MIDI Data Format
Status: 9nH/8nH
If the Part Parameter Rcv NOTE MESSAGE = OFF, that Part will ignore Key ON and Key
OFF messages.
Status: CnH
If the Part Parameter Rcv PROGRAM CHANGE = OFF, that Part will not receive Pro-
gram Change Messages.
Status: EnH
If the Part Parameter Rcv PITCH BEND = OFF, that Part will not receive Pitch Bend Mes-
Status: BnH
If the Part Parameter Rcv CONTROL CHANGE = OFF, that Part will not receive Control
Change Messages.
<Bank Select MSB/LSB> 00H/20H
Cntrl# parameter Data Range
0 Bank Select MSB 33:Preset1/Preset2/Custom/Internal
81: VL-XG non alternative voice.
97: VL-XG alternative voice.
32 Bank Select LSB 0 :Preset1
1 :Preset2
2 :Custom
3 :Internal
112...119: VL-XG Alternative or non alternative varia-
If the Part Parameter Rcv BANK SELECT = OFF, that Part will not receive Bank Select
Messages. A new bank selection will not become effective until the next Program Change
is received.
<Modulation> 01H
Cntrl# parameter Data Range
1 Modulation 0...127
If the Part Parameter Rcv MODULATION = OFF, that Part will not receive Modulation
<Breath Controller> 02H
Cntrl# parameter Data Range
2 Breath Controller 0...127
<Foot Controller> 04H
Cntrl# parameter Data Range
4 Foot Controller 0...127
<Portamento Time> 05H
Cntrl# parameter Data Range
5 Portamento Time 0...127
When the Portamento parameter = ON, values will adjust the speed of pitch change.
A setting of 0= minimum portamento time, and 127 = maximum portamento time.
<Data Entry MSB/LSB> 06H/26H
Cntrl# parameter Data Range
6 Data Entry MSB 0...127
38 Data Entry LSB 0...127
Messages which set the value for the parameter specified by RPN, NRPN.
<Main Volume> 07H
Cntrl# parameter Data Range
7 Main Volume 0...127
If the Part Parameter Rcv MAIN VOLUME = OFF, that Part will not receive Main Volume
<Pan> 0AH
Cntrl# parameter Data Range
10 Panpot 0...127
If the Part Parameter Rcv PAN = OFF, that Part will not receive Pan Pot Messages.
1=Left, 127=Right; 0=Center
<Expression> 0BH
Cntrl# parameter Data Range
11 Expression 0...127
If the Part Parameter Rcv EXPRESSION = OFF, that Part will not receive Expression
<Control Change 13> 0DH
Cntrl# parameter Data Range
13 Control Change13 0...127
<Hold1> 40H
Cntrl# parameter Data Range
64 Hold1 0...127 (0-63:Off, 64-127:On)
If the Part Parameter Rcv HOLD 1 = OFF, that Part will not receive Hold 1 Messages.
<Portamento> 41H
Cntrl# parameter Data Range
65 Portamento 0...127 (0-63:Off, 64-127:On)
If the Part Parameter Rcv PORTAMENTO = OFF, that Part will not receive Portamento
Messages. If the Portamento parameter = ON, values will adjust the speed of the porta-
mento. If the Mono mode is activated and Portamento = ON, the Single Trigger Mode will
be activated. If not, the Multi-Trigger Mode will be effective.
<Soft Pedal> 43H
Cntrl# parameter Data Range
67 Soft Pedal 0...127 (0-63:Off, 64-127:On)
If the Part Parameter Rcv SOFT PEDAL = OFF, that Part will not receive Soft Pedal Mes-
sages. When the SOFT PEDAL is set “ON” the effect will take place from the next Key
On signal. Messages will control the Filter Cutoff Frequency. Depending upon the Voice,
the effect may or may not have an effect.
<Harmonic Content> 47H
Cntrl# parameter Data Range
71 Harmonic Content 0...127 (0:-64, 64:+0, 127:+63)
Messages which adjust the resonance set for each. Based on a standard of 64, these values
will be added to or subtracted from the Voice data. Depending on the Voice, the effective
range may be narrower.
<Release Time> 48H
Cntrl# parameter Data Range
72 Release Time 0...127 (0:-64, 64:+0, 127:+63)
Messages which adjust the envelope release time. Based on a standard of 64, values will
be added to or subtracted from the Voice data. Depending on the Voice, the effective range
may be narrower.
<Attack Time> 49H
Cntrl# parameter Data Range
73 Attack Time 0...127 (0:-64, 64:+0, 127:+63)
Messages which adjust the envelope attack time. Based on a standard of 64, values will be
added to or subtracted from the Voice data. Depending on the Voice, the effective range
may be narrower.
<Brightness> 4AH
Cntrl# parameter Data Range
74 Brightness 0...127 (0:-64, 64:+0, 127:+63)
Messages which adjust the filter cutoff frequency. Based on a standard of 64, values will
be added to or subtracted from the Voice data. Depending on the Voice, the effective range
may be narrower.
<Data Increment / Decrement> 60H/61H
Cntrl# parameter Data Range
96 Increment 0...127
97 Decrement 0...127
The data byte is ignored.
RPN messages which increase or decrease the MSB value of the parameter by 1.
<NRPN (Non-Registered Parameter Number) LSB/MSB> 62H/63H
Cntrl# parameter Data Range
98 NRPN LSB 0...127
99 NRPN MSB 0...127
If the Part Parameter Rcv NRPN = OFF, that Part will not receive NRPN Messages.
First send the NRPN MSB and NRPN LSB to specify the parameter which is to be con-
trolled. Then use the Data Entry to set the value of the specified parameter.
The following NRPN numbers can be received.
MSB LSB MSB parameter Data Range
01H 08H mmH Vibrato Rate mm:00H-40H-7FH
01H 09H mmH Vibrato Depth mm:00H-40H-7FH
01H 0AH mmH Vibrato Delay mm:00H-40H-7FH
The Rate, Depth, and Delay Time for the Vibrato is controlled.
01H 20H mmH
Filter Cutoff Frequency
01H 21H mmH Filter Resonance mm:00H-40H-7FH
01H 22H mmH Filter EG Depth mm:00H-40H-7FH
The Cut-off frequency, Resonance, and Envelope Depth for the Filter is controlled.
01H 30H mmH Bass mm:00H-40H-7FH
01H 31H mmH Treble mm:00H-40H-7FH
The Bass and Treble are controlled.
01H 63H mmH EG Attack Time mm:00H-40H-7FH
01H 64H mmH EG Decay Time mm:00H-40H-7FH
01H 66H mmH EG Release mm:00H-40H-7FH
The Attack time, Decay time, and Release time for the Envelope are controlled. Based on
a standard of 64, values will be added to or subtracted from the Voice data. Depending on
the Voice, the effective range may be narrower.
<RPN (Registered Parameter Number) LSB/MSB> 64H/65H
Cntrl# parameter Data Range
100 RPN LSB 0...127
101 RPN MSB 0...127
If the Part Parameter Rcv RPN = OFF, that Part will not receive RPN Messages.
In correspondence to the following parameters.