Ouvir música a partir de dispositivos
a. Ligar a coluna
Ligar a coluna, rodando o regulador de volume na
direção dos ponteiros do relógio.
b. Estabeleça a ligação Bluetooth
Prima e mantenha premido o botão Bluetooth,
soltando-o quando o LED começar a piscar rapidamente
c. Ligar o dispositivo Bluetooth
i. Active a funcionalidade Bluetooth do dispositivo.
ii. Procure Creative T3250W.
iii. Efectue o emparelhamento e estabeleça ligação ao
Creative T3250W. Se lhe for solicitado um código de
acesso, introduza '0000’.
iv. Emparelhamento bem sucedido – pronto para
transmitir música.
Nota: Estes passos são genéricos para emparelhar com um
dispositivo Bluetooth; para obter instruções mais específicas
acerca da conectividade Bluetooth do seu dispositivo, consulte
o manual fornecido pelo respectivo fabricante.
d. Pronto para transmitir música através de Bluetooth
Rode o regulador de volume no sentido dos ponteiros do
relógio, ou no sentido contrário, para aumentar ou diminuir o
Também pode ajustar as definições de volume do
dispositivo de origem para aumentar ou diminuir o volume.
2. Novas ligações entre o dispositivo
Bluetooth e o Creative T3250W
Pode efectuar facilmente uma nova ligação do
dispositivo Bluetooth emparelhado para a coluna.
Seleccione a entrada 'Creative T3250W’ no dispositivo
Bluetooth para efectuar uma nova ligação
Qualquer um dos 4 dispositivos Bluetooth
anteriormente ligados poderá ser novamente ligado ao
Creative T3250W quando o T3250W estiver ligado e
não estiver ligado a qualquer outro dispositivo.
Nota: O Creative T3250W tem capacidade para recordar até
4 dispositivos emparelhados no seu banco de memória,
eliminando assim a necessidade e efectuar um novo
emparelhamento no caso de qualquer um destes dispositivos
ser ligado ao Creative T3250W. No caso de um 5º dispositivo
ser emparelhado com o T3250W, o 1º dispositivo será
eliminado dos bancos de memória do T3250W. É sempre
mantido um máximo de 4 dispositivos na memória.
3. Modo de poupança de energia
A coluna entra no modo de poupança de energia
quando não existe nenhuma ligação Bluetooth, nem é
detetado nenhum sinal na ligação de entrada de linha
durante mais de 15 minutos.
É recomendável desligar, quando for possível prever
que a coluna não será utilizada durante vários dias.
Para obter a versão online mais recente deste guia e a
documentação complementar, como informações de
segurança e regulamentares sobre este produto, visite
Safety Instructions
Please read the following before using the Creative product:
Use a mains plug that is appropriate for your country or region.
To be completely disconnected from the power input, the mains plug has to be disconnected/detached from the
Disconnect the mains plug when the device is expected to be unused for several days.
Technical Specifications
Input Rating: 100-240V
50/60Hz 200mA
Bluetooth Version: Bluetooth 3.0
Operating Frequency:
2402 - 2480 MHz
Device Operating Temperature range: 0ºC to 45ºC
Supported Bluetooth profiles*: A2DP (Wireless Stereo Bluetooth)
Supported Codec: SBC
Operating Range:
Up to 10 meters, measured in open space.
Walls and structures may affect range of device.
* Refer to your Bluetooth device (notebook¹, PC¹, or mobile device²) manufacturer’s documentation /website for
supported profiles.
¹ Compatible with PC (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1), Apple Macintoshes equipped with Bluetooth wireless stereo
² Compatible with most major brands of Bluetooth A2DP enabled mobile phones
Compatibility Disclaimer
Wireless performance is dependent on your device’s Bluetooth wireless technology. Refer to your device
manufacturer’s manual. Creative will not be liable for any lost of data or leakages resulting from the use of these
Product Registration
Registering your product ensures you receive the most appropriate service and product support available. You can
register your product during installation or at
Please note that your warranty rights are not dependent on registration.
Consignes de sécurité
Lisez ce qui suit avant d'utiliser les produits Creative:
Utilisez une prise électrique correspondant à votre pays ou à votre région.
Pour mettre l'appareil complètement hors tension, débranchez le câble d'alimentation de la prise secteur.
Débranchez le câble d'alimentation de la prise secteur lorsque l'appareil risque de rester inutilisé pendant plusieurs
Caractéristiques techniques
Tension d’entrée nominale: 100-240V 50/60Hz 200mA
Version Bluetooth: Bluetooth 3.0
Fréquence de fonctionnement:
2402 - 2480 MHz
Températures de fonctionnement du périphérique
: 0ºC à 45ºC
Profils Bluetooth pris en charge*: A2DP (Bluetooth stéréo sans fil)
Codec pris en charge: SBC
Portée de fonctionnement:
Jusqu'à 10mètres, mesurés dans un espace ouvert.
Les murs et les structures peuvent influer sur la portée du périphérique.
* Pour savoir quels sont les profils pris en charge, reportez-vous à la documentation ou au site Web du fabricant du
périphérique Bluetooth (ordinateur portable¹, PC¹, ou périphérique mobile²).
Compatible avec lesPC (Windo ws XP/Vista/7/8/8.1), les Apple Macintosh équipés d'un système stéréo sans fil
² Compatible avec les principales marques de téléphones mobiles Bluetooth A2DP (iPhone, Windows Mobile, etc.)
Déclaration de compatibilité
Les performances sans fil dépendent de la technologie sans fil Bluetooth de votre périphérique. Reportez-vous à la
documentation du fabricant de votre périphérique. Creative ne sera pas responsable pour les pertes de données ou
les fuites résultant de l'utilisation des ces appareils.
Enregistrement du produit
L’enregistrement de votre produit vous assure de recevoir le support produit et les services les plus appropriés
disponibles. Vous pouvez enregistrer votre produit lors de l’installation ou sur le site
Notez que vos droits à la garantie ne sont pas soumis à l’enregistrement.
Instrucciones de seguridad
Lea la siguiente información antes de utilizar los productos de Creative:
Utilice un enchufe de corriente que sea apropiado para su país o región.
Para desconectar completamente la entrada de alimentación, debe desenchufar el cable alimentación de red de
la toma de corriente.
Desconecte el enchufe de alimentación de red cuando no vaya a utilizar el dispositivo durante varios días.
Especificaciones técnicas
Voltaje de entrada: 100-240V 50/60Hz 200mA
Versión Bluetooth: Bluetooth 3.0
Frecuencia operativa: 2402 - 2480 MHz
Rango de temperatura operativa del dispositivo: 0ºC a 45ºC
Perfiles Bluetooth admitidos*:
A2DP (Bluetooth estéreo inalámbrico)
Códecs admitidos: SBC
Alcance operativo:
Hasta diez metros en espacios abiertos. Las paredes o estructuras pueden afectar al radio de funcionamiento del
* Consulte la documentación o el sitio web del dispositivo Bluetooth del fabricante (portátil¹, PC¹, o dispositivo
móvil²) para saber cuáles son los perfiles admitidos.
¹ Compatible con PC (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1), Apple Macintosh equipados con Bluetooth estéreo inalámbrico
² Compatible con las principales marcas de teléfonos móviles con Bluetooth A2DP (incluidos iPhone, Windows
Exención de responsabilidad
El rendimiento de la red inalámbrica depende de la tecnología inalámbrica Bluetooth del dispositivo. Consulte la
documentación del fabricante del dispositivo. Creative no será responsable de ninguna pérdida de datos o daños
que resulten del uso de estos dispositivos.
Registro del producto
Si registra el producto, recibirá el servicio de asistencia al cliente más adecuado. Puede realizar el registro durante
la instalación o en la página
Se señala que los derechos de la garantía son independientes del registro del producto.
Instruções de segurança
Leia as seguintes informações antes de utilizar os Produtos Creative:
Utilize uma tomada de alimentação apropriada para o seu país ou região.
Certifique-se de que desliga a ficha de alimentação da corrente eléctrica.
Desligue a ficha de alimentação se o dispositivo não for utilizado durante um longo período de tempo.
Especificações técnicas
Tensão nominal de entrada: 100-240V 50/60Hz 200mA
Versão de Bluetooth: Bluetooth 3.0
Frequência de funcionamento: 2402 - 2480 MHz
Intervalo de temperatura de funcionamento do dispositivo: 0ºC to 45ºC
Perfis Bluetooth suportados*:
A2DP (Bluetooth Estéreo Sem Fios)
Codecs suportados: SBC
Alcance de funcionamento:
Até 10 metros, medido em espaço aberto.
As paredes e estruturas podem afectar o alcance do dispositivo.
* Consulte a documentação/Web site do fabricante do seu dispositivo Bluetooth (portátil¹, computador de secretária¹
ou dispositivo móvel²) para verificar os perfis suportados.
¹ Compatível com PC (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1), Apple Macintosh equipado com estéreo sem fios Bluetooth.
² Compatível com a maior parte das marcas principais de telemóveis com A2DP Bluetooth (incluindo iPhone e
Windows Mobile).
Exclusão de responsabilidade de compatibilidade:
O desempenho sem fios depende da tecnologia Bluetooth sem fios do dispositivo. Consulte o manual do fabricante
do dispositivo. A Creative não se responsabiliza por qualquer perda ou fuga de dados resultante da utilização destes
Registo do produto
Registe o seu produto para receber a assistência técnica e de produto mais adequada disponível. Pode registar o
produto durante a instalação ou em
Tenha em atenção que os direitos de garantia não dependem do registo.
Notice for Singapore
Notice for Korea
Vietnam RoHS Statement
This product is in compliance with Circular 30/2011/TTBCT of the Ministry of Trade of the Socialist Republic of
Vietnam (“Circular”), it does not contain the following substances in concentration greater than the Maximum Limit
value as specified in the Circular.
Substance Maximum Limit (ppm)
1, 2
lead 1000
mercury 1000
cadmium 100
hexavalent chromium 1000
polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) 1000
polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) 1000
Maximum Limit does not apply to applications exempted from the Circular.
Maximum Limit refers to concentration by weight in homogeneous materials.
Notice for Taiwan
Complies with
IDA Standards
The following sections contain notices for various countries:
CAUTION: This product is intended for use with FCC/CE certified computer equipment. Please check the equipment
operating/installation manual and/or with the equipment manufacturer to verify/confirm if your equipment is suitable
prior to the installation or use of the product.
Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Interference Statement Notice for USA FCC Part 15:
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of
the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference
to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged
to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
CAUTION: To comply with the limits of the Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules, this device
must be installed with computer equipment certified to comply with Class B limits.
All cables used to connect to the computer and peripherals must be shielded and grounded. Operation with
non-certified computers or non-shielded cables may result in interference to radio or television reception.
MODIFICATION: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the grantee of this device could void the user’s
authority to operate the device.
Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Radiation Exposure Statement
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This
equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body. This
transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
Notice for Canada
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003 and RSS-210. Cet appareil numérique de classe B est
conforme aux normes canadiennes NMB-003 et CNR-210.This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt
RSS standard. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1)This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2)this device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesirable operation.
Cet appareil est conforme avec Industrie Canada RSS standard exempts de licence.Son Fonctionnement est soumis
aux deux conditions suivantes :
(1)Le matériel ne peut étre source D’interférences et
(2)Doit accepter toutes les interférences reques, Y compris celles pouvant provoquer un fonctionnement indésirable.
This digital device does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the
interference-causing equipment standard entitled “Digital Apparatus,” ICES-003 of the Department of Communica-
tions. Cet appareil numerique respecte les limites de bruits radioelectriques applicables aux appareils numeriques de
Classe B prescrites dans la norme sur le materiel brouilleur: “Appareils Numeriques,” NMB-003 edictee par le
ministre des Communications.
Caution: Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation.
To comply with RSS 102 RF exposure compliance requirements, a separation distance of at least 20 cm must be
maintained between the antenna of this device and all persons.Pour se conformer aux exigences de conformité CNR
102 RF exposition, une distance de séparation d'au moins 20 cm doit être maintenue entre l'antenne de cet appareil et
toutes les personnes
MODIFICATION: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the grantee of this device could void the user’s
authority to operate the device. Toute modification non approuvée explicitement par le fournisseur de licence de
l’appareil peut entraîner l’annulation du droit de l’utilisateur à utiliser l’appareil.
Avrupa Uyumu
Bu ürün aşağıdakilere uygundur:2004/108/EC EMC (Elektromanyetik Uyumluluk) Yönetmeliği.2011/65/EC RoHS
(Tehlikeli Maddelerin Kısıtlanması) YönetmeliğiAvrupa piyasasına yönelik, elektrik şebekesi tarafından çalıştırılan
ürünler 2006/95/EC Alçak Gerilim Yönetmeliği (LVD ) ve 2009/125/EC Enerji ile İlgili Ürünlerin Çevreye Duyarlı
Tasarımına İlişkin Yönetmeliğe uygundur. Avrupa piyasasına yönelik İletişim / RF kablosuz ürünleri R ve TTE
Yönetmeliği 1999/5/EC ile uyumludur.
Avrupa CE gereksinimleriyle uyumlu olması için bu cihazın, B Sı
nıfı sınırlarına uygun olan CE sertifikalı bilgisayar
donanımları ile birlikte kurulması gerekir. Bu cihazı bağlamak için kullanılan tüm kabloların koruyuculu ve
topraklanmış olması ve 3 metreden uzun olmaması gerekir. Sertifikalı olmayan bilgisayarlarla veya yanlış
kablolarla birlikte kullanılması, diğer cihazların düzgün çalışmamasına veya üründe istenmeyen etkiler görülmesine
neden olabilir.
Creative Technology Limited veya bağlı şirketlerinden biri tarafından açıkça onaylanmamış tüm değişiklikler
kullanıcının garanti ve teminat haklarını geçersiz kılabilir.
Regulatory Information
© 2014 Creative Technology Ltd. All rights reserved. Creative and the Creative logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Creative Technology Ltd in the United States and/or other countries. The Bluetooth
word mark and
logos are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Creative Technology Ltd is under license. All
other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Use
of this product is subject to a limited warranty. Actual product may differ slightly from images shown.
According to R&TTE Directive (1999/5/EC)
Manufacturer’s Name: Creative Technology Ltd.
Manufacturer’s Address: 31, International Business Park
#03-01 Creative Resource
Singapore 609921
Product Name: Creative T3250 Wireless
Product Model Number: MF0450
Intended Use: Office and Home Usage
Restrictive Use: Nil
To which this declaration relates are in conformity with the following standard(s):
EMC: Class B
EN 55013: 2013
EN 55020:2007 + A11: 2011
EN 61000-3-2:2006 +A1: 2009 + A2: 2009
EN 61000-3-3:2013
EN 301 489-1 V1.9.2: 2011
EN 301 489-17 V2.2.1:2012
Health & Safety:
IEC 60065: 2001 + A1: 2005 + A2:2010
EN 60065: 2002 + A1: 2006 + A11: 2008 + A2: 2010 + A12: 2011
EN 62479:2010
EN 300 328 V1.8.1:2012
Energy Use
Regulation (EC) No.1275/2008
Technical documentation for this product(s) is retained at the following address:
Company Name : Creative Technology Ltd.
Company Address : 31, International Business Park
#03-01 Creative Resource
Singapore 609921
Hereby, Creative Technology Ltd. declares that this wireless speaker is in compliance with the essential requirements and other
relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
Creative Technology Ltd., Kablosuz Hoparlör in Avrupa Konseyi'nin 1999/5/EC sayili direktifinde belirtilen önemli gereklilik ve ilgili
kosullara uygunlugunu beyan eder
Creative :
50/60Hz 200mA
Bluetooth :
Bluetooth 3.0
2402 – 2480 MHz
Bluetooth *:
A2DP ( Bluetooth)
: 0
C to 45
* Bluetooth ¹
¹ ² /
¹ Bluetooth PC (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1) Apple Macintosh
² Bluetooth A2DP iPhone Windows Mobile
蓝牙 蓝牙
안전 지침안전 지침
Creative 제품을 사용하기 전에 다음을 읽어보십시오. 제품을 사용하기 전에 다음을 읽어보십시오.
사용하는 국가 또는 지역에 적합한 메인 플러그를 사용하십시오.
전원을 완전히 차단하려면 메인 플러그의 연결을 해제해야 합니다.
며칠 동안 장치를 사용하지 않을 때에는 메인 플러그의 연결을 해제하십시오.
기술 사양기술 사양
장치 작동 온도 범위장치 작동 온도 범위:
100-240V 50/60Hz 200mA
Bluetooth 버전
Bluetooth 3.0
동작 주파수
동작 주파수:
2402 - 2480 MHz
지원되는 Bluetooth 프로파일프로파일*:
A2DP (무선 스테레오 Bluetooth)
지원 코덱지원 코덱:
장치 작동 온도 범위 :
장치 작동 온도 범위 : 0
C to 45
작동 범위작동 범위:
최대 10m, 개방형 공간에서 측정. 벽과 구조물이 장치의 범위에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.
* 지원되는 프로파일은 Bluetooth 장치(노트북¹, PC¹ 또는 휴대용 장치²) 제조업체의 설명서 또는
웹사이트를 참조하십시오.
¹ PC(Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1), Bluetooth 무선 스테레오가 장착된 Apple Macintoshes와 호환
² Bluetooth A2DP 가 가능한 주요 브랜드 휴대폰 (iPhone, Windows Mobile 포함)과 호환
호환성 고지 사항:호환성 고지 사항:
무선 성능은 장치의 Bluetooth 무선 기술에 따라 다릅니다. 장치 제조업체의 설명서를참조하십시오.
이러한 장치의 사용으로 인한 데이터 손실이나 유출에 대해서는 Creative 가 책임을 지지 않습니다.
제품 등록제품 등록
제품을 등록하면 최신 서비스와 제품 지원을 받으실 수
있습니다. 설치 중에서 제품을등록할 수 있습니다.
보증 권한은 등록과 별개라는 점을 유념하십시오.
Güvenlik Talimatları
Creative Ürünlerini kullanmadan önce lütfen aşağıdaki talimatları okuyun:
Yaşadığınız ülkeye ya da bölgeye uygun bir fiş kullanın.
Elektrik bağlantısını tamamen kesmek için, fiş prizden çıkarılmış olmalıdır.
Cihazı birkaç gün kullanmayacaksanız fişini prizden çekin.
Teknik özellikler
Nominal Giriş Voltajı:
100-240V 50/60Hz 200mA
Bluetooth Sürümü:
Bluetooth 3.0
Çalışma Frekansı:
2402 - 2480 MHz
Desteklenen Bluetooth profilleri*:
A2DP (Kablosuz Stereo Bluetooth)
Desteklenen Codec:
Cihaz Çalışma Sıcaklığı Aralığı: 0
C to 45
Çalıştırma Mesafesi:
10 metreye kadar (açık alanda ölçülmüştür). Duvarlar ve yapılar aygıtın mesafesini etkileyebilir.
* Desteklenen profiller için Bluetooth aygıtınızın (dizüstü bilgisayar¹,masaüstü bilgisayar¹ veya mobil aygıt²) üretici
belgelerine/web sitesine bakın.
¹ Bilgisayar (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1), Bluetooth kablosuz stereo donanımı olan Apple Macintosh'larla uyumludur
² Birçok büyük Bluetooth A2DP etkin cep telefonu markasıyla uyumludur (iPhone, Windows Mobile dahil)
Uyumlulukla ilgili yasal uyarılar
Kablosuz performans, aygıtınızın Bluetooth kablosuz teknolojisine bağlıdır. Aygıtınızın üreticisi tarafından sağlanan
kullanım kılavuzuna bakın. Bu aygıtların kullanılmasından kaynaklanacak veri kaybı veya sızıntılarından Creative
sorumlu değildir.
Ürün Kaydı
Ürününüzü kaydettirerek en uygun hizmetlerden ve ürün desteğinden yararlanabilirsiniz. Ürünü yükleme sırasında adresinden kaydettirebilirsiniz.
Lütfen garantiden doğan haklarınızın kaydolmanıza bağlı olmadığını unutmayın.
Instruksi Keselamatan
Harap baca instruksi berikut sebelum menggunakan produk Creative:
Gunakan colokan listrik yang sesuai dengan standar di negara atau wilayah Anda.
Agar benar-benar terputus dari input daya, colokan harus diputus sambungannya/dilepaskan dari sumber listrik.
Lepaskan colokan listrik jika perangkat tersebut tidak akan digunakan untuk beberapa hari.
Spesifikasi Teknis
Peringkat Masukan:
100-240V 50/60Hz 200mA
Versi Bluetooth:
Bluetooth 3.0
Frekuensi Pengoperasian:
2402 - 2480 MHz
Profil Bluetooth yang Didukung*:
A2DP (Bluetooth Stereo Nirkabel)
Codec yang Didukung:
Rentang Suhu Pengoperasian Perangkat: 0
C hingga 45
Rentang Pengoperasian:
Hingga 10 meter, diukur di ruang terbuka. Dinding dan bangunan dapat memengaruhi rentang perangkat.
* Lihat dokumentasi/situs web produsen perangkat (notebook¹, PC¹, atau perangkat seluler²) Bluetooth Anda untuk
mengetahui profil apa saja yang didukung.
¹ Kompatibel dengan PC (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1), Apple Macintosh yang dilengkapi dengan
stereo nirkabel Bluetooth
² Kompatibel dengan sebagian besar merek ponsel yang didukung oleh A2DP Bluetooth
Sanggahan Kompatibilitas
Performa nirkabel bergantung pada teknologi nirkabel Bluetooth dari perangkat Anda. Lihat manual produsen
perangkat Anda. Creative tidak bertanggung jawab atas kehilangan data atau kebocoran apa pun akibat penggunaan
perangkat-perangkat ini.
Pendaftaran Produk
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50/60Hz 200mA
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Bluetooth 3.0
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Model No. 型号 型号: MF0450 製品概要 1. LEDステータスインジケータ LEDステータス 2 6 7 1 1. LED status indicator 5 4 LED Status Speaker Status Lit steady Powered ON (Idle) or connected to any Bluetooth® devices LED rapid blinking Pairing Mode 2. ON / OFF Switch / Volume 3. Bluetooth Connect button 4. To Wall Outlet 5. 3.5mm analog stereo mini plug LEDがすばやく点滅 ペアリングモード 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ON/OFFスイッチ / ボリューム Bluetooth接続ボタン 壁コンセントに接続 3.5mmアナログステレオミニプラグ 左スピーカー 右スピーカー b. Bluetooth 接続を設定する Bluetoothボタンを押し続け、LEDがすばやく点滅し始め たら離します Bluetooth デバイスで お使いのデバイスのBluetooth 機能をオンにします。 Creative T3250Wを検索します。 ペアリングし、Creative T3250Wに接続します。パスコ ードの入力が求められたら、「0000」と入力します。 iv. ペアリングが正常に終了しました。音楽をストリーミング できます。 c. i. ii. iii. 2. Bluetooth デバイスとCreative T3250W 間の再接続 ペアリングしたBluetooth デバイスをお使いのスピー カーと簡単に再接続できます。Bluetoothデバイスで、 Creative T3250W オプションを選択して、以前接 続していた4つまでのBluetoothデバイスに再接続しま す。それらのデバイスは、T3250 Wirelessの電源が オンで、どのデバイスにも接続されていない場合に、 Creative T3250Wに再接続できます。 メモ: Creative T3250 Wirelessはペアリングされたデバイ スをメモリバンク内に最大4個まで記憶できます。これらの デバイスのうちいずれかをCreative T3250Wと接続する場 合、ペアリングをやり直す必要はありません。5つ目のデバ イスをT3250Wにペアリングする場合は、1つ目のデバイ スが、T3250Wのメモリバンクから削除されます。最大4 つのデバイスメモリまで常時保持されています。 3. 省電力モード Bluetooth接続がないとき、または15分以上ライン入力 接続にオーディオ信号が検出されない場合に、スピー カーは、省電力モードモードに入ります。 スピーカーを数日間使用しないと思われる場合には、 スピーカーの電源を切ることをお勧めします。 このガイドの最新のオンラインバージョン、およびこ の製品の安全および規制情報などの補足書類について は、をご覧ください。 メモ: 上の手順は、Bluetoothデバイスとのペアリングの一般的な方 法です。Bluetoothとお使いのデバイスとの接続の詳細な手順につい ては、デバイスのメーカーのマニュアルをご覧ください。 d. Bluetoothから音楽のストリーミングを行う ボリュームダイアルを時計回り、または反時計回りに回転させ て、ボリュームを調整します。ボリュームの調整時には、ソ ースデバイスのボリュームを調整することもできます。 6. Left speaker 7. Right speaker 2 Enjoy audio from Bluetooth devices a. Powering Up the speaker c. On Bluetooth device Power on the speaker by turning the volume dial in the clockwise direction. The LED status indicator will lit steady indicating the speaker is currently ON. i. Turn ON the Bluetooth feature on your device. ii. Search for Creative T3250W. iii. Pair and connect to Creative T3250W. If prompted for passcode, enter 0000. iv. Pairing successful, ready to stream music. i. ii. Connectivity Bluetooth iii. Connectivity Search results ON Network Connections Operator Internet USB Creative T3250W Creative T3250W PASSCODE CONNECTED 0000 Note: The above are generic steps to pair to a Bluetooth device, for more specific instructions on Bluetooth connectivity for your device, please consult your manufacturer’s manual. Turn volume dial clockwise or anti-clockwise to increase or decrease volume. You may also adjust your source device volume settings to increase or decrease volume. Press and hold the Bluetooth button and release when the LED starts blinking rapidly. You can reconnect your paired Bluetooth device to your speaker easily. Select ‘Creative T3250W’ entry on the Bluetooth device to reconnect any of the 4 previously connected Bluetooth devices would be able to reconnect to Creative T3250W when the T3250 Wireless is powered ON and not connected to any device. Note: The Creative T3250 Wireless is able to remember up to 4 paired devices in its memory bank, eliminating the need to re-pair again should any of these devices connect to the Creative T3250W. Should a 5th device be paired to the T3250W, the 1st device will be erased from the T3250W’s memory banks. At any one time a maximum memory of 4 devices are being retained. 3 CS ␤㊹⡣⹎ FR LED㽔㜢 1. Voyant d'état État du voyant État du haut-parleur Allumé Sous tension (Inactif) ou connecté à n'importe quel appareil Bluetooth Mode couplage 2. Interrupteur marche/arrêt/Volume 3. Bouton de connexion Bluetooth 4. Vers la prise mural 5. Mini-fiche stéréo analogique de 3,5 mm 6. Haut-parleur gauche 7. Haut-parleur droit 1. Écouter le son des périphériques Bluetooth a. Activer le haut-parleur Allumez le haut-parleur en faisant tourner la molette de réglage du volume dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre. Le voyant indicateur d'état s'allumera et restera stable pour indiquer que le haut-parleur est activé. b. Établir une connexion Bluetooth Appuyez sur le bouton Bluetooth et maintenez-le enfoncé, puis relâchez-le quand la LED commence à clignoter rapidement c. Sur le périphérique Bluetooth i. Activez la fonction Bluetooth sur votre périphérique. ii. Recherchez le Creative T3250W. iii. Couplez et connectez l'équipement au Creative T3250W. Si un code d'accès vous est demandé, entrez '0000’. iv. Couplage réussi, prêt à diffuser de la musique. 2. Reconnexions entre le périphérique Bluetooth et le Creative T3250W Vous pouvez facilement reconnecter votre périphérique Bluetooth couplé à votre haut-parleur. Sélectionnez l'entrée 'Creative T3250W’ sur le périphérique Bluetooth pour effectuer la reconnexion. Un ou plusieurs des 4 périphériques Bluetooth précédemment connectés pourraient se reconnecter au Creative T3250W lors de la réactivation de celui-ci et alors qu'il n'est pas connecté aux périphériques. Remarque : Le Creative T3250W peut se souvenir d'un maximum de 4 périphériques couplés dans sa banque de mémoire, rendant superflu le recouplage au cas où ces périphériques se reconnecteraient au Creative T3250W. Si un 5ème périphérique doit être couplé au T3250W, le 1er sera effacé des banques de mémoire du T3250W. La mémoire maximale ne conserve que 4 périphériques à un moment donné. 3. Mode d'économie d'énergie Le haut-parleur passe en mode d'économie d'énergie lorsqu'aucune connexion Bluetooth ou aucun signal audio n'est détecté sur la connexion d'entrée ligne pendant plus de 15 minutes. Il est recommandé de mettre le haut-parleur hors tension lorsqu'il doit rester inutilisé pendant plusieurs jours. Pour la version en ligne à jour de ce guide et d'autres documents sur ce produit, concernant notamment la sécurité et la réglementation, consultez le site Remarque: les opérations ci-dessus correspondent à la procédure générique de couplage à un périphérique Bluetooth; pour des instructions plus précises sur la connectivité Bluetooth en rapport à votre périphérique, consultez le manuel du fabricant. Información general del producto 1. Indicador LED de estado LED de estado Estado de los altavoces Encendido fijo Encendido (inactivo) o conectado a cualquier dispositivo Bluetooth LED con parpadeo rápido 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Modo de emparejamiento Interruptor de encendido/apagado/Volumen Botón de conexión Bluetooth A la toma de corriente Clavija mini de 3,5 mm de estéreo analógico Altavoz izquierd Altavoz derecho 1. Disfrutar de contenidos de audio desde dispositivos Bluetooth a. Encendido del altavoz Mantenga presionado el botón Bluetooth y libérelo cuando el LED comience a parpadear rápidamente b. Establecimiento de la conexión Bluetooth Para poder realizar el emparejamiento con otros dispositivos Bluetooth, mantenga pulsado el botón Bluetooth hasta que oiga dos pitidos y el indicador LED parpadee con rapidez. c. Encender el dispositivo Bluetooth i. Conecte la función Bluetooth del dispositivo. ii. Realice una búsqueda de Creative T3250W. iii. Empareje y conecte a Creative T3250W. Si se le solicita un código de contraseña, especifique 0000. iv. Conexión correcta, listo para reproducir música. También puede ajustar los valores de volumen de su dispositivo para aumentar o reducir el volumen. 㢺⛊⼍㋲ ♋㴚⵺㋶ᱤ㦀㺥ᱥ⫊㮻⻸Ⱗ㺣 ⹄㫬㔤⌤ LEDⶼ㚑㓽㙰 ㈨⛶ㄩ㖷 2. ♋㴚⵺⤴㯞⼋ 3.⹄㫬⻸Ⱗ≢㇩ 4.Ⱗ㺣㍽⍆␏㾙 5.⧛ゟㄩㅨ⻮㝛㔵゜ㅩ␏㟫 6.㾓㯞㦔 7.㱺㯞㦔 Puede volver a conectar el dispositivo emparejado Bluetooth de forma sencilla a su altavoz. Seleccione la entrada de Creative T3250W en el dispositivo Bluetooth que desea reconectar. Cualquiera de los 4 dispositivos Bluetooth conectados con anterioridad podrá reconectarse a Creative T3250W cuando éste esté encendido y no se encuentre conectado a otro dispositivo. Aceso continuamente Conectado (Inativo) ou ligado a quaisquer dispositivos com Bluetooth LED intermitente rápido Modo de emparelhamento Nota: Creative T3250W recuerda hasta 4 dispositivos emparejados en su banco de memoria, eliminando la necesidad de volver a realizar el emparejamiento cuando alguno de estos dispositivos se vuelve a conectar con Creative T3250W. Si un 5º dispositivo se empareja con T3250W, se borrará el 1er dispositivo del banco de memoria de T3250W. La cantidad máxima de dispositivos que puede retener a la vez la memoria es de 4. 3. Modo de ahorro de energía El altavoz entra en el modo de ahorro de energía cuando no hay conexión Bluetooth o no se detecta ninguna señal de audio en la conexión de entrada de línea durante más de 15 minutos. Se recomienda apagar cuando no se vaya a usar el altavoz durante varios días. Para consultar la versión en línea más reciente de esta guía y documentación suplementaria como información sobre normativa y seguridad de este producto, visita 2. Bluetooth 장치와 Creative T3250W를 를 다시 연결 스피커 상태 점등 상태 유지 전원 켜짐(유휴) 또는 Bluetooth 장치에 연결됨 LED가 빠르게 깜박임 페어링 모드 ON/OFF 스위치 / 볼륨 Bluetooth 연결 버튼 벽 콘센트 3.5mm 아날로그 스테레오 미니 플러그 왼쪽 스피커 오른쪽 스피커 1. Bluetooth 장치에서 오디오 즐기기 a. 스피커 전원 켜기 볼륨 다이얼을 시계 방향으로 돌려서 스피커의 전원을 켭니다. LED 상태 표시등이 켜져 있으면 스피커가 현재 켜져 있다는 의미입니다. b. Bluetooth 연결 설정 Bluetooth 버튼을 길게 누르고 LED가 빠르게 깜박이기 시작하면 손을 놓습니다. c. Bluetooth 장치에서 i. 장치에서 Bluetooth 기능을 켭니다. ii. Creative T3250W를 검색합니다. iii. Creative T3250W에 연결합니다. 암호를 입력하라는 메시지가 나오면 0000을 입력합니다. iv. 연결이 성공되고 음악을 스트리밍할 준비가 됩니다. 참고: 위 설명은 Bluetooth 장치에 연결하는 일반적인 단계이며 참고 Bluetooth 연결에 대한 자세한 지침은 제조업체의 설명서를 참조하십시오. d. Bluetooth Bluetooth로 로 음악 스트리밍 준비 볼륨을 높이거나 줄이려면 볼륨 다이얼을 시계 방향 또는 시계 반대 방향으로 돌립니다. 또한 소스 장치의 볼륨 설정을 조정하여 볼륨을 높이거나 낮출 수 있습니다. 연결했던 Bluetooth 장치를 스피커에 손쉽게 다시 연결할 수 있습니다. T3250 Wireless의 전원이 켜지고 어떤 장치에도 연결되지 않았을 때 “Creative T3250W“를 Bluetooth 장치에서 선택하여 이전에 연결했던 4개의 Bluetooth 장치가 Creative T3250W에 다시 연결될 수 있습니다. 참고 Creative T3250 Wireless는 메모리 뱅크에 최대 4개의 참고: 연결 장치를 기억할 수 있으며 Creative T3250W에 연결했던 장치를 다시 연결할 필요가 없습니다. 5번째 장치를 T3250W에 연결해야 하는 경우, 첫 번째 장치가 T3250W의 메모리 뱅크에서 지워집니다. 한 번에 최대 4개의 장치를 유지할 수 있습니다. 3. 절전 모드 15분 이상 Bluetooth 연결이 없거나 라인 입력 연결에서 오디오 신호가 감지되지 않으면 스피커가 절전 모드로 들어갑니다. 스피커를 며칠 동안 사용하지 않을 경우 전원을 꺼 두는 것이 좋습니다. 이 제품에 대한 안전 및 규정 관련 정보와 같은 추가 문서 및 이 설명서의 최신 온라인 버전을 보려면를 방문하시기 바랍니다. 2. Interruptor de ligar/desligar/Volume 3. Botão Ligar Bluetooth 4. Para ligação à tomada eléctrica 5. Mini tomada estéreo analógica de 3,5 mm 6. Coluna esquerda 7. Coluna direita 1. Ouvir música a partir de dispositivos Bluetooth a. Ligar a coluna Ligar a coluna, rodando o regulador de volume na direção dos ponteiros do relógio. b. Estabeleça a ligação Bluetooth Prima e mantenha premido o botão Bluetooth, soltando-o quando o LED começar a piscar rapidamente c. Ligar o dispositivo Bluetooth i. Active a funcionalidade Bluetooth do dispositivo. ii. Procure Creative T3250W. iii. Efectue o emparelhamento e estabeleça ligação ao Creative T3250W. Se lhe for solicitado um código de acesso, introduza '0000’. iv. Emparelhamento bem sucedido – pronto para transmitir música. Pode efectuar facilmente uma nova ligação do dispositivo Bluetooth emparelhado para a coluna. Seleccione a entrada 'Creative T3250W’ no dispositivo Bluetooth para efectuar uma nova ligação Qualquer um dos 4 dispositivos Bluetooth anteriormente ligados poderá ser novamente ligado ao Creative T3250W quando o T3250W estiver ligado e não estiver ligado a qualquer outro dispositivo. Nota: O Creative T3250W tem capacidade para recordar até 4 dispositivos emparelhados no seu banco de memória, eliminando assim a necessidade e efectuar um novo emparelhamento no caso de qualquer um destes dispositivos ser ligado ao Creative T3250W. No caso de um 5º dispositivo ser emparelhado com o T3250W, o 1º dispositivo será eliminado dos bancos de memória do T3250W. É sempre mantido um máximo de 4 dispositivos na memória. 3. Modo de poupança de energia A coluna entra no modo de poupança de energia quando não existe nenhuma ligação Bluetooth, nem é detetado nenhum sinal na ligação de entrada de linha durante mais de 15 minutos. É recomendável desligar, quando for possível prever que a coluna não será utilizada durante vários dias. Para obter a versão online mais recente deste guia e a documentação complementar, como informações de segurança e regulamentares sobre este produto, visite Hoparlör Durumu Güç AÇIK (Boşta) veya herhangi bir Bluetooth cihazına bağlı LED hızlı yanıp sönüyor Eşleştirme modu 㮔⫉㐟⟩㺚ㅕ☨㾎㨰㵀㦏⊔⟩㮾⭆⟩␤㊹☨≠㐩㙭タ ⧧⥂㷦㨳㥒☬⏣Ⓦ㢶☙ᱨ㎫➣㢼 d. 㽜⌤㟜⥙⹄㫬║㗞㯞⹤⽃ 㙫㖫㸏⫊ㅬ㖫㸏㽊⛑㯞⼋⏐㈐㵜▙⫊⮋㨏㯞⼋ᮣ ㆀ㮜⶙㮾♛㸟㴚㔤⌤㯞⼋㔤㺥⹂㵜▙⫊⮋㨏㯞⼋ᮣ 2.㺺㨰⻸Ⱗ⹄㫬㔤⌤㲓Creative T3250W ㆀ⶙㮾➝⍏☼㺺㨰⻸Ⱗ㮻㈨⛶☨⹄㫬㔤⌤⧧㯞㦔ᮣ㫍㵗 ⹄㫬㔤⌤㺲☨᮰Creative T3250W᮱㺺㨰⯼⻮⻸Ⱗᮣ Creative T3250WⰧ㟜♋㴚⏌㎒㔌㢦⻸Ⱗ㺣㑌⧨㔤⌤㖫ᱨ ⶙㺺㨰⻸Ⱗ㥸㍰㵞⻸Ⱗ⥙☨4⢔⹄㫬㔤⌤ᮣ 㽂㯌Creative T3250 Wireless⭝㯎ⶲ⶙㑛ㅏ✂▕4⢔㮻㈨⛶☨㔤⌤ᱨ 㑥⥗㸆㨗㔤⌤㩖㮔㲓Creative T3250W⻸Ⱗᱨ⶙⍈オ㺺㨰⻸Ⱗ ☨⿳➓ᮣ㑥⥗㱸☾5⢔㔤⌤㲓T3250W㈨⛶ᱨ㵘☾1⢔㔤⌤☨ 㨳㥒⯿╹⭝㯎ⶲ㺲㎥ⓥᮣ㵀㑌⧨㖫⨌ᱨ㚱⌏⽀☨㈨⛶㔤⌤㨳㥒 㾎✂㢜4⢔ᮣ ⅐㊹⡣㰄 1. LEDᮐ࿃㺚㖸 LEDᮐ࿃ ⸼≶ᮐ࿃ ❠⛊⼍㋲ 丂㴚䱜߸ᱤ䱢㺥ᱥ⫊㮻䓓Ⱗ㺣 㘴㫬㪏㺥 LED ⶼ㚑䱔ᬔ ㈨౰ㄩ㖷 2.丂㴚䱜䴋㯞⼋ 3.㘴㫬䓓Ⱗ≢䜺 4.Ⱗ㺣ᬿ⍆␏㾙 5.3.5mm偂⌴⻮叠⾟゜ㅩ␏們 6.㾓⸼≶ 7.㱺⸼≶ 1. 㟬䓯㘴㫬㪏㺥㨮䂍㯞㨕 D䱜߸⸼≶丂㴚 侌ያ䚤䐗‫ڭ‬㯞⼋㩫䜺䱜߸⸼≶丂㴚ᮣLEDᮐ࿃㺚㖸౬❠ ⛊⼍㋲ᱨ⍙タ⸼≶ㅅ㍰㮻䱜߸ᮣ E⯼⻮㘴㫬䓓Ⱗ ≢㽁㘴㫬≢䜺ᱨ㺓☡LED䱜㖶ⶼ㚑䱔ᬔ䛭合䱜ᮣ F㵀㘴㫬㪏㺥㔋 L 䱜߸㪏㺥☨㘴㫬⤂ㅢᮣ LL 㚉౮Creative T3250Wᮣ LLL㈨౰Ϭ䓓Ⱗ㺣Creative T3250Wᮣ㑥⥗ⓞ⁵イ┈㝗㖸ᱨ 㶬䎨㑩0000ᮣ LY㈨౰⒱⤂ᱨ㸡ᡴՂՕ䎨㯞ᕩᮣ 㽂㯌㮾㔋㗁⸼≶ㆨ㘴㫬㪏㺥㈨౰☨⒋㭸⏧厮ᱨ㱸䴋ㆀ☨㪏㺥☨ 㘴㫬䓓Ⱗ☨㳺⬰㺚㖸ᱨ㶬ܺ䲂㪢㵒㔈㝗⤅☨㗐‫װ‬ᮣ G㟬䓯㘴㫬Օ䎨㯞ᕩᡴՂⳟⲊ 侌ያ䚤⫊ㅬያ䚤䐗‫ڭ‬㯞⼋㩫䜺ᱨ⶙㵜▙⫊᠛㨏㯞⼋ᮣ ㆀ㮜⶙㮾㶠㸟㴚㪏㺥㯞⼋㲶⛊ҍ㵜▙⫊᠛㨏㯞⼋ᮣ 2. 㵀㘴㫬㪏㺥⧧Creative T3250W 㺐䱤㺺㨰⯼ ⻮䓓Ⱗ ㆀ⶙㮾䎅合☼౬㈨౰☨㘴㫬㪏㺥㺺㨰䓓Ⱗ㺣⸼≶ᮣ㵀㘴㫬 㪏㺥㺲䔉ᇭᮮCreative T3250Wᮯ例ㅅ㮾㺺㨰䓓Ⱗᮣ ↂT3250 Wireless丂㴚䱜߸㎒㢦䓓Ⱗ㺣㑌⧨㪏㺥ያᱨ㺐 ㍰䓓Ⱗ☨Ӟ㘴㫬㪏㺥㺲☨㑌㯌㮥Ӟⴋ⶙㺺㨰䓓Ⱗ㺣 Creative T3250Wᮣ d. Pronto para transmitir música através de Bluetooth Rode o regulador de volume no sentido dos ponteiros do relógio, ou no sentido contrário, para aumentar ou diminuir o volume. Também pode ajustar as definições de volume do dispositivo de origem para aumentar ou diminuir o volume. 3. Bluetooth cihazı ve Creative T3250W arasında yeniden bağlantı kurma 1. LED durum ışığı Sabit yanıyor 㑥⥗㯞㦔㦀㺥⭎㝢⏥㱫ᱨ⯼㯓ㆀ⤴⍁㯞㦔♋㴚ᮣ a.▘⵺㯞㦔Ⱗ㟜♋㴚 㙫㖫㸏㽊⛑㯞⼋⏐㈐⵺㋶㯞㦔♋㴚ᮣLED㽔㜢㺚㖸☪⯿ ⒲⒌⼍㽔㜢ᱨ⍙㖸㯞㦔ㅅ㍰㮻Ⱗ㟜♋㴚ᮣ b.⯼⻮⹄㫬⻸Ⱗ ≢㽁⹄㫬≢㇩㺓㺣LED⵺㖶ⶼ㚑㓽㙰⨍㚁⵺ᮣ c.㵀⹄㫬㔤⌤㔋 L ▘⵺㔤⌤☨⹄㫬⤂ㅢᮣ LL 㚉㚯Creative T3250Wᮣ LLL㈨⛶⏌⻸Ⱗ㺣Creative T3250Wᮣ㑥⥗㝗㖸ㆀ㗞㑩イ ⿵ᱨ㎫㗞㑩0000ᮣ LY㈨⛶⒱⤂ᱨ㽜⌤║㗞㯞⹤⽃ᮣ BI Ürün Tanıtımı LED Durumu Estado da coluna 2. Novas ligações entre o dispositivo Bluetooth e o Creative T3250W Nota: Estes passos são genéricos para emparelhar com um dispositivo Bluetooth; para obter instruções mais específicas acerca da conectividade Bluetooth do seu dispositivo, consulte o manual fornecido pelo respectivo fabricante. TR 1. LED 상태 표시기 1. Indicador de estado LED Estado do LED d. Preparado para reproducir música a través de Bluetooth Gire el volumen en el sentido de las agujas del reloj, o en el sentido contrario, para aumentar o disminuir el volumen. KO 제품 개요 ⒔⥙15➶㺵㣐⹄㫬⻸Ⱗ⫊㦏㩂㗞㑩⻸Ⱗ⮂␌⏥☡㯞㊷ 㨳⧟㖫ᱨ㯞㦔⯿ⱌ㑩Ⱞ♋ㄩ㖷ᮣ CT Perspectiva geral do produto 2. Volver a conectar el dispositivo Bluetooth y Creative T3250W Nota: Las instrucciones anteriores son los pasos generales a seguir para conectar con un dispositivo Bluetooth; para obtener instrucciones más específicas sobre la conectividad Bluetooth del dispositivo, consulte el manual del fabricante. d. Prêt à diffuser de la musique via Bluetooth Faites tourner la molette de réglage du volume dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre ou le sens inverse des aiguilles d’une montre pour augmenter ou diminuer le 㯞㦔㽔㜢 㽂㯌㔋㗰ㅠ㑛㢜㲓⹄㫬㔤⌤㈨⛶☨㮥⊑⏧㻊ᱨ㱸⤴⹄㫬㔤⌤⻸ Ⱗ☨⳱㝛㙭タᱨ㎫⏸ⶌ㔤⌤㺨㵒㔈㝗⤅☨㗐␋ᮣ PT ES volume.Vous pouvez également régler les paramètres du volume de votre appareil source pour augmenter ou diminuer le volume. 3.Ⱞ♋ㄩ㖷 1. LED㽔㜢㺚㖸☪ For the latest, online version of this guide and supplementary documentation such as safety and regulatory information for this product, please visit Aperçu du produit LED 상태 Power Saving Mode The speaker enters power saving mode when there is no Bluetooth connection or no audio signal detected on the Line-In connection for more than 15 minutes. It is recommended to power off when the speaker is expected to be unused for several days. Pairing Voyant qui clignote rapidement Reconnections between Bluetooth device and Creative T3250W 1.㨮㔉⹄㫬㔤⌤⏏➥☨㯞㊷ iv. Creative T3250W d. Ready to stream music via Bluetooth® b. Establish Bluetooth Connection 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 電源オン(アイドル)または任 意のBluetoothデバイスに接続 a. スピーカーの電源を入れる ボリュームのイヤルを時計回りの方向に回して、スピー カーの電源を入れます。LEDステータスインジケータが 点灯中の場合、スピーカーの電源が入っていることを示 します。 PN: 03MF045000001 Rev A 1 スピーカーステータス 常時点灯 1. Bluetooth デバイスからオーディオを楽しむ 3 Quick ick Start Guide Creative eative T3250 Wireless Wireles JP Product overview 2. AÇMA/KAPAMA Anahtarı / Ses Seviyesi 3. Bluetooth Bağlantı düğmesi 4. Priz 5. 3,5 mm analog stereo mini fiş 6. Sol hoparlör 7. Sağ hoparlör 2. Bluetooth cihazlardan müziğin keyfini çıkarın a. Hoparlörü Açma Ses seviyesi tuşunu saatin tersi yönünde çevirerek hoparlörü açın. Hoparlörün açık olduğunu gösteren LED durum göstergesi sürekli yanık durumda olacaktır. b. Bluetooth Bağlantısını Kurma Bluetooth düğmesine basılı tutun ve LED hızlı bir şekilde yanıp söndüğünde serbest bırakın c. Bluetooth cihazında i. Cihazınızdaki Bluetooth özelliğini açın. ii. Creative T3250W'yi Arama. iii. Eşleştirin ve Creative T3250W'ye bağlayın. Şifre istenirse, 0000 değerini girin. iv. Eşleştirme başarılı, müzik çalınabilir. Eşleştirilmiş Bluetooth cihazınızı hoparlörünüze kolayca yeniden bağlayabilirsiniz. 4'ünden herhangi birini yeniden bağlamak için Bluetooth cihazınızdaki 'Creative T3250W' girişini seçin, önceden bağlanan Bluetooth cihazları, T3250 Wireless AÇIK olduğunda ve herhangi bir cihaza bağlı olmadığında Creative T3250W'ye yeniden bağlanabilirler. Not: Creative T3250 Wireless önceden eşleştirilen maksimum 4 cihazı belleğinde tutma özelliğine sahiptir, böylece bu cihazlardan herhangi birinin Creative T3250W'ye bağlanması gerektiğinde yeniden eşleştirme gereğini ortadan kaldırır. 5. bir cihazın T3250W'ye bağlanması gerektiğinde, 1. cihaz T3250W'nin belleğinden silinecektir. Her seferinde maksimum 4 cihaz bellekte kayıtlı tutulacaktır. 4. Güç Tasarruf Modu Hiçbir Bluetooth bağlantısı olmadığında veya Giriş Hattı bağlantısında 15 dakikadan uzun bir süre hiçbir ses sinyali tespit edilmediğinde hoparlör, güç tasarrufu moduna girer. Hoparlörün birkaç gün boyunca kullanılmaması bekleniyorsa, kapatılması önerilir. Bu kılavuzun ve bu ürünle ilgili güvenlik ve yönetmelik bilgileri gibi diğer yardımcı belgelerin en yeni çevrimiçi sürümü için, lütfen sayfasını ziyaret edin. Gambaran Umum Produk 1. Indikator status LED Status LED Status Speaker Menyala stabil Dinyalakan (Idle) atau tersambung ke perangkat Bluetooth mana pun LED berkedip cepat Mode berpasangan 2. Sakelar / Volume ON/OFF 3. Tombol Bluetooth Connect 4. Untuk Colokan di Dinding 5. colokan mini stereo analog 3,5 mm 6. Speaker kiri 7. Speaker kanan 2. Nikmati audio dari perangkat Bluetooth a. Menyalakan speaker Nyalakan speaker dengan memutar kenop volume searah jarum jam. Indikator status LED akan menyala stabil ketika speaker sedang MENYALA. b. Membuat Koneksi Bluetooth Tekan dan tahan tombol Bluetooth dan lepaskan saat LED mulai berkedip dengan cepat c. Pada perangkat Bluetooth i. MENYALAKAN fitur Bluetooth pada perangkat Anda. ii. Mencari Creative T3250W. iii. Memasangkan dan terhubung ke Creative T3250W. Jika diminta kode masuk, masukkan 0000. iv. Pemasangan berhasil, siap untuk streaming musik. Not: Yukarıdaki adımlar, bir Bluetooth cihazını eşleştirmenin genel adımlarıdır, cihazınızdaki Bluetooth bağlantısına ilişkin daha özel talimatlar için lütfen üreticinizin kılavuzuna başvurun. Catatan: Di atas tersebut adalah langkah-langkah umum untuk terpasang ke perangkat Bluetooth, untuk instruksi khusus lainnya mengenai konektivitas Bluetooth untuk perangkat Anda, silakan baca manual produsen Anda. d. Bluetooth aracılığıyla müzik çalmaya hazırlama Ses seviyesini arttırmak veya azaltmak için ses seviyesi tuşunu saat yönünde ya da saatin tersi yönünde çevirin. d. Siap menstreaming musik melalui Bluetooth Putar kenop volume searah atau berlawanan arah jarum jam untuk menaikkan atau menurunkan volume. Ses seviyesini artırmak ya da azaltmak için kaynak cihazınızın ses seviyesi ayarlarını da değiştirebilirsiniz. Anda juga bisa menyesuaikan pengaturan volume perangkat sumber untuk menaikkan atau menurunkan volume. 3. Menghubungkan kembali perangkat Bluetooth dan Creative T3250W Anda dapat menghubungkan kembali perangkat Bluetooth yang sudah berpasangan ke speaker Anda dengan mudah. Memilih entri “Creative T3250W” di perangkat Bluetooth untuk menghubungkan kembali salah satu dari 4 perangkat Bluetooth yang sebelumnya dihubungkan akan bisa terhubung kembali ke Creative T3250W jika T3250 Wireless dinyalakan dan tidak terhubung ke perangkat lain. Catatan: Perangkat Creative T3250 Wireless mampu mengingat hingga 4 perangkat berpasangan dalam bank memorinya, sehingga Anda tak perlu memasangkan lagi apabila perangkat-perangkat ini terhubung ke Creative T3250W. Apabila perangkat kelima dipasangkan ke T3250W, perangkat pertama akan dihapus dari bank memori T3250W. Maksimal ada 4 memori perangkat yang disimpan pada saat yang bersamaan. 4. Mode Hemat Daya Speaker memasuki mode hemat daya jika tidak ada koneksi Bluetooth atau sinyal audio yang terdeteksi di koneksi Line-In selama lebih dari 15 menit. Sebaiknya Anda mematikan speaker jika tidak akan digunakan selama beberapa hari. Untuk versi online terbaru panduan ini dan dokumentasi tambahan seperti informasi keselamatan dan peraturan untuk produk ini, silakan kunjungi ‫ﻟﻬﺫﺍ ﺍﻟﺩﻟﻳﻝ ﻋﺑﺭ ﺍﻹﻧﺗﺭﻧﺕ ﻭﻛﺫﻟﻙ ﺍﻟﻭﺛﺎﺋﻕ ﺍﻟﺗﻛﻣﻳﻠﻳﺔ ﻣﺛﻝ ﻣﻌﻠﻭﻣﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﺳﻼﻣﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﺗﻧﻅﻳﻡ ﻟﻬﺫﺍ‬ ‫ﻟﻠﺣﺻﻭﻝ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺃﺣﺩﺙ ﺇﺻﺩﺍﺭ‬ ‫ﻳﺭﺟﻰ ﺯﻳﺎﺭﺓ‬ ،‫ﺍﻟﻣﻧﺗﺞ‬ 㽂㯌Creative T3250 Wireless☨㱃ရา㺲㾎✂⶙㮾㱃㽁4Ӟ ㈨౰☨㪏㺥ᱨ㑥⥗䓑㨗㪏㺥㺐㺲☨㮥Ӟ㩖㮔䓓Ⱗ㺣 Creative T3250Wᱨᩔ侎㺺㨰䓞㨾㈨౰ᮣ㑥⥗☾Ӟ㪏 㺥㩖㮔ㆨT3250W㈨౰ᱨ☾Ӟ㪏㺥౬່T3250W☨ 㱃ရา㺲㎥ⓥᮣ㵀㑌㯌ያ⶜ᱨ㾎✂㺝ㅢ⌏⽀Ӟ㪏㺥 ☨㱃ရᮣ 3. ⣹ㅢㄩ㖷 ⒔䓯15 ➶䬊ᩔ㘴㫬䓓Ⱗ⫊Ⲓ㩂䎨㑩ᗫᠤ⏥☡㯞㨕㨳㜌 ያᱨ⸼≶౬䓞㑩⣹ㅢㄩ㖷ᮣ 㑥⥗⸼≶㵀ቯ㑓‫⏥פ‬㱫ᱨ⯼㼉ㆀ䴋䱚⸼≶丂㴚ᮣ 㲣‫‏‬㐟⟩㺚ㅕ☨㾎㨰㵀Ⲓ⊔⟩㮾⭆⟩⅐㊹☨≠㐩㶋タ⧧㭸㷦 㨳㥒☬㪎Ⓦ㢶ᗟᱨ㶬㲳߬ EN ES FR PT Safety Instructions Consignes de sécurité Instrucciones de seguridad Instruções de segurança Please read the following before using the Creative product: Lisez ce qui suit avant d'utiliser les produits Creative: Lea la siguiente información antes de utilizar los productos de Creative: Leia as seguintes informações antes de utilizar os Produtos Creative: Utilice un enchufe de corriente que sea apropiado para su país o región. ● Para desconectar completamente la entrada de alimentación, debe desenchufar el cable alimentación de red de la toma de corriente. ● Desconecte el enchufe de alimentación de red cuando no vaya a utilizar el dispositivo durante varios días. ● ● Use a mains plug that is appropriate for your country or region. ● Utilisez une prise électrique correspondant à votre pays ou à votre région. ● To be completely disconnected from the power input, the mains plug has to be disconnected/detached from the mains. ● Pour mettre l'appareil complètement hors tension, débranchez le câble d'alimentation de la prise secteur. ● ● Disconnect the mains plug when the device is expected to be unused for several days. Débranchez le câble d'alimentation de la prise secteur lorsque l'appareil risque de rester inutilisé pendant plusieurs jours. Technical Specifications Input Rating: 100-240V ∿ 50/60Hz 200mA Bluetooth Version: Bluetooth 3.0 Caractéristiques techniques Tension d’entrée nominale: 100-240V ∿ 50/60Hz 200mA Version Bluetooth: Bluetooth 3.0 Operating Frequency: 2402 - 2480 MHz Fréquence de fonctionnement: 2402 - 2480 MHz Device Operating Temperature range: 0ºC to 45ºC Températures de fonctionnement du périphérique: 0ºC à 45ºC Supported Bluetooth profiles*: A2DP (Wireless Stereo Bluetooth) Profils Bluetooth pris en charge*: A2DP (Bluetooth stéréo sans fil) Supported Codec: SBC Codec pris en charge: SBC Operating Range: Portée de fonctionnement: Up to 10 meters, measured in open space. Walls and structures may affect range of device. Jusqu'à 10 mètres, mesurés dans un espace ouvert. Les murs et les structures peuvent influer sur la portée du périphérique. * Refer to your Bluetooth device (notebook¹, PC¹, or mobile device²) manufacturer’s documentation /website for supported profiles. * Pour savoir quels sont les profils pris en charge, reportez-vous à la documentation ou au site Web du fabricant du périphérique Bluetooth (ordinateur portable¹, PC¹, ou périphérique mobile²). ¹ Compatible with PC (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1), Apple Macintoshes equipped with Bluetooth wireless stereo ¹ Compatible avec les PC (Windo ws XP/Vista/7/8/8.1), les Apple Macintosh équipés d'un système stéréo sans fil Bluetooth ² Compatible with most major brands of Bluetooth A2DP enabled mobile phones Compatibility Disclaimer Wireless performance is dependent on your device’s Bluetooth wireless technology. Refer to your device manufacturer’s manual. Creative will not be liable for any lost of data or leakages resulting from the use of these devices. Product Registration Registering your product ensures you receive the most appropriate service and product support available. You can register your product during installation or at Please note that your warranty rights are not dependent on registration. ● Tensão nominal de entrada: 100-240V ∿ 50/60Hz 200mA Versão de Bluetooth: Bluetooth 3.0 Frequência de funcionamento: 2402 - 2480 MHz Intervalo de temperatura de funcionamento do dispositivo: 0ºC to 45ºC Perfis Bluetooth suportados*: A2DP (Bluetooth Estéreo Sem Fios) Codecs suportados: SBC Voltaje de entrada: 100-240V ∿ 50/60Hz 200mA Versión Bluetooth: Bluetooth 3.0 Frecuencia operativa: 2402 - 2480 MHz Rango de temperatura operativa del dispositivo: 0ºC a 45ºC Perfiles Bluetooth admitidos*: A2DP (Bluetooth estéreo inalámbrico) Códecs admitidos: SBC Hasta diez metros en espacios abiertos. Las paredes o estructuras pueden afectar al radio de funcionamiento del dispositivo. * Consulte la documentación o el sitio web del dispositivo Bluetooth del fabricante (portátil¹, PC¹, o dispositivo móvil²) para saber cuáles son los perfiles admitidos. ¹ Compatible con PC (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1), Apple Macintosh equipados con Bluetooth estéreo inalámbrico ² Compatible con las principales marcas de teléfonos móviles con Bluetooth A2DP (incluidos iPhone, Windows Mobile) Exención de responsabilidad El rendimiento de la red inalámbrica depende de la tecnología inalámbrica Bluetooth del dispositivo. Consulte la documentación del fabricante del dispositivo. Creative no será responsable de ninguna pérdida de datos o daños que resulten del uso de estos dispositivos. L’enregistrement de votre produit vous assure de recevoir le support produit et les services les plus appropriés disponibles. Vous pouvez enregistrer votre produit lors de l’installation ou sur le site Notez que vos droits à la garantie ne sont pas soumis à l’enregistrement. JP CS Alcance de funcionamento: Até 10 metros, medido em espaço aberto. As paredes e estruturas podem afectar o alcance do dispositivo. * Consulte a documentação/Web site do fabricante do seu dispositivo Bluetooth (portátil¹, computador de secretária¹ ou dispositivo móvel²) para verificar os perfis suportados. ¹ Compatível com PC (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1), Apple Macintosh equipado com estéreo sem fios Bluetooth. ² Compatível com a maior parte das marcas principais de telemóveis com A2DP Bluetooth (incluindo iPhone e Windows Mobile). Alcance operativo: Déclaration de compatibilité Enregistrement du produit Especificações técnicas Especificaciones técnicas ² Compatible avec les principales marques de téléphones mobiles Bluetooth A2DP (iPhone, Windows Mobile, etc.) Les performances sans fil dépendent de la technologie sans fil Bluetooth de votre périphérique. Reportez-vous à la documentation du fabricant de votre périphérique. Creative ne sera pas responsable pour les pertes de données ou les fuites résultant de l'utilisation des ces appareils. Utilize uma tomada de alimentação apropriada para o seu país ou região. Certifique-se de que desliga a ficha de alimentação da corrente eléctrica. ● Desligue a ficha de alimentação se o dispositivo não for utilizado durante um longo período de tempo. ● Exclusão de responsabilidade de compatibilidade: O desempenho sem fios depende da tecnologia Bluetooth sem fios do dispositivo. Consulte o manual do fabricante do dispositivo. A Creative não se responsabiliza por qualquer perda ou fuga de dados resultante da utilização destes dispositivos. Registro del producto Registo do produto Si registra el producto, recibirá el servicio de asistencia al cliente más adecuado. Puede realizar el registro durante la instalación o en la página Se señala que los derechos de la garantía son independientes del registro del producto. Registe o seu produto para receber a assistência técnica e de produto mais adequada disponível. Pode registar o produto durante a instalação ou em Tenha em atenção que os direitos de garantia não dependem do registo. CT KO 安全に関する注記 ≠㐩㖳㱫㙭タ ≠㐩㺚㖸 안전 지침 Creative製品をご使用になる前に以下をお読みください: ● お住まいの国または地域に適切な主電源プラグをご使用ください。 ● 電源を完全に切断するには、電源プラグをコンセントから抜きます。 ● デバイスを数日間使用しない場合は、電源プラグををコンセントから抜きます。 ㎫㥸㴪⛣㮾㥲ㅠ㑛ᱨ㐹⨍㴿㖳㱫 ㎫㥸㴪⛣㮾㥲ㅠ㑛ᱨ㐹⨍㴿㖳㱫&UHDWLYH␤㊹ᱶ ␤㊹ᱶ ●㖳㱫☨♋㴚␏㟫㮔㗄㱫㲂ㆀ㚱㵀☨⥖⭨⫊☼㎸ᮣ ●㮔⒡☻㎐⛱♋㴚ᱨ㩖㮔≼㥲㻙␏㟫⫊⛱⵺㻙␏㟫㲓㻙⫒☨⻸Ⱗᮣ ●㑥⥗㔤⌤㦀㺥⭎㝢⏥㱫ᱨ㩖⛱⵺㋦㲓㻙␏㟫☨⻸Ⱗᮣ 㵀㖳㱫 㵀㖳㱫&UHDWLYH⅐㊹㺐㍰ᱨ㶬䲂㼙㥲㢶ᱶ ⅐㊹㺐㍰ᱨ㶬䲂㼙㥲㢶ᱶ ●㖳㱫ㆀ㚱㵀ऌ⭨⫊☼۷㟜㱫☨丂㴚␏們ᮣ ●㑥㮔ㆨ丂㴚䎨㑩㠞㐩➶䱜䓓Ⱗᱨ⍄侎౬丂㴚␏們່丂㴚㔋ኚ䱜≼㥲ᮣ ●㑥⥗㪏㺥㵀ቯ㑓‫⏥פ‬㱫ᱨ㶬౬丂㴚␏們ኚ䱜ᮣ Creative 제품을 사용하기 전에 다음을 읽어보십시오. ● 사용하는 국가 또는 지역에 적합한 메인 플러그를 사용하십시오. ● 전원을 완전히 차단하려면 메인 플러그의 연결을 해제해야 합니다. ● 며칠 동안 장치를 사용하지 않을 때에는 메인 플러그의 연결을 해제하십시오. ⭒㗯⥂⢏ ⭒㧖㭸⢏ 기술 사양 㦪㗕■⧟ᱶ&UHDWLYH7:LUHOHVV ✐⛊㗞㑩♋㫥 ✐⛊㗞㑩♋㫥 9∿ ∿+]P$ ⊔⟩ 蓝牙 Bluetooth ⤀㾗㊷⿔ ⤀㾗㊷⿔ Ḷ0+] 蓝牙 㺉Ⓘ☨㈨㺥㢶⮔ 㺉Ⓘ☨㈨㺥㢶⮔  ⹄㫬 $'3 㣐㦏⻮㝛㔵 㺉Ⓘ☨&RGHF 㺉Ⓘ☨ 6%& 㔤⌤⤀㾗㢴⛪ᱶŸ&WRŸ& 倱⛊䎨㑩丂੊ 倱⛊䎨㑩丂੊ 9∿ ∿+]P$ ⊔⟩ ⊔⟩ 㘴㫫 Bluetooth 㾗ᓼ借⿔ 㾗ᓼ借⿔ 0+] 㺉㴔☨㲶⛊ᗟ 㺉㴔☨㲶⛊ᗟ  㘴㫫 $'3 ᩔⲒ⻮叠⾟  㘴㫫 㺉㴔☨&RGHF 㺉㴔☨ 6%& 㪏㺥㾗ᓼᢂ⛪⣼ऎᱶŸ&WRŸ& 장치 작동 온도 범위 범위: 100-240V ∿ 50/60Hz 200mA Bluetooth 버전 버전: Bluetooth 3.0 주파수 동작 주파수: 2402 - 2480 MHz 지원되는 Bluetooth 프로파일 프로파일*: A2DP (무선 스테레오 Bluetooth) 지원 코덱: 코덱 SBC 장치 작동 온도 범위 : 0oC to 45oC  㾗ᓼ⣼ऎ 㾗ᓼ⣼ऎ 작동 범위: 범위 技術仕様 定格入力電圧: 100-240V ∿ 50/60Hz 200mA(日本向けモデル) Bluetooth バージョン: Bluetooth 3.0 周波数帯域: 2402 – 2480 MHz 対応するBluetoothプロファイル*: A2DP (ワイヤレスステレオ Bluetooth) 対応しているコーデック: SBC デバイスの操作温度範囲 : 0oC to 45oC 操作範囲: 最長約10メートル(障害物のない空間で測定。壁や構造物がある場合は、デバイスの使用範囲に影響が出る場合が あります。) * サポートしているプロファイルについては、お使いのBluetooth デバイス(ノートパソコン¹、デスクトップパソコ ン¹、またはモバイルデバイス²)のメーカーのマニュアル/ウェブサイトを参照してください。 ¹ Bluetoothワイヤレスステレオが搭載されているPC (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1)、Apple Macintoshと適合 ² Bluetooth A2DP 対応携帯電話のほとんどの主要ブランドと適合(iPhone、Windows Mobileを含む) 互換性に関する免責事項 ワイヤレス性能は、ご利用のデバイスのBluetoothワイヤレステクノロジーによって異なります。お使いのデバイス のメーカーのマニュアルを参照してください。 Creative は、これらのデバイスを使用したことによるデータの損失や 漏えいについていかなる責任も負いません。 プロダクト レジストレーション 製品を登録することで、最適のサービスと製品サポートを確 実に受けることができます。 本製品はにアクセスして登録できます。 製品の登録がない場合でも、製品の保証は有効となります。 ║㗞➖㢙 ║㗞➖㢙 㾎㴜⶙▕ゟᱨ㗷⳯㗁㵀⵺➥㣐㷾☖㎸㲚␌⼋☧ⓞ☨ᮣ㍽⍆⧧⯼㻠㣡⶙ㅢ⛶㨳⧟║㗞㵒⒱㱘㦜ᮣ ⹄㫬 ㎫⏸ⶌ㔤⌤ᱤ⌶⭝⟩♋ㅚúᮢ3&úᮢ㮰⛑㔤⌤ýᱥ㺨㵒㔈㝗⤅☨㙭タ㢶☙⫊➣㢼㋦㠬㷢ᱨ⼗ⰶ㺉Ⓘ ☨㈨㺥㢶⮔ᮣ ⹄㫬 ú㲓㈨㱸㣐㦏⻮㝛㔵☨3& :LQGRZV;39LVWD ᮢ$SSOH0DFLQWRVK⭼㑛 ⹄㫬 ý㲓▙✂㗷㺌ッ㊹㈊㎒㋶㱫$'3☨㮰⛑♋⪈ᱤ⊪⸶L3KRQHᮢ:LQGRZV0RELOHᱥ⭼㑛 ⹄㫬 㾎▙ゟᱤ╱㜄ᨏ䱜➥ⶥ䱤ᠤ⼋⮮⥗ᱥᮣᬿ⍆⧧⯼⥝㣡⶙ㅢ፶㱘侅㪏㺥☨㖳㱫⣼ऎᮣ 㘴㫫 㱸䴋㺉㴔☨㲶⛊ᗟᱨ㶬ܺⶌ㪏㺥ᱤ⢭㱃㨻丂ミúᮢ3&ú⫊㨾‫ڭ‬㪏㺥ýᱥ㪢㵒㔈㝗⤅☨㖳㱫㶋タ ⱪ㷢ᮣ úㆨ㈨ՂᩔⲒ⻮叠⾟☨3& :LQGRZV;39LVWD ᮢ$SSOH0DFLQWRVK㦐㑛 㘴㫫 㘴㫫 ýㆨ▙✂ቯ㺌ッ㊹㈊㎒߸㱫$'3⊪⸶SKRQHV㦐㑛 ⭼㑛㩂㔵タ ⭼㑛㩂㔵タ 㦐㑛⾟タ ⹄㫬 㣐㦏㩂ㅢ㐟ⴈ㲂㔤⌤☨㣐㦏⭒㗯ᮣ㎫⏸ⶌ㔤⌤㺨㵒㔈㝗⤅☨㗐␋ᮣ㑌⧨㱱㲂㖳㱫㸆㨗㔤⌤㚱☠㺤 ☨㗷⳯⛌㖡⫊㨧⾳ᱨ&UHDWLYH⡣⏥⡘㵖ᮣ ᩔⲒ㨕ㅢ㐟᜾们㪏㺥☨ᩔⲒ⭒㧖ᮣ㶬ܺⶌ㪏㺥㪢㵒㔈㝗⤅☨㗐‫װ‬ᮣ౰们㖳㱫䓑㨗㪏㺥㵒⒱☨㑌 㘴㫫 ⧨䁶⼛䔋㖡⫊ព⾳ᱨ&UHDWLYH⏥㲐㿱㿽ᮣ ␤㊹㽂␋ ⅐㊹㳄‫װ‬ 㽂␋ㆀ☨␤㊹ᱨ⫉☧㾎㝯㨲☨⟞㣣⧧␤㊹㺉Ⓘᮣㆀ⶙㮾㵀≠㽐㖫㽂␋␤㊹ᱨ㮜⶙㮾➣㢼 ZZZFUHDWLYHFRPUHJLVWHUⱌ㨾㽂␋ᮣ ㎫㽂㯌ᱨ㣐⿥ㆀ㽂␋␤㊹㲓⟑ᱨ⛞⯿㦝㱸⌏㩌⟞㣣ᮣ 㳄‫㊹⅐װ‬䛭ㆀ⭊⶙㦝㱸⢕例䁫㨲⟞‫گ‬ㆨ⅐㊹㺉㴔ᮣㆀ⶙㮾㵀≠㪏䓯⒴㺲⫊㸃㵀 ZZZFUHDWLYHFRPUHJLVWHU㔋㳄‫װ‬ᮣ 㶬㽂㯌ᱨᩔ㶷ㆀ㳄‫װ‬ㆨ⟑ᱨ⛞౬㦝㱸㟠☬☨⌏⤨ᙐ⺉ᮣ Güvenlik Talimatları Instruksi Keselamatan Creative Ürünlerini kullanmadan önce lütfen aşağıdaki talimatları okuyun: Harap baca instruksi berikut sebelum menggunakan produk Creative: Yaşadığınız ülkeye ya da bölgeye uygun bir fiş kullanın. ● Elektrik bağlantısını tamamen kesmek için, fiş prizden çıkarılmış olmalıdır. ● Cihazı birkaç gün kullanmayacaksanız fişini prizden çekin. ● ● Teknik özellikler Nominal Giriş Voltajı: 100-240V ∿ 50/60Hz 200mA Bluetooth Sürümü: Bluetooth 3.0 Çalışma Frekansı: 2402 - 2480 MHz Desteklenen Bluetooth profilleri*: A2DP (Kablosuz Stereo Bluetooth) Desteklenen Codec: SBC Cihaz Çalışma Sıcaklığı Aralığı: 0oC to 45oC Çalıştırma Mesafesi: 10 metreye kadar (açık alanda ölçülmüştür). Duvarlar ve yapılar aygıtın mesafesini etkileyebilir. * Desteklenen profiller için Bluetooth aygıtınızın (dizüstü bilgisayar¹,masaüstü bilgisayar¹ veya mobil aygıt²) üretici belgelerine/web sitesine bakın. ¹ Bilgisayar (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1), Bluetooth kablosuz stereo donanımı olan Apple Macintosh'larla uyumludur ² Birçok büyük Bluetooth A2DP etkin cep telefonu markasıyla uyumludur (iPhone, Windows Mobile dahil) Uyumlulukla ilgili yasal uyarılar Kablosuz performans, aygıtınızın Bluetooth kablosuz teknolojisine bağlıdır. Aygıtınızın üreticisi tarafından sağlanan kullanım kılavuzuna bakın. Bu aygıtların kullanılmasından kaynaklanacak veri kaybı veya sızıntılarından Creative sorumlu değildir. Ürün Kaydı Ürününüzü kaydettirerek en uygun hizmetlerden ve ürün desteğinden yararlanabilirsiniz. Ürünü yükleme sırasında adresinden kaydettirebilirsiniz. Lütfen garantiden doğan haklarınızın kaydolmanıza bağlı olmadığını unutmayın. CAUTION: This product is intended for use with FCC/CE certified computer equipment. Please check the equipment operating/installation manual and/or with the equipment manufacturer to verify/confirm if your equipment is suitable prior to the installation or use of the product. Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Interference Statement Notice for USA FCC Part 15: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. CAUTION: To comply with the limits of the Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules, this device must be installed with computer equipment certified to comply with Class B limits. All cables used to connect to the computer and peripherals must be shielded and grounded. Operation with non-certified computers or non-shielded cables may result in interference to radio or television reception. MODIFICATION: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the grantee of this device could void the user’s authority to operate the device. Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Radiation Exposure Statement This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Notice for Canada This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003 and RSS-210. Cet appareil numérique de classe B est conforme aux normes canadiennes NMB-003 et CNR-210.This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)this device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesirable operation. 무선 성능은 장치의 Bluetooth 무선 기술에 따라 다릅니다. 장치 제조업체의 설명서를참조하십시오. 이러한 장치의 사용으로 인한 데이터 손실이나 유출에 대해서는 Creative 가 책임을 지지 않습니다. 제품 등록 제품을 등록하면 최신 서비스와 제품 지원을 받으실 수 있습니다. 설치 중에서 제품을등록할 수 있습니다. 보증 권한은 등록과 별개라는 점을 유념하십시오. AR DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY According to R&TTE Directive (1999/5/EC) Gunakan colokan listrik yang sesuai dengan standar di negara atau wilayah Anda. Agar benar-benar terputus dari input daya, colokan harus diputus sambungannya/dilepaskan dari sumber listrik. ● Lepaskan colokan listrik jika perangkat tersebut tidak akan digunakan untuk beberapa hari. Manufacturer’s Name: Manufacturer’s Address: ● ● ● Spesifikasi Teknis Product Name: Product Model Number: Intended Use: Restrictive Use: ● Peringkat Masukan: 100-240V ∿ 50/60Hz 200mA Versi Bluetooth: Bluetooth 3.0 Frekuensi Pengoperasian: 2402 - 2480 MHz Profil Bluetooth yang Didukung*: A2DP (Bluetooth Stereo Nirkabel) Codec yang Didukung: SBC Rentang Suhu Pengoperasian Perangkat: 0oC hingga 45oC EMC: Class B EN 55013: 2013 EN 55020:2007 + A11: 2011 EN 61000-3-2:2006 +A1: 2009 + A2: 2009 EN 61000-3-3:2013 EN 301 489-1 V1.9.2: 2011 EN 301 489-17 V2.2.1:2012 100-240V ∿50/60Hz 200mA Bluetooth 3.0 Health & Safety: IEC 60065: 2001 + A1: 2005 + A2:2010 EN 60065: 2002 + A1: 2006 + A11: 2008 + A2: 2010 + A12: 2011 EN 62479:2010 Hingga 10 meter, diukur di ruang terbuka. Dinding dan bangunan dapat memengaruhi rentang perangkat. SBC * Lihat dokumentasi/situs web produsen perangkat (notebook¹, PC¹, atau perangkat seluler²) Bluetooth Anda untuk mengetahui profil apa saja yang didukung. ¹ Kompatibel dengan PC (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1), Apple Macintosh yang dilengkapi dengan stereo nirkabel Bluetooth ² Kompatibel dengan sebagian besar merek ponsel yang didukung oleh A2DP Bluetooth Radio: EN 300 328 V1.8.1:2012 Energy Use Regulation (EC) No.1275/2008 Sanggahan Kompatibilitas Technical documentation for this product(s) is retained at the following address: Performa nirkabel bergantung pada teknologi nirkabel Bluetooth dari perangkat Anda. Lihat manual produsen perangkat Anda. Creative tidak bertanggung jawab atas kehilangan data atau kebocoran apa pun akibat penggunaan perangkat-perangkat ini. Company Name : Company Address : (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1 ) Pendaftaran Produk Dengan mendaftarkan produk, maka bisa dipastikan Anda akan menerima servis dan dukungan produk yang paling tepat. Anda bisa mendaftarkannya selama proses penginstalan pada Perlu diperhatikan bahwa hak garansi tidak tergantung pada pendaftaran. Notice for Taiwan Cet appareil est conforme avec Industrie Canada RSS standard exempts de licence.Son Fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes : (1)Le matériel ne peut étre source D’interférences et (2)Doit accepter toutes les interférences reques, Y compris celles pouvant provoquer un fonctionnement indésirable. EN Hereby, Creative Technology Ltd. declares that this wireless speaker is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. TR Creative Technology Ltd., Kablosuz Hoparlör in Avrupa Konseyi'nin 1999/5/EC sayili direktifinde belirtilen önemli gereklilik ve ilgili kosullara uygunlugunu beyan eder Vietnam RoHS Statement This product is in compliance with Circular 30/2011/TTBCT of the Ministry of Trade of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (“Circular”), it does not contain the following substances in concentration greater than the Maximum Limit value as specified in the Circular. 1 2 Caution: Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation. To comply with RSS 102 RF exposure compliance requirements, a separation distance of at least 20 cm must be maintained between the antenna of this device and all persons.Pour se conformer aux exigences de conformité CNR 102 RF exposition, une distance de séparation d'au moins 20 cm doit être maintenue entre l'antenne de cet appareil et toutes les personnes Avrupa Uyumu Bu ürün aşağıdakilere uygundur:2004/108/EC EMC (Elektromanyetik Uyumluluk) Yönetmeliği.2011/65/EC RoHS (Tehlikeli Maddelerin Kısıtlanması) YönetmeliğiAvrupa piyasasına yönelik, elektrik şebekesi tarafından çalıştırılan ürünler 2006/95/EC Alçak Gerilim Yönetmeliği (LVD ) ve 2009/125/EC Enerji ile İlgili Ürünlerin Çevreye Duyarlı Tasarımına İlişkin Yönetmeliğe uygundur. Avrupa piyasasına yönelik İletişim / RF kablosuz ürünleri R ve TTE Yönetmeliği 1999/5/EC ile uyumludur. Creative Technology Ltd. 31, International Business Park #03-01 Creative Resource Singapore 609921 Substance ● lead ● mercury ● cadmium ● hexavalent chromium ● polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) ● polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) CANADIAN CLASS B STATEMENT: This digital device does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the interference-causing equipment standard entitled “Digital Apparatus,” ICES-003 of the Department of Communications. Cet appareil numerique respecte les limites de bruits radioelectriques applicables aux appareils numeriques de Classe B prescrites dans la norme sur le materiel brouilleur: “Appareils Numeriques,” NMB-003 edictee par le ministre des Communications. MODIFICATION: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the grantee of this device could void the user’s authority to operate the device. Toute modification non approuvée explicitement par le fournisseur de licence de l’appareil peut entraîner l’annulation du droit de l’utilisateur à utiliser l’appareil. Creative Technology Ltd. 31, International Business Park #03-01 Creative Resource Singapore 609921 Creative T3250 Wireless MF0450 Office and Home Usage Nil To which this declaration relates are in conformity with the following standard(s): Rentang Pengoperasian: Regulatory Information The following sections contain notices for various countries: 호환성 고지 사항: BI TR 최대 10m, 개방형 공간에서 측정. 벽과 구조물이 장치의 범위에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. * 지원되는 프로파일은 Bluetooth 장치(노트북¹, PC¹ 또는 휴대용 장치²) 제조업체의 설명서 또는 웹사이트를 참조하십시오. ¹ PC(Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1), Bluetooth 무선 스테레오가 장착된 Apple Macintoshes와 호환 ² Bluetooth A2DP 가 가능한 주요 브랜드 휴대폰 (iPhone, Windows Mobile 포함)과 호환 Maximum Limit (ppm) 1, 2 1000 1000 100 1000 1000 1000 Maximum Limit does not apply to applications exempted from the Circular. Maximum Limit refers to concentration by weight in homogeneous materials. Notice for Singapore Notice for Korea Complies with IDA Standards DB00148 Turkey RoHS Statement EEE Yönetmeliğine Uygundur DİKKAT: Avrupa CE gereksinimleriyle uyumlu olması için bu cihazın, B Sınıfı sınırlarına uygun olan CE sertifikalı bilgisayar donanımları ile birlikte kurulması gerekir. Bu cihazı bağlamak için kullanılan tüm kabloların koruyuculu ve topraklanmış olması ve 3 metreden uzun olmaması gerekir. Sertifikalı olmayan bilgisayarlarla veya yanlış kablolarla birlikte kullanılması, diğer cihazların düzgün çalışmamasına veya üründe istenmeyen etkiler görülmesine neden olabilir. DEĞİŞİKLİKLER: Creative Technology Limited veya bağlı şirketlerinden biri tarafından açıkça onaylanmamış tüm değişiklikler kullanıcının garanti ve teminat haklarını geçersiz kılabilir. © 2014 Creative Technology Ltd. All rights reserved. Creative and the Creative logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Creative Technology Ltd in the United States and/or other countries. The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Creative Technology Ltd is under license. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Use of this product is subject to a limited warranty. Actual product may differ slightly from images shown.
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Creative Labs T3250W Especificación

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